Class 9-10 English 2nd Paper Model (41-60)

SSC/ Class 9-10 English 2nd Paper Model (41-60)


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
forward gratefulness or appreciation the
for natural the friendship from

Gratefulness is (a) —— acknowledgement and (b) —— of help received (c) —— others. In the society; we cannot do all things alone. Sometimes we need the help of others. We are inter-dependent in the society man. A man may be in danger (d) —— in problem. It is a (e) —— instinct in man to come (f) ——, because of his fellow feeling, (g) —— arid kinship with help for the needy. To acknowledge and appreciate such help is (h) ——. Gratefulness comes from (i) —— depth of the heart and finds its manifestation looks, words and deeds of the grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged (j) —— the benefit he has received.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

People do not eat (a) —— same food all (b) —— the world. The eating habits of the people of a country (c) —— largely on its geographical position, climate and soil. That is to say the (d) —— of food they get (e) ——. For instance people in the tropical countries (f) —— a lot of fruits and vegetables. The chief food of the (g) —— of Hawaii and Polynesia in the Pacific are tero roots, bread, fruits and seafood. They also (h) —— a lot of limes. The Indians of central America eat mostly fruits and vegetables. The Eskimos live (i) —— meat. The word “Eskimo” itself (j) —— the eater of fishes.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
He cares respect a truthful man
Everybody is none but Allah
Truthfulness should sincere too
A truthful man trusts the greatest of all virtues
We all   a truthful man
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
recite present hear create conquer tell learn be listen

A child (a) —— to talk gradually. It also learns singing, languages and many other things by (b) —— to others. Educational broadcasting (c) —— only a shape of this idea. History (d) —— in the form of dramas. Geography (e) —— in the form of travels and poetry (f)  ——. This (g) —— a special interest in the heart of the children when they (h) —— over the radio. Radio has (i) —— the distance of time and space. So the students can hear over the radio the speeches of the great men who (j) —— no longer in our midst.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“What can I do for you, sir?” asked the tailor. “I want a woollen suit made,” said Mr. Rashid. “Would you like to buy cloth from us, sir? The tailor asked. “No, I have brought the suit length with me.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     He is the best player. (Positive)

(b)    An industrious boy will shine in life. (Complex)

(c)     A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative without changing meaning)

(d)    When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Compound)

(e)    He is very attentive to his study. (Exclamatory)

(f)     Very few students of his class are as brilliant as he. (Superlative degree)

(g)    She learns his lessons when it is time to learn. (Simple)

(h)    We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative)

(i)     Who does not like flowers? (Affirmative)

(j)     You have wasted much time. (Passive voice)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     There was a man——.

(b)    Because of having great attraction for English ——.

(c)    The teacher began to teach the man though ——.

(d)    In spite of memorizing three words, ——.

(e)     However, after trying a couple of months, ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         Money is (a) — (sweet) — than honey. And it is called the fuel of life. Though money is a must in our (b) — (world) — life, it cannot (c) — (sure) — all (d) — (happy) —. (e) — (happy) — lies in (f) — (content) —. (g) — (moral) — plays an important role in the respect. An (h) — (moral) —  person cannot be happy. Those who earn money through the path of (i) — (honest) — leads a (j) — (comfort) — life.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Nowadays information and culture are freely flowing from one country to another,——?

(b)    Certainly culture has many good and bad aspects. But you should agree with me that foreign culture is destroying our own culture, ——?

(c)    No, I won’t enjoy most of the foreign TV programmes, unless all are rich in moral and educative information. We can learn a lot from them, ——?

(d)    Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, ——?

(e)     You are right. We need to modify our TV programmes so that we can be benefited from these, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

From my school days I heard a lot about college life. (a) ——, I was eagerly waiting for that happy and romantic college life. (b) —— the long-cherished day came. It was the 26th October,  2012.  (c) —— I reached the college, I found the whole college campus crowded by lots of young pupils. (d) —— all of them were unknown to me, I felt very lonely. (e) —— I met one of my school friends, I was relieved.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

dear how can you disbelieve me i have done everything yes in the true sense everything for you it is time i am sure to learn about everything you question





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
from desire exercise at the up to a

Self-control is (a) —— the root of all virtues. Let (b) —— man give rein (c) ——  his impulses and passion and (d) —— that moment he yields (e) —— his moral freedom. He is carried along (f) —— current of life and becomes (g) —— slave of his strongest (h) —— for the time being. To be morally free, to be more than an animal (i) —— man must be able to resist instinctive impulse and this can only be done by the (j) —— of self-control.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

         Truthfulness means the (a) —— of speaking the truth. It is (b) —— greatest of all (c) —— in a man’s life. The true (d) —— and prosperity of a man entirely depends (e) —— it. It ennobles one’s character and gives him a high position in (f) ——. It may not make one (g) —— but it brings peace of mind. A truthful person (h) —— nobody. All religions teach us to be (i) ——. By dint of truthfulness all can shine in life. Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and (j) ——.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Once there asked in a peaceful sleep
One night he was the angel if his name was in the list
Suddenly waking up he saw an angel
The angel   engaged in writing the names of the persons who loved God
Abu   an honest and pious man named Abu Ben Adhem
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
want lie live stretch come have be think do drop wake save

A crow and a crane (a) —— in a tree beside a jungle. One noon, a hunter (b) —— there. He (c) —— very tired and wanted to (d) —— some rest. He (e) —— down under the tree. The crane stretched his wings to (f) —— the hunter from the heat of the sun. But the crow which was wicked, (g) —— some filth on his face. The hunter (h) —— up and (i) —— that the crane (j) —— the wrong.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         “Where is my son?” said the grocer. “A crow carried your son away,” said the fruit seller. “You liar. How can a crow carry away such a big boy?” “Just the same way as mice can eat away the balance and weights.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Make positive degree)

(b)     It was not invented over night. (Make active voice)

(c)     Scientists spent many years and worked hard to invent television. (Make complex sentence)

(d)     Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Make negative sentence)

(e)     People of all ages like to watch television. (Make Interrogative sentence)

(f)     The programmes telecast by television are very interesting. (Make complex sentence)

(g)     Television should telecast educative programmes. (Make passive voice)

(h)     If you watch television, you can learn many things. (Make Simple sentence)

(i)      People spend their free time by watching television. (Make Compound sentence)

(j)      Very few things are so useful as television. (Make Superlative sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     It is true that most of the parents in our country are not interested enough to ——.

(b)     Parents think spending money for the children’s education is unwise especially when——.

(c)     They think female children need no education because they ——.

(d)     To lessen discrimination in children’s educational status, the government gives subsidy for female children so that ——.

(e)     It is high time we ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Sports can give us (a) — (please) — and (b) — (entertain) —. Football and cricket have (c) — (popular) — in our country. The people of our country (d) — (joy) — the T-20 match most. I watched (e) — (most) — all the T-20 matches of the last tournament. Today I’m totally (f) — (appointed) —. Yesterday, there was an incident of (g) — (fortune) — in my life. (h) — (fortune) — I missed the last T-20 match between Bangladesh and West Indies. The match was very much (i) — (compete) — and (j) — (thrill) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)    You are a farmer but I am a student, ——?

(b)     The moon shines at night, ——?

(c)    Please, sing a song and charm us, ——?

(d)    Muslims, ——?

(e)    Do not go there and bring something, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

         (a) —— trees are very useful to man in many ways, man has not realized it. (b) —— he is eager to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers. (c) —— the government has a good system of control (d) —— can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear. But (e) —— the forests disappear, the country will face many natural calamities.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

how is your mother nabila said mrs rina she is well thank you nabila replied I am very glad to hear that she is in good health said mrs rina





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
world frustrate with about happy a the by in

It is (a) —— fact that complete (b) —— does not exist in (c) —— life. (d) —— man mayn’t have all things that he needs (e) —— life. It is better not to seek complete happiness. Rather one should be satisfied (f) —— what one gets. It is (g) —— key factor to happiness. One should not think (h) —— what he has; what he does not have because (i) —— doing so a man becomes (j) —— and depressed. There are some people who think that it is money that brings happiness.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

A good man is (a) —— man of character. His polite behaviour is (b) —— great asset because he can win the heart (c) —— other people around him, no matter whether he is all he deals with. He behaves well rich or poor. He also (d) —— the admiration (e) —— (f) —— even those who are rude towards him because he hates to behave rudely. One who pretends to be polite cannot be polite (g) —— all circumstances. But (h) ——man who is really polite does not (i) —— to be polite whatever be (j) —— provocation.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Hence, to every nation its flag   to have patriotic feelings
For that we need dearer than any other things
Every independent country of the world has the   symbol   of independence   and sovereignty of a nation
We is to safeguard its prestige
The national flag   its own flag
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
make move be follow neglect succeed wait stop make can

Time (a) —— very precious. Time (b) —— for anybody. No supremacy (c) —— it. It (d) —— forward and forward. It is not wise to (e) —— time. Those who (f) —— the best use of time  (g) —— sure to (h) ——. All the great persons of the planet have (i) —— the best use of time. We should (j) —— them.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“What are you writing, my good angel?” asked Abu. The angel looked up and replied in a sweet voice, “The names of those who love the Lord.” “And is mine one,” asked Abu. “No, your name is not included here,” replied the angel. Abu then said, “Please, write down my name as one who loves his fellowmen.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (Interrogative)

(b)     Isn’t it the symbol of love and beauty? (Affirmative)

(c)     Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)

(d)     We present flowers to out nearest and dearest persons. (Passive)

(e)     We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)

(f)     The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive)

(g)     Having sweet scent and beauty we love it very much. (Compound)

(h)     It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)

(i)      The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)

(j)      As the demand for flowers is increasing day by bay we should cultivate flower on commercial basis. (Simple)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Shamim is a farmer ——.

(b)     He has land——.

(c)     —— he was worried.

(d)     There were clouds in sky but ——.

(e)     One night he woke up ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Our rural people do not know how to purify water. Water (a) — (purify) — process can help them to drink pure water. If the arsenic (b) — (contaminate) — continues, arsenicosis will cause more deaths. Arsenic is found in groundwater. Tube well water contains arsenic. For (c) — (prevent) —— of arsenicosis people should eat a balanced diet containing fish and vegetables. We also need a campaign for (d) — (motivate) — to create (e) — (aware) — among people. Some humanitarian (f) — (organize) — have been trying to make people aware. They are helping people of arsenic (g) — (affect) — areas to identify the tube wells containing the (h) — (poison) — element that causes arsenicosis. The people in those (i) — (local) — are advised to eat a balanced diet (j) — (ideal) — containing fish and vegetables.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in a man’s life, ——?

(b)     The unfed ought to be fed, ——?

(c)    The mother rose in her, ——?

(d)    None came to help him, —?

(e)    Our examination is over. Everybody is free now, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

         (a) —— King Lear asked his eldest daughter, Goneril, how much she loved him, she declared in front of the whole court that she loved him more than her life. (b) —— Lear asked his second daughter, Regan, the same question, she replied saying that her only happiness was in loving him. (c) ——  he called his youngest daughter, Cordelia, to speak. Lear expected her to speak (d) —— lovingly than her sisters had done. (e) —— Cordelia just stood there said nothing.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         killing birds is harmful for the environment govt must take some effective steps to stop the mindless killing of the guest birds that fly to bangladesh for winter shelter every year eighty years old mr ahmad  a bird specialist recalls by that he was interested in hunting birds in his late teens





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
by treat general to the sick with and a of

A hospital is the home for (a) —— sick. It gives medical (b) —— to them free (c) —— cost. A hospital is (d) —— run by the government. A hospital has outdoor (e) —— indoor sections. (f) —— great number of the (g) —— people are treated in (h) —— outdoor section. People attacked (i) —— serious illness are admitted (j) ——  the indoor section.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

Computer was not invented (a) ——. It (b) —— time and hard labour to invent computer. Many (c) —— of science worked hard for years (d) —— and finally came out (e) ——. In fact, computer cannot work all (f) —— itself. It works on the (g) —— of the command (h) —— by the (i) ——. It is used in our daily life for a number of (j) ——.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
UNESCO was tabled in the form of a resolution unanimously
The proclamation was given a great tribute and glowing homage to the language martyrs
It is in Bangladesh
The recognition has proclaimed to spread mother tongues widely
The resolution came February 21 as the International Mother Language Day in 1999
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
catch find go hide see be escape dance catch pursue

After a few days, Robinson Crusoe had seen a footmark bigger than his own. He did (a) —— anyone on the island. Then one day he saw some wild looking savages feasting and (b) —— round a fire. There (c) —— two prisoners too. As they were dancing, one of the prisoners (d) —— and ran off for his life. He was (e) —— by the savages. Robinson hid himself behind a bush lest he should be (f) —— and made prisoner. The man ran so fast that they (g) —— him. There was a forest and the man went to (h) ——. However, the  savages (i) —— into the forest to (j) —— him out and make him prisoner again.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         “Don’t go any further,” he said to the king. “If you do, you will not be able to come back.” “Go I must, at any cost,” said Ulysses, “I must free my poor men from the cruel witch.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Madhusudan Dutt was a very popular poet. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(b)     He was one of the greatest dramatists in Bangla literature. (Make it positive degree)

(c)     He was born at Sagordary on the bank of the Kapotaksho.  (Make it a complex sentence)

(d)     When he was a boy, he desired to be an Englishman. (Make it simple sentence)

(e)     He was recognized by his teachers as a precious child. (Make it an active sentence)

(f)     He though that he was born on the wrong side of the planet.  (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(g)     He also thought that his society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Make it a negative sentence)

(h)     Again he believed that none but the West would be more receptive to his creative genius. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

(i)      He was an ardent follower of lord Byron. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(j)      He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Make it simple sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     A cobbler was happy to ——.

(b)     He had a neighbour having——.

(c)     He wanted to help him by ——.

(d)     —— the cobbler lost happiness.

(e)     But for his money, ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Education develops our mind through (a) — (form) — learning. The mental and (b) — (intellect) — training is also provided by education. Again, the purpose of education, is to (c) — (lighten) — the individual. The (d) — (promote) — of the individual’s capacity is also its purpose. Education (e) — (noble) — our mind and refines our (f) — (sensible) —. So, there are (g) — (vary) — advantages of education. You cannot find any (h) — (advantage) — of education. In the present world no (i) — (develop) — can be thought without proper (j) — (educate) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     I didn’t see you for three days. You are getting on well with your studies, ——?

(b)    Yes, I am trying heart and soul. I think attaining good marks is not impossible for a student, ——?

(c)    Sure, but you have begun studying burning the midnight oil, ——?

(d)    It’s true, I am trying my best. You look so delicate. It seems your body is weak for hard work, ——?

(e)    You are right. I must consult a doctor soon, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

The fisherman used to cast his net four times a day. It (a) —— happened that one day he went down to the sea at noon. He reached the shore, set his basket, rolled up his shirt sleeves (b) —— cast his net far out into the water. After he had waited for the net to sink, he pulled on the cords with all his might, (c) —— that was (d) —— heavy that he could not draw it in. (e) ——, he tied the rope ends to a wooden stake.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         hello marium you look very hot and tired said nafis i was stuck in the traffic jam for one hour said marium sit down what would you like to drink said nafis i would love really chilled mineral water or something like that said marium





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
at irrigate recent a the need to

Crop (a) —— water. Farmers must (b) —— their fields if there is very little rain (c) —— any time. But (d) ——  is not easy if there is no river close (e) —— the crops. Canal can carry river water to (f) —— field. Sometimes much water causes flood. (g) —— dam may prevent  difficulties of irrigation. (h) —— great lake can be built behind (i) —— dam. Dams are not (j) —— invention.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

Long long ago, there lived (a) —— widow in (b) —— certain village of Bustam. She had (c) —— son. He was nine years old. She loved him dearly. The boy also loved and obeyed her very much. One night when (d) —— entire village (e) —— in deep sleep, the boy was awake and busy (f) —— studies. His beloved mother was also sleeping. All (g) —— a sudden, she woke up and felt very thirsty. She told her son (h) —— dozing eyes to (i) —— her a glass of water and (j) —— asleep again.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Many of them are seen but again they play together
Street children are out from their house before the sunrise and go back after sunset
Sometimes they are come a common sight in Bangladesh
  quarrel playing in the scorching heat of the sun
They   often seen wearing torn clothes and barefooted
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
take control paralyze earn gallop learn report manipulate involve come

Price of essentials is such a crucial factor that it directly (a) —— the life and diving of the majority people. The measures so far (b) —— by the government (c) ——  appreciation from the people. But it is being replaced by despair as the majority of the people have been (d) ——under the crushing burden of (e) —— prices. It is (f) —— that the business syndicate (g) —— market prices and the retailers (h) —— out of their evil mechanism. Moreover, the police are (i) ——  to have been (j) —— in illegal extortion which adds to the rising prices.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         Asif said his sister, “Do you want me to help you?” “No, I need not take others’ help. You can go now,” said his sister. Asif said, “Good night. May God help you.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Haji Muhammad Muhsin was more generous than many other men in these subcontinent. (Make it positive degree)

(b)     He was born in Hoogly. (Make it a complex sentence)

(c)     He inherited a vast property from has father and sister. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(d)     He did not misuse this wealth. (Use passive voice)

(e)     He is called the friend of humanity. (Use passive voice)

(f)     He did not marry. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

(g)     During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Make it a complex sentence)

(h)     He was so kind that he could not refuse any one’s request. (Make it a compound sentence)

(i)      One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. ( Make it a simple sentence)

(j)      He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Make it a complex sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)    A person is known ——.

(b)     —— had I any pen.

(c)     He was so attentive ——.

(d)     He was reading with a view to ——.

(e)     Work hard provided that——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         (a) — (corrupt) — is a great curse for our nation. No other problem is so (b) — (dread) — as it. It causes the (c) — (destruct) — of all positive (d) — (achieve) —. No real prosperity can be hoped in a corrupted society. It is so (e) — (danger) — that it devours all the good fruits of our efforts. So we all have to be (f) — (care) — about this curse. Our society and (g) — (administrate) — have partially or (h) — (large) — been corrupted. If this curse cannot be controlled or removed (i) — (immediate) —, our future generation will have no hope for a (j) — (prosper) — life.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Hasan has little idea about it, ——?

(b)    Our examination is over. Everybody is free now, ——?

(c)    Let’s visit the Fantasy Kingdom, ——?

(d)    The brother rose in him, ——?

(e)    Happy birthday to you, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

The conditions of the people of our village are not (a) —— improved. How to improve their condition is (b) —— an important question. (c) —— the condition of the village where most of our people live are improved, the development of the country cannot be expected. So, necessary steps should be taken. (d) —— these plans must be implemented with the help of the local body of the government (e) —— non-government organizations.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         i have got gpa-5 in the ssc exam said rafiq congratulations said i what do you intend to do now i want to study in a reputed college and will try to get admission in rajuk college rafiq replied





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
yet with of by hero whereas
about life out a misery the

Freedom fighters are the real (a) —— of our soil. We should recall them as they sacrificed their (b) —— for the motherland. It is (c) —— matter of regret that most of them are neglected  and (d) —— young generation is unaware (e) —— their valiant struggle. (f) —— today many of them are not found (g) ——. Some of them are found leading a (h) —— life. They are going unnoticed (i) —— they should be rewarded (j) —— the highest honour of the state.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

The (a) —— way of study involves regular and proper understanding. In order to (b) —— the best benefit from study, we should read attentively and intelligently. We (c) —— not study only for (d) —— purpose of passing examinations. We should take (e) —— interest (f) ——our studies so that we can enjoy what we learn. This will give us knowledge and (g) ——and broaden (h) —— horizon of our outlook. We should, therefore, (i) —— not for immediate (j) —— but for improving the wealth of our mind.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
At first our team began much stronger than ours, we were a bit anxious
We won to be weaker and rhythmless
As the opponent was if all of our players could play their best, it would not be impossible to defeat them
But we seemed the toss and decided to take the northern side of the field
But after a few                minutes our players knew to show their excellent performance
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
bit involve punish announce change expel
help take try find declare copy

In order to solve the problem of (a) —— in the examination, the government has (b) —— some preventive measures. First of all, the government (c) —— to raise public awareness. Recently the government has (d) —— a law that if any student is (e) —— copying in the examination hall, he/she will be (f) —— from the hall. If any invigilator is found (g) —— any examinee, legal action will be taken against him/her. Even if outsiders are found (h) —— in helping any examinee in copying, they will also be (i) ——. Moreover, the government has (j) —— examination centers and formed invigilators team to monitor the overall condition of the examination centres.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

The man said to the manager, “May I come in, sir?” “Yes, come in” “What do you want?” said the manager. “I want to open a bank account in your bank,” said the man. “Can you tell me how I can open a current account?”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Health is wealth (Make complex sentence).

(b)     A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man (Use positive degree).

(c)     Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability (Make compound sentence).

(d)     He can succeed in life (Make interrogative sentence).

(e)     So, everybody cannot but be conscious of his health (Make affirmative sentence).

(f)     Everybody must care of his health all the time. (Make negative sentence).

(g)     Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Use active voice)

(h)     The people who are poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet. (Make simple sentence).

(i)      They are very concerned with the quantity of food (Make exclamatory).

(j)      Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Use passive voice).

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Man considers books to —— in life.

(b)     You may not get good friends to be in your side when——.

(c)     But there are books that are always ready ——.

(d)     Books are thought to be your real friends as long as ——.

(e)     —— we have to read more and more books.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Íl0=5

         Discipline is essential in every sphere of our life. It breaks down if there is (a) — (discipline) —. Student should form the habit of (b) — (obey) —. (c) — (disobey) — brings about chaos that results in (d) — (fail) — and (e) — (down) — everywhere. Students should be (f) — (courage) — to gain (g) — (prosper) — in life. A family cannot have a (h) — (peace) — environment without discipline. (i) — (similar) —, a country cannot attain (j) — (develop) — without it.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     The creator is second to none, ——?

(b)    The Jury gave its verdict today, ——?

(c)     What he says may be true, ——?

(d)     One should take care of one’s health, ——?

(e)     Who dares to disobey the law,——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

The fate of a man depends on his own self. (a) —— he makes the right use of time, he will succeed in life. (b) —— he will fail and suffer miseries. (c) —— , life is made up of moments, (d) —— to waste these moments is to waste the whole life. The habit of making this right use of time should be formed in youth (e) —— the mind is soft and tender.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

said an old crab to young one why do you walk so crooked child walk straight mother said the young crab show me the way will you





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
the by to develop importance introduce in take as but

(a) —— our country, communicative English  teaching was  (b) —— to our secondary English curriculum in 1996. It attaches importance (c) —— all the four basic skills of a language. (d) —— in our country speaking and listening skills have not got enough (e) —— in schools. (f) —— present Govt.  (g) —— some notable decisions to improve the education (h) —— it has been understood that without (i) —— education sector it is difficult to achieve the digital Bangladesh (j) —— Vision 2021.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

         Mankind felt the impact of nuclear energy (a) —— the first time in 1945 when two atom bombs wiped (b) —— Hiroshima and Nagasaki in just under ten minutes. Since then, nuclear weapons, more (c) —— than the earlier ones, have been developed (d) —— the scientists. Intercontinental ballistic missiles, rockets and many other destructive weapons have also been deployed. A race is constantly by going (e) —— among the powerful nations to achieve nuclear supremacy. We are particularly living on a nuclear volcano. Any (i) —— switching on to a push button will lead this world (g) —— dust. Men, who will live, may be victims of incurable diseases. (h) —— richest nations are investing billion and billion dollars for (i) —— nuclear (j) ——.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Tannery labourers   very prevalent among the rickshaw pullers
Researchers are exposed to these poisonous gases constantly living in adjacent slums
Respiratory diseases is the worst victims of the gases produced in the factories
Most of them have proved that the average lifespan of a rickshaw puller is five years less than other labours
Not only   their physical labour daunting but a rickshaw puller has to endure physical abuse
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
influence include have make greet be got use shook sat

Culture (a) —— a term (b) —— for a way of life. It (c) —— a society’s beliefs, customs, languages and so on. Our culture is remarkable for folksongs like Lalongiti, Palligiti, etc. It is badly (d) —— by dish antenna and so on. Our culture (e) —— also some qualities that (f) —— it different from others. We (g) ——some special qualities in our customs, ideas and manners. We eat by fingers (h) —— on the ground especially in rural areas. We (i) —— hands at (j) ——, only males with males, not males with females.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

I saw a young boy standing before me with utmost politeness. He said, “Uncle, my parents are calling you.” I came out of my house and saw an elderly man and a woman. The woman said, “Bhaiya, don’t you recognize me? I am Salma. We looked for you everywhere but didn’t find you.” “What a surprise!” I said with admiration.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

         (a)     My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Complex)

(b)     I was very glad. (Negative)

(c)     I accepted the invitation. (Passive)

(d)     When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Simple)

(e)     I was excited to see the sea-beach (Exclamatory)

(f)     It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)

(g)     It is one of most beautiful sea-beach in the world. (Positive)

(h)     It is called the pleasure seeker’s paradise. (Active)

(i)      Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Compound)

(j)      If I could visit the sea-beach! (Assertive)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Scarcely had he told the story ——.

(b)     Had I possessed a vast property ——.

(c)     —— as if he were the President.

(d)     Ten years have passed ——.

(e)     Since I am an early riser ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         For getting rapid (a) — (advance) — in a country it should be developed (b) — (science) —. Again a (c) — (develop) — country also may be developed if it can be developed (d) — (industry) —. On the other hand, a country (e) — (depend) — on agriculture can be developed (f) — (agriculture) —. Again (g) — (fish) — is another sector through which an (h) — (develop) — country go a long. As we have all the (i) — (possible) — we can be developed more rapidly making their proper (j) — (utilize) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     You are Suman, ——?

(b)     Your father’s name is Zahid, ——?

(c)     Yes. My father works with you in the same office, ——?

(d)     He always talks about you, ——?

(e)     We all like him. There is none who does not speak high of him, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

(a) —— our land is fertile, we expect good production. (b) —— what we get is more below than Japan and India. (c) ——  we are now using modern tools. (d) —— we are getting such products. (e) —— why?

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         the buckingham palace is in england it was originally built for the duke of buckingham in 1703 and was called buckingham house king george III bought it in 1761 it was remodelled and enlarged by a famous architect John nash.





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
into operator to importance on an inform of invention by

Computer is (a) —— ultra-modern electronic  device  for  storing and analyzing (b) —— fed (c) —— it. It has no capacity to do anything (d) —— itself. It works (e) —— the basis of commands given by the (f) —— . The (g) —— of computer has a long history. Computer was not invented overnight. It took a long time and hard labour to invent computer. A computer consists (h) —— five major components. Computer has great (i) —— to us. It renders great service (j) ——  mankind.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

         Email has brought about (a) —— revolution in modern communication. Messages can be transmitted (b) —— one country to another within (c) —— few seconds. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade (d) —— commerce has become greatly dependent (e) —— this speedy mode of communication. It has however, not reached to everyone, specially (f) —— developing countries like ours, as most (g) —— the people cannot afford to have (h) —— personal computer. But most (i) —— the people have started using commercially operated email (j) —— important purposes.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Marco Polo made him one of his officers
He reached an adventurous man
In one summer he was by the Emperor of China
Polo travelled the palace of Kublai Khan
The Emperor was warmly received by land and sea, over mountains and across deserts
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
find start look do be lie stop take ask walk

It was late night when I (a) —— for my home. While I (b) —— along the road, it (c) —— like an unknown Dhaka. Some boys (d) —— idly on the footpath. There (e) —— no busy traffic as it is often (f) —— during the day time. I (g) —— beside the neighbouring park and (h) —— long breath. Suddenly a police car stopped before me and (i) —— what I (j) —— there alone at such a late night.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

The giant looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to me more politely or I’ll kill you.” “Why should you kill me?” asked the fisherman. “I’ve just freed you. Have you forgotten that?” “No, “answered the giant. “But that’ll not stop me from killing you.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     The students studying regularly can expect a good result. (Make it complex sentence)

(b)     But most of our students are inattentive to their studies. (Make it negative sentence without changing the original meaning)

(c)     They waste their valuable time idly. (Use passive sentence)

(d)     Wasting time is harmful for them. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(e)     By repeating this activity they make a poor result. (Make it a complex sentence)

(f)     Who loves them then? (Make it an assertive sentence without changing the original meaning)

(g)     They are treated badly even by their family members. (Use active voice)

(h)     If a student fails in the examination, he suffers from inferiority complex. (Make simple sentence)

(i)      No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student. (Use superlative degree)

(j)      So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively so that he can do well in the examination. (Make it a simple sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Hardly had he reached the station ——.

(b)    He speaks as if ——.

(c)    I went to Dhaka with a view to ——.

(d)    He walked carefully lest ——.

(e)    We wish ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Hazrat Muhammad (sm) is the last Prophet of Allah and the (a) — (lead) — of all  prophets. He is the greatest of men and (b) — (teach) — ever born on earth. There is none like him.  Before his birth Arabia was steeped in   (c) — (dark) —of ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were ignorant and wicked and they led (d) — (beast) — lives. They were (e) — (worship) — of many gods and goddesses and were given to all kinds of vices. He got no opportunity for learning. But he was taught much higher things than book knowledge by the (f) — (seen) — hand of Allah. From his (g) — (boy) — he was (h) — (thought) —, honest and (i) — (truth) —. He was called Al-Amin or the (j) — (trust) — one.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     I have told you to leave the place. I think I am right, ——?

(b)    The teacher says, “Charity begins at home, ——?”

(c)    The Creator is second to none, ——?

(d)    Everybody praises a well-mannered student,——?

(e)    As the weather was cold, there were a few migratory birds, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5
thus  so   as if besides who even because

Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) —— possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trustworthiness (b) —— nobody trusts a liar. (c) —— Allah helps the honest people. (d) —— children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life, (e) —— children should be developed among the honest people.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         summer the first season of bangla year consists of baishakh and jaishta fruits of different items are seen available in the summer season when strong wind blows the children and girls come out under the trees to pick up mangoes it is risky to go out because it might cause an accident





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
domination gain hesitate right want under ruler so a by from rather

Man is born free. He does not (a) —— to be exploited. If he is (b) —— chained, he begins to struggle to make him free (c) —— exploitation. Similarly if (d) —— nation is ruled by a foreign (e) —— and is deprived of the (f) ——, it begins to protest. Even it does not (g) —— to sacrifice the lives of the people. Once the Bengalees were ruled (h) —— Pakistani rulers. But they could not tolerate it. (i) —— they struggled against the Pakistani rulers and finally (j) —— the victory.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

Curzon Hall was named (a) —— Lord Curzon, the Viceroy (b) —— India, who laid its foundation in 1904. After the establishment (c) —— Dhaka University in 1921, it became  (d) —— part of University’s science section. (e) —— Curzon Hall has attained (f) —— great significance (g) —— the history of the Language Movement. It was here (h) —— 1948, the students of Dhaka University (i) —— their first refusal to accept Jinnah’s declaration that Urdu alone would be the state language of (j) —— then Pakistan.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Happiness   a relative term
A person with a crown may not be happy
Whereas a day labourer is from person to person
Again happiness varies a blessing of God
Complete happiness    or peace of mind   find happiness living in a shabby hut
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
suit prefer cause be serve to have preserve go use need

Motor-bike (a) —— a very essential vehicle. It is not a luxury today. It (b) —— become popular for a number of reasons. Its cost (c) —— our pocket. It does not need driver. It  (d) —— anywhere. People can (e) —— many purposes by it. It is easy to (f) —— and (g) ——. Big garage is not (h) —— to preserve it. Besides, it is also economical. If we compare rickshaw fare with Motor-bike driving cost, we certainly (i) —— to buy it. But it is risky because an accident may be (j) —— by it anytime.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         Entering into the study, my elder brother looked around and burst out in disgust, “How dirty you have made the room! Why do you use it if you can’t keep tidy?” I said, “I am extremely sorry. I have been a nuisance. In future you will never see the room in such a bad condition, I promise.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Haji Muhammad Muhsin was not an unkind man at all. (Use passive degree)

(b)     He inherited a vast property from has father and sister. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(c)     He was unmarried. (Make it a complex sentence)

(d)     During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Make it a complex sentence)

(e)     One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Make it a simple sentence)

(f)     Seeing Muhsin, the thief cried. (Compound)

(g)     The thief was caught. (Active)

(h)     How needy the thief was! (Assertive)

(i)      He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)

(j)      Muhsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     It is high time ——.

(b)    Faults are thick where ——.

(c)    If my friend had helped me ——.

(d)    Five years passed since ——.

(e)    Uneasy lies the head ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         The use of computer has got worldwide (a) — (popular) —. It has been further (b) — (modern) —. People are going to have a (c) — (computer) — system of world in every sector. But one thing is very important to know that the (d) — (use) — of computer affects eyesight. So students should (e) — (minimum) — the period of using a computer. Some children have (f) — (addict) — to computer. Instead giving (g) — (attend) — to studies, they waste time on computer games. This is a very bad habit that makes them (h) — (attentive) — to studies, and (i) — (simultaneous) — affects eyesight (j) — (serious) —. Children should give up this bad habit.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     I am very sorry, Kamal. I am very late, ——?

(b)    I couldn’t reach in time because of traffic jam, ——?

(c)    Oh! Don’t worry. The train is late,——?

(d)     Then we can have a cup of tea,——?

(e)    Yes, let’s go to the canteen,——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

There is no doubt (a) —— honesty wins in the long run. A man (b) —— practices honesty in all works never faces difficulty. (c) —— there are some people (d) —— only thought is to create difficulty for honest people (e) —— as they want to get things illegally.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

suppose we are in some danger said miss mebbin nonsense said mrs packletide its a very old tiger it could not spring up here even if it wanted to if its an old tiger i think you ought to get it cheaper a thousand taka is a lot of money





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
least primary compulsory people in from the take taken

We must not waste our energy and money any more. We need to (a) —— steps to educate our (b) ——. Emphasis should be given on (c) —— education. There should be at (d) —— one primary school (e) —— each and every village. We are happy that our government has made primary education free and (f) ——. A law has been passed in (g) —— assembly in this regard. To remove illiteracy (h) —— the country, some more steps may be (i) ——. (j) —— illiterate adults also need to be educated.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

The boy George Washington was (a) —— to go to sea as a sailor. Everything was ready. His box had been carried down to (b) —— boat. When he came to his mother for (c) —— bid farewell, he saw tears (d) —— her eyes. However, he said nothing (e) —— her. Turning around (f)  ——  his servant, he said, “Fetch my box back, I will not go (g) —— break my mother’s heart.” His mother said, “George, God (h) —— the children who honour their parents. I am sure (i) —— it that God will bless you.” Washington took good bye (j) —— his mother.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
  give very useful to man
Trees should not destroy oxygen to breathe to live
They are trees
We need oxygen to breathe to live
  provide shelter to birds and animals
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
take work come dominate confine contribute be need keep come

Today women are placing an important role in all spheres of life. Once they were (a) —— by men. They are no longer (b) —— within the four walls of their parents’ or husband’s house. They have (c) —— out of the kitchen and are (d) —— hand in hand with men. By (e) —— higher education, they are becoming pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators, etc. They have (f) —— able to prove their worth. They (g) —— much to the economy of the country. Now it (h) —— to the realization of the man that true development of the country is never possible (i) —— half of the population idle at home. So, it (j) —— no telling that women are playing a great role in the socio-economic condition of out country.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Good morning,” said the tourist. “Have you any room vacant?” “Yes, sir. Double or single?” “I want one double,” said the tourist. The receptionist said, “We have a double room on the second floor.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Do it. (Make it complex)

(b)     He was a very hardworking man. (Exclamatory)

(c)    Very few students are as studious as he. (Superlative)

(d)    He was as brave as a lion. (Comparative)

(e)     Nobody likes to do bad in the examinations. (Interrogative)

(f)     Tigers are not as clever as monkeys. (Make it comparative)

(g)     Never say good-bye. (Make it passive)

(h)     As he lost his father, he stopped going to school. (Make it simple)

(i)      The cuckoo is the sweetest of all birds. (Make it positive)

(j)      Though he became blind at the age of 44, Milton could produce most beautiful writings. (Make it compound)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     It is education—;—.

(b)    It paves the way for——.

(c)    ——, we can make them skilled workers.

(d)    These are the plans that——.

(e)    The conscious people should play a vital role so that——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (a) — (prepare) —. You should be (b) — (prepare) — for it well-ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (c) — (prepared) — for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of (d) — (prepare) — step they go to the teachers for a concise (e) — (suggest) —. This  works as an (f) — (encourage) for the students. As they have not read their books (g) — (thorough) —, they feel  (h) — (nerve)— as the exam approaches they say (i) — (pray) — and ask for God’s (j) — (assist).

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     I think we should take a decision in the primary stage of our life, ——?

(b)    No, I do not agree with you. At this stage a child cannot take decision, —— ?

(c)    But I think parents or teachers can guide him/her in this regard, ——?

(d)    I   shall   become a teacher. There are not sufficient qualified teachers in our country, ——?

(e)     I want to be a doctor. We do not have adequate doctors in our country, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

Computer virus is terror to the users of computers. (a) —— it is not the biological virus, it disturbs the plain operation of a computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to delete the flies which are saved (b) —— useful memories. Sometimes, the virus attacks the hard disk (c) —— harms it. (d) —— things happen (e) —— , no operation is possible after the attack.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         did you hear a sound he asked no she replied i heard nothing distinctly listen carefully he said cant you hear a little moaning sound coming from the old cottage





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
on although how much and clever who than out be

There are some very clever boys and girls (a) —- do very well in the examinations (b) —— and always come (c) —— at the top. When people praise and admire them you possibly look (d) —— with envy, (e) —— you wish you were as clever as they! But you need not (f) —— sorry for yourselves, for (g) —— you may not be (h) ——, nothing can prevent you from being good. And remember goodness is a (i) —— better and nobler thing (j) —— mere cleverness.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

         (a) —— effort there can be no progress in life. Life loses (b) —— interest if there is no struggle. (c) —— become dull, if there is no competition (d) —— them and if the result can (e) —— easily foreseen. No matter we win the game (f) —— lose it. The keener the contest, (g) —— greater the enjoyment. (h) —— victory is not a (i) —— triumph unless both the sides are equally matched. Whatever we like it or not, life is one continuous competitive (j) ——.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
We are also contribute to our development
Women can neglected in many ways
But they have equal rights to education
Female children   left out after primary education in large number
They   not claim development without female education
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
contribute confine keep enable work develop receive become adapt be

According to the history, women in the past were (a) —— within the four walls. But at present they (b) —— no longer captive to their parents’ or husbands’ house. With the passage of time the outlook and attitude have been (c) —— as men and women are (d) —— themselves with the changing society. By (e) —— education they are (f) —— pilots, doctors, engineers, high officials, etc. They are (g) —— hand in hand with man in all worthy programmes. They (h) —— now able to prove their worth. They (i) —— much to the economy of the country. Now it has come to the realization of men that no development is possible by (j) —— half of our population idle at home.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         “What are you doing now, Jack?” I said.  “I am watching an interesting program on television.”   Aren’t you wasting your time?” “No, I don’t think so,” he said.   Remember, watching much TV makes people lazy”.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Very few persons are so/as famous discoverers as Columbus (Use superlative degree).

(b)     He passed his early life in sorrows (Make negative sentence).

(c)     He became a sailor in his boyhood (Make complex sentence).

(d)     There he came in contact with many people and learnt many things about them (Make simple sentence).

(e)     During these voyages, very often Columbus gazed at the vast sheet of unlimited water (Use passive voice).

(f)     Nobody can be compared with him (Make interrogative sentence).

(g)     Though he sailed for India, he reached America (Make compound sentence).

(h)     He thought it to be India (Make complex sentence).

(i)      He was the first man to cross the Atlantic (Make interrogative sentence).

(j)      When he reached the shore, he became excited (Make simple sentence).

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Had I the wings of a bird,——.

(b)    If he had been seen by me, I——.

(c)    It is high time that we——.

(d)    No sooner had we reached the school  ——.

(e)    The more you read ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

(a) — (Tolerance) — is supposed to be a frantic (b) — (behave) —. It causes (c) — (segregate) — among beings. The practice of (d) — (bear) — needs to start from the very beginning of life. Parents and teachers ought to sow the seeds of tolerance in the tender heart of (e) — (learn) —. The (f) — (family) — role is not (g) — (neglect) —also in this respect. Then comes the role of (h) — (educate) — institutions. Our (i) — (new) — introduced curriculum has given (j) — (important) — to this issue.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation, ——?

(b)    A few students qualified the placement test, ——?

(c)    Bangladesh is too small to accommodate her population, ——?

(d)    He rarely put on an overcoat, ——? .

(e)    Trousers sold cheap, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

Freedom of press is the crying need of the nation (a) —— the press is the conscience of a nation. So, (b) —— any sort of prohibition is put on the liberty of the writers and reporters, free circulation of opinions is hampered and stopped. (c) —— intellectual development is bound to see a stop. If some restrictions and restraints are imposed on the press by the government, (d) —— people will be deprived of many essential truths and things. (e) —— it is true that sometimes the freedom of the press is measured by the yellow journalism.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         a village fair is an annual joyous gathering of the village people the village fair on the first baishakh is almost common in our country it generally sits in an open field





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
for emancipate though a by dominate
the without more mean which endeavour

Liberty is very difficult to achieve (a) —— it is (b) —— birth right of a man and (c) —— nation. One has to (d) —— hard for liberty since it does not (e) —— political liberty only. It indicates economic (f) ——, freedom to choose, free hand to act and right to express one’s thought (g) ——- being influenced by others. It is (h) —— difficult to achieve if it is under foreign (i) —— or ruled (j) —— another country.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

Drug addiction is now a (a) —— problem. This social cancer (b) —— its poisonous  (c) ——  all over the world. It has (d) —— the young generation, even in the poor countries (e) ——  Bangladesh. It is spreading (f) ——. The term ‘drug addiction’ means strong (g) —— for various (h) —— of drugs like opium, heroin, morphine, etc. It has created an (i) —— situation in the world. (j) —— is the main cause of drug addiction.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Independence went the war
No nation took place to the battlefield to save the country
Our War of Liberation is it without struggle
People from all walks of life can achieve in 1971
They joined the birthright of a man
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
be get know sit pass study come oppose do  tease

Abul Kasem Fazlul Huq popularly (a) —— as Sher­­- e-Bangla was a prominent statesman. He (b) —— of a respectable Muslim family in 1873. He (c) —— extraordinarily brilliant. He (d) —— the Entrance Examination in 1980 and the FA Examination in 1892. He (e) —— his graduation with Honours in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from Presidency College. Then he (f) —— admitted in MA in English at Calcutta University. Just six months before the final Examination a friend of him (g) —— him. He said, “The Muslims are weak in Mathematics and that’s the reason he (h) —— English.” He (i) —— the comment strongly. He challenged his friend that he (j) —— for Mathematics Examination instead of English.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Pintu came to my house yesterday,” said Sumon. “Why did he come?” I asked. “He did not tell me anything,” Sumon replied. “But he was only talking about his mother.” “His mother is an affectionate lady. I still remember how kindly she talked to me a year ago!” said I.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     As I forgot him, I went outside the cabin. (Make simple sentence)

(b)    She went back to work closing the door. (Make complex sentence)

(c)    Jerry was a very curious and active boy. (Make negative sentence)

(d)     Although he was a small boy, he could work like a man. (Make compound sentence)

(e)    The authoress appreciated Jerry blindly. (Use passive voice)

(f)     Jerry is the best boy I have ever seen. (Comparative)

(g)    He came to the orphanage at the age of four. (Complex)

(h)     He did the unnecessary things for the writer. (Use passive voice)

(i)      He never told a lie. (Make affirmative sentence)

(j)      He was a free-will agent and chose to do careful work.  (Make simple sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Had I much money ——.

(b)     Walk fast lest——.

(c)     It is I who——.

(d)     I was so helpless that——.

(e)     Since they played well——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Do you think it would be (a) — (reasonable) — for your boss to ask you to do three hours unpaid overtime? Think of three things you could (b) — (use) — in your home to help protect the environment. Has your employer ever (c) — (paid) — you by mistake? Did you have to pay the money back? Imagine, you were a parent. Would you (d) — (approve) — if your teenage daughter dyed her hair pink? Does your son often (e) — (sleep) — and is late for school? To keep your life (f) — (disturbed) — you should practise Yoga. It is a kind of mental and (g) — (physic) — relief from the (h) — (stress) — life you are leading. Stress and anxiety is all (i) — (round) — our life. To survive (j) — (happy) — we nave to handle all our pressures.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)    I am still your friend. I hardly think of deceiving you, ——?

(b)    Never believe what others say, ——?

(c)    I’ll ever risk my life if you fall in any problem, ——?

(d)     Initially always remember breaking a friendship is easier than building it. I hope you must not prove yourself foolish, ——?

(e)     Therefore, get back from your way. You need not hesitate any more, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

Bangladesh is a small country, (a) —— she has a huge population. (b) ——, in our country population is increasing at random. (c) ——, it is the crying need to check the rapid growth of our population. Most of the village people are illiterate(d) —— superstitious. They are having the age old idea of taking so many children. We have to take pragmatic steps to make them aware about the negative effect of overpopulation. (e) —— it will be impossible for us to control population explosion.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         that cant be replied the nightingale i cant have any rest in the place i love to live in the green wood i fly around to the poor fishermen to the peasants huts to the people who live far away from the place





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
rich humanity between  deprived a equal with upon  the of

In a society, all men are not (a) —— well off. Some are (b) —— and some are very poor. This   is   because   (c)   ——   unequal distribution   of   national   wealth.    Many   are (d) —— of the basic needs of life. They must be provided (e) —— their dues. (f) —— rich always draw  (g) —— line of contrast (h) —— themselves and the poor. Most of them look down (i) ——. They should be conscious and their (j) —— should be improved.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

         Poverty poses as the (a) —— problem of Bangladesh. (b) —— of the farmers and workers live in (c) —— condition and suffer for want of food. Millions of these people are half-fed and (d) ——. Since the (e) —— of a country is (f) —— on the living standard of the (g) ——  masses, the problem of their (h) —— must be solved to ensure a better living for them. If we fail to do this, we cannot hope to (i) —— as a nation and make our (j) —— meaningful.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Most Bangladeshis are necessary for our health
Both food item contain a good percentage of fat
Rice have high energy content too
Pulses   a high amount of carbohydrate
Both rice and pulses   fond of rice and pulses
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Í10=5
stand become rain see go cause remain ply know take

On a rainy day it (a) —— all day long. The sky is overcast with thick clouds. The sky is not  (b) ——. None can (c) —— out without an umbrella. Water (d) —— on roads. As a result, roads (e) ——  muddy and slippery. In Dhaka city, the roads and streets (f) —— under water for hours together (g) —— much inconvenience to the pedestrians. On some roads motorized vehicles or even rickshaws can (h) ——. The sufferings of the city-dwellers (i) —— no bounds, Government has already (j) ——some steps to solve this problem.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Why is she crying?” said Habib. “What has happened to her?” “She is a wife of a farmer,” said the man. “They had land on the other side of the river but they have lost it.” “What does she want to do now? said Habib.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     There are many virtues that man should possess. (Simple)

(b)    They are necessary to make a human being a real human. (Negative)

(c)    Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)

(d)    A truthful person is true to himself. (Interrogative)

(e)    Everybody respects a truthful person. (Interrogative) .

(f)     A truthful person may lead a poor life but is honoured everywhere. (Simple)

(g)    A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Complex)

(h)    It brings peace in one’s mind. (Passive)

(i)     It leads to discovering the inner truth of oneself. (Complex)

(j)      A true heart is more spacious than all false impressions taken collectively. (Positive)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Many people cut trees——.

(b)     Trees cause rainfall which——.

(c)     If we cut trees at random, ——.

(d)     Trees supply oxygen ——.

(e)     Since trees help us in many ways, ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         Books are the unique medium through which we contact the (a) — (might) — minds’ of ages. Books tell of us about their (b) — (feel) —, what they said and what they did. Books are one of the (c) — (great) — friends to us. They introduce us to the best (d) — (human) —. They are (e) — (rely) — records of the history of pastmen. A book is a valuable (f) — (live) — voice. We can know about the thoughts and (g) — (rite) — of pastmen through books. We should read good books and avoid (h) — (worth) — ones. A good book is a friend in (i) — (lone) — and a nurse in ailment. We can find real (j) — (happy) — by reading good books.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Good afternoon. How are you? Quite fine. It’s a long time since we met last, —— ?

(b)    Probably we met reach other eight months ago, —— ?

(c)    Yes, I thought you couldn’t but come to the fair, —— ?

(d)    You are right. What’s that in your hand? It’s ‘Shanchita’ by Kazi Nazrul Islam.  You did not read the whole book, ——?

(e)     No, I did not. I have bought it for further reading. Let’s move and see other book stalls, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

         Fortune has often been blamed for blindness. (a) —— blindness and fortune are not (b) —— blind as those (c) —— blame their fate (d) —— do not try to overcome adversities. Neither good luck (e) —— bad luck has anything to do with the ultimate destiny of a man.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         rifa said to tasfika how are you i went to your house yesterday but did not find you where did you go i went to the station said tasfika i had to receive my maternal uncle.





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
around call in of round enlighten a the

Planets are not stars. They have no (a) —— of their own. They can only reflect (b) —— light of the sun. There are many planets (c) —— the sun’s family. The sun’s family consists (d) —— these planets moving (e) —— it. This is called (f) —— solar system. Mercury  is the smallest planet of the solar system. Venus is (g) —— beautiful planet. It is often (h) —— the “Evening Star” and sometimes it is called (i) —— “Morning Star”. Saturn has rings (j) —— it.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

         The natural calamities happening around (a) —— world prove that there has been a change (b) ——global climate. Hurricane, Katrina, Rita, tsunami, earthquake, typhoon and cyclone are all (c) —— outcomes of this change. Experts have warned that we are heading towards (d) —— great disaster because (e) —— environment degradation. We are doing a great harm (f) —— our environment by (g) —— unwise in our activities. (h) —— is the most spectacular reason that causes this degradation. And it (i) —— we who are responsible for this. We must not pollute our environment if we want to keep (j) —— earth habitable.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Robert Herrick   a famous goldsmith of London
He was to a village in Middlesex
His father Nicholas Herrick died a famous poet of English literature
Nicholas Herrick suddenly shifted when he was five years old
After the death of his father his family   born in London, UK
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
overcome rise be enjoy come suffer walk pollute have

There (a) — different kinds of exercises. Walking (b) — one of them. We (c) — early in the morning for (d) — a morning walk. While (e) — in the morning, we can (f) — fresh air. But in towns and cities air is being (g) — in many ways. As a result, people (h) — from different problems. To (i) —— this problem, people and the government should (j) — forward.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have,” said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor. “We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     I forgot his name. (Negative)

(b)    Yes, now I am sure he was Jerry. (Simple)

(c)    He was like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky. (Interrogative)

(d)    Once he broke the axe handle. (Complex)

(e)     But he did not take the money. (Affirmative)

(f)     He admitted that he was responsible for breaking the handle. (Compound)

(g)     He refused to take the money. (Negative)

(h)    No one hits accurately every time. (interrogative)

(i)      As he was honest, he did not show any excuse. (Simple)

(j)      He was not a hypocrite. (Affirmative)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     If you do not waste your time ——.

(b)     This is the boy who ——.

(c)     —— I were a child.

(d)     United we stand, ——.

(e)     The boy is so weak in mathematics——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (a) — (digest) — power. If anybody suffers from (b) — (digest) —  he should take physical exercise.  Proper (c) — (digest) — of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (d) — (constipate) — and helps proper blood (e) — (circulate) —. Our anti-bodies will be (f) — (power) — if our blood circulation is (g) — (norm) —. (h) — (proper) — blood circulation in our bodies may cause many (i) — (predictable) — diseases. So, we must (j) — (sure) — proper blood circulation in our body.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Mr. Shafiq is a nature lover. He is walking in his garden with his friend. He said to his friend, “How sweetly the bird sings! ——?”

(b)     Mamun along with his friends was reading the book. After the completion of their reading, Mamun said, “Let us play football now, ——?”

(c)     Rahim is a poor boy. Eid is impending. His poor old mother said to him, “Rahim, you need to buy a new shirt, ——?”

(d)     If you read in cadet college, you may join the army easily, ——?”

(e)     The postman is a low paid government employee. His duty is to deliver letters and parcels, ——?”

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

A cook (a) —— roasted a duck (b) —— his master. The roast looked (c) —— delicious that the cook couldn’t resist the temptation (d) —— ate (e) —— one of the drumsticks

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         it is the month of ashar the sky is overcast with clouds it is drizzling the roads are full of mud the boats are plying with sails unfurled harvesting of paddy has been started bangladesh has worn an exquisite beauty this is our motherland should not everybody love his motherland





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
in by for of success to the overnight an

Computer was not invented (a) ——. It took time and hard labour (b) —— invent computer. Many votaries (c) —— science worked hard (d) —— years together and finally came out (e) ——. (f) —— fact, computer can’t work all (g) —— itself. It works on (h) —— basis of the command given by (i) —— operator. It is used in our daily life for (j) —— number of purposes.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

         Cleopatra was (a) —— daughter of Pharaoh of (b) ——. She was (c) ——, proud and strong willed. She (d) —— determined to keep her (e) —— free from invaders. When Romans (f) ——  the Egyptian Army, she decided (g) —— to surrender. She had a (h) —— snake round her (i) ——. One day the snake (j) —— her and she died.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Science   diseases with still remain beyond control
For example, antibiotics helps so helpful against diseases like cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis
There are man in so many ways
  is now inoculations and against most of vaccines the diseases
Now medical science   engaged in continuous research on such diseases
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
become give apply keep mix learn
open enrich receive wish look know

Bookish knowledge (a) —— useless when one (b) —— it in the real life. In our practical  life, we (c) —— with different types of people and we get (d) —— by learning from their way of living, manners and other things.  The world is big. If we (e) —— our eyes and ears (f) ——, we can learn a good things of life. The outside world (g) —— us a wide scope of (h) —— different people and their cultures. The things (i) —— at schools and colleges are important but what we (j) —— from our practical life is precious.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Do you know why you have been sent to school?” “For playing with friends, father.” “No, no, you are sent to learn to read and write.” “But I won’t read and write”, replied Robi sulkily. “Yes, you will.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)    Farhana’s life was very difficult. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(b)    One day she got a loan from Grameen Bank and started to make a plan. (Make simple sentence)

(c)    She bought a dheki to husk rice. (Make complex sentence)

(d)     In spite of his working very hard, there was happiness in his heart. (Make compound sentence)

(e)     She was very hard-working and responsible loanee. (Make negative sentence)

(f)     She would pay the loan in time. (Make interrogative sentence)

(g)     So, the official trusted her. (Make negative sentence)

(h)     She has changed her lot through hard work. (Make compound sentence)

(i)      She has brought prosperity to the family. (Make complex sentence)

(j)      She is not poor now. (Make affirmative sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(b)     United we stand, ——.

(a)     It is high time we——.

(c)     Unless you are united ——.

(d)     —— know this wise saying?

(e)     The story of the old man and his sons teaches us ——

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

         Man has a/an (a) — (quench) — thirst for knowledge. He is (b) — (satisfied) — with what he has known and seen. He wants to know more and more. This (c) — (curious) — to know more, coupled with his (d) — (conquer) — spirit of adventure has inspired him to (e) — (take) — and carry out difficult and dangerous tasks. It has (f) — (event) — resulted in epoch-making discoveries and (g) — (invent) — and led him in his (h) — (continue) — journey from his (i) — (help) — state of power and progress. In the fields of science and technology man has many (j) — (achieve) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Man is fond of turning back to the past,——? ‘

(b)    We need to be satisfied with the present,——?

(c)    But everybody hardly forgets golden past, ——?

(d)    Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, ——?

(e)    The memories of childhood really never displease us,——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) ——  our lives on earth directly and indirectly depend on it. (b) —— it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c) —— trees are planted, soon our country will turn into desert, (d) —— there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) ——  we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         fahim said to me have you finished reading the book i gave you yesterday yes have finished reading the book





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
fate which that roses enigmas toil of to fame a

There is a proverb, “Man is the maker of his own fortune. If we afraid (a) —— work, we cannot prosper in life. Some people think (b) —— success in life depends on (c) —— or chance. Scientist have (d) —— day and night in their laboratories to invent radio, televisions and computer (e) —— have added to the joy of our life. Life is not a bed of (f) —— . It may be full of discomforts and (g) —— if we are reluctant (h) —— work. In fact, life may be (i) —— misery to meet our daily expenses. Industry can earn (j) —— in life.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5×10=5

         Human life is full (a) —— woes and sufferings. Even our joy and happiness get tainted (b) —— sorrows and sufferings. Hence we see (c) ——many great poets and philosophers dwelling (d) —— the sunny and seamy sides of life. It is almost impossible for one to have (e) —— taste of joy (f)—— experiencing (g) —— magnitude of ills and sufferings that beset our life. Being rational, we are (h) —— to analyze our hopes and aspirations, (i) —— our success and achievement. But alas! Sorrows and despairs are predominating. And our joy and happiness seem to be (j) —— and visionary.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Mount Everest   difficult and dangerous because of snow
It is exciting and challenging to them
But climbing the Everest might be the climbers always
There has fascinated in the Himalayan mountains
  looks snowslides and cracks under ice
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
ensure treat indulge be sit possess cut need prosper bid

Regular participation in games and sports (a) —— good health and good physical health gives one good mental health. Keep in mind that to study when it (b) —— time for that and to play when it is time for playing is a good rule to follow. Good children do (c) —— in games all day long. As soon as it is time for study they (d) ——  down to study. For this reason, everybody (e) —— them with love and tenderness. They never (f) —— a sorry figure in the exam. They (g) —— fair to success. They can (h) —— in life. They can also (i) —— good health. We (j)—— such students in our society.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

I said to Rina, “Good morning. Why did you miss the most important class on the rules of passage narration yesterday?” “Alas! What a fool I am. Please help me on the topic, Sabina. By Allah, I will never miss any important class.” “Don’t do this. Let us discuss the topic,” I said.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievements of science. (Simple)

(b)     There electricity lights the streets and houses. (Passive)

(c)     The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Passive)

(d)     There is cinema to delight you in the evening. (Complex)

(e)     Computer is the most important invention of modern science. (Positive)

(f)     We cannot go without it. (Interrogative)

(g)     Internet is not less important than computer. (Positive)

(h)     It helps us to know about the world. (Compound)

(i)      It is needed in every office. (Active)

(j)      Having a good effect, it helps us. (Compound)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     No Sooner had I reached home than ¾¾¾.

(b)     He was so lazy that ¾¾¾.

(c)     It is health which is ¾¾¾.

(d)     He succeeded though ¾¾¾.

(e)     As our elders love us, ¾¾¾.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Man is the best (a) —(create)— of Allah. He is a (b) —(ration)— being. Allah has created man with the forth of achieving (c) —(world)— affluence along with spiritual (d) —(perfect)—. He has to do a lot but his life is short. The (e) — (short) — of life has added a new value of human life. The (f) — (add) — of the new value is tragic to man. People who believe in (g) —(spiritual)— of life are different to worldly life. They give more (h) — (important) — to spiritual life. But those who want to gain worldly (i) — (possess) — hanker after money (j) — (rough) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Birds are not the best of creations like man, ——?

(b)     But they do not pollute the environment as we do, ——?

(c)     It is man who pollutes the environment, ——?

(d)     So, we should not pollute the environment, ——?

(e)     If we are educated, we will become conscious, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

         The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. She awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our hearts. (a) —— the infant in arm stretches out its hands to grab this beautiful object. (b) —— her appeal is not confined to only children. The full moon has always played an important role in literature. (c) —— science has different things to tell about the moon. (d) —— on a clear night, we look out on the magic of moon light. It is often difficult for us to realize (e) —— the moon is shining in borrowed feathers.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         will you go to college today the mother said to her son no mother our classes are suspended then go to market and bring some vegetables let me be ready and give me money





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
desire mischief reasonable from an a chief in exercise possess

Love of power is inherent (a) —— human nature. Everyone wishes to have power and (b) —— it to others. Power (c) —— comes from the (d) —— of wealth or learning or any high office. It is (e) —— to have some kind of power or other. He who has power, is feared, obeyed and respected. It is for this reason that power is sought by (f) —— individual as well as by (g) —— nation. To love power for its own sake is bad, it then becomes the root of all evil. To carry love of anything to (h) —— excess leads only to (i) —— . So, this love of power should also be kept within (j) —— bounds.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

Uncle Tom was (a) —— Negro slave who worked (b) —— a farm in Kentucky. He was honest, faithful and efficient (c) —— his work. His master, Mr. Shelby, was a kind man and (d) —— his slaves well. Uncle Tom’s wife Aunt Chole was (e) —— very good natured women. She was also (f) —— excellent cook. They lived happily in their little cottage called ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin. They worked hard and honestly (g) —— their master. The cabin of Uncle Tom was made (h) —— wood. It was (i) —— their master’s house. There was a small plot of land (j) —— in front of their cabin.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Bangladesh is one of the main impediments
It achieved some impediments to be developed
Corruption has a developing country of South Asia
    freedom in 1971
    an independent country
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
take forget be start walk welcome enter thank answer ask

My first day  at school is a memorable day in my life. I will (a) —— the day as long as I live. It (b) —— in January, 1976. I (c) —— my schooling at a village primary school. My father (d) — me to the school for admission. We (e) —— all the way to school. When I (f) —— the Headmaster’s room, I greeted him. I was (g) —— and given a seat. Then he (h) —— me some questions. As I (i) —— them, he (j) —— me cordially and affectionately.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“What part of India do you come from, Mr. Reddy?” “From Madras, though I was born and educated in Hyderabad.” “Is this your first visit to Delhi, Mr. Reddy?” asked Tom. “No, I quite often come here on official business.”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)    An old lady became blind. (Complex)

(b)    She called in a doctor. (Passive)

(c)    She agreed to pay large fee if cured. (Simple)

(d)     But she would pay nothing if not cured. (Compound)

(e)     The doctor called daily and coveted her furniture. (Simple)

(f)     Everyday he took away some of her furniture. (Negative)

(g)     When she was cured he demanded his fees. (Simple)

(h)     The lady refused to pay, saying cure was not complete. (Compound)

(i)      The doctor brought a court case. (Negative)

(j)      The judge gave verdict in her favour. (Interrogative)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     —— if he told me.

(b)     The answer that he  ——.

(c)     Finishing the work, ——.

(d)     I saw my mother ——.

(e)     To walk in the morning ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

There are many causes behind drug (a) — (addict) —. Among them the first and (b) — (most) — cause is (c) — (frustrate) —. Besides, (d) — (ration) — thinking about life also (e) — (rail) — the (f) — (frustrate) — youths and induces them to take drugs. The (g) — (effects) — of drugs are very serious. (h) — (Initial) — it makes them mentally and physically (i) — (balance) —. Then, with the passage of time, they find themselves on the way of no (j) — (turn) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Each and everybody wants to succeed in life, —?

(b)     But it is not an easy task, ——?

(c)     A man should work hard to get success in life, ——?

(d)     He must not be lazy and poorly motivated in his action, ——?

(e)     Rather he will be committed and dedicated to his goal of life, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

         Families in towns and villages use a number of polybags each day. They don’t preserve these (a) —— they throw those bags away. This act of people causes pollution to the environment. They don’t get rotten (b) —— they remain mixed with various wastes. Sometimes they get accumulated in drains and stop their proper flow. (c) —— polybags need to be disposed properly, (d) —— how can this be done? (e) —— they are burnt, they give out black smoke and bad smell to pollute air.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

will you buy my hair asked della i buy hair said madame take your hat off and lets have a sight at the looks of it twenty dollars said madame lifting the mass with a practiced hand





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
this will may at and that with our in take

Population explosion is a constant threat to (a) —— environment, development (b) —— over all our existence. Especially (c) —— Bangladesh the population is growing (d) —— such a high rate (e) —— environment may soon fail to supply (f) —— their minimum necessities. Unless we (g) —— immediate steps to stop (h) —— rapid growth of population,  our  environment (i) —— one day encounter unpredictable difficulty and danger. Consequently, the inhabitants (j) —— experience destruction.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

         My home is in a village . It is a brick (a) —— house. My family consists (b) ——seven members. They are my parents, grandfather and grandmother. We are three brothers and sisters. I am (c) —— eldest of them. My grandfather is (d) —— retired government school teacher. My father is a doctor (e) —— in a govt. (f) ——. My mother is a professor in English in a college. Our house looks very (g) ——. Our house faces the south. So the sunshine and fresh air can (h) —— enter the house. It has three bed-rooms, a study room and a small veranda. The kitchen stands (i) —— the north and for this smoke cannot enter (j) —— the house.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Every Nation are every year with due solemnity
Our nation has some glorious days
These days is 21st February, 26th March, 16th December
The 16th December are observed also some glorious and memorable days
  must have a glorious day for the people of Bangladesh
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5×10=5
prevail be stop respect reign feel understand triumph preach prosper

Truth always (a) —— in the world. Falsehood may (b) —— for the time being. Those who (c) —— engaged in (d) —— the truth are (e) —— by the people. Those who (f)  —— interested in felling lies (g) —— in life. They may prosper seemingly. But they cannot (h) —— all the time. Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth. He tried to make people (i) —— what was good for them. He was troubled by the powerful people. Yet he never (j) —— teaching good things.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Mr. Fox’s very clever,” the other foxes said, “What’s he going to tell us?” Mr. Fox said, “Listen to me my friends. I have made a discovery. Do you want to know about it?” “Yes, of course, what is the discovery?”

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. (Make positive)

(b)     Young Taimur once attacked the province of a powerful prince. (Use passive voice)

(c)     He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. (Make simple sentence)

(d)     Taimur’s soldiers were all killed by the army. (Use active voice)

(e)    He disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive. (Make complex sentence)

(f)    He came to a house to ask for something to eat. (Make compound sentence)

(g)     There lived an old woman in the house. (Make complex sentence)

(h)     The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Make compound sentence)

(i)      The food was very hot. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(j)      Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Make compound sentence)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     As flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity, it is ——.

(b)     There is hardly any person ——.

(c)     We can turn our enemies into friends if we ——.

(d)     It is said that those who do not love flowers——.

(e)     Many people cultivate flowers because ——.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

The scene was (a) — (beauty) — described. The (b) — (music) — was an old man. He was (c) — (beard) —. It was (d) — (origin) — (e) — (think) — to the audience. He charmed the audience who were (f) — (thank) — to him. Suddenly some (g) — (fore) — entered the hall. They seemed (h) — (mind) — as they were (i) — (aware) — of the (j) — (joy) — atmosphere.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Time is very valuable . So, don’t waste time, ——?

(b)    Abdullah and Nafisa are honest. Neither of them tells a lie, ——?

(c)    Mother said to me, “You need not go to market, ——?”

(d)    I have got a family. I am really happy in my family, ——?

(e)    ‘I’ is a pronoun, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

My attention was next to the cage in (a) —— there are two big snakes. They seemed to be asleep. (b) —— I am sure that (c) —— any one of them could get at me it would have smashed my bones by coiling itself round. The sight of the snakes makes my blood creep. Then I was glad to go away from them (d) —— I turned my eyes from them at a porcupine. It had long quills sticking out. I then saw some deer (e) —— beautiful eyes attracted me.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         the traveller said can you tell me the way to the nearest inn yes said the peasant do you want one in which you can spend the night no replied the traveller i only want a meal





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
of does or agony apparently out
though a race the dream so

The human (a) —— has always had (b) —— natural love for success. Denying the (c) —— of failure, the (d) —— of success has always thrilled us. However, is success (e) —— result of hard work and talent (f) —— does it depend on luck? (g) ——, it is both, but hard work (h) —— come first. See, all the experiments require hard work to execute (i) ——  a few come (j) —— successful.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

Smoking (a) —— dangerous (b) —— health as  tobacco leaf contains (c) —— large quantity of (d) —— highly poisonous alkaloid, nicotine, which is one of (e) —— most known fatal poisons. Thousands of people of Bangladesh suffer (f) —— and (g) — 60,000 of them (h) —— of these diseases every year. Most of these cancerous diseases  diseases are (i) —— directly or indirectly due (j) —— smoking of tobacco.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
The 21st February will remain us
The 26th March will always the National Martyrs Day
Our nation inspire the Independence Day
These days is indebted  to the martyrs
    of our country
    now International Mother language Day
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
controlled have take compel hinder change
stop fight avoid know care cultivating

It is (a) —— how certain diseases (b) —— men to change their food habits. One cannot (c) —— cancer by (d) —— food habits, for example. On the other hand, diabetes and blood-pressure have to be (e) —— by discontinuing certain habits and (f) —— certain others. The diabetic patient must (g) —— sugar and the patient with pressure should not (h) —— salt. The patient needn’t (i) —— drinking coffee or tea but he mustn’t (j) —— sugar in either.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

“Great king of the genies,” called the monster. “I will never disobey you.” Hearing those words, the fisherman became very brave and said, “Tell me why were you locked up in the vase?” The giant looked at the fisherman and said, “Speak to me more politely or I shall kill you.” “Why should you kill me?” asked the fisherman.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)    We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge. (Compound)

(b)     The books written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge. (Complex)

(c)     Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books written by great writers. (Simple)

(d)     Books should be read to remove ignorance. (Active)

(e)     To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books. (Interrogative)

(f)     Books are called man’s best friends. (Active)

(g)     Reading books is more important than any other habit. (Positive)

(h)     It guides a man to the right path. (Passive)

(i)      We should read books with a view to acquiring knowledge. (Complex)

(j)      Only reading books can increase man’s intellect. (Negative)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     Yesterday I did not get up early from bed because, ¾¾.

(b)     As soon as I got up from bed, ¾¾.

(c)     As I could not hire a rickshaw, ¾¾.

(d)     On the way to school I walked fast lest ¾¾.

(e)     If I reached late, ¾¾.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Our (a) — (child) — memories are full of both (b) — (beauty) — and sad incidents. For example, I can (c) — (easy) — remember the (d) — (memory) — incidents of my school life. Our teachers told us to read (e) — (attentive) —. We always tried to follow their (f) — (instruct) —. Now, at our mature age, we realize how (g) — (effect) — their advice was. Therefore, we are (h) — (high) —grateful to them. This was the role of our teachers in building our character and (i) — (moral) —which is not (j) — (deny) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     ‘Death is an universal event in human life. So, Mrs. Rahman said to her son, “No man can avoid death, ——-?

(b)     Shafiq is a very clever boy. His friend, Mita said, “Your cleverness charmed me, ——?

(c)    Some people gathered in the road. Rana wanted to know the reason of it. One person said, “There’s been an accident, ——?

(d)    Amina is a housewife. She scarcely goes to market, ——?

(e)     Mr. Arif is in the habit of having tea three times a day. He says to his colleagues, “Tea removes tiredness”, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

Research in education is very important. (a) —— it is a very hard task. (b) —— it takes time, it contributes to the development of overall quality of education. (c) —— research can bring out the potentials of the students. (d) —— the developed countries depend on research methods, we still lag behind. (e) —— our quality of education is not improving.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         first of all he said if you can learn a simple trick scout youll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view





Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.                                                          0.5×10=5
competition with the competitive for lose a on to

         Present world is very (a) ——.  So you need to be competent (b) —— facing the challenge of (c) ——. As a student you have to fully concentrate (d) —— your study. You should be attentive (e) —— your study. If the students of (f) —— country don’t acquire true education, there will be no development for (g) —— country. You must utilize  your time. Nothing can compensate for the loss of your (h) —— time. In order to succeed in life everybody should make (i) —— best use of his/her time and should work hard (j) —— determination.

  1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5Íl0=5

         A society’s culture is made (a) —— of all its ideas and ways of behaving. Language, music, ideas (b) —— what is good and bad, ways (c) —— working and playing and the tools and  other objects made and used (d) —— people in the society all these are part of (e) —— society’s culture. As usual a person’s repeated action is (f) —— good way to find out the (g) —— of the person, studying the behaviour patterns of (h) —— entire society is a way to learn the culture of that society. Patterns of behaviour and action vary (i) —— one to another. These differences are referred (j) —— as cultural differences.

  1. Make five sentences using parts of the sentences from each column of the table below. 1×5=5
Hamlet   his father more than anything in the world
  loved the prince of Denmark
He was a very wicked and cunning man
His father died suddenly in a mysterious   way
His uncle   a brave and noble young man
  1. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. : 0.5Íl0=5
prove need have lose turn love become sacrifice rear fly

The best friend a man (a) —— in the world may (b) —— against him and (c) ——  his enemy. His son or daughter, that he (d) —— with (e) —— care (f) —— ungrateful. The money that a man has may (g) ——. It (h) —— away from him when he (i) —— it most. His reputation may (j) —— in a moment of an ill-considered action.

  1. Change the narrative style of the following text. 5

         The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said the boy. “May Allah grant you a long life,” said the teacher to the boy.

  1. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×10=10

(a)     It was Friday and we were going to Chittagong. (Simple)

(b)    After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at the station. (Compound)

(c)    But scarcely had we reached there when the train left. (Negative)

(d)    So, we waited long to get the next train. (Complex)

(e)    At last it came when the sun was about to set. (Simple) ‘

(f)     We bought the tickets and got on the train. (Simple)

(g)    The train started running fast. (Interrogative)

(h)    The scenery of setting sun surprised me. (Passive)

(i)     Very few sights were so nice as it. (Comparative)

(j)     We reached our destination in the morning. (Complex)

  1. Complete the sentences. 1×5=5

(a)     We must work hard in order that ——.

(b)     A man who —— cannot shine in life.

(c)     It is hard labour that ——.

(d)     The idle cannot reach their target because ——.

(e)     ——unless you work hard.

  1. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in parenthesis. 0.5Í10=5

Macbeth is Shakespeare’s (a) — (short) — tragedy which tells the story of a brave (b) — (Scotland) — general. His name is Macbeth who receives a (c) — (prophet) — from a trio of witches. The prophecy reveals that one day he will become the king of Scotland. He is (d) — (consume) — by ambition and spurred to (e) — (act) — by his (f) — (ambition) — wife Lady Macbeth. Out of (g) — (desperate) — he kills king Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He soon becomes an (h) — (autocracy) — ruler and resorts to (i) — (commit) — more and more murder to protect himself from doubt and (j) — (suspect) —.

  1. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a)     Man is fond of turning back to the past,——?

(b)    The present may be good, ——?

(c)    But everybody hardly forgets golden past, ——?

(d)    Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, ——?

(e)    The memories of childhood really haunt us, ——?

  1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors: 1×5=5

An early riser gets (a) —— time to discharge his daily duties, preserving extra time for extra money-making. In this way, he may be wealthy. The beautiful gifts of nature remind everybody of the Creator (b) —— he may make his morning prayers. (c) ——, if a student rises early, he can prepare his lessons more quickly (d) —— other time. (e) —— he may be more talented.

  1. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

         thomas alva edison a great scientist was born in 1847 in ohio america as a little boy he was very inquisitive he always wanted to know how things were done very early in life he showed that he was full of curiosity a quality which is so important to inventors.

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