Class One English Fill in the gaps

Class One English Fill in the blanks

Fill in the gaps:
a) Write ………… letters to make words.Ans: the
b) It is …………… egg. Ans: an
c) A bag is on ………….. box. Ans: the
d) That is …………. leaf. Ans: an
e) It is ……….. ox. Ans: an
f) This is ………….. head. Ans: a
g) Stre ……….m. Ans: a
h) Come ……… . Ans: here.
i) I am a rat on a ………… Ans: mat.
j) I’m a cat in a ……….. Ans: hat.
k) Show your ………….. Ans: bag
l) Good morning ……… Ans: students.
m) C………….unt. Ans: o
n) I can ……………… Ans: see
o) join …………… dots. Ans: the

Questions Answer
1. A           p            e. Apple.
2. E              phant. Elephant.
3. k          tt           e. kettle.
4. F            ool. Floor.
5. Q        ilt . Quilt .
6. u          br          lla. umbrella.
7. W        n          ow . Window.
8. Put       your Show. on .
9. What            this ? is .
10. Z          b           r. zebra .
11. This is             ox. an
12.         ow . Now .
13. La           p . Lamp .
14. Draw            hen. a
15. What colour         is? it
16. It is              apple . an
17. Write     letter to make word. the
18. A bag is on        table. the
19. This is         table . a
20. join             dots. the

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