Class 9-10 English 1st Paper Describing Graphs and Charts


r    Graph/Chart eY©bv Kivi mnR Tips :

      cÖ_‡g Graph/Chart-wU fv‡jv K‡i †`‡L welqe¯‘ †evSvi †Póv Ki‡Z n‡e|

  • DËi †jLvi mgq cÖ_g evK¨wU cÖ‡kœi wb‡`©kbv †_‡KB †bIqv †h‡Z cv‡i Ges †kl ev‡K¨ wbR¯^ gZvgZ/civgk© cÖ`vb Kiv hv‡e|
  • Graph/Chart-G hw` †KejgvÎ information _v‡K Z‡e mvaviYZ avivevwnKfv‡e Zv eY©bv Ki‡Z n‡e|
  • Graph/Chart-G welqe¯‘i GKwU Zzjbvg~jK wPÎ _vK‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î Zzjbvg~jK e¨vL¨v cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e|
  • mnR kã e¨envi K‡i †QvU †QvU ev‡K¨ Graph/Chart wU eY©bv Ki‡j fyj nIqvi m¤¢vebv K‡g hv‡e|
  • cÖ`Ë Graph/Chart Gi Z‡_¨i Dci wfwË K‡i m‡e©v”P 150 k‡ãi g‡a¨ eY©bv Ki‡Z n‡e|


  1. Look at the chart bellow. It shows the TV watching statistics on American Children’s lives. Now, describe the chart in your own words.
Having television US homes TV viewing statistics on children aged 3 to 5 Time spent statistics before television box Time spent statistics in school Statistics of being aggressive
96% 29% 22% 11% 50%


This chart shows the TV watching statistics on American children’s lives. The chart indicates the influence (cÖfve) too. The percentage of keeping TVs in the US home is 96. It refers (eySvq) that almost all the family of America have at least one TV set. There is an alarming (fqven) report that the children aged 3–5 are being addicted (Avm³) to TV shows. It is 29% in terms of rate. That means they watch TV on an average fifty hours every week. There are two alarming reports. One is 22% and the other is 11%. To clear it (Av‡iv mnR K‡i ej‡j) these same kids pass more than 22,000 hours before the TV box while they spend only 11,000 hours in school. Most researches (M‡elYv) on the effects of TV on children center round so much violence (msNl©) on TV. This makes them aggressive. The current rate of being aggressive (AvµgYvZ¥K) shown in the chart is 50 percent. That means half of the total kids in the US have possibility of becoming violent due to the assault (AvMÖvmb) of television.

  1. Look at the following chart. Read it carefully and then write a paragraph on the ILO using information given in this chart.



ILO is the acronym (K‡qKUv k‡ãi cÖ_g Aÿi wb‡q MwVZ kã) of International Labour Organisation. It helps labour class (kªwgK †kªwY) people for a long term basis all over the world. Labour class is always maltreated (`ye©¨envi Kiv nq) in the developing countries like ours. ILO defends (iÿv K‡i) basic trade union rights of the labourers. By raising awareness (m‡PZbZv ˆZixi gva¨‡g) about the basic human rights and trade union rights, ILO has been able to improve the position of the labourers. Freedom of association is not allowed (¯^xK…Z bq) by mills and factories owners. There were no working conditions particularly in many third world countries like Bangladesh. ILO has been able to ensure (wbwðZ Ki‡Z) working standard worldwide as it has formulated (ˆZix K‡i‡Q) committee on freedom of association. The workers can bargain (`i KlvKwl Kiv) now on their wages and benefits. It has been possible for ILO. It receives complaint (Awf‡hvM) of different trade unions as well as other workers and attempts to mitigate (cÖkgb/`~i Ki‡Z) the problems of the workers regarding their works, wages and working places.

  1. The graph below shows the arrival of tourists from different countries in Bangladesh from 2004 to 2008. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.

                                                                                                                             2004              2005                2006              2007               2008


The column chart set in the question paper (cÖkœc‡Î cÖ`Ë/†`Iqv) indicates the arrival (AvMgb) of tourists from different countries in our beloved (wcÖq) Bangladesh in between 2004 to 2008. From the chart we notice (jÿ Kwi) that from Australia, the tourists number who visited (cwi`k©b K‡i‡Qb) Bangladesh is 2668 in 2004, 2091 in 2005, 2377 in 2006, 2722 in 2007 and 5409 in 2008 respectively (h_vµ‡g). From the United Kingdom (UK), the number is 19605, 22510, 29106, 34087 and 28905 in the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively. If we compare (Zzjbv Kwi) UK to other countries, we will see that it’s the top country from where majority (AwaKvsk) of the tourists visit Bangladesh and the total number is 134213. The second lowest (wØZxq me©wbgœ) position is held by the oceanian country Australia. Her number of tourists is 13283. The first lowest country is France whose (hvi) tourists is 11934. From the chart we find (†`L‡Z cvB) the USA as the second highest from where (†hLvb †_‡K) 59851 tourists visit Bangladesh from 2004 to 2008. Now, the only country left (ev`/euvKx) is Japan. From Japan, the number of tourists was almost same (cÖvq GKB) in the five consecutive (ch©vqµwgK) years except (Qvov/e¨ZxZ) in 2006. In this year the number of visitors was 8000. Thus we see how the ratio (AbycvZ/nvi) of tourists is increased and decreased over the years by different countries.

  1. Look at the chart below. Try to describe/analyze the chart in your own words. The horizontal numeral numbers are based on million (approximate). The vertical numbers are for years. On the basis of the chart below, write a comparative article on mobile users, non mobile users and internet users.


The chart above exhibits (†`Lvq) a comparative (Zzjbvg~jK) position of the three groups – mobile users, internet users and non mobile users at all. According to the chart more than 200 million people used mobile in 2011 and 40 million people used internet whereas the number of non-mobile users was nearly (cÖvq) 190 million. In 2012 the number of mobile users had increased considerably (D‡jøL‡hvM¨ nv‡i) while the users of internet reached (†cuŠ‡QwQj) to nearly 80 million. Moreover the number of non-mobile users went down (†b‡g wM‡qwQj) from 180 million to 120 million. In 2013, the number of mobile users rose (e„w× †c‡qwQj) to 470 million from previously (c~e©eZ©x/Av‡Mi) 390 million which is a great sign (eo jÿY) of increasing number of mobile phone users. Internet users also increased but it was not as much as mobile users. It rose over 90 million in the year 2013 from 80 million of last year. As a result, the number of non-mobile users was on the wane (K‡g wM‡qwQj). Therefore, we can conclude (†kl Ki‡Z cvwi) by saying that the chart shows non-stop consecutive rise in the use of electronic device. Definitely we welcome this progression (DbœwZ).

  1. The chart below shows the minimum temperature (in Celsius) at Chittagong and Rajshahi in the years between 1997 and 2001. Describe the chart in 150 worlds. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.


The chart mentioned (D‡jøwLZ) in the question paper displays (†`Lvq) the minimum temperature (b~¨bZg ZvcgvÎv) in celsius in chittagong and Rajshahi, two major (eo) cities of Bangladesh from the year 1997 to 2001. As in the chart we see in 1997, the minimum temperature in chittagong remained (wQj) 14°C while in Rajshahi it was 8°C. The following year (c‡ii eQi), the temperature in Chittagong was the same as previous. But in Rajshahi, it rose upto 10°C. In 1999, we find that both Rajshahi and Chittagong underwent temperature increased by 1°C. In 2000, Chittagong got its previous temperature while Rajshahi retained (a‡i †i‡LwQj) its last year’s minimum temperature scale. Chittagong exposed (cÖKvk K‡iwQj) an unusual change in 2001 and temperature dropped by 2°C. On the contrary, Rajshahi too underwent a drop and in case of this city, it remained 1°C. From the information put on the chart (Pv‡U© cÖ`Ë), it can be said that both the cities showed inconsistency (AavivevwnKZv) regarding minimum temperature rise and fall in-between the years 1997 to 2001.

  1. The chart shows the sources of air pollution in a city. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.


The chart refers to the sources (Drmmg~n) of air pollution in a city like Dhaka. The sources include (AšÍf©~³ K‡i) vehicles, industries, power plants (ˆe`y¨wZK cøv›U), heating on air condition and disposal of waste (eR©¨ e¨e¯’vcbv). The highest part of the pollution is caused by various kinds of motorised vehicles that ply (PjvPj K‡i) on the streets of a city. 50 percent of pollution is done by these vehicles. The second major pollution is caused by different types of industries set up (¯’vwcZ) at the various parts of a city. 20% of the pollution is done by these industries. Then comes the power plant. It is responsible (`vqx) for 12% of pollution. Though these power plants were set up for the benefit of generating (Drcv`b) power, it is polluting our city life. The lowest factor (me‡P‡q Kg `vqx) which is responsible for air pollution is heating on air condition. Air conditions used by different corporate houses are mainly responsible for this. Above all air condition heating and disposal of waste thrown by mills and factories, all these combinedly (mw¤§wjZfv‡e) contributing to polluting the air. If this goes on, living in the city will be difficult in the near future (A`~i fwel¨‡Z).

  1. The graph below shows the number of students enrollment in an English language centre in different months of the year 2012. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should bring into prominence (Zz‡j ai‡Z n‡e) the information given in the chart. The description should be precise. The figures in the vertical column indicate number of students.


The graph chart given in exam paper refers to the fluctuation (IVvbvgv) of students enrollment (wbeÜb) in an English Language centre in different months of 2012. In January students enrollment was 450. At first phase (cÖ_g ch©vq) the enrollment decreased (K‡gwQj) to 350 going down (†b‡g wM‡q) in March. From that very month (†mB gvm †_‡KB) it started to go upward (Dc‡ii w`‡K) suddenly. Moving upward through the month of April and May it reached upto over 500 in June. Again form june it started to go down unexpectedly (AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e). This continued through July and August. Thus it went down to 350 in September. From that very month of September, it redirected (Avev‡iv cwiPvwjZ n‡qwQj) to upward and it continued upto 500 in October in that same year. Thus, we see it repeatedly (evievi) fluctuated downward and upward (wb‡Pi w`‡K I Dc‡ii w`‡K) twice (`yÕevi) in the flow chart. Still (ZeyI) it is not clear what happened to the next two months of November and December.

  1. Look at the following chart with information about the mosques and then write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the Shat-Gombuj Mosque with the Star Mosque.
Mosque Domes Year Location Decoration
Star Mosque Five 18th century at Abdul Khairat Road in Dhaka Hundreds of twinkling stars on wall,

mosaic floor, walls flourished with tiles

Shat Gambuj Mosque Seventy seven Mid 15th century in Begherhat the interior and exterior are of plain architecture, the western wall is decorated with terracotta, flower and foliage


The given chart shows some information about two historical mosques- one in Dhaka the other in Bagerhat. First one is Star Mosque situated (Aew¯’Z) at Abul Khairat Road in old Dhaka. The second one is Shat Gombuj Mosque, a world heritage (wek¦ HwZn¨) site situated at the outskirts (cÖvšÍfv‡M) of Bagerhat town. The Star Mosque was constructed (wbwg©Z n‡qwQj) in Mughal design in the early 18th century. The Shat Gambuj Mosque was built by Ulugh Khan Jahan Ali, a saint (`i‡ek) in the Mid 15th century. The walls of the Star Mosque are decorated with hundreds of twinkling stars. It is decorated (mw¾Z) with mosaic both inside and outside. The walls are flourished (we¯—…Z) with tiles. On the contrary, the Shat Gambuj Mosque is another unique (PgrKvi) building. The interior and exterior (wfZi I evB‡ii) of the mosque provide a view of rather plain architecture (¯’vcZ¨). But the western wall of the mosque is beautifully decorated with terracotta as well as flower and foliage. Infact, the two mosques represent the two Muslim colonies (emwZ) which were built in the reign (kvmb Avg‡j) of the Turkish and the Mughal.

  1. Write a paragraph describing the information of the following graph chart about “The number of people living below the poverty line”.


The column chart clarifies (¯úó K‡i) “The number of people living below the poverty line”. In the past Bangladesh was more poverty-stricken (`vwi`ª¨ wb‡®úwlZ) country. Now it is a developing country. The graph says so. In the graph we see that in 2002, population living below the poverty line was 50%. in-between 2002 and 2014, it came upto 26% with a gradual fall. From 2002 to 2014, during these 13 years period a struggle against poverty was noticeable (jÿbxq). Though compared (Zzjbvq) to the long period, this was not up to the mark. From the graph, it is noticed that in 2002, population living below poverty line was 50% while in 2014 it came down to 26%. This distance was much expected (cÖZ¨vwkZ). However, we notice/see that the population living below the poverty line went on decreasing and we are optimistic (Avkvev`x) that, this system will be continued until the ratio comes down to zero percentage (k~b¨ nvi).

  1. Write a paragraph describing the information of the following graph.


The graph put on (cÖ`Ë) the exam paper gives a comparative study of education and health care of four African countries, including one Asian country. Three levels of education and the health care, in accordance with education, have been shown in the chart. The illiteracy rate (wbiÿiZvi nvi) in Ghana is 20% while the primary education rate is 40% and secondary/higher education rate is 60%. The difference (cv_©K¨) between primary and secondary/higher education is 20%. In Mali, the illiteracy rate remains (_v‡K/Av‡Q) the same as of Ghana. Secondary/higher education rate of Mali is 95%. Tunisia has the highest (m‡e©v”P) illiteracy rate in the graph i.e. 39%. Again in Secondary/higher level (gva¨wgK ch©v‡q) education Tunisia is the highest i.e. 80%. But primary education rate is 65%. Peru has lesser illiteracy rate than Tunisia. The rate of primary education has doubled (wظb n‡q‡Q) and the rate of secondary/higher education is on the little increase (mvgvb¨ e„w× †c‡q‡Q). Similarly, Indonesia has less than 20% illiteracy, 40% primary and 70% secondary/higher education. Thus we can see that illiteracy rate is the lowest (me©wbgœ) in Indonesia and the highest in Tunisia. likewise (GKBfv‡e), secondary/higher education is the highest in Tunisia and the lowest in Indonesia.

  1. The below graph shows the score of a 50 over one day cricket match between Bangladesh and Sri-Lanka. Describe the whole match with the help of the below graph in terms of runs, overs and wicket falls.


The graph given here shows the comparison between two innings of the ODI cricket match played between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Bangladesh batted first scoring 249 runs, though they lost 9 wickets in their fixed 50 over. Bangladesh lost their first three wickets with regular intervals (wbqwgZ weiwZ‡Z). The fourth wicket partnership carried the innings through 38 over when the score became 150. The fifth wicket partnership carried the innings through to 42 over and the score was above 200. The worst batting catastrophe (wech©q) started then. Bangladesh lost the next five wickets in the next five over scoring a few runs. Bangladesh lost the 9th wicket in 47th over and finally scored 249 without losing the last wicket. In the second innings, Sri Lanka’s target was 250. They easily reached their goal scoring 252 losing only a single wicket. In the 38th over they lost their only wicket after scoring 200 runs. Finally, Sri Lanka smoothly wins over Bangladesh.



  1. Read the following chart and write a paragraph on the basis of the information given in it.


The chart centering on “Environmental Change” shows some major causes and effects (KviY I djvdj) of environmental change. Environmental change means (A_©/gv‡b) changing in environment of the earth that is constantly (me©`v) being changed. We, the human beings, are mainly accountable (`vqx) for this change. There are two types of changes : natural and man-made. Unaware and selfish (¯^v_©ci) activities of human beings are chiefly (cÖavbZ) responsible for environment change. We cut down trees randomly (wbwe©Pv‡i) for habitation and other purposes. This is affecting the environment badly. Moreover, trees are being burnt naturally at a great extent (As‡k) that is also responsible for environmental change. As a result, carbon-dioxide increases which causes global warming (ˆewk¦K DòZv). It is the main cause of melting snow (eid Mjv). This could eventually raise (evovq) sea levels and thereby flood coastal areas (DcK‚jxq GjvKv) and farmlands. It is a great threat to our country. Because of the rise of the sea levels, the lower southern part of Bangladesh may one day go under water. We should stop environmental pollution in this regard. So, we must be conscious (†PZb) of this.

  1. The graph below shows the importance and usage of English. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the chart.


The graph shows the uses of English all over the world. The chart exposes (†`Lvq/cÖKvk K‡i) that English is widely (e¨vcKfv‡e) used in information technology. At present 80% of all the information in the world’s computer is in English. It also indicates (wb‡`©k K‡i) that 58% of the world population use English as 1st language while 50% of the population use it as a second language. Different multinational (eûRvwZK) and international organisations cannot go a single day without English as they are to communicate people around the world. The percentage of these organisations is 33%. The use of English in other purposes is also noticeable. 30% people use English in other purposes (D‡Ï‡k¨). From the given graph, we can come to a realization (Dcjwã‡Z) that the importance of English can never be ignored/denied (D‡cÿv/A¯^xKvi Kiv) anymore. In order to deal with the people across the national border English is a common language/lingua franca. Besides, to have access to the information technology English is a must. Therefore, more importance should be given to learn English effectively.

  1. The graph shows yearly Imports and Exports (Billion dollar) of Bangladesh. Describe it in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.



The graph mentioned in the question paper exhibits the annual amounts (evwl©K cwigvY) of imports and exports (Avg`vwb I ißvwb) of Bangladesh in billion dollar. Imports and exports of the year 2009 to 2011 have been shown through two comparative columns. In the graph, we see that in the year 2009 the import was figured at 15.07 and the export at 19.76. In 2010, the export was shown to be 16.24 billion dollars and import was 21.34 billion dollars. In 2011, the export stood (`uvwo‡qwQj) at 23.86 and import at 31.75 billion dollars. So, the trend (aviv) of imports and exports, as shown in the chart, is on the increase. But, at the same time, it presents rather a frustrating (nZvkvRbK) picture of our economy. Because, although our export and import are increasing proportionately (AvbycvwZKnv‡i) our export could not surpass (AwZµg Kiv/Qvwo‡q hvIqv) the import. Hence, the diplomats (KzUbxwZwe`MY) should be up and doing (D‡V c‡o jvMv) to increase the exports of the country. At the same time we must maintain balance (fvimvg¨ eRvq ivLv) between imports and exports.

  1. The following chart shows the habit of reading newspaper in a school hostel. Describe the chart in your own words.


The chart mentioned in the question paper (cÖkœc‡Î) displays the ratio of students’ habit (Af¨vm) of reading newspaper in a school hostel. From the chart we come to know that, the highest read (me©vwaK cwVZ) newspaper is the Daily Prothom Alo. It is read by 25% students. On the contrary, the last read among the mentioned six newspapers is the daily Amar Desh and it is read by only 9% students. The Sangbad holds the second highest read position whose percentage is 12%. In addition (GQvovI), the Jugantor and the Ittefaq are read on an average (Mo) scale. These are read by 18% and 14% students respectively. If we explain the students habit of reading newspaper, we’ll find (†`L‡Z cv‡iv) that there’s no great difference (eo cv_©K¨) in average reading of newspapers. The ratio reflects (cÖwZdwjZ K‡i) the overall (mvwe©K) popularity of the national dailies despite (m‡Ë¡I) a little bit unusual in the ratio of the Janakantho and the Amar Desh. Because these two papers are less sold and read than the ratio of other newspapers given in the chart.

  1. The graph below shows The Internet User’s from 2000 to 2009. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.


The chart provides (†`q) the statistics (cwimsL¨vb) of the Internet users from 2009 to 2009. During (mg‡q) these ten years the number of the Internet users has rising rapidly. For instance (D`vniY¯^iƒc), in 2009, the first year of the survey (Rwic) indicates that 0.003 lakh people used the Internet while it rose to (†e‡o wM‡qwQj) 1.5 lakh in number in 2002. This is five times more (cuvP¸b †ewk) than that of 2000. In 2003, the number of the Internet users rose upto 2.43 lakh that is remarkable (D‡jøL‡hvM¨). In 2005, the number of the Internet users reached three lakh. We see, in the whole survey, the highest increase in the number of the Internet users in-between (gv‡S) 2005 and 2007. 5.56 lakh people used the Internet in 2008 which rose up to 6.17 lakh in the year 2009. Thus, the tendency (cÖeYZv) of using the Internet is gradually increasing undoubtedly (wbtm‡›`‡n) to keep pace with the demand (Pvwn`v) of the present age.

  1. The graph below shows the percentage of smokers of an upazilla of Bangladesh from 2000 to 2012. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.


The graph mentioned in the question paper clearly shows (my¯úófv‡e †`Lvq) the percentage of smokers of an Upazilla of Bangladesh from 2000 to 2012. The rate of smokers was 32% in 2000. The rate decreased in 2002 and it came down to 27%. There was a decrease in 2004 and the rate went down to 24%. In 2006, the rate was 18% as there was a decrease in the rate again. The rate of smokers was 15% in 2008 as a result of a continuous (Pjgvb) decrease in the rate. As it decreased again, the rate got down to 10% in the year 2010. And finally in 2012, the rate of smokers went down to 4%. So, now it is evident (my¯úó) that the rate of smokers of the upazilla was on the wane (n«vm) throughout the years (mviv eQi a‡i). The highest rate was 32% and it was in the year 2000. The lowest rate, on the other hand, was only 4% and it was in 2012. If this continuous positive trends goes on in this way for a few more years, hopefully there will hardly be any smoker in the mentioned (D‡jøwLZ) upazilla.

  1. The graph shows the favourite subjects of 200 students. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summaries the information given in the chart.


The graph gives the information about the preference (cQ›`) of subjects of the 200 students. The graph shows that the highest number of students prefer Bengali. Calculating it we have found that 64 students prefer Bengali. After that comes English. 30% of 200 students means (gv‡b) 60 students. They all prefer English. English is followed by social science as favourite (wcÖq) subject. It is liked by 27% students. Here 27% means 54 students. History is preferred only by 6% students. 6% of 200 equals (mgvb) 12 students. This is very common for subjects like history. Math is favourite to only five students. It is because the math seems (g‡b nq) difficult to most of the general (mvaviY) students. It is preferred by the least (me‡P‡q Kg) number of students. Being mother tongue (gvZ…fvlv nIqvq), Bengali is the most favourite subject. English is also preferred to a significant number of students.

  1. The graph below shows “The Internet Users” from 2000 to 2009. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

The Internet Users (in lakh)


The survey gives a clear view of the number of the Internet Users. The survey period ranges from 2000 to 2009. The survey during these 10 years shows that the number of the Internet Users is rising rapidly. The survey shows that 0.003 lakh people used the Internet in 2000 whereas in 2002 it rose to 1.5 lakh in number. This number is 5 times more than that of 2000. In 2003, the number of the Internet Users rose to 2.43 lakh that is noticeable. In 2005, the number of the Internet Users rose to 3 lakh. We notice, in the whole survey, the greatest increase in the number of the Internet Users between 2005 and 2007. In 2008, 5.56 lakh people used the Internet which rose to 6.7 lakh in 2009. The tendency of using the Internet is gradually rising up keeping pace with the demand of the advanced world.

  1. Look at the chart below, It shows some information about some activities including Bangladesh. Now, describe the chart in your own words [word limit : 150].
  Bangladesh Sri Lanka India China
Land area 1,44,000 km (approx) 65,600 sq. km 3,287,590 sq. km 9,600,000 sq. km
Population 150m 20m 1.15b 1.33b
Density of population 1000 332 382 143
Birth rate (per 1000) 20.1 17.42 22.22 12.29
Death rate (per 1000) 6.1 5.92 7.48 7.03
Growth rate 1.40% 0.7% 1.41% 0.5%


The chart shows some important information about the four countries of the world: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India and China. The pieces of information are about population, density of population, birth rate, death rate and growth rate. If we see the land areas, Bangladesh is larger than Sri Lanka, but smaller than India and China. China is the largest of the four countries. Population is the highest in China but its population density is far less than that of Bangladesh. Actually Bangladesh holds the first position in this respect. In case of birth rate, India occupies the first place among these countries while Bangladesh is second and China is at the bottom. Death rate in India is 7.48, in Bangladesh 6.1, in Sri Lanka 5.92 and in China 7.05. So, it is highest in-India. Growth rate also is highest in India. It is 1.40% in Bangladesh, while China has the lowest growth rate.

  1. the chart below shows the benefits of girls’ education. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should high-light and summarise the information given in the chart.


The given chart has depicted the benefits of girls’ education. An educated mother is aware of improved health and nutrition. Again an educated mother can play a significant role in reducing population growth. She can realize that increasing members in the family is not at all favourable for the family. She therefore, feels prompted to adopt family planning programme. Now the educated girls have come out of their cocoons. They are becoming doctors, engineers, architects, pilots, politicians and what not. For example, the girls employed in garments factories in the developing countries like Bangladesh have geared up the wheel of economy. They can play a vital role more in boosting the economic productivities if they are properly educated. And if our girls are educated properly, we will be able to make sustained development efforts. In fine, it can be said that for the over-all development of a country girls’ education is a must.

  1. Look at the following graph. It shows a comparative selling rates of four types of book in Ekushey Boi Mela 2013. Now describe/analyze the graph in your own words :¾


The graph is about the comparative selling rates of four types of books in Ekushey Boi Mela 2013. In the chart we see that 3000 science fictions were sold in the Ekushey Boi Mela. As for novel, the number of this type of books sold in the Ekushey Boi Mela 2013 was over 4000. And it is the highest figure in the graph. Over 2000 books on history were sold in the Ekushey Boi Mela. About 500 poetry books were sold in the Ekushey Boi Mela. So it is evident that people love novel most and so the selling of this sort of book topped the list. The second highest selling is noticed in science fiction. History occupies 3rd position in selling rates while poetry occupies the last one. Thus the graph shows people’s interest in various subjects like science fiction, novel, history and poetry.

  1. The graph below shows the choice of profession by different educated people. Describe the graph in 150 words. You should highlight and summarize the information given in the graph :¾


Choice of profession by different educated people has been shown in the graph. The professions are categorized in four groups- farming, business, govt. job and intellectual work. The graph shows that farming profession is chosen by almost 10% educated people. The business profession is chosen by nearly 25% educated people. The percentage of people preferring govt. job is really noticeable. Almost 65% educated people like govt. job. Among the four professions shown in the graph, the govt. job is preferred by the highest number of people. People are hardly interested in intellectual work. So, only 5% people choose intellectual work as their profession. So, from the analysis of the graph, it is evident that most of the educated people are running after jobs instead of becoming self employed by doing farming or business.

  1. The graph below shows Rahim’s time spending on various activities. Describe the chart in 150 words.


The graph highlights Rahim’s time spending on various activities. The graph is divided into 6 parts. It depicts how Ripon spends his time on various activities. Ripon spends 50 percent of his time in sleeping and in school. It is 25% for each (Sleeping & schooling). The rest of his time is spent on playing, meals, homework and entertainment. Among these the biggest portion is spent in playing. And that is 19 percent. 15 percent of his time is spent in entertainment. Then comes the issue of homework. He spends 10 percent of his time doing homework. He spends only 6 percent of his time to enjoy his meals. So from the chart it is clear that Ripon spends the largest amount of his time both in sleeping and school. And the least time he needs is to take his meals. As a student he should use his time properly.

  1. The graph below shows the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the classes. Describe the chart in 150 words. You should highlight and summarise the information given in the chart.

Monthwise absence of Abir


The graph is about the irregularity of a student named Abir in attending the classes. The chart shows that in the month of January Abir did not attend 20 classes. In February he was absent from more than 20 classes. This tendency came down and it shows that the classes he was absent from were below 20 in March. But in April this bad tendency increased. And the graph shows that he was absent from 25 classes in April. In May the tendency came down to some extent but in June it rose up to a little extent. In July it came down to 20. In August he was absent from 25 classes. In September it again came down a little and in October it again came down through to a little extent. From the graph, it is evident that Abir is a very irregular student.

  1. The pie chart below shows the percentage of a family’s household income distributed into different categories. Describe the pie-chart in 150 words.


The pie-chart highlights the percentage of a family’s income distributed into different categories. We see that 25% of the total income of the family is spent on food whereas 13% of the income is spent on clothes. Educational expenses in the family cover 22% of the total income. 5% of the total income is spent on power which is electricity. Transport expenses cover 12% of the total income of the family. 8% of the total income is spent on other things. And 15% of the total income is saved. Thus the expenses on various things show the family to be a good family that spends its income in a proper way on different matters. It spends the highest amount of money on food. Its second highest amount of total income is spent on education. This indicates that the family puts importance on education. Its saving is pretty good.


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