Class 9-10 English 1st Paper Model Unit 11-14



Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-11: Lesson-1(B)

Sohan lives in a village in the south-west part of Bangladesh. Last night he could not sleep. His sister had the SSC exam next morning. She could not read either. There was-load shedding. The summer night being sticky hot, life became hell without electricity. Most of their area remained dark for hours due to power shortage.

In May-June, temperature shoots up to 40 degree Celsius. With almost 90 per cent of humidity in the atmosphere, it becomes all sweat, wet, damp and stinky. When you are busy fanning yourself all the time, how come you concentrate on studies? In the night it is impossible to sit in the study with a candle light or table lamp or hurricane lamp or a rural kerosene lamp. People simply come out of houses almost bare-bodied and sit in the open places. Some splash cold water on their faces. Fans are still, lamps are out and it is dark everywhere. It is simply unbearable.

What is the reason of frequent load-shedding? Press reports say there is a shortage in electricity production. According to the Power development authorities, the current demand for electricity is more than 6,000 MW* a day while the supply remains around 4,200 MW. In the rural areas, the Rural Electrification Board (REB) can supply barely half of the total demand which is around 2,400 MW per day. In the capital city, the demand stands at around 1,400 MW while the supply amounts to 650 MW. As a result, load shedding is unavoidable.

Abyev` :  †mvnvb evsjv‡`‡ki `w¶Y-cwðg As‡k GK MÖv‡g evm K‡i| MZiv‡Z †m Nygv‡Z cv‡i wb| c‡ii w`b mKv‡j Zvi †ev‡bi GmGmwm cix¶v wQj| †mI co‡Z cv‡iwb| †mw`b †jvWwkwWs wQj| MÖx‡®§i ivZ LyeB Mig nIqvq, we`y¨r e¨ZxZ Rxeb `ywe©ln n‡qwQj| we`y¨r msK‡Ui Kvi‡Y NÈvi ci NÈv AwaKvsk GjvKv AÜKv‡i wQj|

†g-Ry‡b ZvcgvÎv 40 wWwMÖ †mjwmqvm ch©š— †cuŠQj| cÖvq 90 fvM mu¨vZmu¨v‡Z cwi‡e‡k GwU Nvg, †fRv, mu¨vZmu¨v‡Z I MÜgq K‡i †d‡j| hLb me mgq wb‡R‡K evZvm Ki‡Z e¨¯—, ZLb Kxfv‡e covq g‡bv‡hvM e‡m?

iv‡Zi †ejv †gvgevwZi Av‡jv ev †Uwej j¨v¤ú ev nvwi‡Kb A_ev MÖvg¨ †K‡ivwm‡bi evwZi mvnv‡h¨ co‡Z emv Am¤¢e| †jvKRb cÖvq Lvwj kix‡iB Ni †_‡K †ei n‡q Av‡m Ges †Lvjv RvqMvq e‡m| Zv‡`i †Pnvivq VvÛv cvwb wQUvq| cvLv GLb Av‡Q, jÉb wejyß n‡q‡Q Ges me©Î GLb AÜKvi| GwU mvaviYfv‡eB Amnbxq|

cÖvqkB †jvW-‡kwWs Gi KviY Kx? msev‡`i cÖwZ‡e`‡b ejv nq, we`y¨r NvUwZ i‡q‡Q| cvIqvi Dbœqb KZ©„c‡¶i gZvbymv‡i cÖwZw`b we`y¨‡Zi Pvwn`v 6000 (Qq nvRvi) †gMvIqvU| MÖvgxY GjvKvq MÖvgxY we`y¨Zvqb †evW©‡K (AviBwe) me©‡gvU Pvwn`vi A‡a©‡KiI Kg mieivn Kiv nq hv cÖwZw`b cÖvq 2400 †gMvIqvU| ivRavbx kn‡i cÖvq 1400 †gMvIqvU Pvwn`v i‡q‡Q †hLv‡b mieivn i‡q‡Q 650 †gMvIqvU| myZivs †jvW-†kwWs Gov‡bv Am¤¢e| wKš‘ Lye `ª“ZB Ae¯’vi DbœwZ n‡”Q|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Remain Ae¯’vb Kiv stay
Shortage NvUwZ want, lack, dearth
Stinky A¯^w¯—Ki unpleasant
Humidity †fRv wetness, dampness
Concentrate g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv pay attention
Splash wQUv‡bv spray, wet
Reason KviY cause
Unbearable Amnbxq intolerable
Development Dbœqb improvement
Barely K`vwPr hardly
As a result d‡j consequently
Unavoidable Gov‡bv hvq bv Ggb obligatory, inevitable
Sticky f¨vcmv hermid, steamy
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The reason of Sohan’s sister’s inability to read that night was —.
  3. i) Sohan’s disturbance                                ii) lack of load-shedding           ;

iii) lack of electricity                                    iv)  her own intention

  1. Increase of temperature upto 40°C occurs —.
  2. i) throughout the whole year                       ii)  at the time of load-shedding

iii) during the SSC exam                              iv)  in the summer

  1. How is the situation of the supply of electricity in term of demand?
  2. i) consistent           ii)  insufficient             iii) over-flowing          iv)  enough
  3. The weather in summer is —.
  4. i) intolerable ii)  unavoidable            iii) impossible              iv)  very pleasant
  5. Load-shedding is — affair now-a-days.
  6. i) rare ii)  uncommon             iii) common                 iv)  weekly
  7. When was the SSC exam held, according to the passage?
  8. i) in the winter        ii)  in the spring            iii) in the summer         iv) in February–March
  9. About — of the atmosphere remains free of humidity in May to June.
  10. i) 90%                    ii)  40%                        iii) 60%                       iv)   10%

Extra Practices

  1. Which cannot function at the time of load-shedding?
  2. i) candle lamp        ii)  fans                        iii) table lamp               iv) hurricane lamp
  3. Which is the main reason of load-shedding?
  4. i) low production   ii)  hot temperature      iii) high production      iv)  limited demand
  5. The REB monitors electrical affairs —.
  6. i) throughout the whole country                 ii)  in the capital

iii) outside the urban areas                           iv)  outside the rural areas:

  1. Sohan lives in the —— part of Bangladesh.

(i)    south-west                                       (ii)   east-west

(iii)  north-south                                      (iv)  south-east

  1. Sohan’s sister had the —— exam next morning.

(i)    HSC                                                 (ii)   SSC

(iii)  BA                                                   (iv)  MA

  1. Temperature shoots up to —— in May–June.

(i)    40ºC                                                (ii)   50ºC

(iii)  60ºC                                                (iv)  30ºC

  1. In the capital city the demand stands at around ——.

(i)    1400 MW                                        (ii)   140 MW

(iiI   1400 W                                            (iv)  1400 KW

  1. REB stands for ——

(i)    Rural Electricity Bureau                  (ii)   Rare Electricity Board

(iii)  Rural Electicity Board                     (iv)  Rural Electrification Board

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why could not Sohan sleep last night?
  3. Where does Sohan live?
  4. What are simply unbearable?
  5. What do people do in time of load -shedding at night?
  6. Why is it impossible to sit in the study without electricity at night?

Extra Practices

  1. What happened to Sohan last night?
  2. How was the summer night?
  3. What happened during load-shedding in Sohan’s area?
  4. What causes load-shedding?
  5. What is the current demand for electricity?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-11: Lesson-2(B)

In a speech at the 90th Science Congress, internationally acknowledged scientist and former Indian president Mr APJ Abdul Kalam mentioned a very important aspect of mankind’s future energy crisis. He pointed out that the era of wood and bio-mass has almost come to an end. The age of oil and natural gas would soon be over within the next few decades. Massive burning of world’s coal reserves may lead to a worldwide ecological disaster because coal burning emits the highest amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Ukraine’s (former Soviet Union) Chernobyl disaster in 1986 has exposed that nuclear energy can be potentially dangerous too. So according to Kalam, the only solution that mankind can look to is the massive use of solar energy in future because it has some advantages over other forms of renewable energies.

Now why has Kalam put so much importance to the issue of energy? The energy sources have always been a major factor of change throughout history. The world’s petroleum consumption has increased from annually 3 billion barrels in 1930 to annually 50 billion barrels today. In the next quarter century, the world’s population is expected to be about 8 billion which is 30 percent higher than today. Developing countries will grow their economies about two times faster than industrialised countries. Global economic growth is expected to continue at 3 percent per year. Consequently, the global demand for energy will grow at about 1.7 percent per year on an average. It indicates a 50 percent rise of energy consumption by 2030. If the world’s daily petroleum consumption is 220 million barrels now, it will rise to 335 million barrels by that time. The present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources is limited and it will not be sufficient to meet the future energy challenges of the world. And hence, leading industrial countries have taken initiatives to tap alternative energy sources mainly known as green or renewable energy sources. The bottom line of Kalam’s speech indicates that concern of mankind in 21st century.

e½vbyev` : 90Zg weÁvb m‡¤§j‡b Avš—R©vwZK L¨vwZm¤úbœ weÁvbx I fvi‡Zi cÖv³b †cÖwm‡W›U Gwc‡R Avãyj Kvjvg Zuvi e³…Zvq gvbeRvwZi fwel¨r kw³ m¼‡Ui GK ¸i“Z¡c~Y© w`K Zz‡j a‡i‡Qb| wZwb wb‡`©k w`‡jb †h KvV I ev‡qvM¨v‡mi hyM cÖvq †kl n‡q Avm‡Q|

ˆZj I cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi hyM cieZx© K‡qK `k‡Ki g‡a¨ †kl n‡e| we‡k¦i msiw¶Z Kqjvi fqven e¨env‡ii c„w_exe¨vcx ev¯‘ms¯’vbMZ `y‡h©vM †‡`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i KviY m‡e©v”P cwigvY Kve©b wbM©Z nq Kqjv †cvov‡bvi Kvi‡Y| BD‡µ‡bi (cÖv³b †mvwf‡qZ BDwbqb) †Pi‡bvwe‡ji 1986 mv‡ji `y‡h©vM cÖKvk K‡i‡Q †h wbDwK¬qvi GbvwR© AviI m¤¢ve¨ wec¾bK n‡Z cv‡i| myZivs Rbve Kvjv‡gi e³e¨ Abymv‡i gvbeRvwZi GKgvÎ mgvavb hvi Ici Zviv wbf©i Ki‡Z cv‡i Zv n‡jv fwel¨‡Z †mŠikw³i e¨vcK e¨envi KviY Ab¨vb¨ bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Zzjbvq Gi †ek wKQz myweav i‡q‡Q|

GLb Rbve Kvjvg kw³i welqwU‡K †Kb GZ †ewk ¸i“Z¡ w`‡q‡Qb? kw³i Drmmg~n n‡jv BwZnv‡mi avivevwnKZvq cwieZ©‡bi cÖavb Dcv`vb| c„w_ex‡Z †c‡Uªvwjqv‡gi e¨envi 1930 mv‡j evwl©K 3 wewjqb e¨v‡ij †_‡K AvR 50 wewjqb-G e„w× †c‡q‡Q|

cieZx© GK PZz_©vsk kZvãx‡Z 25 eQ‡i c„w_exi RbmsL¨v cÖvq 8 wewjqb n‡e e‡j g‡b Kiv n‡”Q hv AvR‡Ki Zzjbvq 30 fvM †ewk| Dbœqbkxj †`k¸‡jv‡Z A_©‰bwZK cÖe„w× DbœZ †`k¸‡jvi †P‡q wظY n‡e| wek¦ A_©‰bwZK cÖe„w× cÖwZeQ‡i 3 kZvs‡ki avivevwnKZv eRvq _vKvi cÖZ¨vkv i‡q‡Q| d‡j c„w_ex‡Z M‡o cÖvq 1.7 kZvsk R¡vjvwb Pvwn`v evo‡e| GwU wb‡`©k K‡i †h 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ R¡vjvwb e¨envi 50 fvM †e‡o hv‡e|

hw` GLb we‡k¦ cÖwZw`b 220 wgwjqb e¨v‡ij †c‡Uªvwjqvg e¨envi Kiv nq, H mg‡q GwU 335 wgwjqb e¨v‡i‡j †cuŠQ‡e| eZ©gv‡b nvB‡Wªv-Kve©b R¡vjvwbi wiRvf© mxwgZ Ges fwel¨‡Z we‡k¦i R¡vjvwb Pvwn`v wgUv‡bvi Rb¨ h‡_ó bq| Ges ZvB, †bZ…¯’vbxq wk‡ívbœZ †`k weKí R¡vjvwb Drm we‡kl K‡i meyR A_ev bevqb‡hvM¨ R¡vjvwbi Dr†mi c`‡¶c wb‡q‡Qb| Rbve Kvjv‡gi e³…Zvi kxl© jvB‡b GKwesk kZvãxi H welqmg~n Bw½Z †`q|

[cwimsL¨v‡bi Drm : †i· Wwe­D wUjvimb, G‡·vb †gvej K‡c©v‡ikb|)

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. What did Mr APJ mention about at the 90th Science Congress?
  3. i) Future energy problem                           ii)  Future energy cost

iii) Future energy elements                           iv) Energy necessity

  1. Here wood indicates—.
  2. i) furniture wood     ii)  fire wood                iii) wood of science     iv) wood fossil
  3. Why will be there fuel crisis? Because —.
  4. i) its store is limited                                    ii)  it is very costly

iii) Bangladesh has no oil mine                    iv) it is very useful thing

  1. The only solution, according to Kalam, is to use —.
  2. i) green energy ii)  bio gas                    iii) wood energy           iv) hydro-carbon energy
  3. What does Kalam put so much importance on?
  4. i) wood                  ii) natural                     iii) issue of energy       iv) Science Congress
  5. What is global economic growth?
  6. i) 50 per cent          ii) 30 per cent               iii) 3 percent                iv) 1.7 per cent
  7. In 2030 the rise of energy consumption will be —- million barrels.
  8. i) 335                       ii) 220                        iii) 50                           iv) 117

Extra Practices

  1. The present reserve of hydro-carbon—.
  2. i) is sufficient                                            ii) is much

iii) is not according to our need                    iv) is not insufficient

  1. Green energy can be got from —.
  2. i) the ocean            ii) the sun                     iii) the hydro-carbon    iv) natural gas
  3. The world needs—.
  4. i) green energy       ii) water                       iii) gas                          iv) tree
  5. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  6. What is Science Congress?
  7. Who is Mr APJ Abdul Kalam?
  8. What did Mr APJ point out?
  9. What were the scientists afraid of?
  10. What may cause ecological disaster?

Extra Practices

  1. Why can mankind look to the massive use of solar energy?
  2. How is global economic growth expected?
  3. What will be the energy consumption by 2030?
  4. How is the present reserve of hydro-carbon energy resources?
  5. May solar energy be called green energy?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it(1−7).       Unit-11: Lesson-3(B)

Countries of the world rely heavily on petroleum, coal and natural gas for their energy sources. There are two major types of energy sources: renewable and non-renewable. Hydro-carbon or fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy. Reliance on them poses real big problems. First, fossil fuels such as oil, coal, gas etc, are finite energy resources and the world eventually will run out of them. Secondly, they will become too expensive in the coming decades and too damaging for the environment to repair. Thirdly, fossil fuels have direct polluting impacts on earth’s environment causing global warming. In contrast, renewable energy sources such as, wind and solar energy are constantly and naturally replenished and never run out.

Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight or solar energy can be used for heating and lighting homes, for generating electricity and for other commercial and industrial uses.

The sun’s heat drives the wind and this wind energy can be captured with wind turbines to produce electricity. Then the wind and the sun’s heat cause water to evaporate. When this water vapour turns into rain or snow and flows downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured as hydroelectric energy.

Along with the rain and snow, sunlight causes plants to grow. Plants produce biomass which again can be turned into fuels such as fire wood, alcohol, etc identified as bioenergy.

Scientists have identified Hydrogen as another form of renewable energy source. It is the most abundant element in nature. But it does not exist separately as a gas. It is always combined with other elements, such as with oxygen to make water. Hydrogen, separated from another element, can be burned as a fuel to produce electricity.

Our Earth’s interior contains molten lava with tremendous heat. This heat inside the Earth produces steam and hot water which can be tapped as geothermal energy to produce electricity, for heating home, etc.

Ocean energy comes from several sources. Ocean’s force of tide and wave can be used to produce energy. The surface of the ocean gets more heat from the sun than the ocean depths. This temperature difference can be used as energy source too. (Source: the Internet)

e½vbyev` :we‡k¦i †`k¸‡jv kw³ Dr†mi Rb¨ †c‡Uªvwjqvg, Kqjv I cÖvK…wZK M¨v‡mi Ici wbf©i K‡i| `yB ai‡bi kw³ Drm Av‡Q-bevqb‡hvM¨ Ges Abevqb‡hvM¨| nvB‡Wªv-Kve©b ev ˆRewkjv ev Rxevk¥ Abevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm| Zv‡`i Ici wbf©ikxjZv eo mgm¨v m„wó K‡i| cÖ_gZ Rxevk¥ R¡vjvwb †hgb †Zj, Kqjv, M¨vm BZ¨vw` hv mxwgZ kw³i  Drm Ges we‡k¦ GK mgq G¸‡jvi gRy` †kl n‡q hv‡e|

wØZxqZ, Avm‡Q `k‡K Zviv GK `vwg/e¨qmva¨ n‡e Ges cwi‡e‡ki Rb¨ GZ ¶wZKi n‡e †h Zv †givgZ ev ms¯‹vi Kiv hv‡e bv| Z…ZxqZ, Rxevk¥ R¡vjvwbi ˆewk¦K DòZvi Kvi‡Y c„w_exi cwi‡e‡ki Ici mivmwi/ cÖZ¨¶ `~l‡Yi Pvc Av‡Q| †mB cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm †hgb, evZvm I †mŠikw³ me©`v ¯^vfvweKfv‡e c~iY K‡i Ges KLbI wbt‡kl n‡q hvq bv|

AwaKvsk bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³ cÖZ¨¶ ev c‡iv¶fv‡e m~h© †_‡K Av‡m| m~h©v‡jvK ev †mŠi kw³ Ni-evwo DËß ev Av‡jvwKZ Kivi Rb¨, we`y¨r Drcv`‡bi Rb¨ Ges Ab¨ †Kv‡bv evwYwR¨K I KjKviLvbvq e¨env‡ii Rb¨ e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|

m~‡h©i DËvc evZvm‡K cwiPvwjZ K‡i Ges GB evZvm/evqy kw³ we`y¨r Drcv`b Ki‡Z Rj, evqy I ev‡®ú PvwjZ PvKv‡K Avq‡Ë wb‡Z cv‡i| Zvici evZvm I m~‡h©i DËv‡ci Kvi‡Y cvwb ev®úvKv‡i D‡o hvh| hLb GB cvwb ev®ú e„wó ev eid n‡q wd‡i Av‡m ZLb wbgœf~wg b`x ev Rj‡mªv‡Z cÖevwnZ nq| GB kw³B Rjkw³ wn‡m‡e Avq‡Ë Av‡m|

e„wó, Zzlvi Ges m~h©v‡jv‡Ki Kvi‡Y MvQ Rb¥vq| MvQ ev‡qvM¨vm Drcv`b K‡i hv R¡vjvwb n‡q Avevi wd‡i Avm‡Z cv‡i †hgb, R¡vjvwb KvV, A¨vj‡Kvnj BZ¨vw` ev‡qvkw³ wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ|

bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³ Dr†mi Ab¨ iƒc/aiY wn‡m‡e weÁvbxiv nvB‡Wªv‡Rb‡K mbv³ K‡i‡Q| cÖK…wZ‡Z Gi me‡P‡q †ewk Dcv`vb| wKš‘ GwU M¨vm wn‡m‡e Avjv`vfv‡e / wew”Qbœfv‡e †ei nq bv| GwU me©`v Ab¨ †Kv‡bv Dcv`v‡bi m‡½ hy³| †hgb, Aw·‡R‡bi mv‡_ hy³ n‡q cvwb ˆZwi K‡i| D`Rvb (nvB‡Wªv‡Rb), Ab¨ Dcv`vb n‡Z Avjv`v, we`y¨r Drcv`b Ki‡Z R¡vjvwb wn‡m‡e `vn¨ n‡Z cv‡i|

Avgv‡`i f~-M‡f© cÖPÊ DËß MwjZ jvfv i‡q‡Q| c„w_exi Af¨š—ixY DËvc ev®ú I Dò cvwb Drcbœ K‡i hv evwo DËv‡ci Rb¨ Ges we`y¨r Drcv`b Ki‡Z g„wËKv kw³ wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv n‡Z cv‡i|

gnvmvMixq kw³ KZ¸‡jv Drm †_‡K Av‡m| gnvmvM‡ii †Rvqvi fvUv I †XD‡qi †eM kw³ Drcv`‡b Ki‡Z e¨envi n‡Z cv‡i| gnvmvM‡ii DcwifvM / c„ô‡`k gnvmvM‡ii MfxiZvi †P‡q m~h© †_‡K AwaK DËvc cvq| GB A‰bK¨ DòZvi gvÎv kw³ Drm wn‡m‡eI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|

(Drm : BÈvi‡bU)

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. How many types of energy sources are there?
  3. i) four ii) two                          iii) three                       iv) five
  4. What does the phrase ‘run out’ mean in the above passage?
  5. i) finish ii) start                         iii) end                         iv) begin
  6. The sun is a constant—-.
  7. i) natural source of heat and light ii) radiation

iii) electricity                                               iv) heat and light

  1. Renewable energy sources do not damage—-.
  2. i) the mill ii) the river                   iii) the environment     iv) heat and light
  3. What is separated from another element?
  4. Oxygen              ii.   Hydrogen iii. Chlorine                               iv.   HCL.
  5. Modern day wind turbines produce —.
  6. electricity        ii.   vapour iii. flow         iv.   steam
  7. What is geothermal energy?
  8. Heat from deep within the earth             ii.   Heat from deep within the sky.

iii. flows downhill                                        iv.   hydroelectric energy.

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What are renewable energy sources?
  3. Which sources are costly?
  4. What does our earth’s interior contain?
  5. How many elements remain in water?
  6. How is Hydrogen separated from another element?

Extra Practices

  1. How can hydroelectric energy be captured?
  2. Why/How does the most renewable energy come from the sun?
  3. Which elements do plants need to grow?
  4. From where do we get biomass?
  5. Why do renewable energy sources never run out?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-12: Lesson-1(B)

Eid is the main religious festival of the Muslims in Bangladeh. Eid` means happiness. Eveyone wants to share this happiness with their near and dear ones. So most of the people, who are living outside their home for different reasons have a strong desire to get back home during the Eid vacations. As a result, there is a mad rush in the buses, trains, or launches for the home-bound people. This often causes transport accidents that take away many lives. However, it cannot stop people’s desire to meet their family, in-laws, or friends. What makes people rush for their homes in spite of serious hazards? This is the pull of the roots. Do human beings have roots like the trees? The answer is ‘yes’ but unlike the roots of the trees they are invisible, they lie in our minds. It’s these roots that make a bond between us and family members, in-laws, friends, neighbours or even between us and the the land where we were born and grew up. In that sense our families, land of birth, relatives, our culture, traditions, or surroundings are our roots. And whereever we stay, we have a continuous pull of our roots. It’s our roots that develop our identity making us what we are. When we lose that bond, we become rootless. A human being who doesn’t have any roots or context, is a non entity. In other words, he or she doesn’t have any own identity. Such a person is devoid of values, humanity, and social responsibilities. The person doesn’t know where he or she is from, and/or where he or she is heading towards. This often makes the person feel empty and lost.

e½vbyev` : C` evsjv‡`‡k gymjgvb‡`i cÖavb agx©q Drme| C` gv‡b Lywk| cÖ‡Z¨‡KB Zv‡`i Kv‡Qi I wcÖqR‡bi mv‡_ GB Lywk fvMvfvwM Ki‡Z Pvq| GB AwaKvsk †jvK, hviv wewfbœ Kvi‡Y Zv‡`i evwoi evB‡i emevm Ki‡Q, Zv‡`i C‡`i QzwUi mgq evwo‡Z wd‡i Avmvi cÖPj B”Qv _v‡K|

d‡j, Nigy‡Lv gvbyl‡`i Rb¨ cvM‡ji g‡Zv evm, †Uªb A_ev j Zxeª‡e‡M Qz‡U hvq| Gi Kvi‡Y cÖvqB hvbevnb `yN©Ubvq A‡bK †jvK cÖvY nvivq| †m hvB †nvK, GwU gvbyl‡`i cwiev‡ii mv‡_, k¦ïi evwo A_ev eÜz‡`i mv‡_ mv¶v‡Zi B”Qv `wg‡q ivL‡Z cv‡ibv| Lye wec` _vKv m‡Ë¡I Kx gvbyl‡`i‡K Zv‡`i evwo‡Z hvIqvi Rb¨ Zxeª‡e‡M QzU‡Z eva¨ K‡i? GwU wkK‡oi Uvb|

Mv‡Qi wkK‡oi g‡Zv wK gvby‡liI wkKo Av‡Q? DËi n‡jv Ônu¨vÕ wKš‘ G¸‡jv Mv‡Qi wkK‡oi g‡Zv bq, G¸‡jv A`„k¨, G¸‡jv Avgv‡`i g‡bi gv‡S _v‡K| GB wkKo¸‡jv hv Avgv‡`i Ges cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i, k¦ïi evwoi; eÜz‡`i, cÖwZ‡ekx‡`i A_ev Avgv‡`i Ges f~wgi g‡a¨ eÜb ˆZwi K‡i †hLv‡b Avgiv Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQjvg Ges †e‡o D‡VwQjvg|

H A‡_© Avgv‡`i cwievi, Rb¥¯’vb, AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb, Avgv‡`i K„wó/ ms¯‹…wZ, HwZn¨ A_ev cwi‡ek Avgv‡`i wkKo| Ges †hLv‡bB Avgiv _vwK, Avgv‡`i wkK‡oi GKwU avivevwnK AvKl©Y/Uvb Avgv‡`i _v‡K| Avgiv Kx, †m cwiPq Zz‡j a‡i Avgv‡`i wkKo|

hLb Avgiv H eÜb nvivB ZLb Avgiv wkKonxb nB| gvbyl hv‡`i †Kv‡bv wkKo ev c~e©m~Î bvB Zviv ¯^Zš¿ Aw¯—Z¡nxb| Ab¨ K_vq, Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i cwiwPwZ bvB| H RvZxq †jvK g~j¨‡eva, gvbeZv I mvgvwRK `vq-`vwqZ¡ ewR©Z| Zviv †Kv_v n‡Z G‡m‡Q Ges ev †Kvbw`‡K avweZ n‡”Q Zv Zviv Rv‡b bv| GwU H e¨w³‡K cÖvqB k~b¨ ev Ab¨gb¯‹ Abyfe Kivq|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Main cÖavb chief, prime, major.
Happiness myL peace, bliss
Festival Drme ceremony
Different Wewfbœ various
Reason KviY cause
Vacation QywU leave
Accident `yN©Ubv mishap
Hazard mgm¨v problem
Invisible A`„k¨ unseen
Tradition cÖ_v custom
Identity cwiPq introduction
Responsibility `vwqZ¡ duty
Empty k~b¨ vacant
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Who celebrate the Eid festival?
  3. i) Muslims              ii)   Christians              iii) Buddhists              iv)  Hindus
  4. People become desperate to —- during Eid vacation.
  5. i) leave home           ii) leave the country     iii) leave the station      iv) get back home
  6. A mad rush is found everywhere for the — people.
  7. i) . village-bound ii)  home-bound           iii) town-bound            iv)  Dhaka-bound
  8. What happens is nothing but—.
  9. i)  the pull of the roots                                 ii)  the fascination

iii) the call of parents                                   iv) the push of the roots

  1. Nothing is able to stop people’s desire to —.
  2. i) meet their family, in-laws and friends ii) meet friends

iii) meet parents       iv) meet neighbours

  1. The roots lie in our —.
  2. i) minds                 ii)   lands                      iii) legs                         iv)  feet
  3. The mad rush causes — accidents.
  4. i) road                    ii)  transport                 iii) bus                         iv)  train

Extra Practices

  1. Everybody would like to share the —.
  2. i) sufferings           ii)  pangs                      iii) sorrows                  iv)  happiness
  3. The roots of the trees are —.
  4. i) invisible              ii)  visible                     iii) unvisible                iv)  nonvisible
  5. People become — when they lose the bond.
  6. i) rootless               ii)  toothless                 iii) unhappy                 iv)   serious
  7. Eid is the religious festival of the ——.

(i) Muslims              (ii) Christians               (iii) Hindus                  (iv) Buddhists

  1. People become serious to —— during Eid vacation.

                (i) leave home          (ii) get back home        (iii) leave the country   (iv) leave the station

  1. Eid is the main religious — of the Muslims in Bangladesh.

(i) organisation         (ii) festival                   (iii) glad                       (iv) occassion

  1. Every people wants to share their happiness with their —.

(i) near ones             (ii) near and dear ones  (iii) their relatives        (iv) their neighbours

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why is a mad rush found in the transport?
  3. What do you mean by Eid?
  4. What happens when any person does not have any own identity?
  5. What do people do during Eid vacation?
  6. Why do they get back home?

Extra Practices

  1. Who is a non-entity?
  2. When do we become rootless?
  3. What is the condition of a non entity?
  4. What does everyone want to share?
  5. Do human beings have roots like the trees?

k      What is Eid?

  1. What do the people do outside their home?
  2. Why do they return home?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-12: Lesson-2(D)

Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon. Mr Islam was very brilliant as a student. He took his higher education from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. After completing his higher education Mainul came back home and started advanced farming. He has two other brothers who are graduates in different areas. The specialty of Islam family is that they all are living in their village and all have fame in their own fields. His younger brother, who is a Rajshahi University graduate, is a science teacher in a local school. His youngest brother is a social science graduate and he too would like to start a local NGO to work for this area. When asked “What makes you decide to stay here in this village?”, Mr Islam smiled. He said, “Look, it’s true that we could leave this village for a city life. I could be an officer or my brother could be a bureaucrat. But it didn’t attract us. We are sons of this soil. Yes, we have education but does education prepare a person only to be an officer?  Don’t we have any obligation to the soil that has made us what we are?” He also added that every educated individual shouldn’t be a job seeker. He continued that since his discipline was Agriculture, after his education he took the occupation of a farmer. In response to the question whether they have any frustrations to live in a village, he confirmed that they were very pleased with their life. He said, “I work in my own farm, stay with my family members, pass time with my old friends, and sleep at my own home. All these count a lot.”

Mr Islam is right. Many people go to cities and forget or loosen their roots knowingly or unknowingly. Mr Islam and his brothers are great – they never forgot their roots. They not only stuck to their own roots, they have been torch bearers for others to be respectful of their own roots.

e½vbyev` : gvBbyj Bmjvg bIMuvi GKRb †hvM¨Zvm¤úbœ K…lK| Rbve Bmjvg QvÎ wn‡m‡e Lye †gavex wQ‡jb| wZwb evsjv‡`k K…wl wek¦we`¨vq, gqgbwmsn n‡Z Zvi D”PZi wk¶v wb‡qwQ‡jb|

Zvi D”PZi wk¶v mgvwßi ci gvBbyj evwo wd‡i Av‡mb Ges DbœZ Pv‡li KvR ïi“ K‡iwQ‡jb| Zvi AviI `yB fvB Av‡Qb hviv wfbœ wel‡qi Dci mœvZK wWwMÖ jvf K‡i‡Qb| Bmjvg cwiev‡ii ˆewkó¨ n‡jv †h Zviv mK‡jB MÖv‡g evm Ki‡Qb Ges mK‡ji wbR¯^ †¶‡Î hk ev myL¨vwZ Av‡Q|

Zvi †QvU fvB †h ivRkvnx wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K mœvZK, wZwb ¯’vbxq ¯‹z‡ji weÁvb wk¶K| Zvi me‡P‡q †QvU fvB mvgvwRK weÁv‡b mœvZK Ges wZwbI G GjvKvi Rb¨ KvR Ki‡Z GKwU ¯’vbxq GbwRI Pvjy Ki‡Z PvB‡Qb|

hLb wRÁvmv Kiv n‡jv, ÔAvcbviv Kx Kvi‡Y GB MÖv‡g _vKvi wm×vš— wb‡q‡Qb?Ó ZLb Rbve Bmjvg nvm‡jb| wZwb ej‡jb, Ò‡`‡Lv, GUv mZ¨ †h, Avgiv kû‡i Rxe‡bi Rb¨ GB MÖvg Z¨vM Ki‡Z cviZvg| Avwg GKRb Kg©KZ©v ev Avgvi fvB GKRb ¶gZvmxb Avgjv n‡Z cviZ| wKš‘ GwU Avgv‡`i AvKl©Y K‡i bvB| Avgiv GB gvwUi mš—vb|

nu¨v, Avgv‡`i wk¶v Av‡Q wKš‘ wk¶v wK ïay GKRb e¨w³‡K GKRb Kg©KZ©v ˆZwi K‡i? gvwUi cÖwZ wK Avgv‡`i †Kv‡bv eva¨evaKZv bvB †h gvwU Avgv‡`i‡K G ch©š— M‡o Zz‡j‡Q?Ó wZwb AviI †hvM K‡ib †h cÖ‡Z¨K wkw¶Z e¨w³iB GKRb PvKwi AbymÜvbKvix nIqv DwPZ bq|

wZwb AviI e‡jb †h, Zvi wk¶vi †¶Î K…wl nIqv‡Z Zvi wk¶v mgvwßi ci GKRb K…l‡Ki †ckv wb‡qwQ‡jb| MÖv‡g evm Ki‡Z Zv‡`i †Kv‡bv nZvkv Av‡Q wKbv G cÖ‡kœi Dˇi wZwb Zv‡`i wbwðZ Ki‡jb †h, Zv‡`i Rxe‡b Zviv Lye mš‘ó| wZwb e‡jb, ÒAvwg Avgvi wb‡Ri Lvgv‡i KvR Kwi, cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i mv‡_ _vwK, Avgvi cyivZb eÜz-evÜe‡`i mv‡_ mgq AwZevwnZ Kwi Ges Avgvi wbR evwo‡Z NygvB| wnmve Ki‡j G¸‡jv A‡bK|Ó

Rbve Bmjvg mwVK| A‡bK †jvK kn‡i hvq Ges B”Qv ev Awb”Qvq Zv‡`i wkKo fy‡j hvq ev nvwi‡q †d‡j| Rbve Bmjvg Ges Zvi fvB‡qiv gnr Zviv Zv‡`i wkKo KLbI fyj‡Z cv‡ib wb| Zviv ïay Zv‡`i wkK‡oi mv‡_ Gu‡U _v‡Kwb, wb‡R‡`i wkK‡oi cÖwZ kª×vkxj n‡Z Ab¨‡`i Rb¨ Zviv Av‡jvK-ewZ©KvevnK ¯^i~c|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Who is Mainul Islam?
  3. i) Teacher                ii) Farmer                     iii) Doctor                    iv) Agricultural officer
  4. How was Mr Islam?
  5. i) Brilliant student  ii) Middle student        iii) Bad student            iv) Normal student
  6. Where did he take his higher education?
  7. i) BAUM                ii)   DU                        RU                          iv)   BAUD
  8. What did he start?
  9. i) Gardening           ii) Fishing                    iii) Farming                    Swimming
  10. Who is a science teacher?
  11. Mainul’s younger brother                       ii) Mainum’s elder brother

iii.  Rahim’s elder brother                             iv. Mainum’s younger brother

  1. Who are great?
  2. Mainum & his brothers                          ii) Mainul’s & brothers

iii) Rahim & his brothers                             iv) only Mainul

  1. What do Mainul & his brothers like?
  2. service ii. village                      iii) roots                       iv) city life
  3. Mainul Islam took the occupation of a —.
  4. i) physician            ii) science teacher        iii) farmer                    iv) officer
  5. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  6. Who is Mainul Islam?
  7. i) Teacher                ii) Farmer                     iii) Doctor                    iv) Agricultural officer
  8. How was Mr Islam?
  9. i) Brilliant student  ii) Middle student        iii) Bad student            iv) Normal student
  10. Where did he take his higher education?
  11. i) BAUM                ii)   DU                        RU                          iv)   BAUD
  12. What did he start?
  13. i) Gardening           ii) Fishing                    iii) Farming                    Swimming
  14. Who is a science teacher?
  15. Mainul’s younger brother                       ii) Mainum’s elder brother

iii.  Rahim’s elder brother                             iv. Mainum’s younger brother

  1. Who are great?
  2. Mainum & his brothers                          ii) Mainul’s & brothers

iii) Rahim & his brothers                             iv) only Mainul

  1. What do Mainul & his brothers like?
  2. service ii. village                      iii) roots                       iv) city life
  3. Mainul Islam took the occupation of a —.
  4. i) physician            ii) science teacher        iii) farmer                    iv) officer

Extra Practices

  1. What is Mr Mainuls occupation?
  2. What did Mainul Islam want?
  3. Who never forgot their roots?
  4. Who was brilliant?
  5. Who have been torch bearers?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-12: Lesson-3(A)

Michael Madhusudan Dutt  was a popular 19th-century Bengali poet and dramatist. He was born in Sagordari on the bank of the Kopotaksho River, a village in Keshobpur Upozila under Jessore district.


From an early age, Dutt aspired to be an Englishman in form and manner. Though he was born in a sophisticated Hindu family, he took Christianity as a young man, much to the ire of his family, and adopted the first name Michael. In his childhood, he was recognised by his teachers as a precious child with a gift of literary talent. His early exposure to English education and European literature at home and his college inspired him to imitate the English in taste, manners and intellect.

Since his adolescence he started believing that he was born on the wrong side of the planet, and that his society was unable to appreciate his intellect. He also believed that the West would be more receptive to his creative genius. Michael was an ardent follower of the famous English poet Lord Byron. So after adopting Christianity, he went to Europe and started composing poetry and drama almost entirely in English. They proved his higher level of intellectual ability. However, he failed to gain the right appreciation. With his utter frustrations he saw that he was not regarded as a native writer of English literature. Out of his frustration he composed a sonnet in Bangla “Kopotaksha Nad”, which earned him huge reputation in Bangla. Gradually he could realise that his true identity lies here in this Bengal and he was a sojourner in Europe. Afterwards he regretted his attraction for England and the Occident. He came to Bengal and devoted himself to Bangla literature from this period. He is the poet to write the first Bangla epic Meghand Badh Kabya.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Abyev` : gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë Dwbk kZ‡Ki GKRb RbwcÖq evOvwj Kwe I bvU¨Kvi wQ‡jb| wZwb h‡kvi †Rjvi †Kkecyi Dc‡Rjvi K‡cvZv¶ b‡`i Zx‡i mvMi`uvwo MÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib|

ˆkke n‡ZB `Ë ixwZ-bxwZ Ges AvPvi-AvPi‡Y Bs‡iR nIqvi D”PvKv•¶v †cvlY Ki‡Zb| hw`I wZwb i¶Ykxj wn›`y cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb Z_vwc wZwb hyeK eq‡mB wLª÷ag© MÖnY K‡i cwiev‡ii cÖPzi †µva ev AvcwË _vKv m‡Ë¡I gvB‡Kj bvg MÖnY K‡ib|

mvwnZ¨ welqK cÖwZfvi Rb¨ ˆkkeKv‡j Ag~j¨ evjK wn‡m‡e wk¶K‡`i Øviv ¯^xK…Z nb| evwo‡ZB wZwb Bs‡iwR wk¶v I mvwnZ¨ PP©v ïi“ K‡ib Ges Zuvi K‡jR Zuv‡K Bs‡iR‡`i i“wP, AvPvi-AvPiY Ges wePvi-eyw× AbyKiY Ki‡Z AbycÖvwYZ KiZ|

eqtmwÜKvj †_‡K wZwb wek¦vm Ki‡Z ïi“ Ki‡jb †h MÖ‡ni fyjw`‡K Zuvi Rb¥ n‡qwQj Ges Zuvi eyw×i cÖksmv Ki‡Z mgvR Amg_© n‡qwQj| wZwb AviI wek¦vm Ki‡Zb †h, Zuvi m„Rbkxj †gavi Rb¨ cvðvZ¨ AwaK h_v_© n‡Zv|

weL¨vZ Bs‡iR Kwe jW© evqi‡bi AZzrmvnx Abymvix wQ‡jb gvB‡Kj| ZvB wLª÷ag© MÖn‡Yi ci, wZwb BD‡ivc wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges KweZv I bvUK cÖvq m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c Bs‡iwR‡Z iPbv Ki‡Z ïi“ K‡iwQ‡jb| †m¸‡jv Zvui DuPzgv‡bi eyw×gËvi `¶Zv cÖgvY K‡iwQj|

Z‡e, wZwb mwVK g~j¨vqb I ¯^xK…wZ AR©b Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡qwQ‡jb| cÖKU ˆbiv‡k¨i/nZvkvi mv‡_ wZwb †`L‡jb †h Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i †jLK wn‡m‡e wZwb mgv`„Z nbwb| nZvk n‡q wZwb evsjvq PZz`©kc`x KweZv ÒK‡cvZv¶ b`Ó iPbv K‡ib hv evsjvq Zuv‡K cÖPzi L¨vwZ G‡b w`‡qwQj|

µ‡g µ‡g wZwb eyS‡Z cvi‡jb †h Zvi cÖK…Z cwiPq wbwnZ GLv‡b GB evsjvq Ges wZwb BD‡iv‡c cÖevmx wQ‡jb| c‡i wZwb Bsj¨vÛ I cvðvZ¨ c„w_exi cÖwZ Zvi AvKl©‡Yi Rb¨ Av‡¶c K‡iwQ‡jb| ZLb †_‡K evsjvq Avm‡jb evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i cÖwZ wb‡R‡K DrmM© Ki‡jb| wZwbB †mB Kwe, whwb cÖ_g evsjv gnvKve¨ †gNbv` ea †j‡Lb|

(m~Î: DBwKwcwWqv)

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Madhusudan was a popular —.
  3. i) poet of Urdu       ii) Bangali poet and dramatist

iii) Bengali poet       iv) English poet

  1. He went to — after adopting Christianity.
  2. i) Europe                ii)    America                iii) Africa                    iv)    Australia
  3. He was born in a — family.
  4. i) Hindu                 ii)    Muslim                 iii) Christian                 iv)    Buddhist
  5. He was born oh the bank of river —.
  6. i) Kapotaksha        ii)    Jamuna                 iii) Meghna                  iv)    Nabaganga
  7. He took Christianity as —- man.
  8. i) a young ii) an old                      iii) a brave                   iv) an English
  9. Madhusudan started believing that his — was unable to appreciate his intellect.
  10. i) society                ii)    family                   iii) country                   iv)    village
  11. He was — of Lord Byron.
  12. i) an ardent follower  ii) a student                  iii) a teacher                 iv)    a friend

Extra Practices

  1. He started writing in — in Europe.
  2. i) Bangla                ii) Hindi                       iii) Urdu                       iv) English
  3. He devoted himself to — literature.
  4. i) English               ii) Bangla                     iii) Urdu                       iv) Hindi
  5. He wrote the first — epic.  
  6. i) Bangla                ii)    English                 iii) Urdu                       iv)    Arabic
  7. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  8. Where was Madhusudan born?
  9. What did he start believing since his adolescence?
  10. What did he aspire to be from his early age?
  11. What did he adopt as a young man?
  12. What is the name of his Bangla sonnet?

Extra Practices

  1. What do you know about Michael Madhusudan Dutt?
  2. What inspired him to imitate the English?
  3. What did he do after adopting Christianity?
  4. What could he realise gradually?
  5. Do you think he gained the right appreciation in Europe?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-13: Lesson-1(C)

Let’s imagine a citizen’s ordinary day at work. The morning probably starts with a cup of coffee/tea, followed by greeting the colleagues. Then comes the inevitable, which is the logging in the computer. For many of us the third step has become an automatic behavior and it dominates the rest of our work day, receiving and sending dozens of emails.

An e-mail is an electronic mail. It is a computer-aided way of exchanging digital text messages from a sender to one or multiple recipient/s. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the Internet. There are commercial server agencies such as Yahoo, Gmail, Ymail, Hotmail, etc. that accept the text message from the sender, forward it and deliver instantly to the digital mailbox of the recipient. If the recipient is not online, the message is stored and delivered later when the recipient is online. It works instantly just with the click of your mouse. It has been a powerful communication tool in modern life.

Abyev` : P‡jv Avgiv GKRb bvMwi‡Ki Kv‡Ri GKwU mvaviY w`‡bi K_v Kíbv Kwi| m¤¢eZ mKvjUv ïi“ nq mnKgx©‡`i Awfev`bc~e©K GK Kvc Pv/Kwd w`‡q| Zvici Av‡m Awbevh© KvR, hv Kw¤úDUvi Pvjv‡bv| Avgv‡`i A‡b‡Ki Rb¨B Z…Zxq avcwU GKwU ¯^qswµq AvPiY n‡q †M‡Q Ges GwU Avgv‡`i evwK Kg©w`e‡mi Ici cÖvavb¨ we¯—vi K‡i WRb WRb B-‡gBj MÖnY K‡i I cvwV‡q|

B-†gBj n‡jv B‡jKUªwbK †gBj| GwU Kw¤úDUv‡ii mvnv‡h¨ GKRb †cÖi‡Ki wbKU †_‡K Ab¨ GKRb A_ev eû MÖnxZvi wbKU wWwRUvj †U·U g¨v‡mR wewbgq| B-‡gBj B›Uvi‡b‡U hy³ nIqv Kw¤úDUvi  †bUIqvK© Gi gva¨‡gK KvR K‡i| evwYwR¨K †mev cÖ`vbKvix cÖwZôvb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Bqvû, wR‡gBj, IqvB‡gBj, nU †gBj BZ¨vw` hv †U·U g¨v‡mR‡K MÖnY K‡i Zvr¶wYKfv‡e MÖnxZvi wWwRUvj WvKev‡· cvwV‡q †`q|

hw` MÖnxZv †m mgq Ab jvB‡b bv _v‡K, Z‡e msev`wU msiw¶Z _v‡K Ges hLb MÖvnK cieZx©Kv‡j AbjvB‡b _v‡Kb ZLb cÖ`vb Kiv nq| GwU Zvr¶wYKfv‡e gvD‡m wK¬K Kivi mv‡_ mv‡_ KvR K‡i| GwU AvaywbK Rxe‡b GKwU kw³kvjx †hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’vq cwiYZ n‡q‡Q|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Imagine fvev, Kíbv Kiv think
Probably m¤¢eZ perhaps
Inevitable Awbevh© unavoidable
Automatic mPivPi usual, regular
Message evZ©v news
Instantly Zvr¶wYK soon
Powerful kw³kvjx strong
Acept MÖnY Kiv receive
Operate cwiPvjbv Kiv run
Dominate cwiPvjbv Kiv, kvmb Kiv lead, govern, control
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The text is about—.
  3. i) logging in the computer                          ii) digital operation of computer

iii) modern communication system              iv) digital system

  1. ‘Logging in’ refers to —.
  2. i) cutting down the logs of trees                 ii) making logs

iii) activities to start a device                       iv) pushing a log into a computer

  1. The initial activity in the morning is —.
  2. i) logging in the computer                          ii)  cooking food

iii) going to office    iv) reading

  1. What is a must in the morning —.
  2. i) taking a cup of tea                                  ii) cooking food

iii) logging in the computer                         iv) going to the washroom

  1. What has become automatic behavior?
  2. i) receiving emails                                      ii) sending emails

iii) working with emails                               iv) writing emails

  1. How is an email?
  2. i) Mail stored in a box                                ii) Mail exchanged electronically

iii) Mail received from a postman       iv) Mail received from a post office

  1. How many recipients can be of an email?
  2. i) Many                  ii) Only one

iii) None knows       iv) 50 to 60

Extra Practices

  1. Internet is—.
  2. i) computer-linked ii) computer-system     iii) computer-graphic   iv) computer-writing
  3. We are dependent on email, because—.
  4. i) it is modern        ii) it is fashionable       iii) it is our need          iv) it is challenging
  5. By which will you click?
  6. i) Mouse                ii) Keyboard                iii) Monitor                  iv) CPU
  7. The morning probably starts with a — followed by greeting the colleagues.

(i)   morning walk       (ii)    reading paper       (iii)   with a cup of tea  (iv)   eating breakfast

  1. Emails operate through a network of computers linked by the —.

(i)   mobile phone                                           (ii)    facebook

(iii) internet                                                     (iv)   world wide web (www)

  1. It works instantly just with the click of your —.

(i)   keyboard              (ii)    hard disk              (iii)   mouse                  (iv)   CPU

  1. It has been a — communication.

(i)   slow                     (ii)    fast                      (iii)   rapid                    (iv)   powerful

  1. An e-mail is an electronic —.

(i)   mail                      (ii)    current                 (iii)   metal                    (iv)   thing

  1. With what does the morning probably start?

      (i)   a cup of coffee/tea                             (ii)  a cup of soup

(iii) a mug of water                                   (iv) a jug of milk

  1. What should be imagined?

      (i)   a citizen’s good day                            (ii)  a gun man’s day

(iii) a citizen’s ordinary day                      (iv) a servant’s day

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is an e-mail?
  3. How do we get up normally in the morning?
  4. What has become inevitable now in the morning?
  5. What does dominate our work day?
  6. How many e-mails in a day do we handle?

Extra Practices

  1. What is Gmail?
  2. How are e-mails operated?
  3. What will be done if the recipient is not online?
  4. How does an email work?
  5. What is a powerful communication tool in modern life?

k      How do emails operate?

  1. How do the commercial servers serve in the process of an email?
  2. Has it been a powerful communication tool in modern life.

n      How do emails affect our daily work schedule?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-13: Lesson-2(B)

The advantages of the Internet technology have made it possible to emerge a good number of web sites to facilitate social relations among people around the world. These are known as social networking services or social networks. At present, Facebook is the most popular. Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are other frequently used social services. Social network services are web-based and hence, provide ways for the users to interact through the Internet. These services make it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made a lot for the users to feel that they really live in a global village.

Why are social networks expanding so fast? The answer is simple. Most of the social l services are cost free. You can make use of them free, paying a very little to your Internet service provider. Secondly, you can make your personal profile public before the entire online community. It is like presenting yourself before the entire world. You can also look into other people’s profile if you are interested. It is simple and easy. Thirdly, social networks allow users to upload pictures, multimedia contents and modify the profile. Some like Facebook allow users to update their profiles. Fourthly, networks allow users to post blog entries. User profiles have a section dedicated to comments from friends and other users. Finally, there are privacy protection measures too. A user himself or herself decides over the number of visitors/viewers, and what information should be shared with others.

Abyev` : wek¦e¨vcx gvby‡li g‡a¨ mvgvwRK myweav w`‡Z B›Uvi‡bU cÖhyw³i myweavmg~n GKwU D‡j­L‡hvM¨ msL¨K I‡qe mvBUm †K mvg‡b nvwRi Ki‡Z m¶g n‡q‡Q| G¸‡jv mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM †mev A_ev mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM bv‡g cwiwPZ|

eZ©gv‡b, †dBmeyK me‡P‡q †ewk RbwcÖq| ¸Mj, UzBUvi, wjsKWBb BZ¨vw` n‡jv cÖvqB e¨eüZ mvgvwRK †mevmg~n|

mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM †mev I‡qewfwËK Ges G Kvi‡Y B›Uvi‡b‡Ui gva¨‡g e¨enviKvix‡`i cvi¯úwiK †hvMv‡hv‡Mi c_ myMg K‡i †`q| GB †mevmg~n mxgvbv †cwi‡q gvby‡l gvby‡l Zv‡`i AvMÖn I Kvh©vewj‡K G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ fvMvfvwM Ki‡Z m¤¢e K‡i‡Q Ges Gfv‡e Zviv Gm‡ei e¨enviKvix‡`i GwU Abyfe Ki‡Z wkwL‡q‡Q †h Zviv mwZ¨B GKwU wek¦ MÖv‡g emevm K‡i|

†Kb mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM we¯—vi K‡i ZvovZvwo Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q? DËiwU mnR| AwaKvsk mvgvwRK †mevB cvIqv hvq webvg~‡j¨| Zzwg Zv‡`i webv e¨‡q ¯^vaxbfv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡iv, ïay †Zvgvi B›Uv‡bU ms‡hvMKvix‡K mvgvb¨ g~j¨ cwi‡kva mv‡c‡¶| wØZxqZ, Zzwg †Zvgvi e¨w³MZ msw¶ß RxebK_v ˆZwi K‡i Zv mg¯— ÔAbjvBbÕ mgv‡Ri wbKU cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡iv| GwU †hb †Zvgv‡K mviv we‡k¦i wbKU Dc¯’vcbvi g‡Zv| Aek¨ Zzwg hw` AvMÖnx nI Z‡e Ab¨ †jv‡Ki Rxeb e„Ëvš—I Zzwg Luy‡R †`L‡Z cv‡iv| GwU LyeB mvaviY I mnR|

Z…ZxqZ, mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM we¯—vi Zvi e¨enviKvix‡`i‡K Qwe, gvwëwgwWqv mvgMÖx Ges msw¶ß RxebK_v ms‡kvab Kivi my‡hvM w`‡q _v‡K| †dBmey‡Ki g‡Zv wKQz wKQz †mev cÖ`vbKvix †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g Zvi e¨enviKvix‡`i Rxeb K_v nvjbvMv` Kivi my‡hvM †`q|

PZz_©Z, †hvMv‡hvM we¯—vi¸‡jv Zvi e¨enviKvix‡`i e­M ˆZwi K‡i Zv †cv÷ Kivi my‡hvM K‡i †`q| e¨enviKvix‡`i e¨w³MZ msw¶ß Rxeb K_vq Ggb GKwU Ask _v‡K hv eÜz I e¨enviKvix‡`i Rb¨ DrmM©K…Z †hLv‡b Zviv e¨w³MZ gZvgZ w`‡Z cv‡i| cwi‡k‡l, †mLv‡b †MvcbxqZv i¶vi e¨e¯’vI Av‡Q| GKRb e¨enviKvix †m wb‡R wm×vš— †bq `k©bv_x©/`k©K‡`i msL¨v KZ n‡e Ges wK Z_¨ A‡b¨i KZ n‡e fvMvfvwM Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Advantages my‡hvM-myweav Facilities
Emerge †ewi‡q Avmv come out
Relation m¤úK© Connection
Social mvgvwRK related to society
Really cÖK…Zc‡¶, ev¯—‡e infact, indeed
Entire m¤ú~Y© total, whole
Interested AvMÖnx Eager
Measure c`‡¶c Step
Information Z_¨ Data
Section fvM, LÊ part, portion
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. What does Internet increase?
  3. i) family relation    ii) social relations         iii) friends relation       iv) brother relation
  4. Which is the most popolar?
  5. i) Google                ii) Twitter                     iii) Facebook               iv) LinKedln
  6. How are social network services?
  7. i) web-based          ii) networking              iii) related                    iv) technological
  8. The advantages of the Internet technology are known as —.
  9. i) social networking services                      ii)    social networks

iii) Facebook                                               iv)    Google+

                Which of the above answer/s is/are correct?

  1. A) i and ii B)    i and iii                 C) iv                            D)    i
  2. Look at the following information below:
  3. i) Tweets are publicly visible                     ii) Users really live in a global village

iii) Linkedln is the most popular                  iv)  Social networks are expanding so fast.

                Which of the above answers is/are correct?

  1. A) and iii B) i and iii                    C) iii                            D) i
  2. Who are sharing interests?
  3. i) Man ii)  People                    iii) Villagers                 iv) Only students
  4. Which services are cost free?
  5. i) Most of the social services ii) Twitter

iii) Computer                                               iv) Internet

Extra Practices

  1. The — technology has made social networking sites to emerge.
  2. i) Linkedln             ii) Google+                  iii) Twitter                    iv) Internet
  3. At present — is the most popular social network.

(i)      Google+           (ii)    LinkedIn

(iii)    Facebook         (iv)   Twitter

  1. — network services are web-based.

(i)      Phone              (ii)    Personal

(iii)    Social               (iv)   Mobile

  1. Social networks help people connect people across the —.

(i)      planets             (ii)    borders

(iii)    galaxy              (iv)   homes

  1. Most of the social services are — free.

(i)      trouble             (ii)    cost

(iii)    advantages       (iv)   burden

  1. There are — protection measures too.

(i)      band                (ii)    privacy

(iii)    personal           (iv)   massages

  1. Some like Facebook allow —– to update their profiles.

(i)      global               (ii)    users

(iii)    masses             (iv)   band

  1. Fourthly, networks —–users to post blog entries.

(i)      allow                (ii)    provide

(iii)    information      (iv)   social

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is social network?
  3. Why do people use Internet for social networks?
  4. Which is the most popular among social services?
  5. Why are social networks expanding so fast?
  6. Who gets a very little pay?

Extra Practices

  1. What can facebook do?:
  2. What are the some uses of social networks?
  3. What do social networks allow?
  4. Where has a section?
  5. What is web based?
  6. What has made possible to facilitate social relation?
  7. What is the most popular social networking site?
  8. What is a global village?
  9. What do you mean by social networks?
  10. What does the social networks provide?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-12: Lesson-3(C)

Can you think of a classroom where there is no blackboard or desks? Do you believe that you can be a student without a traditional book or writing pad or even pen/pencil? Are you not thrilled to imagine that you have asked a question and your tutor is answering that while flying midair in a Boeing from California to Tokyo? These are all possible in a ‘virtual campus’ in the system of e-learning. No kidding! For quite a long time, educationists have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology. The social networking services have a huge potential to help educationists in this sector. They have access to millions of people worldwide. Educationists have noticed that a large number of social network users come from young generation and especially belong to student community. So side by side with computer assisted teaching-learning software, online education programmes are evolving fairly rapidly to assist conventional education system. But is that e-learning?

We may confuse distant education or computer-based learning or computer-assisted training or even online education programmes with e-learning. But we should be cautious about the mix-up.  What happens in an online education programme? Maybe you get some materials online from your tutor. Maybe you submit your assignment through email. Or even you may take your test online. But there must be some conventional campus, a department/institute from where your certificate will come. But in e-learning, as said by global e-learning guru Dr Badrul H Khan, every step such as, registration, admission, classroom entry and exit, class work, attendance, discussion with course mates, feedback, exams and finally certification must take place electronically through computer and the Internet technology in a virtual campus. Everything is digitized and conducted by a system called Learning Management System (LMS). So online education programmes blend various components of e-learning.

The revolutionary concept of e-learning is already in its practice phase in many parts of the world. Professor Khan has developed a framework and important literatures on e-learning which have been praised by pundits worldwide including Bangladesh. Professor Khan is especially enthusiastic about the prospect of e-learning in Bangladesh. In fact, Bangladesh is going to establish the region’s first virtual university (, thanks to Professor Khan, which must be a pioneering  step in the world of e-learning.

*Note: Dr. Badrul H Khan is a Bangladeshi professor teaching at the George Washington University and the University of Texas, USA.

Abyev` : Zzwg wK Ggb †Kv‡bv †kªwYK‡¶i K_v fve‡Z cv‡iv †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv e­¨vK‡evW©  ev †W¯‹ †bB? Zzwg wK wek¦vm Ki‡Z cv‡iv †h Zzwg GKRb QvÎ n‡e A_P †Zvgvi †Kv‡bv cÖ_vMZ eB _vK‡e bv, _vK‡e bv †jLvi Rb¨ euvav‡bv KvMR GgbwK Kjg/†cwÝj?

Zzwg wK Kíbv K‡i wknwiZ bI †h, Zzwg GKwU cÖkœ K‡iQ Ges †Zvgvi wk¶K DËi w`‡”Qb hLb wZwb ga¨vKv‡k †evwqs G K¨vwj‡dvwb©qv †_‡K †UvwKI‡Z D‡o P‡j‡Qb?

G mKjB m¤¢e GKwU B-jvwb©s c×wZ‡Z ev¯—‡e bq wKš‘ Kvh©Z Ggb GKwU K¨v¤úv‡m| VvÆv bq! †ek A‡bKw`b a‡iB, wk¶vwe`MY Kw¤úDUvi cÖhyw³i myweavmg~n h_vh_fv‡e Kv‡R jvwM‡q hv‡”Qb| mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM we¯—vi †mevmg~‡ni GB wel‡q wk¶vwe`‡`i mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z weivU Kvh©Ki ¶gZv i‡q‡Q| Zv‡`i wek¦Ry‡o j¶ j¶ †jv‡Ki cÖ‡ekvwaKvi i‡q‡Q|

wk¶vwe`MY j¶ K‡i‡Qb †h e¨vcK msL¨K mvgvwRK (we¯—xY© RvwjKv) B-jvwb©s e¨enviKvix G‡m‡Q Zi“Y cÖRb¥ †_‡K Ges we‡kl K‡i Zviv QvÎ mgv‡Ri Aš—f~©³| myZivs Kw¤úDUvi mvnvh¨ cyó wk¶v`vb I wk¶v MÖnY mdUIq¨v‡ii cvkvcvwk, AbjvBb wk¶v Kg©m~wP cÖ_vMZ wk¶v e¨e¯’v‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z `ª“ZMwZ‡Z cÖKvk cv‡”Q| wKš‘ †mwUB wK B-jvwb©s?

Avgiv `~i cvV A_ev Kw¤úDUvi wfwËK wkLb A_ev Kw¤úDUv‡ii mvnv‡h¨ cÖwk¶Y A_ev Ggb wK AbjvBb wk¶v Kvh©µg¸‡jv‡K B-jvwb©s-Gi mv‡_ ¸wj‡q †dj‡Z cvwi| wKš‘ wgkªYUv m¤ú‡K© Avgv‡`i mZK© n‡Z n‡e|

GKwU AbjvB‡b wk¶v Kvh©µ‡g Kx nq? n‡Z cv‡i Zzwg †Zvgvi wk¶‡Ki wbKU †_‡K AbjvB‡b wKQz wk¶v DcKiY †c‡j| n‡Z cv‡i Zzwg †Zvgvi cÖKí KvR B-‡gB‡ji gva¨‡g Rgv w`‡j A_ev GgbI n‡Z cv‡i Zzwg AbjvB‡b cix¶vq Ask wb‡j| wKš‘ †mLv‡b cÖ_vMZ K¨v¤úvm, GKwU wefvM/ wk¶vcÖwZôvb _vK‡ZB n‡e †hLvb †_‡K mb` Avm‡e| wKš‘ B-jvwb©s G, †hgbwU we‡k¦i B-jvwb©s ¸i“ W. e`i“j GBP Lvb e‡j‡Qb, cÖwZwU c`‡¶c †hgb wbeÜb, fwZ©, †kªwYK‡¶ cÖ‡ek Ges evwni, †kªwYi KvR, nvwRiv, mncvVx‡`i mv‡_ Av‡jvPbv, g~j¨vqb, cix¶v Ges P~ovš—fv‡e mb`vqb Aek¨B n‡Z n‡e ˆe`y¨wZKfv‡e, Kw¤úDUvi Ges B›Uvi‡bU cÖhyw³i gva¨‡g GwU ev¯—‡e bq A_P Kvh©Z i‡q‡Q Ggb GKwU K¨v¤úv‡m| mewKQzB wWwRUvj Dcv‡q cwiPvwjZ GKwU c×wZ Øviv hv‡K ejv nq wkLb e¨e¯’vcbv c×wZ (LMS)| myZivs AbjvBb wk¶v Kvh©µg mg~n B-jvwb©s Gi wewfbœ Dcv`vb‡K wgwkªZ K‡i|

B‡Zvg‡a¨ B-jvwb©s Gi ˆec­weK aviYv c„w_exi wewfbœ RvqMvq PP©vi iƒc wb‡q‡Q| cÖ‡dmi Lvb B-jvwb©s Gi Ici GKwU KvVv‡gv Ges ¸i“Z¡c~Y© mvwnZ¨ Dbœqb K‡i‡Qb hv evsjv‡`kmn wek¦e¨vcx cwÛZ‡`i Øviv cÖkswmZ n‡q‡Q| cÖ‡dmi Lvb evsjv‡`‡k B-jvwb©s Gi m¤¢vebv wb‡q we‡klfv‡e DrmvwnZ| hw` evsjv‡`k `w¶Y Gwkqvi A‡ji cÖ_g fvPz©qvj wek¦we`¨vjq ¯’vc‡b g‡bv‡hvMx nq Z‡e †Zvgvi †Kgb jvM‡e? we‡k¦ B-jvwb©s Gi AMÖMvgx c`‡¶c wK Avgv‡`i Rb¨ n‡Zv bv? P‡jv, Avgiv Avgv‡`i cwiKíbv evbPvj n‡Z bv w`B|


Traditional (†UªwWkb¨vj) – traditionary adj.- of a custom, story, belief or the like, handed down from father to son; mbvZb; HwZn¨evnx| Thrill (w_ªjW) v.t.- filled with keen emotion; Zxeª Av‡e‡M c~Y© Kiv| Midair (wgWGqviÑ n.- the middle of the sky; ga¨MMY| Virtual (fvwP©Dq¨vj) adj.- almost a particular thing or quality; h_v_©| Campus (K¨v¤úvm) n.- as a whole for a particular or university; ¯‹zj, K‡jR, ev wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖv½Y| System (wmm‡Ug)n.- as a whole for particular purpose; wewfbœ Ask wb‡q MwVZ †MvUv e¯‘Z, †hŠwMK e¯‘| Educationist (GwWD‡Kkwb÷)n.-one versed in the methods of education; wk¶veªZx| Utilize (BDwUjvBR)v.t-to make use of, turn to use; Kv‡R jvMv‡bv, mبenvi Kiv| Advantage (A¨vWfv‡›UR) ad & prep- anything useful or helpful; myweav| Technology  †UKbjwR)n.-the science of industrial arts; wkí weÁvb; cÖhyw³we`¨v| Potential  (†cv‡Ubkj)adj.- indicating possibility; m¤¢vebv m~PK| Access (A¨vK‡mm, A¨vKwmm)n.- a way of getting, to a  place; cÖ‡ekc_ addition, †hvM| Worldwide (Iqvì©IqvBW)adj.- existing or happening in all parts of the world.

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Everything is digitaized and conducted by a system called —.
  3. i) SMS                    ii)  LMS                       iii)MLSS                      iv)  LPS
  4. The concept of e-elarning is in its practice phase in .
  5. i) our country         ii)  India                       ii) Pakistan                   iv)  many parts of the world
  6. Global e-learning guru is —.
  7. i) Badrul H. Khan                                ii)  Dr. Baidul H. Khan

iii) Dr. Badirul H, Khan                               iv)  Dr. Badrul Khan

  1. They have access to —people worldwide.
  2. i) many                  ii)  few                         iii) thousands               iv)  billions
  3. Educationists have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology for—-.
  4. i) a long time          ii)  five years                iii) three years              iv) two years
  5. One may be — by distant education with e-learning.
  6. i) Confused            ii)  explain                   iii) understand             iv)  forget
  7. We ought to be cautious about the—.
  8. i) mix-up                ii)  distant education    iii) e-learning               iv)  computer-based learning

Extra Practices

  1. One can submit one’s assignment through —.
  2. i) e-mail                 ii)   SMS                       iii) post office              iv)  by post
  3. Some — campus are essential.
  4. i) modem               ii)  decorated                iii) conventional          iv) excellent
  5. One may — online.
  6. i) take one’s test      ii)  give his test             iii) take his money       iv)  give his money
  7. For quite a long time, —— have been utilizing the advantages of computer technology.

(i)scientists                (ii)philosophers            (iii)educationists          (iv)psychologists

  1. The social networking service have a —— potential to help educationalists.

       (i)large                      (ii)small                       (iii)long                        (iv)huge

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Who is regarded as the guru of global e-learning?
  3. Should we be cautious about the mix-up?
  4. What have the educationists noticed?
  5. Who are utilising the advantages of computer technology?
  6. What must be there to get certificate?

Extra Practices

  1. What has Prof Khan developed?
  2. What is Mr Khan enthusiastic about?
  3. What is Bangladesh going to establish?
  4. What may we confuse?
  5. Where do a large number of social network users come from?
  6. Who is the guru of global e-learning?
  7. Who are utilizing the advantages of computer technology?
  8. What have the educationists noticed?
  9. What must be there to get certificate?
  10. What should we be cautious about?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-14: Lesson-9(B)

Once upon a time in Venice, there was a very rich merchant named Antonio. He had many ships, that sailed in the sea. His ships carried different types of merchandise to other countries. He sold those goods in foreign countries. He bought spices and other valuables with the money and sold them in Venice.

Antonio was a good and kind man. He always helped the poor. The people of Venice loved him very much for his honesty and kindness.

Antonio had a close friend named Bassanio. He was a handsome young man and was born in a noble family. Bassanio like to live a very luxurious life. He loved grandeur and style. He spent more money than his earning. As a result, he was very often short of money. In such situations, Bassanio would go to his best friend Antonio for help. Antonio would, on the other hand, help him with cash.

It so happened that, Bassanio fell in love with a wealthy lady named Portia. Portia was known not only for her beauty but also for her wisdom. Portia, on the other hand, had softness towards Bassanio too. He wanted to visit Portia in a grand manner but he did not have any money. So he went to Antonio.

Bassanio said, “ Dear friend Antonio, I am in great need of some money. I would like to visit Portia at Belmont, grandly dressed and with many servants. But I don’t have any money right now. Please help me to fulfill my intention.”

Antonio said, “ This is not a problem my friend, how much do you need?”

“ Three thousand ducats (Venetian currency) will do.”

“I don’t have that much money with me now as all my ships have gone out in the sea with merchandise. But don’t worry my friend, I’ll arrange three thousand ducats for you.”

So he decided to borrow the sum from a moneylender named Shylock. Shylock was a very crooked man. Antonio and Shylock hated each other.  Shylock sued to lend money with high interest. He would even send the debtor to prison if he failed to pay his debt.   On the contrary, Antonio used to lend money to help those who need it and would not charge any interest.

Shylock agreed to lend him money but on one condition. If he failed to repay the money in three month’s time then he has to pay a penalty. Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body.

Antonio willingly agreed thinking that his ships would soon return with all the rich merchandise and he can easily return the money to Shylock by selling them. Shylock made Antonio sign a bond before giving him the money. Antonio took the money and gave it to Bassanio.

Abyev` : GK`v GK mgq BZvwji †fwbm kn‡i wQj GK mI`vMi bvg Zvi A¨v›UwbI| Zvi A‡bK RvnvR wQj hv mgy‡`ª evwYR¨ KiZ| Zvi RvnvR¸‡jv wewfbœ iK‡gi cY¨`ªe¨ wewfbœ †`‡k enb KiZ | †m Hme gvjvgvj ewnivMZ †`‡k weµq KiZ | †m UvKv w`‡q ivbœvi gkjv Ges Ab¨ me g~j¨evb wRwbm µq KiZ Ges †m¸‡jv weµq KiZ †fwb‡m|

A¨v›UvwbI wQj GKRb fvj Ges `qvjy gvbyl| †m memgq `wi`ª¨‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZ| †fwb‡mi †jvKRb Zv‡K fv‡jvevmZ LyeB Zvi mZZv Ges `qvi Rb¨|

A¨v›UwbIi GKRb LyeB Kv‡Qi eÜz wQj bvg evmvwbI| †m GKRb my›`i hyeK gvbyl Ges Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQj wkw¶Z cwiev‡i| evmvwbI wejvwmZvi mv‡_ evm Ki‡Z LyeB fv‡jvevmZ| †m fv‡jvevmZ RuvKRgK Ges ˆkjx| †m Zvi Av‡qi A‡bK UvKv bó K‡iwQj| Ggb Ae¯’vq †m LyeB ZvovZvwo UvKvi mgm¨vq fyMwQj| GB mg‡q evmvwbI Zvi eÜz A¨v›UwbIi Kv‡Q †Mj mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨| A¨v›UvwbI Zv‡K UvKv w`‡q mvnvh¨ Kij|

GUv wQj LyeB Avb‡›`i NUbv †h, evmvwbI GKRb m¤ú`kvjx †g‡q bvg †cvwk©qv Zvi †cÖ‡g coj| †cvwk©qv wcÖq wQj ïay my›`‡ii Rb¨ bv mZZvi Rb¨I| †cvwk©qv Ab¨w`‡K evmvwbI‡K fv‡jvevmZ| †m PvBj cwi`k©b Ki‡Z †cvwk©qvi †kªô w`K¸‡jv wKš‘ Zvi †Kv‡bv UvKv wQj bv| ZvB †m A¨v›UvwbIi Kv‡Q †Mj|

evmvwbI ejj, ÒwcÖq eÜz A¨v›UwbI, Avgvi wKQz UvKvi LyeB cÖ‡qvRb| Avwg †ejg‡›U †cvwk©qv‡K †`L‡Z hve DbœZ †cvkv‡K Ges wKQz †me‡Ki mv‡_| wKš‘ Avgvi Kv‡Q GLb †Kv‡bv UvKv †bB| `qv K‡i Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki Avgvi ¯^cœ c~iY Ki‡ZÓ

A¨v›UwbI ejj, ÒGUv †Kv‡bv mgm¨v bv eÜz, †Zvgvi KZ UvKv cÖ‡qvRb?Ó

ÒwZb nvRvi UvKv Avgvi jvM‡e|Ó

ÒAvgvi Kv‡Q GLb GB cwigvY A_© †bB KviY Avgvi me¸‡jv RvnvR cY¨`ªe¨ mv‡_ wb‡q mgy‡`ª Wy‡e †M‡Q| wKš‘ †Kv‡bv wPš—v K‡iv bv Avgvi eÜz, Avwg †Zvgvi Rb¨ wZb nvRvi RvK‡Ui e¨e¯’v Kie|Ó ZvB †m w¯’i Kij GKRb UvKv avi †`q Ggb †jvK bvg kvBj‡Ki KvQ †_‡K UvKv avi wb‡e| kvBjK wQj LyeB PZzi gvbyl| A¨v›UwbI Ges kvBjK G‡K Aci‡K N„Yv KiZ| kvBjK D”P my‡` UvKv avi w`‡Z PvBj| †m UvKv cwi‡kva Kivi Rb¨ wbw`©ó mgq w`j hw` †m wbw`©ó mg‡q UvKv cwi‡kva Ki‡Z e¨_© nq| Ggb mgq A¨v›UwbI avi Kiv UvKv e¨envi Ki‡Z PvBj hvi G¸‡jv cÖ‡qvRb Ges my` Qvov|

kvBjK Zv‡K UvKv avi w`‡Z ivwR n‡jv wKš‘ GB Ae¯’vi Dci| hw` †m cybivq UvKv cwi‡kva Ki‡Z e¨_© nq wZwb gvS mg‡qi wfZ‡i ZLb †m Zv‡K kvw¯— †`‡e| kvBjK A¨v›UwbIi †`‡ni †h †Kv‡bv RvqMv †_‡K GK cvDÛ gvsm †K‡U wb‡Z PvBj|

A¨v›UwbI wb‡RB eyS‡Z cvij †h Zvi RvnvR¸‡jv LyeB kxNÖB mg¯— `vgx wRwbmcÎ wb‡q wd‡i Avm‡e Ges †m kvBjK‡K †m¸‡jv wewµ K‡i UvKv †kva Ki‡Z cvi‡e| kvBjK A¨v›UwbI‡K UvKv †`Iqvi Av‡M ¯^v¶i Kwi‡q wbj| A¨v›UwbI UvKv wbj Ges Zv evmvwbI‡K w`j|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Marcent ewYK trader
Different wewfbœ various
Type cÖKvi kind
Valuable g~j¨evb costly
Honesty mZZv integrity
Situation Ae¯’v condition
Wealthy abx rich
Wisdom Ávb knowledge
Intention B”Qv/AwfcÖvq will, wish
Grandly RuvKRgKfv‡e georgeously gaudily
Prison †RjLvbv jail
Penalty kvw¯— punishment
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

 (a)   — was a good and kind man.

(i)     Bassanio          (ii)    Portia                   (iii)   Antonio               (iv)   Shylock

(b)    Antonio was — man.

(i)     rich                  (ii)    handsome

(iii)   young              (iv)   ii + iii

(c)    Shylock was a very — man.

(i)     rich                  (ii)    poor                     (iii)   crooked               (iv)   miser

(d)    Shylock would cut a — of flesh from Antonio’s body.

(i)     kilogram          (ii)    bar                       (iii)   piece                    (iv)   pound

(e)    Shylock made Antonio sign a — before giving him the money.

(i)     bond                (ii)    paper                   (iii)   oath                     (iv)   stamp

(f)     He wanted to visit Portia in a ― manner but he did not have any money.

(i)     grand               (ii)    manner                (iii)   visit                      (iv)   money

(g)    So he decided to borrow the ― from a moneylender named Shylock.

(i)     borrow             (ii)    named                  (iii)   sum                      (iv)   from

Extra Practices

 (h)   Shylock was a very crooked man. ― and Shylock hated each other. 

(i)     each                 (ii)    Shylock               (iii)   crooked               (iv)   Antonio

(i)     Shylock sued to lend money with high ―.

(i)     high                 (ii)    interest                 (iii)   money                 (iv)   lend

(j)     He would even send the debtor to prison if he ― to pay his debt.  

(i)     failed               (ii)    debtor                  (iii)   even                     (iv)   pay

(k)    Shylock agreed to lend him money but on one ―.

(i)     money             (ii)    agreed                  (iii)   but                       (iv)   condition

(l)     Shylock would cut a pound of flesh from any ― of Antonio’s body.

(i)     body                (ii)    part                      (iii)   pound                  (iv)   cut

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10

(a)   Why was Bassanio short of money all the time?

(b)    Why did Bassanio go to Antonio?

(c)    Why did Antonio go to Shylock?

(d)    Why did Shylock bring forward the bond?

(e)    What could be written on the bond?

Extra Practices

(f)    Where did Antonio live?

(g)    What did his ships carry?

(h)    What did he buy?

(i)     Why did the people of Venice love him?

(j)     Where was he born?

(k)    How was Bassanio?

(l)     Why would Bassanio go to Antonio?

(m)   With whom did Bassanio fall in love?

(n)    How was Portia?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.              Unit-14: Lesson-10(B)

Bassanio went to Belmont to visit Portia grandly dressed, with many servants. Portia’s father had died lately. Before his death he had thought of an unusual plan to find a good husband for his daughter. He wanted a man to marry Portia for herself and not for her wealth. He had three caskets made, one of gold, one of silver and one of lead. One of the caskets had Portia’s portrait in it. The suitor, who would first choose the casket with the portrait would marry her. Many suitors went away when they heard about such a strange condition.

The first one to try was the prince of Morocco. He thought that silver and lead are poor metals. It is the casket made of precious metal that can hold the precious picture. So he chose the gold casket. But all he found was a picture of a skull with a message that said,  “All that glitters is not gold.” The prince was very sad and went back home. Then came the prince of Spain. He looked at the silver casket for a long time.  On it was written, “He who chooses me will get what he deserves.” The prince had a very high opinion about himself. He thought that he deserved the best. He therefore chose the silver casket and opened it. Inside the casket he found the picture of a blinking fool. He was very disappointed and offended. He immediately rode away.

Then it was Bassanio’s turn. He looked at the caskets for a long time. He thought, “ Appearances are often misleading. Bad men appear good and they hide their inner ugliness under fine clothes.” So he chose the plain looking lead casket. On opening the casket, he found the portrait of Portia inside.

Bassanio and Portia got married. There was great joy at Belmont and the newly married couple were spending their time happily.

But soon their happiness turned into sorrow by a piece of  news. A messenger came with a letter from Antonio. The letter said, “ Dear friend Bassanio, all my ships have been lost at sea. I cannot pay the money I owe to Shylock. So I have to pay the penalty. Dear friend, come and see me if possible. I would like to see you once before I die.” Bassanio quickly  left  for Venice.

evsjv Abyev` : evmvwbI †ejg‡›U †M‡j †cvwk©qvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z DbœZ †cvkvK c‡o Ges wKQz msL¨K PvK‡ii mv‡_| †cvwk©qvi evev gviv †M‡Q A‡bK Av‡M| g„Zz¨i c~‡e© †m e‡jwQj GKwU A¯^vfvweK Kvq`v wPwýZ Ki‡Z GKRb fvj ei Zvi †g‡qi Rb¨| †m †P‡qwQj GKRb †jvK †cvwk©qv‡K Zvi Rb¨ we‡q Ki‡e Zvi m¤ú‡`i Rb¨ bq| †m wZbwU †cwUKv wbj GKwU †mvbvi GKwU iƒcvi Ges GKwU mxmvi ˆZwi| wb‡e`K cÖv_©x, †m me©cÖ_g cQ›` Ki‡Z cvi‡e †cvwk©qvi Qwe mn †cwUKvwU Zvi mv‡_B n‡e †cvwk©qvi we‡q| wKQz wb‡e`K cÖv_©x P‡j †Mj hLb ïbj GKwU A™¢~Z Ae¯’v|

cÖ_‡g gi‡°vi ivRcyÎ †Póv Ki‡jb| †m fvej †h iƒcv Ges mxmv Kg`vgx avZz| GUv n‡jv †cwUKv hv ˆZwi DbœZ avZzi hv cvIqv hv‡e `vgx Qwe| ZvB †m ¯^‡cœi †cwUKv evQvB Ki‡jb| wKš‘ mg¯—wU †`‡L GKwU Qwe cvIqv †Mj hv govi gv_vi Lywji mv‡_ GKwU evZ©v ej‡Q †h, ÒPKPK Ki‡jB †mvbv nq bv|Ó ivRcyÎ LyeB `ytL †cj Ges †m evwo wd‡i †Mj| Gevi †¯ú‡bi ivRcyÎ Avmj| †m A‡bK¶Y a‡i iƒcvi †cwUKvwU †`Lj| GUv‡Z †jLv wQj, Ò †m †h cQ›` K‡i‡Q Avgv‡K †m cv‡e Zvi cyi¯‹vi|Ó ivRcyÎ wb‡R wb‡RB fv‡jvfv‡e we‡k­lY Kij| †cwUKvi wfZ‡ii cv‡k †`L‡Z †c‡jb GKwU †evKvi Qwe| †m Lye nZvk Ges Amš‘ó nj| †m Zr¶Yvr P‡j †Mj|

Zvici evmvwbIi cvjv| †m †cwUKv¸‡jv A‡bK mgq a‡i †`Lj| †m fvej, AvKvi AvK…wZ KLbI Lvivc nq| Lvivc gvby‡liv nvwRi nq fv‡jv‡Z Ges Zviv †Mvcb K‡i e¨envi fvj †cvkv‡Ki wb‡P|Ó ZvB †m cQ›` Kij m¤ú~Y© mxmvi †cwUKvwU| †cwUKvwU Ly‡jB †m †`L‡Z †cj GUvi wfZ‡i †cwk©qvi Qwe| evmvwbI Ges †cvwk©qvi weevn n‡jv| †ejg‡›U A‡bK Avb›` Drme n‡jv Ges bZzb `v¤úZ¨‡`i my‡LB w`b KvU‡Z jvMj Zv‡`i|

wKš‘ kxNÖB Zv‡`i Avb›` `yt‡L cwiYZ n‡jv GKUz K‡iv Le‡ii Øviv| evZ©vevnK A¨v›UwbIi KvQ †_‡K wPwV wb‡q G‡m‡Q| wPwV‡Z ej‡Q, ÒwcÖq eÜz evmvwbI, Avgvi mg¯— RvnvR mgy‡`ªM‡f© Zwj‡q †M‡Q, Avm Ges †`L Avgv‡K hw` m¤¢e nq| Avwg cQ›` Kie Avgvi g„Zz¨i c~‡e© †Zvgv‡K GKevi †`L‡Z|Ó evmvwb I †fwb‡mi D‡Ï‡k¨ iIbv n‡jv|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Servant PvKi helping man
Death g„Zz¨ Expire
Wealth m¤ú` asset, riches
Strange condition ev‡R Ae¯’v bad situation
Prince ivRKzgvi a son of a king
Precious g~j¨evb Valuable
Message msev` News
Skull gv_vi Lywj Cranium
Disappointed nZvk Hopeless
Offended Acivax Guilty
Immediately kxNªB Soon
Mislead fzjc‡_ cwiPvjbv Kiv Misguide
Blinking bó, fMœ broken, flashing, sporadic
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

 (a)   Bassanio went to — to visit Portia.

(i)     Greece             (ii)    Italy                     (iii)   Belmont               (iv)   Athens

(b)    Portia’s father had died —.

(i)     early                (ii)    before                  (iii)   ago                       (iv)   lately

(c)    Portia’s father had — caskets.

(i)     only one           (ii)    some                    (iii)   many                   (iv)   three

(d)    The first trial was for the prince of —.

(i)     Spain               (ii)    Morocco              (iii)   Bassanio              (iv)   none of them

(e)    Bassanio choose the plain looking — casket.

(i)     platinam           (ii)    gold                     (iii)   silver                    (iv)   lead

(f)     The first one to try was the prince of ―.

(i)     Morocco          (ii)    prince                  (iii)   try                        (iv)   was

(g)    He thought that silver and lead are ― metals.

(i)     silver                (ii)    lead                      (iii)   poor                     (iv)   metals

Extra Practices

 (h)   But all he found was a picture of a ― with a message that said,

(i)     picture             (ii)    message               (iii)   found                   (iv)   skull

(i)     The prince was very sad and ― back home.

(i)     back                 (ii)    went                     (iii)   prince                  (iv)   sad

(j)     He looked at the silver ― for a long time. 

(i)     casket              (ii)    long                     (iii)   silver                    (iv)   looked

(k)    The prince had a very high ― about himself.

(i)     high                 (ii)    himself                (iii)   prince                  (iv)   opinion

(l)     He thought that he ― the best.

(i)     best                  (ii)    deserved              (iii)   thought                (iv)   wisdom

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10

(a)   How was Portia’s father’s plan?

(b)    Why did many suitors go away?

(c)    Who has the first trial to find the portrait out?

(d)    What was mentioned in second casket?

(e)    Finally who was selected Portia’s husband?

Extra Practices

(f)     How did Bassanio go to Belmont?

(g)    What did he think of his daughter?

(h)    What did one of the caskets have?

(i)     How were the newly married couple spending their time?

(j)     What did he want?

(k)    How many caskets did he have?

(l)     Who went away?

(m)   What happen to bad men?

(n)    What happened to him?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-14: Lesson-6(B)

Rosamond, a little girl about seven years old, was walking with her mother in the streets of London. As she passed along she looked in at the windows of several shops, and saw a great variety of different sorts of things. She wanted to stop to look at them and buy them all, without knowing their uses or even without knowing their names.

At first they stopped at a milliner’s shop. The windows of the shop were decorated with ribbons, lace and festoons of artificial flowers.

“Oh, Mamma, what beautiful roses! Won’t you buy some of them?”

“No, my dear.”


“Because I don’t want them. They are not real flowers.”

They went a little further and came to a jeweller’s shop. In it were a great many pretty, bright ornaments of little value, set beautifully behind the glass.

“Mamma, will you buy some of these?”

“Which of them, Rosamond?”

“Which? I don’t know which. Look at those earrings,

that necklace, those pendants! Any of them will do,

they are so pretty!”

“Yes, they are all pretty, but of what use would

they be to me?”

“I am sure, Mamma, you could find some use

if you only bought them first.”

“But I would rather find out the use first.”

Though a little disheartened, Rosamond kept on looking at the shops and persuaded her mother to buy this or that.

“Mamma, buckles are very useful things. Please buy some.”

“I have a pair of buckles. I don’t need any now.” So saying her mother walked on.

e½vbyev` : cÖvq 7 eQi eqmx †QvÆ GKwU †g‡q †ivRgÛ gv‡qi mv‡_ jÛ‡bi iv¯—v w`‡q nuvUwQj| hLb †m cvk w`‡q hvw”Qj †m wewfbœ †`vKv‡bi Rvbvjvi †fZi w`‡q A‡bK wewPÎgq wRwbm j¶ KiwQj| †m¸‡jvi e¨envi GgbwK bvg bv †R‡bB †m †mLv‡b _vg‡Z PvBj Ges †m¸‡jv wKb‡Z PvBj|

cÖ_‡gB Zviv †g‡q‡`i Uzwci †`vKv‡b †Mj| wm‡éi wdZv, Kvi“ KvRhy³ wdZv, Ges wewfbœ iKg K…wÎg dz‡ji †d÷zb w`‡q †`vKvbwUi Rvbvjv¸‡jv mvRv‡bv n‡qwQj|

ÒIn gv, Kx my›`i †Mvjvc¸‡jv! Zzwg wK †m¸‡jv †_‡K K‡qKUv wKb‡e bv?Ó

Òbv, †mvbv|Ó

Ò †Kb?Ó

Ò †Kbbv Avwg G¸‡jv PvB bv| G¸‡jv mwZ¨Kv‡ii dzj bq|

Zviv mvgvb¨ wKQz `~‡i wM‡q GKwU Mnbvi †`vKv‡b Gj| GLv‡b Aí `v‡gi A‡bK my›`i my›`i Mnbv my›`ifv‡e Kv‡Pi †cQ‡b mvRv‡bv wQj|

Ògv Zzwg wK G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wKQz wKb‡e?Ó

Ò †Kvb¸‡jv †ivRgÛ?Ó

Ô‡Kvb¸‡jv? Avwg Rvwb bv †Kvb¸‡jv|Ó

H †h Kv‡bi `yj, nvo Ges j‡KU¸‡jv †`L! G‡`i †h‡Kv‡bvwU wKb‡Z cvi, G¸‡jv LyeB PgrKvi|

Ònu¨v, me¸‡jvB PgrKvi wKš‘ G¸‡jv Avgvi Kx Kv‡R jvM‡e?Ó

ÒAvwg wbwðZ, gv Av‡M †Zv wK‡bv, c‡i †`L‡e †Zvgvi †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv Kv‡R jvM‡eB G¸‡jv|Ó

ÒwKš‘ Avgvi eis e¨envi/  cÖ‡qvRbxqZvB Av‡M †LuvRv cÖ‡qvRb|Ó

hw`I LvwbKUv wbivk n‡qwQj, †ivRvgvÛ †`vKvb¸‡jvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q _vK‡jv Avi Zvi gv‡K GwU A_ev IwU †Kbvi Rb¨ Pvc w`w”Qj|

Ògv Ry‡Zvi Ici †kvfvKviK Kzo–K AZ¨š— cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm| `qv K‡i wKQz wK‡bv|Ó

Avgvi GK †Rvov wd‡Z Av‡Q| Avi GLb cÖ‡qvRb †bB Avgvi| G K_v e‡j Zvi gv nuvU‡Z jvMj|


Word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Little †QvU small
Street iv¯—v road
Different wewfbœ various
Decorate mvRv‡bv furnish, adorm
Artificial K…wÎg unreal
Pretty my›`i nice, beautiful
Value g~j¨ price
Several K‡qKwU more than one
Pendant Mnbv ornament
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. How many characters are there in the story?
  3. i) one                     ii)  two                         iii) three                       iv)  none
  4. Which one of the following is correct?
  5. i) Rosamond was alone while walking in the streets
  6. ii) She was acquainted with the names of the things she saw

iii) She had no knowledge about the uses of the things

  1. iv) none of these.
  2. Rosamond talked of— shops in the story.
  3. i)two                      ii) three                        iii) four                        iv)  five
  4. The value of the ornaments was —-.
  5. i) low                     ii) high                         iii) out of reach            iv) free
  6. Who stressed on the use of the things first?
  7. i) Rosamond          ii) Rosamond’s mother iii) both of them           iv) none of them
  8. Rosamond was about — years old.

(i)     five                  (ii)    fifteen                  (iii)   seven                   (iv)   seventeen

  1. Rosamond wanted to buy things without knowing their —.

(i)     value                (ii)    uses                     (iii)   price                    (iv)   advantages

Extra Practices

  1. At first they stopped at a — shop.

(i)     jewellery          (ii)    gift                       (iii)   milliner’s              (iv)   variety

  1. The windows were decorated with — flowers.

(i)     natural             (ii)    pink                     (iii)   artifical                (iv)   plastic

  1. — are very useful things.

(i)     flowers            (ii)    jewellery              (iii)   ribbons                (iv)   buckles

  1. Mamma, will you buy ―of these?

(i)     some                (ii)    something            (iii)   flower                  (iv)   bought

  1. Which? I don’t know ―.

(i)     use                   (ii)    again                    (iii)   which                   (iv)   value

  1. Yes, they are all pretty, but of ― use would they be to me?

(i)     which               (ii)    had                      (iii)   find                      (iv)   what

  1. I am sure, Mamma, you could― some use if you only bought them first.

(i)     beautiful          (ii)    find                      (iii)   pain                     (iv)   bought

  1. But I would rather find out the― first.

(i)     use                   (ii)    some                    (iii)   which                   (iv)   useful

  1. Mamma, buckles are very ― things. Please buy some.

(i)     going                (ii)    pretty                   (iii)   flower                  (iv)   useful

  1. Who walking with her mother in the streets of London?

         (i)     Rosamond       (ii)    Jenni                    (iii)   Rasna                   (iv)   Mini

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Where was Rosamond walking?
  3. How was the milliner’s shop decorated?
  4. How was the condition of the ornaments?
  5. Why did not Rosamond’s mother buy anything?
  6. What qualities do you find in Rosamond’s character?

Extra Practices

  1. How was Rosamond?
  2. Where were they walking?
  3. Where did they stop first?
  4. How was the milliner’s shop decorated?
  5. What was seen in jeweller’s shop?
  6. What did she want to do?
  7. What did she see?
  8. What did Rosamond keep on looking?
  9. Where did they stop?
  10. How were the windows of the shop decorated?
  11. What did Rosamond say seeing the roses?
  12. What did her mother say?
  13. What did her mother say about the necklace?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-14: Lesson-7(A)

This time Rosamond was really disappointed as her mother wanted nothing. However, while they were passing by a chemist’s shop, she saw some jars—blue, green, red, yellow and purple—and she seemed to have a fascination for a purple jar. But her mother answered as before, “Of what use would they be to me, Rosamond?”

Oh, Mamma, I would use it for a flower pot.’

“But you have a flower pot and the jar you are dying for buying is not a flower pot.”

“Yet, Mamma, I like it so much …!”

Then suddenly she cried, “Ouch! A stone, mamma, a stone has got in my shoe. It hurts!”

“Oh! How did it get there?”

“See, there’s a hole in my shoe, Mamma. In fact, my shoes are quite worn out. Would you be so good as to buy me another pair?”

“But, Rosamond, I haven’t got money enough to buy shoes, jars, jewellary, buckles and all that you wish to buy.”

Rosamond became sad again. Her mind flashed back to all those beautiful things she had seen that morning.

“But, Mamma, I like the purple jar very much. And now my foot hurts. Could you buy me only these two things — the jar and a pair of shoes, please?”

“No, Rosamond, you can buy only one thing. However, you may buy the other thing next month. And you have to decide which one you would like to buy now.’

“I need the shoes badly,” Rosamond began to argue with herself, but my heart is in that beautiful jar.”

Then looking at her shoes, she told her mother, “These shoes are not so bad, except for the hole in one. I think I can make them last till the end of the month, can’t I? Don’t you think so, Mamma?”

“I want you to think for yourself, dear.”

“Okay, if you please, I would like to have the purple jar.’

“Very well, you will have it.”

Abyev` : GLb †ivgRÛ mwZ¨ mwZ¨ wbivk n‡jv †h‡nZz Zvi gv wKQzB wKb‡Z Pvqwb| hv †nvK, GKwU Jl‡ai †`vKv‡bi/GKRb Jla we‡µZvi †`vKv‡bi cvk w`‡q hvIqvi mgq †m wKQz bxj, meyR, jvj, njy` Ges i³‡e¸wb i‡Oi Kjwm †`Lj Ges GKwU i³‡e¸wb i‡Oi Kjwmi Rb¨ g‡b n‡jv Zvi †gvn ˆZwi n‡jv| wKš‘ Zvi gv Av‡Mi g‡ZvB DËi w`j, Òejj, G¸‡jv Avgvi Kx Kv‡R Avm‡e †ivRvgÛ?Ó

In, gv, Avwg GwU dz‡ji Ue wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cviZvg|Ó

ÒwKš‘ †Zvgvi GKwU dz‡ji Ue Av‡Q Ges †h KjwmUv Zzwg †Kbvi Rb¨ gwiqv n‡q D‡VQ, †mUv dz‡ji Ue bq|Ó

ÒZvn‡jI gv, Avgvi GwU Lye cQ›` n‡q‡Q…!

Zvici †m nVvr †Ku‡` †djj, ÒBm! GKwU cv_i, gv, Avgvi Ry‡Zvi †fZ‡i GKwU cv_i Xy‡K †M‡Q| e¨_v jvM‡Q!Ó

ÒIn! GwU Kxfv‡e n‡jv?Ó

Ò‡`‡Lv, Avgvi Ry‡Zvq GKwU wQ`ª n‡q †M‡Q gv, ev¯—weK c‡¶ Avgvi Ry‡Zv¸‡jv GK`g civi Abyc‡hvMx n‡q †M‡Q| j²x Av¤§y, Zzwg wK Avgv‡K Av‡iK †Rvov wK‡b †`‡e?Ó

ÒwKš‘ †ivRvgÛ, Ry‡Zv, Mqbv, Kjwm, Ry‡Zv eÜbx Ges AviI †hme Zzwg wKb‡Z PvI, †m¸‡jv †Kbvi g‡Zv Avgvi Kv‡Q †Zv h‡_ó UvKv †bB|Ó

†ivRvgÛ AveviI `ytL †cj| Zvi g‡b co‡Z jvMj †mw`b mKv‡j †m †hme my›`i my›`i wRwbm †`‡LwQj|

ÒwKš‘ gv, i³‡e¸wb KjwmUv Avgvi Lye cQ›` n‡q‡Q| GLb Avwg cv‡q e¨_v jvM‡Q| Zzwg wK GLb Avgv‡K gvÎ `y‡Uv wRwbm wK‡b †`‡e KjwmUv Ges GK‡Rvov Ry‡Zv-c­xR?Ó

Ò †ivRgÛ GLb Zzwg ïay GKUv wRwbm wKb‡Z cvi| hv‡nvK, Zzwg c‡ii gv‡m Ab¨wU wKb‡Z cv‡iv| †Zvgv‡K wm×vš— wb‡Z n‡e †KvbwU Zzwg GLb wKb‡e|Ó

ÒAvgvi GK‡Rvov Ry‡Zvi LyeB cÖ‡qvRb, †ivRvgÛ wb‡Ri mv‡_ †evSvcov Ki‡Z jvMj, wKš‘ Avgvi gb c‡o Av‡Q H my›`i KjwmwU‡Z|Ó

Zvici Ry‡Zv †Rvovi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †m Zvi gv‡K ejj, ÒGKwU Ry‡Zvq wQ`ª Qvov Avgvi Ry‡Zv¸‡jv Lye Lvivc n‡q hvqwb| Avgvi g‡b nq G gv‡mi †kl ch©š— Avwg G¸‡jv w`‡qB Pvjv‡Z cvie, ZvB bv? †ZvgviI wK ZvB g‡b nq bv gv?Ó

ÒAvwg PvB Zzwg wb‡Ri Rb¨ fv‡ev, †mvbv|Ó

ÒwVK Av‡Q Zvn‡j Zzwg hw` `vI, Avwg i³‡e¸wb KjwmUvB wKb‡Z PvB|Ó

ÒLye fv‡jv, Zzwg GwUB cv‡e|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The phrase “dying for” used in the passage is used to mean —.
  3. i) death for the jar                                       ii)      hatred for the jar

iii) distraction for the jar                              iv)     desire for the jar

  1. The purple jar was—.
  2. i) a flower pot        ii)      not a flower pot  iii) a chemical pot        iv)  a Jewellery pot
  3. At first, Rosamond’s mother was against buying—.
  4. i) nothing               ii) the flower pot          iii) anything                 iv) none of the above
  5. Rosamond preferred buying the purple jar — a pair of shoe.
  6. i) than                    i) from                         iii) to                            iv) over
  7. Who made the final decision to buy the purple jar?
  8. i) Rosamond          ii) Her mother              iii) both collectively     iv).     none of them
  9. Rosamond preferred buying the purple jar — a pair of shoe.
  10. i) than                    i) from                         iii) to                            iv) over
  11. Who made the final decision to buy the purple jar?
  12. i) Rosamond          ii) Her mother              iii) both collectively     iv).     none of them
  13. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  14. What types of jars did Rosamond saw in the chemist’s shop?
  15.    How were Rosamond’s shoes?
  16. What did Rosamond mean when she said “my heart is in that beautiful jar”?
  17. What did Rosamond buy finally? On what argument?
  18. What was Rosamond’s mother’s financial condition?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-14: Lesson-8(A)

Rosamond and her mother were going back to the chemist’s shop. As they were walking, Rosamond had to stop once again to take another stone out of the broken shoe, and she often limped with pain.

When they got back to the shop, Rosamond’s mother asked her to carefully examine the jar before she bought it. But Rosamond was so excited that she bought it even without looking at what was inside the jar.

Happily she came back home with her mother. Then Rosamond quickly brought some flowers from the garden and was going to put them into the jar. But as soon as she took the top off, she saw something dark inside, which gave off  an unpleasant smell.

“What is it, Mamma? I didn’t want this black thing and the terrible smell.”

“Nor did I, my dear.”

“But what shall I do with it?”

“That I can’t tell.”

“Okay, Mamma, I must pour it out and fill the jar with fresh water.”

Then she made the jar empty. But to her great disappointment, she found that it was no longer a purple jar — it was a plain white glass jar. With its coloured water gone, the jar did no longer look beautiful.

Rosamond cried with tears of disappointment in her eyes. She was to cry more for her folly. Every day her shoes grew worse and worse, and she could neither run, dance, jump, nor go shopping with her mother.

Thus Rosamond suffered for a whole month and learned a lesson the hard way. She hoped that she would be wiser in future.

adapted from The Purple Jar by Maria Edgeworth

Abyev` : †ivRvgÛ Ges Zvi gv Jla we‡µZvi †`vKv‡b wd‡i hvw”Qj| Zviv †h‡nZz nuvUwQj †ivRvgÛ‡K AviI GKevi _vg‡Z n‡qwQj Zvi †Quov Ry‡Zvi †fZi Xy‡K hvIqv Av‡iKwU cv_i †ei Kievi Rb¨ Ges †m cÖvqB e¨_vi Kvi‡Y †Luvov‡Z jvMj|

†`vKv‡b †cuŠ‡Q †ivRvgÛ-Gi gv Zv‡K KjwmwU †Kbvi c~‡e© fv‡jvfv‡e GwU †`‡L wb‡Z ejj| wKš‘ †ivRvgÛ GZB D‡ËwRZ wQj †h, †m †Kv‡bv wKQz bv †`‡L GgbwK Gi †fZ‡i Kx Av‡Q †m w`‡KI GKevi bv ZvwK‡qB Zv wK‡b †djj|

gv‡qi mv‡_ Lywk g‡b evwo wdij †m| Zvici evMvb †_‡K wKQz dzj G‡b †ivRvgÛ Kjwmi g‡a¨ ivL‡Z hvw”Qj| wKš‘ †hB bv †m Dc‡ii w`KUv Lyjj, †fZ‡i cÖvq Kv‡jv wKQz GKwU †`L‡Z †cj hv †_‡K ev‡R GKUv MÜ †ei“j|

ÒGwU Kx gv? Avwg GB Kv‡jv wRwbm Ges GB fqvbK MÜUv PvB bv|Ó

ÒAvwgI PvB bv †mvbv|Ó

ÒwKš‘  GLb Avwg GwU wb‡q Kx Kie?Ó

ÒAvwg Zv ej‡Z cvie bv|Ó

ÒwVK Av‡Q gv, Avwg Aek¨B GwU †X‡j †d‡j w`‡e ¯^”Q cwi®‹vi cvwb w`‡q KjmwU c~Y© Kie|Ó Zvici †m KjwmwU Lvwj K‡i †djj| wKš‘ nZvkv Zv‡K †Q‡q †djj, †m †`Lj †h KjwmwU †gv‡UI i³ †e¸wb bq- GwU †mªd GKwU mv`v Kuv‡Pi Kjwm| Gi iw½b cvwb †ei K‡i †djv‡Z KjwmwU‡K †gv‡UB my›`i †`Lvw”Qj bv|

‡ivRvgÛ Zvi †Pv‡L nZvkvi AkÖ“ wb‡q Gj| Zvi wbey©w×Zvi R‡b¨ Zv‡K Kuv`‡Z n‡qwQj| cÖwZwbqZB Zvi Ry‡Zv Lvivc _‡K LvivcZi n‡q †h‡Z jvMj Ges †m bv cviZ †`Šov‡Z, bv cviZ bvPvbvwP Ki‡Z, bv cviZ jvd-Suvc Ki‡Z, bv cvi‡Zv gv‡qi mv‡_ †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z †h‡Z|

Gfv‡eB †ivRvgÛ mviv gvm Kó †cj Ges KwVb Dcv‡q †m GKwU wk¶v †cj| †m Avkv K‡iwQj fwel¨‡Z †m AviI AwfÁ n‡e| weP¶Y n‡e|


Main word Bengali Meaning Synonyms
Once GK`v once upon a time
Shop †`vKvb store
Examine cix¶v Kiv test
Before c~‡e© previously
Quickly ZvovZvwo fast
Unpleasant AwcÖwZKi intolerable
Terrible gvivÍK serious, fatal
Disappoint nZvk hopeless
Worse Lvivc bad
Limp Lyov‡bv walk with difficulty
Garden evMvb orchard
Give up Z¨vM Kiv shun
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Rosamond was — excited to look at the jar while buying.
  3. i) so                                                             ii) that                          iii) too  iv) very
  4. Rosamond finally decided to buy —-.
  5. i) the ornament        ii) buckle                     iii) the purple jar          iv) a pair of shoes
  6. An unpleasant smell came out of the jar.
  7. stink                      ii) scent                        iii) perfume                  iv)  liquid      ..
  8. With its coloured water gone, the jar did no longer look beautiful. Look at the underlined word. What parts of speech is it?
  9. i)    noun                  ii)   verb                       iii) adjective                 iv)  adverb
  10. Rosamond could neither run, dance, jump, nor go shopping.

                Look at the sentence above. What does it imply?

  1. i)   Rosamond was happy to run, dance, jump, and go shopping.
  2. ii) Rosamond could run, dance, jump but she could not go shopping.

iii) Rosamond could not run, dance, jump, go shopping

  1. iv) none of them
  2. Rosamond had to stop once again to take another — out.

(i)     piece of brick   (ii)    stone                    (iii)   metal                    (iv)   sand

  1. Her mother told her to carefully — the jar.

(i)     test                   (ii)    saw                      (iii)   examine               (iv)   choose

Extra Practices

  1. Rosamond quickly — some flower from the garden.

(i)     plucked            (ii)    took                     (iii)   brought                (iv)   bought

  1. As soon as she took the top off, she saw something — inside.

(i)     liquid               (ii)    as water               (iii)   dark                     (iv)   like juice

  1. She hoped that she would be — in future.

(i)     meritorious      (ii)    wiser                    (iii)   bright                   (iv)   brilliant

  1. Thus Rosamond ― for a whole month and learned a lesson the hard way.

(i)     suffered           (ii)    gone                     (iii)   quickly                (iv)   careful

  1. “Okay, Mamma, I must― it out and fill the jar with fresh water.”

(i)     must                 (ii)    fresh                    (iii)   pour                     (iv)   fill

  1. Then she made the jar ―.

(i)     eyes                 (ii)    jar                        (iii)   made                    (iv)   empty

  1. With its coloured water ―, the jar did no longer look beautiful.

(i)     longer              (ii)    gone                     (iii)   want                     (iv)   water

  1. Rosamond cried with ― of disappointment in her eyes.

(i)     tears                 (ii)    eyes                     (iii)   longer                  (iv)   Antonio

  1. She was to cry ― for her folly.

(i)     countries          (ii)    suffer                   (iii)   rich                      (iv)   more

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What was the problem with Rosamond?
  3. Why did Rosamond choose the purple jar instead of a pair of shoes?
  4. How did the shoes trouble Rosamond?
  5. What do you think the purple jar was?
  6. What lesson did Rosamond learn?

Extra Practices

  1. Where did they go back?
  2. Why did Rosamond stop once again?
  3. Why did she limp often?
  4. How was inside the jar?
  5. What didn’t Rosamond want?
  6. Where were they going to?
  7. Why did Rosamond stop?
  8. What did Rosamond ask her mother?
  9. Why was Rosamond so excited?
  10. What happened to her shoes?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.              Unit-14: Lesson-11(A)

When Bassanio reached Venice, Antonio was already in the court of justice. They were waiting for the trial to begin. The Duke entered the courtroom, took his seat and the trial began. The Duke requested Shylock to be merciful and not to claim his pound of flesh. But Shylock would not listen to him. Bassanio offered him twice the amount of money that Shylock lent Antonio but Shylock did not accept it.  He said, “ I claim my pound of flesh. The law is on my side. Antonio must pay the penalty written in the bond.”

The Duke was extremely sorry that he could do nothing g to help Antonio. The law was on Shylock’s side and the law must be abided. The Duke feared that though the wisest lawyer in Venice was coming to speak in defense of Antonio, even he would not be able to save the merchant. Soon a young clerk entered the courtroom with a letter from the wise lawyer. The lawyer was ill and would not be able to come to the court. He requested the Duke to let his young friend, Doctor Balthazar, defend Antonio. The Duke gave his permission, and Doctor Balthazar entered the courtroom. He looked very young, and the Duke doubted if the wisdom of the young lawyer could save Antonio. This young lawyer was no other than Portia in disguise and the young clerk was her friend, who was also in disguise.

Portia begged  Shylock to be merciful and told him how God bestows mercy to those who are merciful themselves.

“ Mercy” Portia said, “ brings a blessing to him who shows it and to him who receives it. All of us pray to God for mercy. But God will only have mercy on us if we have mercy on others.”

Shylock paid no heed to Portia. All he wanted was his pound of flesh.

Portia asked, “ Can’t Antonio pay the debt?”

Bassanio cried, “ Yes, he can pay it, and even more. … Even I can pay ten times the sum  my friend borrowed from Shylock.

“ Won’t you take the money, Shylock?” Portia asked.

“ No, I demand the lawful penalty. Give me my pound of flesh.”

“ Let me see the bond Shylock”, said Portia.

Shylock handed the bond to her. She read it with great attention and then said, “ You are right Shylock. The law is on your side. You can claim the flesh. But I would request you one more time to accept the sum Bassanio is offering you, and let me tear up the bond.” But Shylock would not give up his claim. Portia then turned towards Antonio and said, “ Get ready Antonio for Shylock to cut his pound of flesh. The law gives it to him.”

Shylock was filled with joy on hearing what Portia said.  He began to praise Portia in disguise, for her wisdom and righteousness. He cried out, “Oh noble judge! Oh excellent young man, you are a second Daniel, who has come to this earth.”

Portia urged Shylock to cut the pound of flesh he demanded. Delighted, Shylock walked towards Antonio with a knife in hand. He told Antonio to uncover his chest. But as he was about to cut Antonio’s flesh, Portia stopped him. She cried out, “ Wait Shylock! Never forget – there is no mention of blood in the bond. Therefore, you cannot shed a single drop of blood while you cut your pound of flesh; or else you pay the penalty. And the penalty is, the state will take your property from you. You lose everything that you have now, Shylock.”

Shylock understood it was not possible for him to cut a pound of flesh without shedding blood. He was defeated by the wise lawyer. He hung his head and without another word left the courtroom. Thus Antonio’s life was saved.

Abyev` : e¨vwmwbI hLb †fwb‡m †cuŠQ‡jb, A¨v‡›UvwbI ZLb wePvi‡Ki Av`vj‡Z| Zviv wePviKvh© ïi“ nevi R‡b¨ A‡c¶v KiwQ‡jb| wePvicwZ Av`vjZ K‡¶ cÖ‡ek K‡i Zuvi Avmb MÖnY Ki‡jb, ïbvwb ïi“ n‡jv|

wePvicwZ kvBjK‡K A¨v‡›UvwbIi †`n †_‡K GK cvDÛ gvsm †K‡U bv wb‡Z Aby‡iva Rvbv‡jb| wKš‘ kvBjK Zvi K_v †kv‡bwb| kvBjK A¨v‡›UvwbI‡K †h cwigvY UvKv avi w`‡qwQ‡jb, e¨vwmwbI Zvi wظY cwigvY UvKv kvBjK‡K w`‡Z PvB‡jb wKš‘ kvBjK Zv wb‡Z ivwR nq wb| †m ejj, ÒAvwg GK cvDÛ gvsm PvB| AvBb Avgvi c‡¶| Pzw³c‡Îi †jLv Abyhvqx A¨v‡›UvwbI‡K kvw¯— †c‡ZB n‡e|Ó

wePvicwZ Lye `ytL cÖKvk Ki‡jb †h wZwb A¨v‡›UvwbI‡K †Kvbfv‡eB mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡jb bv| AvBb kvBj‡Ki c‡¶ Ges Aek¨B AvBb gvb‡Z n‡e| wePvicwZ kswKZ n‡jb hw`I †fwb‡mi me‡P‡q AwfÁ DwKj †Kv‡U© `uvwo‡q A¨v‡›UvwbIi c‡¶ K_v ejvi R‡b¨ AvmwQj, ZeyI g‡b nq wZwb Zv‡K i¶v Ki‡Z cvi‡eb bv| Zvici GKRb Zi“Y K¬vK© †mB AwfÁ DwK‡ji GKwU wPwV wb‡q Av`vj‡Z G‡jb|

AwfÁ DwKj Amy¯’ Ges wZwb †Kv‡U© Avm‡Z cvi‡jb bv| wZwb wePvicwZ‡K Aby‡iva Rvbv‡jb Zvi eÜz W±i †ej_vRvi‡K A¨v‡›UvwbIi c‡¶ K_v ejvi R‡b¨ AbygwZ w`‡Z| wePvicwZ Zv‡K AbygwZ w`‡jb Ges W±i †ej_vRvi Av`vjZ K‡¶ cÖ‡ek Ki‡jb| Zv‡K †`L‡Z †ek Zi“Y g‡b n‡jv Ges wePvicwZ m‡›`n †cvlY Ki‡jb hw` Zvi weP¶YZv A¨v‡›UvwbI‡K i¶v Ki‡Z cv‡i| GB Zi“Y DwKj QÙ‡ekx †cvwk©qv Qvov Avi †KD wQ‡jb bv Ges Zi“Y K¬vK©wU wQj Zvi eÜz, †mI QÙ‡ekx wQj|

†cvwk©qv kvBjK‡K `qvjy n‡Z Aby‡iva Rvbv‡jb Ges Zv‡K ej‡jb m„wóKZ©v Zv‡`i‡KB `qv K‡ib hviv wb‡Riv `qvjy|

†cvwk©qv ej‡jb, Ò`qv Zvi R‡b¨ Avkxe©v` e‡q Av‡b †h A‡b¨i cÖwZ `qv cÖ`k©b K‡i Ges †h Zv MÖnY K‡i| Avgiv mK‡jB m„wóKZ©vi wbKU `qv cÖv_©bv Kwi| wKš‘ m„wóKZ©v Avgv‡`i cÖwZ ZLbB `qvjy n‡eb hLb Avgiv Zv Ab¨‡K cÖ`k©b Kie|Ó

kvBjK †cvwk©qvi †Kvb K_vB Kv‡b Zzjj bv| †m hv †P‡qwQj Zv ïayB Zvi GK cvDÛ gvsm|

†cvwk©qv wR‡Ám Ki‡jb, ÒA¨v‡›UvwbI wK Zvi FY †kva Ki‡Z cvi‡Q bv?Ó

e¨vwmwbI ej‡jb, Òn¨v, Zv wZwb †kva Ki‡Z cvi‡e Ges Av‡iv †ewk………. GgbwK Avgvi eÜz kvBj‡Ki †_‡K hv avi K‡i‡Q Avwg Zvi `k ¸Y UvKv w`‡Z cvwi|

ÒZzwg wK UvKv †b‡e bv, kvBjK?Ó †cvwk©qv wR‡Ám Ki‡jb|

Òbv, Avwg AvBbZ: `Ê/kvw¯—B w`‡Z PvB| Avgv‡K GK cvDÛ gvsmB w`‡Z n‡e|Ó

ÒPzw³cÎwU Avgvq †`LvI †Zv kvBjK,Ó †cvwk©qv ej‡jb|

kvBjK Pzw³cÎwU Zvi nv‡Z w`j| wZwb Zv AwZ g‡bv‡hvM w`‡q co‡jb Ges Zvici ej‡jb, ÒZzwgB wVK kvBjK| AvBb †Zvgvi c‡¶| Zzwg gvsm †K‡U wb‡Z cv‡iv| Avwg †Zvgv‡K AviI GKevi Aby‡iva Ki‡Z PvB e¨vwmwbI †Zvgv‡K †h UvKv w`‡”Q Zv Zzwg MÖnY K‡iv, Ges Avgv‡K A½xKvi bvgvwU wQu‡o †dj‡Z `vI|Ó kvBjK Zvi `vwe Z¨vM Kij bv| †cvwk©qv ZLb A¨v‡›UvwbIi w`‡K Ny‡i `uvov‡jb Ges ej‡jb, ÒA¨v‡›Uvw&bI, kvBjK‡K †Zvgvi †`n †_‡K GK cvDÛ gvsm KvU‡Z †`qvi R‡b¨ ˆZwi nI| AvBb Zv‡K Zv w`‡q‡Q|Ó

†cvwk©qv hv ej‡jb, Zv ï‡b kvBjK Avb‡›` AvZ¥nviv n‡q †Mj| †m QÙ‡ekx †cvwk©qvi weP¶YZv Ges b¨vqcivqYZv †`‡L Zvi cÖksmv Ki‡Z jvMj| †m wPrKvi Ki‡Z jvMj, Ò‡n gnvb wePviK! †n PgrKvi Zi“Y f`ª‡jvK, Zzwg wØZxq Wvwb‡qj, whwb G aiYx‡Z †b‡g G‡m‡Qb|Ó

†cvwk©qv Zv‡K Zvi Pvwn`v Abyhvqx GK cvDÛ gvsm †K‡U †bqvi AbygwZ w`‡jb| Avbw›`Z n‡q kvBjK GKwU Qzwi nv‡Z wb‡q A¨v‡›UvwbIi w`‡K †h‡Z jvMj| †m A¨v‡›UvwbI‡K Zvi e¶‡`k Db¥y³ Ki‡Z ejj| wKš‘ hLb †m A¨v‡›UvwbIi gvsm KvU‡Z †Mj †cvwk©qv Zv‡K _vwg‡q w`‡jb| wZwb wPrKvi K‡i ej‡jb, ÒA‡c¶v K‡iv kvBjK! fy‡j  †hI bv- Pzw³c‡Îi †Kv_vI wKš‘ i‡³i D‡j­L †bB| myZivs †Zvgvi cvIbv GK cvDÛ gvsm †K‡U †bqvi mgq Zzwg GK †duvUv i³I Siv‡Z cvi‡e bv; Zvn‡j †Zvgv‡K kvw¯— †c‡Z n‡e| kvw¯—Uv n‡jv, ivóª †Zvgvi me m¤úwË Zmie Ki‡e| †Zvgvi GLb hv Av‡Q, meB nviv‡e Zzwg, kvBjK|Ó

kvBjK GwU eyS‡Z cvij †h, i³ bv Swi‡q GK cvDÛ gvsm †`n †_‡K †K‡U †bqv m¤¢e bq| †m weÁ DwK‡ji wbKU civwRZ n‡jv| †m gv_v bvgvj Ges Ab¨ †Kvb evK¨ e¨q bv K‡i Av`vjZ K¶ Z¨vM Kij| Gfv‡eB A¨v‡›UvwbIi cÖvY i¶v †cj|

DBwjqvg †k·wcq‡ii `¨v gv‡P©›U Af †fwbm †_‡K msKwjZ|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Where was Antonio in Venice? 
  3. i) In free area           ii) In trial room            iii) In police van          iv) In Shylock’s house
  4. What are they waiting for?
  5. i) Trial                      ii) Duke                       iii) Court                      iv) Antonio
  6. Shylock was asked to be mercuui merciful to —.
  7. Bassanio ii. Antonio                   iii. The Duke                iv. Balthazar
  8. Who did wish to help Antonio?
  9. Shylock ii. The Duke                 iii. God                        iv. People of Venice
  10. For whom was Portia in disguise?

i Antonio                 ii. Clerk                        iii. The Duke                iv. Bassanio

  1. Whom did Shylock hand the bond to?
  2. Portia                 ii. Balthazar                 iii. The Duke                iv. Doctor
  3. What was not in the bond?
  4. Flesh                   ii. Blood                       iii. None                      iv. Pound of flesh

Extra Practices

  1. Shylock was delighted because he —.
  2. i) could get the money ii) could get flesh

iii) could win                                               iv) could kill Antonio

  1. Antonio’s life was saved by —.
  2. Balthazar ii. Portia                       iii. The Duke                iv. The Judge
  3. Who was/were in disguise?
  4. Portia and the clerk ii. Portia

iii. The clerk                                                iv. The Duke

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Who was Bassanio?
  3. Where was Antonio?
  4. Why was the Duke sorry?
  5. Was Shylock a bad man?
  6. Why did Portia take disguise?

Extra Practices

  1. Who did Portia request to show mercy?
  2. Who does God love?
  3. How did Portia save Antonio’s life?
  4. Why did Shylock not take the pound of flesh?
  5. What was mentioned in the bond?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.  Unit-14: Lesson-12(C)

I was a custom-house officer in 1827. At that time there was much smuggling in this country. There were government officials to check this unlawful trade, but many of them were bribed to hear and see nothing. It is, therefore, not surprising that many captures slipped through our fingers.

I was then a young man. For some years of good work, I had been raised to the rank of a riding officer with a good salary that enabled me to marry.

My station was on the South Coast near the town of Dover. In those days, most of the sailors along the coast took part in smuggling. On several occasions when I did my duty properly, I received warnings from the well-known townsmen that I was too active to carry out my duties. But I did not want to be a silent, toothless watchdoglike old Captain Peabody who had for forty years looked with blind eyes after the rights of the country. My chiefs had always praised me as I was very honest and dutiful. They were already talking of raising my rank further.

Once in a stormy autumn night, I successfully led my team to a secret place where the smuggled goods were stored. The hiding place was a cave forty feet below the surface of a chalk- hill in the south of England.

After this capture my Chief came to Dover to report on it. He praised me and promised to reward me. Filled with joy, I began to care even less for the threatening letters of the smugglers.

e½vbyev` : Avwg 1827 mv‡j GKRb ﮋ fe‡bi Kg©KZ©v wQjvg|  †m mgq †`‡k A‡bK †ekx †PvivPvjb n‡Zv| †mB AvBb ewnf~©Z evwYR¨wU cÖwZnZ Kivi R‡b¨ miKvwi Kg©KZ©viv wQj, wKš‘ Zv‡`i A‡b‡KB D\†KvP †c‡q wKQzB ïb‡Zv bv ev †`L‡Zv bv| myZivs, GUv Avð‡h©i welq bq †h, A‡bK Acivax / Kv‡jvevRvwi Avgv‡`i Av½yj M‡j †ewi‡q †M‡Q|

Avwg ZLb GKRb Zi“Y hyeK wQjvg| K‡qK eQ‡ii fv‡jv Kv‡Ri `i“Y, Avwg fv‡jv †eZbmn GKRb D”P c`¯’ Kg©KZ©vi c‡` DbœxZ n‡Z †c‡iwQjvg hv Avgv‡K we‡q Kivi mvg_©¨ RywM‡qwQj|

Avgvi Kg©¯’j wQj †Wvfvi kn‡ii KvQvKvwQ `w¶Y DcK~jxq A‡j| †mme w`‡b, AwaKvsk bvweK DcK~‡ji ga¨ w`‡q †PvivPvjv‡bi Kv‡R Ask wbZ|

A‡bK mgq hLb Avwg Avgvi `vwqZ¡ mwVKfv‡e cvjb KiZvg, kn‡ii ¯^bvgab¨ †jvK‡`i KvQ †_‡K mZK©Zvg~jK evYx ïbZvg †h Avwg Avgvi `vwqZ¡ cvj‡bi Lye †ewk Zrci gvbyl|

wKš‘ Avwg GKRb wbie, `uvZnxb cÖnix KzKz‡ii g‡Zv e„× K¨v‡Þb cxewW n‡Z PvBwb whwb †`‡ki ¯^vwaKv‡ii c‡iI Pwj­k eQi AÜ †PvL w`‡q ZvwK‡q ZvwK‡q †`‡LwQ‡jb|

†h‡nZz Avwg GKRb mr I KZ©e¨ civqY Kg©KZ©v wQjvg Avgvi wefvMxq cÖavbMY Avgv‡K memgqB cÖksmv Ki‡Zb| Zviv Avgvi c`gh©v`v AveviI evwo‡q †`qvi K_v ejwQ‡jb|

GKevi †Kvb GK ki‡Zi S‡ov iv‡Z Avwg Avgvi `j‡K mwVKfv‡e †bZ…Z¡ w`‡q GKwU †Mvcb RvqMvq †hLv‡b †PvivPvjv‡bi gvjvgvj Rgv ivLv n‡qwQj †mLv‡b wb‡q wM‡qwQjvg| †Mvcb RvqMvwU wQj Bsj¨v‡Ûi `w¶‡Y GKwU wUjv ce©‡Zi cÖvq Pwj­k dzU wb‡P GKwU ¸nvi †fZi|

†mB Awfhv‡bi ci Avgvi wefvMxqs cÖavb †Wvfv‡i G‡jb Gi Ici cÖwZ‡e`b Ki‡Z| wZwb Avgvi cÖksmv Ki‡jb Ges cyi¯‹vi †`‡eb e‡j K_v w`‡jb| Avb‡›` D™¢vwmZ n‡q, Avwg †PvivPvjvbx‡`i ûgwK †`Iqv wPwV¸‡jvi AviI Kg cvËv w`‡Z ïi“ Kijvg|


Word Meaning Synonyms
Smuggling †PvivPvjvb, Kv‡jv evRvix black marketing
Unlawful †eAvBbx illigal
Bribe Nyl LvIqv take bribe
Salary †eZb pay
Properly mwVKfv‡e correctly
Praise cÖksmv Kiv admire
Secret †Mvcb hidden
Successfully mdjZvi mv‡_ with success
Capture AvqZ¡/AvqZ¡ Kiv master
Joy Avb›` pleasure
Officer Kg©KZ©v a person holding a position of authority
Officials Kg©KZ©ve„›` a person holding public office
Unlawful AvBb ewnf©~Z not allowed by law
Promise cÖwZÁv/cÖwZÁv Kiv to tell someone that you will certainly do something
Rank c`gh©v`v, †kÖwY position, level, grade, class, status;
Threatening ûgwK warming ultimatum;
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The word ‘smuggling’ is related to —.
  3. i) normal market    ii)  black market           iii) white market          iv  share market
  4. The customs officer could marry because of his —.
  5. i) good job                                                 ii)  good wages

iii) modesty                                                 iv) good salary and high rank.

  1. The officer was —.
  2. i) reluctant to his work ii)  dutiful

iii) insincere                                                 iv)  lazy

  1. The government officials were—.
  2. i) engaged in smuggling                             ii) active in removing smuggling

iii) bound to check smuggling                      iv)  aware of smuggling.

  1. Dover is in —.
  2. i) the USA              ii)  the UK                   iii) the Middle East      iv)  the East
  3. f. We have been introduced with the season— in the story. 
  4. i) dew ii)  summer                  iii) late autumn            iv)  winter
  5. The word’ warning’ is a—.
  6. i) verb ii)  noun                       iii) adjective                 iv)  adverb

Extra Practices

  1. The officer said in his speech “the captures slipped through our fingers” means.
  2. i) They were unable to arrest them.            ii) They would not escape from the officials

iii) They were powerful                               iv) The bribed officials would help them to escape.

  1. The night was —.
  2. i) dark                    ii)  stormy                    iii) lightly                     iv)  snowing
  3. j. Captain Peabody had served for—.
  4. i) one decade         ii)  two decades            iii) three decades          iv)  four decades
  5. Once in a stormy — night.

(i)   summer              (ii)    autumn                (iii)   winter                  (iv)   raing season

  1. He was a custom house officer in —.

(i)   1827                  (ii)    1817                    (iii)   1837                    (iv)   1828

  1. For — years of good work.

(i)   one                    (ii)    three                    (iii)   some                    (iv)   lot of

  1. He was to active to carry out his —.

(i)   office                 (ii)    study                    (iii)   job                       (iv)   duties

  1. He was very — and dutiful.

(i)   honest                (ii)    dishonest             (iii)   lazy                      (iv)   hard worker

  1. My chiefs had always praised me as I was very ― and dutiful.

(i)   honest                (ii)    dutiful                  (iii)   praised                 (iv)   chief

  1. They were already talking of raising my rank―.

(i)   raising                (ii)    talking                  (iii)   further                 (iv)   already

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. How could the customs officer achieve the high rank?
  3. Which one is an unlawful trade?
  4. What was the surprising matter to him?
  5. Why did the people of Dover warn him?
  6. Who was Captain Peabody?

Extra Practices

  1. Where was his workplace?
  2. When did he get the post of a riding officer?
  3. When did he get married?
  4. Who were engaged in smuggling?
  5. Who gave him the threatening letters?
  6. When he was a custom house officer?
  7. Why did the chief the customs officer?
  8. Where did the smugglers keep their smuggled goods?
  9. Where are the chalk-hill?
  10. Who were there to check the unlawful trade?
  11. What is not surprising?
  12. What had he been raised to?
  13. When did he successfully lead his team?
  14. How was the hiding place?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.              Unit-14: Lesson-13(A)           

One dark December afternoon, a letter, but of a different nature, arrived. It was stamped with ‘On His Majesty’s Service’. The letter was written by one of my chiefs. It informed me that, according to secret news they had received, a great cargo was going to be landed that very night on the coast between Dover and Folkstone. I was told to go to a particular place of the cliff exactly at eleven o’clock that very night. There the chief and his men would wait for me. He wanted to use my knowledge and experience to catch the smugglers. Also he ordered me to come alone and not to speak of his letter or the meeting place to any person in Dover.

All that evening while I was preparing for my night ride, Lucy was looking at me sadly. I was oiling and loading my guns, getting ready my sword and belt, my heavy coat and high boots. And all the time she was looking at me with her blue tearful eyes.

“Are you quite sure,” she asked, “that the letter is in the Chief’s handwriting?” I laughed at her, but she wanted an answer. I had to admit that I did not know his official handwriting. However, I assured her that he had been newly appointed and he must have good intention to protect our national interest from the smugglers. Still Lucy was doubtful.

I tried to cheer her up by talking to the bright future awaiting us after tonight’s expedition. I told Lucy that after the capture I am sure I would be rewarded with a rise and a position in the London main Custom House. I talked of a nice cottage at Islington, with a garden, and of the best school for our son Alex. Lucy tried to smile but all in vain.

After supper when I began to set out, Lucy trembled in fear and said, “Alfred, dear, are you quite, quite sure that the letter really came from your Chief?” I laughed, told her not to be afraid, and hurried out of the room and walked down the street.

Abyev` : †Kvb GK wW‡m¤^‡ii GK AÜKvi we‡K‡j, wfbœ cÖK…wZi GKwU wPwV Gj| Ôivóªxq Kv‡h© e¨eüZÕ K_vwU Lv‡gi Dci †jLv wQj| Avgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v GKR‡bi †jLv wQj wPwVwU| wPwVwU †_‡K Rvbv †Mj †h †m iv‡Z †Wvfvi Ges †dvK‡÷v‡bi gvSvgvwS DcK~jeZx© †Kvb ¯’v‡b GKwU eo Kv‡M©v wfo‡e e‡j †Mvcb msev‡`i wfwˇZ Zviv †R‡b‡Qb| †m iv‡Z wVK GMviUvq mgy‡`ªi wbKUeZx© cvnv‡oi GKwU wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b Avgv‡K †h‡Z ejv n‡qwQj| †mLv‡b Avgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v Ges Zvi †jvKRb Avgvi R‡b¨ A‡c¶v Kivi K_v wQj| wZwb †PvivPvjvwb‡`i ai‡Z Avgvi Ávb Ges AwfÁZv‡K Kv‡R jvMv‡Z †P‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb Avgv‡K AviI wb‡`©k/Av‡`k w`‡qwQ‡jb †h Avwg †hb GKv Avwm Ges Zvi G wPwVi K_v Ges †`Lv Kivi RvqMvwUi K_v †hb Avwg †Wvfv‡ii KvD‡K bv ewj|

mviv m‡Ü¨ Avwg hLb Avgvi ˆbk Awfhv‡bi R‡b¨ cÖ¯‘wZ MÖnY KiwQjvg, jywm Avgvi w`‡K welbœfv‡e ZvwK‡qwQj| Avwg Avgvi e›`y‡K †Zj gvLwQjvg, ¸wj fiwQjvg, Z‡jvqvi Ges †eë ¸‡jv‡K cÖ¯‘Z KiwQjvg, fvix †KvU Avi DuPz eyU ciwQjvg| mviv¶Y †m Zvi AkÖ“fiv bxj †PvL `y‡Uv †g‡j Avgvi w`‡K ZvwK‡qwQj|

ÒZzwg wK m¤ú~Y© wbwðZ †h wPwVi nv‡Zi †jLvUv †Zvgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©viBÓ? Avwg Zvi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †n‡mwQjvg wKš‘ †m GKwU DËi †P‡qwQj| Avgv‡K ¯^xKvi Ki‡Z n‡qwQj †h Avwg Zvi `vßwiK nv‡Zi †jLv wPwb bv| Z‡e, Avwg Zv‡K Avk¦v¯— K‡iwQjvg †h wZwb m`¨ wbhy³ Ges †PvivPvjvwb‡`i nvZ †_‡K Avgv‡`i RvZxq ¯^v_© i¶v Kivi mw`”Qv Av‡Q Zvi| ZeyI jywm mw›`nvb wQj|

Avwg Zv‡K Drdyj­ Kivi †Póv KiwQjvg GB e‡j †h AvR iv‡Zi Awfhv‡bi ci Avgv‡`i  R‡b¨ D¾¡j fwel¨r A‡c¶v Ki‡Q| Avwg jywm‡K ejjvg †h AvR‡Ki K¨vcPvi (AR©b) Gi c‡i Avwg wbwðZ Avgv‡K jÛ‡b cÖavb ﮋfe‡b GKwU DuPz c` w`‡q cyi¯‹…Z Kiv n‡e| Avwg Zv‡K AvBwjsU‡b evMvbmn GKUv PgrKvi K‡UR (evmv) I Avgv‡`i †Q‡j G‡j‡·i Rb¨ me‡P‡q fv‡jv ¯‹zj Gi K_v ejjvg| jywm nvmvi †Póv Kij wKš‘ e¨_© n‡jv|

iv‡Zi Lvevi †k‡l Avwg hLb hvÎv ïi“ Kijvg, jywm f‡q †Ku‡c DVj Ges ejj, ÒAvj‡d«W, wcÖq, Zzwg wK GK`g wbwðZ †h wPwVwU †Zvgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vi KvQ †_‡K G‡mwQj?Ó Avwg nvmjvg Ges Zv‡K fq †c‡Z gvbv Kijvg, Ges ZvovZvwo Ni †_‡K †ewi‡q †nu‡U iv¯—vq †b‡g Gjvg|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The letter was —- with ‘On His Majesty’s Service.
  3. i)  written                 ii) embossed                iii) implemented          iv) placed
  4. The officer went — to them.
  5. i) quickly                 ii) slowly                     iii) gladly                     iv) sadly
  6. His hands were — fastened.
  7. i) prudently           ii)   recklessly              iii)   insecurely             iv)
  8. He had to go there—.
  9. i) after 12 am         ii)   just at 11 pm          iii) the night before      iv) just at 10pm.
  10. The officer—his wife.
  11. i) jeered at               ii)   looked at                iii) smiled at                 iv)  short at
  12. Lucy stared at him when he was — the guns.
  13. i) preparing            ii) marking                   iii) using                      iii) re-pairing
  14. After the capture he would get a —- he thought.
  15. i) promotion           ii) demotion                 iii) prize                       iv) notification

Extra Practices

  1. Alex would go to —.
  2. i) a new school                                           ii) the best school of the city

iii) the ancient school in the city                   iv) a famous school in the city

  1. Alfred didn’t know at the handwriting of the —.
  2. i) smugglers           ii) his wife                    iii) his Chief                iv)  his son
  3. His Chief was—.
  4. i) an old officer of his office                       ii) a new officer of his office

iii) the eldest officer of his office                 iv) the newest officer of his office

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What was inscribed on the letter?
  3. Why do you think the officer was obedient to his Chief?
  4. Where was the meeting place located?
  5. Which questions answer was Lucy waiting for?
  6. Do you think Lucy didn’t smile? Why?

Extra Practices

  1. What might happen in Alfred’s future?
  2. Why was Lucy looking at Harvey with tearful eyes?
  3. When did he start for the meeting place?
  4. What did Alfred say to Lucy about his new house?
  5. How did he go there?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.              Unit-14: Lesson-14(A)

I took my lonely way up the high cliffs. It was all dark and miserable. I was trying to keep up my cheerful spirits. But Lucy’s last question, “Are you quite, quite sure that the letter really came from your Chief?” kept coming back again and again to my mind.

I knew the meeting place. It was a large cliff standing above the angry sea. I walked slowly up and down along the cliff edge. It was all dark and quiet except for the mysterious sound of the waves. A trembling ran through me.

Soon I heard the low voice of some men, coming from the hillside. I thought they were the Chief and his party. So I hastened up to them and said, “Good evening, gentlemen!”

But there was no answer. After a sharp and clear whistle, I was seized by a dozen strong hands at once. So sudden was the attack that before I could strike a blow or pull out my sword, I was pinned to the ground and disarmed. The smugglers!

“We’ve got the fellow at last!” cried several voices at once. Then followed a stream of curses, “Murder him!” “Cut him into pieces and through him to the fishes!” And so on.

“Stop!” cried out the voice of one who no doubt was their leader. “First make sure he’s the man we want.”

My hands were now safely bound, and all resistance was impossible. A red light flashed full on my face.

“He’s the fellow we want!” They all cried. By the light of the lamp, I could see that all those strong built men were in sailor’s clothes. They were all armed, their faces being covered.

Then I was mercilessly beaten and knocked down. Someone put a gun at my head.

“Stop!” cried the leader. “Shooting is too easy a death for a man like him. Hang him over the cliff.”  There were roars of laughter, mixed with “Yes! Yes!” Then the leader said, “All right, but before we do that, let’s here if he has anything to say in his defence.”

With despair in my heart I said, “I have done nothing but my duty to the King without fear.” All was in vain, as the smugglers were too angry to listen to me.

Then came the ultimate verdict from the leader, “Alfred Harvey, you are a very tough customs officer. Your punishment cannot be anything less than death.” Then he turned to his men. “So tie him to the neck and heels, and throw him to the fishes.”

I made a great effort to break the ropes on my wrists, but they were too strong to break. The men led me to the edge of the tall cliff, beneath which roared the sea.

Abyev` : DuPz cvnv‡oi Ici w`‡q Avwg GKv †nu‡U wM‡qwQjvg| GwU wQj cy‡iv AÜKvi Ges `ywe©ln| Avgvi Drdzj­Zvc~Y© †ZR eRvq ivLvi †Póv KiwQjvg| wKš‘ jywmi †kl cÖkœwU ÒZzwg GK`g wbwðZ †Zv †h †Zvgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vB Avm‡j GB wPwV wj‡LwQ‡jb?Ó evievi Avgvi g‡b wd‡i AvmwQj|

†`Lv Kivi ¯’vbwU Avwg wPbZvg| GUv wQj GKUv Lye DuPz cvnvo hv DËvj mvM‡ii Ici `uvwo‡q Av‡Q| cvnv‡oi avi †Nu‡l Dc‡i wb‡P Avwg axi cv‡q †nu‡U †h‡Z jvMjvg| †XD-Gi inm¨gq kã cy‡iv AÜKvi‡K m¤ú~Y© AcwiwPZ K‡i †d‡jwQj iv¯—vwU‡K| Avgv‡K GKwU fq Zvwo‡q †ewi‡qwQj|

Lye ZvovZvwo Avwg wKQz gvby‡li wbPz Kɯ^i ïbjvg hv cvnv‡oi w`K †_‡K AvmwQj| Avwg †f‡ewQjvg Zviv Avgvi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©v Ges Zvi `j wQj| ZvB Avwg ZwoNwo K‡i Zv‡`i Kv‡Q wM‡qwQjvg Ges e‡jwQjvg, Òïf mܨv, f`ªg‡nv`qMY!Ó

wKš‘ †Kv‡bv DËi Av‡m wb| GKwU Zxeª Ges cwi®‹vi ûB‡m‡ji c‡i WRb Lv‡bK k³ nv‡Z Avgv‡K a‡i †djj| GZ AvPgKv NUbv N‡U †Mj †h Avwg Av‡M bv cvijvg AvNvZ Ki‡Z bv cvijvg Z‡jvqvi Pvjv‡Z, Avgv‡K gvwU‡Z †d‡j †`Iqv n‡jv Ges wbi¯¿ Kiv n‡jv| Giv †PvivKvievwi!

ÒAvgiv kΓUv‡K †kl ch©š— a‡iwQ!Ó A‡bK¸‡jv Kɯ^i GKmv‡_ PxrKvi Kij| GwU‡K Aby¯§iY Kij, ÒZv‡K †g‡i †dj!Ó ÒUzK‡iv UzK‡iv K‡i †K‡U gvQ¸‡jvi w`‡K Quy‡o †dj!Ó Ges GiKg AviI K_v|

Ò_vg,!Ó GKRb wPrKvi K‡i DVj †h wbtm‡›`‡n Zv‡`i `j‡bZv wQj| cÖ_‡g wbwðZ K‡iv †h, GB †mB gvbyl wKbv hv‡K Avgiv PvB|Ó

Avgvi nvZ¸‡jv GLb wbivc‡` euvav Ges me aviY¶gZv Am¤¢e wQj| Avgv‡`i gy‡Li Ici jvj Av‡jvi Avfv G‡m jvMj|

ÒGB †mB e¨w³ hv‡K Avgiv PvB|Ó Zviv mevB wPrKvi K‡i DVj| j¨v‡¤úi (evwZ) Av‡jvq Avwg †`L‡Z †cjvg mevB bvwe‡Ki †cvkvK cwiwnZ, Zviv mevB A¯¿avix wQj, Zv‡`i gyL XvKv wQj|

Zvici Avwg wbg©gfv‡e gvi †Ljvg Ges Avgv‡K civwRZ Kiv n‡jv| †KD GKRb Avgvi gv_vq e›`yK †VKvj|

Ò_vg!Ó `j‡bZv wPrKvi K‡i DVj| Ò¸wj K‡i Zvi g‡Zv †jvK‡K gviv Lye mnR| Zv‡K cvnv‡oi Ici Szwj‡q `vI|Ó nvwmi †ivj c‡o †Mj †mLv‡b, mv‡_ hy³ n‡jv Ònu¨v! nu¨v!Ó aŸwb| Zvici `j‡bZv ejj, Òmviv ivZ, Z‡e Avgv‡`i Zv Kivi Av‡M, Zv‡K GLv‡b Avb, hw` Zvi wb‡Ri c‡¶ wKQz ejvi _v‡K|Ó

g‡b nZvkv wb‡q Avwg ejjvg, ÒivRvi Av‡`‡ki cÖwZ KZ©e¨ wbf©‡q cvjb Kiv Qvov Avwg Avi wKQzB Kwi wb|Ó †PvivKvievwiiv Avgvi K_v †kvbvi ci GZB ivMvwš^Z wQj †h me wKQz e„_v n‡jv| Zvici `j‡bZvi KvQ †_‡K P~ovš— wm×vš— Gj, ÒAvj‡d«W nvi‡d, Zzwg GKRb kw³kvjx Kv÷gm Awdmvi| †Zvgvi kvw¯— g„Zz¨ Qvov Avi wKQzB n‡Z cv‡i bv|Ó Zvici Zvi †jvKR‡bi w`‡K ZvwK‡q ejj, ÒZv‡K gv_vi mv‡_ †Mvovwj wgwj‡q †eu‡a †dj Ges gvQ¸‡jvi w`‡K Quy‡o †d‡j `vI|Ó

Avgvi Kwâ‡Z euvav iwkwU †Quovi m‡e©v”P †Póv Pvjvjvg, wKš‘ iwk¸‡jv G‡Zv k³ wQj †h wQuo‡Z cvwi wb| †jvK¸‡jv Avgv‡K DuPz cvnv‡oi cÖv‡š— wb‡q †Mj hvi wb‡P mgy‡`ªi †XD‡qi cÖPÛ kã †kvbv hvw”Qj|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Many of the customs officers were given — to hear and see nothing.
  3. i) money                ii)  prize                       iii) book                       iv)  advice
  4. Most of the — would take part in smuggling.
  5. i) porters                ii)  drivers                    iii) sailors                     iv)  doctors
  6. His station was on the — coast near the town of Dover.
  7. i) south                  ii)  east                         iii) west                        iv)  north
  8. The hiding place was a cave — the surface of a chalk hill.
  9. i) 40 feet below ii)  30 feet below          iii) 20 feet below          iv) 45 feet below
  10. His chiefs praised him as he was —.
  11. i) honest                                                     ii)  very honest and dutiful

iii) dutiful                                                    iv)  truthful

  1. The hiding place was a cave — the surface of a chalk hill.
  2. i) 40 feet below ii)  30 feet below          iii) 20 feet below          iv) 45 feet below
  3. His chiefs praised him as he was —.
  4. i) honest                                                     ii)  very honest and dutiful

iii) dutiful                                                    iv)  truthful

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why were the officials bribed?
  3. Did most sailors take part in smuggling in those days?
  4. Where was his station?
  5. Shat did he do once in a stormy night?
  6. Why did his chiefs praise him?

Extra Practices

  1. When did he become the riding officer?
  2. What enabled him to marry?
  3. When did he receive warnings?
  4. What was the hiding place?
  5. What were his chiefs talking?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.              Unit-14: Lesson-15(D)

I was swinging half over the cliff and the men were preparing to throw me below to my inevitable death.

One! … “Two!” …

“Poor Lucy! God guard my wife and child!” broke from my lips half unknowingly as I was going to die.

Those last words of mine had produced an effect which no fine speech or begging for mercy could have produced. I was sure some of them had wives and children of their own that they loved. My prayer had touched something in their wild hearts that made them pause.


But nothing happened.

“I’ll have nothing to do with this,” said one man.

“His pretty blue-eyed wife is kind to the poor, my old mother once said,” whispered another smuggler.

“Are you all chicken-hearted, men,” shouted the leader angrily.

Yet nothing happened. Quiet for some time they were whispering something to their leader.

“Alfred Harvey,” said the leader, “we are going to give you a chance. Instead of throwing you to the fishes, we shall hang you over the edge of the cliff, and leave you there.”

The smugglers then lifted me over the edge and lowered me until my chin just rested on the grass. I was asked to take a hold of the earth with my hands still tied together.

They left me there to die. While I was hanging thus over my wide-open grave, my thoughts flew off to Lucy and little Alex, to the pain and suffering that were waiting for them.

I could no longer hold on. My strength was gone. I let go my hold.

But no! I did not fall into mid-air, did not crash on the rocks. And I did not die! My feet sank only a few inches, and then touched the ground! It was no dream! I fainted and fell to the earth.

When I came to life again, it was morning. I was lying on the wet ground. Two men were beside me. The covering had been removed from my eyes, and my wrists were free. I looked up, wondering whether I was in this world or the next.

“I’m very glad, sir, you’ve opened your eyes at last,” said one of the men. I looked wildly about. I was not on the shore. No cliff rose up beside me. I was lying just in a hole in the chalk hills. The hole was shallow, less than nine feet in depth.

Abyev` : Avwg cvnv‡oi A‡a©K Ic‡i SzjwQjvg Ges †jvK¸‡jv Avgv‡K wb‡P Avgvi AeavwiZ g„Zz¨i w`‡K wb‡¶c Kivi cÖ¯‘wZ wbw”Qj|

ÒGK!Ó……….. Ò`yB!Ó…………

Òwbixn jywm! cÖfy Avgvi ¯¿x mš—vb‡K i¶v Ki“b!Ó K_vUv Avgvi ARv‡š—B gyL †_‡K †ewi‡q G‡mwQj †h‡nZz Avwg g‡iB hvw”Qjvg|

Avgvi †kl k㸇jv †Kv‡bv wbcyY my›`i K_v wQj bv hv Zv‡`i g‡b †Kv‡bv `qvi m„wó Ki‡Z cviZ ev †Kv‡bv cÖfve †dj‡Z cviZ| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ KviI KviI ¯¿x mš—vb wQj hv‡`i‡K Zviv fv‡jvevmZ e‡j Avwg wbwðZ wQjvg| Avgvi cÖv_©bv Zv‡`i eb¨ ü`q‡K ¯úk© Ki‡Z †c‡iwQj wKQzUv hv Zv‡`i‡K _vwg‡qwQj|


wKš‘ wKQzB n‡jv bv|

ÒGwU w`‡q Avgvi wKQzB Kivi †bBÓ, GKRb ejj|

ÒZvi my›`ix ¯¿x bxj-bqbv| Mwie‡`i cÖwZ `qvkxj, Avgvi e„×v gv GKevi e‡jwQ‡jb,Ó Av‡iK †PvivKvievwi wdmwdm K‡i ejj|

Ò †Zvgiv mevB `ye©j wP‡Ëi AwaKvix, †jvKmKj|Ó ivMvwš^Z n‡q wPrKvi K‡i DVj `j‡bZv|

GLbI wKQzB nq wb| wKQz¶Y Zviv Zv‡`i `j‡bZvi mv‡_ wdmwdm Kij|

ÒAvj‡d«W nvi‡f,Ó `j‡bZv WvKj, ÒAvgiv †Zvgv‡K GKUv my‡hvM w`‡Z hvw”Q| gvQ¸‡jvi w`‡K wb‡¶c bv K‡i †Zvgv‡K Avgiv cvnv‡oi av‡i Szwj‡q ivLe Ges †Zvgv‡K †Q‡o †`Iqv n‡e|Ó

†PvivKvievwiiv Avgv‡K ZLb Ic‡i IVv‡jv| Iiv Avgv‡K wbPz Ki‡Z jvMj hZ¶Y bv Avgvi wPeyK Nvm ¯úk© Kij| Avgvi nvZ w`‡q gvwU‡Z GKUv fi w`‡Z ejj|

Zviv Avgv‡K †mLv‡b g„Zz¨i Rb¨B Zz‡jwQj| Avwg hLb Avgvi cÖk¯— †Lvjv Ke‡ii Ic‡i SyjwQjvg Avgvi fvebv¸‡jv ZLb cvwo Rwg‡qwQj jywm Avi †QvÆ A¨v‡j·-Gi Kv‡Q, †fvMvwš— Avi `ytL K‡ói Kv‡Q hv Zv‡`i Rb¨ A‡c¶v KiwQj|

Avwg †ewk¶Y a‡i ivL‡Z cvijvg bv| Avgvi kw³ wbt‡kl n‡q wM‡qwQj| Avwg Avgvi nvZ aiv †_‡K †Q‡o w`jvg|

wKš‘ bv! Avwg evqy¯—‡ii ga¨fv‡M cwZZ njvg bv, †Kv‡bv wkjvL‡Ûi mv‡_ av°v †Ljvg bv Ges Avwg g‡i hvBwb! Avgvi cv gvÎ K‡qK Bw Wy‡e †Mj Ges Zvici gvwU ¯úk© Kij! GwU ¯^cœ wQj bv! Avwg Ávb nvivjvg Ges gvwU‡Z c‡o †Mjvg|

Avwg cybivq hLb Ávb wd‡i †cjvg, ZLb †fvi n‡q †M‡Q| Avwg †fRv gvwU‡Z ï‡qwQjvg| Avgvi cv‡k wQj `yÕRb †jvK| Avgvi Kwâi euvab †Lvjv wQj| Avwg Ic‡ii w`‡K we¯§‡q ZvKvjvg, Avwg Av‡`Š GB c„w_ex‡Z bvwK Ab¨ †Kv_vI AvwQ|

ÒAvgvi Lye fv‡jv jvM‡Q Rbve, †kl ch©š— Avcwb †PvL Ly‡j‡Qb,Ó Zv‡`i GKRb †jvK ejj| Avwg †PvL eo eo K‡i ZvKvjvg| Avwg mgy`ªZx‡i bB| Avgvi cv‡k †Kv‡bv wkjvLÛ †bB| Avwg ïay PK ce©‡Zi GKwU M‡Z©i †fZi ï‡qwQjvg| MZ©wU AMfxi wQj, MfxiZvq bq dz‡UiI Kg wQj|

Bmv‡ejv nviDW-Gi ÒKv÷gm& Awdmv‡ii MíÓ †_‡K msM„nxZ|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The word’Guard1 has been used in this story to mean.
  3. save                   ii.   control                   iii. protest                    iv.  protect
  4. In this story the officer said to himself “my thought flew off to Lucy and and Alex. What do you mean by the underlined word?
  5. small in size ii.   short                      iii. baby                       iv. miniature
  6. Who will be sufferer after the death of Alfred Harvey?
  7. countrymen ii.  townsmen               iii. family members      iv.  customs men
  8. The officer lost his—.
  9. sense ii.  money                    iii. memory                  iv.   wrist watch
  10. The officer prayed to God for his wife and son —.
  11. quite unconsciously ii.  consciously

iii. subconsciously   iv. super consciously

  1. The leader paid attention — the his men.
  2. for                       ii.   to                           iii. on                           iv.    upon
  3. Lucy’s eyes were—.
  4. black                  ii. blue                          iii. whitich                   iv.   blacklist

Extra Practices

  1. Death for man is—.  
  2. inescapable          ii.  escapable                iii. impossible              iv.  acceptable
  3. The officer prayed to God to—.
  4. protect his son only ii.   protect his whole family

iii. give him much wealth                             iv. save him from death

  1. Which of the states were waiting for Alfred’s family?
  2. suffering and sorrow ii.  peace and happiness

iii. weal and woe                                          iv. wealth and riches

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. a) What was the officer sure about?
  3. b) What is his opinion about the smugglers wives and children?
  4. c) Who praised Lucy?
  5. d) Why did the smugglers lift the officer over the edge?
  6. e) When did the officer get back his sense?

Extra Practices

  1. f) Where was he lying?
  2. g) Describe the officer’s condition in the last scene in the story.
  3. h) Who was Alex?
  4. i) Who made untie the officer?
  5. j) Why did the officer think that he would not die?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

Educated in Dr. Khastagir Govt. Girls’ school, Chittagong and Eden College in Dhaka Pritilata was born in Chittagong on may 5th, 1911.  She finally did her graduation in philosophy from Bethune College Calcutta with distinction. All through her life she had been a revolutionary and acted against British domination. She fought for two things together; freedom from British and freedom from gender. She was so much zealous that she took arms training to materialize her dream. She became the Head mistress of Nandan Kanon Arpana Charan High School in Chittagong. While serving as the Headmistress she got herself involved in Surya Sen’s armed resistance movement.

Surya Sen was then a famous organizer of armed resistance movement against the British invaders. In 1932 Surya Sen planned an attack on the Paharatali European Club. European club for an ignominious sign “Dogs and Indians not allowed”. Surya Sen assigned her to attack the club along with 10-12 followers. The raid succeeded but Pritilata dressed as male failed to come out of the club. She swallowed potassium cyanide to avoid arrest. Her courageous suicide proved that women could equally sacrifice themselves like men for the cause of liberty. Her dream came true after her death.

e½vbyev` : ˆK‡kv‡i PÆMÖv‡gi W. Lv¯ÍMxi miKvwi ¯‹z‡j Ges XvKv B‡Wb K‡j‡R wkÿv cÖvß cÖxwZjZv, 1911 mv‡ji 5B †g PÆMÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| †KvjKvZv †e_yb K‡jR †_‡K `k©b kv‡¯¿ wWmwU¼kb wb‡q wZwb we.G. cvk K‡ib| mviv Rxeb e¨vcx wZwb m„wó we‡ivax Av‡›`j‡b mswkøó wQ‡jb| wZwb weªwUk kvmb †_‡K gyw³ I bvix ¯^vaxbZv G `yB gyw³i Rb¨ GK mv‡_ jowQ‡jb| wZwb G e¨vcv‡i G‡ZvB Drmvnx wQ‡jb †h, cÖ¯‘wZ wn‡m‡e wZwb A¯¿ cÖwkÿY †bb, Zuvi ¯^cœ ev¯ÍevwqZ Ki‡Z| wZwb PÆMÖvg b›`b Kvbb Ac©Yv PiY D”P we`¨v‡ji cÖavb wkwÿKv wbhy³ nb| †m mg‡qB Zwb m~h©‡mb cwiPvwjZ weªwUk we‡ivax mk¯¿ msMÖvg Av‡›`vj‡b Rwo‡q c‡ob|

m~h©‡mb wQ‡jb ZLb weL¨vZ mk¯¿ wecøev`x| 1932 mv‡j m~h© †mb, cvnvoZwj BD‡ivcxqvb K¬ve Avµg‡Yi cwiKíbv K‡ib| BD‡ivcxqvb K¬v‡e ZLb GKwU mvBb‡evW© wQ‡jv, Zv‡Z AZ¨šÍ N„Y¨ GKUv †jLv wQj ÒKzKzi I fviZxq`‡i cÖ‡ek wb‡la|Ó m~h©‡mb cÖxwZjZv‡K 10-12 mRb mk¯¿ Abymvixmn K¬vewU Avµg‡Y cvVvb| Awfhvb mdj nq wKš‘ cyiyl †e‡k cÖxwZjZv cvjv‡Z cv‡ib wb| mg~n wec` Av›`vR K‡i ew›`Z¡ Gov‡Z, wZwb cUvwkqvg mvqvbvBW †L‡q AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡ib| Zuvi mvnmx AvZ¥Z¨vM w`‡q cÖgvwYZ n‡jv, gyw³i cÖ‡qvR‡b bvixivI cyiy‡li g‡Zv Av‡Z¥vrmM© Ki‡Z cv‡i| Zuvi g„Zz¨i ¯^cœ c~iY n‡qwQ‡jb|

Word Meaning with Synonyms

Word Pronunciation Meaning Synonyms
Graduation (n) MÖ¨vRy‡qkb ¯œvZK  
Philosophy (n) wd‡jv‡mvwd `k©b  
Distinction (n) wWmwU¼kb K…wZZ¡ credit
Domination (n) †Wvwg‡bkb AvwacZ¨/kvmb rule, regime
Materialize (v) g¨v‡UivjvBR ev¯Íei~c actualize
Succeed (v) mvKwmW mdj nIqv gain
Avoid (v) A¨v‡fv‡qW Gwo‡q hvIqv fudge
Sacrifice (v) m¨vKwidvBm DrmM© Kiv resignation
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7

        (a)    Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the word ‘discrimination’?

(i)     dissimilarity     (ii) difference              (iii) resemblance          (iv) hostility

        (b)   Which of the following words describes Pritilata best?

(i)     calm                 (ii) spiritless                 (iii) revolutionary         (iv) timid

        (c)    What does the expression ‘British domination’ mean?

(i)     The ruling attitude of the British.

(ii)   The good policy of England.

(iii) The commercial policy of the British.

(iv)   The foreign assistance of the British.

        (d)   Which of the following statements is true?

(i)     Pritilata was born in Dhaka.                 (ii)   Pritilata was born in Kolkata.

(iii) Pritilata was born in Chittagong.          (iv)   Pritilata was born in 1910.

        (e)    Which of the following statements is False?

(i)     Pritilata was graduated in philosophy.

(ii)   Pritilata did well in her graduation completion exam.

(iii) Pritilata wanted freedom from the British rule.

(iv)   Pritilata died naturally.

        (f)    What does the word ‘suicide’ mean?

(i)     The act of hurting one self.                  (ii)   The act of killing one self.

(iii) The act of going one self medicine service.

(iv)   The act of making one self injured

        (g)    What is the main purpose of the author of the passage?

(i)     To critics Pritilata’s role in the British rule of India.

(ii)   To tell  us about Pritilata.

(iii) To discuss only Pritilata’s educational qualifications.

(iv)   To tell us about Pritilata’s teaching profession.

  1. Answer to the following questions. 2×5=10

(a)    From your reading of the passage write what Pritilata was graduated in.

(b)    Why did Pritilata take arms training? Explain.

(c)    Where was Pritilata the headmistress?

(d)    Describe the names of the educational institutions where Pritilata studied.

(e)    Do you think Pritilata was patriotic? If yes, why?


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