Seen Passage – 11
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Mariam is a student of class six in a government school in Rajshahi. Her mother works in an office and her father is a businessman. Mariam is very fond of her aunt, her father’s sister, Suraiya Begum who lives in another part of the same town. On Fridays she often goes to her aunt’s place and spends time with her. [Lesson-16(A)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Businessman (n.) | weR‡bmg¨vb | e¨emvqx | merchant, trader |
Government(adj.) | Mfb©‡g›U | miKvwi | ruling |
Retired(adj.) | wiUvqvW© | AemicÖvß | having retired from work |
Widow(n.) | DB‡Wv | weaev | relict |
Whenever (adv.) | †nv‡qbGfvi | hLbB | used to mean when |
Spend(v.) | †¯úÛ | e¨q Kiv/ AwZevwnZ Kiv | expend |
e½vbyev` : gwiqg ivRkvnxi GKUv miKvwi ¯‹z‡ji K¬vm wm‡·i QvÎx| Zvi gv GKwU Awd‡m KvR K‡ib Ges Zvi evev GKRb e¨emvqx| gwiqg Zvi evevi †evb, dzcy myivBqv †eM‡gi Lye f³ whwb GKB kn‡ii Ab¨ As‡k emevm K‡ib| ïµev‡i †m cÖvqB Zvi dzcyi evwo‡Z hvq Ges Zuvi mv‡_ mgq KvUvq|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Mariam Lives in ——.
(i) Dhaka (ii) Rajshahi (iii) Sylhet (iv) Barisal
(b) Mariam’s father is a ______ .
(i) school teacher (ii) banker (iii) businessman (iv) actor
(c) Mariam is very fond of her ______.
(i) mother (ii) father (iii) friends (iv) aunt
(d) ______ lives in another part in Rajshahi.
(i) Mariam (ii) Mr. Karim
(iii) Mariam’s aunt (iv) Mariam’s family
(e) Mariam goes to her aunt’s place on ——.
(i) Friday (ii) Saturday (iii) Sunday (iv) Thursday
(f) student
(i) passenger (hvÎx) (ii) actor (Awf‡bZv)
(iii) learner (wkÿv_x©) (iv) doctor (Wv³vi)
(g) widow
(i) husband (¯^vgx) (ii) wife (¯¿x)
(iii) mother (gv) (iv) relict (weaev)
(h) businessman
(i) trader (e¨emvqx) (ii) professor (Aa¨vcK)
(iii) doctor (Wv³vi) (iv) entrepreneur (D‡`¨v³v)
(i) fond
(i) formal (AvbyôvwbK) (ii) loving (wcÖq)
(iii) funny (gRvi) (iv) real (ev¯Íe)
(j) live
(i) like (cQ›` Kiv) (ii) leave (Z¨vM Kiv)
(iii) reside (emevm Kiv) (iv) wait (A‡cÿv Kiv)
a.-(ii); b.-(iii); c.-(iv); d.-(iii); e.-(i) ; f)—(iii); (g)—(iv); (h)—(i); (i)—(ii); (j)—(iii).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Who is Mariam?
(b) Who is Suraiya Begum?
(c) Where does she live?
(d) Why do you think Mariam is fond of her aunt?
(e) What do you know about Mariam’s family?
(a) Mariam is a student of class six in a government school in Rajshahi.
(b) Suraiya Begum is Mariam’s aunt, her father’s sister.
(c) She lives in another part of Rajshahi town.
(d) I think Mariam’s aunt Suraiya Begum loves her very much. Because on Fridays, Mariam often goes to her aunt’s house and spends time with her. So she is very fond of her aunt.
(e) There are only three members in Mariam’s family. Her mother works in an office and her father is a businessman.
Seen Passage – 12
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Suraiya Begum is a retired school teacher. She is a widow and lives alone. Her husband died three years ago. Her two daughters are married and live with their families in Dhaka. They talk to her over telephone and come to visit her whenever they get time.
Suraiya Begum has a lot of free time. She spends her time in reading books, watching TV, visiting friends and relatives. Sometimes she writes letters to her old colleagues. But now-a-days she often gets bored of doing all these things. She wants to do something more meaningful, something that would do good to others. She is planning to establish an old people’s home in her locality. She knows some elderly people live all alone. They have no one to take care of them. They often feel helpless and miserable. They need care and support. [Lesson — 16(A)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Widow(n.) | DB‡WŠ | weaev | relict |
Colleague(n.) | KjxM | mnKg©x | co-worker, associate |
Gets bored(v.) | †MUm †eviW | wei³ nb | gets annoyed |
Meaningful(adj.) | gxwbsdzj | A_©c~Y© | important |
Establish(v.) | GmUvewjk | cÖwZôv Kiv | set up |
Locality(n.) | †jvKvwjwU | GjvKv | area |
Miserable(adj.) | wgRv‡iej | hš¿Yv`vqK | painful, distressing |
Support(n.) | mv‡cvU© | mg_©b/mvnvh¨ | assistance, help |
e½vbyev` : myivBqv †eMg GKRb AemicÖvß ¯‹zj wk¶K| wZwb GKRb weaev Ges GKvKx evm K‡ib| Zvi ¯^vgx wZb eQi Av‡M gviv †M‡Qb| Zvi `yB †g‡q weevwnZ Ges Zviv Zv‡`i cwiev‡ii mv‡_ XvKvq evm K‡i| Zviv Zvi mv‡_ †Uwj‡dv‡b K_v e‡j Ges hLb mgq cvq ZLb Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z Av‡m|
myivBqv †eM‡gi A‡bK Aemi mgq Av‡Q| wZwb M‡íi eB c‡o, †Uwjwfkb †`‡L Ges eÜz evÜex I ¯^Rb‡`i mv‡_ †`Lv K‡i Zvi mgq e¨q K‡ib | gv‡S gv‡S wZwb Zvi cyi‡bv mnKgx©‡`i wPwV †j‡Lb| wKš‘ B`vwbs cÖvqB wZwb Gme wKQy K‡i wei³ nb| wZwb Ggb wKQy Ki‡Z Pvb hv Av‡iv A_©c~Y© Ges hv Ab¨‡`i Kj¨vY Ki‡e| wZwb Zvi GjvKv‡Z GKwU e„× wbevm ¯’vcb Kivi cwiKíbv Ki‡Qb | wZwb wKQy eq¯‹ gvbyl‡`i †P‡bb hviv GKv evm K‡ib| Zv‡`i †`Lvïbv Kivi †KD †bB| Zviv cÖvqB Amnvq I hš¿YvwK¬ó Abyfe K‡ib| Zv‡`i hZœ I mg_©b cª‡qvRb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What does Suraiya Begum want to establish?
(i) School (ii) hospital
(iii) old people’s home (iv) building
(b) Why does Suraiya Begum have a lot of free time? Because ______.
(i) she does not like to work (ii) she has nobody to live with her
(iii) she has nothing to do (iv) she is a retired person
(c) The elderly people feel helpless and miserable. Why?
(i) they are alone (ii) they do not work
(iii) they dislike people (iv) they know nobody
(d) Suraiya Begum has —— free time.
(i) no (ii) a lot of
(iii) some (iv) none of the above
(e) Suraiya Begum wants to do something new, because______
(i) she likes changes (ii) she wants to have fun
(iii) she gets bored (iv) she does many things
(f) establish
(i) found (cÖwZôv Kiv) (ii) abolish (evwZj Kiv)
(iii) oversent (weaŸ¯Í Kiv) (iv) disrupt (e¨vnZ Kiv)
(g) support
(i) help (mnvqZv Kiv) (ii) refuse (A¯^xKvi Kiv)
(iii) dishonour (Am¤§vb Kiv) (iv) praise (cÖksmv Kiv)
(h) colleague
(i) friends (eÜz-evÜe) (ii) co-worker (mnKg©x)
(iii) parents (wcZvgvZv) (iv) relative (AvZ¥xq¯^Rb)
(i) bore
(i) excite (D‡ËwRZ Kiv) (ii) elate (AbycÖvwYZ nIqv)
(iii) tire (K¬všÍ nIqv) (iv) abolish (evwZj Kiv)
(j) meaningful
(i) painful (†e`bv`vqK) (ii) dutiful (KZ©e¨wbô)
(iii) mirthful (Avb‡›`v”Qj) (iv) significant (A_©c~Y©)
a.-(iii); b.-(iv); c.-(i); d.-(ii); e-(iii) ; (f)—(i); (g)—(i); (h)—(ii); (i)—(iii); (j)—(iv).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) What is the problem with the elderly people in our country?
(b) How does Suraiya Begum pass her time?
(c) Why does Suraiya Begum want to establish an old home?
(d) How do the elderly people feel?
(e) What do the elderly people need?
(a) The problem with the elderly people is that they have nobody to take care of them and so they feel miserable and helpless.
(b) Suraiya Begum spends her time by reading books, watching TV, visiting friends and relatives and writing letters to her old colleagues.
(c) Suraiya Begum wants to do something more meaningful that would do good to others. That’s why, she wants to establish an old home in her locality.
(d) The elderly people often feel helpless and miserable.
(e) The elderly people need care and support.
Seen Passage – 13
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Suraiya Begum needs many people’s help to make her dream come true. She sits down to write a letter to a friend who was her colleague and who now lives in the next town.
Dear Sharmila,
How are you? I’m writing to share with you a plan that I have. I know some old, physically weak and lonely people in our town. Some of them are quite well-off and some are not. But they all share one common thing that is they live alone and have no one to take care of them in sickness. Sometimes they don’t have anybody to talk to.
I have a plan. I want to set up a home for the old people where they would live like a family and we can be a part of that family, too. I need your help because I know that together we can do a lot.
Write to me soon. I’ll wait eagerly for your reply.
Your friend,
[Lesson – 16(B)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Need(v.) | bxW | cÖ‡qvRb nIqv | want |
Colleague(n.) | KwjM | mnKg©x | fellow |
Share(v.) | †kqvi | fvMvfvwM Kiv | participate in |
Plan(n.) | cø¨vb | cwiKíbv | idea |
Old(adj.) | Jì | eq¯‹ | aged |
Weak(adj.) | DBK | `ye©j | feeble |
Lonely(adj.) | †jvbwj | GKvKx | alone |
Quite(adv.) | †KvqvBU | †gvUvgywU, †ek | fairly |
Sickness(n.) | wmK‡bm | Amy¯’Zv | ailment |
Set up(v.) | †mU Avc | cÖwZôv Kiv | establish |
Home(n.) | †nvg | wbevm, Avkªg | house |
Together(adv.) | Uz‡M`vi | GK‡Î | jointly |
Wait(v.) | I‡qBU | A‡cÿv Kiv | await, to delay doing something |
Eagerly(adv.) | BMviwj | e¨vKzjfv‡e | earnestly |
e½vbyev` : myivBqv †eM‡gi ¯^cœ‡K ev¯Í‡e iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡Z A‡bK †jv‡Ki mn‡hvwMZv cÖ‡qvRb| wZwb Zuvi GK eÜzi Kv‡Q wPwV wjL‡Z e‡mb whwb Zuvi mnKg©x wQ‡jb Ges GLb Zuvi cv‡ki kn‡i evm K‡ib|
wcÖq kwg©jv,
Zzwg †Kgb AvQ? Avgvi GKUv cwiKíbv Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ fvMvfvwM K‡i †bqvi Rb¨ wjLwQ| Avwg Avgv‡`i kn‡ii KwZcq eq¯‹, kvixwiKfv‡e `ye©j Ges wbtm½ †jvK‡K wPwb| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡b‡KB h‡_ó m”Qj Avevi A‡b‡KB m”Qj bq| wKš‘ Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki GKUv mvaviY wel‡q wgj i‡q‡Q Zv n‡jv Zviv GKvKx emevm K‡i Ges Zv‡`i Amy¯’Zvi mgq †`Lv‡kvbv Kivi †KD †bB| gv‡Sg‡a¨ Zv‡`i mv‡_ K_v ejviI †KD _v‡K bv|
Avgvi GKUv cwiKíbv Av‡Q| Avwg eq¯‹ gvbyl‡`i Rb¨ GKUv Avkªg ˆZwi Ki‡Z PvB †hLv‡b Zviv cÖ‡Z¨‡K GKUv cwiev‡ii g‡Zv evm Ki‡Z cv‡i Ges AvgivI H cwiev‡ii GKwU Ask n‡Z cvwi | Avgvi †Zvgvi mvnv‡h¨i cÖ‡qvRb KviY Avwg Rvwb GK‡Î Avgiv A‡bK wKQy Ki‡Z cvwi|
kxNÖB Avgv‡K wjL‡e| Avwg †Zvgvi Dˇii Aaxi A‡cÿvq iBjvg|
†Zvgvi eÜz
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) What does Suraiya Begum need to make her dream come true?
(i) no one’s help (ii) her niece’s help
(iii) many people’s help (iv) her friend’s help
(b) She wants to share — with her friend.
(i) a room (ii) a plan
(iii) a joke (iv) food
(c) How does she share here plan?
(i) through mobile (ii) through e-mail
(iii) through letter (iv) through fax
(d) She wants to set up a — for the old people.
(i) home (ii) gymnasium
(iii) hospital (iv) school
(e) They would live like — there.
(i) friends (ii) neighbours
(iii) a family (iv) colleagues
(f) help
(i) aid (mvnvh¨) (ii) harm (ÿwZ)
(iii) money (UvKv) (iv) hinder (evav)
(g) dream
(i) reality (ev¯ÍeZv) (ii) wish (B”Qv)
(iii) truth (mZ¨) (iv) idea (aviYv)
(h) alone
(i) along (mv‡_) (ii) abandoned (cwiZ¨³)
(iii) separate (c„_K) (iv) lonely (GKvKx)
(i) plan
(i) idea (AwfcÖvq) (ii) plot (lohš¿)
(iii) map (gvbwPÎ) (iv) design (bKkv)
(j) colleague
(i) friend (eÜz) (ii) neighbour (cÖwZ‡ekx)
(iii) associate (mnKgx©) (iv) employer (PvKwi`vZv)
(a)-(iii); (b)-(ii); (c)-(iii); (d)-(i); (e)-(iii) ; (f) – (i); (g) – (ii); (h) – (iv); (i) – (i); (j) – (iii).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Who does Suraiya Begum write to?
(b) Does she have any particular reason for writing this letter?
(c) What do all the old people share?
(d) Why does she want to establish a home for the old people?
(e) How are the old people in the town?
(a) Suraiya Begum writes to her friend as well as colleague named Sharmila who lives in the neighbouring town.
(b) Yes. She writes the letter to share her plan with her friend Sharmila.
(c) All the old people share one common thing, that is they live alone and none is there to take care of them in illness.
(d) She wants to establish a home for the old people so that there they can live like a family and she and her friend can be a part of them.
(e) The old people in the town are alone, physically weak. Some of them are pretty well-off and some are not.
Seen Passage – 14
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
Hason Raja was born in 1854 in a wealthy landlord’s family in Sylhet. He did not receive much formal education. In his youth, he led a life of luxury. He had everything— money, comfort and pleasure. At one time he understood that all these are meaningless. He gave away all of his properties. He started to think deeply about the Creator, about life, death and mankind. Hason Raja wrote a lot of songs, perhaps about a thousand in number. His book called ‘Hason Udash’ was published in 1906. The book had 206 songs in it. In his songs Hason called himself ‘Crazy Hason Raja’ or the ‘Pagla Hason Raja’. A volume called ‘Hason Raja Samagra’ (Complete Works of Hason Raja) was also published. The book contained 500 poems and songs. Some of the songs were written by the poet in Hindi.
Hason Raja’s songs were always popular in Sylhet. But very soon they spread all over Bangladesh and beyond. In India’s West Bengal, some eminent folk singers made Hason’s songs popular. [Lesson — 21(B)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Wealthy(adj.) | I‡qj&w` | abx, m¤ú`kvjx | rich |
Landlord(n.) | j¨vÛjW© | Rwg`vi | landowner |
Comfort(n.) | Kvg‡dvU© | Avivg | ease |
Property(n.) | cÖcvwU© | welq m¤úwË | wealth |
Creator(n.) | µx‡qUi | m„wóKZ©v, mªóv | God |
Perhaps(adv.) | cvinvcm& | m¤¢eZ | probably |
Publish(v.) | cvewjk | cÖKvk Kiv | reveal |
Pleasure(n.) | †cRvi | Avb›` | amusement |
e½vbyev` : nvmb ivRv 1854 mv‡j wm‡j‡U GKUv abx Rwg`vi cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb Lye †ewk cÖvwZôvwbK wkÿv jvf K‡ibwb| Zvi †hŠe‡b, wZwb wejvwmZvq Rxeb KvwU‡qwQ‡jb| Zvi UvKv cqmv, Avivg-Av‡qk, Avb›`-Djvm mewKQz wQj| GKUv mgq Zvi g‡b n‡jv G mewKQz A_©nxb| wZwb Zuvi mg¯Í m¤úwË `vb K‡i w`‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb Mfxifv‡e fve‡Z ïi“ K‡iwQ‡jb m„wóKZ©v m¤ú‡K©, Rxeb I g„Zz¨ Ges gvbeRvwZ m¤ú‡K©| nvmb ivRv cÖPzi Mvb wj‡LwQ‡jb, m¤¢eZ msL¨vq cÖvq GK nvRvi| Zuvi eB Ònvmb D`vmÓ 1906 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ n‡qwQj| eBwU‡Z 206 Lvbv Mvb wQj| nvmb Zvi Mv‡bi g‡a¨ wb‡R‡K ÔDb¥v` nvmb ivRvÕ ev ÔcvMjv nvmb ivRvÕ e‡j AwfwnZ K‡i‡Qb| Ônvmb ivRv mgMÖÕ (nvmb ivRvi m¤ú~Y© m„wóKg©) bv‡g GKLvbv cy¯ÍKI cÖKvwkZ n‡qwQj| eBwU‡Z 500 KweZv Ges Mvb AšÍfy©&³ wQj| Kwe KZ©„K wKQy Mvb wnw›`‡Z †jLv n‡qwQj|
nvmb ivRvi Mvb wm‡j‡U me©`v RbwcÖq wQj| wKš‘ Lye kxNÖB Zvi Mvb mg¯Í evsjv‡`k Ges Zvi evB‡iI Qwo‡q c‡o| fvi‡Zi cwðg evsjvq wKQy weL¨vZ †jvKm½xZ wkíx nvmb ivRvi Mvb RbwcÖq K‡i‡Qb|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) Hason Raja was born in ______.
(i) a poor family (ii) a wealthy family
(iii) a working class family (iv) none of the above
(b) Hason Raja did not lack anything, because ______.
(i) he was a king (ii) he had much landed property
(iii) he gave away all his property (iv) he had not much formal education
(c) “Hason Raja Samagra” is the name of ______.
(i) a book of poem (ii) a book of essay
(iii) a book of drama (iv) a book of poem and songs
(d) Hasan Raja Samagra contained ——.
(i) 300 poems and songs (ii) 206 poems and songs
(iii) 500 poems and songs (iv) 600 poems and songs
(e) What did Hason Raja begin to realise?
(i) life is meaningless (ii) luxury is meaningless
(iii) there is no creator (iv) none
(f) wealthy
(i) rich (abx) (ii) poor (Mixe)
(iii) weak (`ye©j) (iv) filthy (AwZ †bvsiv)
(g) luxury
(i) comfort (Av‡qk) (ii) enjoyment (Dc‡fvM)
(iii) fresh (ZvRv) (iv) fun (gRv)
(h) eminent
(i) famous (weL¨vZ) (ii) known (cwiwPZ)
(iii) unknown (ARvbv) (iv) safe (wbivc`)
(i) pleasure
(i) joy (Avb›`) (ii) pressure (Pvc)
(iii) think (wPšÍv Kiv) (iv) seduction (cÖ‡jvfb)
(j) contain
(i) start (ïiæ Kiv) (ii) avoid (Gov‡bv)
(iii) give up (Z¨vM Kiv) (iv) include (AšÍfz©³ Kiv)
a.-(ii); b-(ii); c-(iv); d-(iii); e-(i) ;(f)—(i); (g)—(i); (h)—(i); (i)—(i); (j)—(iv).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) When and where was Hason Raja born?
(b) How was the life of Hason Raja?
(c) What was the change in Hason Raja’s life?
(d) Why did he give away his properties?
(e) What is “Hason Raja Samagra”?
(a) Hason Raja was born in 1854 in a wealthy landlord’s family in Sylhet.
(b) Hason Raja was born in a wealthy landlord’s family. He led a luxurious life and had everything— money, comfort and pleasure.
(c) Hason Raja, suddenly, started to think about creator, life and death and mankind. And then, a change came to his life.
(d) At one time Hason Raja understood that all the worldly properties are meaningless. So he gave away all his properties.
(e) “Hason Raja Samagra” is the complete works of Hason Raja. The book contains 500 songs and poems.
Seen Passage – 15
Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)
The Taj Mahal is also known as “the Taj”. It is a white marble tomb located in Agra in India. Do you know the story behind the Taj Mahal? The Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan loved his wife Mumtaz Mahal more than his life. Mumtaz died at an early age. Shah Jahan was very shocked at his wife’s death. So he built the Taj Mahal as a token of love for his wife. It is the place where Mumtaz is sleeping for ever.
The Taj has an area of about 1003 acres or 405 hectares. The Taj Mahal is the finest example of Mughal architecture. It combines the art of Persia, Turkey, and India. It took 21 years and thousands of artisans and craftsmen to complete the Taj Mahal. The Taj is universally admired as one of the wonders of the worl(d) [Lesson – 22(C)]
Word Meaning with Synonyms
Words | Pronunciation | Bengali Meaning | Synonyms/Meaning |
Tomb(n.) | U¤^ | Kei, mgvwa | grave |
Story(n.) | †÷vwi | Mí | tale |
Emperor(n.) | G¤úvivi | mg&ªvU | monarch |
Place(n.) | †cBm | ¯’vb | location, venue |
Combine(v.) | K¤^vBb | GKÎ Kiv | unite |
Artisan(n.) | AvwU©R¨vb | KvwiMi | craftsman |
Located(v.) | †jv‡KB‡UW | Aew¯’Z | situated |
Shock(v.) | kK& | gg©vnZ nIqv | traumatize |
Universally(adv.) | BDwbfvm©vwj | mve©Rbxbfv‡e | globally |
e½vbyev` : ÔZvRgnjÕ ZvR wn‡m‡eI cwiwPZ| GUv fvi‡Zi AvMÖvq Aew¯’Z GKUv mv`v gv‡e©j cv_‡ii mgvwa‡mŠa| Zzwg wK ZvRgnj wbg©v‡Yi †bc_¨ MíwU Rv‡bv? gyNj mgªvU kvnRvnvb Zvi ¯¿x ggZvR gnj‡K Zvi Rxe‡bi †P‡qI †ewk fv‡jvevm‡Zb| ggZvR Aí eq‡mB gviv wM‡qwQ‡jb| kvn&Rvnvb Zvi ¯¿xi g„Zz¨‡Z cÖPÊ AvNvZ †c‡qwQ‡jb| ZvB wZwb fv‡jvevmvi cÖZxK wn‡m‡e Zvi ¯¿xi Rb¨ ZvRgnj ˆZwi K‡iwQ‡jb| GUvB †mB ¯’vb †hLv‡b ggZvR wPiZ‡i Nywg‡q Av‡Qb|
ZvR cÖvq 1003 GKi A_ev 405 †n±i GjvKvRy‡o Av‡Q| ZvRgnj n‡jv gyNj ¯’vc‡Z¨i me‡P‡q my›`i D`vniY| GUv‡Z cvim¨, Zzi¯‹ Ges fviZe‡l©i wkíKjvi mgš^q N‡U‡Q| ZvRgnjwU ˆZwi Ki‡Z nvRvi nvRvi wgw¯¿ I KvwiM‡ii 21 eQi mgq †j‡MwQj| ZvRwU mve©Rbxbfv‡e we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg we¯§q wn‡m‡e cÖkswmZ|
- Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5
(a) The architecture of the Taj Mahal combines the art of ______ countries.
(i) two (ii) three (iii) four (iv) five
(b) The Taj Mahal is built of ______.
(i) concrete (b) cement (iii) sandstone (iv) marble
(c) It took 21 years to —— the Taj Mahal.
(i) build (b) design (iii) plan (iv) none of the above
(d) Shah Jahan was shocked ______.
(i) at the death of Mumtaz (ii) at the construction of the Taj Mahal
(iii) at the wonder of the world (iv) none of the above
(e) The area of the Taj Mahal is ——.
(i) 1010 acres (ii) 403 hectares
(iii) 1003 acres (iv) 400 hectares
(f) tomb
(i) tale (Mí) (ii) event (NUbv) (iii) power (kw³) (iv) grave (mgvwa)
(g) admire
(i) praise (cÖksmv Kiv) (ii) response (mvov †`Iqv)
(iii) like (cQ›` Kiv) (iv) tell (ejv)
(h) die
(i) demise (g„Zz¨) (ii) pie (wcVv we‡kl) (iii) sleep (Nyg) (iv) tie (euvav)
(i) shocked
(i) dishearted (wbiærmvwnZ) (ii) pleased (Lywk)
(iii) elaborate (we¯ÍvwiZ) (iv) weak (`ye©j)
(j) token
(i) carpet (MvwjPv) (ii) sign (wPý) (iii) sloven (†Pnviv) (iv) tomb (Kei)
a.-(ii); b-(iv); c.-(i); d-(i); e-(iii) ; (f) —(iv); (g)—(i); (h)—(i); (i) — (i); (j) — (ii).
- Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10
(a) Where is the Taj Mahal situated?
(b) How did Shah Jahan show his love for his wife?
(c) What is the speciality of the Taj Mahal?
(d) How much time did it need to complete the Taj?
(e) What is the area of Taj Mahal?
(a) The Taj Mahal is situated in Agra in India.
(b) Shah Jahan showed his deep love for his wife by building the Taj Mahal.
(c) The speciality of the Taj Mahal is that it combines the art of Persia, Turkey and India.
(d) It needed 21 years and thousands of artisans and craftsmen to complete the Taj Mahal.
(e) The Taj Mahal has an area of about 1003 acres or 405 hectares.