Class Six English Completing Story

Completing Story

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

A crow was very thirsty — searching water but did not  find — saw a pitcher — its beak just could not reach the bottom layer— it dropped some stones into the pitcher — the water seemed to rise gradually — thus it managed to  quench  its thirst.


Once a thirsty crow was flying to and fro in search of water. But he found no water anywhere. At last, he saw a pitcher nearby and flew to it. He tried to dip his beak but to no effect. Then he tried to upset the jar but failed to turn it over. The efforts only made him more thirsty. At last, he caught sight of some stones lying at hand. He picked up some of those and began to drop those into the pitcher. The water seemed to rise a little. So he went on doing it till the water came up within the reach of his beak. The crow now quenched his thirst by drinking as much as he liked.

GKwU wccvmvZ© KvK

GKw`b GK wccvmvZ© KvK cvwbi mÜv‡b Gw`K Iw`K DowQj| wKš‘ †m †Kv_vI cvwb Luy‡R cvw”Qj bv| Ae‡k‡l †m Kv‡QB GKwU Kjm †`L‡Z †cj Ges GwUi w`‡K D‡o †Mj| †m Zvi †VuvU †fZ‡i Wzev‡bvi †Póv Kij wKš‘ †Kv‡bv KvR n‡jv bv| Zvici †m Kjwm KvZ Kivi †Póv Kij wKš‘ KvZ Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jv| Zvi †Póv ïay Zv‡K Av‡iv wccvmvZ© K‡i Zzjj| Ae‡k‡l Zvi bvMv‡ji g‡a¨ wKQz cv_i `„wó‡MvPi n‡jv| †m G¸‡jvi wKQz wbj Ges G¸‡jv Kj‡mi g‡a¨ †dj‡Z ïiæ Kij| cvwb GKUz Dc‡i DV‡Q e‡j g‡b n‡jv| ZvB †m GUv Ki‡jv hZÿY bv ch©šÍ cvwb Zvi †Vuv‡U †cuŠQvq| KvK GLb B”Qvg‡Zv cvwb cvb K‡i Zvi Z…òv †gUv‡jv|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

     Once two friends were passing through a jungle. Suddenly they saw a bear approaching towards them. … … … … … … … … … …


Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest on the way. As they came through the wood, they saw a bear approaching. Both of them became frightened, but suddenly one of them climbed up a tree. The other finding no other alternative, lay flat on the ground without breathing. The bear soon came up, put down its head and smelt his body. The bear took him to be  dead and went away. Seeing the bear going, the other man came down the tree. He then said to his friend, “What did the bear whisper into your ear?”

His friend replied, “He gave me a piece of good advice”.

“What is that?” he asked.

He told his friend that the bear said, “Do not trust a friend who leaves you alone in a danger.”

`ytmg‡qi eÜzB cÖK…Z eÜz

GK`v `yB eÜz GKwU åg‡Y wM‡qwQj| cw_g‡a¨ Zv‡`i GKUv e‡bi wfZi w`‡q ‡h‡Z nw”Qj| hLb Zviv e‡bi ga¨ w`‡q hvw”Qj, Zviv GKUv fvjyK‡K Zv‡`i w`‡K †a‡q Avm‡Z †`Lj| Zv‡`i DfqB fq †c‡qwQj, wKš‘ nVvr K‡i Zv‡`i GKRb GKwU Mv‡Q D‡V hvq| Ab¨Rb weKí Luy‡R bv †c‡q, k¦vm-cÖk¦vm eÜ K‡i gvwU‡Z ï‡q coj| fvjyK `ªæZ Avm‡jv, Zvi gv_v bvgvj Ges Zvi kix‡ii MÜ wbj| fvjyK Zv‡K g„Z g‡b K‡i P‡j †Mj| fvjyK‡K P‡j †h‡Z †`‡L, Ab¨Rb MvQ †_‡K †b‡g Avm‡jv| ZLb †m Zvi eÜz‡K ejj, ÒfvjyK †Zvgvi Kv‡b Kv‡b wK ejj?Ó Zvi eÜz DËi w`j,

Ò†m Avgv‡K GKwU fv‡jv Dc‡`k w`‡q‡Q|Ó

Ò†mUv wK?Ó †m wRÁvmv K‡i|

†m Zvi eÜz‡K e‡j †h fvjyK e‡j‡Q, Ò†m eÜz‡K wek¦vm Kibv †h †Zvgv‡K wec‡` GKv †d‡j P‡j hvq|Ó

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

     Once a big bone struck into the throat of a tiger. It went to a stork. The stork agreed to …


Once a big bone stuck into the throat of a tiger. He could not get it out from his throat. It pained him much. So he went to a stork. The stork agreed to bring the bone out from his throat. The tiger agreed to pay for it. The stork put his long bill down the throat and got the bone out quite easily. The tiger thanked him and turned to go away. When the stork demanded his fee the tiger refused to pay and said, “It is your good luck that you once put your head into a  tiger’s mouth and didn’t get it bitten off.”

evN Ges mvim cvwL

GKw`b GK ev‡Ni Mjvq GKUv eo nvo weu‡a †Mj| †m GKUv mvim cvwLi Kv‡Q †Mj| mvimwU Zvi Mjvi wfZi †_‡K nvoUv †ei K‡i Avb‡Z ivwR n‡jv| evN GUvi cÖwZ`vb w`‡Z ivwR n‡jv| mvim Zvi j¤^v †VuvU wb‡P XzwK‡q w`j Ges A‡bK mn‡RB nvo †ei K‡i Avbj| evN Zv‡K ab¨ev` Rvbvj Ges P‡j †h‡Z D`¨Z nj| hLb mvim Zvi cÖwZ`vb PvBj evN GUv w`‡Z A¯^xK…wZ Rvbvj Ges ejj, ÒGUv †Zvgvi †mŠfvM¨ †h Zzwg GKUv ev‡Ni gy‡Li wfZi †Zvgvi gv_v XzwK‡qQ Ges Av¯ÍB †ei Ki‡Z †c‡iQ|Ó

  1. Complete the following story following the cue.

     Once in a cold winter morning when a village was going to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road   … … … … … … … … …



Once in a cold winter morning when a villager was going to his field, he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road. The villager took pity upon it, brought it home and placed it by the fireside. He then gave it warm milk and made the snake comfortable.

When the snake became well, he began to play with the children of the villager and for a time, the snake behaved very well. But the snake was wicked to the backbone, and while playing one day with the children of the villager, he bit one of them. At this the villager became very angry and with his axe he killed the snake.

Kqjv ay‡j gqjv hvq bv

ev, Lvivc me mgqB Lvivc

GK`v GK kx‡Zi mKv‡j hLb GKRb MÖvgevmx gv‡V hvw”Qj †m †`Lj kx‡Z Aa©g„Z GKwU mvc iv¯Ívi cv‡k ï‡q Av‡Q| MÖvgevmxwUi GUvi cÖwZ `qv n‡jv, GUv‡K evwo‡Z wb‡q Gj Ges GUv‡K Av¸‡bi cv‡k ivLj| †m ZLb mvcUv‡K Mig `ya w`j Ges ïkÖælv Kij| hLb mvcwU fv‡jv n‡jv GUv †jvKwUi ev”Pv‡`i mv‡_ †Ljv ïiæ Kij Ges wKQz mg‡qi Rb¨ mvcwU Lye fv‡jv e¨envi Kij| wKš‘ mvcwU nv‡o nv‡o `yóz wQj Ges GKw`b ev”Pv‡`i mv‡_ †Ljv Kivi mgq GwU Zv‡`i GKRb‡K Kvg‡o w`j| G‡Z †jvKwU Lye ivMvwš^Z n‡jv Ges Zvi KzVvi w`‡q GUv‡K nZ¨v Kij|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

A lion was  sleeping — a mouse disturbed him — the  lion caught the mouse— the lion let him off for he begged for his life — the mouse promised to help the lion in need — the lion was caught in a net— the mouse cut the net off by his sharp teeth — the lion was set free.

                                             THE LION AND THE MOUSE

Once a lion was sleeping in his den. He was disturbed by a mouse running over his body. He caught it and in anger, was about to kill it. The poor mouse begged for its life. He said, “Pardon me, king of beasts. I shall always be grateful to you if you spare my life for this time.” The lion had pity on him and let him off with a warning. The mouse promised to give any help to the lion in case of need. The lion laughed at the offer. He said, “You are a little animal. How could you help me?” After a few days, the lion was caught in a net and roared. He tugged and strained but to no effect. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and rushed to help him. He bit the net with his sharp teeth and at last cut it off. He thus set the lion free. Thus the great lion was saved by the little mouse.

wmsn Ges Bu`yi

GKw`b GK wmsn Zvi ¸nvq Nygvw”Qj| Zvi kix‡ii Dci w`‡q GKwU Bu`yi †`Š‡o hvIqv‡Z †m wei³ n‡jv| iv‡M †m GUv‡K aij Ges Zv‡K †g‡i †dj‡Z hvw”Qj| †QvU Bu`yi Zvi Rxeb wfÿv PvBj| †m ejj, Avgvq ÿgv Kiæb, cï‡`i ivRv| hw` Avcwb GBevi Avgvi Rxeb iÿv K‡ib Avwg me©`v Avcbvi cÖwZ K…ZÁ _vKe|Ó wms‡ni Zvi cÖwZ `qv nj Ges Zv‡K mZK© K‡i †Q‡o w`j| Bu`yiwU cÖ‡qvR‡b Zv‡K †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi mvnvh¨ Kivi cÖwZÁv Kij| wmsn cÖ¯Ív‡e nvmj| †m ejj ÒZzwg GKUv †QvU cÖvwY| Zzwg Kxfv‡e Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e?Ó wKQzw`b c‡i wmsn GKwU Rv‡j aiv c‡o MR©b KiwQj| †m †QvUvi Rb¨ †Póv Kij wKš‘ †Kv‡bv Kv‡R w`j bv| Bu`yi wms‡ni MR©b ïbj Ges DcKvixi mvnv‡h¨i Rb¨ Qz‡U †Mj| †m Zvi Zx¶è `uvZ w`‡q Rv‡j Kvgo w`j Ges Ae‡k‡l GUv KvUj| †m Gfv‡e wmsn‡K gy³ Kij| Gfv‡e wekvj wmsn †QvU Bu`y‡ii gva¨‡g iÿv †cj|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story :

     A proud  hare laughed at the tortoise ………… agreed to run a race ….. sure of success…….. the hare slept on the way ……. tortoise won the race.

                             SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE

A proud hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion. But the tortoise challenged the hare to run a race. At this the hare was much amused. So it said, “Come along, let’s fix a date for the race.” They fixed a date and a place. A fox agree to be the judge. The tortoise and the hare came to the starting point. The race began. The hare began to run very fast. It ran a mile in a few minutes. Soon it found the tortoise far behind. It became sure of success. It said to itself, “What’s the use of going so fast? Perhaps, the tortoise has gone only a few yards by this time. So, I can very well have a good sleep before the tortoise comes up.” So it  saying, the hare slept on the way. In the meantime the tortoise walked on and on. It did not stop anywhere. When it came near the hare, it saw the hare lying fast asleep. It smiled and quietly passed by the hare. Many hours passed. The hare woke up. It saw that it was already evening. It immediately got on its feet. It began to run very fast. But alas! The tortoise  had already gone far. It was already crossing the winning post. So, the tortoise won the race. It proves that slow and steady wins the race.

Aa¨vemv‡qi d‡jB mvdj¨ jvf nq

GK Mwe©Z Li‡Mvk K”Q‡ci axi MwZi Kvi‡Y Dcnvm Kij| wKš‘ K”Qc Li‡Mvk‡K cÖwZØw›ØZvi Rb¨ AvnŸvb Kij Ges GKUv †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi Rb¨ ivwR n‡jv| G‡Z Li‡Mvk A‡bK wew¯§Z n‡jv| ZvB GUv ejj, ÒGm, Pj †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi Rb¨ GKUv ZvwiL wba©viY Kwi| Zviv GKUv w`b I ¯’vb wba©viY Ki‡jv| GKUv wkqvj wePviK n‡Z ivwR n‡jv| K”Qc Ges Li‡Mvk cÖwZ‡hvwMZv ïiæi RvqMvq Avm‡jv| cÖwZ‡hvwMZv ïiæ n‡jv| Li‡Mvk Lye †Rv‡i †`Šov‡Z ïiæ Kij| GUv K‡qK wgwb‡Ui g‡a¨ GK gvBj †c‡iv‡jv| kxNÖB GUv †`Lj †h K”Qc Zvi †_‡K A‡bK wcQ‡b| GUv mvdj¨ wbwðZ g‡b Kij| GUv wb‡R wb‡R ejj, ÒGZ `ªæZ hvIqvi `iKvi Kx? m¤¢eZ K”Qc GB mg‡q gvÎ K‡qK MR AwZµg K‡i‡Q| ZvB K”Qc Avmvi Av‡M Avgvi GKUv my›`i Nyg n‡e|Ó GK_v e‡j, Li‡Mvk cw_g‡a¨ Nywg‡q coj| GB mg‡q K”Qc †nu‡UB Pjj| GUv †Kv_vI _vgj bv| hLb GUv Li‡Mv‡ki wbKU Gj, ZLb †`L‡jv Li‡Mvk Mfxi Ny‡g Av”Qbœ| GUv nvmj Ges bxi‡e Li‡Mvk‡K AwZµg Kij| A‡bK mgq AwZevwnZ n‡jv| Li‡Mvk RvMÖZ n‡jv| GUv †`L‡j †h ZLb mܨv n‡q wM‡q‡Q| GUv Zrÿbvr `uvwo‡q co‡jv| GUv Lye †Rv‡i †`Šov‡Z Avi¤¢ Kij| wKš‘ nvq! K”Qc BwZg‡a¨ A‡bK `y‡i P‡j wM‡q‡Q| GUv BwZg‡a¨ weRq¯Í¤¢ cvi nw”Qj| ZvB K”Qc †`Šo cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq wRZj| GUv cÖgvY Kij ÒAa¨emvqB mvd‡j¨i PvweKvwV|Ó

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it :

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran. He took shelter in a rich man’s house on his way to the court………….


Sheikh Saadi was a great poet. Once he was going to the court of the king of Iran. He took shelter in a rich man’s house on his way to the court. Sheikh Saadi was wearing a very ordinary and cheap cloth. The treatment he received in the rich man’s house offended him. But he did not say anything.

On the next day Sheikh Saadi went to the court of the king and was received with honour. He stayed there for a few days. He composed some beautiful poems and entertained the king and his courtiers. He received rich gifts from the king. On his way to his village he again visited that rich man’s house. This time, the rich man was surprised to see Sheikh Saadi in a rich ornamental dress and treated him with the best of the foods and comfort.

While eating, Saadi was surprised to see the rich delicious food and understood the rich man’s attitude. Sheikh Saadi then instead of eating the food, started putting them into the pockets of his rich cloth. This surprised the rich man. “Why are you putting the food into the pockets of your dress?” said the rich man. “I am putting them into the pockets of my dress because these foods are meant for my dress, not for me,” said Saadi. The rich man realized his earlier folly and became ashamed.

†kL mvw`i eyw×gËv

†kL mvw` wQ‡jb GKRb gnvb Kwe| GKw`b wZwb Biv‡bi ivRvi `iev‡i hvw”Q‡jb| wZwb ivRcÖvmv‡` hvIqvi mgq GKRb abx †jv‡Ki evwo‡Z Avkªq MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb| †kL mvw`i Mv‡q GKUv Lye m¯Ív Ges mvaviY Kvco wQj| wZwb abx †jv‡Ki evwo‡Z †h e¨envi †c‡qwQ‡jb †mUv Zv‡K AvNvZ w`‡qwQj| wKš‘ wZwb Zv‡K wKQz ej‡jb bv| cieZx© w`b †kL mvw` ivR `iev‡i wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges Lye mgv`i †c‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb †mLv‡b wKQzw`‡bi Rb¨ Ae¯’vb Ki‡jb| wZwb wKQz my›`i KweZv iPbv K‡ib Ges ivRv I Zvi mfvm`‡`i Avb›` w`‡jb| wZwb ivRvi KvQ †_‡K g~j¨evb Dcnvi mvgMÖx †c‡jb| Zvi MÖv‡g wd‡i Avmvi c‡_ wZwb H abx †jv‡Ki evwo‡Z cybivq †M‡jb| Gevi abx †jvKwU †kL mvw`‡K g~j¨evb Ges mw¾Z †cvkv‡K †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡jb Ges Zv‡K fv‡jv Lvevi Ges Avivg w`‡q Avc¨vqb Ki‡jb| LvIqvi mgq mv`x g~j¨evb my¯^v`y Lvevi †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡jb Ges abx †jv‡Ki g‡bvfve eyS‡Z cvi‡jb| †kL mvw` ZLb Lvevi LvIqvi cwie‡Z© Zvi g~j¨evb †cvkv‡Ki c‡K‡U G¸‡jv fi‡Z ïiæ Ki‡jb| GUv abx †jvKwU‡K wew¯§Z Kij| Ò†Kb Avcwb GB Lvevi¸‡jv LvIqvi cwie‡Z© Avcbvi c‡K‡U ivL‡Qb?Ó abx †jvK wRÁvmv K‡i| mvw` ej‡jb, ÒAvwg G¸‡jv‡K Avgvi Rvgvi c‡K‡U ivLwQ KviY GB Lvevi Avgvi †cvkv‡Ki Rb¨, Avgvi Rb¨ bqÓ| abx †jvKwU Zvi c~‡e©i fzj eyS‡Z cv‡i Ges jw¾Z nq|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

There lived a saint in  a deep forest — noticed a mouse one day — a cat came and  he turned the mouse into a cat — a dog came and  he turned the cat into a dog  — a tiger came and he turned the dog into a tiger — the tiger wanted to eat the saint and he changed it back into the mouse.


There once lived a saint in a deep forest. One day a poor, weak mouse caught his notice. He fed it well. A cat soon came to his hut. So the saint turned the mouse into a cat. Soon a dog came there and the saint now turned the cat into a dog.  The saint and the dog lived quite happily for sometimes.  One evening, however, they saw a tiger there roaming in search for prey. The dog trembled in fear. So the saint at once made it a tiger. Now the tiger felt very happy. In his pride, he prowled about terrifying the other animals of the forest. But it forgot the past and also the kindness of the saint. One day, the tiger thought of making a hearty meal of him.  The saint who could read the mind of the tiger changed it back into the mouse.

`i‡ek Ges Bu`yi

GK`v GK Mfxi R½‡j GKRb `i‡ek evm Ki‡Zb| GKw`b GK `ye©j Amnvq Bu`yi Zuvi †Pv‡L co‡jv| `i‡ek GUv‡K fv‡jvfv‡e LvIqv‡jb| kxNÖB GKwU weovj Zuvi Kzu‡oN‡i G‡jv| ZvB `i‡ek Bu`yiwU‡K weovj evwb‡q w`‡jb| kxNÖB †mLv‡b GKwU KzKzi Avm‡jv Ges `i‡ek weovjwU‡K KzKzi evwb‡q w`‡jb| `i‡ek Ges KzKzi wKQz mg‡qi Rb¨ my‡L evm Ki‡jv| hv‡nvK, GK mܨvq, Zviv †`Lj GKwU evN wkKv‡ii †Luv‡R †mLv‡b MR©b Ki‡Q| KzKziwU f‡q Kuvc‡Z jvM‡jv| ZvB `i‡ek ZrÿYvr GUv‡K GKwU evN evwb‡q w`‡jb| GLb evN Lye myLx †eva KiwQj| Mwe©Zfv‡e †m wkKv‡ii D‡Ï‡k¨ †ewi‡q e‡bi Ab¨vb¨ cÖvYx‡`i‡K AvZw¼Z K‡i Zzj‡jv| wKš‘ GUv Zvi AZxZ Ges `i‡e‡ki `qvi K_vI fz‡j †Mj| GKw`b evN Zv‡K w`‡q GKUv my›`i Lvev‡ii e¨e¯’v Kivi wPšÍv Kij| `i‡ek ev‡Ni g‡bi Ae¯’v eyS‡Z †c‡i GUv‡K cybivq Bu`y‡i iƒcvšÍwiZ Ki‡jb|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

     Once upon a time there lived an old farmer. He had three sons who used to quarrel among themselves … … … …. … …. … … … … …


Once upon a time there lived an old farmer. He had three sons who used to quarrel among themselves. One day, the sons were quarrelling again and the old farmer heard them. In order to teach them the value of unity he called his sons beside him and told them to bring him three sticks and some rope. The three sons went and brought the sticks and rope for their father. The old farmer then tied the sticks together with the rope. Then he asked his sons to break the bundle of sticks. The three sons tried and tried but they couldn’t break the bundle of sticks. Then their father untied the sticks and gave one stick to each of his sons. He told them again to break the sticks. This time they all broke their sticks easily. Then the old farmer told his sons that nobody could do any harm to them if they remained united.

GKZvB ej

GK`v GK e„× K…lK wQj| Zvi wZbwU †Q‡j wQj hviv wb‡R‡`i g‡a¨ SMov weev` Ki‡Zv| GKw`b, Avev‡iv †Q‡jiv SMov weev` KiwQj Ges e„× K…lK Zv‡`i SMov ïb‡Z †cj| Zv‡`i‡K GKZvi g~j¨ wkÿv †`evi Rb¨ †m †Q‡j‡`i‡K Zvi Kv‡Q WvK‡jv Ges Zv‡`i‡K wZbwU jvwV I wKQz `wo Avb‡Z ej‡jv| wZb †Q‡j wM‡q Zv‡`i evevi Kv‡Q jvwV Ges `wo wb‡q Gj| e„× K…lK ZLb `wo w`‡q jvwV¸‡jv GK‡Î euva‡jv| Zvici †m Zvi †Q‡j‡`i jvwVi AuvwU fvs‡Z ej‡jv| wZb †Q‡j †Póv Ki‡Z jvM‡jv wKš‘ Zviv jvwVi AuvwU fvs‡Z cvi‡jvbv| ZLb e„× K…lK jvwVi AuvwU Ly‡j w`j Ges cÖwZwU †Q‡j‡K GKUv K‡i jvwV w`j| †m Zv‡`i‡K Avev‡iv jvwV¸‡jv fvs‡Z ej‡jv| Gevi Zviv Zv‡`i jvwV¸‡jv Lye mn‡RB †f‡O †dj‡jv| Zvici e„× K…lK Zvi †Q‡j‡`i ej‡jv †h †Zvgiv hw` GK‡Î _vK Zvn‡j †KD †Zvgv‡`i †Kv‡bviKg ÿwZ mvab Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

A hungry fox came to vine-yard—he was tempted by the ripe grapes — he jumped and jumped to pluck the ripe grapes — the grapes were too  high to reach — the fox failed — the fox said in regret “Grapes are sour (UK).”


Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vine-yard. Ripe grapes were in the vines. The fox was very hungry and thirsty. The sight of the ripe grapes was joy for him. He was tempted by the beautiful ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging high. The fox thought of having a good meal of the ripe grapes. So, he jumped and jumped to reach the grapes. He did it again and again. But the grapes were too high to reach. The poor fox became tired and thought that it was no good trying. So he went away and said : “The grapes are sour. I don’t want to have the grapes.”

Av½yi dj UK

GK`v GK ¶zavZ© †kqvj e‡b Lvevi LuyRwQj| wKQzÿY ci †m GKwU Av½yi †ÿ‡Zi Kv‡Q Gj| †ÿ‡Z cvKv Av½yi wQj| †kqvjwU Lye ¶zavZ© Ges wccvmvZ© wQj| cvKv Av½y‡ii `„k¨ Zvi Rb¨ wQj Avb‡›`i|my›`i cvKv Av½yi †`‡L †m cÖjyä n‡jv| Av½yi¸‡jv A‡bK DuPz‡Z SzjwQj| †kqvj wPšÍv Kij †h cvKv Av½y‡i fv‡jv GKUv Avnvi n‡e| ZvB, †m Av½yi aivi Rb¨ G‡Ki ci GK jvd w`w”Qj| †m GUv evievi KiwQj| wKš‘ Av½yi¸‡jv wQj bvMv‡ji evB‡i| Amnvq †kqvjwU K¬všÍ n‡q co‡jv Ges wPšÍv Kij †h GUv Lye fv‡jv †Póv wQ‡jv bv| ZvB †m P‡j †Mj Ges ej‡jv ÔAv½yidj UK| Avgvi Av½yi dj PvBbv|Õ

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

Two  rats stole a piece of bread — they failed to divide  it into two equal parts — they put up their problem to the monkey — the monkey divided the bread into two unequal parts — he bit off a part of the bigger piece — he did it again and again  — the monkey ate it up — the rats realised their mistake.


One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They failed to divide it in equal parts as both of them wanted the larger part. They fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey. All the animals of the forest knew him as the wiser animal. They went to the monkey and asked him to divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey took a piece in each hand. “One piece is clearly bigger than the other.” said the monkey. So he bit off a part of the bigger piece. “That piece now became smaller than the other,” said the monkey. So he bit off a part of the bigger piece. That piece now became smaller than the other. The monkey, therefore, ate a part of the piece to make the other smaller. At last, there was only one small piece of bread left. The rats now begged the monkey to give that piece to them. The monkey wanted it for his fee and ate up that also. The rats indeed left the place becoming sadder and wiser.

iæwU fvMvfvwM

GKw`b `ywU Bu`yi GK UzKiv iæwU Pzwi Kij| †h‡nZz Zviv DfqB eo Ask Pvq Zviv GUv mgvbfv‡e fvM Ki‡Z e¨_© n‡jv| Zviv †mUvi Rb¨ jovB Kij| Ae‡k‡l Zviv Zv‡`i mgm¨v evb‡ii Kv‡Q Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z GKgZ n‡jv| e‡bi mKj cÖvbx Zv‡K Ávbx g‡b KiZ| Zviv evb‡ii Kv‡Q †Mj Ges iæwUwU mgvb `yÕfv‡M fvM K‡i w`‡Z ejj| evbiwU cÖ‡Z¨K nv‡Z GK UzKiv K‡i wbj, ÒGK UzKiv ¯úóZ Ab¨ UzKivi †P‡q eoÓ, evbiwU ejj| ZvB †m eo Ask †_‡K GKUz UzKiv Kvgo †`q| ÒGB Ask GLb Ab¨ Ask †_‡K †QvU n‡q †M‡Q,Ó evbiwU e‡j| ZvB †m eo Ask †_‡K GKUz Kvg‡o †bq| GB Ask GLb Ab¨ Ask †_‡K †QvU n‡q †M‡Q| evbiwU, Gfv‡e, Ab¨ UzKiv‡K †QvU Kivi Rb¨ GK Ask †L‡q †d‡j| Ae‡k‡l, ïay †QvU GK UzKiv iæwU Aewkó _v‡K| Bu`y‡iiv GLb evb‡ii Kv‡Q H UzKiv Zv‡`i‡K †`qvi Rb¨ cÖv_©bv K‡i| evbi GUv Zvi gRywi wnmv‡e Pvq Ges †mUvI †L‡q †d‡j| Bu`y‡iiv h_v_©B `ytwLZ Ges Ávbx n‡q H ¯’vb Z¨vM K‡i|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

A king lived in a green island — he cut down all the trees to build up a palace— a great atmospheric change took place there — it was the curse of cutting down  trees— the king suggested to  plant trees — people became happy again in the green island.


Once there lived a king in an island. There were green trees everywhere in the island. The king decided to build a magnificent palace in the island. So he ordered his men to cut down all the trees in the island. Some opposed the king’s idea but he did not pay heed to it. So people were compelled to carry out the king’s order. They cut down all the trees. As a result, a great change took place in the climate of the island. There was no rain. Crops did not grow. The hot sun shone over their heads. The island looked barren. The king called a meeting of the ministers and courtiers. They discussed the cause of the change in the atmosphere. At last an old courtier said that it was the curse of cutting down the trees. He suggested the king to plant trees. Everybody supported him. The king realised his fault and ordered the people to plant trees all over the island. The trees grew and gradually the island turned green again. Crops grew well, rain came and the people were happy.

GKUv ev¯Íe Dcjwä

GK`v GK Øx‡c GK ivRv evm KiZ| Øx‡ci me©Î meyR MvQcvjvq ficyi wQj| ivRv ØxcwU‡Z GKUv RgKv‡jv cÖvmv` wbg©v‡Yi wm×všÍ wb‡jb| ZvB wZwb Zvi †jvK‡`i Øx‡ci me MvQ †K‡U †djvi wb‡`©k w`‡jb| †KD †KD ivRvi wm×v‡šÍi cÖwZev` Kij wKš‘ ivRv G‡Z †Kv‡bv åæ‡ÿc Ki‡jb bv| ZvB RbMY ivRvi Av‡`k gvb‡Z eva¨ n‡jv| Zviv mKj MvQ †K‡U †djj| hvi d‡j, Øx‡ci Rjevqy‡Z GKUv eo ai‡bi cwieZ©b Gj| †mLv‡b †Kv‡bv e„wó n‡Zv bv| dmj Rb¥v‡jv bv| Mig m~h© Zv‡`i gv_vi Dci Ae¯’vb KiwQj| ØxcwU‡K giæf‚wgi g‡Zv †`Lvj| ivRv gwš¿cwil` Ges ivRmfvm`‡`i wb‡q GKUv mfv WvK‡jb| Zviv Rjevqyi cwieZ©b m¤ú‡K© Av‡jvPbv Ki‡jb| Ae‡k‡l GKRb e„× mfvm` ej‡jb †h, GUv MvQMvQvwj †K‡U †djvi dj| wZwb ivRv‡K e„ÿ †ivc‡Yi civgk© w`‡jb| mK‡jB Zv‡K mg_©b Kij| ivRv Zvi fzj eyS‡Z cvi‡jb Ges †jvKRb‡K Øx‡ci me©Î MvQ jvMv‡bvi wb‡`©k w`‡jb| MvQcvjv Rb¥v‡jv Ges µgvš^‡q ØxcwU Avev‡iv meyR cÖmv‡` iƒcvšÍwiZ n‡jv| km¨ fv‡jv Rb¥v‡jv, e„wó Gj Ges †jvKRb Lywk n‡jv|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that. …….


There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose would lay a golden egg everyday. The farmer would sell it in the market. He would buy food, clothes, and daily necessaries with the money. He would even save some money every day. The farmer grew rich gradually. But the farmer was very greedy and intolerant. He thought that if he would sell an egg each day, it would take a long time to become rich. He was hasty in nature and wanted to change his lot overnight. He wanted to have all the eggs at a time. He planned to kill the goose to get all the eggs. The farmer told the plan to his wife but she didn’t agree to the proposal. She asked him to be tolerant and not to be greedy. But the farmer didn’t pay any heed to his wife’s advice. One evening the farmer killed the goose and cut out the stomach of the goose. But there were no eggs in the stomach of the goose. Thus the greedy farmer lost everything.

GKRb †jvfx K…lK Ges Zvi ivRnsmx

GK MÖv‡g GKRb K…lK evm KiZ| Zvi GKUv we¯§qKi ivRnsmx wQj| ivRnsmxwU cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b GKwU K‡i †mvbvi wWg cvo‡Zv| K…lK GUv evRv‡i wewµ Ki‡Zv| †m GB UvKv w`‡q Lvevi, Kvco Ges cÖvZ¨wnK cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbm wKb‡Z cvi‡Zv| †m GgbwK cÖwZw`b wKQz UvKv euvPv‡ZI cvi‡Zv| K…lKwU ax‡i ax‡i abx n‡Z jvM‡jv| wKš‘ K…lK wQj LyeB †jvfx Ges ˆah©nxb| †m fve‡jv hw` †m cÖ‡Z¨Kw`b GKwU K‡i wWg wewµ K‡i Z‡e Zvi abx n‡Z A‡bK mgq jvM‡e| †m QUd‡U ¯^fv‡ei wQj Ges ivZvivwZ Zvi fv‡M¨i cwieZ©b NUv‡Z †P‡qwQj| †m me wWg GKev‡i †P‡qwQj| †m me¸‡jv wWg GKmv‡_ cvevi Rb¨ ivRnsmxUv nZ¨vi cwiKíbv Kij| K…lK Zvi cwiKíbvi K_v ¯¿x‡K ejj wKš‘ Zvi ¯¿x cÖ¯Ív‡e ivwR wQj bv| †m Zv‡K ˆah©kxj n‡Z ejj †jvfx bq| wKš‘ K…lK Zvi ¯¿xi Dc‡`‡k †Kv‡bv KY©cvZ Kij bv| GK mܨvq K…lK ivRnsmxwU‡K nZ¨v Kij Ges nuvmwUi †cU KvUj| wKš‘ ivRnsmxwUi †c‡U †Kv‡bv wWg wQj bv| Gfv‡e †jvfx K…lK mewKQzB nvivj|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

     There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day he fell into a trap as he was passing through the jungle. He could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange ……………


There lived a clever fox in a jungle. One day while passing through the jungle he fell into a trap. He could get out of the trap but lost his tail behind. Without his tail the fox looked very odd and strange. The fox felt very upset and ashamed losing his tail. He could not come in front of other foxes as they would laugh at him. But the fox was very clever. He made a plan. He invited all the foxes living in the jungle to a meeting. As the fox was a good speaker, all the foxes came to the meeting to listen to him. The fox was pleased that it was a good gathering. He rose to speak and told them that he had made a great discovery. All the foxes became very eager to listen to him. He told them that their  tail was of no use rather it looked ugly and dirty. If they cut off their tail they would look more beautiful and more attractive. He also told them that he himself had cut off his tail to prove it. He brought out a knife and gave it to them to follow him. The foxes were convinced and they were about to do that. But among them was an old and wise fox. He understood the trick of the clever fox. He told the other foxes that the clever fox had not cut off its tail, but it had lost its tail falling in a trap. As he did not have a tail, he wanted the other foxes to cut off their tails. It was, in fact, an evil trick of the clever fox. All other foxes then understood the evil design of the clever fox. Finding no other way, the clever fox ran away from that place.

†jRwenxb wkqvj

GK e‡b GKwU ayZ© wkqvj evm KiZ| GKw`b e‡bi ga¨ w`‡q AwZµg Kivi mgq †m duv‡` coj| †m duv` †_‡K †ei n‡Z cvij wKš‘ Zvi †jR nvivj| †jR Qvov wkqvj‡K Lye A¯^vfvweK Ges A™fzZ jvMwQj| wkqvj Zvi †jR nvwi‡q Lye nZvkv Ges j¾v‡eva KiwQj| †m Ab¨ wkqv‡ji mvg‡b AvmwQj bv KviY Zviv Zv‡K †`‡L nvmvnvwm KiZ| wKš‘ wkqvjwU wQj Lye PvjvK| †m GKwU cwiKíbv Kij| †m e‡b emevmiZ mKj wkqvj‡`i Avgš¿Y Rvwb‡q GKUv mfv WvKj| †h‡nZz wkqvj GKRb fv‡jv  e³v wQj, mKj wkqvj Zvi K_v †kvbvi Rb¨ mfvq Avm‡jv| wkqvj GZ fv‡jv mgvMg †`‡L Avbw›`Z n‡qwQj| †m ejvi Rb¨ `uvov‡jv Ges ejj †h †m weivU GKwU Avwe®‹vi K‡i‡Q| mKj wkqvj Zvi K_v †kvbvi Rb¨ Lye AvMÖn cÖKvk Kij| †m Zv‡`i ejj †h Zv‡`i †jR †Kv‡bv Kv‡R jv‡M bv eis GUv KzrwmZ Ges †bvsiv †`Lvq| hw` Zviv Zv‡`i †jR †K‡U †d‡j Z‡e Zv‡`i‡K Av‡iv my›`i I AvKl©Yxq †`Lv‡e| †m Zv‡`i Av‡iv e‡j †h †m wb‡RB GUv cÖgvY Kivi Rb¨ Zvi †jR †K‡U †d‡j‡Q| †m GKUv Qzwi †ei K‡i Ges Zv‡K AbymiY Kivi Rb¨ GUv Zv‡`i‡K †`q| wkqvjiv cÖfvweZ n‡qwQj Ges Zviv GUv Ki‡Z hvw”Qj| wKš‘ Zv‡`i g‡a¨ GK e„× Ges Ávbx †kqvj wQj| †m ayZ© wkqv‡ji †KŠkj eyS‡Z †c‡iwQj| †m Ab¨ wkqvj‡`i ejj †h, ayZ© wkqvj Zvi †jR Kv‡Uwb, eis GUv duv‡` c‡o Gi †jR nvwi‡q‡Q| †h‡nZz Zvi †jR †bB, †m †P‡qwQj Ab¨vb¨ wkqvj‡`iI Zv‡`i †jR †K‡U w`‡Z| GUv wQj, ev¯Í‡e ayZ© wkqv‡ji GK N„b¨ †KŠkj| Ab¨vb¨ mKj wkqvjiv ZLb ayZ© wkqv‡ji Lvivc wPšÍvi K_v eyS‡Z cvij| Ab¨ †Kv‡bv Dcvq bv †c‡q, PZzi wkqvj GjvKv †Q‡o †`Š‡o cvwj‡q †Mj|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

Bhola owns a donkey called Khandya. Bhola is a very tolerant and kind master. The donkey is lazy and always find ways to avoid work.

Once while returning with loads of salt on his back, Khandya fell into the river. He realised that the fall had lessened the weights of the sacks as the salt had dissolved into the water. For the next few days Khandya ……………. everyday. Bhola was unhappy ………….. because he had a great ………….. . He decided to teach ……………. . The next day instead ……………. everyday. he loaded Khandya with ……………. . Khandya was unaware ……………. . As it planned, he fell into water and ……………. . But he was surprised ……………. . His master also started beating him. Khandya ……………. started behaving well.


Bhola owns a donkey called Khandya. Bhola is a very tolerant and kind master. The donkey is lazy and always find ways to avoid work.

Once while returning with loads of salt on his back, Khandya fell into the river. He realised that the fall had lessened the weights of the sacks as the salt had dissolved into the water. The next few days Khandya willingly fell into the water everyday. Bhola was unhappy at the way Khandya behaving because he had a great loss in business. He decided to teach Khandya a lesson. The next day instead of salt bags, he loaded Khandya with bags of cotton. Khandya was unaware of the change. As it planned, he fell into water and got the bags wet. But he was surprised to find the load unbearable. His master also started beating him. Khandya learnt his lesson and started behaving well.

Ajm Mvav

      e½vbyev`: Lvbw`qv bv‡g †fvjvi GKUv Mvav Av‡Q| †fvjv Lye mwnòz I `qvjy cÖfz| MvavUv Ajm I me©`v Kv‡R duvwK †`qvi iv¯Ív †Luv‡R|

GKw`b hLb wc‡V K‡i je‡Yi †evSv wb‡q wdiwQj, Lvbw`qv b`x‡Z c‡o †Mj| †m eyS‡Z cvij †h Zvi cZb e¯Ívi IRb Kwg‡q w`‡q‡Q KviY jeY cvwb‡Z M‡j †M‡Q| c‡ii wKQzw`b Lvbw`qv †ivR †¯^”Qvq cvwb‡Z c‡o †Mj| Lvbw`qv †hfv‡e AvPiY KiwQj Zv‡Z †fvjv wei³ n‡jv KviY e¨emv‡q Zvi A‡bK ÿwZ nw”Qj| †m Lvbw`qv‡K wkÿv †`qvi wm×všÍ wbj| c‡ii w`b je‡Yi †evSvi cwie‡Z© †m Lvbw`qv‡K Z~jvi e¯Ív w`j| Lvbw`qv cwieZ©bUv eyS‡Z cvij bv| Zvi cwiKíbv Abyhvqx, †m cvwb‡Z c‡o †Mj Ges e¯Ív¸‡jv wf‡R †Mj| wKš‘ †evSv¸‡jv‡K `ytmn g‡b nIqvq †m AevK n‡jv| Zvi cÖfzI Zv‡K wcUv‡bv ïiæ Kij| Lvbw`qv Zvi wkÿv †cj Ges fv‡jv AvPiY Kiv ïiæ Kij|

  1. Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

Long time ago there lived a very cruel king named Virat Singh. He was ruling the city, Vijay Nagar. All citizens were ………….. cruelty. He had a dog ………….. more than anything. One fateful morning Jack died. Virat Singh organised ………….. . Entire city ………….. . Virat Singh was ………….. love him so much. He felt ………….. in the world. After a few days, ………….. but nobody ………….. . Actually they were ………….. alive. After his death people got ………….. .


Long time ago there lived a very cruel king named Virat Singh. He was ruling the city, Vijay Nagar. All citizens were afraid of him because of his cruelty. He had a dog named Jack that he loved more than anything. One fateful morning Jack died. Virat Singh organised a funeral for the dog. Entire city came to the cremation ground. Virat Singh was very happy to see that people love him so much. He felt he was the most popular king in the world. After a few days, Virat Singh died but nobody came to his funeral. Actually they were afraid of him when he was alive. After his death people got relief from that fear.

fq ebvg m¤§vb

      e½vbyev`: A‡bK w`b Av‡M weivU wms bv‡g GKRb Lye wbôzi ivRv wQ‡jb| wZwb weRq bMi ivR¨ kvmb Ki‡Zb| iv‡R¨i bvMwiKiv Zvi wbôziZvi Rb¨ Zv‡K fq KiZ| R¨vK bv‡g Zvi GKUv KzKzi wQj †hUv‡K wZwb Ab¨ †h‡Kv‡bv wKQz †_‡K AwaK fvjevm‡Zb| GK welYœ mKv‡j R¨vK gviv †Mj| weivU wms KzKziwUi †klK…Z¨ Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb Ki‡jb| mg¯Í bMix †kvK mfvq Dcw¯’Z n‡jv| †jvKRb Zv‡K GZ fvjev‡m Zv †`‡L weivU wms Lye Lywk n‡jb| Zvi g‡b n‡jv wZwb c„w_exi me‡P‡q RbwcÖq ivRv| wKQzw`b ci weivU wms gviv †M‡jb, wKš‘ Zvi †klK…Z¨ Abyôv‡b †KD G‡jv bv| Avm‡j Zvi RxweZve¯’vq Zviv Zv‡K fq Ki‡Zv| Zvi g„Zz¨i ci RbMY †mB fxwZ †_‡K cwiÎvY †cj|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

There was a wealthy man. His son had some bad habits. The wealthy man could not correct his son. So he took his boy to a scholar. The scholar took the boy for a walk. Suddenly he stopped walking and asked the boy to pull out a ………….. . The boy easily ………….. . Then the wise man showed him a ………….. . With a little more effort ………….. . Next the scholar pointed to ………….. to uproot it. The boy tried his ………….. . He said, “This is ………….. it”. Then the wise man said, “It is same with ………….. . When they are young, it is easy ………….. they take hold they cannot be uprooted.” This session with the ………….. life totally.


There was a wealthy man. His son had some bad habits. The wealthy man could not correct his son. So he took his boy to a scholar. The scholar took the boy for a walk. Suddenly he stopped walking and asked the boy to pull out a tiny plant growing there. The boy easily uprooted the plant. Then the wise man showed him a slightly bigger plant. With a little more effort he could uproot it. Next the scholar pointed to a big tree and asked the boy to uproot it. The boy tried his best but could not. He said, “This is impossible to uproot it”. Then the wise man said, “It is same with the bad habits. When they are young, it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted.” This session with the wise man changed the boy’s life totally.

Ávbx e„× †jvK

      e½vbyev`: GK wQj abx †jvK| Zvi †Q‡ji wKQz e`-Af¨vm wQj| abx †jvKwU Zvi †Q‡j‡K wVK Ki‡Z cviwQj bv| ZvB †m Zvi †Q‡j‡K GKRb cwʇZi wbKU wb‡q †Mj| cwÊZwU †Q‡jwU‡K wb‡q GKUz nuvU‡Z †ei n‡jb| nVvr wZwb nuvUv _vgv‡jb Ges †Q‡jwU‡K †mLv‡b Rš§v‡bv GKwU †QvU MvQ‡K Dc‡o †dj‡Z ej‡jb| †Q‡jwU mn‡RB MvQwU‡K Zz‡j †djj| Zvici Ávbx e¨w³wU †Q‡jwU‡K Av‡iKUz eo MvQ †`Lv‡jb| Aí †Póv‡ZB †m Zv Zzj‡Z cvij| Gici Ávbx e¨w³wU GKwU eo Mv‡Qi w`‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡jb Ges †Q‡jwU‡K Zv Dcov‡Z ej‡jb| †Q‡jwU Zvi h_vmva¨ †Póv Ki‡jv, wKš‘ cvi‡jv bv| †m ejj, ÒGUv‡K Zz‡j †djv Am¤¢e|Ó ZLb Ávbx e¨w³wU ej‡jb, Òe`-Af¨v‡mi †ÿ‡ÎI GUv N‡U| hLb †m¸‡jv m~Pbvc‡e© _v‡K ZLb Zv‡`i ev` †`qv mnR, wKš‘ hLb †m¸‡jvi wfZ gReyZ nq ZLb †m¸‡jv‡K Dc‡o †djv hvq bv|Ó Ávbx e¨w³wUi mv‡_ KvUv‡bv mgqUzKz †Q‡jwUi Rxeb‡K Avg~j cwieZ©b K‡i w`‡jv|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

Once it so happened that a beautiful contest took place between the sun and the wind. It was to see which of them was stronger. The wind was very proud of itself and its prowess. It said, Even the mighty clouds bow me. They know that I can ………… . So you are a ………… me. “The sun said,” “It is the time that will tell who ………… .” Soon they saw ………… . He was wearing a coat. The sun said, “Let us see who ………… coat.” The wind tried first. It blew ………… . But the man, …………, wrapped it more and more. So the wind failed. Now was the turn of the ………… . It began to shine. It became ………… . Ultimately, the man ………… remove the coat. The wind lost and the sun won.


Once it so happened that there a beautiful contest took place between the sun and the wind. It was to see which of them was stronger. The wind was very proud of itself and its prowess. It said, Even the mighty clouds bow me. They know that I can drive them away. So you are a small thing before me. “The sun said,” “It is the time that will tell who is the stronger of the two.” Soon they saw a man coming. He was wearing a coat. The sun said, “Let us see who makes the man to take off his coat.” The wind tried first. It blew harder and harder. But the man, instead of removing his coat, wrapped it more and more. So the wind failed. Now was the turn of the sun to show its strength. It began to shine. It became hotter and hotter. Ultimately, the man was compelled to remove the coat. The wind lost and the sun won.

m~h© I evZvm

      e½vbyev`: GK`v m~h© I evZv‡mi g‡a¨ GKwU PgrKvi cÖwZ‡hvwMZv AbywôZ n‡qwQ‡jv| GUv †`Lvi welq wQj †h Zv‡`i g‡a¨ †K AwaKZi kw³kvjx| evZvm wb‡R‡K Ges wb‡Ri ÿgZv wb‡q Lye Me© †eva KiZ| †m ejj, ÒGgbwK kw³gvb †gNI Avgv‡K KzwY©k K‡i| Zviv Rv‡b Avwg Zv‡`i Zvwo‡q w`‡Z cvwi| ZvB Avgvi mvg‡b Zzwg GKUv Zz”Q wRwbm|Ó m~h© ej‡jv, ÒmgqB e‡j †`‡e `yR‡bi g‡a¨ †K AwaKZi kw³kvjx|Ó kxNÖB Zviv GKRb gvbyl‡K Avm‡Z †`Lj| †m GKwU †KvU c‡i wQj| m~h© ejj, ÒPj †`wL Avgv‡`i g‡a¨ †K †jvKwU‡K †KvUwU Lyj‡Z eva¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i|Ó evZvm cÖ_‡g †Póv Ki‡jv| GUv †Rv‡i Av‡iv †Rv‡i eB‡Z ïiæ Kij| wKš‘ †jvKwU †KvU †Lvjvi cwie‡Z© Zv Av‡iv †ewk K‡i Rwo‡q aij| ZvB evZvm e¨_© n‡jv| Gevi m~‡h©i wb‡Ri kw³ †`Lv‡bvi cvjv| GUv wKiY †`qv ïiæ Kij| GUv AwaKZi Dò n‡q DV‡jv| d‡j, †jvKwU †KvU Ly‡j †dj‡Z eva¨ n‡jv| evZvm †n‡i †Mj Ges m~h© Rqx n‡jv|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

Once a bee unfortunately fell into a river with heavy current. It was being carried away by the strong current of water. A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree at that time. Its eyes fell upon the bee and saw that it was in a plight.

Taking pity on the bee, it at once plucked …………………. near the bee. The bee …………………. wings and flew away. It was full of gratitude for the good …………………. . After a few days the bee found that a cruel hunter …………………. . Seeing this, it flew ………….. hand. It settled lightly on it and ………….. just to shoot. The hunter …………………. . He …………………. . In the meantime, …………………. away. The bee had made a good return ………………..


Once a bee unfortunately fell into a river with heavy current. It was being carried away by the strong current of water. A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree at that time. Its eyes fell upon the bee and saw that it was in a plight.

Taking pity on the bee, it at once plucked a broad leaf and threw it near the bee. The bee climbed on the leaf, dried its wings and flew away. It was full of gratitude for the good natured and generous dove. After a few days the bee found that a cruel hunter was aiming at the dove. Seeing this, it flew directly to the hunter’s hand. It settled lightly on it and stung him as he was just to shoot. The hunter missed the aim. He cried out with pain. In the meantime, the dove flew away. The bee had made a good return for the help of the dove.

NyNy Ges †gŠgvwQ

      e½vbyev`: GKw`b GKwU †gŠgvwQ `yf©vM¨ekZ GKwU Li‡mªvZv b`x‡Z c‡o †Mj| cvwbi kw³kvjx †mªvZ GUv‡K fvwm‡q wb‡q hvw”Qj| †mB mg‡q GKwU NyNy GKwU Mv‡Qi Wv‡j e‡m wQj| Zvi †PvL †gŠgvwQwUi Dci coj Ges GwUi `y`©kv †`Lj|

†gŠgvwQwUi Ici `qvekZ, †m GKUv PIov cvZv wQuoj Ges †gŠgvwQwUi wbK‡U Quz‡o gvij| †gŠgvwQwU cvZvwUi Dci DVj, cvLv ïKv‡jv Ges D‡o P‡j †Mj| Zvi gb m`q I gnvb NyNywUi cÖwZ K…ZÁZvq cwic~Y© n‡jv| wKQzw`b ci †gŠgvwQwU †`L‡jv †h GK wbôzi wkKvix NyNywUi w`‡K wbkvbv Ki‡Q| GUv †`‡L, †m mivmwi wkKvixi nv‡Zi w`‡K D‡o †Mj| Zvi Dci Avj‡Zv K‡i em‡jv Ges †m ¸wj Kivi gyn‚‡Z© ûj †dvUv‡jv| wkKvix jÿ¨åó n‡jv| †m e¨_vq wPrKvi K‡i DV‡jv| B‡Zvg‡a¨, NyNywU D‡o †Mj| †gŠgvwQwU NyNywUi mvnv‡h¨i fv‡jv cÖwZ`vb w`j|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

     Once a dog was waiting near a meat shop. It had a hope to get a piece of meat by chance. Soon he found an opportunity. The shopkeeper had a good number ………… . He became ………… selling meats. In the meantime, the dog managed to have a loaf ………… and ran away as fast as possible. He reached the bank ………… cross the river by bridge. Climbing on the bridge, ………… in the water. He found that a dog ………… in his month. The dog became greedy and ………….. meat also. So, he jumped into the river …………….. . But he was soon …………….. of the river. Thus the dog was punished for his greed.


     Once a dog was waiting near a meat shop. It had a hope to get a piece of meat by chance. Soon he found an opportunity. The shopkeeper had a good number of customers visiting his shop. He became very busy in talking to them and selling meats. In the meantime, the dog managed to have a loaf of meat from the shop and ran away as fast as possible. He reached the bank of a river and wanted to cross the river by bridge. Climbing on the bridge, the dog saw his reflection in the water. He found that a dog was standing with a loaf of flesh in his month. The dog became greedy and wanted to have that meat also. So, he jumped into the river to catch hold of the meat. But he was soon carried away by the strong current of the river. Thus the dog was punished for his greed.

GK †jvfx KzKzi

      e½vbyev`: GK`v GK KzKzi GK UzK‡iv gvsm fvM¨µ‡g cvIqvi Avkvq GKwU gvs‡mi †`vKv‡bi wbKU A‡cÿv KiwQj| kxNÖB †m GKwU my‡hvM †cj| †`vKvbwU‡Z A‡bK LwiÏv‡ii AvMgb NU‡jv| †m Zv‡`i mv‡_ K_v ej‡Z Ges gvsm wewµ Ki‡Z Lye e¨¯Í wQj| B‡Zvg‡a¨ KzKziwU †`vKvb †_‡K †Kvbfv‡e GKUzK‡iv gvsm †cj Ges hZ`ªæZ m¤¢e cvwj‡q †Mj| †m GKwU b`xi Zx‡i †cuŠQvj Ges weªR w`‡q b`xwU cvi n‡Z PvB‡jv| weª‡R D‡V KzKziwU cvwb‡Z wb‡Ri cÖwZ”Qwe †`Lj| †m †`L‡jv †h GKwU KzKzi Zvi gy‡L GK UzK‡iv gvsm wb‡q `uvwo‡q Av‡Q| KzKziwUi Lye †jvf n‡jv Ges H gvsmwUI †c‡Z PvBj| ZvB †m H gvsmwU cvIqvi Rb¨ b`x‡Z Suvc w`j| wKš‘ b`xi kw³kvjx †mªv‡Z †m kxNÖB †f‡m †Mj| Gfv‡e KzKziwU Zvi †jv‡fi Rb¨ kvw¯Í †cj|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

There was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He fought with England six times. But each time he was badly defeated. So ran away to save his life. He took shelter in a cave where he did himself. Out of disappointment she gave up all hopes. He was in a dejected mode.

But one day he saw a spider in that cave. It was trying ……………….. where it had its cob web. It made six attempts ……………….., but every time it slipped down. Now the king got ……………….. carefully. He was astonished to see that the spider ……………….. heart. It continued its ……………….. . At the seventh attempt ……………….. . The incident boosted up the ……………….. . He gained ……………….. . He gathered his forces ……………….. . This time he fought with ……………….. and was the ultimate winner.


There was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He fought with England six times. But each time he was badly defeated. So ran away to save his life. He took shelter in a cave where he did himself. Out of disappointment she gave up all hopes. He was in a dejected mode.

But one day he saw a spider in that cave. It was trying to reach the ceiling of the cave where it had its cob web. It made six attempts to reach its web, but every time it slipped down. Now the king got interested and watched the spider carefully. He was astonished to see that the spider did not lose heart. It continued its effort to reach the ceiling. At the seventh attempt the spider was successful to reach its web. The incident boosted up the spirit of King Bruce. He gained renewed strength. He gathered his forces and fought another battle. This time he fought with new vigour and enthusiasm and was the ultimate winner.


ievU© eªæm I gvKomv

      e½vbyev`: ¯‹Uj¨v‡Û GK ivRv wQj| Zvi bvg wQj ievU© eªæm| wZwb Qq evi Bsj¨v‡Ûi mv‡_ jovB K‡iwQ‡jb| wKš‘ cÖ‡Z¨KeviB wZwb KiæYfv‡e civwRZ civwRZ nb| wZwb Zuvi Rxeb euvPv‡Z cvwj‡q wM‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb GKwU ¸nvq Avkªq wb‡qwQ‡jb †mLv‡b wb‡R‡K jywK‡q ivL‡jb| nZvkvq wZwb Zuvi mKj Avkv Z¨vM Ki‡jb| wZwb Lye welbœ Ae¯’vq wQ‡jb|

wKš‘ GKw`b wZwb H ¸nvq GKwU gvKomv †`L‡Z †c‡jb| gvKomvwU ¸nvi Qv‡` †cŠuQv‡bvi †Póv KiwQj †hLv‡b IUvi Rvj wQj| IUv Zvi Rv‡j †cŠQv‡bvi Rb¨ Qqevi †Póv Ki‡jv, wKš‘ cÖwZevi wcQ‡j †b‡g †Mj| Gevi ivRv †KŠZ~njx n‡jb Ges mZK©fv‡e gvKomvwU‡K jÿ Ki‡jb| wZwb GUv †`‡L AevK n‡jb †m gvKovmvwU nvj Qvo‡jv bv Ges Qv‡` †cŠuQv‡bvi †Póv Pvwj‡q †Mj| mßg ev‡ii cÖ‡Póvq gvKomvwU Qv‡` Zvi Rv‡j †cŠuQv‡Z mdj n‡jv| NUbvwU ivRv eªæm-Gi mvnm RvwM‡q w`j| wZwb bevwqZ kw³ jvf Ki‡jb| wZwb Zvi ˆmb¨‡`i GKÎ Ki‡jb Ges Av‡iKwU hy× Ki‡jb| Gevi wZwb bZzb †ZR I Drmvn wb‡q hy× Ki‡jb Ges AeavwiZfv‡e weRqx n‡jb|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Once there was a woodcutter. He lived near a forest. He earned his living by cutting wood from the jungle and selling them in the market.

One day he was cutting down a tree on the bank of the river. While he was cutting it, his axe fell into the river and was lost. He began to weep.

Mercury, the goddess of river, heard his crying and appeared before him. She asked him why he was crying. The woodcutter told her that he ………………….. in the water. The goddess at once jumped ………………….. a golden axe. She asked the woodcutter ………………….. . But the woodcutter ………………….. . Then the goddess jumped ………………….. a silver axe. This time the woodcutter ………………….. . At the third time, ………………….. axe. This time the woodcutter ………………….., “This is my axe.” The goddess gave him ………….. axes. The woodcutter ………………….. thanking the God.


Once there was a woodcutter. He lived near a forest. He earned his living by cutting wood from the jungle and selling them in the market.

One day he was cutting down a tree on the bank of the river. While he was cutting it, his axe fell into the river and was lost. He began to weep.

Mercury, the goddess of river, heard his crying and appeared before him. She asked him why he was crying. The woodcutter told her that he had only axe which he lost in the water. The goddess at once jumped into the water and came back with a golden axe. She asked the woodcutter if it was his. But the woodcutter answered negatively. Then the goddess jumped again and came back with a silver axe. This time the woodcutter also refused to take. At the third time, she came with an iron axe. This time the woodcutter shouted with joy, “This is my axe.” The goddess gave him all the three axes. The woodcutter was overjoyed and went home thanking the God.

gviKvix Ges KvVz‡i

      e½vbyev`: GK`v GK KvVz‡i wQj| †m GK e‡bi wbK‡U evm KiZ| †m eb †_‡K KvV †K‡U Ges †m¸‡jv evRv‡i wewµ K‡i RxweKv wbe©vn KiZ|

GKw`b †m b`xi Zx‡i GKwU MvQ KvUwQj| hLb †m Zv KvUwQj, Zvi KzovjwU b`x‡Z c‡o †Mj Ges nvwi‡q †Mj| †m Kuv`‡Z ïiæ Kij|

b`xi †`ex gviKvix Zvi Kvbœv ïb‡Z †c‡jb Ges Zvi wbKU nvwRi n‡jb| wZwb Zv‡K wRÁvmv Ki‡jb †Kb †m Kuv`‡Q| KvVz‡i Zv‡K ejj †h Zvi gvÎ GKUv Kzovj wQj hv †m cvwb‡Z nvwi‡q †d‡j‡Q| †`exwU m‡½ m‡½B cvwb‡Z Suvc w`‡jb I GKwU †mvbvi Kzovj wb‡q wdi‡jb| wZwb KvVz‡ii Kv‡Q Rvb‡Z PvB‡jb IUv Zvi wKbv| wKš‘ KvVz‡i bv-m~PK DËi w`j| ZLb †`ex Avevi Suvc w`‡jb Ges GKwU iƒcvi Kzovj wb‡q wdi‡jb| GeviI KvVz‡i IVv wb‡Z Am¤§wZ Rvbvj| Z…Zxq ev‡i, wZwb GKwU †jvnvi Kzovj wb‡q Avm‡jb| Gevi KvVz‡i Avb‡›` wPrKvi K‡i DVj, ÒGUv Avgvi Kzovj|Ó †`ex Zv‡K wZbwU KzovjB w`‡q w`‡jb| KvVz‡i Avb‡›` AvcøyZ n‡jv Ges †`eZv‡K ab¨ev` w`‡q evwo P‡j †Mj|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it. Give a suitable title to it.

Once there was a slave in Rome. His master was very cruel. So he ran away to a forest. He went into a cave to live there. He was sleeping in the cave. Suddenly, he woke up hearing the roar of a lion. He saw a lion there. The lion was limping. The slave saw ………………. . He ………………. out. The lion ………………. . Both became friends.

One day, the slave was ………………. . The master ordered him to be ………………. . When the slave was thrown before the lion, ………………. . It was ………………. . The lion ………………. . All were ………………. . The ………………. free. And the lion was given to him as a reward.


Once there was a slave in Rome. His master was very cruel. So he ran away to a forest. He went into a cave to live there. He was sleeping in the cave. Suddenly, he woke up hearing the roar of a lion. He saw a lion there. The lion was limping. The slave saw a thorn in the lion’s paw. He pulled it out. The lion felt relieved. Both became friends.

One day, the slave was caught by his master’s men. The master ordered him to be thrown before a hungry lion. When the slave was thrown before the lion, the lion did not kill him. It was the same lion. The lion licked his feet. All were surprised at this strange sight. The slave was them set free. And the lion was given to him as a reward.

`vm I wmsn

      e½vbyev`: GK`v †iv‡g GK `vm wQj| Zvi cÖfz Lye wbôzi wQj| ZvB †m GKw`b GKwU e‡b cvwj‡q †Mj| †mLv‡b †m GKwU ¸nvq evm Ki‡Z †Mj| †m ¸nvq Nygvw”Qj| nVvr, †m GKwU wms‡ni MR©b ï‡b †R‡M DV‡jv| †m †mLv‡b GKwU wmsn †`L‡Z †cj| wmsnwU †Luvovw”Qj| `vmwU wmsnwUi _vevq GKwU KuvUv †`L‡Z †cj| †m Zv †ei K‡i w`j| wmnwU ¯^w¯Í †cj| Df‡q eÜz n‡q †Mj|

GKw`b `vmwU Zvi cÖfzi †jvK‡`i wbKU aiv coj| Zvi cÖfz Zv‡K GKwU ÿzavZ© wms‡ni m¤§y‡L wb‡ÿc Kivi Av‡`k w`j| hLb `vmwU‡K wmsnwUi mvg‡b wb‡ÿc Kiv n‡jv, wmsnwU Zv‡K nZ¨v Kij bv| GUv wQj †mB wmsnwU| wmsnwU Zvi cv PvU‡Z jvM‡jv| GUv †`‡L mevB AevK n‡q †Mj| `vmwU‡K ZLb gy³ K‡i †`qv n‡jv| Avi cyi¯‹vi wn‡m‡e Zv‡K wmsnwU †`qv n‡jv|

  1. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

Once there lived a blind man in a small town. He always carried a lighted lamp …………………. whenever he went out at night. On such a dark night he was going …………………. . A group of men was …………………. . They saw the blind man …………………. him. They said, “O Blind man, why do you ………………….? You are …………………. anything.” The …………………. replied, “This lamp is not for me, but for you …………………. . You may not see …………………. push him.” They felt …………………. pardon.


Once there lived a blind man in a small town. He always carried a lighted lamp in his hand whenever he went out at night. On such a dark night he was going with his lighted lamp in his hand. A group of men was passing by that way. They saw the blind man with the lamp and made fun of him. They said, “O Blind man, why do you carry the lighted lamp? You are blind and cannot see anything.” The blind man politely replied, “This lamp is not for me, but for you who have eyes. You may not see a blind man coming at night and push him.” They felt ashamed and begged pardon.

cÖ`xc nv‡Z GK AÜ

      e½vbyev`: GK`v GK †QvU kn‡i GKRb AÜ †jvK evm KiZ| hLbB iv‡Zi †ejv †m evB‡i †hZ, †m me©`v nv‡Z K‡i R¡jšÍ cÖ`xc enb KiZ| GgbB GK AÜKvi iv‡Z †m nv‡Z R¡jšÍ cÖ`xc wb‡q hvw”Qj| GK `j †jvK H c_ w`‡q hvw”Qj| Zviv AÜ †jvKwU‡K †`L‡jv Ges Zv‡K Dcnvm Kij| Zviv ejj, ÒI‡n, AÜ gvbyl, †Kb Zzwg R¡jšÍ cÖ`xc enb Ki? Zzwg‡Zv AÜ Ges wKQzB †`L‡Z cvI bv|Ó AÜ †jvKwU webxZfv‡e DËi w`j, ÒGB cÖ`xcwU Avgvi Rb¨ bq, eis †Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ hv‡`i †PvL Av‡Q| †Zvgiv nqZ GKRb AÜ †jvK‡K iv‡Zi †ejv Avm‡Z †`L‡Z cv‡e bv Ges Zv‡K av°v w`‡e|Ó Zviv jw¾Z n‡jv Ges ÿgv PvB‡jv|


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