নার্সারি ইংরেজি ছড়া

নার্সারি ইংরেজি ছড়া মূলত শুধু নার্সারীর জন্য নয় বরং এগুলো সকল শ্রেণির জন্য।

Early to bed  

Early to bed

And early to rise

Makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise.

My Country

I love my Country

I love my Mother’s.

I like to serve other

I like to study

I like to help the needy.

Rain, rain  go away

Rain, rain  go away

Come again another day.

Little children wants to play

rain, rain  go away

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

Ding Dong bell

Ding Dong bell

Pussy’s in the well.

Who put her in?

Little Johnny thin.

Twinkle, twinkle little star

Twinkle, twinkle little star

How i wonder what you are !

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.


Johnny! Johnny!

Johnny! Johnny!

Yes, Papa.

Eating sugar?

No, Papa.

Telling lies?

No, Papa.

Open your mouth.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

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