Seen Passage – 16
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world. Like computers mobile phones help us greatly in our daily life. Through mobiles we can connect the whole world. Only a few years ago we had difficulty to contact our near and dear ones. That was very costly too. Mobile phones are very handy and we can use them for communication with people at a very low cost. Mobile phones have different functions such as making calls, listening to music, taking photographs, storing information, etc. Even it can be used for distance learning. [Lesson-23(A)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Useful(adj.) | BDRdzj | cÖ‡qvRbxq | necessary |
Invention(n.) | Bb‡fbkb | Avwe®‹vi | discovery |
Greatly(adv.) | †MÖUwj | e¨vcKfv‡e | highly |
Connect(v.) | Kv‡b± | hy³ nIqv | engage |
Difficulty(n.) | wWwdKvwë | mgm¨v | problem |
Contact(v.) | K›U¨v± | †hvMv‡hvM Kiv | communicate |
Near and dear (adj.-phr.) | wbqvi A¨vÛ wWqvi | Nwbô I wcÖq | very close |
Costly(adj.) | K÷wj | `vwg | expensive |
Handy(adj.) | n¨vwÛ | myweavRbK | convenient |
Communication(n.) | KwgDwb‡Kkb | †hvMv‡hvM | communion, contact |
Low(adj.) | †jv | Kg | little |
Function(n.) | dvskb | e¨envi | use |
Photograph(n.) | d‡UvMÖvd | Qwe | picture |
Storing(v.) | †÷vwis | msiÿY | stock |
Distance(n.) | wWmU¨vÝ | `~iZ¡ | extent |
e½vbyev` : †gvevBj †dvb we‡k¦i Av‡iKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Avwe®‹vi| Kw¤úDUv‡ii g‡Zv †gvevBj †dvb Avgv‡`i ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡b e¨vcKfv‡e mvnvh¨ K‡i| †gvevBj †dv‡bi gva¨‡g Avgiv mvivwe‡k¦i mv‡_ hy³ n‡Z cvwi| gvÎ K‡qK eQi Av‡MI Avgv‡`i wcÖqRb‡`i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hv‡M Kiv KóKi wQj| IUv Lye e¨qeûjI wQj| †gvevBj †dvb Lye myweavRbK Ges Avgiv Lye Kg Li‡P †jvKR‡bi mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM Kivi Rb¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| †gvevBj †dv‡bi wewfbœ e¨envi i‡q‡Q †hgb Kj Kiv, Mvb †kvbv, Qwe †Zvjv, Z_¨ msiÿY, BZ¨vw`| GgbwK GUv `~iwkÿ‡Yi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv hvq|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Mobile phone is a great invention of the world like —— .
(i) internet (ii) television (iii) computer (iv) car
(b) The main purpose of using mobile phone is ——.
(i) communication (ii) listening to music
(iii) taking photoes (iv) distance learning
(c) It was difficult to contact our near and dear ones. Why?
(i) There was no mobile phone at all (ii) There was no easy way to contact
(iii) It was costly (iv) There was long distance
(d) In the passage the word “handy” means ——.
(i) cheap
(ii) fascilitating people with low cost to make call
(iii) easy to use (iv) having many functions
(e) Before mobile phone, communication was very ——.
(i) easy (ii) simple (iii) interesting (iv) costly
(f) greatly
(i) happily (Lywk fv‡e) (ii) immensely (cÖPzi cwigv‡Y)
(iii) narrowly (msKxY©fv‡e) (iv) quietly (kvšÍfv‡e)
(g) invention
(i) creation (m„wó) (ii) communication (†hvMv‡hvM)
(ii) distance (`~iZ¡) (iv) difference (cv_©K¨)
(h) information
(i) function (e¨envi) (ii) learning (wkÿv)
(iii) handy (myweavRbK) (iv) data (Z_¨)
(i) communication
(i) contact (†hvMv‡hvM) (ii) travelling (ågY) (iii) trade (evwYR¨) (iv) exercise (Abykxjb)
(j) handy
(i) useless (e¨envi Abyc‡hvMx) (ii) strange (A™¢yZ)
(iii) convenient (myweavRbK) (iv) low (wbPz)
a.-(iii); b.-(i); c.-(ii); d.-(iii); e.-(iv) ;f.-(ii); g.-(i); h.-(iv); i.-(i); j.-(iii).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What is mobile phone?
(b) How do mobile phones help us in communication?
(c) Why was communication difficult a few years ago?
(d) What are the different functions of mobile phones?
(e) How can we connect the whole world?
(a) Mobile phone is a great invention of modern science. Through it we can connect the whole world.
(b) Through mobile phones we can communicate with our near and dear ones at a very low cost.
(c) A few years ago, mobile phones were not as available as now. So, communication was difficult.
(d) Some different functions of the mobile phones are making calls, listening to music, taking photographs, storing information, distance learning, etc.
(e) We can connect the whole world through mobile phones.
Seen Passage – 17
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Many hundreds of years ago, Aesop, a Greek slave, became famous for the fables he told. After so many years, people all over the world still enjoy reading them today as much as the Greeks enjoyed listening to them long, long ago.
Long ago and far away, there was an old farmer who had seven sons. One day, the old farmer was lying on his bed and he thought that he would not live much longer. He called his sons before him. He told a servant to bring in a bundle of seven sticks tied together. He handed the bundle to his oldest son and said to him, “Son, now break the bundle.”
The son tried with all his might, but he could not break the bundle. One by one, the other brothers tried. Not one of them was strong enough.
The father smiled, “Now, my sons, untie the bundle. Each of you, take a stick and try to break it.” This time they had no difficulty breaking the sticks. In a few moments all the sticks were broken. The old man looked at his sons affectionately and said, “Remember, in unity there is strength.”
[Chapter — 24(A)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Famous(adj.) | †dgvm | weL¨vZ | renowned |
Fable(n.) | †dBej | Mí, DcK_v | fiction |
Enjoy(v.) | GbRq | Dc‡fvM Kiv | to get pleasure |
Farmer(n.) | dvg©vi | K…lK | peasant |
Gather(v.) | M¨v`vi | msMÖn Kiv | collect |
Servant(n.) | mvf©¨v›U | PvKi | a domestic help |
Break(v.) | †eªK | †f‡½ †djv | smash |
Strong(adj.) | ֻs | ejevb | energetic |
Affectionately (adv.) | A¨v‡dKk‡bBUwj | †¯œ‡ni mv‡_ | kindly |
Remember(v.) | wi‡g¤^vi | ¯§iY Kiv | recall |
Strength(n.) | †÷ªs_ | ej | power, energy |
e½vbyev` : kZ kZ eQi Av‡M, Ckc bv‡g wMÖ‡mi GKRb µxZ`vm bxwZMí ejvi Kvi‡Y weL¨vZ n‡qwQ‡jb| GZ eQi c‡i, AvRI mviv c„w_exi †jvK †mme Mí c‡o ZZLvwb Avb›` Dc‡fvM K‡i hZLvwb wMÖKiv A‡bK Av‡M †mB me ï‡b Avb›` Dc‡fvM KiZ|
A‡bKw`b Av‡M eû `~‡i, GK e„× K…l‡Ki mvZwU †Q‡j wQj| GK`v e„× K…lKwU Zvi weQvbvq ï‡q wQj Ges †m fvej †m nq‡Zv Avi †ewk w`b euvP‡e bv| †m Zvi †Q‡j‡`i Zvi Kv‡Q WvKj| †m GKRb PvKi‡K mvZwU jvwV GK‡Î †eu‡a wb‡q Avm‡Z ejj| †m AuvwUwU Zvi eo †Q‡ji nv‡Z Zz‡j w`j Ges Zv‡K ejj, Òevev, GLb AuvwUwU fv‡Ov|Ó
cyÎwU Zvi me©kw³ w`‡q †Póv Kij, wKš‘ †m AuvwUwU fvO‡Z cvij bv| G‡K G‡K Ab¨ fvB‡qiv †Póv Kij| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ †KDB h‡_ó kw³kvjx wQj bv|
e„× wcZv †n‡m ejj, Òeveviv, AuvwUwU Ly‡j †dj| †Zvgiv cÖ‡Z¨‡K GKUv K‡i jvwV bvI Ges GUv fvOvi †Póv Ki |Ó Gevi Zv‡`i jvwV¸‡jv fvO‡Z †Kv‡bv KóB n‡jv bv| wKQy mg‡qi †fZi me jvwV †f‡O †djv n‡jv| e„× †jvKwU †mœ‡ni mv‡_ Zvi cy·`i w`‡K ZvKv‡jv Ges ejj, Ò¯§iY ivL‡e, GKZvB ej|Ó
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
- Aesop was a —— .
(i) king (ii) teacher (iii) slave (iv) servant
(b) Aesop was famous —— .
(i) for his fables (ii) for his intellect (iii) as an emperor (iv) as a farmer
(c) How many sons did the farmer have?
(i) four (ii) three (iii) eight (iv) seven
(d) How did the old man look at his sons?
(i) Affectionately (ii) Angrily (iii) Rudely (iv) Irritatingly
(e) What was the advice of the old man?
(i) Break the bundle (ii) Untie the bundle
(iii) Take a stick and try to break it (iv) In unity there is strength
(f) ago
(i) earlier (c~‡e©) (ii) again (Avevi) (iii) entirely (m¤ú~Y©fv‡e) (iv) out (evB‡i)
(g) famous
(i) notorious (KzL¨vZ) (ii) fabulous (PgrKvi)
(iii) eminent (weL¨vZ) (iv) fantastic (A™¢yZ)
(h) strong
(i) powerful (kw³kvjx) (ii) weak (`ye©j) (iii) lame (†Luvov) (iv) unable (Aÿg)
(i) gather
(i) accumulate (R‡ov Kiv) (ii) remind (¯§iY Kwi‡q †`Iqv)
(iii) show (†`Lv‡bv) (iv) wither (ïwK‡q hvIqv)
(j) remember
(i) forget (fz‡j hvIqv) (ii) recall (¯§iY Kiv)
(iii) ignore (D‡cÿv Kiv) (iv) overlook (D‡cÿv Kiv)
(a)-iii.; (b)-i.; (c)-iv.; (d)-i.; (e)-iv. ; (f)—(i); (g)—(iii); (h)—(i); (i)—(i); (j)—(ii).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Who was Aesop?
(b) Why was Aesop famous?
(c) What did the farmer tell his servant?
(d) Why did the farmer call his sons?
(e) Why couldn’t the sons break the bundle of the sticks?
(a) Aesop was a Greek slave and famous fables-teller.
(b) Aesop was famous for telling fables.
(c) The farmer told his servant to bring a bundle of seven sticks tied together.
(d) The farmer thought that he would not live much longer. So, he called his sons.
(e) The sons could not break the bundle of the sticks because none of them were strong enough to break it.
Seen Passage – 18
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Dear Sohan,
I got your letter two days ago. But I was very busy here. So I’m late to reply.
Congo is a central African country. There is violence among political groups. So our life here is very challenging. We maintain peace and security. We distribute food, water, medicine to people. We sometimes build houses for them. We also teach children in small schools.
Last week I met an interesting young man here. His name is Gurmit Singh. He was born in India. In his early childhood, he left for Singapore with his parents and went to a Singaporean school. After a few years, he moved to Denmark and completed his school education there. For graduation, he went to the US and got a university degree. Then he left for the UK and completed his Master degree there.
Gurmit came to Congo to work for a voluntary organisation. His main job is to look after children’s education in a community school. He belongs to a group of ten workers. They all came from different countries.
[Lesson — 25(B)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Reply(v.) | wicvB | Reve †`Iqv | answer |
Country(n.) | Kvw›Uª | †`k | state |
Peace(n.) | wcm | kvwšÍ | calm |
Security(n.) | wmwKDwiwU | wbivcËv | safety |
Teach(v.) | UP | †kLv‡bv | educate |
Work(n/v .) | IqvK© | KvR/ KvR Kiv | job, labour |
Different(adj.) | wWd‡i›U | wewfbœ | diverse |
Voluntary(adj.) | fjvbUvwi | †¯^”Qv‡mex | done willingly |
Organisation(n.) | AiMvbvB‡Rkb | ms¯’v | office, corporation |
Violence(n.) | fv‡qv‡jÝ | mwnsmZv | brutality |
Challenging(adj.) | P¨v‡jwÄs | SuywKc~Y© | risky |
e½vbyev` : wcÖq †mvnvb,
Avwg `yw`b Av‡M †Zvgvi wPwV †c‡qwQ| wKš‘ Avwg GLv‡b Lye e¨¯Í wQjvg| ZvB Reve w`‡Z †`wi n‡jv|
K‡½v GKwU ga¨ Avwd«Kvb †`k| †mLv‡b ivR‰bwZK `j¸‡jvi g‡a¨ mwnsmZv nq| ZvB Avgv‡`i Rxeb GLv‡b Lye SuywKc~Y©| Avgiv kvwšÍ Ges wbivcËv eRvq ivwL| Avgiv gvby‡li gv‡S Lvevi, cvwb, Ilya weZiY Kwi| Avgiv gv‡S g‡a¨ Zv‡`i Rb¨ Nievwo ˆZwi Kwi| Avgiv †QvU ¯‹zj¸‡jv‡Z ev”Pv‡`i wk¶vI w`B|
MZ mßv‡n GLv‡b GKRb PgrKvi Ziæ‡Yi mv‡_ Avgvi cwiPq n‡q‡Q| Zvi bvg ¸iwgZ wms| wZwb fvi‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| Zvi ˆkk‡ei ïiæ‡Z wZwb Zvi wcZvgvZvi mv‡_ wm½vcyi P‡j wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges wm½vcy‡i GKUv we`¨vj‡q c‡owQ‡jb| K‡qK eQi ci, wZwb †Wbgv‡K© P‡j wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges †mLv‡b Zvi we`¨vj‡qi cov‡kvbv m¤ú~Y© K‡iwQ‡jb| mœvZK covi Rb¨ wZwb hy³ivóª (Av‡gwiKv) hvb Ges wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wWwMÖ AR©b K‡ib| Zvici wZwb hy³ivR¨ (weª‡Ub) hvb Ges †mLv‡b Zvi mœvZ‡KvËi wWwMÖ m¤ú~Y© K‡ib|
¸iwgZ GKUv †m”Qv‡mex cÖwZôv‡b KvR Ki‡Z K‡½v‡Z G‡mwQ‡jb| GKUv mgvR‡mevg~jK we`¨vj‡q ev”Pv‡`i †jLvcov Z`viwK Kiv Zvi cÖavb KvR| Zvi Aax‡b `kRb Kg©Pvixi GKUv `j i‡q‡Q| Zviv mevB wewfbœ †`k †_‡K G‡m‡Qb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What do the army build for the people of Congo?
(i) road (ii) houses (iii) medicine (iv) violence
(b) They also teach —— in schools.
(i) students (ii) soldier (iii) people (iv) children
(c) When did Gurmit Singh leave for Singapore?
(i) In his youth (ii) In his childhood
(iii) After his graduation degree (iv) none of the above
(d) Gurmit Singh completed his graduation from the —— .
(i) UK (ii) US (iii) Congo (iv) Denmark
(e) Gurmit Singh works for ——.
(i) a government organisation (ii) a multinational company
(iii) a voluntary organisation (iv) a newspaper
(f) peace
(i) noise (†Mvjgvj) (ii) calm (kvwšÍ)
(iii) war (hy×) (iv) conflict (Ø›Ø)
(g) violence
(i) verify (mZ¨Zv hvPvB) (ii) visitor (`k©bv_©x)
(iii) voucher (iwm`) (iv) clash (msNl©)
(h) distribute
(i) deliver (weZiY Kiv) (ii) divide (c„_K Kiv)
(iii) deny (AeÁv Kiv) (iv) destroy (aŸsm Kiv)
(i) interesting
(i) funny (gRvi) (ii) intentional (B”QvK…Z)
(iii) internal (Af¨šÍixY) (iv) indifferent (D`vmxb)
(j) different
(i) similar (GKB iKg) (ii) same (GKB)
(iii) alike (m`„k) (iv) dissimilar (wfbœ)
(a) – ii.; (b) – iv.; (c) -ii.; (d) – ii.; (e) – (iii) ; (f)—(ii); (g)—(iv); (h)—(i); (i)—(i); (j)—(iv).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Where is Congo?
(b) What do the army mainly do in Congo?
(c) Who is Gurmit Singh?
(d) Where does Gurmit Singh work?
(e) Why did he go to the USA?
(a) Congo is in central Africa.
(b) The army mainly maintain peace and security in Congo.
(c) Gurmit Singh is an Indian young man.
(d) Gurmit Singh works for a voluntary organisation in Congo.
(e) He went to the USA for obtaining graduation degree.
Seen Passage – 19
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Fahmida : Father, who is this singer? He is not a Bangladeshi, is he?
Mr. Farhad : You are right! He is not. He is a famous singer from England. His name is George Harrison.
Fahmida : George Harrison! Why did he sing the song of Bangladesh?
Mr. Farhad : That’s a huge story. Harrison was not only a famous singer but also a great humanist. He helped us during our Liberation War of 1971.
Fahmida : Did he come to Bangladesh to take part in the liberation war?
Mr Farhad : No, my child, he didn’t come to Bangladesh, but he fought for our cause by organising the historic Concert for Bangladesh.
Fahmida : Concert for Bangladesh! Please, father. Tell me more about it.
Mr. Farhad : Well, the Concert for Bangladesh was held on the first August, 1971 at the Madison Square Garden, New work. George Harrison and some other famous musicians performed in that live concert in front of a audience of about forty thousand people. It was organised to make the world aware of the sufferings of Bangladesh during our liberation war.
Fahmida : Wasn’t that great!
Mr. Farhad : Yes, it was great! The concert won huge support for the millions of war victims of Bangladesh. At the same time it raised millions of dollars for UNICEF relief fund.
Fahmida : I’m really glad that you told me all this, father. I think we should be grateful to George Harrison and his friends who organised the concert for Bangladesh.
Mr Farhad : You are right, dear! We should remember those great friends who helped us in our days of struggle and suffering.
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Singer(n.) | wmsMvi | MvqK | musician |
Famous(adj.) | †dgvm | weL¨vZ | renowned |
Help(v.) | †ní | mvnvh¨ Kiv | assist |
Perform(v.) | cvidg© | ˆbcyY¨ cÖ`k©b Kiv | accomplish |
Sufferings(n.) | mvdvwism | `ytL-`y`©kv | distress |
Organise(v.) | AiMvbvBR | Av‡qvRb Kiv | arrange |
Musician(n.) | wgDwRwkqvb | msMxZ wkíx | singer |
Concert(n.) | KbmvU© | HK¨Zvbev`b/ msMxZvbyôvb | a programme of music |
e½vbyev` :
dvnwg`v : evev, GB MvqKwU †K? wZwb evsjv‡`wk bb, ZvB bv?
- dinv` : †Zvgvi K_v wVK! wZwb bb| wZwb Bsj¨v‡Ûi GKRb weL¨vZ MvqK| Zuvi bvg RR© n¨vwimb|
dvnwg`v : RR© n¨vwimb! †Kb wZwb evsjv‡`k wb‡q Mvb †M‡q‡Qb?
- dinv` : GUv wekvj Kvwnbx| n¨vwimb ïay GKRb weL¨vZ MvqKB wQ‡jb bv eis wZwb GKRb eo gvbeZvev`xI wQ‡jb| wZwb Avg‡`i‡K 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i mgq mn‡hvwMZv K‡iwQ‡jb|
dvnwg`v : wZwb wK ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× Ask wb‡Z evsjv‡`‡k G‡mwQ‡jb?
- dinv` : bv, wcÖq, wZwb evsjv‡`‡k Av‡mwb| wKš‘ wZwb Avgv‡`i Rb¨ HwZnvwmK ÔKbmvU© di evsjv‡`kÕ Av‡qvRb K‡iwQ‡jb|
dvnwg`v : evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ KbmvU©! `qv K‡i evev G m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡K Av‡iv wKQy ejyb|
- dinv` : fv‡jv, ÔKbmvU© di evsjv‡`kÕ wbDBq‡K©i †gwW‡mvb ¯‹qv‡i 1971 mv‡ji c‡njv AvM÷ AbywôZ n‡qwQj| RR© n¨vwimb Ges Av‡iv wKQy weL¨vZ wkíx Pwjk nvRvi `k©‡Ki mvg‡b D³ mivmwi cÖPvwiZ Kbmv‡U© AskMÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| GUv mviv c„w_exi gvbyl‡K ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i mgq evsjv‡`‡ki `y`©kvi K_v Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡qwQj|
dvnwg`v : IUv wK gnr KvR wQj bv!
- dinv` : nu¨v, GUv wQj gnr! KbmvU©wU evsjv‡`‡ki j¶ j¶ fy³‡fvMx gvby‡li mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ e¨vcK mn‡hvwMZv K‡iwQj| GKB mg‡q GUv BDwb‡m‡di wiwjd Znwe‡j j¶ j¶ Wjvi †hvMvb †`q|
dvnwg`v : evev, Avwg mwZ¨B Avbw›`Z †h Avcwb Avgv‡K Gme ej‡jb| Avwg g‡b Kwi Avgv‡`i mevi RR© n¨vwimb Ges Zvi eÜz‡`i cÖwZ K…ZÁ nIqv DwPZ hviv evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ Kbmv‡U©i Av‡qvRb K‡iwQ‡jb|
- dinv` : †Zvgvi K_v wVK, wcÖq! Avgv‡`i DwPZ H mKj gnvb eÜz‡Ki ¯§iY Kiv, hviv Avgv‡`i msMÖvg Ges `yt‡Li mgq mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) George Harrison is ——.
(i) a British (ii) an Indian (iii) a German (iv) an American
(b) Harrison was not only a famous singer but also a ——.
(i) great actor (ii) great terrorist
(iii) great humanist (iv) great politician
(c) He sang a song for ——.
(i) UK (ii) US
(iii) Bangladesh (iv) India
(d) He arranged ——.
(i) a meeting (ii) a discussion
(iii) the historic concert for Bangladesh (iv) a football tournament
(e) When was the concert for Bangladesh held?
(i) July 1, 1971 (ii) September 1, 1971
(iii) August 1, 1971 (iv) June 1, 1971
(f) concert
(i) a magazine programme (GKwU g¨vMvwRb Abyôvb)
(ii) a public performance of music (mvaviY RbM‡Yi Rb¨ m½xZvbyôvb)
(iii) a discussion meeting (GKwU Av‡jvPbv mfv)
(iv) none of the above (Dc‡ii GKwUI bv)
(g) huge
(i) human (gvbyl) (ii) humour (im‡eva)
(iii) heavy (fvix) (iv) vast (wekvj)
(h) story
(i) tale (Mí) (ii) steam (ev®ú)
(iii) dream (¯^cœ) (iv) discussion (Av‡jvPbv)
(i) aware
(i) conscious (m‡PZb) (ii) attempt (†Póv)
(iii) alleviate (evov‡bv) (iv) attract (AvKl©Y Kiv)
(j) struggle
(i) fight (msMÖvg) (ii) peace (kvwšÍ)
(iii) happiness (myL) (iv) relief (¯^w¯Í)
(a)—(i); (b)—(iii); (c)—(iii); (d)—(iii); (e)—(iii) ; (f)—(ii); (g)—(iv); (h)—(i); (i)—(i); (j)—(i).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Who was George Harrison?
(b) Why did Harrison sing the song on Bangladesh?
(c) When and where was the Concert for Bangladesh held?
(d) How many people did attend the concert?
(e) Why should we be grateful to George Harrison and his friends?
(a) George Harrison was a famous singer of England. He was also a great humanist.
(b) Harrison sang the song on Bangladesh to help the people of Bangladesh.
(c) The Concert for Bangladesh was held on 1st August 1971 at the Madison Square Garden, New York.
(d) About forty thousand people attended the concert.
(e) We should be grateful to George Harrison and his friends because they helped us in our days of struggle and suffering.
Seen Passage – 20
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Imran : Excuse me, Where are the polo shirts?
Assistant : They’re over there in the boy’s section. Let me show you.
Imran : Thanks. Do you have one without a chain?
Assistant : Yes, quite a few, sir. What size do you wear?
Imran : May be a medium?
Assistant : Here you are! This one is in medium size.
Imran : A medium! But it’s too big!
Assistant : How about this? This is small.
Imran : Yeah, I think this size is ok. Do you have it in a different colour?
Assistant : What colour would you like?
Imran : Blue, I guess.
Assistant : Just a moment please. I’ll check. How about this one? It’s a nice sky blue.
Imran : Yes, this is a nice colour. Can I try this one?
Assistant : Sure! The trial room is at the back.
Imran : Thank you. It’s just perfect! How much is it?
Assistant : It’s Taka three hundred. This shirt is on sale this week.
Imran : Mom, can I buy this one?
Mom : Sure, dear! Shall we go and pay at the cash counter?
Salesman : Yes, Ma’am. Would you follow me, please? [Lesson-28(C)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Show(v.) | †kv | †`Lv‡bv | display |
Quite(adv.) | †KvqvBU | m¤ú~Y©fv‡e, cy‡ivcywi, h‡_ó | completely, entirely, pretty, fairly |
Different(adj) | wWd‡i›U | wfbœ, c„_K | separate, not similar |
Guess(v.) | †Mm | Abygvb Kiv, g‡b nIqv | seem, think |
Check(v.) | †PK | cixÿv Kiv, Z`šÍ Kiv | examine, investigate |
Perfect(adj.) | cvi‡d± | wVK, wbLyuZ | right |
Buy(v.) | evB | µq Kiv | purchase |
Follow(v.) | d‡jŠ | AbymiY Kiv | imitate |
e½vbyev` :
Bgivb : Avgvq ¶gv Ki‡eb, †cv‡jv kvU© †Kv_vq?
mnKvix : I¸‡jv evjK‡`i wefv‡M| Avcbv‡K †`LvB|
Bgivb : ab¨ev`| Avcbvi Kv‡Q †PBb Qvov GKUv n‡e wK?
mnKvix : nu¨v, GKUz ˆah© ai“b, Rbve| †Kvb mvBR Avcwb cwiavb K‡ib?
Bgivb : ga¨gUv n‡e?
mnKvix : GB wbb! GUv ga¨g mvBR|
Bgivb : GUv ga¨g! wKš‘ GUv A‡bK eo!
mnKvix : GUv †Kgb? GUv †QvU|
Bgivb : nu¨v, Avgvi g‡b nq GUvi gvc wVK Av‡Q| Avcbv‡`i Kv‡Q GUv Ab¨ i‡Oi Av‡Q wK?
mnKvix : Avcwb †Kvb is cQ›` K‡ib?
Bgivb : bxj, Avgvi g‡b nq|
mnKvix : `qv K‡i GKUz A‡c¶v K‡ib| Avwg †`LwQ| GUv †Kgb? GUv GKUv my›`i AvKvwk bxj|
Bgivb : nu¨v, GUvi is my›`i| Avwg wK GUv c‡i †`L‡Z cvwi?
mnKvix : Aek¨B! Uªvqvj iæg wcQ‡b|
Bgivb : ab¨ev`| GUv GK`g wVK! GUvi `vg KZ?
mnKvix : GUv wZbkZ UvKv| GB kvU© G mßv‡n A‡bK wewµ n‡q‡Q|
Bgivb : gv, Avwg wK GUv wKb‡Z cvwi?
gv : Aek¨B, wcÖq! Avgiv wK hve Ges K¨vk KvD›Uv‡i wej cwi‡kva Kie?
we‡µZv : nu¨v, g¨vWvg| `qv K‡i Avcwb wK Avgvi mv‡_ Avm‡eb?
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What size of shirt does Imran wear?
(i) small (ii) medium
(iii) large (iv) extra large
(b) The shirt that Imran chose finally is — in colour.
(i) blue (ii) white
(iii) sky blue (iv) red
(c) Imran likes polo shirts —.
(i) with chain (ii) without a chain
(iii) with a colour (iv) without a colour
(d) Where is the trial room?
(i) in the front (ii) outside
(iii) both (i) & (ii) (iv) at the back
(e) The colour of the shirt was — .
(i) ugly (ii) faded
(iii) nice (iv) unattractive
(f) Trial
(i) relief (Dckg) (ii) examine (cixÿv Kiv)
(iii) success (mdjZv) (iv) trim(cwicvwU)
(g) follow
(i) lead (Pvjbv Kiv) (ii) initiate (ïiæ Kiv)
(iii) imitate (AbyKiY Kiv) (iv) survey (Rwic Kiv)
(h) wear
(i) put on (cwiavb Kiv) (ii) try (†Póv Kiv)
(iii) check (hvPvB Kiv) (iv) danger (wec`)
(i) colour
(i) red (jvj) (ii) different (wfbœ)
(iii) separate (Avjv`v) (iv) hue (is)
(j) guess
(i) imagine (Kíbv Kiv) (ii) appreciate (cÖksmv Kiv)
(iii) concede (¯^xKvi Kiv) (iv) learn (†kLv)
(a)—(i); (b)—(iii); (c)—(ii); (d)—(iv); (e)—(iii) ; (f)—(ii); (g)—(iii); (h)—(i); (i)—(iv); (j)—(i).
- Give short answers to the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Do they have any polo shirt without a chain?
(b) In which section are the polo shirts?
(c) How much does the polo shirt cost?
(d) Where is the trial room?
(e) What size of shirt does Imran wear?
(a) Yes, they have quite a few polo shirts without chains.
(b) The polo shirts are in the boy’s section.
(c) The polo shirt costs three hundred taka.
(d) The trial room is at the back.
(e) Imran wears a small size shirt.