Nine-Ten English 1st Paper Question 4,5 Model (1-30)



  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

The first scientist in the world was Thales who was born in Greece in 625 BC. He was born in the City of Miletus. Though he was a businessman, he became a renowned scientist later. He practiced the knowledge of Geometry in Egypt. In fact, Thales became exceptionally known for his skill in Geometry. Actually his major scientific achievement is the invention of Geometry.

Pythagoras is also a scientist. He was born in 560 BC. He was a Greek who is actually a famous mathematician. He had also some reputations for Philosophy, Astronomy and Numbering theory. People considered him a great ideologist. This great scientist died in 480 BC.

Another scientist Democritus was bon in Greece in 470 BC. He was great for his research in atom. This great scientist died in 400 BC.


Names Thales Pythagoras
Country/City (a) ¾ Greece
Birth year (b) ¾ BC (c) ¾ BC
Work/Achievement Invention of (d) ¾ Mathematic
Death year ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Hippocrates is a great figure in the history of European medical treatment. He was born in Greece in 460 BC. He lived in the Cos Island. He became a famous person in giving treatment to the patients according to test and observation. His major achievement is his idea of surgery. His great book ‘Concerning the Things in Surgery’ is on surgery. He is a great model in the history of medical education. This great scientist died in 370 BC.

Aristotle was born in Macedon of Greece in 384 B.C. He was a great scientist and philosopher. He is mainly known as a philosopher. He established an education center that is Lysium.

His great book is ‘Physics’. This great person died in 322 BC.

Euclid is a great scientist. He was born in Greece in 330 BC. He is greatly known for his great geometry book ‘Elements’, He was mainly professor of Mathematics. Though he wrote book named ‘Optics’, he was great for geometry. This great geometric died in 275 BC.

Names Hippocrates Aristotle
Country/City Greece (a) ¾
Birth year (b) ¾ BC. 384 BC.
Profession (c) ¾ Philosopher
Work/Achievement (d) ¾ Physics
Death year 370 BC. (e) ¾ BC.


  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Archimedes was a great scientist who was born in Italy in 287 BC. He was very interested in Mathematics.

He had great love for his country and for that he made ‘Catapult’. He wrote many great books such as ‘On spirals’, ‘Measurement of a Circle’. In fact, he was a man of shrewd intelligence. This scientist died in 212 B.C.

Hipparchus was also a great scientist who was born in Greece in 190 BC. He was mainly an astronomer. He was also very good at Mathematics. His contribution to astronomy is simply great. This astronomer died in 127 B.C.

Anther great as tronomer is Ptolemy who was born in 90. AD. He had great intelligence in astronomy. His great book is ‘Almagest’ which is known as the Bible of astronomy. He is ever remember for his contribution to the astronomical inventions. He died in 170 AD.

Names Archimedes Hipparchus
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth year (c) ¾ BC. 190 BC.
Profession\Work Scientist (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ BC. 127 BC.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words.                              10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Galen is one of the best figures in the fields of physiology. He was born in Turkey in 129 A.D. His father who was an architect and mathematician had a great influence on him. Galen was very famous in the studies of physiology. He became a physiologist and surgeon. His great book which is about physiology is ‘On the Bones’. This great scientist died in 199 A.D.

Bhaskara was a great mathematician and astronomer. He was born in India in 1114. Bhaskara wrote his great book ‘Siddanta-Shiromoni’ that he wrote at 36. He was a very talented person. He was exceptionally skilled in Arithmatic and calulas. This great man died in 1183 A.C.

Jabir Ibn Hyan was born in the ancient Arbia in 720 A.D. He was a great chemist. He wrote many books on Chemistry. His books are ‘Book of concentration’, ‘Book of the Composition of Alchemi’, etc. He was very creative scientist. He died in 813 A.D.

Names Galen Jabir
Country/City (a) ¾ Arbia
Birth year 129 AD (b) ¾ AD
Profession\Achievement (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ 813 AD
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words.                            10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Al-Raji was born in Iran in 866 A.D. He was a very famous physician who played a very vital role in improving medicines for people. He wrote an Encyclopedia that cost him much labour. His famous book is ‘Al-Mansuri’. He is remembered by people for his contribution to inventions of medicines. He died in 925 A.D.

Ibn-Al-Haitham was born in Iraq in 965 A.D. He was a great scientist. He lived in Iraq in 965 He was a great scientist. He lived in Borsa that is a city in the country. He was greatly renowned for his contributions to mathematics and medical science. He wrote a book named ‘Kitab-Al-Monajir’ in which he wrote all his research results. He is considered the greatest scientist in Muslim world. He died in 1039 A.D.

Names Al-Raji Hatham
Country/City (a) ¾ Iraq
Birth year (b) ¾ A.D. 965 A.D.
Profession\Work (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year 925 A.D. (e) 1039 A.D.
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage.

Al-Biruni was born in Khiva in 973. He was a great scientist who was basically a mathematician. His role in geometry is simply great. Some of his notable books are ‘Al-Kanun Al-Mashudi’, ‘Kitab-E-Saidana’, etc. He was a very renowned scientist in the mediaeval period. He died in 1048 AD.

Ibn Rusad was born in Cordova in 1126. Though he studied medical science and law, later he became attentive to philosophy. He wrote many books on different branch of knowledge. His famous book is “Tohafut’. He wanted to establish his thought by logic. This great man died in 1198 AD.

Chang Heng was born in China in 78 AD. He invented a device to measure earthquake. He had very excellent knowledge of mathematics, astronomy. He expressed his great opinion about the size of the universe. He died in 142 AD.

Names Al Birone Chang
Country/City Khiva (a) ¾
Birth year (b) ¾ 78
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ ¾
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Liu Hui and Tsu Chung Chih are two Chinese mathematicians. Liu wrote many books on Mathematics. Some of them are ‘Mathematical Art’ ‘Shuan Chi-Shi-Shu’. Tsu Chung was born in 429. Army officer, he was later mainly a mathematician. He played a very important role in making a new calendar. His great book is ‘Lu-Li-Chi’. Both of the above two Scientists played a very significant role in mathematical studies. Liu died in 250 and Tsu in 500.

Shen Kua was a very remarkable scientist. He was born in China in 1031.  He was very learned in astronomy. He had also knowledge of literature, music, mathematics and art. He was a good govt. employee besides being a scientist. This varsatile genius died in 1095.

Names HueAl Birone Shen
Country/City (a) ¾ China
Birth year ¾ (b) ¾
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ 1095
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words.                                           10



  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Ronald Ross was born in England in 1857. He studied medical science and worked in India. He had a great passion for book and research. His great contribution is inviting the malaria virus. He got Nobel Prize in 1902 for inventing the virus.

His great book is ‘Analos of Tropical Medicine’. This famous Scientist died in 1931.

Jagadish Chandra Bose was born in undivided India in 1858. He was a very talented scientist. He was actually a professor in profession. It is he who first invented the radio. He also invented microwave first. In fact, he was a great researcher. He also wrote literature. His book is ‘Polatok Tupan’. This great Bengali scientist died in 1937.


Names RossAl Birone Bose
Country/City England (a) ¾
Birth year (b) ¾ 1858
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ virus (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ 1937
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words.                                10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Satyendranath Bose was born in Kolkata of India in 1894. He passed ISC in 1911 and BSc in Mathematics in 1913. He was a very excellent student. He learnt German, France and English to know about the inventions of science. He was a professor of Dhaka University. He is a great figure in Quantum Dynamics. He died in 1974.

Srinivash Krishan was born in India in 1898. He was a great figure in physics and mathematics. He was a teacher in Dhaka University where he mainly did research. He was awarded the title of Padmavushon in 1954. He was selected as National Professor in 1961 and in that year he died.

Names SatyendranathAl Birone Srinivash
Country/City Kolkata (a) ¾
Birth year (b) ¾ 1898
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year 1974 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words.                       10



  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Vainu Bappu was born in India in 1927. He was a very renewed astronomer in Indian subcontinent. He was also a great fan of literature. He got a scholarship to study in America in 1949. He obtained PhD in 1951. He performed many research activities in astronomy. This astronomer died in 1982.

Roger Bacon was a scientist who was born in England in 1214. He received education in literature, philosophy and mathematics. He wrote many books. His book ‘Compendium Philosophiea’ is a long book. But his book ‘Opus Measus’ is his major work. He died in 1292.

Names BappuAl Birone Bacon
Country/City India (a) ¾
Birth year (b) ¾ 1214
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year 1982 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473. He was a very famous astronomer. He said that the earth rounds around the sun. He studied MBBS and practiced the activities of a clergyman. He was very intelligent. He worked silently. He had great passion for astronomy and he did a lot for astronomic inventions. He died in 1543.

Tycho Brahe was a very great scientist. He was born in Denmark in 1546. He entered Copenhagen University at the age of thirteen. He had very good passion for astronomy. He said that stars are static and they have no birth and death. His great book is ‘The Nova Stella’. He died in 1601.

Galileo was also a great scientist who was born in Italy in 1564. He studied MBBS. But he became a mathematics professor later. He had great intelligence in mathematics and astronomy. He wrote the book named ‘Dialogue Concerning to New Sciences’. He died in 1642.

Names Copernicus Al Birone Galileio
Country/City (a) ¾ Italy
Birth year 1473 (b) ¾
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ (d) ¾
Death year 1543 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Robert Boyle was born in England in 1578. He studied MBBS. He was a great Scientist. In fact, he is greatly remembered for establishing chemistry as science. He wrote many science books. His great book is ‘Sceptical Chemist.’ He died in 1691.

Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642. He is considered one of the best scientist ever in the world. He studied in Cambridge University. He had great talent in mathematics. He invented many things in science. His great achievement is inventing Calculus. His great book is ‘Principia’. He died in 1727.e wrote many science books. His great book is ‘Sceptical Chemist.’


Names BoyleAl Birone Newton
Country/City (a) ¾ England
Birth year 1578 (b) ¾
Profession/Achievement (c) Chemist (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ 1727
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Benjamin Franklin was born in America in 1706. He could not study much as his family was poor. He started working in press. He was a very skilled press worker. He became rich by dint of hard work. Then he began to practice science. He was very interested in electricity research. He was a post master general in 1753. He died in 1790.

Henry Cavendish was born in England in  1731.  He is a great scientist who invented oxygen in 1774. He was politically very conscious. He joined French Revolution. He became a professor of chemistry in Pencilvenia University. He worked with many branches of knowledge such as Political science, history and philosophy besides chemistry and physics. he died in 1804.

Names FranklinAl Birone Cavendish
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth year 1706 (c) ¾
Profession/Achievement (d) ¾ Scientist
Death year (e) ¾ 1804
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Antone Lauren was born in Paris of France in 1743. He was very interest in chemistry. He became a scientist. He was a very excellent student. His book ‘Elementary Treats on Chemistry’ was published in 1789. He died in 1794.

Edward Jenner was born on 17 May in 1749 in England. He wanted to be a doctor and he later became a famous doctor. He was very great for his treatment work. He invented ‘Varioli Vexin’. His famous book ‘Further Inquiry’ was published in 1799. He died in 1823.

Names AntoneAl Birone Jenner
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth year (c) ¾ 1749
Profession/Achievement Scientist (d) ¾
Death year 1794 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Michael Faraday was born in England in 1791 in a poor family. But Faraday was a very brilliant and hard working boy. He had a scientific mentality. He was a member of the Royal Society. He invented Benjin in 1825. He invented Dynamo that his major invention. He was a very polite man. This great scientist died in 1867.

Charles Darwin was born in England in 1809. He got a degree for being a clergyman at the age of 22.  He was great for his research in animals and plants. His major work is ‘Origin of Species’ that was published in 1859. He wrote many books. He was a great scientist. He died in 1882.


Names FaradyAl Birone Darwin
Country/City (a) ¾ England
Birth time (b) ¾ 1809
Profession/Achievement invented (c) ¾ Origin of Species
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Johann Mendel was born in Australia in 1822. He was a great Scientist who loved nature very much. He conducted his scientific research activities with plants. He created many new ideas about the life of plants. This great man died in 1884.

Louis Pasteur was a very famous scientist. He was born in France in 1822.  He was a very good student who was also very hard working. He got PhD in chemistry and became a professor of chemistry in Strasburg University. He married in 1848. His best invention is to invent the vaxin of hydrophobia disease. He was very intelligent researcher who got many awards. He died in 1895.

Joseph Lister was born in England in 1827. He was a very good physician. He received ‘Order of Merit’ in 1897. As a surgeon his fame and name spread all over the world. He died in 1912.

Names MendelAl Birone Pasteur
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth time 1822 (c) ¾
Profession/Achievement Scientist (d) ¾
Death year (e) ¾ 1895
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Clerk Maxwell was born in Scotland in 1831.  He was a scientist. He was very good at Geometry and Mathematics. He proved his excellent talent in mathematics. His major invention is to invent equation of dynamic magnetic. He became a professor of physics in 1871. He died in 1879.

Alfred Nobel was a great scientist. He is the father of Nobel Prize which the best award in the world. He was born in Sweden in 1833. He was a very good student in mathematics. He also studied Chemistry. He went to Paris to study chemistry in 1850. He invented dynamite in 1867. He earned huge amount of money. He died in 1896.

Wilhelm Konrad was born in Germany in 1845. He studied in many countries. He received his PhD in 1869. He was a professor of physics. He invented X-Ray. He got Nobel Prize for physics. This great scientist died in 1923.

Names MaxwellAl Birone Nobel
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth time (c) ¾ 1833
Profession/Achievement Scientist Invented dynamite
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Alexander Graham bell was born in Scotland in 1847. He became a lecturer in a college at nineteen in 1866. He wanted to do something for the deaf. He established a school for them. He became a professor of vocal physiology. He had very deep interest in telephone. He invented telephone. He died in 1922.

Thomas Alva Edison was born in America in 1847. He went to School in 1855. He invented a telegraph at home in 1857. He invented a machine called ‘Gold Printer,’ He also invented Carbon Transmitter. He was a very hard worker. He worked in American Naval Force. He died in 1931.



e died in 1931.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born in Russia in 1849. he was a very great Pysiologist. He became a professor of Physiology in 1890. he received Nobel Prize in 1904. He died in 1936.


Names BellAl Birone Edison
Country/City (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Birth year 1847 (c) ¾
Profession/Achievement Scientist Scientist
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Joseph John Thomson was born in England in 1856. He was a very good student. He was very good at mathematics and physics. He was selected the best fellow in Trinity College in 1880. He got very high reputation for his research in electron. He wrote many books and got Nobel Prize in 1906. He was a member of the Royal Society. He died in 1940.

Max Planck was born in Germany on 23 April, 1858. He studied in Munich University and Berlyn University. He received PhD from Munich University in 1879. He became a professor. In 1912 he became a secretary of the state. He got Nobel Prize in 1918. He died in 1947.

Names ThomsonAl Birone Planck
Country/City England (a) ¾
Birth time (b) ¾ 1858
Profession/Achievement Got (c) ¾ Prize (d) ¾
Death year 1940 (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Marie Curie was born in Poland in 1867. She was  a very talented woman who knew several languages. He studied physics and mathematics. She married in 1895. She got Nobel Prize for physics. She became a professor of physics in 1904. She received Nobel Prize for the second time in 1911.  She got it for chemistry. She was a very reputed scientist. She died on 4 July in 1934.

Ernest Rutherford was a very famous scientist. He was born in New Zealand in 1871.  He was a very good student in childhood. He received BA in 1893. He was very good at mathematics and Physics. He invented director of identifying radio wave. He became a professor at Maegil University at  27 only. He got Nobel Prize in 1911. He died in 1937.

e½vbyev` : g¨vwi Kzwi 1867 mv‡j †cvj¨v‡Û Rb¥MªnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye †gavex gwnjv wQ‡jb †h A‡bK fvlv Rvb‡Zb| wZwb c`v_© Ges MwY‡Z cov‡kvbv K‡ib| wZwb 1895 mv‡j we‡q K‡ib| wZwb c`v‡_© †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib| wZwb 1904 mv‡j Aa¨vcK n‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb 1911 mv‡j wØZxq ev‡ii g‡Zv †bv‡ej MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb GwU imvq‡bi Rb¨ †c‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb Lye weL¨vZ weÁvbx wQ‡jb| wZwb 1934 mv‡ji 4 RyjvB gviv hvb|

Av‡b©÷ iv`vi‡dvW© GKRb weL¨vZ weÁvbx wQ‡jb| wZwb 1871 mv‡j wbDwRj¨v‡Û Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| ˆkk‡e wZwb Lye fv‡jv QvΠ wQ‡jb| wZwb 1893 mv‡j weG Ges 1894 mv‡j GgG cvk K‡ib| wZwb MwY‡Z Ges c`v‡_© Lye fv‡jv wQ‡jb| wZwb †eZvi Zi½ mbv³Ki‡Yi evQvBKiY Avwe®‹vi K‡ib| gvÎ 27 eQi eq‡m wZwb g¨vwRj wek¦we`¨vjq Aa¨vcK n‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb 1911 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb| wZwb 1937 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Names MarieAl Birone Rutherford
Country/City (a) ¾ New Zealand
Birth time 1867 (b) ¾
Profession/Achievement (c) ¾ Professor
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage.                                    1×5=5                                      

Marconi was born in Italy in 1874. He was born in  a well off family in the country. He was a very good student who was very creative. He dreamt of making wireless telegraph. He invented radio for which he is every unforgettable. He obtained Nobel Prize in 1909. He helped the Army of Italy in the first world war. He died in 1937.

The ever greatest scientist Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. He was born in a very educated and rich family. He was a very calm boy who did not like friends. He started walking and talking very late. He was not a good student who always made bad results in the examinations. He had a great interest for philosophy. He had a very extraordinary talent in Mathematics. He started research in 1905. He got PhD degree. His great achievement “The Theory of Relativity’. He got Nobel Prize in 1921.  He died in 1955.

e½vbyev` : gvK©wb 1874 mv‡j BZvwj‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb †`‡ki m¤£všÍ cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye fv‡jv QvÎ wQ‡jb whwb LyeB m„Rbkxj wQ‡jb| wZwb Zviwenxb †UwjMÖvg ˆZwii ¯^cœ †`L‡Zb| wZwb †iwWI Avwe®‹vi K‡ib †hwUi Rb¨ wZwb me mgq ¯§iYxq| wZwb 1909 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb| wZwb 1g wek¦hy‡× BZvwji Avwg©‡K mnvqZv K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb 1937 mv‡j gviv hvb|

GLbI me‡P‡q weL¨vZ weÁvbx AvjevU© AvBb÷vBb 1879 mv‡j Rvgv©wb‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye wkwÿZ Ges m¤£všÍ cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye kvšÍ evjK wQ‡jb whwb eÜzevÜe cQ›` Ki‡Zb bv| wZwb A‡bK †`wi‡Z KvR I K_v ejv ïiy K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb Lye fv‡jv QvÎ wQ‡jb bv Ges me©`vB cixÿvq Lvivc Ki‡Zb| `k©‡bi Rb¨ Zuvi e¨vcK AvMÖn wQ‡jv| MwY‡Z Zuvi AmvaviY †gav wQj| wZwb 1905 mv‡j M‡elYv Avi¤¢ K‡iwQ‡jb| wZwb wcGBPwW wWwMÖ AR©b K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi eo AR©b n‡jv ÔAv‡cwÿKZvi ZË¡Õ wZwb 1921 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb| wZwb 1955 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡iwQ‡jb|

Names MarconiAl Birone Einstein
Country/City (a) ¾ (d) ¾
Birth time 1874  (c) ¾
Profession/Achievement Scientist Scientist
Death year (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage.                                  1×5=5                                     

Alexander Fleming was born in Scotland in 1881. He was a very excellent student. He studied MBBS. He invented Penicillin. His invention has saved many live of people in all ages. He died in 1955.

Niles Bohr was  born in Copenhagen of the Netherlands  in 1885. He was a very brilliant student. He worked with atom in 1913. In fact, he got Nobel Prize in 1922 for his famous work in atom. He was a professor in Copenhagen University. His great book ‘The Unity of Knowledge’ was published in 1955. He died in 1962.                                                                                                 

e½vbyev` : Av‡jKRvÛvi †d¬wgs 1881 mv‡j ¯‹Uj¨v‡Û Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye PgrKvi QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb GgweweGm cov‡kvbv K‡ib| wZwb †cwbwmwjb Avwe®‹vi K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi Avwe®‹v‡i me eqmx A‡bK gvbyli Rxeb iwÿZ n‡q‡Q| wZwb 1955 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

bxj&m †evi 1885 mv‡j †b`vij¨v‡Ûi †Kv‡cb‡n‡M‡b Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye †gavex QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb 1913 mv‡j cigvYy wb‡q KvR K‡iwQ‡jb| cigvYy‡Z Zvui weL¨vZ Kv‡Ri Rb¨ wZwb 1922 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb|  wZwb †Kv‡cb‡n‡Mb wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Aa¨vcK wQ‡jb | Zuvi weL¨vZ MÖš’ Ò`¨v BDwbK Ad b‡jRÓ 1995 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ nq| wZwb 1962 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Names Fleming Bohr
Birth year 1881  (a)
Country (b) Netherland
Prifession/Achievment (c) (d)
Deathe 1955 (e)
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Pitar Leonidovitch Kapitaza was born in Russia in 1894. He passed with a very good result in Engineering in 1918. He joined as a Professor in the same university where he studied. He achieved Ph.D and after gaining it, he worked very hard. He obtained Nobel Prize in 1978. He died in 1984.

Fredric Juliot was great scientist. He was born in Paris of France in 1900. He was  a very talented person. He got into very deep of scientific knowledge. He married in 1926. He obtained Nobel Prize Jointly with his wife in 1958. He is greatly remembered for his invention of artificial explosion reaction.

e½vbyev` : wcUvi wjIwb`yweP KvwcZRv 1894 mv‡j ivwkqvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 1918 mv‡j fv‡jv djvd‡ji mv‡_ cÖ‡KŠkjx cvk K‡ib| wZwb †hLv‡b cov‡kvbv K‡iwQ‡jb †mLv‡bB Aa¨vcK wn‡m‡e †hvM †`b| wZwb wcGBPwW wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib Ges GwU jvf Kivi ci wZwb K‡Vvi cwikÖg Ki‡Zb| wZwb 1978 mv‡j †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib| wZwb 1984 mv‡j gviv hvb|

†dWwiK RywjqU GKRb weL¨vZ weÁvbx wQ‡jb| wZwb 1900 mv‡j d«v‡Ýi c¨vwi‡m Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye †gavex e¨w³ wQ‡jb| wZwb Mfxi ˆeÁvwbK Áv‡b cÖ‡ek K‡ib| wZwb 1926 mv‡j we‡q K‡ib| wZwb 1935 mv‡j Zuvi ¯¿xi mv‡_ †hŠ_fv‡e †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib| wZwb 1958 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib| wZwb Zuvi K…wÎg we‡ùviY wewµqv Avwe®‹v‡ii Rb¨ e¨vcKfv‡e ¯§iYxq|

Names Kapitza Juliot
Birth year (a) ¾ (c) ¾
Country (b) ¾ (d) ¾
Profession/Achievement Professor (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

John Desmond Bernal was born in Ireland on 10 May in 1906. He studied in Stamford University. He was a very brilliant student. He was very good in Mathematics and Sciences. But his mathematical knowledge was sharper than any other knowledge. He wrote many books. Some of them are ‘The World’, ‘The Future’, ‘The Devil’ etc. His famous book is ‘The World’. He was a professor of Chemistry. He is ever remembered for his mathematical talent. He died in 1971.

Karl Heisenberg was a very famous scientist. He was born in Germany in 1901.  He studied Physics. He got PhD in 1923. He became a full professor at 26 only. He obtained Nobel Prize in 1932.  His physics works are very renowned. This great scientist is ever remembered for his extraordinary talent in Physics. He died in 1976.

e½vbyev` : Rb †Wmgb&W evb©vj 1906 mv‡ji 10-B †g Avqvij¨v‡Û Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb ÷¨vg‡dvW© wek¦we`¨vj‡q cov‡kvbv K‡ib| wZwb Lye †gavex QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb weÁvb Ges MwY‡Z Lye fv‡jv wQ‡jb| wKš‘ Zuvi MwY‡Zi Ávb Ab¨ Áv‡bi †P‡q Zxÿè wQ‡jv| wZwb A‡bK eB wj‡Lb|

w` Iqvì©, w` wdDPvi, we †Wwfj BZ¨vw` G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| Ô`¨v Iqvì©Õ Zvi weL¨vZ eB| wZwb imvq‡bi Aa¨vcK wQ‡jb| wZwb Zuvi MwYZxq †gavi Rb¨ GLbI ¯§iYxq| wZwb 1971 mv‡j gviv hvb|

Kvj© nvB‡RbevM© GKRb weL¨vZ weÁvbx wQ‡jb| wZwb 1901 mv‡j Rvgv©wb‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb c`v_© weÁv‡b cov‡kvbv K‡ib| wZwb 1923 mv‡j wcGBPwW cvb| gvÎ 26 eQi eq‡m wZwb c~Y© Aa¨vcK nb| 1932 mv‡j wZwb †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi cvb| c`v‡_© Zuvi Ae`vb LyeB cÖwm×| GB weL¨vZ weÁvbx c`v‡_© Zuvi AmvaviY †gavi Rb¨ GLbI ¯§iYxq| wZwb 1976 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Names Bernal Heisenberg
Birth year (a) ¾ (c) ¾
Country (b) ¾ (d) ¾
Profession/Achievement Professor got (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Richard Phillips Feynman was born in America in 1918. He was very interested in science from his childhood. He studied Mathematics, Philosophy, Astronomy and Physics and the later was his major interest. He was a professor at Princeton University. His great book is Feynman Lectures of Physics’. He died in 1988.

Stephen Hawing is a great wonder in the world history of scientists. He was born in America on 8 January in 1942.  His father went to London with him. Stephen was a very talented student. He was very good at Mathematics and Physics but his major passion was in Physics. Now he is the ever greatest physicist in the world. He studied at Cambridge University. He is very renowned for his theory of Black Holes. He got PhD at 23. He is a professor of Lucasian. His great book is ‘A Brief History of Time’. He is a very extraordinary scientist. He is still working for the development of science.

e½vbyev` : wiPvW© wdwjc&m dvBbg¨vb& 1918 mv‡j Av‡gwiKvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb †QvU‡ejv †_‡KB weÁv‡bi cÖwZ AvMÖnx wQ‡jb| wZwb MwYZ, `k©b, †R¨vwZlwe`¨v Ges c`v_© wb‡q cov‡kvbv K‡ib Ges c`v_©B Zvui eo AvMÖn wQ‡jv| wZwb wcÖÝUb wek¦we`¨vjq Aa¨vcK wQ‡jb| Zuvi weL¨vZ MÖš’, ÒdvBbg¨vb c`v_© weÁvb e³…ZvÓ| wZwb 1988 mv‡j gviv hvb|

w÷‡db nwKs we‡k¦ weÁvbx‡`i BwZnv‡m eo we¯§q| wZwb 1942 mv‡j 8 Rvbyqvwi Av‡gwiKvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| Zuvi evev Zuvi mv‡_ jÛ‡b wM‡qwQ‡jb| w÷‡db Lye †gavex QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb MwYZ Ges c`v‡_© Lye fv‡jv wQ‡jb| wKš‘ Zuvi eo AvMÖn wQj c`v_©weÁv‡b| GLbI wZwb we‡k¦ me‡P‡q eo c`v_©we`| wZwb K¨vgweªR wek¦we`¨vjq cov‡kvbv K‡ib| wZwb K…òMni Z‡Ë¡i Rb¨ weL¨vZ| wZwb 23 eQi eq‡m wcGBPwW cvb| wZwb ÔjyKwmqvgÕ Gi Aa¨vcK| ÒG weªd wnw÷ª Ad UvBgÓ Zuvi weL¨vZ MÖš’| wZwb AmvaviY GKRb weÁvbx| wZwb GLbI weÁv‡bi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ KvR Ki‡Qb|

Names Feynman Hawking
Birth year 1918 (a) ¾
Country (b) ¾ (c) ¾
Profession/Achievement (d) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Jahir Raihan was a great film maker. He was born in Feni on 19 August in 1935. He had great passion for literature. He completed BA Hons. from Dhaka University in 1958. His great film is ‘Jibon Theke Neya’ that was made in 1970. His great documentary film is Stop Genocide. He played a very important role during our liberation war. He is a well known Bangladeshi. He wrote novels of which ‘Borafgala Nadi’ was famous. He got many awards. He received Admji literature Award in 1964. He was lost on 30 January in 1972.  It is strongly thought that he was killed by the Rajakars for his role in our independence.

Joynul Abedin was a great painter of Bangladesh. He was born in Kishoreganj of Bangladesh in 1914. He was a very brilliant student. He did a great deal of work for the improvement of art and painting in Bangladesh. His great paint work is ‘Monpura 70’. He got the title of D.Litt from Delhi University in 1973. He died in 1976.

Kamrul Hasan was a great artist. He was born in Kolkata in 1921.  He had a very exclusive talent in art. He wrote many books. His great book is “Kherokhata’. He was very dead against oppression and injustice. He died in 1988.

e½vbyev` : Rwni ivqnvb weL¨vZ Pjw”PÎKvi wQ‡jb| wZwb 1935 mv‡ji 19 AvM÷ †dbx‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| mvwn‡Z¨i cÖwZ Zuvi Lye AvMÖn wQj| wZwb XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K 1958 mv‡j weG (Abvm©) m¤úbœ K‡ib| ÔRxeb †_‡K †bqvÕ Zuvi weL¨vZ Pjw”P‡Î †hwU 1970 mv‡j ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj| Zuvi weL¨vZ cÖvgvY¨ Pjw”PÎ Ò÷c †R‡bvmvBWÓ| wZwb gyw³hy× PjvKvjxb mg‡q MyiyZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv iv‡Lb| wZwb GKRb mycwiwPZ evsjv‡`wk wQ‡jb| wZwb A‡bK Dcb¨vm wj‡L‡Qb hvi g‡a¨ Ôeid Mjv b`xÕ Ab¨Zg| wZwb A‡bK cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQ‡jb| wZwb 1964 mv‡j ÔAv`gwR mvwnZ¨ cyi¯‹viÕ MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb 1972 mv‡ji 30 Rvbyqvwi nvwi‡q hvb| GwU wPšÍv Kiv nq †h Avgv‡`i ¯^vaxbZv f~wgKv ivLvi Rb¨ Zuv‡K ivRvKviiv nZ¨v K‡iwQj|

Rqbyj Av‡ew`b evsjv‡`‡ki GKRb weL¨vZ wPÎKi wQ‡jb| wZwb 1914 mv‡j wK‡kviM‡Ä Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye fv‡jv QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb evsjv‡`‡ki wPÎKg© Ges wkíKjvi Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ e¨vcK KvR K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi weL¨vZ wPÎKg© n‡jv Ôgbcyiv 70Õ| wZwb w`wjø wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K 1973 mv‡j wW. wjU Dcvwa cvb| wZwb 1976 mv‡j ci‡jvKMgb K‡ib|

Kvgiyj nvmvb GKRb weL¨vZ wPÎKi wQ‡jb| wZwb 1921 mv‡j KjKvZvq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| Zuvi wPÎK‡g© PgrKvi †gav wQj| wZwb A‡bK eB wj‡L‡Qb| Ô†LiyLvZvÕ Zvi weL¨vZ eB| wZwb AZ¨vPvi Ges Ab¨vq weiy‡× Lye †mv”Pvi wQ‡jb| wZwb 1988 mv‡j gviv hvb|

Names Jahir Joynul
Birth year (a) ¾ (c) ¾
District Feni (d) ¾
Profession/Achievement (b) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Munir Chowdhury was very great dramatist. He was born in Manikgonj of Bangladesh in 1925. He was a very brilliant student. He was very interested in Politics and Literature. He completed BA Hons in 1946 and MA in 1947. He wrote his great drama ‘Kabar’ When he was in prison. He was a great intellectual of Bangladesh. He was awarded ‘Daud Prize’ in 1965. He was lost in 1971.

Humayun Ahmed was a great novelist of Bangladesh. He was born in Myanmensingh in 1948. He was a very prolitic writer. He wrote a great number of novels, stories and dramas. His great film is ‘Shaymol Chaya’. He was awarded Bangla Academy Purushkar and Ekushe Padak. He died in 2012.

Ahsan Habib was a very renowned poet of Bangladesh. He was born in Pirozpur of Bangladesh in 1917. He was a very brilliant person. His remarkable works are Ratrishesh published in 1947 and Megh Bola Choitre Jabo published in 1976. His famous poem is Bristi Pore Tapur Tupur. He got Bangla Academy Award in 1961 and Ekushe Padak in 1978. He died in 1985.

e½vbyev` : gybxi †PŠayix GKRb weL¨vZ bvU¨Kvi wQ‡jb| wZwb Lye fv‡jv QvÎ wQ‡jb| wZwb mvwnZ¨ Ges ivRbxwZ‡Z Lye AvMÖnx wQ‡jb| wZwb 1946 mv‡j weG Ges 1947 mv‡j GgG cvm K‡ib| hLb wZwb †R‡j wQ‡jb, wZwb Zvui weL¨vZ Kei bvUKwU iPbv K‡ib| wZwb evsjv‡`‡ki weL¨vZ eyw×Rxex wQ‡jb| Zvu‡K 1965 mv‡j `vD` cyi¯‹v‡i f~wlZ Kiv nq| wZwb 1971 mv‡j nvwi‡q hvb|

ûgvq~b Avn‡g` evsjv‡`‡ki GKRb weL¨vZ Dcb¨vwmK| wZwb 1948 mv‡j gqgbwms‡n Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye m„Rbkxj †jLK wQ‡jb| wZwb AmsL¨ Dcb¨vm, Mí Ges bvUK iPbv K‡ib| Zuvi weL¨vZ Pjw”PÎ n‡jv k¨vgj Qvqv| Zvu‡K evsjv GKv‡Wwg cyi¯‹vi Ges GKz‡k c`‡K f~wlZ Kiv nq| wZwb 2012 mv‡j gviv hvb|

Avnmvb nvexe evsjv‡`‡ki GKRb L¨vwZ m¤úbœ Kwe| wZwb 1917 mv‡j evsjv‡`‡ki wc‡ivRcy‡i Rb¥MªnY K‡ib| wZwb Lye †gavex †jvK wQ‡jb| Zvui ¯§iYxq Kg© n‡jv ivw·kl 1947 mv‡j Ges †gN e‡j ˆP‡Î hv‡ev 1976 mv‡j cÖKvwkZ Kiv nq| Zvui weL¨vZ KweZv e„wó c‡o Uvcyi Uycyi| wZwb 1961 mv‡j evsjv GKv‡Wwg cyi¯‹vi cvb Ges 1978 mv‡j GKz‡k c`K cvb| wZwb 1985 mv‡j g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

Name Munir Humayun
Birth year (a) ¾ (c) ¾
District Manikganj (d) ¾
Profession/Achievement (b) ¾ (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10





  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Diego Armando Maradona, born 30 October 1960, is an Argentine football coach as well as a manager and former player. Many experts, football critics, former players and football fans consider Maradona to be the greatest football player of all time. He joined FIFA player of the 20th century with Pele.

He attempted to work as a coach alongside former Argentines Juniors midfield team mate Carlos Fren. The pair led Mandiyu of Corrientes (1994) and Racing Club (1995), but with little success. In May 2011 he became manager of Dubai club Al West FC in the FC in the United Arab Emirates. Maradona was sacked in 10 July 2012.

After the resignation of Argentina national football team coach Alfio Basile in 2008; Diego on 29 October 2008, AFA chairman Julio Grondona confirmed that Maradona world be the next coach of the national side from December 2008. On 19 November 2008, Diego Maradona managed Argentina for the first time when Argentina played against Scotland at Hampden Park in Glasgow which Argentina won 1-0.

After winning his first three matches in charge of he national team, he oversaw a 6-1 defeat to Bolivia, equaling the team’s worst ever margin of defeat. With two matches remaining in the qualification tournament for the 2010 World Cup, Argentina was in fifth place and faced the possibility of failing to qualify, but victory in the last two matches secured qualification for the finals.

At the World Cup in June 2010 Argentina started by winning 1-0 against Nigeria, and then defeated South Korea by  4-1, with a hatrick from Gonzalo Higuain. In the final match of the group stage Argentina won 2-0 against Greece  to win their group and advance to a second round meeting with Mexico. After defeating Mexico 3-1, Argentina was in turn routed by Germany, 4-0 in the quarter finals to go out of the competition. Argentina was ranked 5th in the tournament. On 15 July 2010,the Argentina Football Association said that he would be offered a new 4 years deal that would keep him in charge through to the summer of 2014 when Brazil stages the World Cup. However on 27 July the AFA announced that its board had unanimously decided not to renew his contract.

e½vbyev` : wW‡q‡Mv Avgv©‡Ûv g¨viv‡Wvbv Av‡R©w›Ubvi dzUej †KvP, †mB mv‡_ g¨v‡bRvi Ges mv‡eK †L‡jvqvo|wZwb 1960 mv‡ji 30 A‡±vei Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| A‡bK we‡klÁ, dzUej weZvwK©K, mv‡eK †L‡jvqvo, eZ©gvb †L‡jvqvo Ges f³iv g‡b K‡i g¨viv‡Wvbv me©Kv‡ji me©‡kÖô GKRb †L‡jvqvo| wZwb wek kZ‡K †c‡ji mv‡_ †hŠ_fv‡e wddv †L‡jvqvi wbe©vwPZ nb| wZwb †KvP/cÖwkÿK wn‡m‡e mv‡eK Av‡R©w›Ubvi wgWwdì `jm½x Kivjm †d«‡bi m‡½ Kvi ïiy K‡ib| LyeB mvgvb¨ mvd‡j¨i  m‡½ G RywU g¨vbwWD Af Kwiq‡b‡Um (1994) Ges †iwms K¬ve (1995) cwiPvjbv K‡iwQ‡jb| 2011 mv‡ji †g gv‡m wZwb mshy³ Avie Avwgiv‡Z `yevB msN Avj I‡q÷ Gdwmi g¨v‡bRvi nb| g¨viv‡Wvbv 2012 mv‡ji 10 RyjvB PvKwi †_‡K eiLv¯Í nb| Av‡R©wUbv RvZxq `‡ji †KvP/cÖwkÿK Avjwd Ie¨vwmj 2008 mv‡j cÖ`Z¨vM Kivi ci wW‡qv‡Mv g¨viv‡Wvbv ZvrÿwYKfv‡e D³ c‡`i cÖvw_©Zvi Rb¨ cÖ¯Íve K‡ib|

2008 mv‡ji 29 A‡±vei GGdG †Pqvig¨vbi RywjI †MÖvbv‡Wvbv wbwðZ K‡ib †h g¨viv‡Wvbv cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv Av‡Rb©wUbv‡K wbqš¿Y K‡ib hLb Av‡R©wUbv n¨v¤ú‡Wb cv‡K© ¯‹Uj¨v‡Ûi weiy‡× †L‡j Av‡R©wUbv 1-0 †Mv‡j Rqx nq| RvZxq `‡ji `vwqZ¡ wb‡q wZbwU g¨vP †RZvi ci wZwb ewjwfqvi m‡½ 6-1 †Mv‡ji nvi †`‡Lb hv `‡ji me©Kv‡ji me‡P‡q ev‡R civRq wQj| 2010 mv‡ji wek¦Kv‡ci evQvB c‡e© `yB g¨vP evwK _vK‡Z Av‡R©w›Ubv 5g ¯’v‡b wQj Ges ev` covi m¤§yLxb nq wKš‘ †kl `yBwU g¨v‡P weRqx n‡q dvBbv‡ji Rb¨ evQvB ce© wbwðZ K‡i|

2010 mv‡ji Ry‡b wek¦Kv‡c Av‡R©wUbv bvB‡Rwiqvi weiy‡× 1-0 †Mv‡j Rq w`‡q ïiy K‡i, Zvici MÄv‡jv wn¸‡qb Gi n¨vUwUªK Øviv `wÿY †Kvwiqv‡K 4-1 †Mv‡j civwRZ K‡i| MÖyc dvBbvj g¨v‡P Av‡R©wUbv wMÖ‡mi weiy‡× 2-0 †Mv‡j Rqx n‡q MÖyc Rq K‡i Ges wØZxq c‡e© †gw·‡Kvi weiy‡× †Ljvi Rb¨ GwM‡q hvq| †gw·‡Kv‡K 3-1 †Mv‡j civwRZ Kivi ci Av‡R©wUbv †KvqvUv©i dvBbv‡j Rvg©vwbi weiy‡× 4-0 †Mv‡j civwRZ n‡q cÖwZ‡hvwMZv †_‡K evB‡i P‡j hvq| H Uzb©v‡g‡›U Av‡R©wUbv 5g ¯’vb `Lj K‡i| 2010 mv‡ji 15B RyjvB Av‡R©›UvBb dzUej G‡mvwm‡qkb, Zuv‡K bZzb 4 eQ‡ii cÖ¯Íve cÖ`vb K‡i hv Zv‡K `vwqZ¡ ivL‡e 2014 mv‡ji MÖx®§ ch©šÍ hLb eªvwRj wek¦Kv‡ci Av‡qvRb Ki‡e| hv‡nvK 27 RyjvB GGdG †NvlYv K‡i †h, †ev‡W© Zvi Pzw³ bevqb bv Kivq wm×všÍ wb‡q‡Q|

Person Action/Achievement Place/Country Time
Maradona Born (a) ¾ (b) ¾
Maradona became (c) ¾ Al west/FC in the United Arab Emirates (d) ¾
The World Cup was held (e) ¾ 2014
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10



  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Dr. Muhammad Yunus was born in the seaport city of Chittagong in 1940. Professor Yunus studied Economics at Dhaka University. Then he received a full bright scholarship to study Economics at Vanderbilt University, USA. He received his PhD in Economics from Vanderbuilt University, USA in 1969. And the following year he became an Assistant Professor of Economics at Middle Tennessee State University. Returning to Bangladesh, he became the Chairman of the department of Economics at Chittagong University. He established the Grameen Bank in 1983. He believed that credit is a fundamental human right. His objective was to help poor people escape from poverty by providing loans on terms suitable for them and by teaching them a few sound financial principles so that they can help themselves. Muhammad Yunus received the Nobel Prize for peace in 2006 for the attempt to remove poverty from the society.

e½vbyev` : W. gynv¤§` BDbym PÆMÖvg e›`i bMix‡Z 1940 mv‡j Rb¥MÖnY K‡b| Aa¨vcK BDbym XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq †_‡K A_©bxwZ‡Z Aa¨qb K‡ib| Zvici Av‡gwiKv hy³iv‡óªi f¨vbWviwej&W wek¦we`¨vj‡q A_©bxwZ‡Z Aa¨qb Kivi Rb¨ wZwb dyjeªvBU e„wË cvb| hy³iv‡óªi f¨vbWviwejW& †_‡K 1969 mv‡j wZwb A_©bxwZ‡Z wcGBPwW wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| cieZ©x eQ‡i wZwb ga¨ †U‡bwm †÷U wek¦we`¨vj‡q A_©bxwZ wefv‡M mnKvix Aa¨vcK c‡` PvKwi cvb| evsjv‡`‡k Avmvi ci wZwb PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vj‡q A_©bxwZ wefv‡Mi mfvcwZ  (†Pqvig¨vb) nb| 1983 mv‡j wZwb MÖvgxY e¨vsK cÖwZôv K‡ib| wZwb wek¦vm Ki‡Zb †h g~jab n‡”Q GKRb gvby‡li †gŠwjK AwaKvi| myweav g‡Zv k‡Z© FY w`‡q `wi`ª RbMY‡K `vwi`ª¨ †_‡K gyw³ †`qvB wQj Zuvi D‡Ïk¨| FY †`qvi mgq FY MÖnxZv‡K Ggb wKQy myô A_©‰bwZK wbq‡gi K_v wkwL‡q †`qv nZ hv‡Z Zviv wb‡R‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i| mgvR †_‡K `vwi`ª¨ `~i Kivi Ae`vb ivLvi R‡b¨ 2006 mv‡j gynv¤§` BDbym‡K kvwšÍ‡Z †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi †`Iqv nq|

Person Action/Achievement Place/Country Time
Dr. Yunus born Chittagong (a) ¾
Yunus received (b) ¾ Vanderbuilt University of (c) ¾ 1969
The Grammen Bank Established   (d) ¾
(e) ¾ Nobel Prize   2006
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10




  1. Complete the table below with information from the passage. 1×5=5

Bangladesh is a developing country of Asia. It is in South Asia. Average literacy rate of Bangladesh is 56.8%. But there is a difference between male and female literacy rate. Here male literacy rate is 61.3% and female literacy rate is 52. 2%. The Republic of India is a vast state located in South Asia. The literacy rate of India is 74%. Male literacy rate is 82.1% and female literacy rate is 65.5%. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is another country of South Asia. Like India, Pakistan adopted the British pattern of education after independence. The literacy rate of Pakistan is 54.9%. But there is a long gap between male and female literacy rate. Here male literacy rate is 68.6% and female literacy rate is 40.3%. Among the three countries, we find that female literacy rate in Pakistan is the lowest.

e½vbyev` : evsjv‡`k Gwkqvi GKwU Dbœqbkxj †`k| GwU `wÿY Gwkqvq Aew¯’Z| evsjv‡`‡ki Mo mvÿiZvi nvi 56.8%| cyiyl I gwnjv‡`i mvÿiZv nv‡ii g‡a¨ GKUv cÖ‡f` Av‡Q| GLv‡b cyiyl‡`i mvÿiZvi nvi n‡jv 61.3% Ges gwnjv‡`i mvÿiZv nvi cyiyl‡`i 52.2%| `wÿY Gwkqvi Aew¯’Z fviZ cÖRvZš¿ GKwU weivU eo †`k| fvi‡Zi mvÿiZv nvi n‡jv 74%| Gi g‡a¨ cyiyl‡`i mvÿiZv nvi n‡jv 82.1% I gwnjv‡`i mvÿiZv nvi n‡jv 65.5%| `wÿY Gwkqvi Ab¨ GKwU †`k n‡jv cvwK¯Ívb Bmjvwg cÖRvZš¿| fvi‡Zi g‡Zv cvwK¯ÍvbI ¯^vaxbZvi ci weªwUk‡`i (Bs‡iR‡`i) AbyKi‡Y wkÿv e¨e¯’v Pvjy K‡i| cvwK¯Ív‡bi mvÿiZvi nvi n‡jv 54.9%| wKš‘ cvwK¯Ív‡bi cyiyl I gwnjv mvÿiZv nv‡ii g‡a¨ GKwU weovU Mowgj (cÖ‡f`) Av‡Q| GLv‡b cyiyl‡`i mvÿiZvi nvi n‡jv 68.6% Ges gwnjv‡`i mvÿiZvi nvi n‡jv 40.3%| Avgiv †`L‡Z cvB †h-GB wZbwU †`‡ki g‡a¨ cvwK¯Ív‡b gwnjv‡`i mvÿiZvi nvi me©wb¤œ|

Country Average Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate
Bangladesh (a) ¾ 61.3% 52.2%
(b) ¾ 74% (c) ¾ 65.5%
Pakistan (d) ¾ 68.6% (e) ¾
  1. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10
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