Class 3 English Unit 11 Commands, instructions and requests

Commands, instructions and requests Lessons 1 – 3

Rewrite the sentence (s) using punctuations and capital letters where necessary.
can you give me your english book sure here it is
Ans. Can you give me your English book? Sure. Here it is.

 Make sentence with the following words.
Give, Close, Window, Can, You
Give : Give me your pen.
Close : Close your book.
Window : Open the window.
Can : Can you read?
You : You are a student.

 Translate into English.
a) Zzwg wK Avgv‡K †Zvgvi Bs‡iwR eBwU w`‡Z cvi?
b) Zzwg wK `qv K‡i `iRvwU eÜ Ki‡Z cvi?
c) e„wó co‡Q|
a) Can you give me your English book?
b) Can you close the window, please?
c) It’s raining.

 Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of verb.
a) Can you  me your English book? (give)
b) Can you  the window, please? (close)
c) It’s . (rain)
d) Here it . (be)
a) give b) close c) raining d) is.

Commands, instructions and requests Lessons 4 – 6

Rewrite the sentence (s) using punctuations and capital letters where necessary.
could i open the window please its hot
Ans. Could I open the window, please? It’s hot.
 Fill in the blanks.
a)  I have a cup of water?
b) Yes, here you .
c) Could I open  window, please?
Ans. a) Could b) are c) the
 Translate into English.
a) Avwg wK GK Kvc cvwb cvb Ki‡Z cvwi?
b) Avwg wK RvbvjvwU Lyj‡Z cvwi?
c) GB bvI|
d) Avwg wK GKwU Avg †L‡Z cvwi?
e) Zzwg wK †evW©wU cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z cvi?
a) Could I have a cup of water?
b) Could I open the window please?
c) Here you are.
d) Could I have a mango?
e) Can you clean the board?
 Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of verb.
a) Could I  a cup of water? (have)
b) Here you . (be)
c)  I open the window? (can)
d) It  hot. (be)
e) Could you  the door, please? (close)
a) have b) are c) Could
d) is e) close.

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