Class Seven English Seen Passage (21-25)

Seen Passage – 21 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

Paul went to meet Kobita and her family the next day. He was in blue trousers and a grey T-shirt. Kobita’s mother Ms Shahana was a shy woman and she was reluctant to come to Paul. But Paul greeted her warmly in his newly learnt Bangla, “Kemon achen?” Ms Shahana loved hearing a foreigner speak Bangla. She welcomed Paul to her house. Kobita started talking to Paul. She wanted him to write something for her school magazine. As they were talking, Ms Shahana prepared quite a number of Bangladeshi dishes. She served him lunch at noon. Paul had plain rice, chicken curry, fish bhuna, dal and salad for lunch. He liked the tastes of all those delicious items except the dried fish bhorta. He is afraid of hot chilies. He also does not like eating fresh onions. So he skipped the smashed potato which had chopped fresh onions in it. But Paul became very fond of the dessert made of rice, gur, milk and coconut. He also enjoyed drinking tea made of fresh cow milk. Paul thanked Kobita and Ms Shahana for the lunch. In fact, he was tired of having vegetables and fried eggs for the last few weeks. He hates eating the same food for weeks. So he enjoyed the tastes of a variety of Bangladeshi dishes.                                          [Unit — 08, Lesson — 04]

 Word Meanings with Synonyms : 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Meet(v.) wgU mv¶vZ Kiv visit
Reluctant(adj.) wijvKU¨v›U Awb”QyK unwilling
Welcomed( I‡qjKvg&W ¯^vMZ Rvbvj greeted
Like(v.) jvBK cQ›` Kiv fond, choose
Except(prep.) G·‡mÞ e¨ZxZ without
Hate(v.) †nBU N„Yv Kiv detest, abhor
Curry(n.) Kvwi ZiKvwi a South Asian dish of meat, vegetables, etc. cooked with hot spices
Fresh(adj.) †d«k m‡ZR natural
Lunch(n.) jv `ycy‡ii Lvevi mid-day meal
Tired( UvqvW© K¬všÍ fatigue
Item(n.) AvB‡Ug Dcv`vb element, thing

e½vbyev` : ciw`b cj KweZv I Zvi cwiev‡ii mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z †Mj| Zvi ci‡b wQj bxj cvqRvgv Ges a~mi wUkvU©| KweZvi gv †eMg kvnvbv wQ‡jb GKRb jvRyK cÖK…wZi gwnjv Ges c‡ji mvg‡b Avm‡Z Awb”QzK wQ‡jb| wKš‘ cj Zvi bZzb †kLv evsjvq, Ò†Kgb Av‡Qb?Ó e‡j m¤¢vlY Kij| KweZvi gv‡qi GKRb we‡`wki gy‡L evsjv ï‡b fv‡jv jvMj| wZwb cj‡K Zvi N‡i ¯^vMZg Rvbv‡jb| KweZv c‡ji mv‡_ K_v ej‡Z ïi“ Kij| †m Zv‡K Zvi we`¨vj‡qi g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ wKQy wjL‡Z ejj| hLb Zviv K_v ejwQj, ZLb †eMg kvnvbv †ek wKQy evsjv‡`kx Lvevi cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡jb| wZwb Zv‡K `ycy‡i Lvevi cwi‡ekb Ki‡jb| cj mv`v fvZ, gyiwMi ZiKvwi, gvQ f~bv, Wvj Ges mvjv` wbj| †m ïuUwK fZ©v e¨ZxZ Gme my¯^v`y Lvev‡ii ¯^v` cQ›` Kij| †m gwi‡Pi Svj Lye fq cvq| †m KuvPv †cuqvR †L‡ZI cQ›` K‡i bv| myZivs †m Avjy fZ©v †L‡jvbv †hwU‡Z KuvPv †cuqvR †QvU †QvU K‡i KvUv wQj| wKš‘ cj wgóvbœwU hv Pvj, ¸o, `ya Ges bvwi‡Kj w`‡q ˆZwi n‡qwQj Zv Lye cQ›` Kij| †m Mi“i LuvwU `y‡ai ˆZwi PvI cQ›` Kij| cj KweZv Ges Zvi gv †eMg kvnvbv‡K `ycy‡ii Lvev‡ii Rb¨ ab¨ev` Rvbvj| cÖK…Zc‡¶ MZ K‡qK mßv‡n mewR Ges wWg fvRv †L‡Z †L‡Z †m wei³ n‡q c‡owQj| †m mßvn a‡i GKB ai‡bi Lvevi †L‡Z AcQ›` K‡i| myZivs †m evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ cÖKvi Lvev‡ii ¯^v` Dc‡fvM Kij|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5                   

(a)    When did Paul go to meet Kobita and her family?

  1. the previous day ii. that day

iii. today                                                 iv. the next day

(b)    Paul is afraid of —.

  1. hot chilies ii. fresh onions

iii. dried fish                                           iv. smashed potato

(c)    He thanked Kobita and her mother for the —.

  1. dinner ii. lunch

iii. tea                                                     iv. vegetables

(d)    Paul was in his  — trousers.

  1. red ii. grey

iii. green                                                 iv. blue

(e)    Kobita’s mother was — to meet Paul.

  1. willing ii. unwilling

iii. interested                                          iv. disagreed

(f)    reluctant

  1. ready (ˆZwi)                                       ii. unwilling (Awb”QzK)

iii. bold (k³)                                              iv. eager (AvMÖnx)

(g)    learnt

  1. known (AwaMZ)                                ii. certain (wbw`©ó)

iii. thrown (wbwÿß)                                 iv. approved (Aby‡gvw`Z)

(h)   magazine

  1. periodical (mvgwqKx)                        ii. letter (wPwV)

iii.  novel (Dcb¨vm)                                  iv. poem (KweZv)

(i)    warmly

  1. passionately (Av‡eMc~Y©fv‡e)       ii. reluctantly (Awb”QzKfv‡e)

iii.  violently (gvivZ¥Kfv‡e)                      iv. absent-mindedly (Avbgbv n‡q)

(j)     delicious

  1. tasty (gRv`vi)                                     ii. sour (UK)

iii.  bad (Lvivc)                                         iv. devote (wb‡qvwRZ Kiv)


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a)    Who welcomed Paul?

(b)    Why did he avoid smashed potato?

(c)    What did Kobita want Paul to do?

(d)    What did Paul like most?

(e)    Why was Paul tired?


  1. (a)-(iv); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(iv); (e)-(ii);(f) — (ii); (g) — (i); (h) — (i); (i) — (i); (j) — (i).
  2. (a) Kobita’s mother Ms Shahana welcomed Paul though she was a shy woman and was reluctant to come to Paul.

(b)    He doesn’t like fresh onions. So he avoided smashed potato with chopped onions.

(c)  Kobita wanted Paul to write something for her school magazine.

(d)  Paul liked the dessert made of rice, gur, milk and coconut most.

(e)   Paul was tired of having vegetables and fried eggs for the last few weeks.

Seen Passage – 22 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

A greenhouse is a house made of glass. It has glass walls and a glass roof. People grow vegetables and flowers and other plants in them. A greenhouse stays warm inside, even during winter. During the daylight hours, a greenhouse gets warmer and warmer and stays pretty warm at night too. This is because the heat received from the sun is trapped inside the greenhouse by the glass.

The Earth is like a greenhouse. During the day Earth’s surface warms up in the sunlight. At night, the surface cools, releasing the heat back into the air. But some of the heat is trapped by gases like carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These gases, called greenhouse gases, work like the glass walls and the roof and keep the Earth warm. This is global warming and it is making the Earth a dangerous planet.

Unfortunately, we are making the earth too hot. We are using oil, gas and coal for running cars, buses, trains, planes, power stations and so on. These fuels have carbon in them. This carbon and other gases trap the heat in the atmosphere and do not allow the earth to cool down. As a result, the Earth gets hotter.                                                             [Unit — 09, Lesson — 03]

 Word Meanings with Synonyms : 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Trap(v.) Uª¨vc AvU‡K hvIqv entangle
Planet(n.) c­¨v‡bU MÖn a heavenly body
Roof(n.) i“d Qv` ceiling
Greenhouse(n.) wMÖb nvDR meyR Ni a house with glass sides and a glass roof for growing plants in
Global warming(n.) †M­vevj Iqvwg©s ˆewk¦K Dòvqb increasing temperature worldwide
Release(v.) wiwjR †Q‡o †`qv, wbM©Z Kiv take off
Vegetables(n.) †fwR‡Uejm kvKmewR plants that are eaten as food
Winter(n.) DB›Uvi kxZKvj the coldest season of the year
Daylight(n.) †WjvBU w`‡bi †ejv at day time
Surface(n.) mv‡d©m c„ô, DcwifvM top
Dangerous(adj.) †WbRvivm wec¾bK harmful
Global (adj.) †M­vevj ˆewk¦K worldwide

e½vbyev` : wMÖb nvDR n‡”Q Kuv‡Pi ˆZwi Ni| Gi †`qvj Ges Qv` Kuv‡Pi ˆZwi| †jv‡K Gi wfZ‡i kvKmewR Ges dzj I Ab¨vb¨ Dw™¢` Rb¥vq| wMÖbnvD‡Ri †fZiUv Mig _v‡K, GgbwK kxZKv‡jI| w`‡bi Av‡jv‡Z GKwU wMÖbnvDR Mig n‡Z _v‡K Ges iv‡ZI fv‡jvB Dò _v‡K| Gi KviY †h ZvcUv m~h© †_‡K MÖnY Kiv nq Zv wMÖb nvD‡Ri wfZ‡i Kuv‡Pi Øviv AvUKv c‡o|

c„w_ex GKwU MÖxb nvD‡Ri g‡Zv| w`‡bi †ejv c„w_exc„ô m~‡h©i Av‡jvq Mig nq| iv‡Z, evZv‡m ZvcgvÎv †Q‡o w`‡q c„w_exc„ô VvÊv nq| wKš‘ wKQy Zvc evqygʇj Kve©b WvBA·vB‡Wi g‡Zv KwZcq M¨vm KZ…©K AvUKv c‡o| GB M¨vm¸‡jv‡K ejv nq wMÖbnvDR M¨vm| G¸‡jv wMÖbnvD‡Ri Kuv‡Pi †`qvj Ges Qv‡`i g‡Zv KvR K‡i Ges c„w_ex‡K Mig iv‡L| GUvB ˆewk¦K Dòvqb Ges GUv c„w_ex‡K GKUv wec¾bK MÖ‡n cwiYZ Ki‡Q|

`yf©vM¨ekZ, AvgivI c„w_ex‡K †ewk Mig K‡i †djwQ| Avgiv Mvwo, evm, †Uªb, †c­b, we`y¨r Drcv`b †K›`ª Ges Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz Pvjv‡Z †Zj, M¨vm Ges Kqjv e¨envi KiwQ| Gme R¡vjvwb‡Z Kve©b Av‡Q| GB Kve©b Ges Ab¨vb¨ M¨vm evqygʇj ZvcgvÎv‡K AvU‡K †d‡j Ges c„w_ex‡K VvÊv n‡Z †`q bv| d‡j c„w_ex Mig n‡”Q|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5                  

(a)    In a greenhouse, walls and roof are made of —.

  1. wood ii. glass

iii. gases                                                      iv. sunlight

(b)    The earth is similar to — .

  1. star ii. comet

iii. greenhouse                                            iv. none of them

(c)    A greenhouse gas is —

  1. Oxygen ii. Carbon dioxide

iii. Nitrogen                                                 iv. normal gas

(d)    Earth gets hotter for — .

  1. global warming ii. greenhouse

iii. sunlight                                                 iv. river water

(e)    Walls and roof of a green house act as a —.

  1. locker ii. trap

iii. cooler                                                     iv. cooker

(f)    warm

  1. difficult (KwVb)                                   ii. soft (big)

iii. hot (Dò)                                              iv. fire (Av¸b)

(g)    atmosphere

  1. character (PwiÎ) ii. water (cvwb)

iii. air (evZvm)                                         iv. climate (Rjevqy)

(h)   surface

  1. top (DcwifvM)                                     ii. centre (†K›`ª)

iii. deep (Mfxi)                                         iv. inside (wfZi)

(i)    trap

  1. lure (cÖjyä Kiv)                                   ii. blessing (Avkxe©v`)

iii. truth (mZ¨)                                         iv. honour (m¤§vb)

(j)     release

  1. hold (aiv)                                             ii.  check (cixÿv Kiv)

iii. discharge (†Q‡o †`qv)                        iv. obtain (AR©b Kiv)


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a)    What is Greenhouse?

(b)    What is the main greenhouse gas?

(c)    How is a greenhouse?

(d)    Why does it remain warm?

(e)    What is happening as a result of global warming?


  1. (a)-(ii); (b)-(iii); (c)-(ii); (d)-(i); (e)-(ii);(f) — (iii); (g) — (iii); (h) — (i); (i) — (i); (j) — (iii).
  2. (a) Greenhouse is a house made of glass. People grow vegetables, flowers and other plants in them.

(b)   Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. It traps the heat inside the atmosphare and do not allow the earth to cool down.

(c)   A greenhouse remains warm inside even during winter. It gets warmer during day and stays warm at night too.

(d)   The heat received from the sun is trapped inside the greenhouse by the glass, so it remains warm.

(e)    As a result of global warming the Earth is becoming a hotter and a dangerous planet.

Seen Passage – 23 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

What happens as a result of global warming? The ice on the Earth’s surface is melting fast due to extreme heat. Oceans and seas are warming too. All the ice that melts will fill up the oceans and seas and they will overflow on land. Thus a huge area of land will go under water. Some of the best land for growing food is also the most low-lying. That means it will be flooded first. Even some big cities like London, Kolkata and Bangkok will get flooded. That means thousands of people will lose their houses and land and will go hungry.

Moreover, as the earth’s climate warms up, the weather gets more violent. Storms and cyclones will become more powerful. More areas will get drier and turn into deserts. There will be heavier rains too. So there will be more floods and river erosions.       [Unit—09, Lesson—04]

 Word Meanings with Synonyms : 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Happen(v.) n¨v‡cb NUv occur
Global(adj.) †M­vevj ˆewk¦K universal
Surface(n.) mv‡d©Bm c„ôfvM, DcwifvM outward, top
Melt(v.) †gë Mjv‡bv liquefy
Extreme(adj.) G·wUªg Pig, m‡e©v”P utmost
Warm(v.) Iqvg© DËß Kiv heat
Low-lying(adj.) †jv-jvwqs wbPz located at a lower place
Flood(v.) d¬vW c­vweZ Kiv overflow
Ocean(n.) Ikvb mvMi, gnvmvMi sea
Outcome(n.) AvDUKvg dj result
Erosion(n.) B‡ivRb ¶q decay

e½vbyev`: ˆewk¦K Dòvq‡bi d‡j Kx NU‡Q? AwZwi³ Zv‡c c„w_exc„‡ôi eid `ª“Z M‡j hv‡”Q| mvMi Ges gnvmvMiI Mig n‡”Q| †h me eid M‡j hv‡”Q Zviv mvMi, gnvmvMi c~iY Ki‡e Ges f~wg c­vweZ Ki‡e| Gfv‡e f~-c„‡ôi GKUv eo Ask cvwb‡Z Zwj‡q hv‡e| km¨ Drcv`‡bi wKQy fvj Rwg Lye bxPz| A_©vr GUv cÖ_‡g c­vweZ n‡e| GgbwK jÛb, KjKvZv Ges e¨vsKK Gi gZ wKQy weL¨vZ kni c­vweZ n‡e| Gi gv‡b nvRvi nvRvi †jvKRb Zv‡`i evwo I Rwg nviv‡e Ges ¶zavZ© _vK‡e|

AwaKš‘, c„w_exi Rjevqy Dò nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_ AvenvIqv AviI wec¾bK n‡”Q| So Ges R‡jv”Q¡vm AviI kw³kvjx n‡e| Av‡iv GjvKv ïwK‡q hv‡e Ges gi“f~wg‡Z cwiYZ n‡e| cÖPzi e„wóI n‡e| ZvB AwaK eb¨v Ges b`x fvOb n‡e|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternative. .5 × 10 = 5                   

(a)    What is global warming?

  1. rise of flood                                        ii. rise of sea

iii. melting of ice                                    iv. rise of heat in the environment

(b)    The ice on the Earth’s surface is melting because of —.

  1. greenhouse                                       ii. global warming

iii. overflow of land                                iv. cyclone

(c)    Global warming will render many people —.

  1. self-sufficient                                    ii. self reliant

iii. independent                                      iv. homeless

(d)    Thousands of people will encounter extreme —.

  1. famine                                               ii. poverty

iii. illness                                               iv. drought

(e)    Cyclones and storms will become —.

  1. weaker                                               ii. stronger

iii. minimised                                         iv. slower

(f)    extreme

  1. trivial (Zz”Q)                                       ii. small (ÿz`ª)

iii. significant (¸iæZ¡c~Y©)                     iv. excessive (AZ¨šÍ †ewk)

(g)    result

  1. revolve (AveZ©b Kiv)                                                        ii. repeat (cybive„wË Kiv)

iii. consequence (djvdj)                             iv. learn (†kLv)

(h)   global

  1. round (†Mvj)                                      ii. wide (cÖk¯Í)

iii. vast (we¯Í…Z)                                       iv. world (wek¦)

(i)    surface

  1. superficial (DcwiZj)                            ii. supply (mieivn Kiv)

iii. season (FZz)                                       iv. want (PvIqv)

(j)     violent

  1. terrible (mwnsm)                                ii. demand (Pvwn`v)

iii. first (cÖ_g)                                         iv. highest (m‡e©v”P)


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a)  What will happen to the people for gradual warming?

(b)  Why is the ice on the Earth’s surface melting fast?

(c)  What will the melted ice do?

(d)  Why does the weather get more violent?

(e)  What will heavier rain cause?


  1. (a) — (iv); (b) — (ii); (c) — (iv); (d) — (i); (e) — (ii);(f) — (iv); (g) — (iii); (h) — (iv); (i) — (i); (j) — (i).
  2. (a) A huge area of land will go under water. Thousands of people will lose their houses and land and they will go hungry.

      (b)  The ice on Earth’s surface is melting fast due to extreme heat caused by global warming.

(c)   The melted ice will fill up the oceans and seas and they will overflow the lands.

(d)  The weather gets more violent as the earth’s climate warms up. Storms and cyclones will become more powerful.

(e)   Heavier rain will cause more floods and river erosions.

Seen Passage – 24 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

Bangladesh is already experiencing the adverse impacts of global warming and climate change. Summers are becoming hotter and the monsoon is irregular. There are untimely heavy rainfalls causing water logging and landslides. Among other impacts are frequent floods, river erosion, crop damage due to drought, prolonged cold spells, salinity of water in the coastal areas etc.

Climate change has already started bringing disasters to Bangladesh. We remember the damage caused by the Aila in 2009. Climate change victims are increasing in number every day. The number of families and villages that lose their homes permanently to rivers every year is one of the highest in Bangladesh. An increasing number of people are suffering damage or loss to their property and some time life due to disasters caused by climate change. Following the climate change, the river bank and coastal erosion are increasing at an alarming rate. It is estimated that a 45 centimetres rise of sea—level will flood almost 10.9 percent of our territory and will make 5.5 million people of our coastal regions homeless.                                               [Unit — 09, Lesson — 05]

 Word Meanings with Synonyms : 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Adverse(adj.) A¨vWfvm© cÖwZK‚j unfavourable
Water logging IqvUvi jwMs Rjve×Zv phrase
Land slide(n.) j¨vÛ ¯­vBW f~wgaŸm erosion of land
Spell(n.) †¯új e¨vwßKvj duration
Crop(n.) µc km¨ grain
Prolonged(adj.) †cÖvjsMW `xN©vwqZ elongated
Salinity(n.) m¨vwjwbwU jeYv³Zv saltness
Deforestation(n.) wWd‡i‡÷kb eb DRvo Kiv cutting trees indiscriminately
Bring(v.) weªs Avbqb Kiv get
Disaster(n.) wWR¨v÷vi cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM calamity
Region(n.) wiwRqb AÂj territory
Territory(n.) †UwiUwi GjvKv area

e½vbyev` : evsjv‡`k B‡Zvg‡a¨B ˆewk¦K DòZv e„w×i ¶wZKi cÖfve I Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi m¤§yLxb n‡”Q| MÖx®§Kvj µgvš^‡q Mig n‡”Q Ges AwbqwgZ †gŠmygx evqycÖevn n‡”Q| Amg‡q AwZwi³ e„wó Rjve×Zv Ges f~wga‡mi m„wó K‡i| Ab¨vb¨ ¶wZKi cÖev‡ni g‡a¨ Av‡Q hLb ZLb eb¨v, b`x fvOb, Livi Kvi‡Y km¨ bó, `xN©vwqZ ˆkZ¨ cÖevn, DcK‚jxq GjvKvi cvwb‡Z AwZwi³ jeYv³Zv, BZ¨vw`|

Rjevqy cwieZ©b B‡Zvg‡a¨B evsjv‡`‡k `y‡h©vM Avb‡Z ïi“ K‡i‡Q| Avgiv 2009 mv‡ji AvBjvi Kvi‡Y aŸs‡mi K_v ¯§iY Ki‡Z cvwi| cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi Kvi‡Y ¶wZMÖ¯Í gvby‡li msL¨v evo‡Q| evsjv‡`‡k cÖwZeQi b`xi Kvi‡Y ¯’vqxfv‡e Ninviv cwievi Ges MÖvgevmxi msL¨v Ab¨Zg m‡e©v”P| Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi Kvi‡Y m„ó `y‡h©v‡M, ewa©Z RbmsL¨v Zv‡`i m¤ú` nvwi‡q Ges gv‡S gv‡S Rxeb nvwi‡q `y‡f©vM †cvnv‡”Q| GB Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi Kvi‡Y, b`x Zxi Ges DcK‚jxq fvO‡bi cwigvY wec¾bK nv‡i †e‡o P‡j‡Q| aviYv Kiv nq mgy‡`ªi D”PZv 45 †mw›UwgUvi e„w× kZKiv 10.9 fvM AÂj c­vweZ Ki‡e Ges mgy`ª DcK‚‡ji 5.5 wgwjqb †jvK‡K NiQvov Ki‡e|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5                   

(a)    Bangladesh is experiencing the — impacts of global warming.

  1. normal ii. simple

iii. adverse                                             iv. None of them

(b)    What is the reason behind water logging and landslide?

  1. global warming ii. heavy rainfall

iii. disaster                                             iv. Aila

(c)    When did Aila occur in Bangladesh?

  1. 2008 ii. 2009

iii. 2010                                                  iv. 2011

(d)    45 centimetres rise of sea-level will flood — percent of area.

  1. 10 ii. almost 10.9

iii. 10.09                                                 iv. 11.9

(e)    In which area 5.5 million people will become homeless?

  1. low-lying area ii. coastal area

iii. river area                                            iv. none of the above

(f)     adverse

  1. nice (my›`i)                                        ii. favourable (AbyK‚j)

iii.  unfriendly (ˆeix)                                iv. beneficial (jvfRbK)

(g)    impact

  1. proverb (cÖev`)                                 ii. effect (cÖfve)

iii.  unfriendly (cÖwZK‚j)                         iv. avoidance (cwinvi)

(h)    eroson

  1. decay (ÿq)                                          ii. remove (evwZj)

iii.  wastage (AcPq)                                  iv. fatal (gvivZ¥K)

(i)     drought

  1. flood (eb¨v)                                        ii. aridity (ﮋZv)

iii.  erosion (ÿq)                                        iv. salinity (jeYv³Zv)

(j)     frequent

  1. fever (R¡i)                                           ii. usual (wbqwgZ)

iii.  permanent (¯’vqx)                                                                  iv. removal (evwZj)


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a)    What has already started bringing disasters to Bangladesh?

(b)    What happens for climate change?

(c)    What are the other impacts of untimely heavy rainfalls?

(d)    What happens for untimely heavy rainfalls?

(e)    Why are summers becoming hotter?


  1. (a)-iii.; (b)-ii.; (c)-ii.; (d)-ii.; (e)-ii.;(f) — (iii); (g) — (ii); (h) — (i); (i) — (ii); (j) — (ii).
  2. (a) Climate change has already started bringing disasters like Aila in 2009 to Bangladesh.

(b)   A growing number of people are suffering damage or loss to their property and some time life due to disasters by climate change.

(c)   The other impacts of untimely heavy rainfalls are frequent floods, river erosion, crop damage, etc.

(d)   Water logging and landslides happen for untimely heavy rainfalls.

(e)   For global warming and climate change, summers are becoming hotter and monsoon irregular.

Seen Passage – 25 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

It is easy to understand now that the global warming and climate change is caused by humans on earth. If we make least use of energy, the earth will be least polluted. The golden rule is, “Avoid machines as much as possible.” If your family has a car, use it less and walk to the shops. Walking and running are much more fun than sitting in a car. You may use bicycles too. You can save energy by changing your lifestyle. For example, you can often avoid the air-conditioning in summer and use hand fans instead.

You can also use solar energy. It is free and more environment friendly. You can use energy saving bulbs in your room. If you make a garden, you can grow much of your own food. Do you know that if you eat fewer meat and dairy products, you can reduce greenhouse gas output? You can also save the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling the things you use. The most important idea is if you don’t buy so many things in the first place, you don’t  need to reuse or recycle them.

You can also save energy by turning things off when you don’t use them. People often leave lights, heating, air—conditioning, computers, TVs and gas  burners on when they do not use them. Thus they waste a lot of energy. Turning them off saves money too!

So, you can tackle climate change and live comfortably. There is plenty you can do. If we all work sensibly, we can save our lovely planet.

[Unit — 09, Lesson — 06]

 Word Meanings with Synonyms : 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Lifestyle(n.) jvBd÷vBj RxebhvÎv the way of leading life
Airconditioning(n.) GqviKwÛkwbs kxZvZc wbqš¿Y a system that cools and dries the air in a room or car
Dairy products(n.) †WBix †cÖvWvKUm& `y»RvZ `ªe¨ things made from milk
Avoid(v.) A¨vf‡qW cwinvi Kiv give up
Change(v.) †PBÄ cwieZ©b Kiv exchange
Reduce(v.) wiwWDm Kgv‡bv lessen
Confortably(adj) KgdiU¨vewj wbivc‡` safely
Tackle(v.) U¨vK&j cÖwZ‡iva Kiv prevent

e½vbyev` : GwU GLb mn‡RB Abyaveb Kiv hvq †h, ˆewk¦K Dòvqb I Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨ c„w_exi gvbylB `vqx| Avgiv hw` kw³i e¨envi Kg Kwi, Zvn‡j c„w_exI Kg `~wlZ n‡e| me‡P‡q fv‡jv Dcvq n‡jv, Ô†gwk‡bi e¨envi hZ †ewk cvi cwinvi Ki|Õ †Zvgvi cwiev‡ii hw` Mvwo _v‡K Zvn‡j Zv Kg e¨envi Ki Ges †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z †nu‡U hvI| Mvwo‡Z e‡m _vKvi †P‡q nuvUv Ges †`uŠov‡bv A‡bK gRvi| Zzwg evBmvB‡KjI e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi| Rxeb hvÎv cwieZ©b K‡i Zzwg kw³ mÂq Ki‡Z cvi‡e| †hgb : MÖx‡®§ cÖvqB Zzwg kxZvZc cwinvi Ki‡Z cvi Ges Gi cwie‡Z© nvZcvLv e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi|

Zzwg †mŠikw³I e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi| GUv LiPwenxb Ges AwaK cwi‡ek evÜe| Zzwg †Zvgvi K‡¶ kw³ mÂqx evwZ e¨envi Ki‡Z cvi|  Zzwg hw` evMvb Ki Zvn‡j Zzwg †Zvgvi wb‡Ri AwaKvsk Lv`¨ wb‡R Drcv`b Ki‡Z cvi‡e| Zzwg wK Rvb, hw` Zzwg gvsm Ges `y»RvZ `ªe¨ Aí LvI Zvn‡j Zzwg Kg MÖxb nvDR M¨vm Drcbœ Ki‡e? Zzwg †Zvgvi e¨envh© `ªe¨¸‡jv n«vm, cybe©¨envi I cybtDrcv`b K‡iI cwi‡ek i¶v Ki‡Z cvi| me‡P‡q ¸i“Z¡c~Y© aviYv nj cÖ_gZ Zzwg hw` A‡bK wRwbm bv †Kb Zvn‡j †Zvgv‡K †m¸‡jv cybe©¨envi ev cybtDrcv`b Ki‡Z n‡e bv|

hLb Zzwg wRwbm e¨envi KiQ bv ZLb Zv eÜ †i‡LI Zzwg kw³ euvPv‡Z cvi| gvbyl cÖvqB evwZ, DËßKiY hš¿, kxZvZc wbqš¿Y hš¿,  Kw¤úDUvi, wUwf Ges M¨vm Pzjv eÜ bv K‡i P‡j hvq hLb Zviv Zv e¨envi K‡i bv| Gfv‡e Zviv cÖPzi kw³i AcPq K‡i| †m¸‡jv eÜ K‡i UvKvI euvPv‡bv hvq|

myZivs, Zzwg Rjevqy cwieZ©b i“L‡Z cvi Ges Aviv‡g Rxeb-hvcb Ki‡Z cvi| Zzwg A‡bK wKQzB Ki‡Z cvi| Avgiv hw` mevB `vwq‡Z¡i mv‡_ KvR Kwi, Zvn‡j Avgiv Avgv‡`i GB my›`i MÖnUv‡K i¶v Ki‡Z cvwi|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5                   

(a)    Climate change is caused by —.

  1. humans ii. cow

iii. carbon-dioxide                                    iv. plants

(b)    Avoid — as much as possible.

  1. rich ii. cars

iii. baby-taxy                                          iv. machines

(c)    We can save energy by changing our — .

  1. car ii. lifestyle

iii. foodhabit                                           iv. none of them

(d)    What is free and more environment friendly?

  1. energy saving bulb ii. solar energy

iii. bicycle                                               iv. power

(e)    Least use of power saves our —.

  1. money ii. environment

iii. comfort                                              iv. both (i) and (ii)

(f)    instead

  1. opposite (wecixZ)                               ii. in lieu of (cwie‡Z©)

iii. other (Aci)                                          iv. instant (ZvrÿwYK)

(g)    environment

  1. surroundings (cwi‡ek)                      ii. remote (`~ieZx©)

iii. sky (AvKvk)                                         iv. rainy (el©Y gyLi)

(h)   least

  1. huge (wekvj)                                      ii. smallest degree (me‡P‡q Kg)

iii. substantial (my`„p)                                                         iv. deep (Mfxi)

(i)    polluted

  1. contaminated (`~wlZ)                        ii. clean (cwi®‹vi)

iii. purified (cwi®‹…Z)                                                            iv. sanctified (cweÎ)

(j)     avoid

  1. shun (AMÖvn¨ Kiv)                                                          ii. stay (_vKv)

iii. allow (AbygwZ †`qv)                                                         iv. seek (†LuvRv)


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a)    Who is responsible for climate change?

(b)    Why should we use solar energy?

(c)    What is the golden rule?

(d)    How can we save our lovely planet?

(e)    How can we save energy?


  1. (a)-i.; (b)-iv.; (c)-ii.; (d)-ii.; (e)-iv.;(f) — (ii); (g) — (i); (h) — (ii); (i) — (i); (j) — (i).
  2. (a) Humans are responsible for global warming and climate change.

(b)    We should use solar energy because it is free and more environment friendly.

(c)    The golden rule is, “Avoid machines as much as possible.” Then we can save energy.

(d)    We can save our lovely planet by working sensibly.

(e)         We can save energy by not using our fans, lights, etc when we do not need them.

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