Class Seven English Unseen Passage (16-20)

Unseen Passage – 16 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. (wb‡Pi cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges  cªkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

The city with the highest temperature yesterday was Singapore. At noon the temperature in Singapore was 33°C and at midnight the temperature was 25°C. Tokyo had the second highest temperature. It was only 2°C lower than in Singapore at noon. The temperature in Rome at noon was 30°C, the same as in New York. However, New York’s temperature at midnight was one degree lower than Rome’s, the noon temperature in Cairo was 29°C, one degree higher then that in Hong Kong. The temperature at midnight in Paris was 11°C less than that at noon in Paris yesterday. Although Stockholm’s temperature at midnight was the same as the temperature at midnight in Paris, its noon temperature was 14°C. The coolest city was London, with a temperature of only 22°C at noon and 13°C at midnight.

The cities with the highest temperature had a lot of sunshine throughout the day. It was cloudy and dry at Stockholm, but it rained heavily in both London and Hong Kong.

Word Meanings with Synonyms :    highest (nvB‡q÷)adj. – m‡e©v”P; top. same (†mBg)adj. – GKBiKg; alike. although (Aj‡`v)prep. – hw`I; though. coolest (Kz‡j÷)adj. – kxZjZg; coldest. a lot of (G jU Ae)phr. – cÖPzi; huge. cloudy (K¬vDwW)adj. – †gNv”Qbœ; covered with cloud. heavily (n¨vwfwj)adv. – e¨vcKfv‡e; hugely.

e½vbyev`: MZKvj m‡e©v”P ZvcgvÎv wQj wm½vcyi kn‡i| `ycy‡i wm½vcy‡ii ZvcgvÎv wQj 33°†m. Ges ga¨iv‡Z wQj 25°†m| †UvwKI‡Z wQj wØZxq m‡e©v”P ZvcgvÎv| GUv wm½vcy‡ii `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎvi †P‡q gvÎ 2°†m. Kg wQj| †iv‡gi `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎv wQj 30° †m. hv wbDBq‡K©i gZB| hv‡nvK, wbDBq‡K©i ga¨iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎv †iv‡gi †P‡q 1° Kg wQj, Kvq‡ivi `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎv wQj 29° †m. hv nsKs‡qi `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎvi †P‡q 1° †ewk| MZKvj c¨vwi‡mi ga¨iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎv `ycy‡ii †P‡q 11° †m. Kg wQj| hw`I ÷K‡nv‡gi ga¨iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎv c¨vwi‡mi ga¨iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎvi mgvb wQj, †mLv‡b `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎv wQj 14° †m.| kxZjZg kni wQj jÛb †hLv‡b `ycy‡ii ZvcgvÎv wQj 22° †m Ges ga¨iv‡Z 13° †m.|

m‡e©v”P ZvcgvÎvi kni¸‡jv mvivw`b †ek †iŠ‡`ªv¾¡j wQj| ÷K‡nvg wQj †gNjv I ﮋ, wKš‘ jÛb I nsKs‡q cÖPzi e„wócvZ n‡qwQj|

  1. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage. 1 × 5 = 5
Name of the cities Noon Midnight
Singapore 33°C (i) ……….
Tokyo (ii) …….  
New York (iii) …….  
Cairo (iv) ……  
(v) ……………… 14°C  
  1. Read the passage again and write ‘True’ or ‘False’ beside the following statements. Give correct answer for the false statement. 1 × 5 = 5

(a) At noon, the temperature at Tokyo was 31°C.

(b) New York’s midnight temperature was same as the Rome’s.

(c) Hong Kong’s noon temperature was 30°C.

(d) The noon temperature of Paris was 11°C higher than the midnight temperature.

(e) It rained heavily at Stockholm.


  1. (i) 25°C; (ii) 31°C; (iii) 30°C; (iv) 29°C; (v) Stockholm.
  2. (a) True.

(b) False. New York’s midnight temperature was one degree lower than Rome’s.

(c)  False. Hong Kong’s noon temperature was 28°C.

(d) True.

(e)  False. It was cloudy and dry at Stockholm.

Unseen Passage – 17 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. (wb‡Pi cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges  cªkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

Abul Qasem Fazlul Huq was born in 1872 at Saturia in Barisal. There he received his primary education in a village Maktab. He entered the Barisal Zilla School. He passed the Entrance Examination standing first in the Dhaka division. After that, he went to Calcutta for higher education. At the age of twenty one he passed the B.Sc Examination obtaining Honours in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from the Presidency College. He took his M.Sc degree in Mathematics in 1895. The next year he was appointed as an Examiner of Mathematics in Calcutta University. In 1897 he passed B.L. Examination with distinction and enrolled himself in the Calcutta High Court as assistant to Sir Ashutosh Mukharjee. He worked with Nawab Sir Salimullah Bahadur and played an important role in founding the All India Muslim League in 1906. In the same year he gave up his legal profession and became a Magistrate. He acted for a short time, resigned and he joined the Calcutta High Court again in 1912. In 1913 he became an elected M.L.C for the first time. Three years after he attended the special joint session of the Congress and the Muslim League in Lucknow and played an important role. In 1918 he became the general secretary of the Indian National Congress.

Word Meanings with Synonyms :    primary (cÖvBgvwi)adj. – cÖv_wgK; basic, initial. obtain (Ae‡UBb)v. – AR©b Kiv; achieve, attain. appoint (A¨vc‡q›U)v. – wb‡qvM †`Iqv; employ. distinction (wWmwUskb)n. – m¤§vb; honor, credit. enroll (Gb‡ivj)v. – fwZ© Kiv; admit. assistant (GwmmU¨v›U)n. – mnKvix; aide. found (dvDÛ)v. – cÖwZôv Kiv; establish. legal (wjM¨vj)adj. – AvBbm¤§Z; lawful. profession (cÖ‡dkb)n. – †ckv; career, occupation.

e½vbyev` : Aveyj Kv‡kg dRjyj nK ewikv‡ji mvUzwiqvq 1872 mv‡j Rš§MÖnY K‡ib| †mLv‡b MÖv‡gi GKwU g³‡e wZwb cÖv_wgK wkÿv jvf K‡ib| wZwb ewikvj †Rjv ¯‹z‡j fwZ© nb| wZwb XvKv wefv‡M G›UªvÝ cixÿvq cÖ_g ¯’vb AwaKvi K‡i DËxY© nb| Gici wZwb D”PZi wkÿv jv‡fi Rb¨ KjKvZvq hvb| wZwb GKzk eQi eq‡m †cÖwm‡WwÝ K‡jR n‡Z imvqb, c`v_©we`¨v I MwY‡Z m¤§vbmn we.Gmwm. cvm K‡ib| wZwb 1895 mv‡j MwY‡Z Gg.G. wWMÖx †bb| c‡ii eQi wZwb KjKvZv wek¦we`¨vj‡q MwY‡Zi cixÿK wbhy³ nb| 1897 mv‡j wZwb K…wZ‡Z¡i mv‡_ we.Gj cixÿvq DËxY© nb Ges KjKvZv D”P Av`vj‡Z m¨vi Avky‡Zvl gy‡Lvcva¨v‡qi mnKvix wn‡m‡e ZvwjKve× nb| wZwb beve m¨vi mwjgyjøvn evnv`y‡ii m‡½ KvR K‡ib Ges 1906 mv‡j wbwLj fviZ gymwjg jxM cÖwZôvq ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡ib| GKB eQi wZwb AvBb †ckv †Q‡o †`b Ges g¨vwR‡÷ªU nb| wZwb Aí wKQz w`b KvR K‡ib, Gici c`Z¨vM K‡ib Ges 1912 mv‡j KjKvZv D”P Av`vj‡Z Avevi †hvM`vb K‡ib| 1913 mv‡j wZwb cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv e¨e¯’vcbv cwil‡`i wbe©vwPZ m`m¨ nb| wZb eQi ci wZwb jL‡bŠ‡Z Ks‡MÖm I gymwjg jx‡Mi we‡kl †hŠ_ Awa‡ek‡b Ask †bb Ges ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv iv‡Lb| 1918 mv‡j wZwb fviZxq RvZxq Ks‡MÖ‡mi gnvmwPe nb|

  1. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage. 1 × 5 = 5
Name of the Events Place Year/Time Achievement
The Entrance Examination     (i) ———
B.Sc (ii) ——— (iii) ———  
Higher Education (iv) ——— 1896  
(v) ——— Lucknow    
  1. Read the passage again and write ‘True’ or ‘False’ beside the following statements. Give correct answer for the false statement. 1 × 5 = 5

(a) A.K. Fazlul Huq had working experience with Sir Ashutush Mukharjee only.

(b) The All India Muslim League was founded in 1906.

(c) Saturia is in Dhaka district.

(d) After passing M.Sc in Mathematics, A.K. Fazlul Huq enrolled himself in the Calcutta High Court.

(e) A.K. Fazlul Huq received his primary education from a village Maktab.


  1. (i) stood first in Dhaka division; (ii) Presidency college. (iii) At the age of twenty one; (iv) Calcutta University; (v) Special joint session of the congress and the Muslim League.
  2. (a) False. A.K. Fazlul Haq had working experience not only with sir Ashutosh Mukharjee but also with many prominent persons like Nawab Sir Salimullah.

(b) True.

(c) False. Saturia is in Barisal district.

(d) False. After passing M.Sc in Mathematics he was appointed as an Examiner of M.A. in mathematics in Calcutta University.

(e) True.

Unseen Passage – 18 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. (wb‡Pi cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges  cªkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

Shah Jahan was the 5th Mughal Emperor of India from 1628 to 1638. He was the third son of Emperor Jahangir and grandson of the great Mughal, Akbar. He was born in Lahore on January 5, 1592. In 1612 when his title was still prince Khurram, he married Arjumand Banu, known in history as Mumtaj Mahal. Shah Jahan was ambitious to gain the throne though was third in line. In 1621 he staged an unsuccessful rebellion against his father. As a consequence he spent the following three years travelling around the kingdom waiting his father to forgive him. The father and the son were reconciled in 1625. Jahangir died two years later. With support from his wife’s family, Shah Jahan proclaimed himself Emperor at Agra in February 1628.

Word Meanings with Synonyms :    emperor (G¤úvivi)n. – mgªvU; ruler, monarch. ambitious (A¨vgwekvm&)adj. – D”Pvwfjvlx; aspirant. throne (†_ªvb)n. – wmsnvmb; kingdom. unsuccessful (AvbmvK‡mmdzj)adj. – Amdj; effectless, hopeless. rebellion (wi‡ewjqb)n. – we‡`ªvn; revolt. consequence (Kbwm‡Kv‡qÝ)n. – cwiYvg; outcome. reconcile (wiKbmvBj)v. – cybwg©wjZ Kiv; reunite. proclaim (†cÖv‡K¬Bg)v. – †NvlYv Kiv; declare.

e½vbyev`: kvnRvnvb wQ‡jb fvi‡Zi cÂg †gvNj mgªvU whwb 1628-1638 mvj ch©šÍ kvmb K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb mgªvU Rvnv½x‡ii Z…Zxq mšÍvb Ges gnvb †gvNj AvKe‡ii bvwZ wQ‡jb| wZwb 1592 mv‡ji 5B Rvbyqvwi jv‡nv‡i Rš§MÖnY K‡ib| 1612 mv‡j hLb Zvi Dcvwa wQj ivRcyÎ Lyiig, ZLb wZwb AviRygv›` evby‡K we‡q K‡ib whwb BwZnv‡m ggZvR gnj bv‡g cwiwPZ| kvnRvnvb gyKz‡Ui Rb¨ D”Pvwfjvlx wQ‡jb hw`I wZwb wQ‡jb µgvbyhvqx Z…Zxq| 1621 mv‡j wZwb Zvi evevi weiæ‡× GKwU e¨_© we‡`ªvn K‡ib| hvi d‡j wZwb cieZx© wZb eQi Zvi evevi ÿgv cvevi A‡cÿvq iv‡R¨i Pviw`‡K Ny‡i †eovb| 1625 mv‡j wcZv I cy‡Îi cybwg©jb nq| `yB eQi ci Rvnv½xi gviv hvb| ¯¿xi cwiev‡ii mvnvh¨ wb‡q 1628 mv‡ji †deªæqvwi‡Z AvMÖvq kvnRvnvb wb‡R‡K mgªvU †NvlYv K‡ib|

  1. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage. 1 × 5 = 5
Who/What/Where Description
Shah Jahan (i)………………
Mumtaj Mahal (ii)………………
(iii)……………… Proclaimed himself emperor.
Emperor Jahangir (iv)………………
(v)……………… travelling for three years.
  1. Read the passage again and write ‘True’ or ‘False’ beside the following statements. Give correct answer for the false statement. 1 × 5 = 5

(a) Arjumand Banu was the son in law of Jahangir.

(b) Shah Jahan had no interest to gain the throne.

(c) Shah Jahan succeeded to fulfil his desire.

(d) Shah Jahan got help from his in law’s family.

(e) Mumtaj Mahal was the wife of Akbar’s grandson.


  1. (i) 5th Mughal Emperor of India; (ii) Shah Jahan’s wife; (iii) At Agra in February 1628; (iv) died in 1627; (v) for his father’s forgiveness.
  2. (a) False. Arjumand Banu was the daughter in law of Jahangir.

     (b) False. Shah Jahan was ambitious to gain the throne.

(c) True.

(d) True.

(e) True.

Unseen Passage – 19 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. (wb‡Pi cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges  cªkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

In 1912 an American shipping company launched a new ship called the ‘Titanic’. It was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner of that time. It weighed 46,000 tons and could carry about 2,200 passengers. Experts said that nothing could sink it. It was definitely unsinkable. On April 14, 1912, the ship sailed on its first voyage across the Atlantic from Southampton in England to New York in the United States, with 2,224 passengers, men, women and children. On April 15, just before midnight, the ship struck an iceberg. The iceberg tore a great hole in the ship’s side, and the unsinkable ‘Titanic’ began to sink.

Word Meanings with Synonyms :    launch (jÂ)v.– Pvjy Kiv, ïiæ Kiv; start, begin, initiate. ocean liner (Ikvb jvBbvi)n.– mgy‡`ª hvÎx enbKvix e„nr RvnvR; a large ship that carries passenger in the ocean. expert (G·cvU©)n.– we‡klÁ; specialist. definitely (†WwdwbUwj)adv.– wbwðZfv‡e; certainly, obviously. unsinkable (AvbwmsKGej)adj.— AWzebxq, hv Wze‡e bv; that will not sink. strike (÷ªvBK)v.— AvNvZ Kiv; hit.

 e½vbyev` :  1912 mv‡j Av‡gwiKvi GK RvnvR †Kv¤úvwb ÔUvBUvwbKÕ bv‡g GKwU bZzb RvnvR cvwb‡Z fvmvq| GwU wQj ZrKvjxb mg‡qi me©e„nr I wejvmeûj mvgyw`ªK hvÎxevnx RvnvR| Gi IRb wQj 46,000 Ub Ges cÖvq 2,200 hvÎx enb Ki‡Z cviZ| we‡klÁiv e‡jwQ‡jb †Kvb wKQzB GwU‡K Wzev‡Z cvi‡e bv| GwU wbwðZfv‡e wQj AWzebxq| 1912 mv‡ji 14 GwcÖj GwU cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv 2,224 Rb hvÎx wb‡q, hv‡`i g‡a¨ wQj bvix, cyiæl I wkï, Bsj¨v‡Ûi mvD`v¤úUb †_‡K Av‡gwiKvi wbDBq‡K©i D‡Ï‡k¨ AvUjvw›UK gnvmvMi w`‡q hvÎv ïiæ K‡iwQj| 15 GwcÖj ga¨iv‡Zi wVK c~‡e© GKwU ei‡di L‡Êi mv‡_ RvnvRwUi av°v jvMj| eid LÊwU Rvnv‡Ri GKcv‡k GKwU eo MZ© ˆZwi Kij Ges AWzebxq ÔUvBUvwbK’ Wze‡Z ïiæ Kij|

  1. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage: 1 × 5 = 5
Who/What Event/Activity Place Time
The Titanic sailed Southampton to New York (i) ——
The Titanic struck (ii)… —— April 15.
Titanic made America (iii) ——
A collision occurred (iv) —— before mid night.
v)  (v) —— largest and most luxurious ocean liner all over the world 1912.
  1. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements. 1 × 5 = 5

(a)  The ‘Titanic’ was unsinkable.

(b)  The ‘Titanic’ was sailing from east to west.

(c)  It sailed from New York to Southampton.

(d)  The ‘Titanic’ was made by an English company.

(e)  Nothing could sink the ‘Titanic’.


  1. (i) 1912; (ii) iceberg; (iii) 1912; (iv) in the Atlantic; (v) The Titanic.
  2. (a) False. The ‘Titanic’ was thought to be unsinkable but it sank.

(b) False. The ‘Titanic’ was sailing from west to east.

(c) False. It sailed from Southampton to New York.

(d) False. The ‘Titanic’ was made by an American Company.

(e) False. A collision with an iceberg could sink the ‘Titanic’.

Unseen Passage – 20 

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions. (wb‡Pi cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges  cªkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

In Bangladesh there are some national days. Shaheed Dibosh or Martyrs Day and Independence Day are two such days. Shaheed Dibosh is observed on 21 February throughout the country in remembrance of the martyrs of language movement. The Day is also celebrated internationally as it was declared as the International Mother Language Day in 1999. This day’s history goes back to 21 February, 1952 when some brave sons of our soil sacrificed their lives for the cause of our mother tongue Bangla.

Another significant day, 26 March, is celebrated as the Independence Day in our country. The day is significant because on this day in 1971, Liberation war of Bangladesh started. When the Pakistani army fell upon the innocent unarmed people of Dhaka city in the dark night of 25 March, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared independence of Bangladesh. Bangabandhu was arrested on this very day but the freedom fighters fought fiercely against the Pakistani army. After nine months of bloody war, they snatched freedom for the country.

Word Meanings with Synonyms :    observe (AeRvif)v. – D`hvcb Kiv; celebrate. remembrance (wi‡ggeªvÝ)n.– ¯§iY; reminiscence. movement (gyf‡g›U)n.– Av‡›`vjb; commotion. declared (wW‡K¬qviW)v.– †NvlYv Kiv n‡qwQj; proclaimed. brave (†eªBf)adj.– mvnmx; bold. sacrifice (m¨vwµdvBm)v.– DrmM© Kiv; dedicate. significant (wmMwbwdK¨v›U)adj. – ¸iæZ¡c~Y©; important. independence (BwÛ‡cb‡WÝ)n.– ¯^vaxb; freedom. innocent (B‡bv‡m›U)adj.– wb‡`©vl, wbixn; inoffensive. arrest (A¨v‡i÷)v. – †MÖdZvi nIqv ev Kiv; capture.

 e½vbyev` :  evsjv‡`‡k wKQz RvZxq w`em i‡q‡Q| knx` w`em Ges ¯^vaxbZv w`em Ggb `ywU w`em| fvlv Av‡›`vj‡b knx`‡`i ¯§i‡Y mviv‡`‡k 21 †deªæqvwi knx` w`em wnmv‡e D`hvcb Kiv nq| GB w`bwU AvšÍR©vwZKfv‡eI D`hvcb Kiv nq KviY 1999 mv‡j GB w`bwU AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em wnmv‡e †NvlYv Kiv nq| GB w`bwUi BwZnvm 1952 mv‡ji 21 †k †deªæqvwi‡Z wb‡q hvq, hLb Avgv‡`i †`‡ki wKQz mvnmx mšÍvb Avgv‡`i gvZ…fvlv evsjvi Rb¨ Rxeb DrmM© K‡iwQj|

Av‡iKwU Zvrch©c~Y© w`b, 26 †k gvP© Avgv‡`i †`‡k ¯^vaxbZv w`em wnmv‡e D`hvcb Kiv nq| w`bwU Zvrch©c~Y© KviY 1971 mv‡ji GB w`‡b evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy× ïiæ nq| 25 gv‡P©i Kvjiv‡Î hLb cvwK¯Ívbx ˆmb¨iv XvKv kn‡ii wb®úvc wbi¯¿ gvby‡li Dci Suvwc‡q c‡o, e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYv K‡ib| H w`bB e½eÜz‡K †MÖdZvi Kiv nq wKš‘ gyw³‡hv×viv cvwK¯Ívbx †mbv‡`i wec‡ÿ mvnwmKZvi mv‡_ hy× Ki‡jv| bq gv‡mi i³ÿqx hy‡×i ci Zviv Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Rb¨ ¯^vaxbZv wQwb‡q Avbj|

  1. Complete the table below with information from the above passage. 1 × 5 = 5
Name of the Days Significance of the Days When observed Years of the event Celebrated how
Shaheed Dibosh or International Mother Language Day remembrance of the language martyrs (i) …………. 1952 (ii) …………….
Independence Day (iii) …………… 26 March (iv) …………… (v) ……………
  1. B. Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements. 1 × 5 = 5

(a) 21 February is our Independence Day.

(b) We remember the language martyrs on 26 March.

(c) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of our country.

(d) Pakistani Army killed thousands of people at night on 25 March.

(e) 26 February is our Independence Day.


  1. (i) 21 February; (ii) Internationally; (iii) Declaration of independence; (iv) 1971; (v) Nationally.
  2. (a) False. 21 February is our Shaheed Dibosh or Martyrs Day. (b) False. We remember the language martyrs on 21 February. (c) True. (d) True. (e) False. 26 March is our Independence Day.

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