Class 9-10 English 1st Paper Model Unit 1-5



Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it(1−7).                            Unit-1: Lesson-1(B)

Long ago, a young man found life in the family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealously, enmity – all were parts of everyday life there.

So he left his house and went to a jungle to live by himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. “Ah, how happy I am here!” said the man to himself.

But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowboy.

The cowboy needed food. So he took a wife to cook meals. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.

So nobody can live alone, unless they are either angels or devils.  People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. And if they live in a family or community, their need can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.


  1. Choose the best answer. 1×7=7
  2. The man made a nice little___ in the jungle.

(i) hut                     (ii) cottage                   (iii) building                 (iv) house

  1. ― required grass and hay.

(i) The cat              (ii) The cow                 (iii) A cow boy            (iv) The rat

  1. The young man had to bring ― in order to kill mice.

(i) a cow                (ii) a cat                       (iii) a cow boy             (iv) a wife

  1. The hut was made with ―.

(i) wood, bamboo and brick                       (ii) wood, bamboo and reeds

(iii) brick, reeds and bamboo                     (iv) bamboo, reeds and iron rod

  1. The man chose to live.

(i) a locality           (ii) a jungle                  (iii) a family                (iv) a community

  1. The young man was beset with in his life.

(i) problems           (ii) hut                         (iii) jungle                    (iv) mice

  1. The man thought to be ¾ in the jungle alone.

(i) unhappy            (ii) happy                     (iii) sad                        (iv) needy

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10
  2. Where did the young man go?
  3. What did he make a nice little hut with?
  4. What did the mice do?
  5. Why did he bring a cat?
  6. How can need of men be fulfilled?



Judicial (RywWkvj) adj.- relating to the administration of justice; wePvivjq msµvš—| Behavioural (we‡nwfAvij) adj.- relating to behaviour; AvPiYMZ| Attitude (A¨vwUwUDW) n.- a feeling or opinion about something or someone; g‡bvfve| Gradu


Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                                      Unit-1: Lesson-2(B)

To be a good citizen, you have to prepare yourself to do good work in society. Well, then how can you prepare yourself?

First, you need knowledge. Today’s society is knowledge-based. Without knowing modern sciences, technologies including ICT and other necessary subjects, you will have difficulty living a good life. The other areas you, as a good citizen, should have knowledge about are:

  • our country, its constitution, geography and people
  • our state, its executive and legislative powers
  • our judicial system
  • our government and its structures and functions
  • our history, cultures, traditions, literature, moral values and religions
  • our socio-economic activities and educational system

Second, you need skills to do things. Knowledge is not enough. You must be able to apply your knowledge to do things practically.

Finally, knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your behaviour towards others. This behavioural change will show your attitudes towards others, that is, it will show how you think and feel about a person or thing.

Let’s take an example. Suppose you, as a student, need to know about ‘group work’ in the classroom. So you ask yourself or your teacher or anybody, “What is group work?” Or you may find about it in a book. In this way, you can know, or you may have the knowledge about group work: To do group work, the class has to be divided into groups. Each group is to do some tasks given by the teacher or in the textbook. The group members will discuss and share ideas and points, and finally one member will write the answer. All this is knowledge about group work.

Then you start working in groups. In each group you take turns discussing points, answering questions, etc. In this way you actually do the task. Your teacher may monitor and help you to do the work.

Lastly, through regular group work it is expected that there will be noticeable changes in your behaviour. Possible changes are:

  • You will develop the attitude of freely mixing and talking with your classmates and teacher.
  • Your shyness will gradually disappear.
  • You will develop the attitude of helping and cooperating with each other.
  • You will learn to behave in a democratic way.

Most importantly, these behavioural changes taking place in you inside the classroom will be carried over outside the classroom, in real-life situations.


ally (MÖvRyq¨vwj) adv.- in a gradual way; µgvMZfv‡e Democratic (‡W‡gvµ¨wUK) adj.- relating to or supporting democracy or its principles; MYZvwš¿K|Citizen (wmwU‡Rb) n.- a person who is a member of a particular country, or, a person who lives in a particular town or city; bvMwiK| Constitution (Kbw÷wUDkvb) n.- the set of political principles by which a state or organization is governed; msweavb| Society (‡mvmvBwU) n.- the community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws and organizations; mgvR| Technology (‡UK‡bvjwR) n.- the parctical use of scientific discoveries; cÖhyw³| Include (BbK¬zW) v.- to contain something as a part of something else; Aš—f©y³ Kiv| Geography (wRIMÖvdx) n.- f~‡Mvjwe`¨v/‡fŠMwjK cwi‡ek/f~‡Mvj| Executive (BM‡RKz¨wUf) adj.- relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect; wbe©vnx| Legislative (‡jwRmj¨vwUf) adj.- having the power to make laws; AvBb cÖYq‡bi ¶gZv-wewkó|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Students should have the knowledge regarding ―.

(i) society               (ii) country                  (iii) group work           (iv) groups

  1. The right person, to monitor or supervise you, is ―.

(i) father                (ii) mother                   (iii) brother                  (iv) teacher

  1. You should have the quality to behave ―.

(i) smartly              (ii) gently                     (iii) democratically      (iv) firmly

  1. At one point, a remarkable change will grow ―.

(i) in your mind      (ii) in your heart           (iii) in your behaviour  (iv) in your brain

  1. You have to practice doing good deeds in ―.

(i) home                 (ii) abroad                    (iii) classroom              (iv) society

  1. To be a good citizen you will have to prepare yourself to do good work in ―.

                  (i) class room         (ii) family                    (iii) school                   (iv) society

  1. Knowing and doing things will bring about a change in your ― towards others.

(i) behaviour          (ii) ritual                      (iii) belief                    (iv) face

  1. Answer the following questions.                                                                                              2×5 = 10
  2. What will you have to do to be a good citizen?
  3. What other areas of knowledge should you have about?
  4. Why do you need skill?
  5. What will bring about a change in your behaviour towards others?
  6. What should you have knowledge about in the classroom?


Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-1: Lesson-4(B)

A responsibility is a duty or an obligation TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility to take care of your parents in their old age, to attend school and pursue your studies properly and so on. You have also the responsibility to society and the government, e.g. to help a neighbour in trouble or to cast your vote if you are 18 or over.

A responsibility is also an obligation or a duty NOT TO DO something. For example, you have the responsibility not to steal a book from a public library or not to put your building materials on the footpath. These are your responsibilities as citizens. But there are responsibilities of the government as well. Our government has the responsibilities to provide for its citizens “the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care”1. The government also has the responsibilities to protect the fundamental rights of its citizens to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, equality of all before law2 etc.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes you have gained at home, at school and in society will help you to accept your responsibilities and to carry them out effectively. Remember, discharging your responsibilities will be good for you, good for your family and friends, and good for your society and country as a whole.


Responsibility (wimcbwmwewjwU) n.- something that it is one’s job or duty to deal with; `vwqZ¡| Duty (wWDwU) n.- a moral or legal obligation; Kvh©fvi| Obligation (Aewj‡MBkb) n.- something that one must do; ‰bwZK ev AvBbMZ eva¨evaKZv| Pursue (cviwm¨D) v.- to perform something; A‡š^lY Kiv| Properly (‡cÖvcviwj) adv.- correctly, or in a satisfactory way; mwVKfv‡e| Neighbour (‡bBevi) n.- someone who lives very near to us; cÖwZ‡ekx| Trouble (Uªvej) n.- difficulty or problems; mgm¨v| Steal (÷xj) v.- to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner; PzwiKiv| Fundamental (dvbWv‡g›Uvj) adj.- more important than anything else; ‡gŠwjK| Expression (BK&m&‡cÖkb) n.- the action of showing one’s thoughts or feelings; gZ cÖKvk| Freedom (d«xWg) n.- the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants; ¯^vaxbZv| Equality (BKzqvwjwU) n.- the state of being equal; mgZv| Effectively (B‡dw±fwj) adv.- in such a manner as to achieve a desired result; Kvh©Kifv‡e|  Attitude (A¨vwUwUDW) n.- a feeling or opinion about something or someone; `„wófw½| Whole (‡nŠj) adj.- complete or not divided; m¤ú~Y©|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                              1×7=7
  2. A ― is an obligation to do and not to do things.

(i) punctuality        (ii) responsibility         (iii) honesty                 (iv) sincerity

  1. We should ― school regularly.

(i)   be absent in     (ii) be present from      (iii) be inattentive in     (iv) attend

  1. It is our duty to ― neighbour in problems.

(i) do harm to         (ii) help                        (iii) exploit                   (iv) praise

  1. The govt has the responsibility to protect the ― rights of its citizens.

(i) birth                  (ii) fundame`ntal         (iii) educate                 (iv) medicare

  1. One can cast his vote if he is ― or over.

(i) 16                      (ii) 12                          (iii) 20                         (iv) 18

  1. What part of speech is ‘Responsibility’?

(i) verb                   (ii) adverb                    (iii) adjective               (iv) noun

  1. What does the word ‘Responsibility’ mean?

(i) something that it is your job or duty to deal with

(ii) a tough job

(iii) something which should not be done

(iv) something which must be done

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What do you mean by responsibility?
  3. When can you cast your vote?
  4. What should you do when a neighbour faces problems?
  5. What are the responsibilities of the government?
  6. What are your responsibilities?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-2: Lesson-1(G)

Hi, I’m Shyam. I’m from Magura. Though a district headquarters, it’s a small town. I’m in grade 9 now in Chander Hut Bidyaloya. I love games and sports very much. My father was an athlete in his student life. He inspires me to follow his footsteps and take part in games and sports or do some exercise besides my studies. So I get up early in the morning and take a walk with my father almost every day. We walk for about an hour. At school, during break I play kabadi, gollachut, badminton, table tennis, and carom. Sometimes I practise the high jump and the long jump outside the school campus. Playing football in the nearest college ground is a passion for me. I like watching television too. I watch sports programmes on different TV channels during my free times. I’m a fan of National Geographic, Discovery, and Animal Planet for their documentaries as they are quite interesting as well as educative. Recently my father has presented me with a flashy camera as he was very happy with my junior secondary scholarship exams. When I hold the camera, I feel so excited! I wish I could be an amateur photographer in future – not to snap only personal photographs at different parties but to shoot our beautiful Bangladesh. I’m sure that soon photography will be my most favourite pastime.



Passion (c¨vkb) n.- strong feeling, desire; Zxeª AvKv•Lv| Flashy (d¬vkx) adj.- bright; SKS‡K| Inspire (Bbmcvqvi) v.- to influence; DrmvwnZ Kiv| Amateur (A¨v‡gPvi) n.- a parson who is not expert; A‡ckv`vi; syn- non professional, Athlet (A¨v_‡jU) n- one trained to complete in athletics; µxovwe`| Exercise (G·vimvBR) n.- physical activity that we do to make our body strong and healthy; PP©v, AbykxjY| Almost (Aj‡gŠ÷) adv.- nearly; cÖvq| Excited (GKmvB‡UW) adj.- feeling very happy and enthusiastic; Drdzj­| Favorite (‡dfvwiU) adj.- most enjoyed; wcÖq| Pastime (cvmUvBg) n.- an activity which is done for enjoyment; Aemi we‡bv`b|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Shyam is a/an―.

(i) early riser            (ii) lazy man                (iii) lethargic person     (iv) idle person

  1. Shyam is fond of ― very much.

(i) reading                (ii) writing                    (iii) talking                   (iv) games and sports

  1. Shyam’s father encourages him to ― in games and sports.

(i) participate           (ii) debar                      (iii) refrain                   (iv) take back

  1. Shyam and his father go out for a morning walk for ― hour.

(i) about half an       (ii) half an                    (iii) an                          (iv) about an

  1. In the passage ‘Pastime’ means ―.

(i) time which is past                                    (ii) time which is spent

(iii) hobby                                                   (iv) time which has been enjoyed

  1. Shyam ― from Magura.

(i) departs                (ii) departed                 (iii) hails                      (iv) hail

  1. Shyam practices high- jump and long-jump―.

(i) sometime             (ii) sometimes              (iii) some time              (iv) some times

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What do you know regarding Magura?
  3. What does Shyam do during break at school?
  4. Why is he a fan of the National Geographic and Discovery channels?
  5. What is Shyam’s passion?
  6. Why has Shyam’s father presented him with a flashy camera?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-2: Lesson-2(B)

With the curtains closing on the 2012 London Olympics, it’s impossible not to look back and reflect on the greatest performances by Olympic athletes.

The Olympics have many memorable moments and athletes we’ll remember by name alone. The list is quite big. Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are the latest addition to this list of the bests. They make London Olympics stand apart.  If there is any question like this: “What is the standout performance of London 2012?”, perhaps the answer is “ The London Games gave us Michael Phelps vs. Usain Bolt.” The first one is an already decorated Olympian, who puts the finishing touches on his great athletic careers. And another comes up with a new definition of fast.

Two of the most popular Olympic sports, sprinting and swimming, saw their two biggest stars and captivated audiences. They’d also dominated the 2008 Beijing Games, but Phelps and Bolt cemented their legacies in London. Phelps, the American swimmer, passed gymnast Larissa Latynia for the most Olympic medals ever. Bolt was the third man to repeat as a 100-meter gold medalist and the first as a 200-meter gold medalist, and he broke his own Olympic record by running the 100 in 9.63 seconds. Once Phelps and Bolt were back in their pool and track, the story lines changed.

Phelps is the most-decorated Olympian ever, with 22 overall medals: 18 gold, two silver, two bronze. Bolt is the most accomplished Olympic sprinter, with the unprecedented double, making clear that he’s the fastest man in the world.

But there’s a debate: Who had the better Olympics? It’d be tough to top Phelps’ eight gold medals in Beijing, but what if we’re only talking London?

London was Phelps’ grand finale. He won four golds and two silvers in seven events, and he says he’ll never race again.

London was Bolt’s chance to prove he’s still the greatest. Bolt wins six gold medals in six Olympic finals. He is the first man ever in the history of the modern Games to sweep the 100 and 200 in back-to-back Olympics. Not to mention the addition of back-to-back relay golds.

And Bolt became a legend, in his own words. Phelps already was. Bolt is just 25 years old, so there is no telling how long he can be on top of the sprinting world. What if he decides to “retire” from sprinting to focus on the 400 meters, just to break another world record or two? It would be amazing—and entirely plausible for him to accomplish.

Who had the better 2012 Games? You tell us, let the debate begin.




Reflect (wi‡d¬±) v.- throw back without absorbing; cÖwZdwjZ Kiv| Performance (cvidi‡gÝ) n.- an act of presenting a play, concert or other form of entertainment; Kvh©m¤úv`b, ˆbc~Y¨| Memorable (‡g‡gvi¨ej)adj.- worth remembering or easily remembered; ¯§iYxq| Moment (‡gv‡g›U) n.- a very brief period of time; gyn~Z©| Athlete (A¨v_wjU) n.- a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise; µxovwe`| Apart (A¨vcvU©) adv.- separated by a distance; `~i, Avjv`v| Definition (‡Wwdwbkb) n.- a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase; msÁv| Captivate (K¨vcwU‡fBU) v.- attract and hold the interest and attention of; wegy» Kiv| Unprecedented (Avb‡cÖwm‡W‡›UW) adj.- never done or known before; bwRiwenxb| Tough (Uvd) adj.- not easily broken; k³| Finale (wdb¨vwj) adj.- the last part of a public event; cwimgvwß| Legend (‡jRvÛ) n.- an extremely famous or notorious person; wKse`š—x| Plausible (‡c­vwRej) adj.- seeming reasonable or probable; hyw³m½Z, m¤¢vebv Av‡Q Ggb (m¤¢vebxq), wek¦vm‡hvM¨|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. In the passage the word ‘cemented’ implies―.

(i) strengthened        (ii) mortar                    (iii) concrete                (iv) ceramic

  1. The term ‘Olympics’ is ― from the town of Olympia.

(i) derive                  (ii) meaning                 (iii) derived                  (iv) originating

  1. These two athletes’ reputations are ― recognized.

(i) globally               (ii) nationally               (iii) provincially           (iv) locally

  1. The success of these two legends will ―.

(i) go in vain                                                (ii) remain unforgettable

(iii) spear                                                     (iv) unforgettable

  1. Phelps excels others in ―.

(i) sprinting              (ii) shooting                 (iii) swimming             (iv) boxing

  1. Michael Phelps has the ― nationality.

(i) Indo                    (ii) Americana             (iii) native American    (iv) British

  1. Who is the fastest man in the planet?

(i) Thatcher              (ii) John                       (iii) Phelps                   (iv) Bolt

  1. Answer the following questions.                                                                               2×5 = 10
  2. What makes London Olympic 2012 exceptionally sensational?
  3. How are Phelps and Bolt brilliantly similar and different?
  4. Between these two Olympians who has bagged the highest honor within the same time framework?
  5. What is special in Bolt so far?
  6. How does Bolt evaluate himself?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-2: Lesson-3(A)

Traditional childhood pastimes of climbing trees and playing conkers are in decline, according to survey by the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). It’s a charitable organisation registered in England and Wales.

The survey shows that people under 34 recall far fewer such childhood outdoor experiences than their counterparts over 55, according to a survey by RSPB.

People were asked which of 12 outdoor experiences they could remember during their childhood. The answer included making dens, daisy chains, climbing trees, playing conkers and feeding birds. Four out of five boys climbed trees and the same number of girls made daisy chains. But the survey showed the numbers declining among the newer generations.

Some 15% more of those aged over 55 had these outdoor experiences in their childhood, compared with those between 15-34 years old. Some 92% of the public agreed that experiences of nature were still important to children, and 82% agreed that schools should play a role in providing them to all children.

The survey has highlighted the positive impact of contact with nature on a child’s education, health, wellbeing and social skills. At the same time, there has been a decline in these opportunities, with negative consequences for children, families and society – a condition now known as nature deficit disorder.

Mike Clarke, chief executive of the RSPB, will meet parliament members on Tuesday to urge the government to join other organisations in providing children with first-hand experiences of the natural environment. … “We believe this guidance should include the many positive impacts to children of having contact with nature and learning outside the classroom.”

[adapted from BBC news 6 September 2010]


Traditional (UªvwWkbvj) adj.- following or belonging to the customs; HwZn¨evnx| Climb (K¬vB¤^) v.- to go up; DVv, Pov| Decline (wWK¬vBb) n.- to gradually become less, worse or lower; ax‡i ax‡i nvwi‡q hvIqv| Survey (mv‡f©) v.- an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc,; Rwic Kiv| Protection (cÖ‡UKkb) n.- act of keeping someone or something safe from injury, damage; i¶v Kiv, Charitable (P¨vwi‡Uej) adj.- kind and not judging other people in a severe way; `vZe¨| Experience (G·‡cwi‡qÝ) v.- to have knowledge about a practical incident; AwfÁZv jvf Kiv| Remember (wi‡g¤^vi) v.- to bring back anything from the memory, Include (BbK¬zW) v.- to contain something as a part of something else; hy³ Kiv| Daisy (‡WBRx) n.- a type of white flower; ‡WBRx| Feed (dxW) v.- to make somebody eat, LvIqv‡bv| Generation (‡Rbv‡ikb) n.-succession all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family; cÖRb¥| Agree (GMÖx) v.- have the same opinion about something; m¤§Z nIqv| Highlight (nvBjvBU) v.- draw special attention to; ¸i“Z¡ Av‡ivc Kiv| Positive (cwRwUf) adj.- hopeful and confident, or giving cause for hope and confidence; BwZevPK| Impact (B¯ú¨v±) n.- the force or action of one object hitting another, a powerful effect on a situation or person; cÖfve| Well-being (I‡qjexs) n.- the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy; Kj¨vY| Opportunity (AcvwUDbvwU) n.- a time or set of circumstaces that makes it possible to do something; my‡hvM| Consequence (Kbwm‡Kv‡qÝ) n.- a result or effect, one that is unwelcome or unpleasant; cÖwZdj| Deficit (‡WwdwmU) n.- the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small AfveMÖ¯—Zv| Disorder (wWRAW©vi) n.- s state of confusion; wek„•Ljv| Guidance (MvB‡WÝ) n.- help and advice about how to do something; c_ wb‡`k©bv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The text focuses on the ― of Nature.

(i) importance        (ii) bounty                   (iii) cruelty                   (iv) demerits

  1. There has a ― change in the forms of pastime activities.

(i) vivid                  (ii) insignificant           (iii) worthless               (iv) ruthless

  1. The conventional pastime activities are on the way to ―.

(i) extinct               (ii) boosting                 (iii) increase                 (iv) enhancement

  1. In the passage the term ‘recall’ denotes ―.

(i) domain              (ii) recollect                 (iii) calling again          (iv) call

  1. Climbing a tree is a ― pastime activity to many people.

(i) conventional     (ii) new                        (iii) unconventional     (iv) unorthodox

  1. The new generations are no more ― older forms of pastime activities.

(i) entering             (ii) satisfied with          (iii) detached               (iv) separated from

  1. Nature helps a child grow in a/an ― way.

(i) evil                    (ii) balanced                (iii) rival                      (iv) imbalanced

  1. Answer the following questions.                                                 2×5 = 10
  2. What do you mean by pastime?
  3. What is the condition of conventional forms of pastime activities?
  4. What does the survey of RSPB reveal?
  5. What do you mean by outdoor games?
  6. What is your pastime activity?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-3: Lesson-2(B)

May Day or International Workers Day is observed on May 1 all over the world today to commemorate the historical struggle and sacrifices of the working people to establish an eight-hour workday. It is a public holiday in almost all the countries of the world.

Since the Industrial Revolution(1) in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and the US, the workers in mills and factories had been working a long shift, fourteen or even more hours a day.

On May 1st in 1886, inspired by the trade unions(2), half of the workers at the McCormic Harvester Company in Chicago went on strike demanding an eight-hour workday. Two days later, a workers’ rally was held near the McCormic Hervester Company and about 6000 workers had joined it. The rally was addressed by the labour leaders. They urged the workers to stand together, to go on with their struggle and not to give in to their bosses. Just at this moment some strikebreakers started leaving the meeting place. The strikers went down the street to bring them back. Suddenly about 200 policemen attacked them with clubs and revolvers. One striker was killed instantly, five or six others were seriously wounded and many of them were badly injured.

The events of May 1, 1886 is a reminder that workers will continue to be exploited until they stand up and speak out to gain better working conditions, better pay and better lives.


Urge (AvR©&) v.- to try earnestly and persistently to persuade someone to do something; Zvov †`Iqv, AvnŸvb Kiv| Instantly (Bb÷¨v›Uwj) adv.- at once; Zr¶Yvr| Reminder (wigvBÛvi) n.- a written or spoken message that reminds someone to do something; ¯§viK, ZvwM`|Commemorate (K‡gg‡iBU) v.- recall and show respect for someone or something; †Kv‡bv e¨w³ ev NUbv‡K ¯§iYxq K‡i ivLv| Historical (wnm‡UvwiK&j&) adj.- connected with history or past events; HwZnvwmK| Struggle (÷ªvMj) n.- a forceful or violent effort to get free or resist attack; msMÖvg| Sacrifice (m¨vwµdvBm) n.- an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important; DrmM©| Establish (B÷¨ve&wjk) v.- to set up on a firm or permanent basis; cÖwZôv Kiv| Inspire (Bb&¯úvqvi) v.- to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it; DrmvwnZ Kiv| Strike (÷vBK) n.- a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest; ag©NU| Demand (wWgvÛ) v.- to ask for something forcefully; `vwe Kiv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. International Workers Day is observed on ―.

(i) May 10                (ii) May 01                  (iii) June 26                 (iv) July 25

  1. The objective of May Day was to establish ― workday.

(i) a six-hour            (ii) an eight-hour          (iii) an eighteen-hour   (iv) a seven-hour

  1. The workers had been working 14 or even more hours a day since ― Revolution.

(i) Green                  (ii) French                    (iii) Industrial               (iv) European

  1. The events of ― was a reminder.

(i) May 1, 1886        (ii) May 1, 1868           (iii) June 1, 1886          (iv) June 1, 1868

  1. The ― were working fourteen or even more bours a day.

(i) students               (ii) farmers                  (iii) doctors                  (iv) workers

  1. About ― workers joined the rally.

(i) 600                      (ii) 6000                      (iii) 1600                     (iv) 160

  1. The rally was addressed by the ―.

(i) labourers             (ii) political leaders      (iii) labour leaders        (iv) public leaders

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What lesson do you get from the events of 1 st May 1886?
  3. Why is May Day observed today?
  4. How many workers were killed and injured?
  5. What was the demand of the workers?
  6. How long did the working people have to work since industrial revolution?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-3: Lesson-3(B)

21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as International Mother Language Day. The day is a national holiday.

On this day, we pay tribute to the martyrs who laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952.

On 21 March 1948 Mohammad Ali Zinnah, the then Governor General of Pakistan, at a public meeting in Dhaka declared that Urdu would be the only official language of Pakistan. The declaration raised a storm of protest in the eastern part of the country. The protest continued non-stop, gathering momentum day by day. It turned into a movement and reached its climax in 1952. The government outlawed all sorts of public meetings and rallies to prevent it.

The students of Dhaka University defied the law and they brought out a peaceful protest procession on 21 February 1952. When the procession reached near Dhaka Medical College the police opened fire on the students, killing Salam, Rafiq, Barkat and Jabbar. This enkindled the sparks of independent movement of Bangladesh.


Tribute (wUªweDU) n.- respect; kª×v| Undivided (AvbwWfvBwWW) adj.- not divided, whole; Awef³| Establish (BmUvewjk) v, to make stable base, cÖwZôv Kiv| Declare (wW‡K¬qvi) v.- to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly or officially; ‡NvlYv Kiv| Protest (‡cÖv‡U÷) v.- a stong complaint expressing disagreement, disapproval or opposition; cÖwZev` Kiv| Momentum (‡gv‡gbUvg) n.- the force that keeps an event developing after it has started; MwZkw³| Defy (wWdvB) v.- to refuse boldly, challenge; cÖKv‡k¨ A¯^xKvi Kiv| Climax (K¬vB‡g·) n.- the most intense, exciting or important point of something; Pig cwiYwZ| Outlaw (AvDUj) v.- ban or make illegal; A‰ea †NvlYv Kiv| Procession (cÖ‡mkb) n.- parade; wgwQj| Enkindle (BbwKbWj) v.- inflame; D‡ËwRZ Kiv/ Dm‡K †`Iqv, cÖR¡wjZ Kiv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The police opened fire on the students of ―.

(i) Dhaka Medical College                           (ii) Dhaka University

(iii) Dhaka Dental College                           (iv) Dhaka College

  1. The declaration about the only state language of Pakistan came on ―.

(i) March 26, 1971   (ii) February 21, 1952  (iii) March 21, 1948     (iv) December 16, 1971

  1. Mr Zinnah was the ―.

(i) President of India                                     (ii) Prime Minister of Pakistan

(iii) then President of Bangladesh                (iv) then Governor General of Pakistan

  1. The students sacrificed their lives to establish ― as a state language in undivided Pakistan.

(i) Bangla                 (ii) English                   (iii) Arabic                   (iv) Urdu

  1. The students of Dhaka ― brought out a peaceful protest procession.

(i) Medical College  (ii) University              (iii) Dental College      (iv) College

  1. The protest reached its climax in ―.

(i) 1952                    (ii) 1948                      (iii) 1971                     (iv) 1947

  1. The procession reached near ― College.

(i) Dhaka Medical    (ii) Dhaka Detal           (iii) Dhaka                   (iv) Agriculture

  1. Answer the following questions.                                                             2×5 = 10
  2. What was the result of the language movement?
  3. What was the effect of Zinnah’s speech?
  4. What do you know regarding Mohammad Ali Zinnah?
  5. Why did the students sacrifice their lives?
  6. Who were killed in the movement?






Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-3: Lesson-4(B)

21 February has been observed as Shaheed Dibosh every year throughout the country in remembrance of the martyrs of language movement of 1952. The occasion begins at the early hours of the day with mourning songs that recall the supreme sacrifices of our language martyrs. People wear black badges and go to the Shaheed Minar barefoot in procession, singing mourning songs. They place wreaths at the Minar. Many of them visit the graves of the martyrs at Azimpur graveyard and pray for them. They also attend various programmes organised in remembrance of the language martyrs.

The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) on 17 November in 1999 proclaimed February 21 as the International Mother Language Day in recognition of the sacrifices of the martyrs for the rightful place of Bangla. The day is now annually observed worldwide to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.


  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Shaheed Dibosh is observed every year all over the country on ¾ .

(i) 16 December       (ii) 21 November         (iii) 26 March               (iv) 21 February

  1. International Mother Language Day is proclaimed by ¾.

(i) UNICEF              (ii) UNDP                    (iii) UNESCO              (iv) UNO

  1. The occasion begins at an early hour of the day with ¾ songs.

(i) mourning             (ii) melodious              (iii) modern                 (iv) morning

  1. On this day, people put on ¾ and go to the Shaheed Minar bare-footed.

(i) new dress            (ii) new clothes            (iii) black dress            (iv) black badges

  1. 21 st February was proclaimed as The International Mother Language Day on ¾.

(i) November 7, 1998                                   (ii) November 17, 1999

(iii) February 17, 1998                                 (iv) March 25, 1999

  1. February 21 is observed as ¾ Dibosh.

(i) Shaheed              (ii) Bijoy                      (iii) Shadhinata            (iv) Sromik

  1. What is the synonym of ‘mourn’?

(i) grieve                  (ii) morning                 (iii) evening                 (iv) day

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why is 21 st February observed?
  3. What do people do on this day?
  4. Why did the UNESCO proclaim February 21 as the International Mother Language Day?
  5. Why is the day celebrated today worldwide?
  6. When does the occasion begin?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-3: Lesson-5(B)

26 March, our Independence Day, is the biggest state festival. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. The day begins with 31 gunshots.

Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Musolium at Savar at Savar. Then diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organisations, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also come there with rallies and processions. There are several cultural programmes throught the day highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971.

The country also witness a smartly dressed parade of defence forces, border guards, police, ansars and the VDP (Village Defense Party) at the National Parade Ground near the National Parliament. In Bangabandhu Stadium, school children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of spectators. The educational institutions also organise their individual programmes. Sports meets and tournaments are also organised on the day including the exciting boat race in the river Buriganga.

In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural organisations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in the country.


Festival (‡dmU¨vfj) n.- joyful celebration, Drme, syn- mirth. Enthusiasm (Bbw_DwRA¨vRg) n.- intense interest, cÖej †KŠZznj ev AvMÖn, syn- passionate. Fervour (dvif¨vi) n.- intense and passionate feeling, Abyf~wZi DËvc ev kw³gËv, DÏxcbv| Gunshot (MvbkU) n.- the bullets that are fired from a gun, ‡ZvcaŸwb, Floral (‡d¬vi¨vj) adj.- of flowers or related to flower, cy®ú msµvš—|  Wreath (ix_) n.-an arrangement of flowers and leaves in a circular shape. dz‡ji ˆZwi KzÛjxK…Z gvjv, Syn- garland. Diplomat (wW‡c­Š‡gU) n.- a person who negotiates, K~UbxwZÁ, syn- mediator. Organization (AM©vbvB‡Rkb) n.- a group of people who form a business, club etc, together in order to achieve a particular aim, msMVb, syn- association. Spectator (‡¯úK‡UBU¨vi) n.- a person who watches a show, game, or other events. `k©K, syn – viewer. Illuminate (BwjDwg‡bBU) v.- light up, Av‡jvwKZ Kiv, syn – brighten. Martyr (gviU¨vi) n.- one who dies or suffers for his faith or any great cause, knx`| Homage (nwgR) n.- a formal acknowledgement of all egiance, or a tribute paid to a person of merit or position, m¤§vb, syn – respect, reverence, esteem. Witness (DBUwbm) n.- a person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people mv¶x, cÖZ¨¶ Kiv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Independence Day is the ¾ festival.

(i) biggest                 (ii) biggest state           (iii) smallest state         (iv) smallest

  1. The National Parade Ground is near the ¾.

(i) New Market                                            (ii) National Museum

(iii) National Parliament                               (iv) National University

  1. Floral wreaths are placed at Savar on behalf of the nation by ¾.

(i) The President                                          (ii) The Prime Minister

(iii) The Ministers and the MPs                    (iv) The President and the PM

  1. Exciting boat race is held in the river ¾.

(i) Padma                 (ii) Meghna                  (iii) Ganga                   (iv) Buriganga

  1. Public buildigs are illuminated ¾.

(i) in the morning     (ii) at night                   (iii) in the afternoon     (iv) in the evening

  1. The National Mausoleum is ¾.

(i) on Dhaka University Campus                  (ii) at Ramna Park

(iii) at Savar                                                 (iv) near Dhaka Medical College

  1. Our biggest state festival is ¾.

(i) Victory Day                                            (ii) Shaheed Dibosh

(iii) Pahela Baishakh                                    (iv) Independence Day

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is the biggest festival of the state?
  3. How does the day begin?
  4. When do the heads of the state place floral wreaths at Saver?
  5. What does Bangla Academy hold?
  6. How are the public buildings illuminated?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-3: Lesson-6(B)

‘Pahela Boishakh’ is the first day of Bangla new year. The day is a public holiday. This day has a special significance for us as it forms a part of Bangalee culture and tradition. People from all walks of life, irrespective of their ethnic identity or religious beliefs, celebrate the day with traditional festivities. On this day, the whole of Bangladesh is in a festive mood. The day inspires people to start life with renewed hopes and inspirations.

Every year the day is celebrated traditionally. People wake up early in the morning, have a bath and wear their traditional clothes. Young women wear white saris with red borders and adorn themselves with colourful churis and flowers, while men dress themselves with pajamas and punjabis. It is a day when people love eating traditional food.

The most colourful New Year’s Day festival is held in Dhaka. Early in the morning, people in hundreds and thousands pour in from all directions to attend the cultural function at Ramna Batamul organised by Chhyanata. The cultural programme begins on time and the renowned artists of the country take part in it. The programme starts with Rabindranath Tagore’s famous song Esho-he-Boishakh, Esho Esho ………. Next, the artists sing traditional folk songs, display classical dances with the rhythm of musical instruments.

People also come to join the colourful processions, the biggest carnival of the country, organised by the Fine Arts students of Dhaka University. The procession usually displays the traditional practices of Bangalee culture.  The masks and wreaths worn by the people are so fascinating! Often they symbolise contemporary worries or happiness in the national life and attract increasing number of foreign tourists every year.

The day is also observed all over the country. Different social and cultural organisations and educational institutions celebrate the day with their own cultural programmes.

On this day, newspapers bring out special supplements. There are also special programmes on the radio and television channels.

The celebration of Pahela Boishakh marks a day of cultural unity for the whole nation irrespective of caste and creed.


Supplement (mvwc­gvbU) n.- a thing that is added to something to improve or complete it, ‡µvocÎ, syn- addition. Irrespective (Bwim‡cKwUf) adj.- without considering, wbi‡c¶fv‡e| Inspiration (Bbm‡c‡iBkb) n.- the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, Aby‡cÖiYv| Identity (AvB‡WbUvwU) n.- the fact of being who or what a person or thing is, cwiPq| Renewed (wiwbEW) adj.- happening again with increased interest or strength, bevwqZ| Renowned (wibvDbW) adj.- famous and respected, weL¨vZ| Rhythm (wi`g) n.- a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements, Q›`| Adorn (A¨v‡Wvb©) v.- to make more beautiful or attractive, mvRv‡bv| Colourful (Kvjvidzj) adj.- full of bright colours or having a lot of different colours, iwOb| Carnival (Kvwb©fvj) n.- a public festival, ‡kvfvhvÎv mnKv‡i Rbmvavi‡Yi Drme|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The most colorful festival of Pahela Boishakh is held in ¾.

(i) Dhaka                 (ii) Rajshahi                 (iii) Magura                  (iv) Khulna

  1. The cultural show of Pahela Boishakh starts with the songs of ¾.

(i) Kazi Narzrul Islam                                  (ii) Lalon Shah

(iii) Rabindranath Tagore                             (iv) Hason Raza

  1. The first day of ¾ new year is known as Pahela Baishakh.

(i) English                (ii) Arabic                    (iii) Bangla                   (iv) Urdu

  1. People join the colorful processions organized by the ¾ students.

(i) Science                (ii) Commerce             (iii) Arts                       (iv) Fine Arts

  1. The cultural function at Ramna Batamul is organized by ¾.

(i) Chhyanata           (ii) Chhatra League      (iii) Chhatradal            (iv) Chhatra Union

  1. The day gives inspiration to _ to start life with renewed hopes and aspirations.

(i) students               (ii) people                    (iii) the teachers           (iv) the rich

  1. The day is celebrated ¾.

(i) democratically     (ii) internationally        (iii) dramatically          (iv) traditionally

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What do you mean by Pahela Boishakh?
  3. How do the women adorn themselves?
  4. What does the day inspire people?
  5. What do the men put on?
  6. How is the day observed in Dhaka?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-4: Lesson-1(B)

“Is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat?”

“I have, teacher,” said Jamil. “And I clearly remember what happened in that journey.”

“Would you please tell us what happened,” the teacher asked.

“Okay, teacher. It happened while I was in class 6. On a weekly bazar day, people were coming back with their shopping bags and baskets in hands, on shoulders and heads. They had to cross the river. It was not a big river. There was a ferry boat plying on the river. The boat could cross it in 8-10 minutes. It was just after sunset. The weather was getting worse. The wind started blowing from the north-west. Black clouds were fast-moving in the sky.

Everybody was trying to get into the boat. ‘No more, no more, please wait,’ shouted the boatman. But nobody listened to him.”

“What happened then, Jamil?” asked Rumi.

“With too many people on board, the boat sank in the middle of the river,” replied Jamil.

“Oh no! What happened then?” asked the teacher. “Thank God. It was not a fatal accident. All the passengers swam to the other side. But some of them lost their things such as oil, salt and milk,” said Jamil.

“Were you on the boat?” asked the teacher. “No, teacher. Seeing the boat overcrowded, I waited for the next time,” replied Jamil.

“You’ve done the right thing, Jamil.”


Ply (c­vB) v.- to row, sail, journey regularly over; wbqwgZfv‡e PjvPj Kiv| Cross (µm) v.- to meet and pass, AwZµg K‡i hvIqv| Overcrowd (IfviµvDW) v.- fill or crowd to excess; AwZwi³ wfo Kiv| Jourey (R¨viwb) v.- to travel in a place; ågY| Right (ivBU) adj.- correct; mwVK| Boat (‡eŠU) n.- a small craft piled by oars; ‡bŠKv| Sun set (mvb †mU) n.- the time when sun goes down; m~h©¯—| Sink (wmsK) v.- to submerge; Wyev‡bv/Wy‡e hvIqv| Blow (‡e­Š) v.- to produce a current of air; cÖfvwnZ nIqv| Ever (Gf¨vi) adv.- eternally, always, me©`v| Shoulder (‡kŠjW¨vi) n.- the part about the juncture of the body with the fore limb, Kuva| Board (‡evW©) v.- to get on boat/ship/plane, Av‡ivnY Kiv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The boatman requested the people to wait, because _.

(i) the boat had already too many people      (ii) his boat was very small.

(iii) there were other boats they could go      (iv) he would not ferry people with bags and baskts

  1. A ferry boat was plyig on the river. Here ‘plying’ means _.

(i) plying with other boats                            (ii) travellig along a route

(iii) waiting for passengers                           (iv) sinking in the river

  1. It was not a fatal accident. The statement tells us that _.

(i) nobody died                                            (ii) nobody was wounded

(iii) everybody accepted their fate                (iv) nobody lost anything

  1. With too money people on board, the boat sank. Here the phrase ‘on board’ means _.

(i) on the boat          (ii) on the platform       (iii) outside the boat     (iv) on the notice board

  1. The boat was overcrowded. Here ‘overcrowded’ means _.

(i) people were quarrelling on the boat         (ii) the capacity of the boat was over

(iii) the boatman did not like a crowd           (iv) people were sitting on the boat’s bamboo hood

  1. The boatman tried to stop everyone to get into the boat because _.

(i) the weather was hot                                 (ii) the weather was gloomy

(iii) the weather was stormy                         (iv) it was the time of sunset

  1. At that time Jamil was a student while he _.

(i) was reading in class six                           (ii) read in class six

(iii) reads in class six                                   (iv) was reading in class nine.

Extra Practices

  1. The maximum time for the boat to cross the river was _.

(i) 8 minutes            (ii) 12 minutes             (iii) 8-10 minutes         (iv) 10 miutes

  1. The north was the _ side of the storm.

(i) falling                  (ii) starting                   (iii) ending                   (iv) target

  1. Everyone was avoiding the advice of _.

(i) Jamil                   (ii) the teacher              (iii) the boatman          (iv) the passengers

  1. A ferry boat was plying on the river. Here “plying” means ——.

                (i)     plying with other boats                        (ii)    sinking in the river

(iii)   travelling along a route                        (iv)   waiting for passengers

  1. The boatman requested the people to wait, because——.

                (i)     His boat was very small                       (ii)    the boat had already too many people

(iii)   there were other boats they could go    (iv)   he would not ferry people with bags

  1. With too many people on board and baskets the boat sank. Here the phrase “on board” means ——

                (i)     on the boat                                           (ii)    on the wooden board

(iii)   outside the boat                                    (iv)   on the notice board

  1. It was not a fatal accident. The statement tells us that ——.

(i)     nobody died                                         (ii)    nobody was wounded

(iii)   everybody accepted their fate              (iv)   nobody lost anything

  1. The boat was overcrowded. Here “overcrowded” means ——.

(i)     people were quarrelling on the boat

(ii)    the boat was unable to carry any more people

(iii)   the boatman did not like a crowd

(iv)   people were sitting on the boat’s bamboo hood

  1. What class did Jamil read when he had taken a journey?

                (i)     class 5              (ii)    class 6                  (iii)   class 8                  (iv)   class 9

  1. What was the day of that day?

(i)     Eid day            (ii)    Friday                  (iii)   holiday                (iv)   bazaar day

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why didn’t Jamil get into the boat?
  3. Why did the boatman request the passengers to wait?
  4. How long does the boat take to cross the river?
  5. How was the weather?
  6. What happened to the passengers?

Extra Practices

  1. How was the river?
  2. What do the passengers lose in the accident?
  3. Where were the people going?
  4. Where did the boat sink?
  5. What were the people coming back with?
  6. Why did the boatman request the people to wait?
  7. How long does the boat take to cross the river?
  8. Why didn’t Jamil get into the boat?
  9. What happened to the passengers?
  10. How was the weather?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-4: Lesson-3(C)

The class comes up with different problems. One group leader says, “The scarcity of food will be a serious problem. It is true that our agriculturists have developed new varieties of rice and its per acre production has definitely increased. But the rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. This is because our land is fixed, i.e. we cannot increase it, while our population is increasing rapidly.”

Another group leader comes up with the housing problem in the country, which he says adds much to the food problem. He continues, “Families are growing larger in size and breaking into smaller families. Each such family needs a separate house to live in. Also the arable fields are being divided by these smaller families among themselves. Mills and factories are being set up, which occupy a considerable portion of our land. So when we need more land to grow more food to feed more mouths, our land is shrinking day by day. If our population grows at the present rate, a day will come when many people will not find any land to build a house on. And, as a result, many of them might live on trees or on the floating boats in the rivers.”

“No way,” another student argues. “Trees are being cut, hills are being cleared and water bodies are being filled up — all to meet the needs of too many people.”

“Thank you students,” Ms Choudhury says, “You’re quite right. Let me tell you about this village where I was born and brought up.  Things were not like this in the past. I remember as a child, the village was so beautiful! The green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields seemed to be unending. They used to wave and dance in the breeze. There used to be a wood in the northern side of the village. There was a tall tamarind tree in the middle of the wood. Also a big banyan tree looked like a huge green umbrella, with its aerial roots hanging down. I often used to go there with my age-mates. We would often have picnic there. While the boys would climb the tamarind tree and pick some tamarinds, me and my best friend Rima used to swing with the roots. But now, look, the wood is gone. The beauty of the crop fields is spoiled by the unplanned houses built here and there.”


Scarcity (‡¯‹qviwmwU) n.- when something is not easy to find or get; AKvj| Serious (wmwiqvm) adj.- severe in effect; gvivZ¥K| Agriculturist (GMwiKvjPvwi÷) n.- expert in agriculture; K…wlwe`| Production (‡cÖvWvKkb) n.- the process of growing or making food, goods or materials; Drcv`b| Rapidly (i¨vwcWwj) adv.- very quickly; `ª“ZZvi mv‡_| Arable (A¨vivej) adj.- fit for cultivation;Pvl‡hvM¨| Occupy (AwKDcvB) v.- to hold in possession of; `Lj Kiv| Considerable (KbwmWvi¨ej) adj.- having some importance; ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| Portion (‡cvikb) n.- a part of something; Ask| Shrink (wkªsK) v.- become or make smaller in size or amount; msKzwPZ Kiv| Floating (‡d¬ŠwUs) adj.- not settled  permanently; fvmgvb|  Unplanned (Avbc­¨vbW) adj.- without any plan; AcwiKwíZ|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The green paddy fields and yellow mustard fields would −in the breeze.

(i) play                     (ii) sing                        (iii) laugh                     (iv) shake themselves

  1. In the wood, there was a − tree.

(i) tall tamarind        (ii) tamarind                 (iii) coconut                 (iv) mango

  1. Ms Choudhury often used to go there with −.

(i) his ago- mates     (ii) her age- mates        (iii) his friends             (iv) friends

  1. Rima was − friend to Ms Choudhury.

(i) more dear            (ii) the most dear          (iii) very dear               (iv) dear

  1. Ms Choudhury was horn and brought up in a −.

(i) village                 (ii) town                       (iii) slum                      (iv) city

  1. The rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. The sentence means that the food production is ¾.

(i) as much as needed                                  (ii) less than what is needed

(iii) more than what is needed                      (iv) sufficient for the population

  1. Many people may have to live on trees, because ¾.

(i) they would like tree houses                     (ii) making houses on trees is less expensive

(iii) they may not find land to make houses  (iv) tree houses are safer during floods

Extra Practices

  1. People cut trees to ¾.

(i) plant more trees                                       (ii) keep the environment clean

(iii) make articles of furniture                      (iv) grow crops or make houses

  1. Our land is shrink day by day because ¾.

(i) families are growing larger in size.

(ii) houses and factories are being built on it.

(iii) smaller families need smaller houses.

(iv) land grabbers are occupying a portion of our land.

  1. How can our housing problem increase or add to our food problem?

(i) After making houses farmers do not have enough time to work in the field.

(ii) After making houses, farmers do not have enough money to buy food.

(iii) If you do not have a house, you cannot store your food.

(iv) For making too many houses, people are using the crop land.

  1. The rate of increase in food production cannot keep pace with the rate of population growth. The sentence means that the food production ¾.

(i)     is as much as needed                            (ii)    is less than what is needed

(iii)   is more than what is needed                 (iv)   is sufficient for the population

  1. How can our housing problem increase or add to our food problem?

                (i)     After making houses, farmers do not have enough time to work in the field.

(ii)    After making houses, farmers do not have money to buy food.

(iii)   If you do not have a house, you cannot store your food.

(iv)   For making too many houses, people are using the crop land.

  1. What makes our land shrink day by day?

                (i)     Families are growing larger in size       (ii)    Houses and factories are being built on it

(iii)   Smaller families need smaller house    (iv)   Land grabbers are occupying a portion of our land

  1. Many people have to live on trees, because——.

(i)     They would like free houses                (ii)    making houses on trees is less expensive

(iii)   They may not find land to make houses. (iv) Trees and houses are safer during floods

  1. People are cutting trees to——.

(i)     grow crops or make houses                  (ii)    plant more trees

(iii)   keep the environment clean                  (iv)   make articles of furniture

  1. What will be a serious problem?

                (i)     housing            (ii)    clothing                (iii)   treatment              (iv)   scarcity of food

  1. Who have developed new varieties of rice and its production?

(i)     the cultivators  (ii)    the peasants         (iii)   the scientists        (iv)   the agriculturists

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What will happen when people find no land to build a house on?
  3. Why cannot the rate of increase in food production keep pace with the rate of population growth?
  4. What will happen if our population grows at the present rate?
  5. What makes our land shrink day by day?
  6. Why is the beauty of the crop fields spoiled?

Extra Practices

  1. What does the other group leader come up with?
  2. Why are water bodies being filled up?
  3. Where was a tall tamarind tree?
  4. What did the boys do?
  5. What are being divided?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-4: Lesson-4(B)

In the next class Ms Choudhury tells her students the story of Lipi. In brief the story is like this:

The year before last, Lipi, a 14-year old girl, had been in class 9 in a rural school in Rangpur. Lipi is the eldest of five children—three daughters and two sons. Their father is a day labourer working on other people’s land and mother is a homemaker and a part-time worker at other people’s houses. The parents, particularly the mother, found it real difficult to raise five children on the small income the father could earn. Perhaps that is why Lipi’s father wanted to marry her off. But Lipi was not ready to accept what her parents wanted to impose on her. She wanted to pursue her education. So long her mother stood by her, though secretly. But when her father arranged her marriage with Tara Mia, the only son of a farmer in the same village, she became a little upset. Tara Mia was a widower—illiterate, but well off. His father had a few acres of arable land and was influential in the village. The marriage seemed to be inevitable.

Lipi first talked with her classmates and then with the Headteacher, who was very sympathetic to her. He called a meeting of the teachers and students of the school. Also the school managing committee members, some respectable persons of the village, Lipi’s and Tara Mia’s fathers attended the meeting. The Headteacher explained in detail the serious consequences that would follow Lipi’s marriage. She would be having children from her very early age — 15 or 16. It would create constant health hazards to her. Her education would stop. And on top of all, her marriage against her will might shatter her future dream.

At one stage, Tara Mia’s father stood up and tried to argue, “You are all making mistakes. Lipi would be very happy if she got married with Tara Mia. She would have everything—money, clothes, home and status in the society. Why are you trying to deprive her of this opportunity?”

But no, the big majority, who attended the meeting, supported the Headteacher.

Lipi’s marriage was called off. She is now studying at Carmichael College, Rangpur.




Brief (weªd) adj.- lasting only a short time or containing few words; msw¶ß| Homemaker (‡nŠg‡gBKvi) n.- a person, especially a woman, who manage a home; M„wnYx| Particularly (cviwUwKDjviwj) adv.- to a higher degree than is usual or average; we‡kl K‡i| Raise (‡iBR) v.- to bring up; jvjb-cvjb Kiv| Accept (G¨vK‡mÞ) v.- to agree with someone or to something; MÖnY Kiv| Impose (Bg‡cŠR) v.- to attribute upon; Av‡ivc Kiv| Secretly (wm‡·Uwj) adv.- not publicly; ‡Mvc‡b| Upset (Avc‡mU) n.- unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant; welYœ| Widower (DB‡WvDqvi) n.- a person whose wife has died and the person has to taken a wife again; wecZœxK| Influential (Bbd¬z‡qbwkqvj) adj.- having much influence over someone or something; cÖfvekvix| Inevitable (BbGwf‡Uej) adj.- that one cannot avoid or prevent; Acwinvh©| Sympathetic (wmgc¨v‡_wUK) adj.- having sympathy to someone; mnvbyf~wZkxj| Hazard (n¨vRvW©) n.- a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; SuywK|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Lipi and his sisters are ¾ in number.

(i) three                    (ii) four                        (iii) five                       (iv) six

  1. Lipi wanted to pursue her education. Here ‘pursue’ means ¾.

(i) discontinue          (ii) stop                        (iii) cut off                   (iv) prosecute

  1. Her father arranged her marriage with the son of a ¾.

(i) teacher                (ii) farmer                    (iii) driver                    (iv) fisherman

  1. Tara Mia was a widower. Here widower means a man ¾.

(i) who has recently married                         (ii) whose wife had died and married again

(iii) who has two wives                                (iv) whose wife has died and not married again

  1. Father of Lipi is was a ¾.

(i) day labourer        (ii) shopkeeper            (iii) photographer         (iv) painter

  1. The story of Lipi is told by ¾.

(i) Tara Mia              (ii) Father of Lipi         (iii) Headteacher          (iv) Ms Choudhury

  1. Lipi’s mother was ¾ to marry Lipi off.

(i) willing                 (ii) unwilling                (iii) happy                    (iv) crazy

Extra Practices

  1. Tara Mia is a great bride because ¾.

(i) he is a widower   (ii) he is rich                (iii) he is illiterate         (iv) he is a good farmer

  1. Lipi’s mother had to work ¾ to maintain her family.

(i) outside of her house                                (ii) inside of her house

(iii) in the local market                                 (iv) in the school

  1. Lipi’s ¾ wanted to marry her off.

(i) mother                 (ii) father                     (iii) father and mother  (iv) headteacher

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Who was Tara Mia?
  3. What is Lipi’s father?
  4. Who played role to stop Lipi’s marriage?
  5. Why was not Lipi ready to marry?
  6. How many brothers and sisters does Lipi have?

Extra Practices

  1. What is Lipi’s mother?
  2. What was Tara Mia’s father?
  3. How old was Lipi the year before last?
  4. Where would she read?
  5. Who arranged her Marriage with Tara Mia?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-4: Lesson-5(D)

“Today there are many jobs where you need English. This is because the world has become smaller. Vast distances are shortened by speedy transport. We can talk to a person thousands of kilometres away on the phone or the Internet. So we can communicate with the whole world easily. English has made this communication easier.

There are many countries in the world with many languages, but to communicate with them, you cannot speak all the languages. So you need a common language that you can use with more or less all the people in the world. English is that common language. You can talk to a Chinese toy maker, a French artist, an Arab ambassador or a Korean builder in one language —English.

English for us in Bangladesh is all the more important. As we have seen earlier, we are too many people in a small country. So if you learn English, you have the best opportunity to find a good job, both within and outside the country. And that is good news for millions of our unemployed youths.”

“But Miss, we learn English for 12 or 14 years, yet we do not find good jobs, “ says Rumi. She then tells the class about what happened to her brother. “Could you please tell us why?” Rumi asks.

“This is a very important question, Rumi. We should learn how to use English both orally and in writing for doing things as needed in our work, such as communicating with others at personal, social, national and international levels. But unfortunately, at the moment we are learning English mainly for our exams,” continues Miss Choudhury. “Remember, English can greatly help you become skilled workforce.”

“But where and how can we learn this kind of English, Miss?” asks Ratan. Ms Choudhury says, “We can learn this communicative English both in and outside the classroom. Side by side with your textbook, the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, computers and other supplementary materials will greatly help you. And during our classroom activities, we’ll see how we can learn this English.”


Apply (A¨vc­vB) v.- to make request for something; Av‡e`b Kiv| Happen (n¨vcb) v.- to come to pass; NUv| Interview (BbU¨viwfD) n.- mutual meeting, a meeting especially to ascertain suitability before employment; ci¯úi mv¶vr| Job (Re) n.- an appointment or post, PvKwi ev c`; Recruit (wiµzU) v.- to replenish, cybivq c~Y© Kiv| Desk (‡WmK) n.- a table for writing, reading, etc. wjLb cVbvw`i Rb¨ †Uwej we‡kl| Supplementary (mvcwj‡gbUwi) adj.- added to supply what is wanted, additional, AwZwi³; syn- auxiliary| Continue (KbwUwbD) v.- to prolong or extend, to maintain; Pvwj‡q hvIqv| Unfortunate (Avbd¨i) PwbU) adj.- someone who is unlucky; `yf©vMv| Oral (A¨vij) adj.- unttered by the mouth; ‡gŠwLK| Unemployment (AvbBgc­q‡g›U) n.- the state of being out of work, ‡eKviZ¡| Opportunity (AciwUDwbwU) n.- chance given to somebody; my‡hvM| Outside (AvDU mvBW) n.- the exterior, the outer side, ewn©fvM| Distance (wWmU¨vÝ) n.- remoteness, interval of spare or time; `~iZ¡|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. We should learn English at present mainly to ―.

(i) jobs                     (ii) communicate         (iii) status                     (iv) need

  1. We can learn communicative ¾.

(i) from school alone                                    (ii) only from radio

(iii) from money sources                              (iv) get a beautiful building

  1. You have the best opportunity to ¾ if you learn English.

(i) find a good job    (ii) buy a computer      (iii) do a good result     (iv) get a beautiful building

  1. You can get a good job by learning English and it is good news for millions of our ¾ youths.

(i) employed            (ii) educated                (iii) uneducated           (iv) unemployed

  1. Rumi tells the ¾ about what happened to her brother Raihan.

(i) driver                  (ii) Headteacher           (iii) classteacher           (iv) students

  1. There are lot of jobs where ¾ is essential.

(i) Bangla                 (ii) English                   (iii) Arabic                   (iv) Maths

  1. We need a ¾ to communicate with the world.

(i) common language(ii) English                  (iii) transport                (iv) speedy transport

Extra Practices

  1. Rumi was telling about her ¾ story.

(i) father’s                (ii) mother’s                 (iii) sister’s                   (iv) brother’s

  1. Rumi opines that we spend at least ¾ years for learning English.

(i) 14 -16                 (ii)16 -18                     (iii) 12 -14                   (iv) 18 -20

  1. English can help us become ¾.

(i) doctor                  (ii) pilot                       (iii) English Teacher    (iv) skilled workforce

  1. By learing English you have the best opportunity to find a good job and that is  good news for millions of our ——.

(i)     employed guys                                     (ii)    educated youths

(iii)   unemployed youths                             (iv)   uneducated guys

  1. At present we are learning English mainly for our ——.

(i)     jobs                  (ii)    examinations       (iii)   status                   (iv)   need

  1. We can learn communicative English both in and outside the ——.

(i)     bathroom         (ii)    show room           (iii)   classroom            (iv)   bedroom

  1. If you learn English, you have the best opportunity to ——.

(i)     find a good job                                     (ii)    buy a car

(iii)   get a beautiful house                             (iv)   do a good result

  1. Rumi tells —— about what happened to her brother Raihan.

                (i)     the Headteacher                                   (ii)    the class teacher

(iii)   the class                                               (iv)   the students

  1. What is the common language in the world?

                (i)     Bangla             (ii)    Arabic                  (iii)   English                 (iv)   Chinese

  1. What is good news for millions of our unemployed youths?

(i)     to find a good job     (ii)                        to take a good business

(iii)   talking with any one (iv)                       to tour any other country

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why should we learn a common language?
  3. Where can we learn communicative English?
  4. What things can help us learn English?
  5. What are we learning English at the moment for?
  6. How are vast distances shortened?

Extra Practices

  1. How is it possible to talk to a person thousands of kilometers away?
  2. How long do we spend to learn English?
  3. What will we see during our classroom activities?
  4. What has made the communicative easier?
  5. What opportunity can you get by learning English?






Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-5: Lesson-1(A)

Meherjan lives in a slum on the Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment. Her polythene roofed shelter looks like a cage. She is nearly 45 but looks more than her age. In front of her shelter, she is trying to make a fire to cook the day’s only meal. Her weak hands tremble as she adds some fallen leaves and straw to the fire. The whispering wind from the river Jamuna makes the fire unsteady. The dancing of the flames reminds Meherjan of the turmoil in her life.

Not long ago Meherjan had everything— a family, cultivable land and cattle. The erosion of the Jamuna consumed gradually all her landed property. It finally claimed her last shelter during the last monsoon. It took the river only a day to demolish Meher’s house, trees, vegetable garden and the bamboo bush. She had a happy family once. Over the years, she lost her husband and her family to diseases that cruel hunger and poverty brought to the family. Now, she is the only one left to live on with the loss and the pain. The greedy Jamuna has shattered her dreams and happiness.

There are thousand others waiting to share the same fate with Meherjan.  Bangladesh is a land of rivers that affect its people. Erosion is a harsh reality for the people living along the river banks. During each monsoon many more villages are threatened by the roaring of rivers like the Jamuna, the Padma and the Meghna. It is estimated that river erosion makes at least 100,000 people homeless every year in Bangladesh. In fact, river erosion is one of the main dangers caused by climate change. If we can’t take prompt actions to adapt to climate change, there will be thousands of more Meherjans in our towns and villages every year.


Protection (cÖv‡UKkvb) n.- the act of saving something/somebody; wbivcËv; syn- defend; ant- attacker| Prompt (cÖgU&) adj.- done without delay; Awej¤^; syn- quick; Ant- lazy; idle; passive| Embankment (Bge¨vsK‡g›U) n.- a wall of stone or earth made to keep water back; euva-wbg©vY; syn- dam| Tremble (‡Uªgej) †Ku‡c IVv; syn- quiver; ant- steadiness| Turmoil (Uvi gqj) n.- a state of great anxiety and confusion; wek„•Ljv; syn- chaos; ant- calm| Threaten (‡_ªUb) n.- to say that you will cause trouble; hurt somebody; etc; fq †`Lv‡bv; syn- intimidate| Whisper (DBmcvi) v.- to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying; wdm&wdm&& K‡i ejv; syn- murmur; ant- shout| Unsteady (Avb‡÷wW) adj.- liable to fall or shake; Kígvb, Ujg‡j; syn- shaky; ant-steady| Flame (‡d¬Bg) n.- a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire; AwMœwkLv; syn- brightness| Remind (wigvBb&W) v.- to help somebody remember something; ¯§iY Kwi‡q †`Iqv; syn- call up| Consume (KbwmDg) v.- to use something especially fuel; energy or time; e¨envi K‡i †kl Kiv; syn- use up| Claim (‡K¬Bg) i.- to demand or ask for something; `vwe Kiv; syn- demand| Demolish (wWgwjk) v.- to pull or knock down something. ‡f‡O †djv; Syn- bulldoze; ant- build up| Shatter (k¨vUvi) v.- to suddenly break into small pieces; PzY©-wePzY© Kiv; syn- crush| Harsh (nvi&k) adj.- cruel; severe and unkind; K‡Vvi; syn- rough; ant- kindly| Estimate (GmwU‡gBU) v.- to guess the cost; size; value; etc of something; Avbygvwb wn‡me Kiv/ g~j¨wePvi Kiv; syn- calculate| Adapt (A¨vWvcU) v.- to change something in order to make it suitable for a new use or situation; gvwb‡q †bIqv; syn- adjust| Roar (‡ivi) v.- to make a loud deep harsh sound; ¸i“M¤¢xi MR©b Kiv; syn- growl|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Meherjan’s dreams and happiness are ¾ by the greedy river Jamuna.

(i) destroyed            (ii) boosted                  (iii) flourished             (iv) mixed

  1. Bangladesh is a land of ¾.

(i) forests                 (ii) rivers                      (iii) the poor                (iv) mosques

  1. Every year river erosion makes people ¾.

(i) poor                    (ii) rich                        (iii) homeless               (iv) happy

  1. Meherjan lives in a slum _ to Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment.

(i) belongs                (ii) belonging               (iii) situated                 (iv) closed

  1. Due to river erosion in Bangladesh, each year about ¾ people become homeless.

(i) one lakh              (ii) one thousand          (iii) one million            (iv) ten thousand

  1. Mejerjan looks aged because of ¾.

(i) maltreatment       (ii) deprivation             (iii) her age                  (iv) illness

  1. People ¾ near the river banks are the victims of river erosion.

(i) living                   (ii) live                         (iii) stay                       (iv) migrating

Extra Practices

  1. The greedy Jamuna took only ¾ to demolish everything of Meherjan.

(i) a week                 (ii) a day                      (iii) a month                 (iv) an hour

  1. The shelter of Meherjan is ¾ roofed.

(i) wood                   (ii) polythene               (iii) tin                         (iv) iron and cement

  1. The fire is made unsteady by the wind from the ¾.

(i) Padma                 (ii) Meghna                  (iii) Jamuna                 (iv) Buriganga

  1. Meherjan lives in ——.

(i) a town                 (ii) a village                  (iii) a slum                   (iv) a footpath

  1. Her dreams and happiness are shattered by ——.

(i)     Padma              (ii)    Meghna                (iii) Jamuna                 (iv)   Surma

  1. Dancing of the flame means ——.

(i)     a traditional form of folk dance

(ii)    a flame that makes people dance around it

(iii)   a flame that is made unstable by the blast of air

(iv)   a flame made by people to remember their pasts

  1. Each year about —— became homeless due to river erosion in Bangladesh.

                (i)     one lakh people                                    (ii)    ten thousand people

(iii)   ten million people                                (iv)   one crore people

  1. Landed property means ——.

(i)     a rented piece of land                           (ii)    a piece of land on the bank of a river.

(iii)   property in the form a source of income to its owner

(iv)   property used only an agricultural farm

  1. What does the dancing of the flames remind Meherjan?

(i)     happiness         (ii)    sadness                (iii)   discipline             (iv)   turinoil in her life

  1. Who did consume all her land property?

(i)     the dancing of the flames                     (ii)    the whispering wind

(iii)   the last monsoon                                  (iv)   the erosion of the Jamuna

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Where does Meherjan live?
  3. What is river erosion?
  4. What things did Meherjan have not long ago?
  5. What makes her homeless?
  6. How many people become homeless annually due to river erosion?

Extra Practices

  1. Why does she look more than her age?
  2. How does her shelter look like?
  3. What was she doing in front of her shelter?
  4. What does the dancing of the flames remind Meherjan?
  5. What should we do to save our Meherjans?

k      What does happen in front of her slum?

  1. What had Meherjan had one day?
  2. How many people become homeless every year?
  3. Who has shattered Meherjan’s dreams and happiness?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-5: Lesson-2(B)

Bangladesh is now apparently in the grip of all sorts of pollution like air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution. The dwellers of the urban areas are the worst sufferers of such pollution. The indiscriminate industrialisation process in Bangladesh over the past decades has created significant environmental problems. We will now know about some of the most common types of environmental pollutions and ways of coping with them.

Air pollution

Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. In Bangladesh poisonous exhaust from industrial plants, brick kilns, old or poorly-serviced vehicles and dust from roads and construction sites are some of the major sources of air pollution.

We can reduce this type of pollution by making less use of motor vehicles and avoiding the use of vehicles older than 20 years. We may also use proper lubricants to lessen the level of emission and pollutants. We can encourage people to use Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) or Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) for fuelling their cars. The government may relocate hazardous industries like brick kilns to areas away from human habitations.

Water pollution

Water pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds and underground reservoirs. As different water sources flow together, the pollution can spread easily and quickly. Causes of water pollution include:

  • increased sediment from soil
  • erosion
  • improper waste disposal and littering
  • leakage of soil pollution into water supplies
  • organic materials that decay in water supplies etc.

In fact, polluting the land means polluting the water. Throwing away a toxic substance on the ground near a water space means it eventually reaches a body of water. As a result, the water is polluted. Industrial wastes must not be disposed in rivers or lakes. We need to be more careful about disposing household wastes too. Use of pesticides means that when it rains on the lawn or garden, chemicals wash into the water bodies.            Therefore, we must be aware of the dangers of using pesticides as they may pollute our rivers, canals and lakes.

Soil pollution

Among the most significant causes of soil pollution is the enormous volume of industrial waste which is being produced every day but not disposed properly.      Themismanagement of household wastes, particularly the polythene shopping bags, has caused serious threat to the soil, and the drainage system. Another cause for soil pollution is the use of agricultural pesticides, fertilizers etc. Sometimes fuel leakages from automobiles may get washed away by rain and seep into the nearby soil.

Pesticides and fertilizers are useful for plant growth but their overuse has led to soil pollution. Natural fertilizers and compost can be used instead of their chemical alternatives. Recycling is another way to reduce and control soil pollution. Recycling papers, plastics and other materials reduces the volume of refuse in landfills. De-forestation also causes erosion, pollution and the loss of fertility in the topsoil. Planting trees and re-forestation help prevent soil erosion and pollution.


Apparently (A¨vcvibUwj) adv.- as far as one knows or can see, AvcvZ`„wó‡Z, ¯úófv‡e; syn- evidently. Grip (wMÖc) n.- a firm hold, ‡Kv‡bv wKQzi g‡a¨ ev gy‡Vvq, Lài, syn- grasp| Pollution (cjy¨kb) n.- the process of making air, water, soil etc dirty; `~lY, syn- contamination, ant- purification. Dweller (Wy‡qjvi) n.- one who lives in a place; evwm›`v; syn- inhabitant, resident. Urban (Avievb) adj.- related to a city; kny‡i; syn- municipal, ant- rural. Worst (Iqi÷) adj.- of the poorest quality or lowest standard; me‡P‡q g›`; syn- bad, Ant- better. Indiscriminate (BbwWmwµwgwbU) adj.- done at random or without careful judgment, evQwePvinxb| Industrial (BbWvmwUªA¨vj) adj.- related with industry, wkí msµvš—; syn- commercial. Sufferer (mvdvivi) n.- one who undergoes pain or punishment, fy³‡fvMx; Decade (‡WK¨vW&) n.- a series of ten years, `kK; Significant (wmMwbwdK¨v›U) adj.- something very important, Zvrch©c~Y©; syn- unimportant. Cope (‡KŠc) v.- deal effectively with something difficult, mvd‡j¨i mwnZ AvqZ¡ Kiv; syn- manage. Source (‡mvm©) n.- a place, person or thing that you get something from, Drm; syn- origin. Poisonous (cqRbvm) adj.- very harmful and able to cause illness or death, welv³; syn- deadly. Exhaust (BM‡Rvm&U) n.- waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation; wbtmiY ewnM©vgx †mªvZ; syn- discharge. Dust (Wv÷) n.- fine particles of the earth, a~wjKYv| Kiln (wKjb) n.- a large oven for bricks etc; eo Dbvb ev fvUv| Vehicle (fxBKj) n.- means of conveyance, Mvwo; syn- car| Emission (Bwgkb) n.- sending or throwing out something, wbM©ZKiY| Encourage (BbKvwiR) v.- to inspire with courage or hope, mvnm ev Avkv †`qv| Hazardous (nvR¨vW©vm) adj.- very risky in nature, wec`msKzj|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The indiscriminate industrialization process has created — problem.

(i) social                   (ii) familial                  (iii) mental                   (iv) environmental

  1. We should be aware of the dangers of using —.

(i) insecticide           (ii) genocide                (iii) suicide                  (iv) pesticide

  1. There is a reference to — kinds of pollution in the text.

(i) one                      (ii) two                         (iii) three                      (iv) none of the above

  1. Air pollution can be reduced by avoiding the use of vehicles older than — years.

(i) twenty five          (ii) twenty                    (iii) twelve                   (iv) twenty two

  1. Recycling is one of the ways to reduce and control — pollution.

(i) air                        (ii) sound                     (iii) water                     (iv) soil

  1. People can be encouraged to use — for fuelling.

(i) CNG                    (ii) LPG                       (iii) CNG or LPG         (iv) Rickshaw or Van

  1. Brick kilns should be in areas away from — habitations.

(i) animal                 (ii) human                    (iii) plants                    (iv) birds

Extra Practices

  1. — pollution can occur in oceans.

(i) Air                       (ii) Water                     (iii) Sail                        (iv) Sound

  1. Re-forestation help prevent — pollution.

(i) soil                      (ii) waters                    (iii) sound                    (iv) water and sound

  1. Pesticides and fertilizers contribute to soil and water pollution —.

(i) to a great extent   (ii) is no way                (iii) one after another   (iv) previously

  1. We should be aware of the dangers of using —

(i)     insecticide        (ii)    gerocide               (iii)   suicide                 (iv)   pesticide

  1. The indiscriminate industrialisation process has created —— problem.

(i)     social               (ii)    mental                  (iii)   national                (iv)   environmental

  1. The — of the urban areas are the worst sufferers of environmental pollution.

(i)     poor                 (ii)    rich                      (iii)   general people     (iv)   own dwellers

  1. Recycling is one of the ways to reduce and  control —— pollution.

(i)     air                    (ii)    soil                       (iii)   water                    (iv)   sound

  1. Air pollution can be reduced by avoiding the use of vehiches older than —— years

(i)     twelve              (ii)    twenty two           (iii)   twenty                  (iv)   twenty five

  1. How is pollution?

(i)     bad                  (ii)    good                    (iii)   better                   (iv)   best

        q      What does it do to us?

(i)     uses                 (ii)    harms                   (iii)   makes                  (iv)   gives

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What are the causes of water pollution?
  3. What can we inspire people to use?
  4. What are the major sources of air pollution?
  5. What is the most significant cause of soil pollution?
  6. What help prevent soil erosion and pollution?

Extra Practices

  1. Who are the sufferers of all sorts of pollution?
  2. Where can water pollution occur?
  3. What should we do with waste materials?
  4. What does deforestation cause?
  5. What do the polythene shopping bags cause?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-5: Lesson-3(A)

Man can neither change the sun’s radiation nor the earth’s orbit around the sun. But man can control the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases and its effect on the atmosphere. Only during the last hundred years the carbon dioxide concentration has been raised alarmingly in the atmosphere and we humans can be held responsible for this.

The main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. Since the end of the 19th century, industrial activities increased rapidly giving rise to many factories. These factories required energy, which was produced through the combustion of coal. Besides coal, other sources of energy such as mineral oil and natural gas were also burned to heat our houses, move cars and airplanes or to produce electricity. Nowadays, about 85 million barrels of crude oil are burned daily. Every time a fossil raw material is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the air.

Therefore, it is clear that more and more greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are being generated worldwide by humans. Moreover, we are also strengthening the greenhouse effect by deforestation which means cutting down trees. Every year enormous areas of forests are destroyed by people to obtain wood and to clear regions for mining and to create pasture. This loss of the forest causes dual problems. Trees that are burned down release a large volumes of carbon dioxide gas into the air. On the other hand, an important carbon dioxide storehouse is destroyed with the forests as forests absorb a lot of carbon dioxide from the air and deliver oxygen instead.


Radiation (‡iwWGBkvb) n.- emitting or causing to emit rays; iwkœ we”QziY; syn- emanation| Orbit (AiweU) n.- the curved course of a heavenly body, MÖn-b¶Îvw`i cwiµgY c_ ev K¶; syn- circle| Concentration (Kb‡mb‡ÆBkvb) n.- the amount of a substance in a liquid or in another substance, (`ªe‡Yi) cwigvY; syn- consolidation, ant- dilution, distraction. Enormous (Bbig¨vm) adj.- very large in size, quantity or extent, cÖPzi/ wekvj syn- huge, ant- meager, tiny| Pasture (cvmP¨v(i) n.- grazing land, cïPviYf~wg| Dual (wWDA¨vj) adj.- two fild, double, expressing two things or persons; ‰ØZ, wظY; syn- coupled, duplicate| Absorb (A¨vem¨(i)i) v.- to suck in, ï‡l †djv, syn- in corporate, ant- dissipate. Deliver (wWwjfvi) v.- to give cÖ`vb Kiv, syn- save. Instead (Bbm‡UW) adv.- as an alternative, cwie‡Z© ev e`‡j syn- substitute| Generate (‡Rb¨v‡iBU) v.- to produce, or to bring into existence, Drcv`b Kiv; syn- originate, ant- prevent| Fossil (dm&j) n.- a rock or mineral dug out of the earth, a relic of farmer living things preserved in the rocks, an attained person or thing, Rxevk¥| Fuel (wdDA¨vj) n.- material for a fire, R¡vjvwb| Obtain (Ae&‡UBb) v.- to get or to gain something; cvIqv ev AR©b Kiv, syn- earn.

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Man can control the effect of the greenhouse gases on ¾.

(i) the atmosphere    (ii) the moon                (iii) the sun                  (iv) human being

  1. Enormous areas of forests are destroyed ¾.

(i) weekly                (ii) daily                       (iii) yearly                    (iv) monthly

  1. At present about ¾ barrels of crude oil are used daily.

(i) 8.5 million           (ii) 850 lakh                 (iii) 850 million            (iv) 85 lakh

  1. Greenhouse gases are being produced all over the world by ¾

(i) human beings      (ii) plants                     (iii) animals                 (iv) nature

  1. A fossil raw material which is burned releases carbon dioxide into the ¾.

(i) air                        (ii) soil                         (iii) oil                         (iv) water

  1. Industrial activities are giving rise to ¾.

(i) many factories     (ii) houses                    (iii) buildings               (iv) factories

  1. Industrial factories require ¾.

(i) air                        (ii) fire                         (iii) coal                       (iv) water

Extra Practices

  1. The greenhouse effect is strengthened by ¾.

(i) forestation           (ii) deforestation          (iii) planting trees         (iv) using pesticides

  1. Forests are destroyed every year by ¾.

(i) animals                (ii) people                    (iii) goats and cows      (iv) forest officers

  1. Factories produce energy through the combustion of ¾.

(i) trees                    (ii) plants                     (iii) straw                     (iv) coal


  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What’s the main cause of the increase in carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere?
  3. What can a man control?
  4. How the greenhouse effect is strengthened?
  5. How many barrels of crude oil are used daily nowadays?
  6. How do the factories produce energy?

Extra Practices

  1. What other purposes are coal and other sources of energy burned in?
  2. By whom are more greenhouse gases generated worldwide?
  3. What is deforestation?
  4. Why do people destroy forests?
  5. Why is the carbon dioxide storehouse destroyed with the forests?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-5: Lesson-4(C)

Fish population is in serious danger from global warming. Climate change is increasing the water temperature in rivers, lakes and seas. This means there is less food and oxygen available for fish. It also means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer offspring. Some fishes will become extinct if temperatures rise even by one or two degrees.

Climate change increases the pressure on fish population. Fishes are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. Forty percent of people in the world eat fish as their main source of protein. If we fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will increase the pressures on fish. As a result, people who depend on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.


Source (‡mvm©) n- the place of origin or prime cause, Drm| Hunger (nvsM¨vi) n- a feeling of discomfort caused by lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat, ¶yav|Available (A¨v‡fBj¨vej) n.- something one can obtain or achieveable, cÖvc¨ ev jf¨| Assets (A¨v‡mUm) n.- a useful or valuable thing; m¤ú`| Emission (Bwgk&b) n.- sending or throwing out something, wbM©ZKiY| Protein (‡cÖvwUb) n.- any of the complex mitrogenous substances forming the most essential part of the bodies of animals or plants, ‡cÖvwUb| Offspring (Adw¯cÖs) n.- a child or children, wkï| Extinct (BKmwUsU) adj.- something which is no longer exsisting, Aaybvjyß| Biological (ev‡qvjwRK¨vj) adj.- related to living organisms, Rxe msµvš— ev ˆRe| Reduce (wiwWDm&) v- to diminish something or to change to another from or state, n«vm Kiv| Valuable (f¨vwjDq¨vej) adj- something which is of great use, `vgx, syn- precious, ant- valueless.  Depend (wW‡cÛ) v- to trust to somebody, wbf©i Kiv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. People ¾ on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.

(i) depend                (ii) dependent              (iii) depending             (iv) depends

  1. Climate change is responsible for the pressure on ¾.

(i) fish population    (ii) animals                  (iii) plants                    (iv) trees

  1. Fishes are the ¾ sources of protein.

(i) petty                    (ii) vital                        (iii) insignificant          (iv) minor

  1. ¾ causes great harm to fish population.

(i) Population explosion                               (ii) Global warming

(iii) Boatman                                               (iv) Fisherman

  1. ¾ are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets.

(i) Frogs                   (ii) Snakes                   (iii) Fishes                    (iv) Beasts

  1. ¾ is in great problems due to climate change.

(i) Population           (ii) Fish                        (iii) Fish population     (iv) Plant

  1. Climate change increases the temperature of ¾.

(i) soil                      (ii) air                          (iii) water                     (iv) human being

Extra Practices

  1. Fish may have fewer offspring. Here “offspring” means ¾.

(i) the young of an animal                            (ii) spring which is not used

(iii) spring that is off                                                                        (iv) facilities

  1. Many people take fish as the main source of ¾.

(i) protein                 (ii) vitamin                   (iii) carbohydrate         (iv) Mineral

  1. Some fishes will become extinct. Here “extinct” means ¾.

(i) no longer in existence                              (ii) happy

(iii) exist                                                      (iv) benefited

  1. —— people in the world eat fish as their main source of protein.

(i)     40%                 (ii)    14%                     (iii)   42%                     (iv)   24%

  1. —— causes great harm to fish population.

(i)     population explosion                           (ii)    global warming

(c)    Fisherman                (d)                        Boatman

  1. Climate change is responsible for the pressure on ——.

(i)     fish population (ii)    animals                (iii)   plants                   (iv)   trees

  1. —— are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets.

                (i)     Beefs               (ii)    Frogs                    (iii)   Snakes                 (iv)   Fishes

  1. People who depend on fish will suffer from ——.

(i)     fever                (ii)    gastritis                (iii)   hunger and poverty      (iv) protein

  1. What is in serious danger from global warming?

                (i)     fish population (ii)    human being        (iii)   animal                  (iv)   trees

  1. What is increasing water temperature?

                (i)     weather change (ii)    climate change     (ii)    wind change        (iv)   deforestation

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why is the fish population in danger?
  3. What will happen to them who depend on fish?
  4. Why will some fishes become extinct?
  5. What are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets?
  6. What percent of people in the globe take fish as their main source of protein?

Extra Practices

  1. What is climate change increasing?
  2. What does climate change increase the pressure on?
  3. What sill happen if we fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
  4. What is in serious danger?
  5. Why do people in the world eat fish?
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