Seen Passage – 16
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
One morning the Giant was lying awake in bed when he heard some lovely music. It was so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the King’s musicians passing by. But in fact it was only a little bird singing outside his window. Then the north wind stopped and a delicious perfume came to him through the open window. “I believe the spring has come at last,” said the Giant. He jumped out of bed and looked out. What did he see?
He saw the most wonderful sight. Through a little hole in the wall the children crept in and they were sitting in the branches of the trees. In every tree there was a little child. And the trees were so delighted to have the children back again that they covered themselves with blossoms. They were waving their arms gently above the children’s heads. The birds were flying about and twittering delightfully. The flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing.
But only in one corner of the garden it was still winter. There under a tree a little boy was standing alone crying. He was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree. The poor tree was still covered with snow, and the north wind was blowing above it. [Unit — 06, Lesson — 10]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Heard ( | nvW© | ïbj | listened |
Music (n.) | wgDwRK | Mvb | melody, song |
Sweet (adj.) | myBU | wgó | nice, delicious, pleasing |
Thought ( | _U | fvej | mused |
King (n.) | wKs | ivRv | monarch |
Believe (v.) | wewjf | wek¦vm Kiv | trust |
Jumped ( | Rv¤úW | jvd w`j | leaped |
Looked ( | j~KW | ZvKvj | saw |
Hole (n.) | †nvj | MZ© | pit |
Delighted (adj.) | wWjvB‡UW | Avbw›`Z | glad, pleased |
Covered( | KfvW© | Ave„Z Kij | wrapped |
Blossom (v.) | †evRg | dzj †dvUv | bloom |
Flying (v.) | d¬vBwqs | DowQj | hovering |
Wind (n.) | DBÛ | evZvm | air |
Blow (v.) | †ev | cÖevwnZ nIqv | puff |
e½vbyev` : GKw`b mKv‡j ˆ`Z¨wU RvMÖZ Ae¯’vq weQvbvq ï‡qwQj Ggb mgq †m Lye my›`i Mvb ïb‡Z †cj| Zv GZB wgwó wQj †h †m fvej nqZ ivRvi ev`¨ ev`‡Kiv Zvi evwoi cvk w`‡q hv‡”Q| wKš‘ cÖK…Zc‡ÿ GKwU †QvU cvwL Zvi Rvbvjvi cv‡k Mvb MvBwQj| ZLb Dˇii evqy eÜ wQj Avi †Lvjv Rvbvjv w`‡q GKwU wgwó MÜ Zvi Kv‡Q Avmj| ÒAvgvi wek¦vm Ae‡k‡l emš— G‡m‡Q,Ó ˆ`Z¨wU ejj| †m jvd w`‡q weQvbv †Q‡o DVj Ges evB‡i ZvKvj| †m Kx †`L‡Z †cj?
†m me‡P‡q my›`i `„k¨wU †`L‡Z †cj| wkïiv †`qv‡ji GKwU †QvU MZ© w`‡q cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj Ges Mv‡Qi Wvj¸‡jv‡Z e‡m wQj| cÖwZwU Mv‡Q GKwU K‡i †QvU wkï wQj| Avi MvQ¸‡jv wkï‡`i cybivq wd‡i †c‡q dz‡j dz‡j wb‡R‡`i‡K †X‡K †i‡LwQj| Zviv Zv‡`i nvZ Avj‡Zvfv‡e wkï‡`i gv_vi Dci bvo‡Q| cvwLiv DowQj Ges Avb‡›`i mv‡_ wKwPi-wgwPi K‡i WvKwQj| dzj¸‡jv meyR Nv‡mi ga¨ w`‡q ZvKvw”Qj Ges nvmwQj|
wKš‘ evMv‡bi GK †Kvbvq ZLbI kxZKvj wQj| †mLv‡b GKwU †QvU wkï GKvKx `uvwo‡q Kuv`wQj| †m GZ †QvU wQj †h Mv‡Qi Wvj ai‡Z cviwQj bv| ﮋ MvQwU ZLbI Zzlvi Øviv Ave„Z wQj Ges Dˇii evZvm GwUi Dci w`‡q cÖevwnZ nw”Qj|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) In the wall there was a —.
- child ii. tree
iii. little hole iv. bird
(b) The lovely music was singing —.
- the king’s musicians ii. a little bird
iii. a child iv. the Giant
(c) There was still winter in the corner of the —.
- garden ii. house
iii. village iv. field
(d) The flowers were looking up through the green grass and —.
- blossoming ii. drying
iii. growing iv. laughing
(e) Trees were waving their — gently above the children’s head.
- branches ii. heads
iii. hands iv. arms
(f) musician
- singer (msMxZ wkíx) ii. actor (Awfbq wkíx)
iii. player (†L‡jvqvo) iv. artist (wPÎ wkíx)
(g) delighted
- kind (`qvjy) ii. pleased (Avbw›`Z)
iii. cruel (wbôzi) iv. unhappy (AmyLx)
(h) lovely
- amazing (PgrKvi) ii. candid (gb‡Lvjv)
iii. sunny (†iŠ‡`ªv¾¡j) iv. poor (`wi`ª)
(i) perfume
- good (fvj) ii. aroma (myMwÜ)
iii. beauty (†mŠ›`h©) iv. charm (gš¿)
(j) wonderful
- ordinary (mvaviY) ii. fantastic (PgrKvi)
iii. greenery (k¨vgwjgv) iv. peaceful (kvwšÍgq)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What did the Giant think about the music?
(b) What did the Giant see?
(c) Why were the trees so delighted?
(d) What were the birds and flowers doing?
(e) Why was a little boy crying?
- (a)-iii.; (b)-ii.; (c)-i.; (d)-iv.; (e)-iv.;(f) — (i); (g) — (ii); (h) — (i); (i) — (ii); (j) — (ii).
- (a) The music was so sweet to the Giant’s ears that he thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by.
(b) The Giant saw that through a little hole in the wall the children crept in and were sitting in the branches of the trees.
(c) The trees were so delighted to have the children back again.
(d) The birds were flying about and twittering delightfully. The flowers were looking up through the green grass and laughing.
(e) A little boy was crying under a tree as he was too small to reach up the branches of it.
Seen Passage – 17
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Diego Armando Maradona was born in a poor family and spent his childhood in a slum. However he proved his football talent at the age of ten only. Now he is considered the greatest football player of all time. He was voted FIFA Player of the Century too. He played in four FIFA World Cup tournaments in 1982, 1986, 1990 and 1994. In 1986, he captained Argentina and won the World Cup. He was the tournament’s best player in 1986 and won the Golden Ball. His second goal with England in 1986 was voted the Goal of the century. In that match, he dribbled through six English players to cross 60 metres (66 yards). He also won the Golden Ball at the FIFA under 20 World Cup in 1979. In 1990, Argentina was the runner up in the World Cup under his captaincy too. This is why Maradona is a living legend not only in Argentina but also in the whole world.
[Unit — 07, Lesson — 04]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Childhood (n.) | PvBìûW | wkïKvj | infancy |
Talent (n.) | U¨v‡j›U | †gav, cÖwZfv | merit |
Dribble (v.) | wWªej | ej KvwU‡q wb‡q hvIqv | trickle |
Captaincy (n.) | K¨v‡ÞBbwm | AwabvqKZ¡, †bZ…Z¡ | leadership |
Legend (adj.) | wjR&Û | wKse`šÍx | celebrity |
e½vbyev` : w`‡q‡Mv Avigv‡Ûv g¨viv‡Wvbv GKwU Mwie cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb Ges Zuvi wkïKvj †K‡U‡Q ew¯Í‡Z| hv‡nvK wZwb gvÎ `k eQ‡i eq‡m Zuvi dzUej cÖwZfvi cÖgvY †`b| GLb Zuv‡K me©Kv‡ji †miv †L‡jvqvo wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq| wZwb wddvi kZe‡l©i †miv †L‡jvqvoI wbe©vwPZ n‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb wddvi PviwU wek¦Kvc 1982, 1986, 1990 Ges 1994 †Z †L‡jwQ‡jb| wZwb 1986 mv‡j Av‡R©w›Ubv `‡ji AwabvqK n‡qwQ‡jb Ges wek¦Kvc wR‡ZwQ‡jb| wZwb 1986 mv‡ji wek¦Kv‡c †kªô †L‡jvqvo wbe©vwPZ n‡qwQ‡jb Ges †mvbvi ej wR‡ZwQ‡jb| 1986 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Ûi mv‡_ Kiv wØZxq †MvjwU kZvãxi †miv †Mvj wn‡m‡e †fv‡Ui gva¨‡g wbe©vwPZ n‡q‡Q| H g¨v‡P wZwb Bsj¨v‡Ûi Qq Rb †L‡jvqvo‡K KvwU‡q 60 wgUvi (66 MR) c_ AwZµg K‡ib| GQvovI wZwb 1979 mv‡ji Ab~aŸ© 20 wek¦Kv‡c wddvi †mvbvi ej †R‡Zb| 1990 mv‡j, Zuvi AwabvqK‡Z¡ Av‡R©w›Ubv ivbvi AvcI nq| G R‡b¨ wZwb ïay Av‡R©w›Ubvq bq eis mviv we‡k¦i g‡a¨ RxešÍ wKse`šÍx|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What is the first name of Maradona?
- Armando ii. Diego
iii. Daniel iv. Orlando
(b) He spent his childhood in a slum because his family was —.
- rich ii. honest
iii. poor iv. wealthy
(c) He played his first World Cup in —
- 1978 ii. 1982
iii. 1986 iv. 1990
(d) Against which team he scored the goal of the century?
- Brazil ii. Italy
iii. France iv. England
(e) How many times he won the Golden Ball?
- two ii. three
iii. four iv. never
(f) legend
- hero (Av`k© cyiæl) ii. notorious (KzL¨vZ)
iii. legal (AvBbm¤§Z) iv. law (AvBb)
(g) consider
- judge (we‡ePbv Kiv) ii. think (wPšÍv/we‡ePbv Kiv)
iii. both (i) & (ii) [(i) (ii) Ges DfqB] iv. conceal (†Mvcb Kiv)
(h) slum
- shanty (Szcwo) ii. duplex (ˆØZ)
iii. market (†`vKvb) iv. station (†÷kb)
(i) prove
- conceal (†Mvcb Kiv) ii. refuse (cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv)
iii. justify (cÖwZcv`b Kiv) iv. hide (jyKv‡bv)
(j) talent
- incompetence (A‡hvM¨Zv) ii. genius (†gavex)
iii. ignorance (AÁZv) iv. stupidity (†evKvgx)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) How was the economic condition of Maradona’s family in his childhood?
(b) When did he show his football talent?
(c) What was Maradona’s achievement in the World Cup in 1986?
(d) Which goal was voted the Goal of the century?
(e) What was his achievement in 1979?
- (a)-ii.; (b)-iii.; (c)-ii.; (d)-iv.; (e)-iii.;(f)—(i); (g)—(ii); (h)—(i); (i)—(iii); (j)—(ii).
- (a) Maradona’s family was poor and he spent his childhood in a slum.
(b) He showed his football talent at 10.
(c) Maradona led Argentina win the World Cup in 1986. He also became the tournament’s best player and won the Golden Ball.
(d) Maradona’s second goal with England in the World Cup of 1986 was voted the Goal of the century.
(e) He won the Golden Ball at the FIFA under 20 World Cup in 1979.
Seen Passage – 18
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Salahuddin was the most popular football player in our country during the 70s and the mid-80s. He was one of the most successful and popular football players in Bangladesh. He was a member of Swadhin Bangla Football Team during the liberation war. The team raised Funds to support our freedom fight. Salahuddin is the first player from the country to play in the professional league in Hong Kong. After independence, he joined Abahoni Krira Chokro and spent there most of his career. For eight years he regularly played for his club. He was the highest scorer for four consecutive seasons. In 1984, at the peak of his form, Salahuddin decided to retire from football. He also scored two goals in the last league match against Brothers Union. He was the best player in that match too. Later Salahuddin became a football coach and manager of his favourite team Abahoni Krira Chokro. Salahuddin’s name as a football organizer is also remarkable. Salahuddin is an icon to our football lovers of all ages. [Unit — 07, Lesson — 05]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Popular(adj.) | ccyjvi | RbwcÖq | favourite, celebrated |
Liberation(n.) | wjev‡ikvb | ¯^vaxbZv, gyw³ | freedom, independence |
Professional(adj.) | †cÖv‡dkbvj | †ckv`vi | expert |
Consecutive(adj.) | KbwRwKDwUf | µgvMZ, cici | successive, continuous |
Peak(n.) | cxK | P~ov, kxl© | top, height |
Manager(n.) | g¨v‡bRvi | e¨e¯’vcK | director |
Organizer(n.) | AM©vbvBRvi | msMVK | founder |
Icon(n.) | AvBKb | cÖZxK | symbol |
e½vbyev` : mËi Gi `kK Ges Avwki `k‡Ki gvSvgvwS‡Z mvjvDÏxb wQ‡jb Avgv‡`i †`‡ki me‡P‡q RbwcÖq dzUej †L‡jvqvo| wZwb wQ‡jb evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg mdj I RbwcÖq dzUejvi| ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i mgq wZwb ¯^vaxb evsjv dzUej `‡ji m`m¨ wQ‡jb| GB `j gyw³‡hv×v‡`i mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ A_© msMÖn K‡iwQj| mvjvnDÏxb nsKs Gi †ckv`vi jx‡M †Ljv †`‡ki cÖ_g †L‡jvqvo| ¯^vaxbZvi ci wZwb Avevnbx µxov P‡µ †hvM †`b Ges †mLv‡b Zuvi †L‡jvqvo Rxe‡bi AwaKvsk mgq Kv‡U| wZwb wbqwgZ AvU eQi Zuvi K¬v‡ei n‡q †L‡jb| wZwb cici Pvi †gŠmyg m‡e©v”P †Mvj`vZv wQ‡jb| 1984 mv‡j Zuvi d‡g©i m‡e©v”P P~ovq _vKv Ae¯’vq mvjvDÏxb dzUej †_‡K Aemi †bqvi wm×všÍ †bb| wZwb jx‡Mi †kl †Ljvq eªv`vm© BDwbqb Gi wec‡¶ `yB †Mvj K‡ib| †m †Ljvq wZwb †miv †L‡jvqvoI wbe©vwPZ n‡qwQ‡jb| cieZ©x‡Z mvjvDÏxb Zuvi wcÖq `j Avevnbx µxov P‡µi µxov cÖwk¶K Ges e¨e¯’vcK n‡qwQ‡jb| dzUej msMVK wn‡m‡eI Zuvi bvg D‡jøL‡hvM¨| mvjvnDÏxb Avgv‡`i me eq‡mi dzUej †cÖwgK‡`i Kv‡Q g~Z© cÖZxK|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Salahuddin played during —.
(i) the 70s (ii) the 80s
(iii) the 70s and the mid-80s (iv) the mid-80s
(b) Who is the first Bangladeshi player to play in the league in Hong Kong?
(i) Salam (ii) Salahuddin
(iii) Aslam (iv) Sabbir
(c) When did he join the Abahoni Krira Chokra?
(i) before independence (ii) after independence
(iii) in the 1980s (iv) in the 1990s
(d) Salahuddin was a coach and manager of —.
(i) Brothers Union (ii) Abahoni Krira Chokro
(iii) Swadhin Bangla football team (iv) Both (i) and (ii)
(e) Which team raised funds to support freedom fight?
(i) Abahoni Krira Chokro (ii) Brothers Union
(iii) Swadhin Bangla football team (iv) None of the above
(f) consecutive
- alternative (weKí) ii. exchange (wewbgq)
iii. sequent (cici) iv. change (cwieZ©b)
(g) professional
- expert (`ÿ) ii. ignorant (AÁ)
iii. inept (AcUz) iv. newcomer (bevMZ)
(h) support
- mine (Avgvi) ii. attract (AvKl©Y Kiv)
iii. favour (mg_©b Kiv) iv. mystery (inm¨)
(i) freedom
- well known (mycwiwPZ) ii. liberty (¯^vaxbZv)
iii. obsolete (AcÖPwjZ) iv. tradition (HwZn¨)
(j) successful
- best (me‡P‡q fv‡jv) ii. skilled (`ÿ)
iii. productive (mdj) iv. sudden (nVvr)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) When was Salahuddin the most popular footballer in Bangladesh?
(b) What was his role during the liberation war?
(c) Where did he play abroad?
(d) What was Salahuddin’s contribution to his club as a player?
(e) When did he retire from football?
- (a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(ii); (e)-(iii);(f) — (iii); (g) — (i); (h) — (iii); (i) — (ii); (j) — (iii)
- (a) Salahuddin was the most popular and one of the most successful footballer in our country during the 70s and the mid-80s.
(b) He was a member of the Swadhin Bangla Football Team that raised Funds to support the war.
(c) He is the first player from the country to play in the professional league in Hong Kong.
(d) He was the highest scorer for four consecutive seasons while he played for Abahoni Krira Chokra.
(e) In 1984, at the peak of his form, Salahuddin decided to retire from football.
Seen Passage – 19
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Hello, I am Kobita. I am a class 7 student of Sundarpur High School. I like listening to music in my free time. I like folk songs but I don’t understand classical music that much. However, my father likes classical music very much. But he doesn’t like pop music. He never watches pop musical programmes on TV. He says he hates them because they don’t appeal to emotions. My favourite singer is Farida Parvin. I like her songs very much. She has a wonderful voice. I also like gardening. I have planted many flowers in my garden. When the flowers are in full bloom, I love to watch them. I’m very happy about the flowers that I grow. I just adore them! [Unit 8 – Lesson1]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
like(v.) | jvBK & | cQ›` Kiv | choice |
music(n.) | wgDwRK | Mvb | song |
folk(n.) | †dvK | †jvKm½xZ | country song |
understand(v.) | A¨vÛvi÷¨vÛ | †evSv/eyS‡Z cviv | perceive |
hate(v.) | †nBU | N„Yv Kiv | loathe |
watch(v.) | IqvP& | †`Lv, j¶ Kiv | see |
programmes( | †cÖvMÖvgm | Abyôvbmg~n | project |
say(v) | †m | ejv | speak |
because(conj.) | weKR | KviY | reason/as |
appeal(v.) | A¨vwcj | Av‡e`b Kiv | request |
emotion(n.) | B‡gvkb | Av‡eM | passion |
favourite(n.) | †dfvwiU | wcÖq | deary |
singer(n.) | wmsMvi | MvqK | musician |
planted( | c¨v‡›UW | ecb Kij/eybj | put on |
flower(n.) | d¬vIqvi | dzj | floret |
love(v.) | jvf | fv‡jvevmv | affection |
happy(adj.) | n¨vwc | Avbw›`Z | glad |
grow(v.) | †MÖv | Rb¥v‡bv | create |
adore(v.) | A¨v‡Wvi | Mfxifv‡e kª×v Kiv | glorify |
e½vbyev` : n¨v‡jv, Avwg KweZv| Avwg my›`icyi D”P we`¨vj‡qi 7g †kªwYi GKRb QvÎx| Avwg Avgvi Aemi mg‡q Mvb ïb‡Z cQ›` Kwi| Avwg †jvKm½xZ cQ›` Kwi| wKš‘ D”Pv½ msMxZ †Zgb GKUv eywS bv| hvB‡nvK, Avgvi evev D”Pv½ m½xZ LyeB cQ›` K‡ib| wKš‘ wZwb AvaywbK Mvb cQ›` K‡ib bv| wZwb KLbI wUwf‡Z AvaywbK Mv‡bi Abyôvb †`‡Lb bv| wZwb e‡jb, Gme Mvb Avwg AcQ›` Kwi bv KviY G¸‡jv †Zgb Av‡eM m„wó K‡i bv| Avgvi wcÖq wkíx n‡jv dwi`v cviwfb| Avwg Zuvi Mvb¸‡jv LyeB cQ›` Kwi| Zuvi Mjvi ¯^i LyeB my›`i| GQvov Avwg evMvb Ki‡ZI cQ›` Kwi| Avwg Avgvi evMv‡b A‡bK dz‡ji MvQ jvwM‡qwQ| dzj¸‡jv hLb cy‡ivcywi †dv‡U, ZLb †m¸‡jv †`L‡Z A‡bK fv‡jv jv‡M| Avgvi evMv‡b †hme dzj †dv‡U †m¸‡jvi Rb¨ Avwg LyeB Lywk| Avwg ïaygvÎ Zv‡`i Mfxifv‡e fv‡jvevwm|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
- Who is the speaker of the passage?
(i) Paul (ii) Kobita
(iii) Farida (iv) Parvin
- Kobita is the student of —.
(i) Sonapur High School (ii) Musical School
(iii) Sundarpur High School (iv) Saidpur High School
- Who does like classical music?
(i) Kobita (ii) Kobita’s firend
(iii) Kobita’s mother (iv) Kobita’s father
- Farida Parvin is a — singer.
(i) flok (ii) pop
(iii) classical (iv) modern
- Kobita has plouted many — to her garden.
(i) vagetable (ii) fruits
(iii) flowers (iv) trees
- music
(i) dance (bvP) (ii) voice (¯^i)
(iii) song (Mvb) (iv) sound (aŸwb)
- appeal
(i) evoke (AvnŸvb Kiv) (ii) come (Avmv)
(iii) desire (B”Qv Kiv) (iv) bawl (†Rv‡i wPrKvi Kiv)
- favourite
(i) favourable (AbyKzj) (ii) fair (b¨vh¨)
(iii) dear (wcÖq) (iv) honourable (m¤§vbxq)
- wonderful
(i) peceuliar (A™¢yZ) (ii) ordinary (mvaviY)
(iii) excellent (PgrKvi) (iv) divine (Hk¦wiK)
- adore
(i) celebrate (D`hvcb Kiv) (ii) glorify (¸YKxZ©b Kiv)
(iii) dignify (m¤§vwbZ Kiv) (iv) worship (cyR Kiv)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Why doesn’t Kobita like classical music?
(b) What does Kobita’s father think about pop music?
(c) Who is Kobita’s favourite singer? Who does she like her so much?
(d) What does Kobita think about her garden?
(e) What does the sentence “I just adore them!” mean?
- (a) – ii.; (b) – iii.; (c) – iv.; (d) – i.; (e)-iii.;(f)–(iii); (g)—(i); (h)—(iii); (i)—(iii); (j)—(iv).
- (a) Kobita doesn’t like classical music because she doesn’t understand the meaning of that music.
(b) Kobita’s father hates pop music because he thinks the appeal of emotion is absent in this music.
(c) Farida Parvin is Kobita’s favourite singer because of her worderful voice.
(d) Kobita feels happy with her garden.
(e) The sentence “I just adore them!” means Kobita loves her flowers very deeply.
Seen Passage – 20
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Paul went to Sundarpur High School to meet the teachers and students there. He was warmly greeted by all. He quite enjoyed the green coconut drink that was served on his arrival. He gave a short lecture to the students and explained how they would fight against arsenic poisoning. Paul also answered the questions asked by some students. He liked most of the questions. He also took some pictures with the students. He always takes his camera with him. He loves photography.
As he was taking leave, all the students followed him up to the school gate. The teachers wanted to hire a rickshaw for him. He does not like riding rickshaws. In fact, he hates the idea of sitting idle while another person is pulling the rickshaw. So, he did not mind walking towards the local Union Council Office.
[Unit—08, Lesson—03]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Meet(v.) | gxU | mvÿvZ Kiv | visit |
Lecture(n.) | †jKPvi | e³…Zv | speech |
Poison(n.) | cqRb | wel | toxin, venome, bane |
Photograph(n.) | d‡UvMÖvd | Av‡jvKwPÎ | picture |
Follow(v.) | d‡jv | AbymiY Kiv | go after, persue |
Hate(v.) | †nBU | N„Yv Kiv | abhor, detest |
Arsenic Poisoning(n.) | Av‡m©wbK cqRwbs | Av‡m©wbK welwµqv | arsenic contamination |
e½vbyev`: cj wk¶K I Qv·`i mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi Rb¨ my›`icyi D”P we`¨vj‡q †Mj| †m mevi KvQ †_‡K Dò Af¨_©bv †cj| †m †mLv‡b †cuŠQv‡bvi ci Zv‡K Wv‡ei cvwb †`Iqv n‡qwQj hv †m LyeB Dc‡fvM Kij| †m Qv·`i mvg‡b GKwU msw¶ß e³…Zv w`j Ges e¨vL¨v Kij Kxfv‡e Zviv Av‡m©wbK we‡li weiæ‡× jovB Ki‡e| cj wKQy wk¶v_©xi Kiv cÖ‡kœi ReveI w`j| †m AwaKvsk cÖkœ cQ›` Kij| †m QvÎQvÎx‡`i mv‡_ wKQy QweI Zzjj| †m me mgq mv‡_ K¨v‡giv iv‡L| †m Qwe‡Zvjv cQ›` K‡i|
hLb †m wd‡i AvmwQj ZLb me QvÎQvÎx Zv‡K we`¨vj‡qi †MU ch©šÍ GwM‡q w`j| wk¶‡Kiv Zvi Rb¨ wiKkv fvov Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj| wKš‘ †m wiKkv Pov cQ›` Kij bv| cÖK…Zc‡¶, †m GwU AcQ›` K‡i †h GKRb wiKkv Uvb‡e Avi Ab¨ Rb Ajmfv‡e e‡m _vK‡e| myZivs †m ¯’vbxq BDwbqb cwil` Awd‡m †nu‡U hvIqvi Rb¨ gbw¯’i Kij|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Paul went to Sundarpur High School to meet with the —.
- teachers ii. students
iii. villagers iv. both (i) and (ii)
(b) He gave a speech about —.
- school ii. village
iii. arsenic poisoning iv. camera
(c) He always takes a — with him.
(i) bicycle (ii) car
(iii) peon (iv) camera
(d) He does not like riding —.
(i) horse (ii) rickshaws
(iii) bicycle (iv) motor cycle
(e) He loves — .
(i) photography (ii) fishing
(iii) playing chess (iv) playing football
(f) enjoy
- bear (mn¨ Kiv) ii. visit (ågY Kiv)
iii. carry (enb Kiv) iv. relish (Dc‡fvM Kiv)
(g) warmly
- steam (ev®ú) ii. wave (†XD)
iii. cordially (AvšÍwiKfv‡e) iv. laugh (nvmv)
(h) greeted
- welcomed (¯^vMZ) ii. invited (Avgwš¿Z)
iii. executed (m¤úvw`Z) iv. achievement (AR©b)
(i) quite
- acute (Zxeª) ii. warm (&Dò)
iii. quiet (kvšÍ) iv. complete (m¤ú~Y©)
(j) hire
- rent (fvov Kiv) ii. enjoy (Dc‡fvM Kiv)
iii. remember (¯§iY Kiv) iv. conjecture (Abygvb)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Where did Paul go?
(b) What did he enjoy?
(c) Why did he go to the school?
(d) Why doesn’t Paul like riding rickshaws?
(e) Why does he always take his camera with him?
- (a)-(iv); (i); (ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(ii); (e)-(i);(f)-iv; (g)-iii; (h)-i; (i)-iv; (j)-i.
- (a) Paul went to Sundarpur High School to meet the teachers and students.
(b) He enjoyed the green coconut drink very much which was served on his arrival.
(c) He went to the school to meet the teachers and students and tell them about arsenic poisoning.
(d) Paul does not like the idea of sitting idle while another person is pulling the rickshaw.
(e) He loves photography. So he always takes his camera with him to capture nice and rare scenes and sights.