Seen Passage – 1 Or 2
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Mother : Reza, will you come here, please?
Reza : Yes, Mum.
Mother : Look. The kitchen is very untidy. I want to make it neat and tidy. Would you give me a hand?
Reza : Sure.
Mother : Could you take the pots and plates from the table and put them in the cupboard?
Reza : Ok.
Mother : First, I’ll sweep the floor. Will you bring me a broom, please?
Reza : Here it is.
Mother : Thank you. Now I’m going to mop the floor. Could you get me a mop and bucket and some detergent?
Reza : No problem. Here they are.
Mother : Thanks, dear.
Reza : Welcome.
[Unit-01, Lesson-03(A)]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Kitchen(n.) | wK‡Pb | ivbœvNi | cookhouse |
Untidy(adj.) | AvbUvBwW | A‡MvQv‡jv | unorganized |
Neat(adj.) | wbU | cwicvwU | tidy |
Give a hand(phr.) | wMf Av n¨vÛ | mvnvh¨ Kiv | help |
Cupboard(n.) | KvevW© | Avjgvwi | cabinet |
Sweep(v.) | myBc | Svo †`Iqv | brush |
Floor(n.) | †d¬vi | †g‡S | the ground of a room |
Broom(n.) | eªæg | SuvUv | brush |
Mop(v.) | gc | †gvQv | wipe |
Bucket(n.) | ev‡KU | evjwZ | pail |
Detergent(n.) | wWUvi‡R›U | wWUvi‡R›U/cwi®‹viK `ªe¨ | cleaning agent |
Problem(n.) | cÖe‡jg | mgm¨v | difficulty |
Sure(adj.) | wkIi | Aek¨B | certain |
Bring(v.) | weªs | Avbv | fetch |
e½vbyev` :
gv : †iRv, Zzwg wK GKUz GLv‡b Avm‡e?
†iRv : nu¨v, gv, AvmwQ|
gv : †`L| ivbœvNiwU LyeB G‡jv‡g‡jv| Avwg GwU cwicvwU Ges cwi”Qbœ Ki‡Z PvB| Zzwg wK Avgv‡K Kv‡R mvnvh¨ Ki‡e?
†iRv : Aek¨B|
gv : Zzwg wK cvÎ Ges _vjv¸‡jv †Uwej †_‡K wb‡q Avjgvwi‡Z ivL‡Z cvi‡e?
†iRv : wVK Av‡Q|
gv : cÖ_‡g Avwg †g‡S Svo– w`e| Zzwg wK Avgvi Rb¨ GKwU SvUv Avb‡e?
†iRv : GB wbb|
gv : ab¨ev`| GLb Avwg †g‡S gyQ‡Z hvw”Q| Zzwg wK Avgv‡K GKwU gyQwb, GKwU evjwZ Ges wKQy wWUvi‡R›U w`‡Z cvi?
†iRv : †Kv‡bv mgm¨v †bB| GB †h G¸‡jv|
gv : ab¨ev`, wcÖq|
†iRv : ¯^vMZg|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. (weKí DËi¸‡jv †_‡K mwVK DËiwU evQvB Ki|) .5 ´ 10 = 5
- Who will wash the kitchen?
(i) father (ii) mother
(iii) sister (iv) grandmother
- What does the phrase ‘give a hand’ mean?
(i) to give one hand (ii) to give a handful
(iii) help (iv) handle
- Who will put the pots and plates in the cupboard?
(i) Reza (ii) mother
(iii) sister (iv) father
- A — is used to sweep the floor.
(i) broom (ii) duster
(iii) eraser (iv) washing machine
- Reza’s mother will wash the floor with—.
(i) a soap (ii) detergent (iii) savlon (iv) dettol
- sweep
(i) wash (†avqv) (ii) cook (ivbœv Kiv)
(iii) brush (Svo †`qv) (iv) erase (gy‡Q †djv)
- bucket
(i) basket (Szwo) (ii) pitcher (Kjm)
(iii) stove (Pzjv) (iv) pail (evjwZ)
- neat
(i) tidy (cwicvwU) (ii) rest (Aewkó)
(iii) near (wbK‡U) (iv) new (bZzb)
- mop
(i) throw (Quz‡o †djv) (ii) wipe (†gvQv)
(iii) write (†jLv) (iv) open (†Lvjv)
- untidy
(i) unhealthy (A¯^v¯’¨Ki) (ii) uncommon (AmvaviY)
(iii) disorganized (A‡MvQv‡jv) (iv) unclean (Acwi®‹vi)
- Answer the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|) 2 × 5 =10
- Why does Reza’s mother call him?
- What does she tell Reza to put and where?
- What is a broom used for?
- Who will mop the floor?
- How will he/she do that?
- (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(i); (d)-(i); (e)-(ii); (f)-(iii); (g)-(iv); (h)-(i); (i)-(ii); (j)-(iii).
- (a) Reza’s mother calls Reza to help her in making the kitchen neat and tidy.
(b) She tells Reza to take the pots and plates from the table and put them in the cupboard.
(c) A broom is used for sweeping the floor.
(d) Reza’s mother will mop the floor.
(e) She will do the work with a mop, a bucket of water and some detergent.
Seen Passage – 2
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Rupa : So …… Ananda, we had a helpful class on dictionary, didn’t we?
Ananda : Oh yes, very helpful. This is why I like Mrs Barua’s class. She is one of my favourite teachers.
Rupa : She is! I also like her very much. And she is very organised. She knows how to make us work in groups and pairs. So we are never bored.
Ananda : By the way, I’ve another problem. Do you understand the “Table of contents” at the beginning of a book?
Rupa : Hmmm …… yes, I’ve learnt it from my elder sister. I can try to explain it to you, if you like.
Ananda : So nice of you. I really need it. [Unit-2, Lesson-2(A)]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Helpful(adj.) | †nídzj | mnvqK | beneficial |
Dictionary(n.) | wWKkbvwi | Awfavb | lexicon |
Favourite (adj.) | †dfvwiU | wcÖq | liked |
Organized (adj.) | AM©vbvBRW | †MvQv‡bv | arranged |
Pair(n.) | †cqvi | †Rvov | brace |
Bored(adj.) | †eviW | wei³ | annoyed |
Group(n.) | MÖæc | `j | gang |
Problem(n.) | cÖe‡jg | mgm¨v | difficulty |
Understand(v.) | AvÛvi÷¨vÛ | eyS‡Z cviv | realize |
Beginning(n.) | wewMwbs | ïiæ | starting |
Learn(v.) | jvb© | †kLv | know |
Elder(adj.) | Gìvi | eo | older |
Try(v.) | UªvB | †Póv Kiv | attempt |
Explain(v.) | G·‡cøBb | e¨vL¨v Kiv | define |
Really(adv.) | wi‡qwj | ev¯ÍweKB | in fact |
e½vbyev` :
iƒcv : †Zv ………….. Avb›`, Avgiv Awfav‡bi Ici GKwU mnvqK K¬vm †c‡qwQ, ZvB bv?
Avb›` : I nu¨v, LyeB mnvqK| GB Rb¨B Avwg wg‡mm eo–qvi K¬vm cQ›` Kwi| wZwb Avgvi Ab¨Zg wcÖq wkÿK|
iƒcv : wZwb ZvB! AvwgI Zv‡K Lye cQ›` Kwi| Avi wZwb LyeB †MvQv‡jv| wZwb Rv‡bb Kxfv‡e Avgv‡`i Øviv `jMZ Ges hyMjfv‡e KvR Kiv‡Z nq| ZvB Avgiv KL‡bv wei³ nB bv|
Avb›` : hv‡nvK, Avgvi AviI GKwU mgm¨v Av‡Q| Zzwg wK GKwU eB‡qi ïiæ‡Z †h Òm~PxcÎÓ _v‡K Zv eyS‡Z cvi?
iƒcv : ûgg…………… nu¨v, Avwg GwU Avgvi eo †ev‡bi KvQ †_‡K wk‡LwQ| hw` Zzwg PvI Zvn‡j Avwg GwU e¨vL¨v Kivi †Póv Ki‡Z cvwi|
Avb›` : Zzwg Lye fv‡jv| Avgvi mwZ¨B GwU cÖ‡qvRb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 ´ 10 = 5
- How is Mrs Barua?
(i) untidy (ii) boring
(iii) organised (iv) disorganised
- Mrs Barua knows how to make the students work—.
(i) in groups (ii) alone
(iii) in class (iv) in the field
- A table of contents is attached —— of a book.
(i) at the end (ii) at the beginning
(iii) in the middle (iv) none of the above
- Rupa has learnt about table of contents from her—.
(i) father (ii) mother
(iii) elder sister (iv) uncle
- What does Rupa want to explain?
(i) a table of contents (ii) a page of dictionary
(iii) their problems (iv) all of the above
- helpful
(i) useful (DcKvix) (ii) beneficial (DcKvix)
(iii) fruitful (djcÖm~) (iv) all of them (G‡`i me¸‡jv)
- pair
(i) pain (e¨_v) (ii) brace (†Rvov)
(iii) page (c„ôv) (iv) pal (m½x)
- bored
(i) happy (Lywk) (ii) sad (`ytwLZ)
(iii) excited (D‡ËwRZ) (iv) annoyed (wei³)
- organised
(i) arranged (†MvQv‡bv) (ii) indisciplined (wek„•Lj)
(iii) interesting (gRv`vi) (iv) irritating (weiw³Ki)
- learn
(i) hear (†kvbv) (ii) know (Rvbv)
(iii) speak (ejv) (iv) lean (†njvb †`Iqv)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 =10
- What are Rupa and Ananda talking about?
- How is Mrs Barua?
- Where is a table of contents attached?
- What does Rupa say about it?
- Why do the students like Mrs Barua?
- (a)-(iii); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iii);(e)-(i) ;(f)-(iv); (g)-(ii); (h)-(iv); (i)-(i); (j)-(ii).
- (a) Rupa and Ananda are talking about their dictionary class which was very beneficial to them. They are also talking about their teacher Mrs Barua.
(b) Mrs Barua is very organized and knows how to make her students work in groups and pairs.
(c) A table of contents is attached at the beginning of a book.
(d) Rupa says that she has learnt about the table of contents from her elder sister.
(e) Mrs Barua is very organised. She knows how to make her students work in groups and pairs. The students are never bored in her class. So they like Mrs Barua very much.
Seen Passage – 3
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Farabi is Flora’s best friend. They live in the same area. Also they are both in class 7. But they go to different schools.
It is a school holiday. Flora has come to visit Farabi. They are talking. Flora wants to know about the prize-giving ceremony of Farabi’s school.
“Yesterday was our school prize-giving day,” Farabi says. “On this occasion our school auditorium and its dais were brightly decorated. Prizes were also neatly displayed on a separate table on the dais. All the students were present at the function. Among others, the guardians and some eminent persons of the locality attended the function,” Farabi continues. “The principal of PN College was the chief guest.”
“When did the function start?” Flora asked.
“Oh, it started on time—just at 4 pm,” Farabi says. “Our Headteacher first read out the annual report. Then the Chief Guest gave a short speech. He highly praised the overall performance of the school and its excellent JSC and SSC Exam results. Then he gave away the prizes among the students for their outstanding activities.”
“Did you get any prize, Farabi?” Flora enquires.
“Yes, I did,” Farabi replies. “I’ve got two prizes–one for regular attendance and the other for good results in the last year-ending exams.”
[ Unit – 03, Lesson – 01(B)]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Area(n.) | Gwiqv | GjvKv, AÂj | region, locality |
Holiday(n.) | nwj‡W | QywUi w`b | off-day, closing day |
Visit(v.) | wfwRU | mv¶vr Kiv, †`Lv Kiv | meet |
Prize(n.) | cÖvBR | cyi¯‹vi | award, reward |
Ceremony(n.) | †mwigwb | Abyôvb | function, event |
Dais(n.) | Wvqvm& | gÂ, †ew` | stage |
Decorated(v.) | †W‡Kv‡i‡UW | mvRv‡bv n‡qwQj | beautified |
Displayed(v.) | wWm‡cBW | cÖ`wk©Z n‡qwQj | shown, presented |
Guardian(n.) | MvwW©qvb | AwffveK | protector |
Eminent(adj.) | Gwg‡b›U | weL¨vZ, L¨vwZgvb | famous, renowned |
Report(n.) | wi‡cvU© | weeiYxcÎ | record |
Speech(n.) | w¯úP& | e³…Zv | lecture |
Praise(v.) | †cÖBR | cÖksmv Kiv | appreciate |
Overall(adj.) | IfviAj | mvwe©K | total |
Performance(n.) | cvidig¨vÝ | Kvh©vejx, ˆbcyY¨ | efficiency, action |
Outstanding(adj.) | AvDU÷¨vwÛs | AmvaviY | extra-ordinary, marvelous |
Activities(n.) | A¨vw±wfwUm | KvRKg©, Kvh©µg | work, task |
Attendance(n.) | A¨v‡UÛ¨vÝ | Dcw¯’wZ | presence |
e½vbyev` : dvivex †d¬vivi †kªô eÜz| Zviv GKB GjvKvq _v‡K| Zviv Df‡q mßg †kªwY‡ZI c‡o| wKš‘ Zviv wfbœ we`¨vj‡q hvq|
GUv GKUv we`¨vjq QywUi w`b| †d¬viv dvivexi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z G‡m‡Q| Zviv K_v ej‡Q| †d¬viv dvivexi we`¨vj‡qi cyi¯‹vi weZiYx Abyôvb m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z Pvq|
ÒMZKvj wQj Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi cyi¯‹vi weZi‡Yi w`b,Ó dvivex ejj| ÒGB Dcj‡¶ Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi AwW‡Uvwiqvg Ges Gi g PgrKvifv‡e mvRv‡bv n‡qwQj| cyi¯‹vi¸‡jvI g‡Âi Dc‡ii GKwU c„_K †Uwe‡j my›`ifv‡e cÖ`k©b Kiv n‡qwQj| Abyôv‡b mKj QvÎ-QvÎx Dcw¯’Z wQj| Ab¨vb¨‡`i g‡a¨ AwffveKiv Ges GjvKvi wKQy weL¨vZ †jvK Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb,Ó dvivex e‡j †Mj| Òwc. Gb. K‡j‡Ri Aa¨¶ cÖavb AwZw_ wQ‡jb|Ó
†d¬viv wR‡Ám Kij, ÒAbyôvb KLb ïi“ n‡qwQj?Ó
ÒIn&, GwU mgqgZ Ñ wVK PviUvq ïi“ n‡qwQj,Ó dvivex e‡j| ÒcÖ_‡g Avgv‡`i cÖavb wk¶K evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b c‡o †kvbv‡jb| Zvici cÖavb AwZw_ msw¶ß e³…Zv w`‡jb| wZwb we`¨vj‡qi mvwe©K Kvh©vejx Ges Gi †RGmwm I GmGmwm cix¶vi AmvaviY djvd‡ji D”P cÖksmv Ki‡jb| Zvici wZwb QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i gv‡S Zv‡`i AmvaviY Kvh©µ‡gi Rb¨ cyi¯‹vi weZiY Ki‡jb|Ó
†d¬viv Rvb‡Z Pvq, ÒZzwg wK †Kv‡bv cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQ‡j, dvivex?Ó
Ònu¨v, Avwg †c‡qwQjvgÓ, dvivex Reve †`q| ÒAvwg `ywU cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQ Ñ GKwU wbqwgZ Dcw¯’wZi Rb¨ Ges Ab¨wU MZ evwl©K cix¶vq fv‡jv djvd‡ji Rb¨|Ó
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What class do Flora and Farabi read in?
(i) 3 (ii) 5
(iii) 7 (iv) 9
(b) What does Flora want to know?
(i) about the marriage ceremony of Farabi’s siser
(ii) about the prize-giving ceremony of Farabi’s school
(iii) about Farabi’s hobby
(iv) none of the above
(c) Who was the chief guest?
(i) The Headmaster of Farabi’s School
(ii) The District Commissioner
(iii) The Principal of PN College
(iv) The Secretary of Farabi’s School
(d) When did the function start?
(i) at 3 pm (ii) at 2 pm
(iii) at 5 pm (iv) at 4 pm
(e) How many prizes did Farabi get?
(i) three (ii) two
(iii) one (iv) four
(f) neatly
- beautifully (my›`ifv‡e) ii. magnificently (PgrKvifv‡e)
iii. both (i) & (ii) [(i) Ges (ii) DfqB] iv. suitable (gvbvbmB)
(g) occasion
- optimize (Avkvev`x nIqv) ii. occupation (†ckv)
iii. event (NUbv) iv. occupy (`Lj Kiv)
(h) decorate
- adorn (mw¾Z Kiv) ii. reserve (msiÿY Kiv)
iii. lucky (fvM¨evb) iv. beautiful (my›`i)
(i) eminent
- enumerate (MYbv Kiv) ii. illusion (åg)
iii. famous (weL¨vZ) iv. efficient (`ÿ)
(j) praise
- commend (cÖksmv Kiv) ii. acclaim (cÖksmv Kiv)
iii. glorify (cÖksmv Kiv) iv. all of the above (Dc‡ii me¸‡jv)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What are Flora and Farabi talking about?
(b) How was the school auditorium decorated on the prize-giving day?
(c) Where were the prizes displayed?
(d) Who were present at the function?
(e) What did the chief guest say in his speech?
- (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)—(iii); (d)—(iv); (e)—(ii);(f) — (iii); (g) — (iii); (h) — (i); (i) — (iii); (j) — (iv).
- (a) Flora and Farabi are talking about the prize-giving ceremony of the Farabi’s school.
(b) The school auditorium was brightly decorated on the occasion of prize giving ceremony.
(c) The prizes were neatly displayed on a separate table on the dais.
(d) All the students, the guardians and some eminent persons of the locality were present at the function.
(e) The chief guest highly praised the overall performance of the school and its excellent results in his speech.
Seen Passage – 4
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Flora continues her story.
It took us half an hour to reach the school. I saw many students on the school campus. Some were playing and some were talking to each other. I didn’t know anyone. So I was a little afraid.
My mother soon took me to the Headteacher. He asked me a few questions and I answered them intelligently.
The Headteacher was very pleased. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Good! You’re a highly intelligent child. You know a lot. I’ll take you in my school. I hope you’ll be happy here.”
I was admitted to class 1. The Headteacher was a very nice person. He called a teacher and said to her, “Ms Laila, this is Flora. She is a new student in class 1. Take her to the class, please.”
Ms Laila took me to the class. The classteacher welcomed me and gave me a seat. All the students in the class were staring at me. I felt a bit nervous to see all the new faces. But soon I became easy. I could make friends with two or three students sitting close to me.
A new place is a new experience. So my first day at school is a new experience in my life. I will remember the day as long as I live.
[ Unit – 03, Lesson – 03]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Campus(n.) | K¨v¤úvm | †Kv‡bv wk¶v cÖwZôv‡bi GjvKv, K¨v¤úvm | buildings and open spaces around an educational institution |
Afraid(adj.) | A¨v‡d«BW | fxZ, mš¿¯Í | scared |
Answer(v.) | A¨vbmvi | Reve †`qv, DËi †`qv | reply |
Intelligently(adv.) | Bb&‡Uwj‡R›Uwj | eyw×`xßfv‡e | brilliantly |
Pleased(adj.) | wcR&W | mš‘ó, Avbw›`Z | satisfied, contented |
Admit(v.) | A¨vW&wgU | fwZ© nIqv/Kiv | accept |
Stare(v.) | †÷qvi | GK`„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv | look, gaze |
Nervous(adj.) | bvf©vm | wePwjZ | tense |
Experience(n.) | G·wcwiq¨vÝ | AwfÁZv | practical knowledge |
e½vbyev` : †d¬viv Zvi Mí ejv Pvwj‡q hvq|
we`¨vj‡q †cuŠQ‡Z Avgv‡`i Avav NÈv jvMj| we`¨vj‡qi K¨v¤úv‡m Avwg A‡bK wk¶v_x©‡K †`Ljvg| K‡qKRb †LjwQj Avi K‡qKRb G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ K_v ejwQj| Avwg KvD‡K wPbZvg bv| ZvB Avwg wKQyUv fxZ wQjvg|
Avgvi gv kxNÖB Avgv‡K cÖavb wk¶‡Ki Kv‡Q wb‡q †M‡jb| wZwb Avgv‡K wKQy cÖkœ Ki‡jb Avi Avwg eyw×`xßfv‡e †m¸‡jvi DËi w`jvg|
cÖavb wk¶K Lye Lywk n‡jb| wZwb Avgvi Kuv‡a Zvi nvZ ivL‡jb Avi ej‡jb, Òfv‡jv! Zzwg Lye eyw×gwZ wkï| Zzwg A‡bK wKQy Rvb| Avwg †Zvgv‡K Avgvi we`¨vj‡q fwZ© †be| Avkv Kwi Zzwg GLv‡b Avb‡›` _vK‡e|Ó
Avwg cÖ_g †kªwY‡Z fwZ© njvg| cÖavb wk¶K GKRb AZ¨šÍ fv‡jv e¨w³ wQ‡jb| wZwb GKRb wk¶K‡K WvK‡jb Ges Zv‡K ej‡jb, Òwgm& jvqjv, GB n‡”Q †d¬viv| †m cÖ_g †kªwYi GKRb bZzb QvÎx| AbyMÖn K‡i Zv‡K †kªwY‡Z wb‡q hvb|Ó
wgm& jvqjv Avgv‡K †kªwY‡Z wb‡q †M‡jb| †kªwY wk¶K Avgv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡jb Ges Avgv‡K GKwU Avmb w`‡jb| †kªwYi me wk¶v_x© Avgvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q wQj| Avwg me bZzb gyL †`‡L wKQyUv wePwjZ †eva Kijvg| wKš‘ wkMwMi Avwg ¯^vfvweK njvg| Avwg Avgvi Kv‡Q emv `yÕwZbRb wk¶v_x©i mv‡_ eÜzZ¡ Kijvg|
bZzb ¯’vb gv‡b bZzb AwfÁZv| ZvB we`¨vj‡q Avgvi cÖ_g w`b Avgvi Rxe‡b GK bZzb AwfÁZv| h‡Zv w`b euvP‡ev †mB w`bwUi K_v Avwg g‡b ivL‡ev|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Who did Flora go to school with?
- father ii. mother
iii. brother iv. sister
(b) Who did she see on the school campus?
- a teacher ii. two teachers
iii. a student iv. many students
(c) Who asked her a few questions?
- the class teacher ii. the secretary
iii. the Headteacher iv. the inspector
(d) Which class was she admitted to?
- class 3 ii. class 2
iii. class 1 iv. class 4
(e) Who welcomed her to the class?
- the headteacher ii. her classteacher
iii. her friend iv. her mother
(f) little
- many (A‡bK) ii. more (AwaK)
iii. huge (cÖPzi) iv. few (mvgvb¨)
(g) reach
- arrive (†cuŠQv‡bv) ii. revive (cybiæ¾xweZ Kiv)
iii. astonish (AevK nIqv) iv. lengthy (my`xN©)
(h) afraid
- nervous (fxZ) ii. attached (mshy³)
iii. attain (AR©b Kiv) iv. almost (cÖvqB)
(i) intelligent
- quiet (kvšÍ) ii. brilliant (†gavex)
iii. weak (`ye©j) iv. respond (mvov †`qv)
(j) welcome
- scold (wZi¯‹vi Kiv) ii. call (WvKv)
iii. greet (¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv) iv. see off (we`vq Rvbv‡bv)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) How much time did it take Flora to reach the school?
(b) Why was she afraid?
(c) How did the class teacher treat her?
(d) How did Flora feel when she entered the classroom?
(e) With whom did Flora make friends?
- (a)—(ii); (b)—(iv); (c)—(iii); (d)-(iii); (e)—(ii);(f) — (iv); (g) — (i); (h) — (i); (i) — (ii) (j) — (iii).
- (a) It took Flora half an hour to reach the school.
(b) She was a little afraid because she didn’t know anyone of the school.
(c) The class teacher welcomed her and gave her a seat.
(d) When Flora entered the classroom, the students in the class were staring at her and so she felt a bit nervous to see the new faces.
(e) Flora made friends with two or three students sitting close to her.
Seen Passage – 5
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Farabi was sitting, bending his head down. He looked sad. His hair was untidy, ruffled. It was clear he did not brush it at all.
“What happened, Farabi? Are you okay?” asked Flora.
“I’m so shocked, Flora. I don’t want to talk,” said Farabi.
“But you have to. Any pain or hurt is like a load in the mind. If you tell or share it with your parents or friends, it will be lighter. On the other hand, if you don’t share it, the load will become heavier and more painful. So please tell me what’s wrong,” Flora insisted.
Farabi looked at Flora and said, “One of my friends Harun is our school football team leader. Yesterday he just dropped my name from the coming Interclass Football Tournament. I wanted to know why, but he didn’t even talk to me about it.” [Unit-03, Lesson-04]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Looked( | j~KW | †`Lvj/†`Lj | saw |
Sad(adj.) | m¨vW | `ytwLZ | upset |
Untidy(adj.) | AvbUvBwW | G‡jv‡g‡jv | messy |
Ruffled(v.adj.) | ivdì | A‡MvQv‡jv/ G‡jv‡g‡jv | disorganised |
Brush(v.) | eªvk | AuvPov‡bv | to smooth |
Happened( | n¨v‡cÛ | N‡UwQj | occurred |
Shocked( | kK&W | nZvk n‡jv | disappointed |
Hurt(adj.) | nvU© | AvNvZcÖvß | wounded |
Load(n.) | †jvW | †evSv | burden |
Painfull(adj.) | †cBbdzj | KóKi | aching |
Insisted( | Bbwmm‡UW | †R` Kij, †Rvi Kij | persisted |
Dropped( | Wªc&W | ev` w`j | excluded |
Tournament(n.) | Uzb©v‡g›U | µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv | competition |
Talk(v.) | UK | K_v ejv | speak |
Wanted( | Iqv‡›UW | †P‡qwQj | wished |
e½vbyev`: dvivwe Zvi gv_v wbPz K‡i e‡m wQj| Zv‡K welYœ †`Lvw”Qj| Zvi gv_vi Pzj G‡jv‡g‡jv Ges A‡MvQv‡jv wQj| GUv cwi®‹vi †h †m Zv †gv‡UB AuvPovqwb|
ÒKx n‡q‡Q dvivwe? Zzwg wK wVK AvQ?Ó †d¬viv wRÁvmv Kij|
dvivwe ejj, Ò†d¬viv, Avwg nZvk| Avwg K_v ej‡Z PvB bv|Ó
ÒwKš‘ †Zvgv‡K ej‡Z n‡e| †h †Kvb e¨_v A_ev Kó g‡bi gv‡S †evSv ¯^iƒc| hw` Zzwg Zv †Zvgvi evev-gv A_ev eÜz‡`i‡K ej Zvn‡j Zv nvjKv n‡e| Ab¨w`‡K hw` Zzwg Zv bv ej, Zvn‡j GB †evSv AviI fvix Ges †e`bv`vqK n‡q hv‡e| myZivs `qv K‡i Avgv‡K ej Kx mgm¨v n‡q‡QÓ, †d¬viv †Rvi Kij|
dvivwe †d¬vivi w`‡K ZvKvj Ges ejj, ÒAvgvi GK eÜz nvi“b we`¨vj‡qi dzUej `‡ji †bZv| MZKvj †m Avmbœ AvšÍt‡kªwY dzUej cÖwZ‡hvwMZv †_‡K Avgvi bvg ev` w`‡q‡Q| Avwg Rvb‡Z †P‡qwQjvg †Kb, wKš‘ †m Avgvi mv‡_ G wel‡q K_v ch©šÍ e‡jwb|Ó
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) How did Farabi look?
- happy ii. sad
iii. unhappy iv. smiling
(b) If anybody shares his/her pain with somebody, his/her pain will be —.
- heavy ii. light
iii. lighter iv. heavier
(c) Who was school football team leader?
- Farabi ii. Flora
iii. Harun iv. none of them
(d) Farabi was — to see his name dropped.
- hurt ii. happy
iii. wounded iv. pleased
(e) Farabi’s name was — Interclass Football Tournament.
- included in ii. added to
iii. excluded from iv. joined with
(f) talk
- walk (nuvUv) ii. quarrel (SMov Kiv)
iii. happy (myLx) iv. speak (K_v ejv)
(g) untidy
- unarranged (G‡jv‡g‡jv) ii. bad (Lvivc)
iii. rough (KK©k) iv. stormy (S‡ov)
(h) clear
- clever (PvjvK) ii. crystal (my¯úó)
iii. obscure A¯úó) iv. obsolete (AcÖPwjZ)
(i) painful
- harmful (ÿwZKi) ii. fruitful (djcÖm~)
iii. distressing (KóKi) iv. interesting (Avb›“vqK)
(j) shocked
- dishearted (nZvk) ii. shiver (Kuvcv)
iii. shy (jvRyK) iv. simple (mnR)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) How was Farabi sitting?
(b) Why was he shocked?
(c) How was his hair?
(d) Why did Harun drop him?
(e) When does any pain become heavier and painful?
- (a) — (ii); (b) — (iii); (c) — (iii); (d) — (i); (e) — (iii);(f) — (iv); (g) — (i); (h) — (ii); (i) — (iii); (j) — (i).
- (a) Farabi was sitting bending his head down. He looked sad and his hair was untidy.
(b) He was shocked because his name was dropped from the school football team.
(c) His hair was untidy, ruffled. It was clear that he did not brush it at all.
(d) Farabi wanted to know the reason but Harun didn’t even talk to him.
(e) Any pain becomes heavier and painful if it is not shared with others.