Class 9-10 English 2nd Paper Composition Writing

SSC English 2nd Paper Composition Writing

 List of Composition

  1. Science in Everyday Life/The Wonders of Modern Science/The Triumph of Science/The Blessings of Science.
  2. Newspapers/The role of newspaper in Modern life/Importance of Reading Newspaper/Importance of Newspaper.
  3. Television/Uses and Abuses of Television.
  4. Uses & Abuses of Satellite TV.
  5. The Use of Computer in Daily Life..
  6. Student Life/The Duties of a student.
  7. Physical Exercise.
  8. Value of Time.
  9. Discipline.
  10. Drug Abuse.
  11. Population Problem in Bangladesh/Population Explosion in Bangladesh.
  12. A Journey by Train/A Journey You Have Recently Enjoyed/My Experience of a Journey by Train.
  13. A Journey by Boat.
  14. A Journey by Bus.
  15. My Favourite Hobby/My Hobby/Gardening as My Hobby.
  16. My Favourite Game/My Favourite Sport /The Game I like Most.
  17. My Aim in Life/My Future plan of life.
  18. My Favourite Teacher/The Person I like Most.
  19. My Childhood Memories/Some Sweet Recollections of My Childhood.
  20. My Daily Life/A Typical Day of mine/My Daily Routine.
  21. Prize Giving Ceremony of Our School / sports day.
  22. The Season I like Most/The Spring in Bangladesh.
  23. Rainy season.
  24. Floods in Bangladesh.
  25. The Rivers of Bangladesh.
  26. The Fruits of Bangladesh.
  27. A village Market.
  28. A Village Fair.
  29. Tree plantation.
  30. My Visit to a Historical Place.

r    Composition †jLvi mnR Tips :

  • cÖ_‡gB wk‡ivbvg ev Title wjL‡Z n‡e|
  • Composition Gi m¤¢ve¨ word msL¨v n‡e 250|
  • Composition Gi g~jZ 3wU Ask _v‡K : Introduction, body Ges conclusion|
  • †h wel‡qi Dci Composition †jLv nq Zvi g~jfve mswÿßfv‡e Introduction As‡k wjL‡Z n‡e|
  • welqe¯‘i we¯ÍvwiZ eY©bv avivevwnKfv‡e c¨viv AvKv‡i body As‡k Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z n‡e|
  • conclusion As‡k m¤ú~Y© welqe¯‘i Dci mgvwßm~PK e³e¨ wjL‡Z n‡e|




Science in Everyday Life/The Wonders of Modern Science/The Triumph of Science/

The Blessings of Science

We live in an age (hyM) of science. We cannot think of our modern life without the blessing (Avkxe©v`) of science. Science has given us many things. The inventions (Avwe¯‹vi) of science have made our life easy and comfortable. It has brought the world smaller. Computer, mobile etc. are the recent inventions of science. With the help of these, we can communicate with others within a moment. We see the blessings of science in the field of medical, recreation (we‡bv`b), education, agriculture, transport, construction, industry etc.

In city life, we enjoy mostly the gifts of science. We use computer that can do almost everything. We cannot do (Pj‡Z cvwibv) a single day without using mobile, computer, internet, telephone etc. The blessing of science lights up (Av‡jvwKZ K‡i) streets and houses. Cinema shows, radio, televisions, electronic fans all are gifts of science. Scientific machines and medicines purify (cwiï× K‡i) water. Mills and factories are run with the help of electricity.

Medical science has lessened (Kwg‡q‡Q) human sufferings (†fvMvwšÍ) and it has increased the joys of life. Penicillin,   x-ray, biopsy, ultra sonogram, E.C.G. etc. are the wonders of modern science. Complicated (RwUj) medical treatment is also provided by the doctors who use scientific measures (gvc) in every step of their work.

In the field of education, science has widened (cÖ¯^¯’ K‡i‡Q) our horizon of knowledge. We can read printed books with the help of science. Students and teachers can easily get their necessary information’s on the in internet.

In the field of agriculture, science has invented tractors, power tillers, power pumps etc. Besides, the use of scientific measures has increased the quantity of crops. All these inventions have benefited (jvfevb K‡i‡Q) us.

Science has added a new dimension (gvÎv) in the case of communication system. It has invented aeroplanes, buses, trains, steamers, rockets, launches etc. All these inventions have removed the distance of place. Thus, science has saved our valuable time. We can now travel hundreds of miles within a short time.

However, science is not mere (wbQK) blessing. Sometimes it becomes a curse. It becomes curse during war. Some destructive weapons (aŸsmvZ¡K A¯¿) are used in killing people. People also use the inventions of science in different kinds of evil (Amr) purposes.

The inventions of science are no doubt blessing for us. It has done a lot for the development of human civilization. We are mostly (A‡bKvs‡k) dependent on the inventions of modern science in our everyday life.

Newspapers/The role of newspaper in Modern life/Importance of Reading Newspaper/

Importance of Newspaper


A newspaper is a paper that gives us news of day to day (ˆ`bw›`b) happenings (NUbv) of the different parts of the world. It is one of the blessings of the modern civilization. We cannot think of modern life without the newspaper.

The first newspaper was published in China. Venice of Italy was the first place where the first newspaper saw the light of the day (w`‡bi Av‡jv) in Europe. During the reign (kvmbvg‡j) of Elizabeth it was published in England. The “Indian Gazette” published in 1774 was the first newspaper in the sub-continent (Dcgnv‡`k). “The Samachar Darpan” brought out by the Missionaries of Sree Rampur was the first Bengali newspaper.


There are various kinds of newspapers in the world. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, fortnightlies (lvb¥vwmK), and so on. The daily newspaper carries the news of the daily affairs. It is popular with all sections of people. Other kinds of newspapers are known as periodicals (mvgwqKx) and magazines. They contain articles, stories, literatures, poems and some other items.


Newspaper is very useful to all sections of people. It tells us what is happening at home and abroad (†`k-we‡`‡ki). It is said that, newspaper is a store house of knowledge. It familiarizes (cwiwPZ Kivq) the students with the world outside. Merchants (ewYK) read the newspaper to know the condition of the market, Lovers of sports go through (c‡o) them to get the sports news, and Politicians come to know the political news of the world. The employment seekers (PvKzix cÖv_©xiv) get useful information in it. It is for all these reasons newspapers are a great concern to all.


Newspaper leads (cwiPvwjZ K‡i) the people and nation in right way. But this is often ignored (D‡cwÿZ). As the newspapers are owned by different political parties, they provide news and express views (gZvgZ cÖKvk K‡i) in their own way (wbR¯^ c×wZ‡Z). Really speaking, newspapers sometimes suppress (`gb K‡i) the truth and spread (Qovq) lies. Hence newspaper is not always an unmixed blessing (AwewgwkªZ Avkxe©v`). Napoleon said, “Four hostile (kÎæ fvevcbœ) newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets”.


In spite of its draw-backs (AcKvwiZv) newspaper is the most useful thing in modern life. We cannot think of a day without it. If we do not read it, we shall be like the frogs (e¨vO) in a dark well (AÜKvi Kz‡qvq). It is a looking glass of the modern world. So, all of us should read it regularly.

Television/Uses and Abuses of Television


Television is one of the greatest discoveries (Avwe®‹vi) of modern science. John Bayard invented (D™¢veb K‡i‡Qb) the television in 1925. The word ‘television’ has come from the latine word ‘tele’ and greek word ‘vision’. Tele means distance (`~iZ¡) or far and vision means sight. Therefore television means ‘far sight’ (`yi`k©b).

Television is one of the most modern means (gva¨g) of communication ideas and thoughts (wPšÍv-aviv). We hear the speeches of the world famous personalities.  It serves much more than a radio. It is like a stage where performers (Kzkxje) are seen and heard. It gives us news on national and international matters.

Television is a source of recreation. After day’s hard work, we sit before a television set and hear music and songs. We enjoy drama, dance and many other things.

Television has a great educative value. It teaches the illiterate and students. We hear and enjoy debates, lectures (e³…Zv) on various important topics, discussion on science and speeches through television. It has broken the wall between the literate and illiterate.

Now a days, people need not go to stadium to enjoy a game. They sit before television and enjoy football, cricket and other games and sports.

Television has made the world small. It has conquered (Rq K‡i‡Q) time and distance. People need not spend huge money (wecyj A_©) to go abroad. We get familiar with the customs and traditions, fashions and dresses and culture of the people of different part of the world through television.

Television has some demerits too (AcKvwiZvI). Young people most often watch the exciting (D‡ËRbvKi) films on violence (msNvZ) and crime (Aciva). They also see the obscene (Akøxj) films and naked (bMœb„Z¨) dances. All these things leave (†d‡j) a damaging effect (ÿwZKi cÖfve) on their mind.

In spite of its draw-backs, television is an important medium of mass communication. It plays an important role in our daily life.

Uses & Abuses of Satellite TV


Television channel broadcast (cwiPvwjZ) by using satellite is called satellite channel. Now-a-days (AvRKvj) satellite channel is a very familiar name to us. It has added (†hvM K‡i‡Q) a new dimension in television telecasting (cÖPvibvq). In fact, it has brought about a great change in the world of entertainment, education, and information. There are thousands of satellite channels around the world. A wide range (wekvj ˆewPΨgq) of programmes of varied interests are telecast on these channels. These programmes are not only entertaining but also highly informative and educative. There are some channels which help us to gather knowledge from every hook and corner of the world. These channels help us to broaden our outlook (`„wófw½) and break down prejudices (Kzms¯‹vi). But there is no unmixed blessing on earth. So, satellite channels have some demerits too. Some channels telecast obscene, vulgar, and indecent (Kzrwmr) programmes which develop (evwo‡q †`q) domestic discord (cvwievwiK weev`) and adultery and accelerate (Z¡ivwš^Z K‡i) social and moral degradation (ˆbwZK Aeÿq). These indecent programmes leave a bad influence on the soft minds (Kgj g‡b) of our young generation. Watching these violent and indecent programmes, our young generation is drifting away (`~‡i m‡i hv‡”Q) from our own culture, tradition, music, entertainment and modes of life. Their taste and modes of life are being influenced (cÖfvweZ) greatly by some satellite channels and they are becoming uncontrolled (wbqš¿Ynxb) gradually. Some channels are causing cultural decay and moral degeneration. So, we should be more cautious to allow children to watch such programmes that may hamper (ÿwZ K‡i) their career. We should allow telecasting only the selected programmes which highlight our traditional and social values. For this purpose a government policy should be enforced (Kvh©Ki Kiv) to permit the programmes which are decent and beneficial. The channels which are causing cultural decay should be strictly prohibited (K‡Vvifv‡e wbwl×). We should remember the proverb that from the same flower bees gather honey and spiders gather poison.

The uses of computer in Daily Life

Computer is one of the most brilliant (AmvaviY) gifts of science. It is constantly (cÖwZwbqZ) being updated to make our lives better. In fact it is a wonderful electronic brain that we have come to rely (wbf©i Kiv) on in our everyday life. This device (hš¿) was originally developed by Charles Babbage.

Computer has been proved (cÖgvwYZ) a friend and servant of science, technology and industry. Most offices, shops, factories and industries use computers. The internet on a computer is a storehouse of information. Computer is a boon (†mŠfvM¨) to all. It has made the world a global village (ˆewk¦K MÖvg) today.

Computer has influenced every field of activity. It helps us in solving many difficult problems of multiple (eû) calculations. Computer has a huge memory. It can hold (aviY Ki‡Z cv‡i) large amount of data.

It has reduced (Kwg‡q‡Q) the paperwork. The traffic (hvbevnb) in large cities is controlled by computers. Automation in banks and railway stations has provided relief (¯^w¯Í w`‡q‡Q) to the public. Ticketing and reservation (msiÿY) have become more efficient (my`ÿ) and convenient (myweavRbK). It is used to investigate (cixÿv-wbixÿv) disease accurately. Business transactions (e¨vemvwqK †jb‡`b) are easily managed by using computers.

Computer is the backbone (†giæ`Ê) of information technology (Z_¨-cÖhyw³). One can also apply (Av‡e`b Kiv) for a job or admission (fwZ©) in a college by filling the application form online. Computer helps to save our time and energy (mgq I kw³). One can also see results of any examination on the internet.

Computer has also some disadvantages (Amyweav). Many students waste their time playing computer games. The rises (DÌvb) of cyber crime, the use of chat rooms for indecent discussion and certain websites which deal in pornographic material have been noticed.

But the advantages and importance outweigh (Qvwo‡q †M‡Q) the disadvantages. Through computerization, the world has become a global village today.

Student Life/The Duties of a student

There are different stages (wewfbœ ch©vq) of human life. Student life is one of them. This time is spent for (e¨q nq) earning knowledge (ÁvbvR©‡b) and education. In this period, students prepare themselves for future stages of life. So, student life is called the seed time (exR ec‡bi mgq) of future life. Besides study, students have some extra-curricular and social activities.

The first and foremost (cÖavb) duty of students is to study. Leaving study, students should not engage (wbhy³ nIqv) in other activities. At first, they must complete their class syllabus. Extra class work in everyday routine should be done regularly. For this, they have to be punctual (mgqwbô), well-disciplined (ï-k„•LwjZ) and devoted to study. Next, they can read other books like novel, poetry, essay, short story and newspapers for extra knowledge (evowZ Ávb).

Proper use of time is essential (AZ¨vek¨K) for students. If they waste time, they will not be able to reach (†cuŠQv‡bv) their goal. They must know that success depends on the proper use of time. They should realize (†evSv) that lost time can never be regained (wd‡i cvIqv). Even, they should spend their leisure (Aemi) time in a fruitful (djcÖmy) way.

After keeping their study well, students may indulge (wb‡qvwRZ nIqv) in other extra-curricular and social activities. They should participate (AskMÖnY Kiv) in games and sports. Physical exercise is necessary for them. Without a good health, their education might be a failure. They should come forward (GwM‡q Avmv) to help the affected people during flood, cyclone, etc. They also can literate (wkwÿZ Kiv) the illiterate people.

Students should have their aims (D‡Ïk¨). They will be the leaders of their nation in future and run (Pvjv‡e) their country. So, they should prepare themselves well so that their nation can be benefited (DcK…Z) by them.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise means the regular movement of the limbs of our body for blood circulation and activeness of body and mind. To keep our body and mind fit, physical exercise is obviously required (Aek¨B `iKvi). A tool made of iron is spoilt by rust (ay‡jv) if we do not use it for a long time. In the similar way, a body without necessary movement becomes weak. Diseases can easily attack an idle (Ajm) man. Indeed, it is natural that life is not static (w¯’i) rather dynamic (MwZkxj).

There are many kinds of physical exercise. Walking, swimming, running etc. are good forms of exercise. Walking is suitable (Dchy³) for the men of all ages but swimming is appropriate for tender-age (Aí-eqm). All games and sports are good physical exercises. Football, cricket, Ha-du-du, Kanamachi are some games which are really good as physical exercise. Gymnastics are also great exercise but not suitable for all. Meditation is also a kind of exercise.

Healthy people are required (`iKvi) for the development of a country. A jolly (Lywk) mind takes shelter (Avkªq) in healthy body. And to keep good health physical exercise is essential. So, directly or indirectly physical exercise helps develop a resourceful (m¤ú`kvjx) nation. Health is not a gift of chance. We have to acquire (AR©b) it. Here lies (wbwnZ) the importance of physical exercise.

We have to follow the rules of exercise. Punctuality and regularity are the prerequisite (c~e©kZ©) of physical exercise. Irregular exercise or over (AwZwi³) exercise may have negative impacts (†bwZevPK cÖfve) on health. We should be careful about taking food. Without balanced diet, physical exercise may not work. It is unwise (†evKvwg) to take exercise with an empty stomach (Lvwj †c‡U). So we, all should take physical exercise to enjoy a sound health.

Value of Time

The value of time is limitless (Amxg) and it cannot be measured. Human life is short but he has to do a lot of work within the short span of time (mg‡qi ¶z`ª cwim‡i). There is no alternative (weKí) to make our life successful without the proper use of time.

There is a proverb –“Time and Tide wait for none”. Lost money, wealth or health may be regained. But lost time can never be found again. If any work is not finished in time it may not be finished at all. As time is fleeting (`ªæZ dzwi‡q hv‡”Q), every work must be done in time.

We should make a proper division (mwVK wefvRb) of our time and do our duties properly. Only then (†Kej ZLwb) we will be able to be successful in every stage of our life. No great work can be done without a strong sense of time. History teaches us that all the great persons led their lives to top of success making the best use of time.

Misuse (Ace¨venvi) of time is a great crime. It makes a man’s life barren (Lvwj) like a desert (giæf‚wg) and also gossiping, speaking, ill of others (ciwb›`v), useless work and watching vulgar (Akøxj) films. Many of us say that they have no time for doing everything in this short time. Thus, many cheat (†avKv †`q) themselves and they can do nothing but repent (AbyZvc) in the long run.

The children should learn the value of time from their childhood. This sense (†eva) will make them punctual. The punctual can read, write, work, pray, play, tour and do other thing timely and properly. In fact, they not only do their duties properly but also enjoy themselves sufficiently (h_v_©fv‡e). Because they never put off any work for tomorrow.

God has sent us to this beautiful earth as the best creation to do all kinds of good deeds. And anything good can be achieved only through making the best use of time. So, we should spend every moment in useful works. Only then we will be able to make our life valuable, glorious (†MŠiegq) and to reach our goal.



Discipline means obedience (AvbyMZ¨) to certain rules and regulations which are essential for the maintenance (iÿYv‡eÿY) of law, order, justice and punishment. Man lives in a society. He is to live with others and obey discipline for maintaining peace in the society.

Everything within the universe (wek¦) is conducted (cwiPvwjZ) by discipline. Breach (f½) of discipline brings downfall (cZb). If every man does as he likes, there will be chaos (wek„•Ljv) in the society. So, the importance of discipline is very great. We should follow discipline to be successful in the battle of life (Rxeb-hy×).

Discipline is very essential in the army. Everyone in the army has to lead (cwiPvjbv) a disciplined life. A small group of military is more capable (mÿg) to win a battle than a large group of military which suffers from lack (Afve) of discipline.

Discipline is necessary in student life. by learning discipline, a student can be a successful citizen in future. The student who learn discipline from their early life can tackle (mgvavb Kiv) any problem in his future life.

The institution that follows discipline runs well. But it fails when it is without discipline. A good institution follows rules and regulations strictly (K‡Vvifv‡e).

The planets (bÿÎivwR) move in discipline. As a result, there is no possibility of clash (msNl©) and conflict (Ø›Ø) among them. Thus discipline can be learnt from the disciplined (k„•LwjZ) movement of the planets.

Discipline brings success for one who follows it. The great men of the world followed discipline strictly. They never did anything against rules and regulations. We should follow their life style (Rxeb c×wZ) to be successful in life.

Discipline is development. Discipline draws (Uv‡b) a sharp line (Zx² †iLv) of distinction between men and beasts (cï). So, we should be careful of the importance of discipline in our life.


Drug Abuse

Drug addiction means strong attraction (Zxeª AvKl©Y) for drugs. It is a global problem. At present it has become a burning question (AZ¨šÍ cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖkœ) in our country. It is found in rural and urban (kû‡i) areas.

Frustration (nZvkv) is the main cause of drug addiction. Failure in love, unemployment (†eKviZ¡), political unrest (Aw¯’iZv), social unrest, family conflict, lack of family ties (eÜb), lack of love and affection etc. are greatly responsible (cÖavbZ `vqx) for it.

Mainly the young boys and girls are the victims of drug addiction. Drug addiction has harmful effect on the mind and body of the addicts. Drug kills human beings slowly but surely. It destroys (aŸsm K‡i) physically, mentally and morally. It gradually leads men to death.

Drug addiction causes cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory diseases. It damages the nerve system of the body and brain. So, the addicts cannot lead a normal life. They lose appetite (¶zav) for food and cannot sleep.

To manage the money, the addicts commit (K‡i) social crimes like stealing (Pzwi), hijacking, looting, killing, robbery, etc. It is high time to take proper steps to control drug addiction. The causes of frustration should be removed. According to the law, drug business is a punishable offence (kvw¯Í‡hvM¨ Aciva). The highest punishment is death. Now the law must be enforced strictly.

The young boys and girls should be made aware of the evils of drugs. Public awareness (Rbm‡PZbZv) should be raised against this addiction. Mass media can play an important role in this regard. The parents should take proper care of their children. Children must be treated with love and affection. Moral teaching should be given to them. The government as well as the conscious (m‡PZbZv) people should work together to get rid of (gyw³) this curse of drug addiction. Otherwise (Ab¨_vq), as a nation we will fall into a great danger.

Population Problem in Bangladesh/Population Explosion in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has so many problems and crises (m¼U). Population problem is one of the most serious problems among them. It hampers the development of our country.

Undoubtedly (wbtm‡›`‡n) Bangladesh is a densely (NY) populated small country. Her area is about 55,598 square miles. In this small area, she contains (aviY K‡i) more than 160 million people. The rate (nvi) of density is about 2,698 per square miles which is absolutely surprising (Avðh©RbK) and every day the rate is increasing. So, It becomes very difficult for Bangladesh to provide her citizens food, clothing, housing, communication, medical service, employment, education and all other fundamental demands (†gŠwjK Pvwn`v).

Bangladesh mostly depends on agriculture for her economy. She has very few mineral (LwbR) products. She is not self-sufficient (AvZ¥-wbf©ikxj) in food. She is not industrially developed. So, she is not able to export her industrial or agricultural products. Besides she is to face natural calamities (`y‡h©vM) every now and then. So, Bangladesh is to import (Avg`vwb) many necessary things every year. Increasing population keeps so much pressure (AZ¨waK Pvc) on the economic development of Bangladesh.

Over population is creating so many problems. Poverty, hunger, malnutrition (Acywó), diseases, restlessness (Aw¯’iZv), disorder, illiteracy, backwardness (cðvrc`Zv), unemployment, frustrations are on the increase for over population. In brief, over population has become a national problem of Bangladesh. So, it is high time we took necessary steps for population control.

To control population, we have to go to our villages at first. About eighty percent people live in villages. Most of them are illiterate. They do not realize (†evSv) the importance of family planning (cwievi cwiKíbv). They do not know how to control (wbqš¿Y) population. Religious misinterpretations interrupt them to adopt family planning. So, we have to raise consciousness among the village people.

Recently, Bangladesh Government has taken some necessary steps to control population. Besides, different electronic media are presenting cautionary (mZK©Zvg~jK) programmes regarding (wel‡q) the solution of the population problem of Bangladesh. We can hope that we will be successful in population control in near future.


A Journey by Train/A Journey You Have Recently Enjoyed/My Experience of a Journey by Train

A journey by train is always fascinating (†ivgvÂKi) and interesting to almost everyone. It charms mind and makes us happy. During the last winter vacation, I got an opportunity to make a journey by train with my family members from Dhaka to Rajshahi.

My uncle lives in Rajshahi and he invited us to attend (†hvM`vb) the marriage ceremony of his elder daughter at his house. After discussion, my father decided to go there by train. It was 11 December, 2015. We got up early in the morning, took preparation and reached Kamlapur Railway Station by bus. My father bought four tickets for the Ekota Express.

We got into the train and took our seats. Within a few minutes, the train started to move slowly at about 7.30 am and gradually attained (jvf K‡i) speed. I noticed (jÿ Kijvg) the passengers reading newspapers and heard them talking on different topics. As I had my seat by the window, I could see outside easily. I was enjoying the beautiful sights and sounds of nature. I saw jute, sugarcane (B¶z), and paddy fields, beautiful houses and trees. All these seemed to be running back (†cQ‡b †`Šov‡”Q). The village women were seen carrying pitchers (Kjmx) of water, farmers were seen working in the fields and young boys, girls and children were shivering (Kuvc‡Q) in cold. I was enjoying everything to my heart’s content (Z…wß mnKv‡i).

As it was an intercity train, it did not stop in many stations and was not very crowded. There were a few hawkers in the train selling boiled eggs, chanachur and betel leaf. In this way we passed ten hours and at last reached Rajshahi Railway Station at 5 pm. My uncle was waiting for us. After coming out of the station, we were greeted cordially.

Thus the train journey came to an end. The journey was a short one but it gave me much pleasure and experience. It was the most pleasant (Avb›“vqK) journey in my life, and its memory will remain ever fresh in my mind.

A Journey by Boat

A journey is a source (Drm) of pleasure to me. A journey by boat is more interesting to me than any other journey. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. So, it is easy to enjoy a journey by boat here.

During the last autumn (kirKvj) our school was closed. It was a suitable time for me to have a journey. That time my friend invited me. It was much easier to reach my friend’s house by boat. So, I decided to make the journey by boat. I proposed some of my cousin to join me to make the journey more interesting. Two of my cousin accepted my proposal (cÖ¯Íve) and accompanied (m½ w`‡qwQ‡jv) me.

It was a five-kilometre journey. We had hired (fvov wb‡qwQjvg) a boat. We started at 3 pm. Two boatmen (gvwS) steered (Pvjv‡jb) the boat smoothly (wbwe©‡Nœ©). They were very expert (`ÿ). The weather was calm (kvšÍ) and quiet. Gentle breeze (g„`y evZvm) was pushing the soil. So the journey was very nice. It took one hour to reach our destination (MšÍe¨). During the journey we had a lot of enjoyment. The boat was dancing (`yj‡ZwQ‡jv) on the small waves and it thrilled (wknwiZ K‡iwQ‡jv) me much. We also enjoyed a ‘Bhatiali’ song sung by the boatmen. We were delighted at the sight on both the banks of the river. Some fishermen were catching fish. Many children were bathing (†Mvmj KiwQ‡jv) and swimming in the river. I saw some young girls and women taking water from the river. When the sun was setting in the western horizon (cwðg w`MšÍ), the scene gave us a nice view and it increased (evwo‡q w`‡qwQ‡jv) our joy.

It was really a nice journey and I will ever remember this journey. I wish I could make a journey like this in the following year.


A Journey by Bus

It was the month of December. My annual examination was over. My parents decided (wm×všÍ wb‡jv) to go to my uncle’s house at Jamalpur by bus. Hearing (ï‡b) the news my heart danced (†b‡P DV‡jv) with joy. It was 25th December 2015.We got into the bus at Mohakhali Bus Terminal on due time (h_vh_ mg‡q).

It was winter. The bus started at 6 am. I sat beside a window looking outside through it. The sun was rising with all its splendid (PgrKvi) beauty. Within an hour of leaving (Qvovi) the urban areas, our bus began running at a high speed along the road with green fields on both sides. I gazed at the houses, trees and meadows (PviYf‚wg) through the window with a cheerful mind. Things came to my vision and vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Everything on either side seemed running swiftly to the opposite direction.

When the bus was running through the forest of Modhupur Ghar, the tall trees with green leaves overhead (gv_vi Dc‡o) gave a nice view. I was really charmed at the green panoramic beauties of Nature. It filled my heart with great joy. The bus ran at a stretch (GKUvbv) without stopping for three hours. It then stopped at a place for a short-break. There was a resturant by the roadside. We got down from the bus and had light (nvjKv) refreshment there.

After a few minutes the bus began its journey again crossing the green fields on both the sides of the road. This time we saw bare-bodied youngsters (Lvwj Mv‡qi hyeK‡`i) tending (Pov‡”Q) cattle and grown up people working in the field. Occasionally we saw village women and girls bathing and washing clothes in the ponds. At about 12 noon, we reached Jamalpur. Thus our journey came to an end.

The journey by bus was really a pleasant one. I can hardly (K`vwPr) forget the sweet memory of this journey. The scene of the journey peeps (DuwK †`q) into my mind when I become tired of the monotonus urban life.


My Favourite Hobby/My Hobby/Gardening as My Hobby

Hobbies are the activities (Kvh©µg) that we do for pleasure at our leisure. More or less everybody has some hobbies like swimming, gardening, fishing, stamp collecting, travelling, reading books, etc. I am a student of class eight. I like to spend my leisure time by reading novels, collecting stamps, gardening etc. Among them my favourite hobby is gardening.

As a student I have to work hard for study. So, I need rest and diver­sion (ˆewPΨ). Gardening provides (†`q) all these. It makes my leisure time fruitful and enjoyable. I have a garden in front of my reading room. Every afternoon, I work in my garden. I make the soil loose (wXjv Kiv) with the spade. I weed out (wbivwb †`B) the grass and plant (†ivcb Kwi) flower plants. I have made a fence (†eov) around my garden. Every morn­ing when I go to my garden, my joys know no bounds. A good number of flowers bloom (†duv‡U). They charm me much. I like all the flowers but I love the rose most.

The importance of hobby is not less (Kg bq). It refreshes my mind. It makes me forget the troubles and worries (`ywðšÍ) of my life. The great persons of the world had their favourite hobbies too. Whenever they became tired for hard work, they returned to their respective (wbR¯^) hobbies. For example, Einstein played on (evRv‡Zb) his violin and Byron took pleasure in fishing. Napoleon loved to play with children and read the dramas of Shakespeare.

Gardening is an exercise. Working in the garden makes me fit and healthy. The garden provides me with fresh air and smell. It refreshes my mind. My garden is not only a source of joy but also a source of income. Sometimes, I sell flowers from my garden and earn my pocket money. I think every student must have a hobby like this.


My Favourite Game/My Favourite Sport /The Game I like Most

Every sports lover has their favourite games. I like many games like ha-du-du, football, cricket, volleyball, etc. but the game which I like most is football. Football is an international game and it is played all over the world. It was first played in England. It was the most popular game in Bangladesh for long years. At present (eZ©gv‡b) cricket has the best popularity but Football is still (GL‡bv) a popular game here. No game is as exciting (D‡ËRbvKi) to me as football.

The rules (wbqg) of playing football are easy. Football is played between two teams. Each team consists (MwVZ) of eleven players. Some extra (AwZwi³) players are kept (ivLv nq) ready for change (e`wj) when necessary. Each team has a goal-keeper. The result of the game depends on goals.  A referee conducts the game. Two linesmen help the referee. The duration (mgq/e¨vwß) of the game is 90 minute. There is an interval (weiwZ) after 45 minutes. The players change their sides (Ae¯’vb) at the end of the first half.

Football is undoubtedly (wbtm‡›`‡n) a popular game over the world. The spectators (`k©K) of football cross those of any games. Pele, Maradona, Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar have won the heart of the people of the world. They have become the living legends (wKse`šÍx) of the world.  Many events of football are held over the world in every year but the FIFA world cup is the best of all. It is held in different countries every four years.

Playing football is a good exercise and it is very good for health.  It teaches obedience to rules and leadership (†bZ…Z¡). It develops (evovq) team spirit, fellow feelings and co-operation among the players. It grows the spirit (†ZR) of leadership too. These are really very necessary for us.

Football is not always free (gy³) from negative (†bwZevPK) sides. Too much involvement (mswkøóZv) of the students in the games may affect (ÿwZMÖ¯’ Kiv) their studies. Sometimes, supporters (mg_©K) are seen to get involved in clashes (msNl©). Moreover, players may be injured (AvnZ) seriously and become disabled (Aÿg).

Football is the most favourite game to me because it is full of thrills and excitements. It thrills not only the players but also the spectators. I am not only a spectator of football but also a football player. I think football playing should be developed in our country.


My Aim in Life/My Future plan of life

Many people have no definite (wb`©ó) aim in life. They are like ships without rudders (ˆeVv) and without goals. So, a man who wishes (Pvq) to succeed in life must have a definite aim in his life. My aim in life is to become a doctor.

I like the profession (†ckv) because it is a noble (gnr) profession. The idea came to my head during a vacation (QywU) when I was holidaying at my village home. There before my eyes, I saw the only son of a poor farmer died of a high fever without any medical help. At that night, I realized that only a physician can help one in such a dire (Riæix) moment of one’s life.

But I have chosen (†e‡Q wb‡qwQ) it as my aim in life for some other reasons. More than eighty percent of the people of our country live in villages and they suffer from various diseases for ignorance (AÁZv), poverty, malnutrition (Acywó) and want (Afve) of proper sanitation. But the hospitals and the doctors are very few in rural areas. Most of the doctors hanker after (jvjvwqZ) money and honour and they prefer (cQ›` K‡i) cities and towns to villages as their fields of practice. As a result, many people of the villages die like cats and dogs without proper treatment and medicine. Seeing all these, I have taken decision to become a doctor in my future life.

Now I am preparing myself for this. From class 1X, I have been studying in science group having Biology. I am trying hard to improve (DbœwZ) my result so that I can get admitted into a good medical college. I know that becoming a doctor is not an easy task (KvR). It is hard and also costly (e¨qeûj). My parents also know my aim in life and they always encourage (Drmvn †`q) me to achieve (AR©b) my goal. I am determined (`„pcÖwZÁ) to try my best to achieve my goal in life.

However, after becoming a doctor, I will practice in the villages. I will treat the poor people without any fees. Besides, I will try to make the people conscious about health and sanitation. My best effort would be to serve the suffering humanity. I believe in “To serve (†mev Kiv) man is to serve God”.


My Favourite Teacher/The Person I like Most

I have been taught (†kLv‡bv n‡q‡Q) by many good teachers during my student life. I like most of them. But M A Basar is my favourite teacher. I like him most for a number of reasons. He teaches us English.

Mr Basar is a graduate from Dhaka University. He is really a proficient (`ÿ) and devoted (GKwbô/wb‡ew`Z cÖvY) teacher in English.

His teaching capacity (`ÿZv) is very interesting and attractive. I never feel bored (wei³) in his class. Sometimes, he makes fun with us while teaching. He does this to make our lessons more interesting and hold (AvKl©Y Ki‡Z) our attention. He often teaches us English through question-answer and communicative methods. He always keeps us active in our class. He makes any difficult (KwVb) lesson easy to us. We can learn all the no doubt, he is a very good English teacher.

Mr Basar is a man of some noble qualities. He is not only a teacher but also a friend and guide (w`K wb‡`©kK) to us. He finds (cvb) great delight in working with us. He is very affectionate (†mœncivqb) to us. He is always ready to help us in all possible ways both in our classroom and outside it. He encourages us to learn more and become the worthy (†hvM¨) citizens of the country. He also encourages us to take part in co-curricular (mn-wkÿv) activities.

Moreover, he is a man of high personality (D”P e¨w³Z¡), principle (bxwZ) and character. He praises (cÖmskv K‡ib) us if we do good things. But if we are negligent (Ag‡bv‡hvMx) and if we misbehave (ev‡R AvPib Kwi), he punishes us. If we are punished by him, we never become displeased (Amš‘ó). Rather we feel that it was due for us. I cannot but follow his praiseworthy (cÖmskbxq) personality.

For his proficiency and devotion (fv‡jvevmv) in English, interesting and effective teaching capacity, good human qualities (¸Yvejx), high personality, good character, etc., he is my favourite teacher. So I like him most (AZ¨waK).

Mr Basar is a very proficient and successful (mdj) teacher. I think he is one of the best teachers in our country. He has left a permanent impression (Qvc) on my mind. I will always try to follow him in my life.


My Childhood Memories/Some Sweet Recollections of My Childhood

Man often remembers his past memories as they cheer our hearts and make us forget our sorrows. However, I cannot remember everything of my childhood. But still I remember some past days of my childhood. Most of them are sweet and some are sad.

I spent my childhood in my native (wbR) village. At the age of five I was admitted into our village primary school. I went to school with my father. My heart began to beat fast (`ªæZ bo‡Z jvM‡jv) when I was taken to the Headmaster. But his smiling face (nvwm gyL) and sweet words (wgwó K_v) removed my fear. Most of the teachers seemed (g‡b n‡jv) very good and helpful. However, I went to my classroom and all my classmates received me happily.

During my childhood, I was very restless (Aw¯’i) and curious (DrmyK). A strong desire to know the unknown always worked in me. Every day in the afternoon I used to play football with my friends. My playground was by the bank of the Brahmaputra. Sometimes, I along with my friends used to jump into the river and swim in it. Sometimes we would catch fish in it. I can also remember clearly picking mangoes from the gardens with other children. Sometimes we would forget to have our midday meals. I also remember my going to the village market with my father twice a week.

Some bitter (wZ³) experiences of my childhood are also still fresh in my mind. One day I was attacked (AvµvšÍ) with serious fever at six. My parents became anxious (DwØMœ) and took me to a specialist (we‡klÁ) doctor. They prayed to Allah for my immediate (Awej‡¤^) recovery (Av‡ivM¨). The death of my grandmother, who was very dear to me, was another sad experience. I still remember the face of my grandmother who entertained me with her fairy (cix) tales which I took to (g‡b KiZvg) be true. Her death was a great loss (weivU ÿwZ) for me.

All these childhood memories flash (SjK) into my mind whenever I am alone. I wish I were a child again. But it is not possible because those days are gone and gone forever.


My Daily Life/A Typical Day of mine/My Daily Routine

A student must lead a very disciplined (k„•LwjZ) life. A good student is always punctual (mgqwbô). To maintain (cwiPvjbv Kiv) discipline and punctuality, a student needs a daily routine. Like many other students, I have a daily routine. I try to follow my daily routine so that I can do my work smoothly (gm„bfv‡e).

I am an early riser. I get up at 5 O’clock. After waking up I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I say (cwo) my Fajr prayer. After that, I walk for a while (wKQyÿ‡bi Rb¨) in the cool environment of the morning. I returned home at 6 O’clock and revise my homework. At half past seven, I go to wash room and take my bath. Then, I take my breakfast, put on dress and start for school.

My school starts at half past eight and I always try to reach my school in time. I attend three classes at a stress (GKUvbv) and then get a break. In the class I listen to attentively what my teachers say. As I am a class captain, I am to do (Ki‡Z nq) some extra duty too.

During tiffin period, I chat (†Lvk Mí Kwi) with my close friends while taking tiffin and say my Juhar prayer in the school mosque. Then, I attend two more classes.

My school breaks at 2 pm. I leave my school quickly and go home. Then I wash myself and say my Zuhr prayer. After taking my lunch, I like to have a nap (Nyg). Saying my Asr prayer, I go to playground to play with my friends. I return home before evening.

In the evening, I wash my hand and face, say my Maghrib prayer and sit down to read. I read up to 9 pm. Then, I say my Isha prayer and take my dinner sitting with the other members of my family. At 10:30 pm I go to bed.

During holiday, I visit my relatives. On Friday, I play with my friends in the morning. At noon I say my ‘Jumma Prayer’ in the local mosque. In the evening, I watch TV.

This daily routine of mine (Avgvi) helps me a lot to lead a punctual life. Unless I become sick, I stick (†j‡M _vwK) to my daily routine.


Prize Giving Ceremony of Our School/Sports Day

The prize giving ceremony of a school is always interesting (gRv`vi). Students wait eagerly (AvMÖ‡ni mv‡_) for this ceremony. It is often held (AbywôZ nq) on annual sports day of a school. Prizes are given among the winners as well as the students who have good records and good result. Teachers and staffs are also found to receive presents on this day.

The name of our school is Joypur Sorojine High School. The last prize giving ceremony of our school was very thrilling. It was held in our school campus a few days ago. Our school was well decorated before the day of ceremony. A large stage (gÂ) was built at the south corner of our school field. The chief guest (cÖavb AwZw_) was the DC of our district. Our teachers, guardians and leading people of our locality attended the ceremony. With the recitation from the holy Quran, the function started at 10 a.m. Then we sang our national anthem (RvZxq m½xZ) together. At first, our Headmaster delivered (†`b) his speech highlighting (Av‡jvKcvZ K‡i) the annual report of the school. Then the chief guest delivered his valuable (g~j¨evb) speech which was full of moral lessons (ˆbwZK wkÿv) and suggestions.

Most of the sports events were done on the previous day. Some attractive events such as 100 meter race, high and long jump and pillow changing were left for the day of the ceremony. After completing these events, the prize distribution (weZib) was started. The honourable chief guest delivered a short speech thanking the winners and consoling (mvš—¡bv) the others. Then he gave away prizes among the winners. Our sports teacher helped him in this regard. My joys knew no bounds (mxgv) when I received my prizes from the DC’s hand. I was called three times for prizes. The audience (`k©K-†kªvZv) clapped (Zvwj w`‡jb) loudly each time the winners were receiving their prizes.

The prize giving ceremony came to an end at 5 p.m. After that a cultural (mvs¯‹…wZK) programme was held for entertainment. The annual prize giving ceremony of my school was really exciting. It is one of the most memorable events in my life.


The Season I like Most/The Spring in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is called (ejv nq) the country of six seasons. Every season appears (nvwRi nq/Av‡m) before us with the beauty and blessings (Avkxe©v`) of nature. I like all the seasons but spring is my most favourite season. Of all seasons, spring is the most charming and delightful. It is called the queen of all seasons. Moreover, spring has no terrible (fq¼i) look. Many writers and poets have enriched (mg„× K‡i‡Q) their writing (wjLbx) with the influence of spring.

There is hardly (Lye Kg) anybody who does not love spring. The hot rays (iwk¥) of summer sun are unbearable (Amn). All feel uncom­fortable (A¯^w¯ÍKi) in the hot weather of summer. Heavy sweat (Nvg) comes out from our body. Nobody can work hard. Tanks, ponds, and rivers dry up (ïwK‡q hvq) and people suffer much for this. The sky of the rainy seasons always remains cloudy (†gNjv). It rains all time. Roads become muddy. Lightings (we`y¨r PgK) and thunderbolt (eRªcvZ) frighten (fxZ K‡i) people. Sometimes flood occurs. Poor people cannot go for work and suffer from various problems.

Though autumn is a lovely (g‡bvig) season, it cannot be compared to spring. Autumn cannot provide with all the facilities that spring can. Late autumn is a sweet season but not sweeter than spring. After autumn comes winter. People suffer from dense fog (Nyb Kzqvkv) and biting cold (Zxeª VvÊv). Nature looks gloomy (welbœ) and dismal (bxim). Leafless (cvZvnxb) trees, flowerless garden and sun-less sky make the people cheerless.

Finally spring comes with all its beauties and blessings. Spring is temperate (bvwZkx‡Zvò). It is neither cool nor hot. New leaves grow in trees. Nature becomes green and fresh. A gentle (g„`y) breeze blows (e‡q hvq). Birds sing merrily. Gardens have a lot of flowers. The fragrance (myMÜ) of flowers comes and soothes (kvšÍ K‡i) us. The sky is clear. The sun is bright. There is life everywhere. The sky at night is full of innumerous (AmsL¨) stars.

In spring morning, walking is highly soothing. People feel comfortable in their workplaces. Peace and happiness remain (_v‡K) in their minds. My mind dances with joy to see the beauties of nature in spring. I cannot but love spring.


Rainy season

There are six seasons in Bangladesh. I like all the seasons. but I like rainy season most. Rainy season is my favorite season and perhaps (m¤¢eZ) it is favorite to all. Rainy season comes to us with many pleasant things- and beautiful scence and sounds.

The rainy season is the second season of the year. It comes after summer. It is made up (MwVZ) of Ashar and Sraban. In fact rain sets in (ïiæ nq) our country in the middle of June and lasts (¯’vqx _v‡K) up to the middle of September.

People welcome the rainy season heartily. The season brings heavy rainfall. The sky becomes cloudy. Sometimes we do not see the sun for days together. Sometimes it rains cats and dogs (gyljav‡i). Canals and tanks are filled with rain water.

The season cools and refreshes all. A journey by boat is very interesting in this season. The roads become muddy (K`©gv³) and slippery (wcw”Qj). The rain washes out dirt. It makes our country ever green (wPimeyR). It is also a season of fruits. Mango, black-berry, jack fruit, lichies etc. have buds (cÖùzwUZ nq) on them.

The rainy season is very useful to us. Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Our agriculture mainly depends on this season. Green leaves grow in trees. The cultivation of our country makes the paddy fields ready. Jute plants grow rapidly (`ªæZ).

The rainy season is the most important and useful season in our country.  It is the best of all the season in Bangladesh. We always (me©`v) welcome this season and enjoy its beauty.

Floods in Bangladesh

Flood is one of the most common natural calamities (`y‡h©vM) in Bangladesh. In the rainy season, sometimes heavy rainfall (fvwi e„wócvZ) overflows (cøvweZ K‡i) the bank of river and submerges (Wy‡e hvq) many low lying (wbPz f‚wg) area of Bangladesh. This is called flood. Again, water from the upstream may cause flood. It occurs almost every year in Bangladesh. It causes great havocs to millions of people.

Though floods occur (N‡U) every year in Bangladesh, sometimes it takes terrible shape (fq¼i iƒc). The recent serious floods occurred in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1996 and 1999. These terrible floods affected (ÿwZMÖ¯’ K‡i‡Q) millions of people and engulfed (Zwj‡q w`‡q‡Q) most areas of the country and the miseries (`y`©kv) of the people knew no bounds.

The damages (ÿwZ) caused by flood are beyond description (eY©bvZxZ). It destroys crops, houses and many other valuable things. Cattle die because they do not get food. They lose their shed (†MvqvjNi) during flood. People suffer very much. Railway lines and roads go under water. Transportation system (cwienb e¨e¯’v) is hampered seriously. The most dangerous things are different kinds of diseases which attack the affected people. Diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid, and dysentery are the main diseases during flood. Sometimes, mass death (MYg„Zz¨) occurs for these diseases.

Flood has one good effect. It makes soil fertile (De©i) by supplying alluvial (cvjwjK) soil. Crops grow in plenty (cÖPzi cwigv‡b) next year after the flood. Another good side of flood is volunteer services of the students and many charitable (`vZe¨) organizations. The members of the organizations collect foods, cloths, medicine and distribute (weZib K‡i) them among the affected people.

It is time we took preventive (cÖwZ‡ivag~jK) steps to reduce (Kgv‡Z) the loss of flood. More and more shelters (Avkªq¯’j) for the affected people should be built. The concerned authority should develop better system of irrigation (†mP), transportation and embankments (euva) to control (wbqš¿Y) flood.


The Rivers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is called the country of rivers. So many rivers spread (Qwo‡q Av‡Q) over Bangladesh like the nets (Rv‡ji gZ). The main rivers are the Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna and the Brah­maputra. Besides these, there are a lot of small rivers throughout the country.

The rivers of Bangladesh are blessings (Avkxe©v`) of nature. They are the greatest (me©e„nr) source (Drm) of wealth. The economy of Bangladesh is connected (mshy³) with her river system. As Bangladesh is an agricul­tural country, her agricultural prosperity (DbœwZ) largely depends on the rivers. These rivers have made her soil fertile (De©i) by providing silt (cwj) during flood. The rivers play a great role in transportation system. Boats, launch, steamers, and ferries carry goods and passengers and keep contributions (Ae`vb) to transportation.

Rivers have great contribution to trade and business. Most of the big cities of our country are on the bank of the rivers. Many important river ports (e›`i) have been constructed on the bank of the rivers. Our capital city Dhaka stands on the Burigonga. Many mills and factories are also on the rivers and the products (`ªe¨w`) can easily be transported to various places and markets through (gva¨‡g) the rivers.

Fishes abound (cÖPzi cwigvY) in the rivers of Bangladesh. The fishermen (†R‡jiv) catch fish and sell them in the market. A large quantity (cwigvY) of fish is exported (ißvwb Kiv nq) to foreign countries every year. It contributes to earn much foreign (we‡`k) currency.

The rivers have great influence on man. They inspire (AbycÖvwbZ K‡i) our poets, writers and artists. Many writers of Bangladesh have composed (wj‡L‡Qb) poems, articles, essays and prose on it. Our mind moves with unlimited (mxgvnxb) joy when we see the natural beauties of the sides of the rivers. The boats as well as the different kinds of water vehicles (†bŠhvb) largely charm us.

Rivers have some negative aspects (w`K) too. Sometimes they cause serious floods which damage agricultural crops, wash away houses, cattle and properties. Sometimes, launches sink into the rivers and many passengers die unfortunately (`yf©vM¨ekZ). Apart from these (G‡Zv wKQy m‡Ë¡I), rivers are blessings for us.

The Fruits of Bangladesh

Nature his given us much wealth. Fruits are one of them. Many kinds of fruits are available (cvIqv hvq) in Bangladesh. Among them oranges, mangoes, lichies, jackfruits, guavas, plums (Avjy‡evLviv) etc. are most important.

There are many kinds of summer fruits. Mangoes, jackfruits, the melons, lichies are very common among them. These fruits are very tasty to eat. Their flavour is very sweet. Mango is called the king of all fruits. Jackfruit is a large kind of fruit. It is our national fruit. The rest of them are small in size but very tasty. Pineapple, guava, ‘amra’ etc. are the fruits of the rainy season. Pineapple grows in plenty in sylhet and Rangamati. It is a juicy (imv‡jv) fruit with vitamins. The guava and the amra (Avgov) are very healthy fruits.

Orange, olive, wood apple, plum are the fruits of winter. The winter fruits are favourite to the children.

There are some fruits which taste sour (¯^v‡` wZ³). Among these, lemon (†jey) is the most popular. It has different varieties (ˆewPΨ) of which Kagozi is the best. tamarind (†ZuZzj), ‘Kamranga’ and ‘Batabi’ also taste sour.

Banana and coconut are available throughout the year. The bananas of Rampal and Narsinghdi are famous. People take coconut and banana greatly. They are very helpful for our general health.

Every kind of fruit contains (avib K‡i) various necessary vitamins. We can be healthy by eating those fruits. We can export (ißvwb) our fruits to foreign countries after meeting the demand of our countrymen (†`kevmx). Then our economy will be improved (DbœZ).

The land of our country is very suitable for cultivating different kinds of fruits. And so, we have got various kinds of fruits. They help build up our health. They can also be helpful to build up our national wealth.


A village Market

A village market is very common and necessary place in a village. It is a place where the villagers come to buy and sell things. It is actually a buying and selling center (†K›`ª) for the villagers.

Generally, a village market sits (e‡m) at a place which is easily reachable (bvMvj‡hvM¨) to the villagers. So, the junction (ms‡hvM) of roads, the sides of a river or a canal, place under a banyan tree or any large tree are suitable for a village market.

There are two kinds of village market. They are daily market and weekly market. Daily market is called Bazar. Some daily markets sit both in the morning and in the evening. Again, some daily markets sit only in the evening. Weekly market is called ‘Hat’. It sits once or twice a week.

Most of the village markets have three parts. They are open (Db¥y³) shops, temporary (A¯’vqx) shops and permanent (¯’vqx) shops. In the open shops the sellers (we‡µZviv) sit in rows (mvwi K‡i). Fish, milk, fruits, betel leaves (cvb), betel nut (mycvwi), vegetables etc. are sold there. In the temporary shops oil, rice, salt, pepper (gwiP) etc. are sold. Some grocers (gyw`), tailors, doctors, potters (Kzgvi) etc. sit in the permanent shops.

A village market is very important for the villagers. Most of the daily necessaries are found in a village market. It is the meeting place (wgjb¯’j) of the villagers. There are some tea-stalls in a village market. The villagers exchange (wewbgq K‡ib) their views and opinions (gZvgZ) while taking tea. Another advantage (myweav) of a village market is that the villagers are economically benefited by it. Moreover, the villagers cannot go to distant (`y‡ii) city market every day to buy or sell their common products. The village market meets (c~iY K‡i) their daily needs.

There are some disadvantages (Amyweav) of a village market. It is a noisy (†Kvjvnjgq) and unhealthy place. For heavy crowd (cÖPÊ wfo), some people’s pockets might be picked. Sometimes, odour from the market irritates the people. Especially the fish market is really a dirty place. Moreover, high bargaining (`i KlvKwl) continues between the sellers and the buyers. Buyers may be cheated (cÖZvwiZ) in this case.

Despite (m‡Ë¡I) having some negative aspects (w`K), a village market is important for the villagers. It gives a great service to the rural people. It can be considered (we‡ewPZ n‡Z cv‡i) as the backbone (†giæ`Ê) of the rural economy.


A Village Fair

A village fair is a colourful (iw½b) exhibition held in a particular (we‡kl) place of the village. It is generally held in an open space. Sometimes, it is held on the bank of a river or near a temple (gw›`i). The occasion may be religious or cultural according to the tradition (HwZn¨) of the local people. It may be held on the occasion of Chaitra Sankranti (ˆPÎ msµvwšÍ) or Muhurram or Durga Puja. Nowadays, Baishakhi Mela is being held in many parts of the country.

Men and women of all ages and particularly the children find great delight in visiting the village fair. Various articles are sold in the fair. Of them dolls, fancy goods, sweets and stationary goods are very attractive to the villagers. Clothes of various kinds, ready-made garments, cheap fancy goods, clay pots (gvwUi cvÎ), whistles (euvwk), bamboo flutes, toys, dolls, utensils (nvwZ-cvwZj), cheap sweets, cosmetics etc. have the greatest demand in the fair.

The special attraction of the village fair is its circus party, travelling (åvg¨gvb) jatra party, nagordolas and magic shows. Nowadays cinema parties also show films to the village people. All these keep them spell-bound (gš¿gy») till the fair ends.

A village fair is a means (gva¨g) of recreation, change and social get-together of the village people. It breaks the monotony (GK‡N‡qwg) and boredom (weiw³) of their life. The government should encourage the fairs as they help development of rural arts and crafts. With all this, a village fair is a great charm (AvKl©Y) to the village people.


Tree Plantation

Trees are the most important gift (Dcnvi) of nature. They are inseparable (Awe‡”Q`¨) part of our existence (Aw¯ÍZ¡). Since the dawn (ïiæ) of civilization, man has a close (Nwbô) relationship with trees.

Trees help us in many ways. They are our best friends. They play (iv‡L) an important role in our life and economy. We get fruits, flowers, fuel (R¡vjvwb) and timber (KvV) from trees. Trees keep air fresh and improve our environment. They check (`gb K‡i) soil erosion (ÿq) and save us from flood and storm (So). They give us oxygen and take away carbon dioxide. They help us to keep the ecological (cwi‡ek `~lY msµvšÍ) balance on our earth. They prevent (cÖwZ‡iva K‡i) natural calamities (cÖvK…wZK `y‡h©vM) like flood, drought (Abve„wó), soil erosion (f‚wgÿq), etc. Without trees there will have no rain. They also provide shelter (Avkªq) to birds and animals and add (evovq) beauty to nature. So, considering (we‡ePbv K‡i) all these things we should plant trees more and more in a planned way (cwiKwíZ Dcv‡q).

Lands of this country are highly suitable for the growth (e„w×) and development of trees. Sea beaches, low-lying unused (Ae¨eüZ) lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought under the scheme (cÖKí) of tree plantation. Generally, June and July are the most suitable period for planting trees in our country. There are some trees which can be planted round the year (mviv eQie¨vcx).

The good news is that our people nowadays are more conscious about the importance of trees. The government has also taken a massive (wekvj) programme for tree plantation. This programme should be made popular all over the country. At the same time, we should not ruin (aŸsm Kiv) the forests and destroy the trees. If for our necessity, we cut a tree then we must plant at least two trees. Everyone must come forward in this regard so that we can make our country a land of green beauty.


My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest

A historical (HwZnvwmK) place means (gv‡b) a place which bears (enb K‡i) the testimony (mvÿ¨) of history. It surely has some important past event (AZxZ NUbv) worth (†hvM¨) notable (weL¨vZ) in history. A visit to a historical place is not only interesting but also educative. It is my spontaneous (¯^Ztù‚Z©) habit to visit the historical places of our country whenever I get time and chance because it gives me much pleasure.

Last winter, I visited Bagerhat. The place is famous for the Shat Gombuj Mosque and the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. I along with my two friends started our journey on the fixed day (wba©vwiZ w`‡b), and reached the destination by eight hours’ journey. When we reached there, it was night. So, we spent (KvUvjvg) the night at a residential (AvevwmK) hotel in Bagerhat. Next morning we went out to visit the Shat Gombuj Mosque and the Majar of Khan Jahan Ali. It is three miles away (`~‡i) from Bagerhat and we reached there by rickshaw.

We were surprised to see the architectural (¯’vcZ¨) structures of the mosque. It stands on sixty pillars and has seventy seven exquisitely (wbLyuZfv‡e) curved (eµ/euvKv) domes. The area of mosque is very large and charming. There is a long tank (w`wN) near the mosque named ‘Ghoradighi’. The mosque has been declared (†NvlYv Kiv n‡q‡Q) as a world heritage (HwZn¨) site. In fact, this mosque is one of the greatest tourist (ch©Ub) attractions of Bangladesh. We came to know that this mosque was used not only as a prayer hall but also as a court of justice. We also felt ecstasy (cigvb›`) to see the unique (Abb¨) design of the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. It stands on a raised (DVv‡bv) ground. The tomb (Kei/gvhvi) is made of cutting stone. There is a big tank in front of the mazar. There are some crocodiles in this big tank. When the caretaker (ZË¡veavqK) called them, they came near. It was very interesting. Then we visited many social works of Khan Jahan Ali such as roads, public buildings, etc.

It was a great pleasure for me to be at Bagerhat. It was indeed a rewarding visit. The sweet memory of this visit will remain ever fresh (wPi meyR) in my mind.

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