Nine-Ten English 1st Paper Question 4,5 Model (31-60)



  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

William Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets and dramatists of the world. He was born on the 23rd April, 1564 in the small village of Stratford-on-Avon. His father’s name was John Shakespeare. His mother’s name was Marry Arden. Shakespeare was sent to Free Grammar School at Stratford at the age of seven. But he did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge.

He married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter eight years older then himself when he was of 18. Susanna was their first child. They had two other children. They were Hamlet and Judith who were twin getting their birth in 1585. Shakespeare worked as a school master for some years.

Shakespeare left village and came to London in 1585 to try his luck.

Shakespeare was interested in the theatre and very soon he became an actor. By 1592, he established himself as a dramatist of the age. In the next twp years, Shakespeare wrote two long poems named : ‘Venus and Adonis’ and ‘Rope of Lucre.’ In 1594, he became a member of the newly formed Lucre Chamberlains Company. His son Hamlet died in 1596. He was ranked the greatest dramatist in 1598.

Shakespeare composed both tragedies and comedies. He also composed a series of sonnets. Amount his tragedies the following are worth mentioning  Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, etc. Comedies : As you like it, A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Love’s Lavour’s lost. Twelfth Night, etc.

Shakespeare became a rich man. He possessed property both in Stratford and in London. He retired sometime before 1613. He died in 1616 in Paris.

e½vbyev`:  DBwjqvg †k·wcqvi c„w_exi cÖavbZg Kwe Ges bvU¨Ki‡`i g‡a¨ GKRb| wZwb 23 GwcÖj 1564 mv‡j ÷ªvU‡dvW©-Ab-Gfb bvgK †QvU GKwU MÖv‡gi Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi wcZvi bvg wQj Rb †k·wcqvi| Zuvi gv‡qi bvg wQj †gwi A‡W©b| mvZ eQi eq‡m †k·wcqvi‡K ÷ªvUd‡W©i wd« Mªvgvi ¯‹z‡j Aa¨qb Ki‡Z cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj| wKš‘ A·‡dvW© ev K¨vgweª‡Ri w`‡K AMÖmi nb wb|

wZwb 18 eQi eq‡m Zvi †P‡q AvU eQ‡ii eo A¨vb †n_I‡q bv‡gi GK K…l‡Ki Kb¨v‡K we‡q K‡iwQ‡jb| mymvbœv wQ‡jv Zv‡`i cÖ_g mšÍvb| Zv‡`i AviI `yBwU mšÍvb wQj| Zviv wQj †ng‡jU Ges RywW_ hviv RgR n‡q 1585 mv‡j R‡b¥wQj| †k·wcqvi ¯‹zj wkÿK wnm‡eI K‡qK eQi KvR K‡ib|

†k·wcqvi MÖvg Z¨vM K‡i fvM¨ cwieZ©‡bi Rb¨ 1585 mv‡j jÛ‡b G‡mwQ‡jb |

†k·wcqvi bvU¨gvj ev w_‡qUv‡ii cÖwZ LyeB AvMÖnx wQ‡jb Ges Lye kxNªB wZwb GKRb Awf‡bZv n‡q D‡VwQ‡jb | 1592 mv‡ji g‡a¨B wZwb wb‡Ri GKRb bvU¨Kvi wn‡m‡e cÖwZwôZ Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb| cieZ©x `yB eQ‡i, †k·wcqvi ‘†fbvm I GRwbm’ Ges ‘†ivc Ad jvKwi’ bv‡g `yBwU j¤^v KweZv wj‡LwQ‡jb| 1595 mv‡j wZwb bZzb cÖwZwôZ jvKwi †P¤^vi †jBbm †Kv¤úvwbi m`m¨ n‡qwQ‡jb| Zvi cyÎ †ng‡jU 1596 mv‡j gviv hvq| wZwb 1598 mv‡j me©‡kÖô bvU¨Kv‡ii c`we jvf K‡iwQ‡jb|

†k·wcqvi Uªv‡RwW Ges K‡gwW DfqB iPbv K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb GKwU avivevwnK m‡bU KweZvI wj‡LwQ‡jb| Uªv‡RwW¸‡jvi g‡a¨ weL¨vZ K‡qKwU n‡jv : †ivwgI Rywj‡qU, †ng‡jU, I‡_‡jv, †gK‡e_ wKs †jqvi BZ¨vw`| weL¨vZ K‡qKwU K‡gwW n‡jv : GR BD jvBK BU, G wgWmvgvi bvBUm Wx«g, g¨vP GWz GevDU bvw_s, jvfm jvfvim j÷, Uz‡qjd_ bvBU BZ¨vw`|

†k·wcqvi GKR abx gvbyl n‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb ÷ªvU‡dvW© Ges jÛb Dfq ¯’v‡bB m¤ú‡`i gvwjK n‡qwQ‡jb| 1613 mv‡ji wKQzw`b c~‡e© wZwb Aemi wb‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb 1616 mv‡j c¨vwi‡m g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
(a) ¾ birth Strafford on Avon (b) ¾
Shakespeare went (c) ¾ 1585
Shakespeare (d) ¾ (e) ¾ 1616
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Bangladesh is an independent country of Asia. It is located in the east of South Asia. It gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 through a bloody war of nine months. Though it is a small country, its population is very large. Its capital is Dhaka. It is the biggest city in country. Almost all people of the country speak Bangla. There are also some tribal languages. The currency of Bangladesh is taka. India is the largest country in  South Asia. It gained freedom from Britain in 1947. India is a country of variation in culture, language and religion. Though there are many languages in India, its state language is Hindi. Hindi is the medium of communication among different nations. New Delhi is the capital of India. It is an old Mughal city of India. Its currency is rupee. Pakistan is another county of South Asia. Pakistan too gained freedom from Britain in 1947. In 1947 all India was divided into India and Pakistan. Its capital is Islamabad. As Pakistan has nations, they speak different languages. But the state language Urdu. Its currency is also rupee.

e½vbyev` : evsjv‡`k Gwkqvi GKwU ¯^vaxb †`k| GwU `wÿY Gwkqvi c~e©w`‡K Aew¯’Z| bq gv‡mi GK i³ÿqx msMÖv‡gi gva¨‡g †`kwU 1971 mv‡j cvwK¯Ívb †_‡K ¯^vaxb nq| hw`I †`kwU Lye †QvU, Z‡e Zvi RbmsL¨v A‡bK †ewk| †`kwUi ivRavbx n‡jv XvKv| GUvB †`‡ki me©e„nr bMix| †`‡ki cÖvq mKj †jvKB evsjvq K_v e‡j| wKQy DcRvZxq fvlvI Av‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki gy`ªvi bvg n‡jv ÒUvKvÓ| fviZ n‡jv `wÿY Gwkqvi me©e„nr †`k| 1947 mv‡j GwU e„‡U‡bi KvQ †_‡K ¯^vaxbZv jvf K‡i| fviZ Ggb GKwU †`k †hLv‡b ms¯‹…wZ, fvlv I a‡g©i ˆewPΨ/wfbœZv Av‡Q| hw`I fvi‡Z A‡bK¸wj fvlv Av‡Q, Gi ivóªfvlv n‡”Q wnw›`| fvi‡Zi wewfbœ RvwZi g‡a¨ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi gva¨g n‡jv wnw›`| fvi‡Zi ivRavbx n‡jv bqvw`wjø| GwU fvi‡Zi GKwU cÖvPxb gyNj kni| fvi‡Zi gy`ªvi bvg ÒiycxÓ| cvwK¯Ívb `wÿY Gwkqvi Avi GKwU †`k| cvwK¯ÍvbI e„‡U‡bi KvQ †_‡K 1947 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv jvf K‡i| 1947 mv‡j ÒwbwLj fviZÓ fviZ I cvwK¯Ív‡bi gv‡S fvM n‡q hvq| (†MvUv fviZ †f‡O cvwK¯Ívb I fviZ bvgK `ywU †`‡ki Rb¥ nq)| cvw¯Ív‡bi ivRavbx n‡jv Bmjvgvev`| cvwK¯Ív‡b †h‡nZz eû RvwZ evm K‡i, ZvB cvwK¯Ív‡bi RbMY wewfbœ fvlvq K_v e‡j| wKš‘ cvwK¯Ív‡bi ivóªfvlv n‡jv ÒD`©yÓ| cvwK¯Ív‡bi gy`ªvi bvgI ÒiycxÓ|

Country Capital Language Independence year
Bangladesh (a) ¾ Bangla (b) ¾
India New Delhi (c) ¾ 1947
Pakistan (d) ¾ Urdu (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821 and went to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she would become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined she was that she taught school and gave music lessons to earn money for her tuition.

In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to The United States of America, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. by 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the first female physician of the world and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical school for women.

e½vbyev` : GwjRv‡e_ eøvKI‡qj 1821 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Û Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib Ges `k eQi eq‡m wbR †`k Z¨vM K‡i wbDBqK© wmwU‡Z P‡j hvb| GKw`b wZwb wm×všÍ wb‡jb †h wZwb GKRb Wv³vi n‡eb| Ewbk kZ‡Ki gvSvgvwS mg‡q GKRb gwnjvi Rb¨ Wv³vi nIqv cÖvq Am¤¢e wQj| wPwKrmv we`¨vj‡q fwZ© nIqvi Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q A‡bK¸wj wPwV wjLvi ci Ae‡k‡l wdjv‡Wjwdqvi GKRb Wv³vi KZ…©K wZwb M„nxZ nb| wZwb GZB msKí× wQ‡jb †h Zvi covïbvi LiP DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ wZwb GKwU we`¨vj‡q m½x‡Zi wkÿK wn‡m‡e KvR K‡iwQ‡jb|

1849 mv‡j wPwKrmv we`¨vjq n‡Z ¯œvZKcÖvß nevi ci wZwb c¨vwi‡m wM‡q D”P wkÿv MÖn‡Yi wm×všÍ †bb| wZwb GKRb ˆkj¨we` n‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb, wKš‘ †Pv‡L mvsNvwZK RxevYy msµgY Zv‡K GB wm×všÍ cwiZ¨vM Ki‡Z eva¨ K‡i| Av‡gwiKv hy³iv‡óª wd‡i G‡m wZwb †`L‡Z †c‡jb †h wb‡R Wv³vwi ïiy Kiv LyeB KwVb, KviY wZwb GKRb gwnjv| 1857 mv‡ji g‡a¨ GwjRv‡e_ Ges Zvi †evb whwbI GKRb Wv³vi, Ab¨ GKRb gwnjv Wv³vi‡K wb‡q GKwU bZzb nvmcvZvj Lyj‡Z mÿg n‡qwQ‡jb, †hwU wQj gwnjv Ges wkï‡`i cÖ_g nvmcvZj| ZvQvov we‡k¦i cÖ_g gwnjv wPwKrmK nIqv Ges wbR¯^ nvmcvZvj ¯’vcb Kiv QvovI wZwb gwnjv‡`i Rb¨ cÖ_g wPwKrmv we`¨vjq ¯’vcb K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place Time
Elizabeth born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
She completed (c) ¾   1849
She and her (d) ¾ opened hospital   (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy on 12 May 1820. She was the second daughter of wealthy parents. However Florence was a devoted Christian and when she was only seventeen, she felt God was calling her to serve the humanity. So, she decided to nurse the sick. She was determined to sacrifice herself. In 1851 she went to Kaiserwerth in Germany to learn nursing. Then in 1853 she was given her first post reorganizing a small hospital in Harvey Street, London. It was an institution for the care of sick gentlewomen in distressed circumstances. Florence Nightingale did an excellent job of reorganizing the hospital. As a result of her work, Sidney Herbert, the Secretary of War invited here to go on a mission to soldiers wounded fighting the Russians. Florence Nightingale said with 38 nurses to Turkey on 21 October 1854. At that time, Britain, France and Turkey were fighting Russia. They arrived in Turkey in November 1854. Florence found military hospitals were dirty order and cleanliness to the hospitals and she became a heroine to the British public. She is known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’ for serving the humanity.

e½vbyev` : †d¬v‡iÝ bvBwUs‡Mj 1820 mv‡ji 12 †g BZvwji †d¬v‡iÝ Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb wQ‡jb abvX¨ wcZvgvZvi 2q Kb¨v| hv †nvK, †d¬v‡iÝ wQ‡jb GKRb wb‡ew`Z wLª÷vb Ges gvÎ m‡Z‡iv eQi eq‡m wZwb Abyfe K‡ib †h m„wóKZ©v Zuv‡K gvbeZvi †mev Kivi Rb¨ WvK‡Qb| myZivs wZwb Amy¯’‡`i †mev Kivi wm×všÍ MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb wb‡R‡K DrmM© Ki‡Z cÖwZÁve× wQ‡jb| 1851 mv‡_ wZwb †mev wel‡q Ávb AR©‡bi Rb¨ Rvg©vwbi KvqRviIqv‡_© wM‡qwQ‡jb| Zvici 1853 mv‡j Zuv‡K cÖ_g jÛ‡bi nvi‡f ÷ªx‡Ui GKwU †QvU nvmcvZvj cybM©V‡bi Rb¨ `vwqZ¡ †`qv nq| GwU wQj Ggb GKwU cÖwZôvb †hLv‡b gvivZ¥Kfv‡e Amy¯’ bvix‡`i †mev †`qv n‡Zv| †d¬v‡iÝ bvBUs‡Mj my›`ifv‡e GB nvmcvZvjwU cybM©V‡bi `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| Zuvi Kv‡Ri d‡j wmWbx nvievU© Zuv‡K ivwkqvi ˆmwbK‡`i mv‡_ hy‡× wjß AvnZ ˆmwbK‡`i wgk‡b †hvM`v‡b Avgš¿Y Rvbvb| †d¬v‡iÝ bvBwUs‡Mj 1854 mv‡ji 21 †k Av‡±vei 38 Rb †mweKv wb‡q Zzi‡¯‹i D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv K‡ib| †mB mg‡q weª‡Ub, d«vÝ Ges Zzi¯‹ ivwkqvi weiy‡× hy× KiwQj| Zviv 1854 mv‡ji b‡f¤^i Zzi‡¯‹ †cuŠQvb| †d¬v‡iÝ mvgwiK nvmcvZvj¸‡jv‡K †bvsiv I Abve„Z †`L‡Z cvb Ges cÖPzi ˆmwbK wewfbœ †iv‡M gviv hvw”Qj| wZwb `xN© mgq a‡i KwVb cwikÖg K‡i wbqg-bxwZ I cwiPhv©i cwi”QbœZv wdwi‡q G‡b weªwUk RbM‡Yi Kv‡Q exi-gwnjv wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ nb| gvbeZv †mevi Rb¨ wZwb Ò†jwW DB_ j¨v¤úÓ wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Country Time
Nightingale born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
She went to study (c) ¾ 1851
She with other nurses went to (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia Alabama, USA She was a healthy and happy baby. She grew up on her family’s large farm called Ivy Green. When Helen was around one and a half years and she became very sick. She had a high fever and a bad headache for several days. Although Helen survived, her parents soon realized that she had lost both her eye sight and her hearing. They realized that she needed special help. They contacted the Perkins Institute for Blind in Boston. The Director suggested a former student named Annie Sullivan. Annie had been blind but had her eye sight restored by surgery. Perhaps her unique experience would allow her to help Helen. Annie came to work with Helen on March 3, 1887 and helped her for the next 50 years. Annie began to teach Helen words. She would press the letters of words into Helen’s hand. Next Annie taught Helen how to read. Helen must have been very bright and Annie an amazing teacher, because soon Helen could read entire books in Braille. At sixteen, Helen attended Radcliffe college for women in Massachusetts. Annie attended school with her and helped sign the lectures into Helen’s hand. Helen graduated from Radcliffe in 1904 with honors. She wrote many books about her experiences being deaf and blind. She published The World I Live In` in 1908.

e½vbyev` : †n‡jb †Kjvi 1880 mv‡ji 27 Ryb Av‡gwiKvi Avjvevgvi ZvmKvw¤^qvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb ¯^v¯’¨evb Ges myLx wkï| wZwb Zvi cwiev‡ii AvBwf MÖxb bv‡gi wekvj Lvgv‡i eo n‡q D‡Vb| †`o eQi eq‡mi KvQvKvwQ †n‡jb LyeB Amy¯’ n‡q c‡ob| K‡qKw`b hver Zvi Zxeª R¡i Ges gv_v e¨_v n‡qwQj| hw`I †n‡jb †eu‡PwQ‡jb, Zvi wcZvgvZv kxNªB eyS‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb †h, wZwb Zvi `yB †Pv‡Li `„wó Ges kÖeYkw³ nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Qb| Zviv Dcjwä K‡iwQ‡jb †h Zvi we‡kl mvnv‡h¨i cÖ‡qvRb| Zviv †ev÷‡b A܇`i Rb¨ ¯’vwcZ cviwKbm Bbw÷wUD‡U †hvMv‡hvM K‡iwQj| cwiPvjK A¨vwb mywjfvb bv‡gi GKRb cÖv³b Qv‡Îi m‡½ †hvMv‡hv‡Mi civgk© w`‡jb| A¨vwb AÜ n‡qwQ‡jb wKš‘ Acv‡ik‡bi gva¨‡g wZwb Zvi `„wókw³ wd‡i cvb| m¤¢eZ Zvi GKgvÎ AwfÁZv †n‡jb‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡e| A¨vwb 1887 mv‡ji 3 gvP© †n‡j‡bi m‡½ KvR Ki‡Z Av‡mb Ges cieZ©x 50 eQi Zv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡ib A¨vwb †n‡jb‡K kã wkLv‡Z Avi¤¢ K‡ib| wZwb †n‡j‡bi nv‡Zi gva¨‡g k‡ãi eY©¸‡jvi Pvc w`‡Zb| cieZ©x‡Z A¨vwb †n‡jb‡K cov †kLv‡jb| †n‡jb LyeB †gavex wQ‡jb Ges A¨vwb wQ‡jb GKRb we¯§qKi wkÿK KviY Lye kxNªB †n‡jb †eªB‡ji gva¨‡g m¤ú~Y© eB co‡Z cvi‡Zb| 16 eQi eq‡m †n‡jb g¨mvPz‡÷i-Gi †iWwK¬d gwnjv K‡j‡R fwZ© nb| A¨vwb Zvi m‡½ ¯‹z‡j †h‡Zb Gfs †jKPvi ev e³…Zv wjL‡Z mvnvh¨ Ki‡Zb| †n‡jb †iWwK¬d K‡jR †_‡K 1904 mv‡j ¯œvZK m¤§vb wWwMÖ AR©b K‡ib ewai Ges AÜ nIqvi AwfÁ m¤ú‡K© wZwb A‡bK¸‡jv eB wj‡L‡Qb| 1908 mv‡j wZwb ÒAvwg †h c„w_ex‡Z evm KwiÓ GB wk‡ivbv‡gi GKwU eB cÖKvk K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Country Time
Helen born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Annie began to help Helen   (c) ¾
Helen (d) ¾ (e) ¾ 1904
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

There are seven continents in the world. They are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Asia is the largest continent in both area and population. It has an area of 4,38,20,000 square kilometers. The total population of this continent is 416,42,52,000. About 246 people live per mile in Asia. Africa is the second largest continent in the world. Its total land area is 3,03,70,000 square kilometers. Its population is 102,22,34,000. The density of population per mile is 87. North America has an area of 2,44,90,000 square kilometers. The population of North America is 54,20,56,000. The density of population is 57 per mile. The total land area of Europe is 1,01,80,000 square kilometers. And its population is 73,81,99,000. About 188 people live per mile in Europe. The total land area of Australia is 90,08,500 square kilometers. The population of this continent is 29,1,27,000. About 8 people live per mile in Australia. South America has an area of 1,78,40,000 square kilometers. The population of South America is 39,25,55,000. Antarctica has an area of 1,37,20,000 square kilometers. But no habitation has developed here.

e½vbyev` : c„w_ex‡Z mvZwU gnv‡`k i‡q‡Q| †m¸‡jv n‡jv Gwkqv, AvwdªKv, BËi Av‡gwiKv, `wÿY Av‡gwiKv, G›UvK©wUKv, BD‡ivc I A‡÷ªwjqv| Gwkqv n‡”Q RbmsL¨v I AvqZb Df‡qi w`K w`‡q me©e„nr| Gi cy‡iv AvqZb n‡”Q 4,38,20,000 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| Gi RbmsL¨v n‡”Q 416,42,52,000| Avwd«Kv c„w_ex‡Z wØZxq e„nËg gnv‡`k| Gi cy‡iv AvqZb n‡”Q 3,03,70,000 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| Gi RbmsL¨v n‡”Q 102,22,34,000| cÖwZ gvB‡j RbmsL¨vi NbZ¡ n‡”Q 87| DËi Av‡gwiKvi AvqZb n‡”Q 2,44,90,000 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| DËi Av‡gwiKvi RbmsL¨v n‡”Q 54,20,56,000| cÖwZ gvB‡j RbmsL¨vi NbZ¡ n‡”Q 57| BD‡iv‡ci cy‡iv AvqZb n‡”Q 1,01,80,000 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| Ges Gi RbmsL¨v n‡”Q 73,81,99,000 | BD‡iv‡c cÖwZ gvB‡j cÖvq 188 Rb †jvK evm K‡i| A‡÷ªwjqvi cy‡iv AvqZb n‡”Q 90,08,500 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| GB gnv‡`‡ki RbsL¨v n‡”Q 29,1,27,000| A‡÷ªwjqvq cÖwZ gvB‡j cÖvq AvU Rb †jvK evm K‡i| `wÿY Av‡gwiKvi AvqZb n‡”Q 1,78,40,000 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi| `wÿY Av‡gwiKvi RbmsL¨ n‡”Q 39,25,55,000| G›UvK©wUKvi AvqZb n‡”Q 1,37,20,000 eM© wK‡jvgwUvi| wKš‘ †Kv‡bv RbemwZ GLv‡b M‡o D‡V wb|

Continent Area Population Density of population in per mile
Asia 43,82,0000 (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Africa 30370000 square km (c) ¾ 87
North America (d) ¾ square km 54,20,56,000 (e) ¾


  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Barack Obama was born to a white American mother and a black Kenyan father on 4 August, 1961 in Hawaii, USA. When his father returned to Kenya, his mother married another man. So, Obama was brought up by his grandparents. He completed primary and secondary education at Poncho, Hawaii’s top academy. Obama attended Columbia University and later he attended Harvard Law School. In 1990 he became the first African-American editor of the Law Review. He also began teaching at the Chicago Law School. In 2004 Obama was elected Senator to US Senate as a Democrat. He gained national attention by giving a well-received speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. In 2008, he ran for the President and he won. He was sworn in as the 44th President of the Unites States. He was elected to a second term in November 2012.

e½vbyev` : evivK Ievgv gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi nvIqvB‡Z 1961 mv‡ji 4 AvM÷ †k¦Zv½ Av‡gwiKvb gv‡qi M‡f© I K…òv½ †Kwbqvb evevi Ji‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| hLb Zvi evev †Kwbqvq wd‡i †M‡jb, ZLb Zvi gv Ab¨ †jvK‡K we‡q K‡ib| ZvB, Ievgv Zvi bvbv-bvbxi Kv‡Q jvwjZ nb| wZwb cÖv_wgK I gva¨wgK wkÿv m¤úbœ K‡ib nvIqvBÕi m‡ev©”P cÖwZôv cyb‡Pv‡Z| Ievgv Kjw¤^qv wek¦we`¨vj‡q I cieZ©x‡Z nvf©vW© jÕ ¯‹z‡j covïbv K‡ib| wZwb 1990 mv‡j cÖ_g Law Review-Gi Avwd«Kvb Av‡gwiKvb m¤úv`K nb wZwb wkKv‡Mv jÕ ¯‹z‡j cov‡ZI ïiy K‡ib| 2004 mv‡j Ievgv hy³iv‡óªi wm‡b‡U GKRb †W‡gvµ¨vU wn‡m‡e wm‡bUi wbe©vwPZ nb| wZwb †ev÷‡bi †W‡gvµ¨vwUK RvZxq m‡¤§‡j‡b GK my-M„nxZ e³e¨ cÖ`v‡bi ga¨‡g RvZxq g‡bv‡hvM jvf K‡ib| wZwb 2008 mv‡j †cÖwm‡W›U c‡`i Rb¨ cÖwZØw›ØZv K‡ib Ges weRqx nb| wZwb hy³iv‡óªi 44Zg †cÖwm‡W›U wn‡m‡e kc_ MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 2012 mv‡ji b‡f¤^i gv‡m wØZxq †gqv‡`i Rb¨ cybtwbe©vwPZ nb|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Obama born USA (a) ¾
Obama studied (b) ¾ (c) ¾  University  
Obama became (d) ¾ (e) ¾ 2008
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Emperor Babur is known as the founder of the Mughal empire in India. He was born on the 14th February 1483 in Fargana province, Uzbekistan. Babur was a military genius and a skilful warrior. He was also a lover of fine arts and poetry. He was a direct descendant of Timur Lang and Genghis Khan. In 1495, at twelve years of age Babur succeeded his father as the ruler of Fargana. His uncles were against him so Babur spent a large portion of his early life without shelter or in exile. In 1497 he gained control of the city of Samarkhand. He lost it again. In 1501, he captured Samarkhand again. In 1504, he was able to cross the snowy Hindukush, mountains and captured Kabul. However, in the battle of Panipath in 1526, Babur defeated the ruler of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi and took possession of Delhi and Agra. Thus he founded the Mughal Empire in India. He died at the age of 47 on January 5, 1531.

e½vbyev` : m¤ªvU evei fvi‡Z gyNj mvgªv‡R¨i cÖwZôvZv wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| wZwb DR‡ewK¯Ív‡bi dviMbv cÖ‡`‡k 1483 mv‡ji 14 wW‡m¤^i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| evei wQ‡jb GKRb mvgwiK cÖwZfvevb e¨w³ I GKRb `ÿ †hv×v| wZwb PviyKjv I Kv‡e¨iI †cÖwgK wQ‡jb| wZwb wZgy js I †PswMm Lv‡bi mivmwi DËicyiyl wQ‡jb| 1495 mv‡j gvÎ ev‡iv eQi eq‡m evei dviMbvi kvmK wn‡m‡e Zvi evevi DËim~wi nb| Zvi PvPviv Zvi weiy‡× wQ‡jb| ZvB evei Zvi cÖviw¤¢K Rxe‡bi GKwU eo Ask AvkÖqnxb wQ‡jb A_ev wbe©vm‡b wQ‡jb| 1997 mv‡j wZwb mgiL‡›`i wbqš¿Y jvf K‡ib| wZwb AveviI GwU nvivb| 1501 mv‡j wZwb AveviI mgiL›` `Lj K‡ib| 1504 mv‡j wZwb eidv”Qvw`Z wn›`yKyk ce©Zgvjv AwZµg Ki‡Z mÿg nb Ges Kveyj `Lj K‡ib| hv‡nvK, 1526 mv‡ji cvwbc‡_i hy‡× evei w`wjøi kvmK Beªvwng †jvw`‡K civwRZ K‡ib Ges w`wjø I AvMÖvi `Lj †bb| GBfv‡e wZwb fvi‡Z gyNj mvgªvR¨ cÖwZôv K‡ib| wZwb 47 eQi eq‡m 1531 mv‡ji 5B Rvbyqvwi g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Babur Born (a) ¾ 1483
Babur (b) ¾ Ibrahim Lodi Panipath (c) ¾
Babur (d) ¾   (e) ¾




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Dr. Muhammad Qudrat-E-Khuda was born in Birbhum, West Bengal in 1900. He passed the Matriculation Examination from Calcutta Madrasa  in 1918 in the first division. He obtained his MSc Degree in Chemistry standing first in first class from Presidency College, Calcutta in 1924 and was awarded gold medal. He obtained the DSc degree in 1929 from London University. He was the principal of Islamia college and Presidency College, Calcutta. In 1947 he came to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and served as the first director of Public Instruction for the Government of east Pakistan from 1947-1940. He was also appointed scientific advisor to the Ministry of Defense. After the independence of Bangladesh, Qudrat-E-Khuda was made Chairman of the National Education Commission in1972. He was appointed visiting professor of Chemistry at Dhaka University in 1975 and served there till his death in 1977. The Government of Bangladesh honoured him with ‘Ekushey Padak’ in 1976 and ‘Swadhinata Dibas Puraskar’ in1984.

e½vbyev`: W±i gynv¤§` Kz`ivZ-B-Ly`v 1900 mv‡j cwðg e‡½i exif~‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib wZwb 1918 mv‡j KjKvZv gv`ivmv †_‡K cÖ_g wefv‡M g¨vwUªKz‡jkb civxÿvq cvk K‡ib| wZwb 1924 mv‡j KjKvZv †cÖwm‡WwÝ K‡jR †_‡K imvq‡b cÖ_g †kÖwY‡Z cÖ_g ¯’vb AwaKvi K‡i GgGmwm (¯œv‡ZvKËi) wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib Ges Zv‡K ¯^Y© c`K cÖ`vb Kiv nq| wZwb 1929 mv‡j jÛb wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K W±i Ae m¨v‡qÝ wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| wZwb KjKvZvi Bmjvwgqv K‡jR I †cÖwm‡WwÝ K‡j‡Ri Aa¨vcK wQ‡jb| wZwb 1947 mv‡j c~e© cvwK¯Ív‡b (eZ©gvb evsjv‡`k) Av‡mb Ges 1947 †_‡K 1949 mvj chšÍ c~e© cvwK¯Ív‡bi ÔcvewjK BÝUªvKkb di w` Mfb©‡g›UÕ Gi cwiPvjK wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| wZwb cÖwZiÿv gš¿Yvj‡qi ˆeÁvwbK Dc‡`óvI wbhy³ nb| evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZvi c‡i, Kz`ivZ-B-Ly`v 1972 mv‡j RvZxq wkÿv Kwgk‡bii †Pqvig¨vb wbhy³ nb| wZwb 1975 mv‡ji XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi imvq‡bi AwZw_ Aa¨vcK wbhy³ nb Ges 1977 mv‡j Zvi g„Zz¨ ch©šÍ †mLv‡b `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| evsjv‡`k miKvi Zv‡K 1976 mv‡j ÔGKz‡k c`KÕ Ges 1984 mv‡j Ô¯^vaxbZv w`em cyi¯‹viÕ w`‡q m¤§vwbZ K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Qudrat-i-Khuda Born West Bengal (a) ¾
Khuda Passed (b) ¾ Calcutta Madrasa (c) ¾
Khuda (d) ¾ Chemistry Dhaka University (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known as Mahatama Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 in Gujrat, India. He passed his matriculation exams from Samaldas College in Bhavnagar, Gujrat. His father wanted him to be a barrister. So, Gandhi went to London to study law. He studied law at University College, London. He came back to India and joined the bar for practice in1891.  He could not continue practice as he was too shy to speak. In 1893 he joined a law firm in the colony of Natalm, South Africa. He spent 21 years in South Africa. There he developed his political view. In 1915 Gandhi returned to India permanently. In 1920 he took the leadership of Congress. In 1921 he reorganized the National Congress Party of India; He demanded immediate independence of India in 1942. On 30 January 1948, Gandhi was shot while he was going to address a prayer meeting.

e½vbyev` : mvaviYZ gnvZ¥v MvÜx wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ †gvnb `vm KigPuv` MvÜx fvi‡Zi ¸Riv‡U 1869 mv‡ji 2iv A‡±vei Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib wZwb ¸Riv‡Ui febM‡i Aew¯’Z mvgj`vm K‡jR †_‡K g¨vwUªKz‡jkb cixÿvq  DËxY© nb| Zuvi evev Zuv‡K e¨vwi÷vi Kiv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb| ZvB, MvÜx AvBb co‡Z jÛb hvb| wZwb jÛb wek¦we`¨vjq K‡j‡R AvBb covïbv K‡ib| wZwb fvi‡Z wd‡ib  Av‡mb Ges 1891 mv‡j †ckv wn‡m‡e †bqvi Rb¨ AvBb †ckvq †Mv`vb K‡ib| wKš‘ wZwb AvBb †ckv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z cvi‡jb bv KviY wZwb GZ †ewk jvRyK wQ‡jb †h K_v ej‡Z cvi‡Zb bv| 1893 mv‡j wZwb `wÿY Avwd«Kvi bvUvj K‡jvwb‡Z GKwU j dv‡g© †hvM`vb K‡ib| wZwb `wÿY Avwd«Kvq 21 eQi KvUvb| †mLv‡b wZwb Zuvi ivR‰bwZK gZvgZ mg„× K‡i †Zv‡jb| MvÜx 1915 mv‡j ¯’vqxfv‡e fvi‡Z wd‡i Av‡mb| 1920 mv‡j wZwb Ks‡MÖ‡mi †bZ…Z¡fvi MÖnY K‡ib| 1921 mv‡j wZwb fvi‡Zi RvZxq Ks‡MÖm `j cybM©Vb K‡ib| wZwb 1942 mv‡j ZvrÿwYKfv‡e fvi‡Zi ¯^vaxbZv `vwe K‡ib| wZwb 1948 mv‡ji 3 †k Rvbyqvwi, hLb cÖv_©bv mfvq e³e¨ w`‡Z hvw”Q‡jb, ZLb Zuv‡K ¸wj Kiv nq|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Gandhi Born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
He Joined a (c) ¾ firm in South Africa 1893
He (d) ¾ the National Congress Party (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Ernest Hemingway was a famous American writer and journalist. He wrote most of his books from 1920 to 1950. He won Nobel Prize in literature in 1954. He published seven novels and six short story books. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois in Chicago. From 1913-1917, he attended Oak Park and River Forest High School. He first wrote in the schools newspaper in 1916. He was a journalist before becoming a novelist. After leaving high school he started writing in the Kansas City Star as a reporter. In 1918, he joined at Italian Army as an ambulance driver during World War I. He was wounded in the war in July, 1918. So, he returned the USA in January 1919. “The Old Man and the Sea’ was published in 1952.  It drew much attention of the readers and critics. He committed suicide in 1961 in his summer house.

e½vbyev` : Av‡b©÷ †nwg©sI‡q GKRb weL¨vZ Av‡gwiKvb †jLK I mvsevw`K wQ‡jb| wZwb Zvui †ewkifvM eB wj‡L‡Qb 1920 †_‡K 1950 mv‡ji g‡a¨| wZwb 1954 mv‡j mvwn‡Z¨ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡i‡Qb| wZwb mvZwU Dcb¨vm I QqwU †QvUM‡íi eB cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb| †nwgsI‡q wkKv‡Mvi Bwjq‡mi IK cv‡K© 1899 mv‡ji 21 RyjvB Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 1913 mvj n‡Z 1917 mvj ch©šÍ IK cvK© I wifvi d‡i÷ nvB ¯‹z‡j covïbv K‡ib| wZwb 1916 mv‡j ¯‹zj cwÎKvq cÖ_g wj‡Lb| wZwb Jcb¨vwmK nIqvi Av‡M mvsevw`K wQ‡jb| nvB ¯‹zj Z¨vM Kivi ci wZwb K¨vbmvm wmwU ÷vi cwÎKvq msev“vZv wn‡m‡e wjL‡Z ïiy K‡ib| 1918 mv‡j cÖ_g wek¦hy‡× AvnZ nb| ZvB, wZwb 1919 mv‡ji Rvbyqvwi gv‡m Av‡gwiKvq wd‡i hvb| Ô`¨v Iì g¨vb G¨vÛ `¨v mxÕ 1952 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq| GwU cvVK I mgv‡jvPK‡`i cÖf~Z g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y K‡i| wZwb Zuvi MÖx®§Kvjxb evwo‡Z 1961 mv‡j AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Hemingway Born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
The old man and the sea published a (c) ¾ firm in South Africa (c) ¾
(d) ¾ Suicide Summer house (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

According to the international Energy Agency, only a few countries produce over 63% of the world’s total oil. In November 2012, Russia produced 10.9 million barrels per day. It is about 13% of world’s total production. Next to Russia, comes Saudi Arabia. In the same year Saudi Arabia produced 9.9 million barrels per day and the amount was 12.65% of world’s production. United States was the third in the list of producing oil in 2012.  The country produced 8.45 million barrels per day. In the same year, Iran stood fourth in producing oil that was 4.23 mollion barrels per day. The amount was 4.77% of world’s production. China produced about 4 million barrels per day amounting 4.56% of world’s total production. Canada produced about 3.6 million barrels per day in the same year and the amount was 3.90% of world’s total production.

e½vbyev`: AvšÍR©vwZK GbvwR© G‡RwÝ Abymv‡i gvÎ K‡qKwU †`k c„w_exi †gvU †Z‡ji 63% fv‡Mi †ewk Drcv`b K‡i| 2012 mv‡ji b‡f¤^‡i cÖwZw`b ivwkqv 10.9 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij Drcv`b K‡i| GwU we‡k¦i †gvU Drcv`‡bi 13%| ivwkqvi c‡i Av‡m †mŠw` Avie| GKB eQi †mŠw` Avi‡ei cÖwZw`‡bi Drcv`b wQj 9.9 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij Avi GUv wQj c„w_exi †gvU Drcv`‡bi 12.65%| 2012 mv‡j †Zj Drcv`bKvix †`‡ki ZvwjKvq Z…Zxq wQj hy³ivóª| †`kwUi cªwZw`b Drcv`b wQj 8.45 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij| GKB eQi Bivb †Zj Drcv`‡b wQj PZz_© Ges †`kwUi ˆ`wbK Drcv`b wQj 4.23 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij| Avi GUv wQj c„w_exi †gvU Drcv`‡bi 4.77% fvM| Px‡bi Drcv`b wQj ˆ`wbK cÖvq 4 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij hv c„w_exi †gvU Drcv`‡bi 4.56% fvM| GKB eQ‡i KvbvWvq ˆ`wbK Drcv`b wQj 3.6 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij Avi GB Drcv`b wQj c„w_exi †gvU Drcv`‡bi 3.90% fvM|

Country Amount of Production per day (Million costs) Percentage of World’s total production Year
Russia (a) ¾ 13% 2012
Saudia Arabia (b) ¾ 12.65% (c) ¾
(d) ¾ 4.23 (e) ¾ 2012




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. He was famous for his Gettysburg Address. It was delivered by him during the American Civil War, on November 19,1863. Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky, the USA. His parents were from Virginia. In 1819 his mother died. Then his father moved to Indiana State. He grew up there. He was a captain in the Black Hawk War. He got the nomination for President in 1860. Then he became the President of USA in 1861.  Lincoln declared a ban on slavery in America on January 1, 1863. He was reelected President in 1864. On Good Friday, April 14, 1865, he was assassinated at Ford’s there in Washington.

e½vbyev`: Aveªvnvg wjsKb wQ‡jb hy³iv‡óªi 16Zg †cÖwm‡W›U| wZwb Zuvi †MwUmevM© fvlY-Gi Rb¨ weL¨vZ wQ‡jb| 1863 mv‡ji 19 b‡f¤^i Av‡gwiKvq M„nhy× PjvKv‡j wZwb GB fvlY w`‡qwQ‡jb| 1809 mv‡ji 12 †deªyqvwi †K›UvwK-†Z wjsKb Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| Zuvi wcZvgvZv fvwR©wbqvi Awaevmx wQ‡jb| 1819 mv‡j Zuvi gv g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib| AZtci, Zuvi evev BwÛqvbv iv‡R¨ P‡j Av‡mb †mLv‡bB wZwb eo nb| eøvK nK hy‡× wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb K¨v‡Þb| 1860 mv‡j wZwb †cÖwm‡W›U wbe©vP‡b g‡bvbqb cvb| ZLb wZwb 1861 mv‡j hy³iv‡óªi †cÖwm‡W›U wbe©vwPZ nb| 1863 mv‡ji 1 Rvbyqvwi wZwb Av‡gwiKvq `vm cÖ_v wbwl× †NvlYv K‡ib| 1864 mv‡j wZwb cybivq †cÖwm‡W›U wbe©vwPZ nb| 1865 mv‡ji 14 GwcÖj ¸W d«vB‡W-†Z IqvwksU‡bi †dvW©m& w_‡qUv‡i GK AvZZvqxi nv‡Z wjsKb wbnZ nb|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Lincoln Born USA (a) ¾
Lincoln became (b) ¾ USA (c) ¾
Lincoln banned (d) ¾ (e) ¾ 1863
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He was an American astronaut. He was also an aerospace engineer. Armstrong was born on 05 August, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio, the USA. He experienced his first flight in Warren, Ohio on July 20, 1936. He earned his flight certificate in 1945 at the age of only 15. In 1947, at the age of 17, he began to study aeronautical engineering in Purdue University, the USA. He received BSc degree in Aeronautical Engineering in 1955 and he did MSc in Aerospace engineering from the university of Southern California in 1970. In 1958 he was selected for the US Air Force’s Man in Space Soonest programme. Neil Armstrong, along with his group, launched the mission to the moon with Apollo 11 July 1969. He was the commander of the voyage, “Apollo 11” and landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong walked first on the surface of the moon. He died on August 25, 2012.

e½vbyev` : bxj Avg©÷ªs wQ‡jb †mB e¨w³ whwb cÖ_g P›`ª c„‡ô †nu‡UwQ‡jb| wZwb GKRb Av‡gwiKvb b‡fvPvix wQ‡jb wZwb GKRb gnvKvk welqK BwÄwbqvi wQ‡jb| hy³iv‡óªi AwnI †÷‡Ui Iqvcv‡Kv‡bUvq 1930 mv‡ji 5 AvM÷ Avg©÷ªs-Gi Rb¥ nq| IwnI Iqv‡ib-G 1936 mv‡ji 20 RyjvB wZwb Zuvi cÖ_g AvKv‡k wegvb Pvjbvi AwfÁZv AR©b K‡ib| 1945 mv‡j †KejgvÎ 15 eQi eq‡m wZwb wgvb DÇq‡bi mvwU©wd‡KU jvf K‡ib| 1947 mv‡j 17 eQi eq‡m hy³iv‡óªi cviwWD wek¦we`¨vj‡q wZwb A¨v‡ivbwU‡Kj BÄwbqvwis-G Aa¨qb ïiy K‡ib| wZwb 1955 mv‡j A¨v‡ivbwU‡Kj BwÄwbqvwis‡q weGmwm wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| Avi, wZwb 1970 mv‡j `wÿY K¨vwj‡dvwb©qv wek¦we`¨vjq n‡Z gnvKvk weÁv‡b GgGmwm wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| 1958 mv‡j wZwb hy³iv‡óªi wegvb evwnbx‡Z gnvKvk kxNªZg †cªvMv‡g wbe©vwPZ nb| bxj Avg©÷ªs Zvi `jmn 1669 mv‡ji 20 RyjvB A¨v‡cv‡jv-11 b‡fvhvbwU P›`ª c„‡ô AeZiY K‡i| bxj Avg©÷ªs me© cÖ_g P›`ªc„‡ô nuv‡Ub| 2012 mv‡ji 25 AvM÷ wZwb g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Armstrong born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Armstrong earn flight certificate   (c) ¾
Apollo-11 landed the (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Charles Babbage was an English mathematician. He was a mechanical engineer who is best known for originating the concept of computer. He was born on 26 December, 1791 in London. He entered Trinity College in October, 1810.  He was transferred to Porterhouse, Cambridge. He was the top mathematician there. He received an honours degree without examination in 1814. He was elected a fellow of the Ryan Society in 1816. From 1828 to 1839 Babbage was Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. Babbage is famous for inventing the first mechanical computer in 1822 that eventually led to today’s computer. He died at his home in London on 18 October, 1871.

e½vbyev`: Pvj©m e¨v‡eR wQ‡jb GKRb Bs‡iR MwYZwe`| wZwb GKRb †gKvwbK¨vj BwÄwbqvi wQ‡jb| wZwb Kw¤úDUv‡ii aviYv m„wói Rb¨ me©vwaK cwiwPZ| 1791 mv‡ji 26 wW‡m¤^i jÛ‡b Zuvi Rb¥ nq| 1810 mv‡ji A‡±vei gv‡m wZwb wUªwbwU K‡j‡R †hvM`vb K‡ib| Zvici K¨vgweªR-Gi †cvU©vinvDR-G e`wj nq| †mLv‡b wZwb cÖavb MwYZwe` wQ‡jb| 1814 mv‡j cixÿv bv w`‡q wZwb Abvm© wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| 1816 mv‡j wZwb i‡qj †mvmvBwUi †d‡jv wbe©vwPZ nb| e¨v‡eR 1828 †_‡K 1839 ch©šÍ K¨vgweªR wek¦we`¨vj‡q MwYZ wefv‡Mi jyKvwmqvb cÖ‡dmi wQ‡jb| 1822 mv‡j †gKvwbK¨vj Kw¤úDUvi Avwe®‹vi K‡i wZwb weL¨vZ nb| 1871 mv‡ji 18 A‡±vei jÛ‡b wbR evmfe‡b wZwb †kl wbtk¦vm Z¨vM K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Babbage born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Babbage entry (c) ¾ College 1810
Babbage (d) ¾ of Mathematics Cambridge University (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

SM Sultan, A renowned painter, was born on 10th August, 1923 in Narail district. He studied at the Victoria Collegiate School in Narail for five years and then joined his father who was a mason. He use to draw buildings in his spare time and thus developed a liking for art.

Sultan went to Calcutta in 1938 to study Art with the monetary support of the Zaminder of his area but failed to get admission to the Government  School of Art. Again with the help of another patron, Shahed Sohrawardi who was a member of the Governing Body of that School, Sultan was admitted in the Art School. Sohrawardi provided him accommodation in his home and he permitted him to use his own library.

Sultan left the school after three years and started working as a freelance artist. He was a both a man in nature and wanderer. He started travelling to different places of India and drew portraits of the allied soldiers of the Second World War.

His first exhibition of Art was held in Simla in 1946 but not a single piece of his work of this period survived as he was totally indifferent to preservation of his work.

He returned to Narail after partition in 1947. In 1950 he went to America and held several exhibitions in New York, Washington, Chicago, Boston and later in London. In 1951 he went to Karachi to work as an art teacher at a school there. He returned to Narail in 1953 and built a school and a huge boat for children. He live in a house full of cats and snakes in the quiet isolation.

Sultan’s first exhibition in Dhaka was held in 1976 and another one in 1987. He died in 1994.

e½vbyev` : weL¨vZ wkíx GmGg myjZvb 1923 mv‡ji 10 AvM÷ bovBj †Rjvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb bovB‡j wf‡±vwiqv K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹z‡j cvuP eQi cov‡kvbv K‡ib Ges Zvi evev whwb GKRb ivRwgw¯¿ Zvi mv‡_ †hvM‡`b| wZwb Zvi Aemi mg‡q fe‡bi bKkv ˆZwi Ki‡Zb Ges Gfv‡e wk‡íi cÖwZ fv‡jvevmv ˆZwi K‡ib| myjZvb 1938 mv‡j Zvi GjvKvq Rwg`v‡ii A_©‰bwZK mnvqZv wb‡q wP‡Îi Dci cov‡kvbv Ki‡Z KjKvZvq hvb wKš‘ wZwb miKvwi AvU© ¯‹z‡j fwZ© n‡Z cv‡ib wb| cybivq Av‡iKRb ïfvKv•ÿxi knx` †mvnivIqv`x© whwb H we`¨vj‡qi cwiPvjbv cwil‡`i m`m¨ wQ‡jb Zvi mvnvh¨ wb‡q myjZvb AvU© ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nb| †mvnivIqv`x© Zv‡K Zvi evwo‡Z _vK‡Z w`‡q‡Qb Ges Zv‡K Zvi cvVvMvi e¨envi Kivi AbygwZ w`‡qwQ‡jb| myjZvb wZb eQi ci we`¨vjqwU †Q‡o hvb Ges GKRb gy³gbv wkíx wn‡m‡e KvR ïiy K‡ib|

¯^fv‡e wZwb feNy‡i I KíbvcÖeY wQ‡jb| wZwb fvi‡Zi wewfbœ ¯’vb fªgY ïiy K‡ib Ges wØZxq wek¦hy‡× HK¨e× †hv×v‡`i  Qwe AsKb K‡ib| wPÎwk‡í Zvi cÖ_g cª`k©bx AbywôZ n‡qwQj wmgjvq 1946 mv‡j wKš‘ GB mg‡q Zvi Kv‡Ri GKwUiI Aw¯ÍZ¡ †bB KviY wZwb Zvi KvR‡K msiÿY Kivi e¨vcv‡i D`vmxb wQ‡jb|

1947 mv‡j †`k wefv‡Mi ci wZwb bovB‡j wd‡i hvb| 1950 mv‡j wZwb Av‡gwiKvq hvb Ges wbDBqK©, IqvwksUb, wkKv‡Mv †ev÷b I c‡i jÛ‡b K‡qKwU cÖ`k©bxi Av‡qvRb K‡ib| 1951 mv‡j wZwb GKwU we`¨vj‡q AvU© wkÿK wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡Z KivwP‡Z hvb| wZwb 1953 mv‡j bovB‡j wd‡i Av‡mb Ges wkï‡`i Rb¨ GKwU we`¨vjq I wekvj †bŠKv ˆZwi Ki‡b| wZwb weovj I muv‡c fiv c~Y© c„_K GKwU evwo‡Z Rxeb KvwU‡q‡Qb| XvKvq myjZv‡bi cÖ_g cÖ`©kbx n‡qwQj 1976 m‡j Ges Av‡iKwU n‡qwQj 1987 mv‡j| wZwb 1994 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Sultan born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
He went to study (c) ¾ Calcutta 1938
Sultan’s first (d) ¾ held (e) ¾ 1976
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Rabindrnath Tagore was one of the most leading poets in the history of world’ literature. He was born in the renowned Tagore family in March, 1861. After the completion of his house education he was sent to school. But he did not like institutional education. At the age of seventeen he was sent to London to study law. But he studied literature with Professor Henry Morley only for a few months and then returned home.

Only at the age of eight he started composing pomes. He wrote his poetic novel; Banaphul at the age of fifteen. When he was sixteen, his poems and essays were being published in journals. After returning from England, he began to write tirelessly all branches of literature.

In 1911 he translated his poems of “The Gitanjali” “into English which brought him the highest honour in the form of the Nobel Prize  in 1913.

One year after his awarding of the Noble Prize, he was made a Knight by the British government which he rejected as a protest against the atrocities of British, government at Jalianwalabagh. The University of Oxford honoured the poet with D Lit in 1940. Earlier in 1921, he laid the foundation of Viswa Bhrati. At the age of eighty, Rabindranath Tagore breathed his last.

e½vbyev` : iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi wek¦ mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnv‡m Ab¨Zg cÖavb Kwe| wZwb 1861 mv‡ji gvP© gv‡m weL¨vZ VvKzi cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| M„n wkÿv †k‡l Zv‡K we`¨vj‡q cvVv‡bv nq| wZwb cÖvwZôvwbK wkÿv cQ›` Ki‡Zb bv| m‡Z‡iv eQi eq‡m Zv‡K AvBb wkÿvi Rb¨ jÛ‡b cvVv‡bv nq| wKš‘ wZwb Aa¨vcK †nbwi †gvi‡ji mv‡_ gvÎ K‡qK gvm mvwnZ¨ PP©v K‡ib Ges evwo‡Z wd‡i Av‡mb|

gvÎ AvU eQi eq‡m wZwb KweZv iPbv ïiy K‡ib| c‡b‡iv eQi eq‡m wZwb ÔebdzjÕ ÔÔKv‡e¨vcb¨vmÕ iPbv K‡ib| hLb Zvi eqm †lv‡jv, ZLb Zvi KweZv I cÖeÜ gvwmK cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ nw”Qj| Bsj¨vÛ †_‡K wd‡i Avmvi ci mvwn‡Z¨i wewfbœ kvLvq wZwb weivgnxbfv‡e wjL‡Z ïiy K‡ib| 1911 mv‡j wZwb Zvi Kve¨ MÖš’ ÔMxZvÄjxÕ Bs‡iwR‡Z Abyev` K‡ib hv 1913 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi i~‡c Zv‡K m‡e©v”P m¤§vb G‡b †`q|

†bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvIqvi GK eQi ci weªwUk miKvi Zv‡K ÔbvBUÕ Dcvwa cÖ`vb K‡ib| RvwjqvbIqvjvev‡M weªwUk miKv‡i f‚wgKvi Rb¨ wZwb ÔbvBUÕ Dcvwa cÖZ¨vL¨vb K‡ib| 1940 mv‡j A·‡dvW© wek¦we`¨vjq Kwe‡K m¤§vb m~PK wW wjU Dcvwa cÖ`vb K‡ib| 1921 mv‡ji cÖ_g w`‡K Ôwek¦fviZxqÕ cÖwZôv Ki‡b| Avwk eQi eq‡m iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi †kl wbtk¦vm Z¨vM K‡ib|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Rabindranath born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Rabindranath Published (c) ¾   1891
The poet Got (d) ¾ Prize   (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Jivananda Das was born in Barisal in 1899. He took his Master’s Degree in English from Dhaka University at the age of 22. The next year he started his teaching career as professor of English at the Calcutta City College. He lost his job in 1928 on the charge of publishing a poem. He got an appointment in Brajomohan College, Barisal in 1935. In 1947 when the partition was made, Jivanada Das left Bangladesh for India. He was awarded Rabindra Purashkar in 1953. He met with a tram accident on the 14th October, 1954.  After a few days he passed away on October 22, 1954. His major woks are Banalata Sen, Dhusar Pandulipi, Rupasi Bangla, etc.

Born on December 9, 1608 in London, Milton spent most of his boyhood in this city. At the age of seventeen he went to Cambridge for study and spent there seven years. He took M. A. from that university. Leaving Cambridge, when he was twenty three, Milton entered no profession and spent six years at Horton in unprofessional study. In 1638 he started his foreign tour which helped in molding his cultured and poetic mind. In the year 1640 Milton married Mary Powell, a young girl of seventeen. His wife died in 1672 leaving him with three daughters.

His old age was, nevertheless, healthful and he died in 1674 His major works are Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Aeropagitica, etc.

e½vbyev` : Rxebvb›` `vk 1899 mv‡j ewikv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 22 eq‡m XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K Bs‡iwR‡Z ¯œvZ‡KvËi wWwMÖ AR©b K‡ib| cieZ©x eQ‡i wZwb Bs‡iwRi Aa¨vcK wn‡m‡e KjKvZv wmwU K‡j‡R Zvi wkÿKZv †ckv ïiy K‡ib| 1928 mv‡j GKwU KweZv Qvcv‡bvi `v‡q wZwb Zvi PvKzix nvivb| 1935 mv‡j wZwb ewikv‡ji eªR‡gvnb K‡j‡R wb‡qvM cvb| 1947 mv‡j †`k wefv‡Mi ci Rxebvb›` `vk fvi‡Zi D‡Ï‡k¨ evsjv‡`k Z¨vM K‡ib| 1953 mv‡i wZwb iex›`ª cyi¯‹vi AR©b K‡ib| 1954 mv‡ji 14 A‡±vei wZwb GKwU Uªvg `yN©Ubvq wkKvi nb| wKQzw`b ci 1954 mv‡ji 22 A‡±vei wZwb ci‡jvK Mgb K‡ib| Zvi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Kg© n‡jv ebjZv †mb, a~mi cvÐzwjwc, i~cmx evsjv BZ¨vw`|

1608 mv‡ji 9 wW‡m¤^i jÛ‡b Rb¥MÖnY K‡i wgëb Zvi evj¨Kv‡ji AwaKvsk mgqB GB kn‡i AwZµg K‡i‡Qb| m‡Z‡iv eQi eq‡m wZwb cov‡kvbvi Rb¨ K¨vgweª‡R hvb Ges †mLv‡b mvZ eQi AwZµg K‡ib| wZwb H wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K Gg. G. cvk K‡ib| K¨vgweªR Z¨vM K‡i wgë‡bi eqm hLb †ZBk eQi, wZwb †Kv‡bv †ckvq RwoZ nb wb Ges bvbvwea cov‡kvbv K‡i †nviU‡b Qq eQi KvUvb| 1638 mv‡j wZwb we‡`k ågY ïiy K‡ib hv Zv‡K ms¯‹…wZgbv I K¨we¨K g‡bi AwaKvix n‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| 1640 mv‡j wgëb m‡Z‡iv eQi eqmx GK ZiyYx †gix cvI‡qj‡K we‡q K‡ib| Zvi ¯¿x wZb Kb¨vmn Zv‡K †i‡L 1672 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib| e„× eq‡m Zvi ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv wQ‡jv bv Ges wZwb 1674 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib| Zvi cÖavb D‡jøL¨‡hvM¨ Kg©¸‡jv n‡jv c¨vivWvBR j÷, c¨vivWvBR wiM¨vBÛ, A¨vwiIc¨vwRwUKv BZ¨vw`|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Jivananada born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Jivananada took (c) ¾ in English Dhaka University at 22
Milton born (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B. S. (1899 A D.) at Churulia in the district of Burdwan. Even is his childhood he showed the signs that he would once be a great poet. He lost his father at the age of eight. At he age of eleven he showed his poetic genius. In 1914 when the First World War broke out he wanted to the army. Then he was minor. At fast at the age of 19 when was a student of class nine he joined the army as an ordinary soldier on the side of the Allies. On his return from the battle field, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.

He wrote a lot of poems, songs short stories, gajal, novels, etc. He travelled all branches of Bengali literature. His famous poem “Bidrohi” stirred the whole nation and he turned the rebel poet. He was always against the slavery. His poems inspired our Freedom Fighters in the Liberation War. Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and he was taken to Bangladesh in 1972 from Calcutta and was declared our national poet. It was a tragedy that he had been suffering a cruel disease since 1942 and almost half dead for the rest of life. He died on the 29th August, 1976 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka University Mosque.

e½vbyev` : Avgv‡`i RvZxq Kwe KvRx bRiyj Bmjvg 1306 e½v‡ã (1899 wL÷v‡ã) ea©gvb †Rjvi Pyiywjqv MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| GgbwUK wZwb Zuvi †Q‡j‡ejv‡ZB wKQy jÿY †`wL‡qwQ‡jb †h wZwb GKw`b me‡P‡q eo Kwe n‡eb| AvU eQi eq‡m wZwb evev‡K nvivb| GMv‡iv eQi eq‡m wZwb Kve¨ cÖwZfvi cÖKvk NUvb| 1914 mv‡j hLb cª_g wek¦hy× Qwo‡q c‡o ZLb wZwb †mbvevwnbx‡Z †hvM †`b| Zvici wZwb wQ‡jb Amnvq| Zuvi eqm hLb 19 eQi ZLb wZwb beg †kÖwYi QvÎ Ges ZLb GKRb mvaviY ˆmb¨ wn‡m‡e wgÎkw³‡Z †hvM w`‡qwQ‡ib| hyׇÿÎ †_‡K wd‡i wZwb A¯¿ Z¨vM K‡i Kjg a‡ib Ges KweZv †jLv ïiy K‡iwQ‡jb|

wZwb A‡bK KweZv, Mvb, †QvUMí, MRj, Dcb¨vm BZ¨vw` wj‡LwQ‡jb| evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i me kvLv‡ZB wZwb wePiY K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi weL¨vZ KweZv Ôwe‡`ªvnxÕ cy‡iv RvwZ‡K Av‡jvwoZ K‡iwQj Ges wZwb we‡`ªvnx Kwe wn‡m‡e cwiwPwZ cvb| wZwb memgqB wQ‡jb `vm‡Z¡i weiy‡×| Zuvi KweZv Avgv‡`i gyw³‡hv×v‡`i ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× AbycÖvwYZ K‡iwQj| evsjv‡`k 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxb n‡qwQj Ges 1972 mv‡j Zuv‡K KjKvZv †_‡K XvKv Avbv n‡qwQj Ges RvZxq Kwe wn‡m‡e †NvlYv †`Iqv nq| GUv LyeB gvgv©wšÍK NUbv †h, 1942 mvj †_‡K wZwb `yiv‡ivM¨ e¨vwa‡Z AvµvšÍ n‡qwQj Ges cÖvq Rxe‡bi evwK mgqUzKz cÖvq Aa©g„Z wQ‡jb| wZwb 1976 mv‡ji AvM÷ gv‡m g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib Ges XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq gmwR‡`i cvk Zv‡K mgvwaZ Kiv n‡qwQj|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Nazrul (a) ¾ burdwan (b) ¾
Liberation War held Bangladesh (c) ¾
(d) ¾ became national poet (e) ¾ 1972
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is an old city. During the reign of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, Subedar Islam Khan founded it in 1612.  It was then named Jahangirnagar after the name of Emperor Jahangir. Many people and dignified foreigners visited Dhaka for different purposes. Farashgonj, Armanitola, Fuller Road, Johnson Road, Mintoo Road, Northbroook Hall Road, Waizghat, etc. Bear the memories of those foreigners. Dhaka  has two parts, the old town and the new town. The Ramna is called the new town. Curzon Hall, Dhaka University, High Court and Supreme Court are in the new town. The foundation of the Curzon Hall was laid by Lord Curzon, then the Viceroy of India in 1904. In 1905 ‘All India Muslim League’ was formed here. Dhaka Collegiate School which was the first govt. school was established in 1835. After six years in the same building Dhaka College started its functioning. The University of Dhaka was formally established in 1921. Dhaka is the place of many historical events. The great Sepoy movement was occurred in Dhaka in 1857. After partition India, Dhaka became the capital of the then East Pakistan. In 1952 Bengali Language movement took place. Salam, Rafiq laid their lives for mother tongue. After the liberation was of 1971 Dhaka became the capital of independent Bangladesh.

e½vbyev` : XvKv evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx| GwU GKwU cyivZb kni| gyNj m¤ªvU Rvnv½x‡ii kvmbvg‡j my‡e`vi Bmjvg Lvb 1612 mv‡j GwU cÖwZôv K‡ib| m¤ªvU Rvnv½x‡ii bvgvbymv‡i ZLb Gi bvgKiY Kiv nq Rvnv½xibMi| A‡bK mvaviY gvbyl Ges wewfbœ gh©`vm¤úbœ we‡`wk wewfbœ D‡Ï‡k¨ XvKv cwi`k©b K‡ib| divmMÄ, Avigvwb‡cvjv, dzjvi †iW, Rbmb †ivW, wg‡›Uv †ivW, b_©eªyKnj †ivW, IqvBRNvU BZ¨vw` H mg¯Í we‡`wk ¯§„wZ enb K‡i| KvR©b nj, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq, nvB‡KvU©, mywcÖg †KvU© bZzb XvKvi AšÍf©y³| ZrKvjxb fvi‡Zi eo jvU jW KvR©b 1904 mv‡j KvR©b n‡ji wfwË cÖ¯Íi ¯’vcb K‡ib| 1905 mv‡j GLv‡b ÔwbwLj fviZ gymwjg jxM Õ MwVZ nq| cÖ_g miKvwi we`¨vjq XvKv K‡jwR‡qU ¯‹zj 1835 mv‡j cÖwZwôZ nq| Gi Pq eQi ci GKB fe‡b XvKv K‡j‡Ri Kvh©µg ïiy nq| XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq AvbyôvwbKfv‡e 1921 mv‡j cÖwZwôZ nq| XvKv A‡bK HwZnvwmK NUbvi †K›`ª¯’j| 1857 mv‡j XvKvq weL¨vZ wmcvnx we‡`ªvn msNwUZ nq| fviZ wefv‡Mi ci XvKv ZrKvjxb c~e© cvwK¯Ív‡bi ivRavbx‡Z cwiYZ nq| 1952 mv‡j evsjv fvlv Av‡›`vjb msNwUZ nq| gvZ…fvlvi Rb¨ mvjvg, eiKZ, iwdK Zv‡`i Rxeb DrmM© K‡ib| 1971 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i ci XvKv cybivq ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx‡Z cwiYZ nq|

Person/Facts Action/Achievement Place/Institute Time
Islam khan founded (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Lord Curzon (c) ¾ Curzon Hall 1904
Capital of Bangladesh became (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




Read the passage. Answer the question no 4, 5.

Cricket is one of the most popular games, specially one day cricket. The first one day cricket was played in Australia. One day World Cup Cricket Tournament was held first in England in 1975. The west Indies won the trophy. The 2nd and 3rd Tournaments were also held in England in 1979 and 1983 respectively. In 1987 Pakistan and India were host countries. In 1992 Pakistan won the trophy from Australia and New Zealand. Bangladesh became champion in ICC in 1997 in Malaysia; The World Cup Tournament of 2003 was held in South Africa be the first tournament of the 21st centre. Australia won it. World Cup competition was held in Bangladesh in 1998. In 1996 Pakistan, India and Srilanka jointly arranged 2 tournament and Srilanka won the trophy. The latest news for cricket world that Bangladesh has got test status from ICC, dated 26th June, 2000. So Bangladesh is now 10 th test playing country. Bangladesh as a test playing country can be participate every world cup cricket.

e½vbyev` : mev©waK RbwcÖq †Ljv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wµ‡KU Ab¨Zg, we‡kl K‡i GKw`‡bi wµ‡KU| GKw`‡bi wµ‡KU †Ljv cÖ_g A‡÷ªwjqvq AbywôZ nq| 1975 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Û cÖ_g GKw`‡bi wek¦Kvc wµ‡KU Uzb©v‡g›U AbywôZ nq| I‡q÷ BwÛR Uªwd Rq K‡i| wØZxq Ges Z…Zxq Uzb©v‡g›UI h_vµ‡g 1979 Ges 1983 mv‡j Bsj¨v‡Û AbywôZ nq 1987 mv‡j cvwK¯Ívb Ges fviZ ¯^vMwZK †`k wQj| cvwK¯Ívb 1992 mv‡j A‡÷ªwjqv Ges wbDwRj¨vÛ †_‡K Uªwd Rq K‡i| 1997 mv‡j evsjv‡`k gvj‡qwkqvq AvBwmwm‡Z P¨vw¤úqb nq 2003 mv‡ji wek¦Kvc wµ‡KU Uzb©v‡g›U `wÿY Avwd«Kvq AbywôZ nq| 1996 mv‡j cvwK¯Ívb, fviZ Ges kÖxjsKv †hŠ_fv‡e GKUv Uzb©v‡g›U Av‡qvRb K‡i Ges kÖxjsKv Uªwd wR‡Z| wµ‡KU we‡k¦i Rb¨ mv¤úªwZK Kv‡ji msev` n‡jv †h evsjv‡`k 26 Ryb 2000 AvšÍRv©wZK wµ‡KU KvDwÝj †_‡K †U÷ ghv©`v †c‡q‡Q| myZivs evsjv‡`k GLb `kg †U÷ †Ljy‡o †`k| GKUv †U÷ †Ljy‡o †`k wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k mKj wµ‡KU wek¦Kv‡c AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cvi‡e|

  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5
Name of tournament Place Year Champion
World Cup Cricket first England (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Would cup Cricket first 21st century South Africa (c) ¾ Australia
ICC Trophy (d) ¾ 1997 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Dr. Mohammad Shahid-Ullah was one of those who contributed towards Bengali language literature. He was the greatest scholar of Bengal. This great scholar was born at 24 Pargana in West Bengal on 10 July, 1885. He passed the Entrance Examination in 1904. He obtained his B. A. degree in 1910, M. A. in 1912 and B. L. in 1914. He joined the University of Dhaka in 1921 as a professor of Sanskrit and Bengali. He was awarded the Doctorate degree from Sorbann University, Paris, in 1928. His ‘Bangla Sahitter Katha’ published in 1953, was first well arranged History of Bengali Literature. In 1967 he was seriously ill and was in sick-bed for about two and a half years. The great scholar breathed his last on 13 July, 1669, in Dhaka. We all remember him with gratitude.

e½vbyev` : evsjv fvlv I mvwn‡Z¨i †ÿ‡Î hviv Ae`vb †i‡L‡Qb W. gynv¤§` knx`yjøvn Zv‡`i GKRb| wZwb wQ‡jb evsjvi me©‡kÖô cwÐZ| GB gnvcwÐZ 1885 mv‡ji 10 RyjvB cwðg e‡½i PweŸk ciMYv †Rjvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 1904 mv‡j cÖ‡ewkKv cixÿvq DËxY© nb| wZwb 1910 mv‡j we. G., 1912 mv‡j Gg G. 1914 mv‡j we. Gj. wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| wZwb 1921 mv‡j ms¯‹…Z I evsjvi Aa¨vcK wn‡m‡e XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡q †hvM`vb K‡ib| 1928 mv‡j wZwb c¨vwi‡mi m‡iveb wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K W±‡iU wWwMÖ cÖvß nb| 1953 mv‡j Zvui Ôevsjv mvwn‡Z¨i K_vÕ cÖKvwkZ nq hv evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnv‡m cÖ_g ms‡hvRb| 1967 mv‡j wZwb gvivZ¥Kfv‡e Amy¯’ n‡q c‡ob Ges cÖvq AvovB eQi kh¨vkvqx _v‡Kb| 1969 mv‡ji 16 RyjvB G gnvcwÐZ XvKvq †kl wbtk¦vm Z¨vM K‡ib| Avgiv mevB Zuv‡K kÖ×vf‡i ¯§iY Kwi|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Shahid-Ullah born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
He became (c) ¾ Dhaka University 1921.
He got (d) ¾ Sorbann University (e) ¾.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

John Milton is the greatest poet after Shakespeare. John Milton was born in London in Bread Street on the 9th December, 1608. He received early education at home under private tutors and was then admitted to St. Paul’s school, perhaps in 1620. At school he studied Latin and Greek besides his subject. In 1625 Milton matriculated at Christ’s College Cambridge. He obtained his B. A. Degree in 1629 and his M. A. in 1632 at the same university. Early in 1628 he wrote the earliest of his English poems “On the death of a Fair Infant”. His great poem in English was “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’ probable in the long vacation of 1631.  After taking his M. A. degree, Milton went to stay at his father’s country house at Horton. In 1637 Milton’s mother died and the poet set out on the continental tour of Europe in 1638. In April of this year he reached Italy. While in Naples, he received the news of Civil war (1642-1646) break in out in England. So he returned to England in 1639. He resolved to throw himself to the civil war to secure civil and religious liberty of his countrymen. He wrote about twenty five pamphlets on the current social, political problems.

In 1649 Charles-I was executed and Milton wrote his political tract Tenure of Kings and Magistrates in which he supported the execution of the deposed king. In the same year he was made Secretary on Foreign Tongue to the council of state under Cromwell. The second period of his life Began from (1641-1643), Milton went into the country on a commission for his father, met Mary Powell and married her. In 1652 he became blind. Then came the Restoration in 1660 with this began’s period of dishonour and danger in the life of the poet. Charles If was restored to the throne. The poet was arrested but be was released under the Act of Amnesty and Oblivion. Milton now retired to his solitary abode and once again devoted himself to the service of poetry. The Paradise Lost was completed in 1663. Its sequel paradise Regain followed in 1665. Finally in 1667 came the masterpiece  of classical Tragedy Samson Agonists. He died 1674.

e½vbyev` : †k·wcqv‡ii ci Rb wgëb †kÖô Kwe| 1608 mv‡ji 9 wW‡m¤^i jЇbi †eªW ÷ªxU-G Rb wgëb Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| M„nwkÿ‡Ki Aax‡b wZwb evwo‡Z cÖv_wgK wkÿv jvf K‡ib Ges c‡i m¤¢eZ 1620 mv‡j †m›U, cjÕm ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nb| ¯‹z‡j wZwb Zuvi welq Qvov j¨vwUb I wMÖKfvlv Aa¨qb K‡ib| 1625 mv‡j wgëb K¨vwgweª‡Ri wLª÷Õm K‡jR †_‡K cÖ‡ewkKv cixÿvq DËxY© nb| wZwb GKB wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K 1629 mv‡j we. G. wWwMÖ Ges 1632 mv‡j Gg. G. wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| 1628 mv‡ji cÖ_g w`‡K wZwb Zuvi cÖ_g Bs‡iwR KweZv “On the death of a Fair Infant” †j‡Lb| Zuvi weL¨vZ Bs‡iwR KweZ “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity” m¤¢eZ 1631 mv‡ji `xN© AeKv‡k †jLv nq| Gg. G. wWwMÖ jvf Kivi ci wgëb Zuvi ˆcwÎK MÖvgxY wbevm nU©‡b Ae¯’v‡bi Rb¨ hvb|

1637 mv‡j wgë‡bi gv gviv hvb Ges Kwe 1638 mv‡i gnv‡`kxq åg‡Yi Rb¨ BD‡iv‡c hvÎv K‡ib| G eQ‡ii GwcÖj gv‡m wZwb BZvwj †cuŠQvb| †bcj&m&-G _vKvjvjxb wZwb Bsj¨v‡Û M„nhy× (1642-1646) msNU‡bi msev` cvb| ZvB wZwb 1639 mv‡j Bsj¨vÛ cÖZ¨veZ©b K‡ib| wZwb Zuvi †`kevmxi †emvgwiK I agx©q ¯^vaxbZv iÿv‡_© M„nhy‡× m¤ú„³ Kivi Rb¨ `„p cÖwZÁ nb| Pjgvb mvgvwRK I ivR‰bwZK mgm¨v wb‡q wZwb cÖvq 25wU cyw¯ÍKv iPbv K‡ib|

1649 mv‡j cÖ_g Pvj©m-1 †K dvuwm †`qv nq Ges wgëb Zuvi ivR‰bwZK cyw¯ÍKv Terms of kings and Magistrates †jLvi gva¨‡g wmsnvmbPz¨Z ivRvi duvwm‡K mg_©b K‡ib| GKwU eQi wZwb µgI‡q‡ji Aaxb¯’ ivR cwil` Ôd‡ib UvsÕ Gi mwPe wbhy³ nb| Zuvi Rxe‡bi wØZxq Aa¨vq ïiy nq (1641-1654) mv‡ji g‡a¨| 1643 mv‡j wgëb †`‡k wM‡q wcZvi Kvh©fvi MÖnY K‡ib, †gix cI‡qj Gi mvÿvr cvb Ges Zv‡K we‡q K‡ib| 1652 mv‡j wZwb AÜ nb| AZtci 1660 mv‡j Zuvi Restoration cªKvwkZ nq Gi g‡a¨ w`‡q Kwei Rxe‡b Am¤§vb I K‡ói Aa¨vq ïiy nq| wØZxq Pvj©m‡K cybivq wmsnvm‡b AwawôZ Kiv nq| Kwe †MÖdZvi nb wKš‘ Zuv‡K Amnesty and Oblivion Act-Gi AvIZvq gyw³ †`qv nq| wgëb Zuvi wbR©b M„‡n Aemi hvcb K‡ib Ges Avevi wb‡R‡K Kve¨ †mevq wb‡qvwRZ K‡ib| 1663 mv‡i Ôw` c¨vivWvBR j÷Õ m¤úbœ nq| Gi avivevwnKZvq 1665 mv‡j Paradise Regain cÖKwkZ nq| Ae‡k‡l 1667 mv‡j Zuvi †kÖô Ae`vb we‡qvMvšÍK Samson Agonists cÖKvwkZ nq| wZwb 1674 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Milton birth (a) ¾ 1608
Milton (b) ¾ Christ’s College (c) ¾
He Completed (d) ¾   (e) ¾.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Robert Frost a famous American poet, was born in San Francisco, California on March 26, 1874. He joined the Dartmouth college in 1892 and soon left it, saying that he had enough of scholarship. He was for a time a teacher but he spent a greater part of his life as a farmer in New Hampshire and Vermont. In 1895, he married his beautiful school fellow, Elsinore White and tried to lead a settled life as a school teacher. When he was twenty-six years old, a doctor warned him that his recurrent illness might indicate tuberculosis. During the winter of 1906 he came so near of death from pneumonia that both he and his doctor were surprised when he was recovered. Then he turned more and more to the writing of poetry. Being failed to meet both ends meet as either a poet or a farmer, he turned to school teaching.

At the age of thirty eight Frost decided to make poet his vocation in life. He sold his farm and with his wife and children went to England where they settled in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.

His first volume of Lyrics ‘A Boy’s Will’ was accepted for publication by the first publisher to whom he offered it. It was the year of 1913. His second book of dramatic dialogues was published in 1914. In 1915 when Frost returned there he found that it had already become a best seller. Frost was elected to the membership of The National Institute of Arts and Letters in 1916, to membership in the American Academy in 1930. He had been professor of poetry at Harvard in 1936. He was crowned with the rare distinction of having been awarded the D. Litt Degree by both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He embraced death in 1962

e½vbyev` : 1874 mv‡ji 26 gvP© Av‡gwiKvi weL¨vZ Kwe ievU© d«÷ K¨vwj‡dvwb©qvi mvbd«vw݇¯‹v‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| 1892 mv‡j wZwb WvU©gvD_ K‡j‡R †hvM`vb K‡ib Ges kxNªB GwU †Q‡o †`b| wZwb wKQz w`‡bi Rb¨ GKRb wkÿK wQ‡jb wKš‘ wZwb Zuvi Rxe‡bi AwaKvsk mgq K…lK wn‡m‡e wbD nv¤úkvqvi Ges fvig‡›U AwZevwnZ K‡ib|

1895 mv‡j wZwb Zuvi ¯‹zj mnPix my›`ix Gwjbmi †nvqvBU‡K we‡q K‡ib Ges GKRb ¯‹zj wkÿK wn‡m‡e ¯’vqx Rxeb hvc‡bi Rb¨ †Póv K‡ib| hLb Zuvi eqm 26 eQi ZLb Wv³vi Zuv‡K mveavb Ki‡jb †h, Zuvi cybtcyb Amy¯’Zvi KviY-h²v n‡Z cv‡i| 1906 mv‡j kx‡Zi mgq wZwb wbD‡gwbqvq AvµvšÍ n‡q g„Zz¨i GZUv KvQvKvwQ DcbxZ n‡qwQ‡jb †h Zuvi Av‡ivM¨ jv‡fi ci wZwb wb‡R Ges Wv³vi Df‡qB Awff~Z n‡qwQj| Zvici wZwb Kve¨ iPbvq Mfxifv‡e g‡bvwb‡ek K‡ib| Kwe ev K…lK wn‡m‡e wZwb msmvi Pvj‡Z e¨_© n‡q ¯‹zj wkÿKZvq wd‡i Av‡mb|

38 eQi eq‡m d«÷ Kve¨ iPbv‡K Zvui Rxe‡bi †ckv n‡m‡e MÖn‡Yi wm×všÍ †bb| wZwb Zuvi Lvgvi wewµ K‡ib Ges ¯¿x I mšÍvbmn Bsj¨v‡Û wM‡q evwKsnvgkvqv‡ii weKÝwd‡jÛ emevm K‡ib|

Zuvi MxwZKve¨ ‘A Boy’s will’ Gi cÖ_g LÐ Qvcvi Rb¨ cÖ_g †h cÖKvk‡Ki Kv‡Q cÖ¯Íve †`b Zvi KZ…©K M„nxZ nq| GwU wQj 1913 mvj| Zuvi wØZxq eB Dramatic Dialogues 1914 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq| 1915 mv‡j d«÷ †mLv‡b cÖZ¨veZ©b K‡i †`L‡jb †h, GwU B‡Zvg‡a¨ AwaK nv‡i wewµ n‡q‡Q|

d«÷ The National Institute of Arts and Letters-Gi m`m¨c‡` 1916 mv‡j, American Academy-Gi m`m¨c‡` 1930 mv‡j wbev©wPZ nb| 1936 mv‡j wZwb nvfv‡W© Kve¨ mvwn‡Z¨i Aa¨vcK wbhy³ nb| wZb A·‡dvW© I K¨vgweªR Dfq wek¦we`¨vjq KZ…©K wW. wjU wWwMÖi weij m¤§v‡b f~wlZ nb| 1962 mv‡j wZwb g„Zz¨‡K Avwj½b K‡ib|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Frost birth (a) ¾ 1608
Frost (c) ¾ Dartmouth College 1892
Frost became (d) ¾ Haravard University (e) ¾.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Nelson Mandela is considered the greatest world leader of all times. He was a leader of South Africa against racism. He struggled against racism and all other social injustice across his life. He was born in South Africa on July 18, 1918. He was a black. He completed his BA from the University of South Africa. He went to study LLB in the University of Witwatersrand. But he left the University without taken degree. He obtained LLB from the University of South Africa. In August 1952 he and Oliver Tambo established South Africa’s first black law firm, ‘Mandela and Tambo’

On 11 June, 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life imprison went. However, he was released from jail on 11 February 1990. In 1991 he became the president of African National Congress (ANC). He won the Nobel peace Prize in 1933. On 27 April 1994 he voted for the first time. On 10 May 1994, he became South African first democracitic president. He died on 5 December 2013. He is remembered by all across the world.

e½vbyev` : †bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv‡K me©Kv‡ji me©‡kÖô wek¦ †bZv we‡ePbv Kiv nq| wZwb `wÿY Avwd«Kvi eY©ev` we‡ivax †bZv wQ‡jb wZwb Zvi Rxebe¨vcx eY©ev` I Ab¨ mKj mvgvwRK AwePv‡ii weiy‡× jovB K‡i‡Qb| wZwb 1918 mv‡ji 18 RyjvB `wÿY Avwd«Kvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb K…òv½| wZwb BDwbfvwm©wU Ad mvB_ Avwd«Kv †_‡K weG m¤ú~Y© K‡ib| wZwb GjGjwe co‡Z BDwbfvwmwU Ad DBU IqvUvi¯‹zj G wM‡qwQ‡jb| wKš‘ wZwb †Kv‡bv wWwMÖ AR©b bv K‡i wek¦we`¨vjq Z¨vM K‡ib| 1952 mv‡j †m Ges Awjfvi U¨v¤^ cÖ_g K…òv½ AvBb cÖwZôvb g¨v‡Ûjv GÛ U¨v¤^y cÖwZôv K‡ib|

1964 mv‡j g¨v‡Ûjv‡K mvivRxe‡bi Kiv`Ð †`qv nq| Z‡e wZwb 1990 mv‡ji 11 †deªyqvwi gyw³ cvb| 1991 mv‡j wZwb Avwd«Kvb b¨vkbvj Ks‡Mª‡mi mfcwZ wbev©wPZ nb| wZwb 1993 mv‡j †bv‡ej kvwšÍ cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib| 1994 mv‡ji 27 GwcÖj wZwb cÖ_g ev‡ii g‡Zv †fvU †`b| 1994 mv‡ji 10 †g wZwb `wÿY Avwd«Kvi cÖ_g MYZvwš¿K †cÖwm‡W›U nb| wZwb 2013 mv‡ji 5 wW‡m¤^i g„Zz¨eiY K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb wek¦e¨vcx mK‡ji Kv‡Q ¯§iYxq|

Person\Facts Place\Action\Institution When
Mandela born in Africa (a) ¾
Mandela and Oliver (b) ¾ Mandela and tambo 1952
Mandela got the Nobel Peace Prize (c) ¾
Mandela became (d) ¾ of Africa (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Jonathan Swift, the great satirist was born in Dublin of English parents on 30 November 1667. He was graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1686 and was educated to be a clergyman like his grand father. After graduating from Trinity College Swift left Ireland in 1688. He spent much of his time in the nineties as secretary to Sir William Temple at Moor Park. While in England Swift was never happy with his dependent status and so in 1694 he went back to Ireland. He again left Dublin in 1696 to be with Sir Temple at Moor Park. On the death of Temple in 1699 Swift went back to Ireland. However, he found several occasions to visit London. Eventually a religious mission grew into an almost continuous stay from 1708 when he wrote with sharp irony on church questions. His most interesting and popular satirical book Guliver’s Travels was published in 1726. Before his death in 1745 Swift underwent a mental decline.

e½vbyev` : weL¨vZ e¨½ Kwe Rbv_b myBd&U 1667 mv‡ji 30 b‡f¤^i Wvewj‡bi Bs‡iR wcZvgvZvi N‡i Rb¥MªnY K‡ib| wZwb 1668 mv‡j Wvewj‡bi wUªwbwU K‡jR †_‡K ¯œvZK wWwMÖ cÖvß nq Ges wZwb Zuvi wcZvg‡ni g‡Zv ag© hvRK nIqvi Rb¨ wkÿv jvf K‡ib| wUªwbwU K‡jR †_‡K ¯œvZK wWwMÖ jvf Kivi ci myBd&U 1688 mv‡j Avqvij¨Û Z¨vM K‡ib| m¨vi DBwjqvg †Ugc‡ji mwPe wn‡m‡e wZwb 90 Gi `k‡K AwaK mgq †gvicv‡K© e¨q K‡ib| Bsj¨v‡Û ciwbf©ikxj _vKve¯’vq myBd&U KL‡bv myLx wQ‡jb bv Avi ZvB wZwb 1694 mv‡j Avqvij¨vÛ wd‡i hvb| wZwb g~icv‡K© m¨vi †Ugc‡ji mvnP‡h© _vKvi Rb¨ 1696 mv‡j cybivq Wvewjb Z¨vM K‡ib| 1699 mv‡j †Ugc‡ji g„Zz¨‡Z myBd&U Avqvij¨v‡Û wd‡i hvb| †m‡nZz wZwb eûevi jÛb cwi`k©‡bi my‡hvM cvb| Ae‡k‡l Zvi wMR©v m¤ú‡K© Zxÿè e¨‡½vw³g~jK †jLvi Rb¨ M‡o IVv agx©q Awfhvb 1708 mvj †_‡K 1714 mvj ch©šÍ cÖvq weiwZnxbfv‡e Pj‡Z _v‡K| gRvi Ges RbwcÖq e¨½vZ¥K MÖš’ MvwjfviÕm Uªv‡fjm 1726 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq| 1745 mv‡j g„Zz¨i Av‡M myBd&U-Gi ¯§„wZkw³ †jvc cvq|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Swift born (a) ¾ 1667
Swift (b) ¾ Trinity College (c) ¾
Gulliver’s Travels (d) ¾   (e) ¾.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

George Bernard Shaw, the greatest English dramatist, after Shakespeare was born on the 26th July, 1856 in Dublin. He came from a middle class family of the Irish stock. Bernard Shaw had to lead his boyhood in the midst of poverty. Because of poverty, G.B. Shaw could not get sufficient scope for formal education . At first he was taught by a private tutors. He was sent to Wesleyan Conexional School when he was eleven years old. In 1869 Shaw entered Central Model Boy’s School at Dublin. His school career however, finally come to a close in 1871.

For earning livelihood, Shaw first worked as a Junior clerk for a Dublin state Agent. He worked here for four years and a half. He was determined to be a writer. So, he resigned his post in 1876 and joined his mother in London. In London he found and opportunity to enter the field of literature. Shaw’s first novel. ‘Immaturity’ was finished in 1879. It was in 1882 in the reading room of the British Museum, that Shaw first read Karl Marx. In 1884 he joined the Fabian society. In 1898, Shaw published the first collection of plays entitled Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant in two volumes. There years later followed another volume entitled. There plays for Puritan with the publication Man and Superman in 1903 Shaw attained his fully stature as a dramatist. Shaw won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1925.

After celebration his ninety fifth birthday Bernard Shaw died in November 1950, leaving a vacuum in the literary world.

e½vbyev` : †k·wcqv‡ii c‡i Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i me©cÖavb bvU¨Kvi RR© ebv©W© k 1856 mv‡ji 26 RyjvB Wvewj‡b Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb AvBwik es‡kv™¢~Z ga¨weË cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| `wi`ªZvi ga¨ w`‡q evbv©W© kÕi ˆkke Kv‡U| `wi`ªZvi Kvi‡Y wZwb cÖvwZôvwbK wkÿvi Rb¨ chv©ß my‡hvM-myweav cvb wb|

cÖ_‡g wZwb GKRb M„n wkÿ‡Ki wbKU wkÿv MÖnY K‡ib| Zuvi eqm hLb 11 ermi ZLb Zuv‡K I‡qmwj‡fb K‡bKwRbvj we`¨vj‡q cvVv‡bv nq| 1869 mv‡j k Wvewj‡bi Central Model Boy’s ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nb| hv‡nvK, 1871 mv‡jB Zuvi  ¯‹zj Rxeb P~ovšÍfv‡e eÜ n‡q hvq|

RxweKvR©‡bi Rb¨ wZwb cÖ_‡g, Wvewj‡bi ivóªxq G‡R‡›Ui Rywbqi K¬vK© wn‡m‡e KvR K‡ib| wZwb GLv‡b mv‡o Pvi eQi KvR K‡ib| wZwb GKRb †jLK n‡Z `„p cÖwZÁ wQ‡jb| ZvB 1876 mv‡j wZwb Zuvi PvKwi Z¨vM K‡i jÛ‡b gv‡qi mv‡_ †hvM †`b| jÛ‡bB wZwb mvwnZ¨ RM‡Z cÖ‡e‡ki my‡hvM cvb| kÕi cÖ_g Dcb¨vm ÔBg¨vPzwiwUÕ †kl nq 1879 mv‡j| 1882 mv‡j weªwUk hv`yN‡ii cvVK‡ÿ k cÖ_g Kvj© gvK©m c‡ob| 1884 mv‡j wZwb †dweqvb mgv‡R †hvM †`b| 1898 mv‡j kÕi bvU‡Ki cÖ_g msMÖn Ô†cøBm wcø‡R›UÕ Ges ÔAvbwcø‡R›UÕ bv‡g `yB L‡Ð cÖKvwkZ nq| wZb eQi c‡i GKB bv‡g Avi GKwU LÐ cÖKvwkZ nq| 1903 mv‡j ÔwcDwiUvb DB_Õ Gi Dci wZbwU bvUK Ges Ôg¨vb Ges mycvig¨vbÕ cÖKvwkZ nIqvi ci cÖK…Z bvU¨Kv‡ii gh©v`v jvf K‡ib| k 1925 mv‡j mvwn‡Z¨ †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib|

cuPvbeŸBZg R‡b¥vrme cvj‡bi ci 1950 mv‡ji b‡f¤^i gv‡m mvwnZ¨v½‡b k~b¨Zv m„wó K‡i evb©vW© k g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Shaw born (a) ¾ 1667
Shaw (c) ¾ Central Model Boy’s School 1869
Shaw (d) ¾   (e) ¾.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Charles Dickens, the most popular of all English novelists was born at Port sea on the 7th February 1812.  He was the second son of John Dickens. In 1817 the family of Dickens moved to Catham, near Rochester, Dickens joined the local school. Dickens’ family moved to Camden Town a poor locality of London in 1822.  In February 1828 his father was arrested for debt and taken to the marshal sea prison. He was released after three months on receipt of a legacy. Dickens joined his family in London. His parents found a job for him Warren’s Backing factory. After leaving the factory Dickens studied at a private academy called Wellington House Academy between 1824-1826. Dickens left school when he was fifteen years old. He took up a job as a junior clerk in a firm of solicitors. At the age of twenty he learned shorthand and became a parliamentary and newspaper reporter. A year later Dickens took to original writing. He started writing sketches for various journals in 1834 under the pen name Boz. His first book ‘Sketches by Boz’ appeared in 1836.

At the age of twenty four by means of the publication of his ‘Pickwick papers’ he found himself famous as the most popular novelist England had ever known.

In 1836 Dickens had married a twenty one year girl-Catherine Hogarth. Dickens visited America in 1842.  His the Old Curiosity Shop had become popular there Dickens became the undisputed monarch of English fiction by 1850. In 1846 Dickens became the editor of the Daily News but resigned after seventeen numbers. He published David Copperfield in monthly serials between May 1849 and November 1850. His death was sudden and dramatic. On the 9th June 1870 he had a stroke at dinner, he died the next afternoon leaving behind the unfinished work “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”

e½vbyev` : me‡P‡q RbwcÖq Bs‡iR Jcb¨vwmK Pvj©m wW‡KÝ 1812 mv‡ji 7 †d«eªyqvwi †cvU© wm †Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb wQ‡jb Rb wW‡KÝ Gi wØZxq cyÎ| 1817 mv‡j wW‡KÝi cwievi i‡P÷v‡ii wbK‡U K¨v_v‡g ¯’vbšÍwiZ nb| wW‡KÝ ¯’vbxq ¯‹z‡j †hvM †`b| 1822 mv‡j wW‡K‡Ýi cwievi jÛ‡bi GKUv AbybœZ GjvKv K¨vg‡Wb UvD‡b ¯’vbvšÍwiZ nb| 1828 m‡ji †d«eªyqvwi‡Z Zuvi wcZv F‡Yi `v‡q †MÖdZvi nb Ges gvk©vj mvgyw`ªK KvivMv‡i wbwÿß nb| DËivwaKvi m~‡Î cÖvß m¤úwË w`‡q wZb gvm ci wZwb gy³ nb| wW‡KÝ jÛ‡b Zuvi cwievi mv‡_ †hvM †`b| Zuvi wcZvgvZv Iqv‡iÝ †ewKs d¨v±wi‡Z Zvi Rb¨ GKU KvR Luy‡R †ei K‡iwQ‡jb|

d¨v±wi Qvovi ci wW‡KÝ 1824-1826 mvj ch©šÍ ÒI‡qwjsUb nvBR GKv‡WwgÓ bvgK GKUv †emiKvwi cÖwZôv‡b covïbv K‡ib| wW‡K‡Ýi eqm hLb 15 eQi ZLb wZwb ¯‹zj Z¨vM K‡ib| GKUv AvBb e¨emvq cÖwZôv‡b wbgœgvb KiwYK wn‡m‡e wZwb GKUv PvKwi †bb| 20 eQi eq‡m wZb muvUwjwc †k‡Lb Ges msm`xq I msev`c‡Îi mvsevw`K nb| GK eQi c‡i wZwb cÖK…Z †jLv ïiy K‡ib| wZwb 1834 mv‡j ‘Boz’ QÙbv‡g wewfbœ cwÎKvq ÿz`ª iPbv †jLv ïiy K‡ib| 1836 mv‡j QÙbv‡g Zuvi cÖ_g †jLv ‘Sketches by Boz’ cÖKvwkZ nq| 24 eQi eq‡m ‘Pickwick Papers’ cÖKv‡ki Øviv wb‡R‡K Bsj¨v‡Ûi me‡P‡q RbwcÖq Jcb¨vwmK‡`i mgZzj¨ K‡i †Zv‡jb| 1836 mv‡j 21 eQ‡ii Kzgvix K¨v‡_wib †nvMv_©‡K wW‡KÝ we‡q K‡ib| 1842 mv‡j wW‡KÝ Av‡gwiKv ågY K‡ib| Zuvi ‘The Old Curiousity Shop’ †mLv‡b RbwcÖq n‡q D‡V| wW‡KÝ 1850 mv‡j Bs‡iR‡`i i~cK_vi Awemsevw`Z ivRv n‡q D‡Vb| 1849 mv‡ji †g Ges 1850 mv‡ji b‡f¤^‡ii gvSvgvwS wZwb †WwfW Kcviwdì bvgK GKwU gvwmK avivevwnK cÖKvk K‡ib| Zvi g„Zz¨ wQ‡jv nVvr Ges bvUKxq| 1870 mv‡ji 98 Ryb wZwb iv‡Zi Lvev‡ii mgqs †÷ªvK K‡ib, c‡iiw`b weKv‡j Zvi Amgvß KvR Ôw` wg‡÷wi Ad GWDBb WªyWÕ

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Dickens (a) ¾ port sea (b) ¾
Dickens (c) ¾ Wellington House Academy 1824-1826
Dickens (d) ¾ (e) ¾ 1842
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

John Keats was not only a deeply thoughtful poet but also the most studious and inspired artist among the romantics of the 19th century. He was born on October 31, 1795. He lost his father at the age of nine. At fifteen he lost his mother.

In 1811, John Keats became an apprentice to a surgeon at Edmonton. During 1815-17, he continued his studies at the London hospital but he did not like medicine and he felt that he was born to be a poet. Finally he returned to literature from surgery. He wrote several sonnets which, with all their in maturities did not attract much attention. It was followed in 1818 by the long narrative poem Endymion which received warm praise from his friends. He felt very depressed at the death of his brother Tom in the same year. Keats published one more volume, Hyperion And Other Poems in 1820.

Keats had seen a premature death. He was suffering from consumption. As a last home, in September six and was buried in the old Protestant cemetery.

The first memorial to Keats was made in the parish church of Hampstead on July 16, 1894. In 1909, the house in which Keats died was opened as a Keats-Shelley memorial. The Keats Museum was opened in 1931.

e½vbyev` : Rb wKUm ïay GKRb Mfxi wPšÍvkxj KweB wQ‡jb bv, Ebwesk kZvãxi †ivgvw›UK Kwe‡`i g‡a¨ wZwb wQ‡jb me©vwaK coyqv QvÎ Ges AbycÖvwYZ wPÎKi| wZwb 1795 mv‡ji 31 A‡±vei Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| bq ermi eq‡m wZwb Zuvi wcZv‡K nvivb| c‡b‡iv ermi eq‡m wZwb Zuvi gv‡K nvivb|

1811 mv‡j Rb wKUm GWgbU‡b GKRb ˆkj¨wPwKrm‡Ki Kv‡Q wkÿvbwem nb| 1815 mvj †_‡K 1817 mvj ch©šÍ wZwb jÛb nvmcvZv‡j wbqwgZ Aa¨qb K‡ib| wKš‘ wPwKrmvkv¯¿ Zuvi fv‡jv jvM‡Zv bv; wZwb g‡b Ki‡Zb †h, Zuvi Rb¥ n‡q‡Q Kwe nIqvi Rb¨| Ae‡k‡l wZwb wPwKrmvwe`¨v †_‡K mvwn‡Z¨ wd‡i Av‡mb| wZwb K‡qKwU m‡bU iPbv K‡ib hv cwic° nIqv m‡Ë¡I Lye g‡bv‡hvM AvK…ó Ki‡Z cv‡i bvB| GKBfv‡e 1818 mv‡j ÔGbWvBwgqbÕ bv‡g GKwU `xN© eY©bvg~jK KweZv iPbv K‡ib| Gi d‡j wZwb eÜz‡`i KvQ †_‡K Dò Awfb›`b cvb| GKB eQ‡i Zuvi fvB Ug gviv hvq| d‡j wZwb cÖPÐi~‡c nZvk nb| 1820 mv‡j wKUm nvB‡cvwiqb A¨vÛ Av`vi c‡qgmÕ MÖ‡š’i GKvwaK LÐcÖKvk K‡ib|

wKUm Aí eq‡mB gviv hvb| wZwb ÿq‡iv‡M fzMwQ‡jb| †kl fimv wn‡m‡e 1820 mv‡ji †m‡Þ¤^‡i wZwb Zuvi eÜz †Rv‡md †mfv‡b©i mv‡_ Bsj¨vÛ †Q‡o BUvwj‡Z P‡j Av‡mb| gvÎ 26 eQi eq‡m wZwb †iv‡g gviv hb Ges cyivZb †cÖv‡U÷¨v›U Kei¯’v‡b Zuv‡K mgvwa¯’ Kiv nq|

1894 mv‡ji 16 RyjvB n¨v¤úw÷‡Wi ivRKxq MxR©vq wKU‡mi cÖ_g ¯§„wZ‡mŠa wbgv©Y Kiv nq| wKUm& †h N‡i gviv hvq †mB Ni‡K 1909 mv‡j wKUm-†kjx ¯§„wZ‡mŠa wn‡m‡e Pvjy Kiv nq| 1931 mv‡j wKU‡mi hv`yNi Pvjy nq|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Keats became (a) ¾   (b) ¾
Keats (c) ¾ (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a famous English poet. He was also a philosopher and critic. He was born on the 21st October, 1772 at Otter St. Mary in Devonshire. His father was the vicar of Otter St. Mary. His father died in 1782. Then he was sent as a charity student to Christ’s Hospital. He stayed there for about 8 years. There  he became an ambitious and uncommon precocious school boy. His unbelievable memory and his ambition led him to learn all kinds of knowledge and turned him into an eminent scholar. By the time he got himself admitted into Jesus College, Cambridge in 1791. Once he fled to London and enlisted in the 15th Light Dragoons in December 1793, under the name of Silas Jomkyn Cornerback. There he could not be taught to ride horse. Some Latin lines written by Coleridge on a stable door gave out his identity. He was discharged and his brothers sent him back to Cambridge again. But he left the university without any degree in 1794. His health was as usual ill, the years from 1795 to 1802 were a period of fast poetic growth and intellectual. His first work a drama named “The Fall of Fobespierre was published in 1794. In 1795 Coleridge married Sarah Frickar. Then he was struggling to earn his bread. He delivered lectures on various topics, literary and political, preached in Unitarian pupils. His first volume “Poems on Various Subjects” published in 1796. Now he came into close relation with William Wordsworth. They had much similarity. In 1798 they jointly published a little volume of this poetry Lyrical Ballads.

During this period Coleridge wrote almost all his best poems like ¾ Nightinglae, the first part of “Christable love”, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Frost at Midnight, Kublaikhan, etc then he wrote many poems. Afterwards he became philosopher and critic.

However afterwards he had became gradually deflected. Soon his health broke down and suffered much. He died on the 25th August in 1834.

e½vbyev` : m¨vgy‡qj †UBji †KvjwiR GKRb RbwcÖq Bs‡iR Kwe| Zwb GKRb `vk©wbK I  mgv‡jvPKI wQ‡jb| wZwb 1772 mv‡ji 21 Av‡±vei †Wfbkvqv‡ii AUvi †m›U †gwi‡Z R‡b¥ wQ‡jb| Zuvi evev wQ‡jb AUvi †m›U †gwii GKRb cy‡ivwnZ | Zuvi evev 1782 mv‡j gviv hvb| Zvici Zv‡K GKRb GwZg QvÎ wn‡m‡e wLª÷ nmwcUv‡j cvVv‡bv nq| wZwb †mLv‡b cÖvq 8 eQi wQ‡jb| †mLv‡b wZwb Lye D”PvKv•ÿx, AmvaviY Ges AKvjcK¡ ¯‹zjQvÎ n‡q D‡VwQ‡jb| Zuvi Awek¦vm¨ iK‡gi ¯§„wZkw³ Ges D”PvKv•ÿv Zv‡K meai‡bi Áv‡bi w`‡K avweZ Ki‡Zv Ges GKRb weL¨vZ cwÐZ wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ n‡qwQ‡jb| GB mg‡qi g‡a¨ wZwb K¨vgweª‡Ri wRmvm K‡j‡R 1791 mv‡j fwZ© n‡qwQ‡jb| GK`v wZwb jÛ‡b cvwj‡q wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges 15Zg jvBU WªvMbm wn‡me ZvwjKvfz³ n‡qwQ‡jb 1793 mv‡ji wW‡m¤^i gv‡m| mvBjvm RgwKb †Kvbvi‡eK bvg aviY K‡ib| †mLv‡b wZwb †Nvov †`Šov‡bv wkL‡Z cv‡ib wb| wKQz j¨vwUb jvBb wkLvi ga¨ w`‡q †KvjwiR Zuvi cwiwPwZi cÖmvi NUvb| Zv‡K gy³ K‡i Zuvi fvB †mLvb †_‡K cybivq K¨vgweª‡R wb‡q Av‡mb| wKš‘ wZwb †Kv‡bv wWwMÖ AR©b bv K‡iB 1794 mv‡j wek¦we`¨vjq Z¨vM K‡ib| hw`I Zuvi kixi mvaviYZ Amy¯’B _vK‡Zv wKš‘ 1795 mvj †_‡K 1802 mvj ch©šÍ Zuvi Kve¨cÖwZfv Ges eyw×e„wËi `ªyZ D‡b¥l N‡UwQj| Zuvi cÖ_g KvRwU wQj Òw` dj Ad †dvemwc‡qwiÓ bv‡g GKwU bvUK hv 1794 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ n‡qwQj| 1795 mv‡j †KvjwiR mvivn wd«Kvi‡K we‡q K‡ib| Zvci Zv‡K RxweKv AR©‡bi Rb¨B hy× Ki‡Z nq| wZwb wewfbœ welq †hgb mvwn‡Z¨ Ges ivRbxwZi m¤ú‡K© e³e¨ w`‡Zb Ges GK m„wóKZ©vq wek¦vmx gvbyl‡`i g‡a¨ Zv Qwo‡q w`‡Zb| Zvi cÖ_g fwjDg Òc‡qgm Ab †fwiqvm mve‡R±mÓ 1796 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq| GLb wZwb DBjqvg IqvW©mIqv‡_©i mvwbœ‡a¨ Av‡mb| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ A‡bK wel‡q wgj wQj| 1798 mv‡j †QvU AvKv‡i Zviv †hŠ_fv‡e cÖKvk K‡ib wgwiKvj e¨vjvWm|

GB mg‡qi g‡a¨ †KvjwiR Zvi weL¨vZ KweZv¸‡jv †hgb bvBwUb‡Mj, Òwµ÷v‡ej jvfÓ-Gi cÖ_g Ask, w` ivBg Ad Gbwm‡q›U †gwibvi, d«÷ GB wgWbvBU, KzejvB Lvb BZ¨vw` †j‡Lb| ZviciI wZwb A‡bK KweZv wj‡LwQ‡jb| Zvic‡i wZwb `vk©wbK Ges mgv‡jvPK n‡qwQ‡jb|

hv‡nvK, ZviciB wZwb Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í `ye©j n‡q hvw”Q‡jb| kxNªB Zvi kixi †f‡O c‡o Ges A‡bK Kó †fvM K‡ib| 1934 mv‡ji 26 AvM÷ wZwb gviv hvb|

Person\Facts Action\Achievement Place\Institution Time
Coleridge (a) ¾ Devonshire (b) ¾
Coleridge (c) ¾ (d) ¾ 1791
Lyrical Ballads publication ¾ (e) ¾

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  1. Sergoui


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