Seen Passage – 6
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Shahana’s husband Mr Zamil Huda works in a company office. His firm has a vacant position. On several days he told Shahana, “I want you to apply for the post.” But Shahana said, “Please don’t insist. I’m joining the local high school as a teacher.” “What do you find in a teaching job, Shahana? I don’t want you to do it.” Her in-laws were also on his side. Yet Shahana joined the school against the will of the family.
Weeks, months went by. Every day Shahana helps with the household work. Every day she works hard to prepare her lessons. Every day she goes to school, teaches her students and helps both weak and bright ones. They often come to her in the teachers’ room, in the corridor and even on the road, and talk to her about any academic or personal problems.
Within a year Shahana becomes a very good teacher. Students give her salam wherever they see her. Teachers, even the Headteacher, admire her. Parents and other people in the community come to see her at home and at the school and pay her great respect. [Unit-04; Lesson—02]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Company(n.) | †Kv¤úvwb | ewYK-m•N, †Kv¤úvwb | organization, association |
Office(n.) | Awdm | Kvh©vjq | workplace |
Firm(n.) | dvg© | e¨emv-cÖwZôvb | company, organization |
Vacant (adj.) | †fBKv›U | k~b¨, Lvwj | empty |
Several(adj.) | †mfv‡ij | A‡bK | many |
Apply(v.) | A¨vcvB | Av‡e`b Kiv | pray, appeal |
Insist(v.) | Bbwm÷ | †Rvi Kiv, Pvwc‡q †`qv | force, impose |
In-laws(n.) | Bb-jR | k¦ïievwoi AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb | relatives from husband’s or wife’s family |
Will(n.) | DBj | B‡”Q, Awfjvl | desire, intention |
Household(n.) | nvDR‡nvì | M„n¯’vwj | domestic |
Corridor(n.) | †Kvwi‡Wvi | eviv›`v | balcony, veranda |
Academic(adj.) | GKv‡WwgK | cÖvwZôvwbK | educational, scholastic |
Admire(v.) | A¨vW&gvqvi | cQ›` Kiv, m¤§vb Kiv | respect |
Community(n.) | KwgDwbwU | m¤cÖ`vq, mgvR | society |
e½vbyev` : kvnvbvi ¯^vgx Rbve Rvwgj û`v GKwU †Kv¤úvwb Awd‡m KvR K‡ib| Zvi dv‡g© GKwU c` k~b¨ Av‡Q| K‡qKw`b a‡iB wZwb kvnvbv‡K ej‡Qb, ÒAvwg PvB †h Zzwg c`wUi Rb¨ Av‡e`b Ki|Ó wKš‘ kvnvbv ej‡jb, ÒAbyMÖn K‡i †Rvi K‡iv bv| Avwg ¯’vbxq D”P we`¨vj‡q wkw¶Kv wn‡m‡e †hvM`vb KiwQ|Ó Òwk¶KZv †ckvq Zzwg Kx cvI, kvnvbv? Avwg PvB bv †h Zzwg GUv Ki|Ó Zvi k¦ïievwoi †jv‡KivI Zvi (kvnvbvi ¯^vgxi) c‡¶ wQj| Zv m‡Ë¡I kvnvbv cwiev‡ii B‡”Qi wei“‡× we`¨vj‡q †hvM w`‡jb|
mßvn, gvm P‡j †Mj| cÖwZw`b kvnvbv N‡ii Kv‡R mvnvh¨ K‡ib| cÖwZw`b wZwb Zvi cvV ˆZwi Ki‡Z K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡ib| cÖwZw`b wZwb we`¨vj‡q hvb, wk¶v_x©‡`i covb Ges `ye©j I †gavex Dfq cÖKvi QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ K‡ib| Zviv gv‡S gv‡S wk¶K‡`i K‡¶, eviv›`vq Ges Ggb wK iv¯Ívq Zvi Kv‡Q Av‡m Ges †h‡Kv‡bv wkÿvmsµvšÍ wKsev e¨w³MZ mgm¨v wb‡q Zvi mv‡_ K_v e‡j|
GK eQ‡ii g‡a¨ kvnvbv GKRb Lye fv‡jv wk¶K n‡q I‡Vb| wk¶v_x©iv †hLv‡bB Zv‡K †`L‡Z cvq †mLv‡bB Zv‡K mvjvg †`q| wk¶K-wkw¶Kviv, Ggb wK cÖavb wk¶KI Zv‡K m¤§vb K‡ib| gv-evev Ges mgv‡Ri Ab¨vb¨ †jvK Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z Zvi evwo‡Z I we`¨vj‡q Av‡m Ges Zv‡K A‡bK m¤§vb †`q|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Where does Mr. Zamil Huda work?
- in a college ii. in a factory
iii. in a company office iv. in a government office
(b) Who joined the school against the will of the family?
- Mr. Zamil Huda ii. Shahana
iii. Parents iv. Headteacher
(c) Where does she go everyday?
- to market ii. to cinema
iii. to club iv. to school
(d) How do the teachers feel about her?
- admire ii. fear
iii. dislike iv. envy
(e) Who gives salam to Shahana?
- Her husband ii. Her parents
iii. Her teachers iv. Her students
(f) vacant
- preliminary (cÖv_wgK) ii. verbose (kãeûj)
iii. empty (k~b¨) iv. position (Ae¯’vb)
(g) insist
- precaution (mZK©Zv) ii. urge upon (¸iæZ¡v‡ivc Kiv)
iii. peculiar (A™¢yZ) iv. paradigm (D`vniY)
(h) will
- announce (†NvlYv Kiv) ii. survive (†eu‡P _vKv)
iii. desire (Avkv) iv. relax (¯^w¯Í)
(i) admire
- respect (m¤§vb Kiv) ii. disapprove (Aby‡gv`b bv Kiv)
iii. despise (N„Yv Kiv) iv. dishonour (Am¤§vb Kiv)
(j) prepare
- organised (msMwVZ Kiv) ii. quality (†hvM¨Zv)
iii. arrange (Av‡qvRb Kiv) iv. sewing (†mjvB)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Who is Shahana’s husband and where does he work?
(b) Why does Shahana choose her profession as a teacher?
(c) Why do the people come to Shahana?
(d) What does she do to prepare her lessons?
(e) How do the students show respect to her?
- (a)—(iii); (b)—(ii); (c)—(iv); (d)—(i); (e)—(iv);(f) — (iii); (g) — (ii); (h) — (iii); (i) — (i); (j) — (iii).
- (a) Mr. Zamil Huda is Shahana’s husband and he works in a company office.
(b) Shahana chooses her profession as a teacher because she thinks that it is a noble and ideal profession. Through this profession she educates the students of her locality.
(c) The people come to Shahana to see her and for her good advice regarding their academic or personal problems.
(d) Everyday she works hard to prepare her lessons besides doing her household work.
(e) The students show her respect by giving her salam wherever they see her.
Seen Passage – 7
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Shahana : Today I’m going to tell you about a new kind of shop, where there will be no shopkeeper. The price of each item or thing will be written on a small piece of paper. This price tag will be attached to the item or items. You will pick an item you like, look at the price tag and put the money in the box kept there. And the thing is now yours.
The students are not clear about this kind of shop. They know that a shop always has a shopkeeper. So They are confused.
Sheela : In that case, someone may take a thing and go away without paying.
Shahana : Nobody will do it. If anybody does, it will be stealing.
Ratul : Who’ll see them stealing?
Shahana : Conscience. Do you know what conscience is? Ok. There is something in your mind called conscience. It tells you whether your actions are right or wrong. Is stealing a right thing or a wrong thing?
Students : Wrong thing.
Shahana : Then your conscience will tell you, “This is a wrong thing. You must not do it.Ó If you steal or do a bad thing, your conscience will prick you and trouble you. And you will never have your peace of mind. So to be a good and happy person, you should have a clear conscience. [Unit-04, Lesson-05]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
In fact(adv.) | Bb d¨v± | e¯‘Z | actually |
Draw(v.) | Wª | Qwe AuvKv | sketch |
Bun(n.) | evb | wgwó cvDi“wU | a kind of bread |
Mineral(n.) | wgbv‡ij | LwbR | substance that come from mines |
Uniform(n.) | BDwbdg© | Dw`©, BDwbdg© | dress |
Benefit(n.) | †ewbwdU | jvf | profit |
Shopkeeper(n.) | kcwKcvi | †`vKvb`vi | owner of a shop |
Offer(v.) | Advi | cÖ¯Íve Kiv | propose |
Process(n.) | cÖ‡mm | cÖwµqv | system |
Fixed(adj.) | wd·W | wbw`©ó | definite |
e½vbyev` :
kvnvbv : AvR‡K Avwg †Zvgv‡`i GKUv bZzb ai‡bi †`vKv‡bi K_v eje, †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv †`vKvb`vi _v‡K bv| cÖwZwU wRwb‡mi `vg GKwU †QvU KvM‡Ri UzK‡iv‡Z †jLv _v‡K| GB `v‡gi KvMRUv cÖwZwU AvB‡U‡gi mv‡_ jvMv‡bv _v‡K| Zzwg †Zvgvi cQ‡›`i cY¨wU †b‡e, `v‡gi KvMR †`L‡e Ges †mLv‡b ivLv ev‡· UvKv †`‡e| Ges †mB mv‡_ cY¨wU †Zvgvi n‡q hv‡e|
QvÎQvÎx‡`i GB ai‡Yi †`vKvb m¤ú‡K© ¯^”Q aviYv wQj bv, Zviv Rv‡b †`vKv‡b me©`v GKRb †`vKvbx _v‡K| ZvB Zviv wØavwš^Z|
wkjv : †m‡¶‡Î †KD †Kv‡bv cY¨ wb‡Z cv‡i Ges UvKv bv w`‡q P‡j †h‡Z cv‡i|
kvnvbv : †KD GUv Ki‡e bv| hw` †KD K‡i, Z‡e Zv n‡e Pzwi|
ivZzj : †K Zv‡`i‡K Pzwi Ki‡Z †`L‡e?
kvnvbv : we‡eK| Zywg Rv‡bv we‡eK Kx? wVK Av‡Q| †Zvgvi g‡bi g‡a¨ wKQz GKUv Av‡Q hv we‡eK| GwU †Zvgv‡K e‡j †Zvgvi Kg©KvÊ mwVK bv fyj| Pzwi GKwU wVK bv wK fyj KvR?
QvÎQvÎxiv : fyj KvR|
kvnvbv : †Zvgvi we‡eK †Zvgv‡K ej‡e, ÒGUv GKwU fyj KvR| Zzwg GUv Ki‡Z cvi bv|Ó hw` Zzwg Pzwi Ki ev Lvivc KvR Ki Z‡e †Zvgvi we‡eK †Zvgv‡K we× Ki‡e Ges mgm¨v Ki‡e| Avi Zzwg †Zvgvi g‡b KL‡bv kvwšÍ cv‡e bv| myZivs GKRb fv‡jv Ges myLx gvbyl n‡Z n‡j †Zvgvi GKwU my¯’ we‡eK _vKv DwPZ|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Mrs Shahana is telling about —.
- learning ii. good lesson
iii. good thing iv. a new kind of shop
(b) In this shop there will be — shopkeeper.
- one ii. two
iii. three iv. no
(c) Without — you will never have your peace of mind.
- money ii. conscience
iii. health iv. wealth
(d) Who will tell you about your actions whether they are right or wrong?
- conscience ii. Sheela
iii. Ratul iv. Shahana
(e) — will see them stealing.
- Students i. Teacher
iii. Conscience iv. Nobody
(f) shopkeeper
- grocery (gyw` †`vKvb) ii. shop owner (†`vKv‡bi gvwjK)
iii. seller (we‡µZv) iv. farmer (K…lK)
(g) price
- value (g~j¨) ii. items (Dcv`vb)
iii. place (¯’vb) iv. importance (¸iæZ¡)
(h) conscience
- moral sense (ˆbwZKZv †eva) ii. bad sense (Lvivc †eva)
iii. carelessness (D`vmxbZv) iv. callousness (D`vmxbZv)
(i) peace
- noise (kã) ii. agitation (D‡ËRbv)
iii. conflict (msNvZ) iv. calmness (bxieZv)
(j) attached
- connected (mshy³) ii. remain (_vKv)
iii. attain (AR©b Kiv) iv. allure (gy» Kiv)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What kind of shop is talked about?
(b) What will destroy the peace of mind?
(c) What is conscience?
(d) What should we need in order to be a good and happy person?
(e) What is stealing?
- (a)-(iv); (b)-(iv) no; (c)-(ii); (d)-(i); (e)-(iii);(f) — (ii); (g) — (i); (h) — (i); (i) — (iv); (j) — (i).
- (a) Mrs. Shahana is telling about a new kind of shop which is called Morality shop.
(b) Absence of conscience will destroy the peace of mind.
(c) Conscience is something in our mind which protects us from doing bad things.
(d) In order to be a good and happy person we need a clear conscience.
(e) If someone takes a thing and go away without paying, that is stealing.
Seen Passage – 8
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
One day Joynul looked for work in his village and in the next village. But his luck did not favour him.
He was angry–angry with everybody. When he was back home, Nazma failed to serve his meal. That made him shout at Nazma.
“I had a severe headache and a fever,” said Nazma.
Joynul was trembling in anger.
“The cooking is almost done. Wash your hands and feet. I’ll bring the food soon,” she said.
“Soon! It will take ages!” Joynul shouted wildly.
“What do you do the whole day at home? I work and earn money to run the family. You can’t even cook my meals in time!”
“I don’t earn money, but I also run the family. I do all the work at home– cooking, cleaning, washing, husking, taking care of the children — everything,” said Nazma.
“Remember, you work for money and my work in the home can make the family stick together and make it happy. So both types of work are equally important.”
Never before has Joynul thought about these things. He feels guilty. Never before has he looked at Nazma with so much admiration and gratitude.
[Unit — 04, Lesson — 07]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Luck(n.) | jvK | fvM¨ | destiny |
Angry(adj.) | A¨vswMÖ | ivMvwš^Z | wrathful |
Serve(v.) | mvf© | `vwqZ¡ cvjb Kiv | distribute |
Shout(v.) | kvDU | wPrKvi Kiv | raise one’s voice |
Equally(adv.) | B‡Kvqvwj | mgvbfv‡e | identically |
Guilty(adj.) | wMjwU | †`vlx | blamable |
Gratitude(n.) | MÖvwUwUDW | K…ZÁZv | thankfulness |
Admiration(n.) | A¨vWwg‡ikvb | kª×v | respect |
Meal(n.) | wgj | Lvevi | food |
e½vbyev` : GKw`b Rqbyj Zvi wb‡Ri MÖv‡g Ges cv‡ki MÖv‡g KvR LuyRwQj| wKš‘ Zvi fvM¨ mycÖmbœ wQj bv|
†m †i‡M wQjÑ mevi Dc‡iB †i‡M wQj| hLb †m evwo‡Z wd‡i Avm‡jv, ZLb bvRgv Zv‡K mv‡_ mv‡_ Lvevi w`‡Z cvij bv| hvi Kvi‡Y †m bvRgvi mv‡_ wPrKvi KiwQj|
ÒAvgvi R¡i Ges cÖPzi gv_ve¨_v wQj,Ó bvRgv ejj|
Rqbyj iv‡M KuvcwQj|
Òivbœv cÖvq †k‡li w`‡K| Zzwg nvZ cv ay‡q Av‡mv| Avwg `ª“Z Lvevi wb‡q AvmwQ,Ó †m ej‡jv|
ÒZvovZvwo! GZ mgq jv‡M!Ó Rqbyj Lye †Rv‡i wPrKvi KiwQ‡jv|
Òmvivw`b evwo‡Z Zzwg Kx Ki? Avwg KvR Kwi Ges msmvi Pvjv‡bvi Rb¨ DcvR©b Kwi| Zzwg mgqg‡Zv Avgvi LveviI ivbœv K‡i ivL‡Z cv‡iv bv|Ó
ÒAvwg UvKv DcvR©b Kwi bv Z‡e AvwgI msmvi PvjvB| Avwg evwoi me KvR †hgb ivbœvevbœv, cwi®‹vi Kiv, †aŠZ Kiv, avbgvovB, ev”Pv‡`i hZœ †bqv — meB Kwi,Ó bvRgv ejj|
Òg‡b †iL Zzwg KvR Ki UvKvi Rb¨ Avi evwo‡Z Avgvi KvR cwievi‡K GK‡Î ivL‡Z cv‡i Ges mywL Ki‡Z cv‡i| myZivs `yÕai‡bi KvRB mgvb ¸i“Z¡c~Y©|Ó
Rqbyj Gi c~‡e© G welq¸‡jv Gfv‡e fv‡ewb| †m wb‡R‡K Acivax g‡b Kij| Gi c~‡e© †m KLbI bvRgv‡K GiKg kª×v Ges K…ZÁZvi †Pv‡L †`‡Lwb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Nazma had a —.
- headache ii. doll
iii. colic iv. pen
(b) Nazma failed to serve his husband’s—.
- meal ii. money
iii. shirt iv. time
(c) “Both types of work are equally important” — who said this?
- Joynul ii. Nazma
iii. Neighbour iv. His father
(d) Joynul’s luck did not — him.
- help ii. favour
iii. catch iv. choose
(e) So all kinds of work are — important.
- not equally ii. little bit equally
iii. same iv. equally
(f) favour
- flavour (†mŠif) ii. saviour (iÿK)
iii. support (mg_©b) iv. favourite (wcÖq)
(g) severe
- extreme (Pig) ii. several (K‡qK)
iii. serve (cwi‡ekb Kiv) iv. disease (†ivM)
(h) trembling
- troublesome (mgm¨vc~Y©) ii. terrible (fqsKi)
iii. shivering (K¤úgvb) iv. frequently (evievi)
(i) remember
- forget (fz‡j hvIqv) ii. recollect (¯§iY Kiv)
iii. overlook (†`‡LI bv †`Lv) iv. regret (AbyZvc Kiv)
(j) guilty
- innocent (wb®úvc) ii. unrepentant (AbyZvc bv Kiv)
iii. blameless (†`vlgy³ Kiv) iv. blamable (†`vlx)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Why did Joynul shout wildly?
(b) Why could not Nazma serve his meal?
(c) What was Nazma’s logic against Joynul’s point of view?
(d) Who felt guilty? Why?
(e) How is Nazma’s work?
- (a) – (i); (b) – (i); (c) – (ii); (d) – (ii); (e) – (iv);(f) — (iii); (g) — (i); (h) — (iii); (i) — (ii); (j) — (iv).
- (a) Joynul shouted wildly because his wife Nazma was failed to cook food in time. She could not serve it to Joynul when he came back home from work.
(b) When he returned home Nazma could not serve his meal due to fever and severe headache.
(c) Nazma’s logic was that Joynul worked for money but she worked for the home. They could make the family stick by working together. Then they could make the family happy.
(d) Joynul felt guilty because he had never thought that housework was equally important.
(e) Nazma’s work in the home can make the family stick together and make it happy.
Seen Passage – 9
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Dear Hridoy,
Thank you for your letter of 1st May. It gives us such an exciting piece of news! I cannot still believe that there could be a shop without a shopkeeper. I told about it to my relatives, friends, classmates and, of course, my teacher, Miss Nishat. Everybody was surprised. Miss Nishat likes the idea so much that she immediately talked about it to our Headteacher. We had already a meeting in our school with teachers and students. At the beginning of the meeting, the Headteacher asked me to talk about the Morality Shop in your school. At first I read out part of your letter and then I explained how such a shop in your school is greatly helping you—students, teachers and the community at large. The Headteacher was quite positive about the usefulness of such a shop. He formed a committee with Miss Nishat and two other teachers and some senior students to draw up a plan for opening a Morality Shop in our school. Isn’t it great? You will be glad to know that I am on the committee too.
I’am coming to see your Morality Shop with a friend of mine next weekend. See you then. Give my regards to Aunt and Uncle.
All the best.
Riah [Unit-04, Lesson—08]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Exciting(adj.) | GKmvBwUs | D‡ËRbvKi | thrilling |
News(n.) | wbDR | Lei | information |
Believe(v.) | wewjf | wek¦vm Kiv | trust |
Shopkeeper(n.) | kc-wKcvi | †`vKvb`vi | tradesman, owner of a shop |
Relative(n.) | wi‡jwUf | AvZ¥xq | kith and kin |
Surprised(v.ppt.) | mvicÖvBRW | Avðh© n‡qwQj | amazed |
Immediately(adv.) | BwgwW‡qUwj | Zvr¶wYKfv‡e | at once |
Explain(v.) | G·‡cBb | e¨vL¨v Kiv | illustrate |
Usefulness(n.) | BDRdzj‡bm | DcKvwiZv | benefit |
Week(n.) | DBK | mßvn | a period of seven days |
e½vbyev` :
wcÖq ü`q,
1 †gÕi wPwVi Rb¨ †Zvgv‡K ab¨ev`| GUv Avgv‡`i GKUv D‡ËRbvKi Lei w`‡q‡Q! Avwg GL‡bv wek¦vm Ki‡Z cviwQ bv †h †`vKvb`viwenxb †`vKvb _vK‡Z cv‡i| Avwg GUv m¤ú‡K© Avgvi AvZ¥xq¯^Rb, mncvVx Ges Aek¨B Avgvi wk¶K wgm wbkvZ‡K e‡jwQ| mK‡jB Avðh© n‡q‡Q| wgm wbkvZ GB aviYvUv GZB cQ›` K‡i‡Qb †h wZwb mv‡_ mv‡_ G m¤ú‡K© cÖavb wk¶‡Ki mv‡_ K_v e‡j‡Qb| Avgiv B‡Zvg‡a¨ wk¶K Ges QvÎiv wg‡j ¯‹z‡j GKUv mfv K‡iwQ| Av‡jvPbvi ïi“‡Z cÖavb wk¶K Avgv‡K †Zvgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji Ô†gvivwjwU kcÕ m¤ú‡K© ej‡Z ej‡jb| ïi“‡ZB Avwg †Zvgvi wPwVi Askwe‡kl c‡o †kvbvjvg Ges cieZ©x‡Z Avwg e¨vL¨v Kijvg Kxfv‡e G iKg GKwU †`vKvb †Zvgv‡`i ¯‹z‡ji-QvÎQvÎx‡`i‡K, wk¶K‡`i‡K Ges m‡e©vcwi mgvR‡K we‡klfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Q| cÖavb wk¶K G iKg †`vKv‡bi DcKvwiZv m¤ú‡K© m¤ú~Y© BwZevPK wQ‡jb| wZwb, wgm wbkvZ, Ab¨ `yRb wk¶K Ges wKQz eo QvÎ wb‡q GKwU KwgwU MVb K‡i‡Qb hviv Avgv‡`i ¯‹z‡j G iKg GKwU †gvivwjwU kc †Lvjvi cwiKíbv cÖYqb Ki‡e| GwU wK AmvaviY bv? Zzwg †R‡b Lywk n‡e †h AvwgI KwgwU‡Z AvwQ|
Avwg †Zvgv‡`i †gvivwjwU kc †`Lvi Rb¨ Avgvi GK eÜz‡K wb‡q AvMvgx mßv‡ni QzwUi w`‡b Avme| ZLb †`Lv n‡e| PvPv Ges PvwP‡K Avgvi mvjvg w`I|
fv‡jv †_‡Kv|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) The news of that letter was —.
- exciting ii. not good
iii. good iv. sorrowful
(b) Riah wrote the letter to —.
- Rana ii. Farabi
iii. Flora iv. Hridoy
(c) — is a member of the committee.
- Rafiq ii. Hridoy
iii. Riah iv. all
(d) What is the similar word of ‘draw up’?
- check out ii. plan
iii. make iv. programme
(e) Who will receive the letter?
- The heateacher ii. Miss Nishat
iii. Riah iv. Hridoy
(f) surprised
- surpass (AwZµg Kiv) ii. astonished (AevK)
iii. abolish (ev` †`Iqv) iv. admire (cÖksmv Kiv)
(g) immediately
- instantly (ZrÿYvr) ii. important (¸iæZ¡c~Y©)
iii. ignore (Gwo‡q hvIqv) iv. illusion (åg)
(h) positive
- uncertain(AwbðqZv) ii. unsure (AwbwðZ)
iii. negative (bv-†evaK) iv. sure (wbwðZ)
(i) morality
- ethics (ˆbwZKZv) ii. immoral (bxwZnxb)
iii. bad (Lvivc) iv. dishonourable (Am¤§vb‡hvM¨)
(j) explain
- extempore (Dcw¯’Z) ii. extend (`xN© Kiv)
iii. describe (eY©bv Kiv) iv. delight (Avb›`)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What was the Headmaster’s attitude towards morality shop?
(b) When is Riah going to Hridoy’s school?
(c) Whom did Riah tell about the shop?
(d) With whom the committee was formed?
(e) What was a piece of exciting news to the students?
- (a)—(i); (b)—(iv); (c)—(iii); (d)—(iii); (e)—(iv);(f)—(ii); (g)—(i); (h)—(iv); (i)—(i); (j)—(iii).
- (a) The Headteacher was quite positive about the usefulness of a morality shop.
(b) Riah is going to Hridoy’s school next weekend.
(c) Riah told his relatives, friends, classmates and teachers about a shop without a shopkeeper.
(d) The committee was formed with Miss Nishat, two other teachers, some senior students and Riah.
(e) Opening a morality shop in the school was a piece of exciting news to the students.
Seen Passage – 10
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Two sick men were given the same room in a hospital. One man could sit up in his bed. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man spent all his time lying on his bed opposite the window. The men talked for hours almost every day. They talked about their wives and children, their homes, their jobs and almost about everything.
Every afternoon the man in the bed by the window would sit up and talked to his roommate about all the things he could see outside the window.
The man on the other bed eagerly waited for this speaking and listening time. His friend’s vivid descriptions of passing things seen through the window inspired him to live.
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans play on the water, while children float their paper boats. A wonderful view of the skyline can be seen in the distance.
The man by the window told his friend all this in detail. The listener would close his eyes and see everything in his mind’s eye. [Unit — 04, Lesson — 11]
Word Meanings with Synonyms :
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Lying(n.) | jvwqs | kqb | sleep |
Spent(v.pp.) | †¯ú›U | e¨q K‡iwQj | expended |
Opposite(adj.) | A‡cvwRU | wecixZ | face to face |
Job(n.) | Re | PvKwi | occupation |
Roommate(n.) | i“g‡gBU | K‡¶i mv_x | companion |
Eagerly(adv.) | BMviwj | AvMÖ‡ni mv‡_ | earnestly |
Description(n.) | †Wmwµckb | eY©bv | details |
Inspire(v.) | Bbm&cvqvi | DrmvwnZ Kiv | encourage |
Vivid(adj.) | wfwfW | RxešÍ | alive |
Overlook(v.) | IfvijyK | Dci †_‡K †`L‡Z cvIqv | to notice something |
View(n.) | wfD | `„k¨ | scene |
Skyline(n.) | ¯‹vBjvBb | w`Mš— | horizon |
e½vbyev` : `yRb Amy¯’ gvbyl‡K nvmcvZv‡ji GKB K‡ÿ ivLv n‡qwQ‡jv| GKRb Zvi weQvbvq D‡V e‡m _vK‡Z cvi‡Zv| Zvi weQvbv K‡ÿi GKgvÎ Rvbvjvi cv‡k wQj| AciRb Rvbvjvi wecixZ cv‡k Zvi weQvbvq ï‡q mg¯Í mgq KvwU‡q w`Z| cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b Zviv NÈvi ci NÈv K_v ejZ| Zviv Zv‡`i ¯¿x Ges mš—vb, Zv‡`i evwo, KvR Ges m‡e©vcwi mewKQz wb‡q K_v ej‡Zv|
cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b we‡K‡j Rvbvjvi cv‡ki gvbylUv D‡V em‡Zv Ges Zvi K‡¶i eÜzi mv‡_ †m Rvbvjv w`‡q evB‡i hv †`L‡Z †cZ †mB e¨vcv‡i K_v ej‡Zv|
Ab¨ weQvbvi †jvKUv GB K_v †kvbv I ejvi mgqUvi Rb¨ Aaxifv‡e A‡c¶v Ki‡Zv| Rvbvjv w`‡q †`Lv `„‡k¨i Zvi eÜzi RxešÍ eY©bv Zv‡K euvP‡Z DrmvwnZ Ki‡Zv|
Rvbvjv w`‡q my›`i †jKmn GKwU cvK© †`Lv †hZ| cvwZnvm Ges ivRnuvm cvwb‡Z †Ljv Ki‡Zv hLb ev”Pviv Zv‡`i KvM‡Ri †bŠKv fvmv‡Zv | `~‡iB w`M‡šÍi PgrKvi GKwU `„k¨ †`Lv †h‡Zv|
Rvbvjvi cv‡ki †jvKwU GB mewKQz Zvi eÜz‡K we¯ÍvwiZfv‡e ej‡Zv| †kªvZvwU Zvi †PvL eÜ Ki‡Zv Ges mewKQz g‡bi †Pv‡L †`L‡Zv|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What can be seen in the distance?
- Skyline ii. Human being
iii. House iv. Dog
(b) One man could sit up in his bed for —.
- more than an hour ii. nearly two hours
iii. about an hour iv. about half an hour
(c) Who play in the water?
- Ducks ii. Swans
iii. Children iv. both (i) and (ii)
(d) The men talked for —.
- a few minutes ii. hours
iii. about an hour iv. more than an hour
(e) The other man was inspired to —.
- kill himself ii. accept his death
iii. think of afterlife iv. live
(f) inspire
- motivate (DØy× Kiv) ii. discourage (AbyrmvwnZ Kiv)
iii. dispirit (wbiærmvwnZ Kiv) iv. extinguish (†kl nIqv)
(g) eagerly
- earnestly (AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_) ii. indifferently (D`vmxbfv‡e)
iii. uninterestedly (Awb”Qv mnKv‡i) iv. apathetic (D`vmx)
(h) vivid
- lucid (cÖvÄj) ii. insignificant (Zvrch©nxb)
iii. obscure (A¯úó) iv. dull (wegl©)
(i) description
- conceal (jyKv‡bv) ii. edit (m¤úv`b Kiv)
iii. depiction (eY©bv) iv. reveal (cÖKvk Kiv)
(j) overlook
- respect (m¤§vb) ii. see (†`Lv)
iii. accept (MÖnY Kiv) iv. view (`„k¨)
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Where were the two sick men?
(b) Where was the first man’s bed and where was the other’s?
(c) What did they talk about?
(d) What inspired the other man to live?
(e) How could the listener see everything his friend told?
- (a)—(i); (b)—(iii); (c)—(iv); (d)—(ii); (e)—(iv);(f) — (i); (g) — (i); (h) — (i); (i) — (iii); (j) — (ii).
- (a) The two sick men were in the same room in a hospital. One of them could sit up.
(b) The first man’s bed was next to the room’s only window and the other’s was on the opposite the window.
(c) They talked about their wives and children, their homes, their jobs and almost about everything.
(d) The first man’s vivid descriptions of passing things seen through the window inspired the other man to live.
(e) The listener would close his eyes and see everything in his mind’s eye.