Class Seven English E-mail Writing

FEATURES OF E-MAIL [B-†gB‡ji ˆewkó¨vewj]

E-mail (electronic mail) ej‡Z †evSvq wWwRUvj evZ©v (digital message) hv Computer Network-Gi gva¨‡g †cÖiY Kiv nq| AvaywbK Rxeb e¨e¯’vq †hvMv‡hv‡Mi †ÿ‡Î GwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i|

E-mail `yai‡bi nq| 1. Formal E-mail Ges 2. Informal E-mail. Formal E-mail A‡bKUv formal application Gi g‡Zv| Avi Informal E-mail n‡jv Informal letter Gi g‡Zv| wb‡¤œ Formal E-mail †jLvi wbqg †`qv n‡jv:

  1. †h cÖwZôvb ev e¨w³‡K E-mail Kiv nq †mB cÖwZôvb ev e¨w³i E-mail address w`‡Z n‡e| †hgb: To:
  2. †h cÖwZôvb ev whwb E-mail †cÖiY Ki‡eb †mB cÖwZôvb ev e¨w³i E-mail address w`‡Z n‡e| †hgb: From:
  3. E-mail †cÖi‡Yi date w`‡Z n‡e| †mLv‡b †cÖi‡Yi mgq D‡jøL _vK‡e|
  4. †h wel‡q E-mail cvVv‡bv n‡”Q Zv Subject-Gi ¯’v‡b wjL‡Z n‡e|
  5. Greetings-Gi ¯’v‡b Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr Rahman, ev Dear Ms Khatun wjL‡Z n‡e|
  6. Closing-Gi †ÿ‡Î Best wishes/Best regards/Regards wj‡L wVKvbv D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e|
  7. E-mail-wU post Kivi c~‡e© Aek¨B evbvb, weivgwPý I e¨vKiYMZ ï×Zv hvPvB K‡i wb‡Z n‡e|
    E-mail-Gi fvlv n‡e mswÿß I mviMf©|
  8. E-mail-G text Gi cvkvcvwk wewfbœ Document †hgb- CV, picture, Audio/Video file, wewfbœ link cvVv‡bv hvq|


To          :   (Receiver’s E-mail address)

From     :   (Sender’s name and E-mail Address)

Date      :   (Day, date and time of sending the message)

Subject  :   (The subject of the message in short)

Dear Arif

(Salutation of the receiver)

(The body of the E-mail)
Yours ever,


(Name of the Sender)



 Informal E-mail 

  1. Suppose, you are Masfiq living in Dhaka. Write an e-mail to greet your friend living outside Bangladesh on the new year’s eve. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg gvmwdK XvKvq evm Ki| bZzb eQ‡i Awfev`b Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi eÜz †h evsjv‡`‡ki evB‡i _v‡K Zv‡K GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To     :  <>

From :  <>

Date  :  30 December, 2016, 3:10 pm.

      Sub   :  New year’s greetings (Awfev`b).

Dear friend,

I am missing your presence (Dcw¯’wZ) on this occasion (Abyôvb). May the coming year bring you all the happiness (Avb›`). Happy new year to you and your family.



  1. Write an e-mail to your friend wishing him a happy birthday. (Rb¥w`‡bi ï‡f”Qv Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To     :  <>

From :  <>

Date  :  March 10, 2016, 10:30 a.m.

      Sub   :  Congratulation on a birthday party.

Dear friend,

How are you? Hope you are having lots of fun (gRv). Happy birthday (Rb¥w`b) to you. Many happy returns (wd‡i Avmv) on your 15th birthday. Looking forward to meeting (mvÿvr) you soon.



  1. Suppose, you’re Jaman. Now, write an e-mail to your friend thanking him for his hospitality. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg Rvgvb| †Zvgvi eÜzi AvwZ‡_qZvi ab¨ev` Rvwb‡q Zv‡K GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To     :  <>

From :  <>

Date  :  April 15, 2016, 14:00 pm.

      Sub   :  Thanking for hospitality.

Dear friend,

Hope you are fine. Accept my cordial (AvšÍwiK) love for the warm hospitality given to me by you and your family members. Yesterday, I reached (†cŠQv‡bv) home safe but I was thinking about all of you. How kind your people are! I enjoyed (Dc‡fvM Kiv) every moment of my staying in your house. Besides, the places around the city where I visited charmed (AvK…ó Kiv) me. Now it’s your turn. I think you would accept my invitation (wbgš¿Y). During your next vacation you must visit our house.

No more today. Hope to meet you soon.


  1. Suppose, the marriage ceremony of your elder sister is going to be held next week. Invite your friend by using e-mail to attend the ceremony.
    (g‡b Ki, AvMvwg mßv‡n †Zvgvi eo †ev‡bi weevn AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q| Abyôv‡b Dcw¯’Z _vKvi Rb¨ B-†gBj Gi gva¨‡g †Zvgvi eÜz‡K wbgš¿Y RvbvI|)

To      : <>

From : <>

Date  : April 2, 2016; 5:10 p.m

Sub   : Invitation for the marriage ceremony.

My dear friend,

The marriage ceremony of my elder brother is going to be held on April 17, 2016. The bridegroom’s (eicÿ) party will reach our house at 3 p.m on that day. I request (Aby‡iva Kiv) you to come to our house at least two days before the function (Abyôvb) because I need your help. My parents also expect (cÖZ¨vkv Kiv) you. The function will remain incomplete (Acwic~Y©) if you fail to come at the right time. Hoping to meet you soon.

Yours ever,


  1. Suppose, you are Akram. Your friend Wasim is addicted to smoking. Now, write an e-mail to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking.
    (g‡b Ki, Zzwg AvKivg| †Zvgvi eÜz Iqvwmg aygcv‡b Avm³| GLb, aygcv‡bi Lvivc w`K¸‡jv eY©bv K‡i †Zvgvi eÜz‡K GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To      : <maznun@yahoo.cim>

From : <>

Date  : April, 9, 2016; 10:00 a.m

Sub   : Describing the bad effects of smoking.

Dear friend,

How are you? Your silence pains me much. It is a matter of great regret (`ytL) that you have become a chain smoker. I heard such news from a reliable (wbf©i‡hvM¨) source. I think you are sensible (wePÿY) enough to understand the bad effect of smoking. Smoking is, to me, as bad as committing suicide
(AvZ¥nZ¨v Kiv). It not only wastes your money but also destroys (aŸsm Kiv) your health and time. In fact, it is a store house of fatal (gvivZ¥K) diseases like cancer, heart attack, bronchitis, etc. So, keep yourself aloof (`~‡i) from this bad habit. Hoping to receive good news from you.

No more today.

Yours ever,




  1. Imagine, you are Moutusi. You have a friend named Alexa living in the United States. Now, write a e-mail to your friend inviting her to visit Bangladesh. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg †gŠUzmx| A¨v‡j·v bv‡g †Zvgvi eÜz hy³iv‡óª _v‡K| GLb, †Zvgvi eÜz‡K evsjv‡`‡k åg‡Yi Avgš¿Y Rvwb‡q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To      :   <>

From :   <>

Date  :   10 April, 2016; 2:30 pm

Sub   :   Invitation for visiting Bangladesh.

Dear Jessica,

Hope, you are well. A few days ago you told me that your exam was going on. How was your exam? If your exam is over, you may visit (cwi`k©b Kiv) our country. I know that you like travelling (ågY). I shall be glad if you arrange (Av‡qvRb Kiv) a programme to visit our country. Our country is a third world country but it has many attractive (AvKlY©xq) places to visit. Looking forward to your decision (gZvgZ) regarding visiting our country.

With thanks,


  1. Suppose, you are Tuli and your friend Arif has done a brilliant result in the last annual examination. Now, write an e-mail to your friend congratulating him. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg Zzwj Ges †Zvgvi eÜz Avwid evwl©K cixÿvq K…wZZ¡c~Y© djvdj K‡i‡Qv| GLb, †Zvgvi eÜz‡K Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To         :  <>

From     :  <>

Date      :  Sunday, 22 December, 2016; 10.00 am

     Subject :  Letter of congratulations.

Dear Arif,

I must congratulate you on your brilliant result in the last annual examination. Please except my sincere congratulation (Awfb›`b) on your excellent (PgrKvi) performance. Your performance will encourage others to do well in future. Especially I am inspired (DrmvwnZ nIqv) to achieve (AR©b Ki‡Z) a good result.

With best wishes.

Yours ever,


  1. Suppose, you are Tariq and your annual examination is very near. Now, write an e-mail to your father telling him about your preparation for the ensuing exam. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg ZvwiK Ges †Zvgvi evwl©K cixÿv LyeB wbK‡U| GLb, †Zvgvi evev‡K Avmbœ cixÿvi cÖ¯‘wZ m¤ú‡K© Rvwb‡q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To         :  <>

     From    :  <>

Date     :  Tuesday, 1 October 2016, 11.00 am

     Subject :  Informing about preparation for examination.

Dear Father,

I have just received your e-mail. You wanted to know about my preparation (cÖ¯‘wZ) for the annual (evwl©K) examination. You will be glad to know that my preparation is good. I have prepared the necessary notes on every subject. I have thoroughly (mgMÖfv‡e) read almost all the topics (welqe¯‘) of every subject. English had always been a subject of fear to me. Now I am confident (AvZ¥wek¦vmx) that I will get good marks in it.

With regards,


  1. Suppose, you are Adil. Recently, you have got you annual examination result. Now, write an e-mail to your father informing him about your annual examination results. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg Avw`j| m¤cÖwZ, Zzwg evwl©K cixÿvi djvdj †c‡q‡Qv| GLb, †Zvgvi evev‡K evwl©K cixÿvi djvdj Rvwb‡q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To        :  <>

From   :  <>

Date    :  Saturday, 21 December, 2016; 9.00 am

      Subject  :       Information about results

Dear Father.

My annual examination results have been published (cÖKvwkZ nIqv). You will certainly (wbwðZfv‡e) be glad to know that I have stood first in the class. All my teachers praised (cÖkswmZ Kiv) me highly and my classmates (mncvVx) congratulated (Awfb›`b Rvbv‡bv) me on my brilliant results. I am sure all the family members will be happy to hear this news too. Please pray for me.

With regards.

Yours affectionately,


  1. Suppose, you are Rajib and your examination has been ended. Now, inform your father through e-mail how you have done in the last examination. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg ivwRe Ges †Zvgvi cixÿv †kl n‡q‡Q| GLb, Zzwg †kl cixÿvq †Kgb K‡iQ Rvwb‡q †Zvgvi evev‡K GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To        :  <>

From   :  <>

Date    :  Sunday, 1 December, 2016; 11:00 am

      Subject  :       Information about last examination.

My Dear Father,

My annual examination is over. You will be glad (Avbw›`Z) to know that I have done well in all the subjects. Actually my preparation (cÖ¯‘wZ) was very good and I was also in good health. I can assure (wbwðZ Kiv) you I will retain (a‡i ivLv) my top position (Ae¯’vb) in the class. Please convey this news to mother.

Your loving son,


 Formal E-mail 


  1. Suppose, you need a citizenship certificate to apply for a new post. Now, write an e-mail to the U.P. Chairman asking for the citizenship certificate. (g‡b Ki, bZzb c‡` Av‡e`‡bi Rb¨ †Zvgvi GKwU bvMwiK mb`cÎ `iKvi| GLb, BD.wc. †Pqvig¨v‡bi Kv‡Q bvMwiK mb`cÎ †P‡q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To       : upchairman@khulna.govt

From   :

Date    : 15th April 2016; 18:30 pm

      Subject : Asking for a citizenship certificate

Dear sir,

I am writing to inform you with honour (m¤§vb) that I am an Assistant (mnKvix) Director of Govt. office in Khulna. Recently, I have been transferred (¯’vbvšÍwiZ nIqv) from Khulna to Dhaka. The authority (KZ…©cÿ) of my present office has sought (PvIqv) a citizenship certificate. So I need a citizenship certificate from you. Since you personally (e¨w³MZfv‡e) know me, I cordially (AvšÍwiKfv‡e) request you to issue me a citizenship certificate on your letterpad.

Finally, I would be thankful if you help me in this regard.

Thanking you,

Ornob Ahmed

Bashupara, Khulna

Mobile No. 0192496####

  1. Suppose, you want to buy a computer. Now, write an e-mail to a computer agency in response to an advertisement in the newspaper asking more information. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg GKwU Kw¤úDUvi wKb‡Z PvI| GLb, cwÎKvq weÁvc‡bi Av‡iv wKQz Z_¨ Rvb‡Z †P‡q Kw¤úDUvi cÖwZwbwai Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To            :

From       :

Date        :   20 May 2016; 11.00

      Subject   :   Request of informing about a computer.

Dear Sir,

It would be convenient (myweav) for me if you send a reply to my e-mail informing me the details (we¯ÍvwiZ) about the computer you advertised in the newspaper. To be more specific (wbw`©ó) I am intend to know about ‘Lenovo Macbook Pro’. I want to know more information about the price, hard disk, processor, memory, RAM and so on.

I hope that your renowned (weL¨vZ) company would assist (mvnvh¨ Kiv) me by sending an e-mail informing me about the mentioned (D‡jøwLZ) product.


Farhana Sikdar

Mobile Number: 01XXXXXXXXX

E-mail :

  1. Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk asking him to reserve a seat for you. (†Zvgvi Rb¨ GKwU wmU msiÿ‡Yi Rb¨ †ijI‡q eywKs †Kivbxi Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To        :  <>

From   :>

Date    :  Saturday, 9 November, 2016; 2.00 pm

      Subject  :       For reservation of a seat.


Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that I will go to Rajshahi on 12 November, 2016. So I earnestly (AvšÍwiKfv‡e) request you to reserve (msiÿY Kiv) one first class seat for the 8.30 am Tista Express from Dhaka to Rajshahi on the dated above. A demand (`vex) draft covering the fare is already sent by the post.

I hope that you would be kind enough to help me regarding the reservation (msiÿY) of a seat.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,


  1. Write an e-mail to the Postmaster General complaining against non-receipt of a money order. (GKwU bb-wiwmÞ gvwb AW©vi Gi weiæ‡× mvaviY Awf‡hvM Rvwb‡q †cv÷ gv÷v‡ii Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To        :  <>

From   :  “Raina” <>

Date    :  Tuesday, I October 2016; 10.30 am

      Subject  :       Complaining against non-receipt of a money order.

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I sent a money order for 5,000/= only from
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Post Office to Ashiqul Islam, C/O Abul Hossain, P.O. Gouranadi, Barisal on 8 September, 2016 under receipt No. MPR 1812. It’s a matter of sorrow (`y¯’) that the mentioned (D‡jøL¨) money order has not yet reached to the payee even after a month.

It is hoped that you would be kind enough (h‡_ó) to enquire  (†LuvR †bqv) about the matter and take necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) steps so that the money order is delivered to the proper payee (cvIbv`vi)  without further delay (wej¤^).

Thanking you,



Mobile Number: 01XXXXXXXXX

  1. Suppose, you want to go on a foreign tour on holidays. Now, write an e-mail to the Manager of a travel agency asking for the details about holiday packages. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg QzwU‡Z we‡`k åg‡Y †h‡Z PvI| GLb, QzwUi c¨v‡KRmg~n m¤ú‡K© we¯ÍvwiZ Rvb‡Z †P‡q ågY cÖwZwbwa g¨v‡bRv‡ii wbKU GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To        :  <>

From   :  “Ariq” <>

Date    :  Thursday, 4 July, 2016; 9.30 am

      Subject  :       Seeking information about a foreign tour.

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that I am interested (DrmyK) to go on a tour during the coming Eid vacation with your renowned (mycwiwPwZ) ÔBorak Travel & Tours Ltd’. I will go to Thailand and stay there for a week. I would like to start my journey (ågY) on 15 July 2016 and return before 25 July 2016. I also like to visit most of the tourist spots (ch©Ub GjvKv) there. So I want to know about the tour programme (Kg©m~wP) including the important spots there.

It is hoped that your renowned (bvgKiv) company would forward me all the necessary information in this regard (wel‡q) by sending an e-mail as soon as possible.

Thanking you

Ariq Faiaz


Cell Phone: 019 – – – – – – – – – –

  1. Suppose, you are an inhabitant at Senpara Parbata, Mirpur, Dhaka. You feel the necessity of a children’s park here. Now, write an e-mail to the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation (North). (g‡b Ki, Zzwg XvKv, wgicyi, †mbcviv ce©Zvi GKRb evwm›`v| Zzwg GLv‡b GKwU ev”Pv‡`i cv‡K©i cÖ‡qvRb g‡b Ki| GLb, Zzwg XvKv (DËi) wmwU K‡c©v‡ik‡bi †gq‡ii wbKU GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To       :

     From   :

Date    : Thursday 11 September 2016, 11.00 am

     Subject : Request for setting up a children’s park.

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the matter that there is no children’s park at our locality. It is a place where the children can freely and spontaneously (¯^Z:ù~Z©fv‡e) take part in games, sports and recreational (we‡bv`bg~jK) activities. It is also essential (cÖ‡qvRb) for healthy development of their body and mind. So the necessity of a children’s park cannot be overstated
(evwo‡q ejv).

It is hoped that you would be considerate (mnvbyf~wZkxj) enough to take proper steps to set up a children’s park at this locality to meet a civic (bvMwiK) demand of the children.

Thanking you,

Abul Bashar Topon

Senpara Parbata, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Mobile no. 01722 ……..

  1. Suppose, the common room facilities in your school are not adequate. Now, write an e-mail requesting your headteacher to increase the facilities in common room. (g‡b Ki, †Zvgvi we`¨vj‡q Kgbiæ‡gi myweav¸‡jv ch©vß bq| GLb, Kgbiæ‡gi myweav¸‡jv e„w× Ki‡Z cÖavb wkÿ‡Ki wbKU Aby‡iva Rvwb‡q GKLvbv B-†gBj †jL|)

To         :

From    :

Date     :  20 April 2016; 11.30

     Subject   :        Request for increasing common room facilities.

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the matter that the common room facilities in our school are not adequate (ch©vß). The students pass their off period idly (Ajmfv‡e) gossiping (Mí Kiv) here and there. It would be a great importance for us provided we get more newspapers and magazines and more facilities (myweav) for indoor games in the common room.

I hope that you would be considerate (mnvbyf~wZkxj) enough to take steps to ensure (wbwðZ Ki‡Z) the above mentioned (D‡jøwLZ) facilities.

Yours obediently


Class-VII, Roll No. 01

On behalf of the students of

Mirpur Girls’ Ideal Laboratory Institute


  1. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village Nabinagar, Brahmanbaria. Cholera has broken out in your area in an epidemic form. Now, write an e-mail to the UNO of Nabinagar seeking immediate arrangement for vaccination in your locality. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg eªvþYevoxqvi, bexbMi MÖv‡gi GKRb evwm›`v| K‡jivi cÖv`y©fve †Zvgv‡`i GjvKvq gnvgvix iƒc aviY K‡i‡Q| GLb, †Zvgvi GjvKvq Riæwi wUKv cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v Kivi Rb¨ bexbM‡ii Dc‡Rjv wbe©vnx-Kg©KZ©vi Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To      : <>

From : <>

Date  : April 12, 2016, 4:30 pm.

     Sub : Request for immediate arrangement for vaccination.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to draw your kind attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the fact that our village is under the grip of cholera again. Cholera visits our village quite (wVKB) often. This time it has broken (†f‡½ †djv) the record of the past. It has already (B‡Zvg‡a¨) taken a heavy toll of lives. Immediate (`ªƒZ) steps must be taken to eradicate (wbg~©j Ki‡Z) the problem. Authority (KZ…©cÿ) should take necessary measures to vaccinate the people of the affected areas as early as possible.

I earnestly request you to take effective (djcÖm~) measure to improve (DbœwZ Kiv) the present condition.

Sincerely yours,


Mob: 0171 …………….

  1. Suppose, your locality has been seriously damaged by a recent flood. Now, write an e-mail to the DC of your district for relief for the flood-affected people. (g‡b Ki, †Zvgvi GjvKv mv¤cÖwZK eb¨vq gvivZ¥Kfv‡e ÿwZMÖ¯’ n‡q‡Q| GLb, eb¨v KewjZ gvbyl‡`i Îv‡Yi Rb¨ †Zvgvi †Rjvi †WcywU Kwgkbv‡ii Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)

To             :

From        :

Date         :   20 August 2016; 10.30 a.m.

     Subject    :   Request for granting relief for the flood-affected people.

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the fact that our locality has been seriously (gvivZ¥Kfv‡e) affected by the recent flood. A number of houses and properties and domestic (M„ncvwjZ) animals have been washed away
(fvwm‡q wb‡q hvIqv) by the flood. People are suffering from various water-borne (cvwbevnxZ) diseases. They are greatly in need of some relief (ÎvY) materials.

I hope that you would be considerate enough to grant some relief for the affected people of this locality as soon as possible.


Sopan Ahmed

Sadar Upazila, Pabna

Mobile Number: 01XXXXXXXXX

  1. Suppose, you booked a ticket from a travel agency. But you have to cancel your fixed journey because of some problems. Now, write an e-mail to the manager of the travel agency to cancel the ticket booked for you. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg GKwU Uªv‡fj G‡RwÝ †_‡K GKwU wUwKU µq K‡i‡Qv| wKš‘ wKQz mgm¨vi †Zvgvi wbw`©ó ågb evwZj Ki‡Z n‡e| GLb, Uªv‡fj G‡RwÝi g¨v‡bRv‡ii Kv‡Q wUwKU evwZj Kivi Rb¨ GKUv B-†gBj †jL|)

To        : <>

From    : <>

Date     : Tuesday 5 July, 2016, 11.40 am

     Sub : Request for canceling a booked ticket.

Dear Sir,

I booked an air-ticket of United Airways to visit India through your agency two days ago. My flight is on July 7, 2016. But at this moment I have decided (wm×všÍ †bIqv) not to travel because of some personal (e¨w³MZ) problems. Please help me in this regard by canceling (evwZj Kiv) the ticket. The ticket is of the Air United no. 25 and the seat number is G-1.

I hope that your agency would assist (mvnvh¨ Kiv) me by canceling the ticket.

Sincerely yours,

Khan Mizan

Mob : 0171#######

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