Class 9-10 English 1st Paper Model Unit 6-10



Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-6: Lesson-1(A)

Known as the Land of Everest, Nepal is one of the most charming countries in Asia. It is also known as the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. The Kingdom of Nepal is a small land of sublime beauty. It has some of the world’s best and very important temples. It is a country that is rich in scenic luxury and cultural treasures.

Nepal lies between India and the Tibetan part of China. This small country has an area of 147,181 square kilometers. Southern Nepal is tropical lowland known as the Tarai Plain. This part of Nepal has hot summers and warm winters. Here the temperatures reach up to 40°C in April and May and monsoon rains drench this region from June to September. The central hill-lands including the Kathmandu and Pokhara valleys have a temperate climate and are also influenced by the monsoon. North of that is the slope of the main section of the Himalayan range. This part of Nepal has some of the highest peaks of the world including Everest.

Nepal is home to nearly 29,000,000 people. The population is primarily rural. Kathmandu, the capital city, has less than one million inhabitants. Nepal’s demographic features are complicated not only by dozens of ethnic groups, but by different castes. In total, there are 103 castes and ethnic groups living in this small country. The two largest of such groups are known as Chetri and Bahun. Others include Magar, Tharu and Tamang, Newar, Muslim, Gurung and Damai. About 48 percent of the people speak Nepali. Among other languages spoken are Maithali, Bhojpuri, Tharu and Tamang.

Nepal is the holy land of Lord Pashupatinath and Gautam Buddha where the Hindus and Buddhists have lived together in harmony for centuries. The Temple of Pashupatinath is the most sacred Hindu shrine and one of the four most important cities in the world for Shiva worshippers. Lord Buddha, the light of Asia, was born in Lumbini in Nepal’s southern plains, which makes this a scared pilgrimage destination for the Buddhists as well. In fact, many Nepalese combine Hindu and Buddhist practices; many temples and shrines are shared between the two faiths, and some deities are worshipped by both Hindus and Buddhists.

The Kathmandu Valley is the rich cultural heritage centre of Nepal. The three ancient cities of the Valley- Patan, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur- represent an epitome of harmony in urban design, elegant architecture and refined culture. These cities are famous for religious monuments unequalled in the world. The seven monument zones situated within the Valley have been named as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

Adding dazzling colour to Nepal’s vibrant culture are the many festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. Dasain or Dusherra is celebrated nationwide in October. This is the most important of all Nepalese celebrations and includes the biggest animal sacrifice of the year. Tihar is celebrated in November. Other festivals include the Holi and Chaitra Daisan. Some Hindu festivals are the Haribodhini Ekadashi, Maha Shivaratri And the Krishna Jayanti. There are Buddhist celebrations too and those include Mani Rimd, Buddha Jayanti and Losar which marks the Tibetan New Year.

e½vbyev`t Gfv‡i‡÷i †`k wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ †bcvj Gwkqvi me‡P‡q g‡bvni †`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU| GwU c„w_ex‡Z GKgvÎ wn›`y ivR¨ wn‡m‡eI cwiwPZ| †bcvj ivR¨wU Aciƒc †mŠ›`‡h©i †QvÆ GKwU f~wg| Gi Av‡Q c„w_exi KwZcq me‡P‡q fv‡jv Ges AZ¨š— ¸i“Z¡c~Y© gw›`i| GwU GKwU †`k hv g‡bvgy»Ki `„k¨ I mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨ mg„×|

fviZ Ges Px‡bi wZeŸ‡Zi As‡ki gv‡S †bcvj Aew¯’Z| GB †QvÆ †`kwUi AvqZb 1,47,181 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi|

`w¶Y †bcvj n‡jv MÖx®§gÛjxq wbgœf~wg hv ZvivB mgf~wg bv‡g cwiwPZ| †bcv‡ji GB As‡k Av‡Q DËß MÖx®§ Ges Dò kxZKvj| GLv‡b ZvcgvÎv  †mjwmqvm ch©š— D‡V GwcÖj Ges †g gv‡m Ges e„wó GB AÂj‡K wm³ iv‡L Ryb †_‡K †m‡Þ¤^i ch©š—| KvVgvÛy Ges †cvLviv DcZ¨Kvmg~nmn †K›`ªxq cvnvwoA‡j i‡q‡Q bvwZkx‡Zvò Rjevqy Ges †gŠmywg evqy ØvivI cÖfvweZ| Gi Dˇi wngvjq ce©Zgvjvi cÖavb As‡ki Xvj Aew¯’Z| †bcv‡ji GB As‡k Gfv‡i÷mn c„w_exi m‡e©v”P wKQz Pzuov i‡q‡Q|

‡bcv‡j cÖvq 2 †KvwU 90 jvL †jv‡Ki †`k| RbmsL¨vq cÖv_wgKfv‡e MÖvgxY| Gi ivRavbx KvVgvÛy‡Z i‡q‡Q `k jv‡LiI Kg evwm›`v| †bcv‡ji RbmsL¨vZvwË¡K ˆewkó¨mg~n †Kej wecyj msL¨K b„ZvwË¡K †Mvôxi Rb¨B bq, Gi wewfbœ m¤cÖ`v‡qi Rb¨I RwUj| GB ai‡bi †Mvôxi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q eo `ywU †Mvôx †ewÎ I evûb bv‡g cwiwPZ| Ab¨‡`i g‡a¨ Av‡Q gMi, _vi“ Ges ZvgvO, wbDqvi, gymwjg, ¸i“O Ges `vgvB| cÖvq 48 fvM †jvK †bcvjx fvlvq K_v e‡j| Ab¨vb¨ fvlvi g‡a¨ ˆg_vwj, †fvRcywi, _vi“ Ges ZvgvO fvlvi K_v ejv nq|

cÖfy cïcwZbv_ Ges †MŠZg ey‡×i f~wg †bcvj GKwU cweÎ f~wg †hLv‡b wn›`y Ges †eŠ×iv kZvwãi ci kZvwã a‡i wg‡jwg‡k emevm Ki‡Q| cïcwZbv‡_i gw›`iwU wn›`y‡`i Rb¨ me‡P‡q †ewk cweÎ gw›`i Ges wke c~Rvwi‡`i Rb¨ c„w_ex‡Z me‡P‡q †ewk ¸i“Z¡c~Y© kn‡ii GKwU| cÖfy ey×, Gwkqvi Av‡jv, †bcv‡ji `w¶‡Yi mgf~wg‡Z Aew¯’Z jyw¤^wb‡Z Rb¥MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb, hv GwU‡K †eŠ×‡`i Rb¨ GKwU cweÎ Zx_©hvÎvi Mš—e¨¯’v‡b cwiYZ K‡i‡Q| cÖK…Zc‡¶, A‡bK †bcvwj wn›`y I †eŠ×‡`i agx©q PP©v GKwÎZ K‡i cvjb K‡i; A‡bK gw›`i Ges `yB g‡Zi wek¦vmxivB e¨envi K‡i Ges wKQz †`e‡`ex‡K wn›`y Ges †eŠ× Df‡qB c~Rv K‡i|

KvVgvÛy DcZ¨Kv †bcv‡ji mg„× mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨i †K›`ª| DcZ¨Kvi wZbwU cÖvPxb kni-cvUvb, KvVgvÛy Ges e³vcyi-kû‡i bK&kv, AwfRvZ ¯’vcZ¨wkí Ges gvwR©Z ms¯‹…wZi mgš^‡qi cÖZxK‡K Zz‡j a‡i| c„w_ex‡Z AZzjbxq agx©q ¯§„wZ¯—‡¤¢i Rb¨ GB kni¸‡jv weL¨vZ| DcZ¨Kvi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z mvZ ¯§„wZ¯—‡¤¢i GjvKv‡K BD‡b‡¯‹v wek¦ HwZ‡n¨i ¯’vb wn‡m‡e bvgKiY K‡i‡Q|

‡bcv‡ji †ivgvÂKi ms¯‹…wZ‡Z †PvL auvav‡bv iO †hvM K‡i‡Q A‡bK Drme †h¸‡jv mviveQi a‡i D`&hvcb Kiv nq| `mvBb ev `v‡kiv A‡±vei gv‡m mviv †`kRy‡o cvjb Kiv nq| †bcvwj‡`i me D`hvcb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q †ewk ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Ges Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q eQ‡ii me‡P‡q e„nr cïejx| wZnvi b‡f¤^‡i D`&hvcb Kiv nq| Ab¨vb¨ Drm‡ei g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q †nvjx Ges ˆPÎ `Bmvb| wKQz wn›`y Drme n‡”Q nwiewabx GKv`kx, gnv wkeivwÎ Ges K…ò Rqš—x| †eŠ×‡`i DrmeI Av‡Q Ges †m¸‡jv n‡jv gwb wig&`, e„×z Rqš—x Ges †jvmvi hv wZeŸ‡Zi bZzb el©‡K wPwýZ K‡i|


Tropical (UªwcKvj) adj.- like or found in the tropics with hot climate; MÖx¤§gÛjxq|  Temperature (‡U¤úviPvi) n.- the degree of heat or cold in the body, room, country etc; ZvcgvÎv| Monsoon (g^b&m~b&) n.- a wind in South Asia which blows from the south-east in summer and from the north-west in winder; ‡gŠmygx evqy| Drench (‡Wªb&&P&) v.- to make completely wet; wf‡R hvIqv/ wfRv‡bv| Region (wiwRIb) n.- an area usually without fixed limit; GjvKv| Valley (f¨vwj) n.- an area of land between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it; DcZ¨Kv| Temperate (‡U¤úv‡iU&) adj.- moderate in degree; cwiwgZ, bxwZkx‡Zvò| Influence (Bbd¬z‡qÝ) n.- to have an effect on subject or something; cÖfvweZ Kiv ev nIqv| Slope (‡¯­Šc) n.- a piece of rising or flowing ground; Xvj| Range (‡iÄ) n.- a row, aline, an extent; mvwi, cwimi| Peak (cxK&) n.- the top of a hill or mountain; ce©Zk„½, P~ov| Primarily (cÖvBg¨vwiwj) adv.- firstly, chiefly, originally; cÖ_gZ, g~jZ, cÖavbZ| Rural (i“i¨vj) adj.- rustic, pastoral, of or from village; MÖvg¨| Inhabitants (Bbn¨vweU¨v›U&m) n.- residents, dwellers; AwaevmxMY| Demographic (wWgMÖ¨vwdK&) adj.- based on the study of the changing numbers of births, deaths, diseases etc; RbmsL¨vZvwË¡K| Feature (dxPvi) n.- a distinctive characteristic; an aspect; a trait; ‰ewkó¨|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Nepal is known as the only ¾ kingdom in the world.

(i) Muslim                (ii) Buddhist                (iii) Christian               (iv) Hindu

  1. The area of Nepal is ¾.

(i) 147,181 kilometres                                  (ii) 147,187 kilometres

(iii) 147,181 square kilometers                    (iv) 147,071 square kilometers

  1. Nepal has some of the world’s best and very important ¾.

(i) temples                (ii) mosques                 (iii) pagodas                 (iv) churches

  1. People of Nepal celebrate Tihar in ¾.

(i) September           (ii) November              (iii) December             (iv) October

  1. The population of Nepal is nearly ¾.

(i) 2 crore 90 lakh    (ii) 2 crore 9 lakh         (iii) 29 crore 9 lakh      (iv) 29 crore 90 lakh

  1. Nepal is situated in which continent?

(i) Australia              (ii) Asia                       (iii) Africa                   (iv) South America

  1. Kathmandu has less than one million inhabitants. Notice the underlined words. What does it indicate?

(i) 1 000 000            (i) 1000                        (iii) 10 0000                 (iv) 1 000 0000

Extra Practices

  1. Which of the following is a World Heritage Site of Nepal?

(i) Tarai Plain                                               (ii) Chetri and Bahun

(iii) The seven monument zones                  (iv) Mount Everest

  1. The people of Nepal are called ¾.

(i) Nepalians            (ii) Nepolese                (iii) Nepalese               (iv) Nepali

  1. Adding dazzling colour to Nepal’s vibrant culture are the many festivals that are celebrated throughout the year. Notice the underlined word. Which parts of speech is it?

(i) verb                     (ii) adjective                (iii) adverb                   (iv) noun

  1. Nepal is one of the charming countries in ——.

(i) Asia                     (ii) Europe                (iii) Africa                      (iv) Australia

  1. Nepal is known as the only —— Kingdom in the world.

                (i) Muslim                (ii) Buddhist             (iii) Christian                  (iv) Hindu

  1. Nepal has some of the world’s best and very important ——.

(i) temples                (ii) mosques                 (ii) pagodas                  (iv) churches

  1. The kingdom of Nepal is a ——.

(i) large land            (ii) small land              (iii) very big land         (iv) very small land

  1. The area of Nepal is ——.

(i) 147,181 Kilometers                                 (ii) 147,181 square kms

(iii) 147,187 kms                                         (iv) 147,781 square kms

  1. Which is one of the charming countries in Asia?

                (i) Nepal                  (ii) Bhutan                   (iii) Russia                   (iv) America

  1. Which country is also known as the only Hindu kingdom in the world?

(i) Bhutan                (ii) Nepal                     (iii) Bangladesh           (iv) Brazil

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What’s the area of Nepal?
  3. How many castes and ethnic groups are there in Nepal?
  4. What are the names of two largest ethnic groups?
  5. Which country is known as the only Hindu Kingdom in the world?
  6. What are the three ancient cities of the Kathmandu Valley?

Extra Practices

  1. What do you know about Nepal?
  2. Where is Nepal situated?
  3. What is the population of Kathmandu?
  4. What is the Kathmandu Valley?
  5. When do people celebrate dasain or dusherra?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-6: Lesson-2(B)

When someone comes to Sri Lanka, they may often hear the word Ayubowan. This word means ‘May you have the gift of long life’. It is with this traditional greeting that everyone is welcomed to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has many nicknames: Serendip, Ceylon, Teardrop of India, Pearl of the Indian Ocean, etc. These names reveal the richness and beauty of this island nation. Many travellers, from ancient mariners and merchants to modern astronauts, have been attracted by the beauty of this island.

Sri Lanka is located in the Indian Ocean, just off the south-eastern coast of India. Shaped like a teardrop, the island of Sri Lanka measures about 415 kilometres from north to south, and about 220 kilometres from east to west, with a total land area of about 65,600 square kilometres. It has more than 1340 kilometres of coastline.

Despite its modest size Sri Lanka has a population of about 20 million. Sri Lanka is a multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-lingual country. The four major ethnic groups are Sinhalese, Sri Lankan Tamils, Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Moors or Muslims. A fifth group, the Veddhas are the original inhabitants of the island. The ancient history of Sri Lanka is depicted in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. But the most important work on Lankan origin is related in Mahavamsa orThe Great Chronicle’.

Sri Lanka’s economy has traditionally been based on agriculture. The emphasis is on exporting crops such as tea, rubber, and coconuts. In fact, Sri Lanka is the largest tea exporter of the world. The country is also a major producer and supplier of a variety of spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, pepper, cloves, and nutmeg.  Cinnamon first originated in Sri Lanka and was introduced later to the world by the Arab merchants.

Sri Lanka’s archaeological treasures reflect the civilizations of the past that covered the golden age of Greece, the Roman Empire, Mayan citadels, and Napoleonic greatness. The culture that followed those glorious pasts has been enriched by the more recent influences of Western colonizers and Eastern traders. That resulted in developing a unique mix of races and religions, arts and crafts, festivals and costumes available in this small country.

Besides these man-made riches, one may find the God-given blessings of nature in Sri Lanka. The island is blessed with azure seas, sandy beaches, green hills, cascading waterfalls, abundant wildlife and a variety of flowers and fruits. The country abounds with coconut groves, spice gardens, tea estates and many other gardens and woods. Travellers from all over the world come to Sri Lanka. Here, a weary traveller can pass a gloriously lazy day by a palm-shaded lagoon looking at the endless ocean. And for the adventurous, days can be full of excitement, snorkeling, swimming, fishing or sailing.

e½vbyev`t hLb †KD kªxjsKvq Avm‡e ZLb nqZ Zviv cÖvqB AvBDeIqvb kãwU ïb‡e| GB kãwUi A_© ÔAvcwb `xN©Rxe‡bi Avwke©v`cÖvß †nvbÕ| GB HwZn¨evnx Awfb›`‡bi gva¨‡g mevB‡K kªxjsKvq ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv nq| kªxjsKvi A‡bK¸‡jv Dcbvg Av‡Q t wmwibØxc, wmjb, fvi‡Zi AkÖ“we›`y, fviZ gnvmvM‡ii gy³v, BZ¨vw`| GB bvg¸‡jvB GB Øxc‡`kwUi mg„w× Ges †mŠ›`h© cÖKvk K‡i| A‡bK ågYKvix, cÖvPxb bvweK Ges e¨emvqx †_‡K AvaywbK bfPvix, GB Øx‡ci †mŠ›`‡h© AvK…ó n‡q‡Q|

kªxjsKv fviZ gnvmvM‡i, fvi‡Zi wVK `w¶Y-c~e© mg~`ª DcK~‡j Aew¯’Z| GK‡duvUv AkÖ“i g‡Zv †`L‡Z kªxjsKv ØxcwUi AvqZb DËi †_‡K `w¶‡Y 415 wK‡jvwgUvi Ges c~e© †_‡K cwð‡g cÖvq 220 wK‡jvwgUi hvi me©‡gvU AvqZb 65,600 eM© wK‡jvwgUv‡ii †ewk mgy`ª DcK~j|

Gi gvSvwi AvK…wZ m‡Ë¡I kªxjsKvi RbmsL¨v cÖvq 20 wgwjqb| kªxjsKv eûag©, eû-‡Mvôx Ges eû-fvlvi GKwU †`k| cÖavb PviwU b„ZvwË¡K †Mvôx n‡jv wmsnjx, kªxjsKvi Zvwgj, fvi‡Zi Zvwgj Ges kªxjsKvi g~i ev gymjgvb| GKwU cÂg †Mvôx †f×vm nj †`kwUi Avw` Awfevmx| kªxjsKvi cÖvPxb BwZnvm wn›`y gnvKve¨ ivgvq‡Y eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q| wKš‘ kªxjsKvi DrcwËi Ici m‡e‡P‡q ¸i“Z¡c~Y© KvRwU gnvfgm ev Ôe„nr KvjvbyµwgK NUbvcwÄi mv‡_ mswk­­ó|

kªxjsKvi A_©bxwZ HwZn¨MZfv‡eB K…wli Ici wbf©ikxj| km¨ †hgb Pv, ivevi Ges bvwi‡K‡ji ißvwbi Ici †Rvi †`Iqv nq| cÖK…Zc‡¶, kªxjsKv we‡k¦i m‡e©v”P Pv ißvwbKviK †`k| †`kwU n‡iK iK‡gi gmjv †hgb `vi“wPwb, GjvP, †MvjgwiP, je½ Ges Rvqdj Gi cÖavb Drcv`bKvix I mieivnKvix †`k| `vi“wPwb cÖ_‡g kªxjsKv‡ZB DrcvwË n‡qwQj Ges c‡i Avie bvwe‡Kiv mviv we‡k¦ Zv cwiPq Kwi‡q †`q|

kªxjsKvi cÖZœZvwË¡K m¤ú` AZx‡Zi †mB mf¨Zv‡K cÖwZdwjZ K‡i hv wMÖ‡mi †mvbvjx hyM, †ivgvb mvgªvR¨, gvqvbMi `yM© Ges †b‡cvwjq‡bi gnË¡ Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q| †h ms¯‹…wZ Hme †MŠiegq AZxZ‡K AbymiY K‡iwQj Zv cwðgv Dcwb‡ewkK‡`i

Ges cÖv‡P¨I ewYK‡`i AwaK mv¤cÖwZK cÖfve Øviv mg„×kvjx n‡q‡Q| Gi d‡j GLv‡b †MvÎ I ag©, Pvi“ I Kvi“ wkí, Drme Ges †cvkv‡Ki GK Abb¨ wgkªY- Gi DbœwZ mvwaZ nq|

gvbe m„ó Gme Hk¦h© QvovI kªxjsKvq cvIqv hvq Ck¦i cÖ`Ë cÖvK…wZK Avkxe©v`| GB ØxcwU Avkxe©v`cyó n‡q‡Q D¾¡j bxj mgy`ª, evjyKvgq ˆmKZ, meyR cvnvo, Pjgvb RjcÖcvZ, ch©vß eb¨Rxeb Avi wewPÎ iK‡gi dyj I dj w`‡q| †`kwU‡Z bvi‡Kj MvQ, gmjvi evMvb, Pv †¶Î Ges Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK evMvb I eb cÖPzi cwigv‡Y Av‡Q| mgMÖ c„w_ex †_‡K ågYKvixiv kªxjsKvq Av‡m| GLv‡b GKRb K¬vš— hvÎx GKwU †MŠiegq Ajm w`b KvUv‡Z cv‡i cvg Mv‡Q Av”Qvw`Z GKwU Dcn«‡` e‡m Aš—nxb mgy‡`ªi w`‡K ZvwK‡q †_‡K| Ges `ytmvnmx‡`i Rb¨ GLv‡b w`b¸‡jv D‡ËRbv, evqyfwZ© wUD‡ei mvnv‡h¨ muvZvi †K‡U, gvQ a‡i A_ev †bŠKv Pvwj‡q c~Y© n‡Z cv‡i|


Island (AvBj¨vb&W&) n.- a piece of land surrounded by water; Øxc| Mariner (g¨vwibvi) n.- a sailor, bvweK| Astronaut (A¨v‡÷ªvbvU) n.- a person who is trained to travel in a space craft; b‡fvPvix| Attract (A¨vUª¨vK&&U&) v.- to cause subject to feel interest, pleasure, affection etc; allure; AvKl©Y Kiv| Teardrop (wUAvicÖc&) n.- a single tear that comes from the eye; GK †dvUv AkÖ“| Measure (‡gRvi) v.- to find the size, length or amount of something by comparing it with a standard unit; cwigvY Kiv| Despite (‡WmcvBU&) prep.- in spite of, m‡Ë¡I| Modest (g‡W÷) adj.- not large in amount, size etc; cwiwgZ, gvSvwi| Multi (gvj&wU) more than one, eû|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The total land area of Sri Lanka is about ¾ square kms.

(i) 65,600                 (ii) 300                        (iii) 147,181                (iv) 3,287,590

  1. The population of Sri Lanka is about ¾.

(i) 20 lakh                (ii) 20 crore                  (iii) 20 million              (iv) 20 billion

  1. Traditionally economy of Sri Lanka is founded on ¾.

(i) agriculture           (ii) industry                  (iii) fishing                   (iv) business

  1. Cinnamon was introduced later to the world by the ¾ merchants.

(i) Arab                    (ii) Australian              (iii) Africa                   (iv) American

  1. The coastline area of Sri Lanka is ¾.

(i) less than 1340 kilometres                        (ii) more than 1340 kilometres

(iii) 1340 kilometres                                     (iv) 1340 square kilometres

  1. Sri Lanka’s shape is like ¾.

(i) a teardrop            (ii) a jackfruit               (iii) an orange              (iv) a mango

  1. Sri Lanka is the ¾ of the globe.

(i) largest tea importer                                  (ii) largest tea exporter

(iii) tea importer                                           (iv) largest fish exporter

Extra Practices

  1. What is ‘Ayubowan’?

(i) a greeting expression                               (ii) a spice

(iii) a way to say sorry                                 (iv) a region of Sri Lanka

  1. Sri Lanka is a multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-lingual country. What does the word ‘multi’ imply?

(i) one                      (ii) many                      (iii) two                        (iv) less than two

  1. What is the verb form of ‘emphasis’?

(i) emphasis             (ii) emphise                 (iii) emphasize             (iv) emphases

  1. The population of Sri Lanka is ——.

(i) about 20 lakh      (ii) around 20 crore      (iii) almost 20 billion   (iv) about 20 million

  1. The total land area of Sri Lanka is ——.

(i) about 65,600 square kms                         (ii) about 120 kms

(iii) around 220 ms                                      (iv) almost 210 kms

  1. The coastline area of Sri Lanka is ——.

(i) less than 1340 kms                                  (ii) more than 1340 kms

(iii) 1340 kms                                              (iv) 1340 square kms

  1. Economy of Sri Lanka is based on ——.

(i) agriculture           (ii) industry                  (iii) cottage industry     (iv) business

  1. Cinnamon was introduced later to the world by the —— merchants.

(i) American            (ii) Australian               (iii) Arabian                 (iv) African

  1. Where is Srilanka located?

                (i) in the Indian Ocean                                 (ii) in the Bay of Bengal

(iii) in the Arab sea                                      (iv) in the Pacific ocean

  1. What does the word Ayubowan mean?

(i) May you be happy                                                                      (ii)  May you prosper in life

(iii) May you have the gift of long life         (iv) May your soul live in peace

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’?
  3. What do you mean by “Ayubowan”?
  4. What is the total land of Sri Lanka?
  5. What are the four major ethnic groups?
  6. What is the population of Sri Lanka?

Extra Practices

  1. Which country is the world’s largest tea exporter?
  2. What do the nicknames reveal?
  3. Where is Sri Lanka located?
  4. What sorts of spices does Sri Lanka produce and supply?
  5. What do you mean by ‘island nation’?
  6. What is meant by “Ayubowan”?
  7. What do you mean by “Pearl of the Indian Ocean”?
  8. What is the total land area of Sri Lanka?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-6: Lesson-3(B)

The Republic of Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean. It has 1199 islands that are clustered into 26 major atolls. An atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef or a string of closely spaced coral islands. The natural coral reefs of Maldives surrounded by lagoons make each island stand out as a pearl in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives stand at eighth position amongst the smallest countries in the world with an area of 300 square kilometres only. It is also the smallest Asian country with respect to population and size.

People have been living on the islands of the Maldives from as long as 3000 years ago. They set sail from different parts of the world- Asia, Arabia, Europe and the Americas- to come to these islands. The earliest settlers of the Maldives were probably from southern India and Sri Lanka who came to these islands in the fourth and fifth centuries BC. In the 12th century AD, sailors from East Africa and Arab countries came to the Maldives. As a result, the Maldivians who were originally Buddhists were converted to Sunni Islam in the mid-12th century. In 1344 Ibn Batuta, a famous Arab historian and scholar travelled around the Maldives.

In the 16th century, the Portuguese conquered the Maldives and they ruled the country for 15 years. Although governed as an independent Islamic sultanate for most of its history from 1153 to 1968, the Maldives was a British colony from 1887 to 1965. Following independence from Britain in 1965, the sultanate continued to operate for another 3 years. On November 11, 1968, it was abolished and replaced by a republic and the country assumed its present name.

The Maldives is famous as a tourist destination because of its enjoyable weather, heavenly beaches and lagoons, luxurious holiday resorts and the peace-loving people. Being an island country, it enjoys a pleasant weather throughout the year. The Maldives has been ranked as the best country brand for beach, rest and relaxation in 2008. In the same year, it was also ranked second as the best country brand for natural beauty.

The Maldives is well known for being the lowest country in the world. Unfortunately, this small country with idyllic natural beauty is under threat from rising sea levels due to global warming. Most of the country is just 1.5 metres above sea level with a highest point of 2.3 metres! Many predictions have been made with respect to Maldives being swept away by the rising water level in the Indian Ocean. It was even seen during the tsunami of 2004, that many of the       island’s dry parts were flooded by waters shrinking the island. The government of the Maldives has begun to purchase land from nearby countries in case the islands go under water!

In order to highlight the threats of global warming to its low lying islands, the government of Maldives held a cabinet meeting underwater      in 2009. That was the first ever cabinet meeting in the world that took place underwater.  The meeting took place about 5 meter underwater, in a blue-green lagoon on a small island.  While underwater, the cabinet signed a document calling on all nations to cut their carbon emissions.

e½vbyev` : gvjØxc cÖRvZš¿ fviZ gnvmvM‡i Aew¯’Z GKwU Øxc †`k| GB †`‡k †gvU 1199wU Øxc Av‡Q hv ¸”Q e× n‡q‡Q 26wU cÖavb cÖevj cÖvPx‡i| GKwU cÖevj cÖvPxi n‡jv AvswU AvK…wZi cÖevj ˆkj‡kªYx A_ev KvQvKvwQ `~i‡Z¡ Aew¯’Z cÖevj Øx‡ci mvwi| Dcn«` Øviv †ewóZ gvjØx‡ci cÖvK…wZK cÖevj ˆkj‡kªYx cÖ‡Z¨K Øxc‡K fviZ gnvmvM‡i GKwU gy³v wn‡m‡e `uvo Kwi‡q‡Q| 300 eM©wK‡jvwgUv‡ii gvjØxc c„w_exi me‡P‡q †QvU †`k¸‡jvi gv‡S Aóg ¯’v‡b i‡q‡Q| RbmsL¨v Ges AvKv‡ii w`K †_‡K GwU Gwkqvi †`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨i me‡P‡q †QvU|

cÖvq 3000 eQi a‡i gvbyl gvjØx‡ci Øxc¸‡jv‡Z| emevm Ki‡Q| GB Øxc¸‡jv‡Z Avm‡Z Zviv c„w_exi wewfbœ Ask- Gwkqv, Avie-BD‡ivc Ges Av‡gwiKv- †_‡K hvÎv K‡i‡Q| gvjØx‡ci cÖ_g ¯’vqxfv‡e emevmKvixiv m¤¢eZ fviZ I kªxjsKvi `w¶Y n‡Z 4_© I 5g Lªxóc~e©vã GB Øxc¸‡jv‡Z G‡mwQj| c~e© Avwd«Kv Ges Avie †`k¸‡jv †_‡K bvwe‡Kiv 12 kZvwã‡Z gvjØx‡c G‡mwQj| d‡j, gvjØxcevmxiv hviv g~jZ †eŠ× wQj Zviv mybœx gymjgv‡b iƒcvš—wiZ nq 12 kZvãxi gvSvgvwS‡Z| 1344 mv‡j GKRb weL¨vZ Avie HwZnvwmK Ges cwÛZ Be‡b eZzZv mviv gvjØxc ågY K‡i‡Qb|

16 kZvwã‡Z cZ©yMxRiv gvjØxc Rq K‡i Ges Zviv 15 eQi a‡i †`kwU‡K kvmb K‡i| hw`I Gi BwZnv‡mi AwaK mgq a‡i 1953 †_‡K 1968 mvj ch©š— GKwU ¯^vaxb gymwjg mvjZvbvZ wn‡m‡e kvwmZ n‡q G‡m‡Q, gvjØxc GKwU weªwUk Dcwb‡ek wQj 1887 mvj †_‡K 1965 mvj ch©š—| 1965 mv‡j weª‡Ub †_‡K ¯^vaxbZv jv‡fi ci wZb eQi a‡i gymwjg mvjZvbvZ cwiPvwjZ nq| 1968 mv‡ji 11 b‡f¤^i GwU wejyß Kiv nq Ges cÖRvZ‡š¿ iƒcvš—wiZ nq Ges †`kwU eZ©gvb bvg aviY K‡i|

Dc‡fvM¨ AvenvIqv, ¯^Mx©q ˆmKZ Ges Dcn«`, Aem‡i we‡bv`‡bi wejvmeûj ¯’vb Ges kvwš—wcÖq gvby‡li Rb¨ ch©U‡bi ¯’vb wn‡m‡e gvjØxc weL¨vZ| Øxc †`k nIqvi Kvi‡Y, GwU mviv eQi a‡i g‡bvig AvenvIqv Dc‡fvM K‡i| 2008 mv‡j gvjØxc‡K ˆmKZ, wekªvg Ges we‡bv`‡bi Rb¨ m‡e©vËg †`k wn‡m‡e ¯’vb †`Iqv nq| GKB eQi GwU cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i Rb¨ wØZxq ¯’vb jvf K‡iwQj|

gvjØxc c„w_exi me©wbgœf~wgi †`k wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| `yf©vM¨RbKfv‡e, Abvwej cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i †QvU GB †`kwU ˆewk¦K ZvcgvÎv e„w×i Rb¨ mgy‡`ªi cvwbi ¯—i e„w×i Kvi‡Y AvR ûgwKi m¤§yLxb|

‡`kwUi AwaKvsk Ask mgy`ª ¯—i †_‡K gvÎ 1.5 wgUvi Dc‡i †hLv‡b m‡e©v”P DuPz 2.3 wgUvi| e„w×cÖvß cvwbi ¯—i †h gvjØxc‡K fviZ gnvmvM‡i fvwm‡q wb‡q hv‡e G m¤ú‡K© A‡bK fwel¨ØvYx Kiv n‡q‡Q| GgbwK 2004 mv‡ji mybvgx‡Z †`Lv wM‡qwQj †h ØxcwUi A‡bK ﮋ Ask cvwb Øviv c­­vweZ K‡i ØxcwU‡K msKzwPZ K‡i| hw` ØxcwU cvwbi wb‡P P‡j hvq †mB Rb¨ gvjØx‡ci miKvi wbKUeZx© †`k †_‡K f~wg µq Ki‡Z ïi“ K‡i‡Q!

Gi wbPz Øxc¸‡jvi cÖwZ ˆewk¦K ZvcgvÎvi ûgwK‡K mycÖZ¨¶ Kivi Rb¨ gvjØx‡ci miKvi 2009 mv‡j cvwbi wb‡P gš¿x cwil‡`i mfv AbywôZ K‡i| GwU wQj c„w_exi GB ch©š— cÖ_g gš¿xmfv hv cvwbi wb‡P n‡q‡Q| mfvwU n‡q‡Q GKwU †QvU Øx‡ci bxj-meyR Dcn«‡` 5 wgUvi cvwbi wb‡P| cvwbi wb‡P _vKvKvjxb gš¿xmfv mKj †`k‡K Zv‡`i Kve©b eR©b Kgv‡bvi WvK w`‡q GKwU `wj‡j ¯^v¶i K‡iwQj|


Settler (‡mUjvi) n.- a person who goes to live permanently in a new developing country; ¯’vqx emevmKvix| Probably (cÖeve&wj) adv.- used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true; m¤¢eZ| Replace (wi‡c­Bm&) v.- to take the place of subject or something; h_v¯’v‡b ivLv| Assume (AvwRDg&) v.- to think that something is true; fvb Kiv| Heavenly (‡n‡fb&wj) adj.- very pleasing; celestial; ¯^Mx©q| Luxurious (jv·wiqvm) – supplied with very expensive and enjoyable things; very comfortable; wejvmeûj, Avivg`vqK| Resort (wi‡mvU&) n.- a place where a lot of people go on holiday; QzwU D`hvcb Kivi ¯’vb| Rank (i¨vOK&) n.- to place somebody or something in a particular position according to quality| Brand (eªvbW&) n.- a particular type or kind| Relaxation (ixj¨vK‡mB&k&b&) n.- rest and enjoyment; Avivg-Av‡qk| Repulic (wicve&wjK&) n.- a system of government in which there is an elected president, but no king or queen; cÖRvZš¿| Cluster (K¬vm&Uvi) v.- to surround somebody or something closely, SuvK euvav, ¸”Qe× nIqv, ¸”Q|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The Republic of Maldives has ¾ islands.

(i) 1198                    (ii) 1199                      (iii) 1153                     (iv) 26

  1. The area of Maldives is almost ¾.

(i) 300 square kilometers                              (ii) 300 square kilometers

(iii) 3000 square kilometers                         (iv) 3000 square kilometers

  1. The Maldives was conquered by ¾.

(i) American            (ii) Arab                       (iii) Portuguese            (iv) Canadian

  1. The Maldives is ¾ country with respect to its population and density.

(i) the smallest         (ii) the largest               (iii) the smallest Asian (iv) the largest American

  1. The cabinet meeting took place about ¾ under water.

(i) 5 metres              (ii) 2.3 metres              (iii) 4 metres                (iv) 15 metres

  1. Ibn Batuta traveled around the Maldives in ¾.

(i) 1344                    (ii) 1413                      (iii) 1431                     (iv) 1443

  1. Ibn Batuta was a famous ¾.

(i) American scholar                                    (ii) African traveler

(iii) Asian historian                                      (iv) Arab historian and scholar

Extra Practices

  1. Maldives is the ¾ smallest country of the world.

(i) 1 st                      (ii) 3 rd                        (iii) 5 th                        (iv) 8 th

  1. What does ‘Maldivian’ mean?

(i) Citizen of the Maldives                           (ii) a coastal area of the Maldives

(iii) the pearl of Indian Ocean                      (iv) A group of people who colonized the Maldives

  1. ‘Portuguese’ are the people of ¾.

(i) Poland                 (ii) Portugal                  (iii) Netherlands           (iv) the Maldives

  1. The Maldives are peace-loving people.

Notice the underlined word. Which parts of speech is it?

(i) noun                    (ii) adverb                    (iii) adjective               (iv) preposition

  1. The Republic of Maldives has —— islands.

(i)     1199                (ii)    26                        (iii)   1344                    (iv)   1153

  1. The Maldives is the smallest Asian country with respect to ——.

(i)     size                                                      (ii)    population

(iii)   population and size                              (iv)   population and density

  1. The area is about ——.

(i)     300 kms           (ii)    300 square kms    (iii)   300 kms               (iv)   300 square kms

  1. The Maldives was conquered by ——.

(i)     The American  (ii)    The Arabian         (iii)   The Portuguese    (iv)   The Australian

  1. The government of Maldives held a cabinet meeting underwater in ——.

(i)     2008                (ii)    2009                    (iii)   2010                    (iv)   2007

  1. The Maldives is a —— country.

(i)     small                (ii)    large                     (iii)   big                       (iv)   enormous

  1. Most of the people of the Maldives are—-.

(i)     the Christians   (ii)    the Muslims         (iii)   the Hindu             (iv)   the Buddhist

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Who conquered the Maldives?
  3. How many islands does the Maldives have?
  4. Why is the Maldives famous?
  5. What is the area of the Maldives?
  6. Why did the government of the Maldives hold a cabinet meeting underwater?

Extra Practices

  1. What is an atoll?
  2. What is the Maldives well known for?
  3. Why has the government of the Maldives begun to purchase land?
  4. What did the cabinet sign while underwater?
  5. Hoe many years did the Portuguese rule the country?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-6: Lesson-4(A)

India is our closet neighbour. It is the largest among South Asian Countries. In fact, India is the seventh largest country in the world with an area of 3,287,590 square kilometres. India is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the South, the Arabian Sea on the West, and the Bay of Bengal on the East. It is bordered by Pakistan to the West; China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the North; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the East. India is the world’s second most populous country after China. Its current population as in 2010 is around 1.15 billion. New Delhi is the capital of India and about 13 million people live in the capital.

India is a land of ancient civilization. The social, economic, and cultural configurations of this vast country are the products of a long process of regional expansion. Indian history begins with the birth of the Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans. During this period Aryan culture flourished in this part of the world. The fifth century saw the unification of India under Ashoka, and it is in his time that Buddhism spread in many parts of Asia. In the eighth century, Islam came to India for the first time and by the eleventh century it had firmly established itself. It resulted into the formation of the Delhi Sultanate in 1206 by Qutb ud din Aybek. This was finally succeeded by the Mughal Empire in 1526, under which India once again achieved a large measure of political unity.

It was in the 17th century that the Europeans came to India. This coincided     with the disintegration of the Mughal Empire, paving the way for regional states. In the contest for supremacy, the English emerged as the ‘victors’. In 1774 Warren Hastings was appointed the first Governor General of India by the East India Company. In 1876 Queen Victoria was given the title Empress of India by the British parliament and India came under the British rule completely. They ruled India for nearly two hundred years.  This period was marked by India’s struggle for independence. Through a series of heroic and patriotic movements to restore freedom, India got its independence in 1947.

The culture of India is one of the oldest and unique in the world. In India, there is amazing cultural diversity throughout the country. The South, North, and Northeast have their own distinct cultures and almost every state has carved out its own cultural distinction. There is hardly any culture in the world that is as varied and unique as India. There are 17 major languages and 844 dialects used by the people of India.

India  is a tourists’ delight. The Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, The Qutab Minar and the Red Fort are a few of the many wonders which attract people from all over the world. Kashmir has been described as a paradise on earth. The country of mountains, valleys, deserts, rivers and lakes offer the richness of a mini world within a single country. Ooty, Nilgiris and the temples of South India, as also Kajuraho, Ajanta and Ellora caves are the places one can explore in India.

e½vbyev`t fviZ Avgv‡`i wbKUZg cÖwZ‡ekx| `w¶Y Gwkqvi †`k¸‡jvi g‡a¨ AvqZ‡b GwU me©e„nr| cÖK…Zc‡¶, fviZ c„w_ex‡Z mßg e„nËg †`k hvi AvqZb 3287590 eM©wK‡jvwgUvi| `w¶‡Y fviZ gnvmvMi, cwð‡g Avie mvMi Ges c~‡e© e‡½vcmvMi Øviv †ewóZ| Gi cwðg mxgv‡š— i‡q‡Q cvwK¯—vb, Dˇi Pxb, †bcvj Avi fyUvb Ges c~‡e© i‡q‡Q| evsjv‡`k| Px‡bi c‡i fviZB RbmsL¨vi w`K w`‡q c„w_ex‡Z wØZxq e„nËg †`k| 2010 mv‡ji wnmve Abyhvqx Gi eZ©gvb RbmsL¨v 1.15 wewjqb| fvi‡Zi ivRavbx bqvw`j­­x Ges cÖvq 13 wgwjqb †jvK †mLv‡b evm K‡i|

cÖvPxb mf¨Zvi GKwU †`k fviZ| GB e„nr †`kwUi mvgvwRK, A_©‰bwZK Ges mvs¯‹…wZK KvVv‡gv n‡”Q AvÂwjK we¯—v‡ii `xN© c×wZi dj| wmÜz DcZ¨Kv mf¨Zvi Rb¥ Avi Avh©‡`i AvMg‡bi gva¨‡g fvi‡Zi BwZnv‡mi ïi“| GB mg‡q c„w_exi GB A‡j Avh© ms¯‹…wZi weKvk N‡U| 5g kZ‡K ivRv A‡kv‡Ki mgq fvi‡Zi GKÎxKiY N‡U Ges GwU Zvi mg‡q Gwkqvi A‡bK As‡k †eŠ× ag© we¯—vi jvf K‡i| Aóg kZvwã‡Z Bmjvg ag© fvi‡Z cÖ_g cÖPvi nq Ges GKv`k kZvwãi g‡a¨B GwU wb‡R‡K `„pfv‡e cÖwZwôZ K‡i| GiB djkÖ“wZ‡Z KzZe DÏxb AvB‡eK KZ…©K 1206 mv‡j w`j­x mvjZvbvZ M‡o D‡V| GwU Ae‡k‡l 1526 mv‡j gyNj mvgªvR¨KZ…©K cÖwZwôZ nq hvi Aax‡b fviZ Avevi GK weivU cwigvY ivR‰bwZK HK¨ AR©b K‡i|

17 kZvwã‡Z BD‡ivcxqvbiv fvi‡Z Av‡m| GB NUbvwU gyNj mvgªv‡R¨i wefw³i mv‡_ hyMcr msNwUZ nq hv AvÂwjK ivR¨mg~n m„wói c_ K‡i †`q| Avwac‡Z¨i cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq Bs‡iRiv ÔweRqxÕ n‡q Avwef©~Z nq| 1774 mv‡j Iqv‡ib †nw÷sm‡K B÷ BÛqv †Kv¤úvwb cÖ_g Mfb©i †Rbv‡ij wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM †`q| 1876 mv‡j ivYx wf‡±vwiqv‡K weªwUk cvj©v‡g›U Øviv fvi‡Zi ivYx †LZv‡e f~wlZ Kiv nq Ges ZLb †_‡K fviZ cwic~Y©fv‡e weªwUk kvm‡bi Aax‡b Av‡m| Zviv fviZ‡K cÖvq `yBkZ eQi kvmb K‡i| GB mgqwU‡K fvi‡Zi ¯^vaxbZv msMÖv‡gi mgq wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Kiv nq| ¯^vaxbZv‡K wdwi‡q Avbvi Rb¨ ex‡ivwPZ Avi †`k‡cÖgg~jK Av‡›`vj‡bi gva¨‡g fviZ Ae‡k‡l 1947 mv‡j ¯^vaxbZv AR©b K‡i|

fvi‡Zi ms¯‹…wZ c„w_exi cÖvPxbZg Ges Ab¨vb¨¸‡jvi GKwU| fviZ Ry‡o we¯§qKi mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewPΨ i‡q‡Q| `w¶Y, DËi Ges DËi c~‡e© Zv‡`i wbR¯^ c„_K ms¯‹…wZ i‡q‡Q Ges cÖvq cÖ‡Z¨K ivR¨ Gi wbR¯^ mvs¯‹…wZK ¯^vZš¿¨ wecyj cÖqv‡m AR©b K‡i‡Q| c„w_ex‡Z Lye KgB ms¯‹…wZ Av‡Q hv fvi‡Zi g‡Zv GZ ˆewPΨgq Ges Abb¨| GLv‡b 17wU cÖavb fvlv Ges 844wU Dcfvlv Av‡Q hv fvi‡Zi gvby‡liv e¨envi K‡i|

fviZ ch©UK‡`i Avb›`| ZvRgnj, d‡Zncyi wmK&wi, KzZze wgbvi Avi jvj`yM© n‡”Q A‡bK¸‡jv Avð‡l©i g‡a¨ K‡qKwU hv mviv c„w_exi gvbyl‡K AvK…ó K‡i| Kvk¥xi‡K c„w_exi ¯^M© ejv n‡q _v‡K| ce©Z, DcZ¨Kv, gi“f~wg, b`x Ges n«‡`i †`kwU GKwU ¶z`ª c„w_exi mg„×Zv‡K Zz‡j a‡i †Kej GKwU †`‡ki g‡a¨| IUq, bxjwMwi QvovI fvi‡Zi gw›`i¸‡jv QvovI KvRyevn, ARš—v I B‡jviv ¸nvi gZ Ggb wKQz ¯’vb Av‡Q †h¸‡jv GKRb gvbyl fviZ åg‡Y †`L‡Z cv‡i|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The population of India is —.

(i) about 115 million                                     (ii) almost 11.5 million

(iii) about 1.15 billion                                  (iv) around 1.15 million

  1. In New Delhi about — people live.

(i) 1.3 million           (ii) 13 billion                (iii) 1.3 billion              (iv) 13 million

  1. There are — major languages used by the people of India.

(i) 17                        (ii) 27                          (iii) 117                       (iv) 127

  1. The Europeans came to India in the — century.

(i) 16 th                    (ii) 17 th                       (iii) 18 th                      (iv) 19 th

  1. The — century saw the unification of India under Ashoka.

(i) fifth                     (ii) sixth                       (iii) seventh                 (iv) third

  1. India is the — country in the world.

(i) seventh                (ii) seventh largest        (iii) fifth largest            (iv) third largest

  1. India is the world’s — most populous country after China.

(i) second                 (ii) third                       (iii) fifth                      (iv) seventh

Extra Practices

  1. India is a land of —.

(i) rivers                   (ii) mosques                 (iii) temples                 (iv) ancient civilization

  1. — is known as a paradise on earth.

(i) Kashmir              (ii) India                      (iii) New Delhi             (iv) Nepal

  1. The people of India use — dialects.

(i) 840                      (ii) 480                        (iii) 844                       (iv) 804

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. How many people live in the capital of India?
  3. What is the area of India?
  4. When did India get its independence?
  5. How many languages and dialects are there in India?
  6. When did the Europeans come to India?

Extra Practices

  1. Name some wonders that attract people from all over the world.
  2. When does the India history begin?
  3. What does the fifth century see?
  4. When did Islam come to India?
  5. What do you know about India?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-6: Lesson-5(A)

Bhutan is called the Jewel of the Eastern Himalayas. This small, landlocked country is located along the southern slopes of the Himalayan range, bounded by Tibet in the North and India from the other sides. The official name of Bhutan is Druk-yul which means ‘land             of the thunder dragon’. It earned this name because of the fierce storms that often roll in from the Himalayas. The country has an area of 38,394 and a population of 716,896. Since it is cut off from the rest of the world by the Great Himalayas, a unique culture and tradition based on gentle Buddhist beliefs have evolved over time.

Bhutanese men wear Gho – a knee length robe – and women wear Kira – a sheet like cloth piece. Bhutanese houses are built from mud and stone, with wooden      shingle roof. The Bhutanese never use iron nails in their buildings. Usually, the Bhutanese build each other’s houses by exchanging labour within the community. Different Festivals are celebrated all year round in Bhutan. The festivals reflect colourful masks and the rich Bhutanese culture. Dances are performed by the Buddhist monks to protect the valleys and ward off evil spirits. The main religious festival is called Tshechus. The teachings of Lord Buddha are enacted through mask dances for three-five days in the courtyard of the monasteries. People attend these events in their best clothes, with picnic baskets. Another major festival is called Losar.  It is celebrated on Lunar New Year.  People cook special dishes and wear new clothes. It is a time for family get together. Men play archery or darts while women sing and dance.

Pure mountain air, crystal blue skies and pristine vegetation cover have made this small country an ideal destination for the environment lovers. The ecosystem of this small nation supports the existence of  rich flora and fauna which are protected by strict laws. Even, anyone found guilty of killing a black-necked crane could be sentenced to life in prison.

The government of Bhutan has taken a number of steps to protect its bio-diversity. Bhutan is the first country in the world with specific constitutional obligations on its people to protect the environment. As per the constitution, at least 60 percent of the country must remain under forest cover at all times. Efforts are also taken to protect the nation against the intrusion of foreign cultures and values. The first foreign tourists were allowed into Bhutan in 1974. Now, tourism is encouraged but is controlled and limited to about 6,000 visitors a year. Bhutan is one of the last countries in the world to introduce television and the Internet to its people. The government lifted a ban on TV and the Internet only in 1999. The Bhutanese government has made it mandatory for all Bhutanese to wear only their national dress in public.

Finally, the most interesting fact about Bhutan is that they are the only country that measures success in Gross National Happiness rather than Gross National Product! In 2006, Business Week rated Bhutan as the happiest country in Asia and the eighth happiest country in the world.


f~Uvb‡K c~e© wngvj‡qi iZœ ejv nq| Pviw`‡K ¯’j Øviv Ave„Z †QvU GB †`kwU wngvj‡qi `w¶Y Xvj eivei Aew¯’Z hvi Dˇi wZeŸZ Ges Ab¨vb¨ cv‡k i‡q‡Q fviZ| f~Uv‡bi miKvwi bvg WªyK BDjhvi gv‡b n‡jv ÔeRª WªvM‡bi †`kÕ| †`kwU GB bvg AR©b K‡i‡Q fqvbK S‡oi Kvi‡Y hv cÖvqkB wngvjq †_‡K cÖevwnZ nq| †`kwUi AvqZb 38,394 Ges RbmsL¨v 716,896| †h‡nZz GB †`kwU wekvj wngvjq Øviv evwK c„w_ex †_‡K wPw”Qbœ, Gi Abb¨ ms¯‹…wZ Ges HwZn¨ kvš— †eŠ×a‡g©i wek¦v‡mi Ici wfwË K‡i Kvjµ‡g weKwkZ n‡q‡Q|

f~Uv‡bi cyi“‡liv cwiavb K‡i †Nv-GKwU KbyB ch©š— j¤^v wX‡j Rvgv- Ges gwnjviv cwiavb K‡i wKiv- GKwU Pv`‡ii b¨vq Kvco| f~Uv‡bi evwo¸‡jv Kv`vgvwU Avi cv_i †_‡K ˆZwi Kiv nq hvi Qv` nq AvqZvKvi Kv‡Vi| fyUvwbiv KLbI Zv‡`i `vjv‡b †jvnvi †c‡iK e¨envi K‡i bv| mvaviYZ fyUvwbiv G‡K A‡b¨i evwo ˆZwi K‡i Zv‡`i m¤cÖ`v‡qi †fZ‡i kªg

Av`vb cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g| fyUv‡b mviv eQi wewfbœ Drme cvjb Kiv nq| Drme¸‡jv iwOb gy‡Lvk Ges fyUv‡bi mg„× ms¯‹…wZ‡K cÖKvk K‡i| Aïf kw³i nvZ n‡Z DcZ¨Kv¸‡jv Ges G‡Z emevmKvix‡`i i¶v Kivi Rb¨ †eŠ× mbœ¨vmxiv b„Z¨ K‡i _v‡K | cÖavb agx©q Abyôv‡bi bvg wkQzm| †eŠ× g‡Vi cÖv½‡b wZb †_‡K cuvP w`b a‡i gy‡Lvk b„‡Z¨i gva¨‡g cÖfy ey‡×i wk¶vmg~n g¯’ Kiv nq| gvby‡liv m‡e©vËg †cvkvK cwiavb K‡i eb‡fvR‡bi ev· wb‡q Abyôvb¸‡jv‡Z AskMÖnY K‡i| Avi GKwU cÖavb Drme †jvmvi| GwU D`hvwcZ nq bZzb Pv›`ª erm‡i| gvbyl we‡kl Lvevi cÖ¯‘Z K‡i Ges bZzb Kvco cwiavb K‡i| cwiev‡ii GKÎ nevi mgq GwU| cyi“‡liv abywe©`¨v A_ev evb †L‡j hLb gwnjviv Mvb K‡i Ges bv‡P|

weï× ce©Z evqy, ¯^”Q bxj AvKvk Ges Avw`g MvQcvjvq XvKv †QvU GB †`kwU‡K cwi‡ek †cÖgx‡`i wbKU GKwU Av`k© Mš—e¨¯’‡j cwiYZ K‡i‡Q| ¶z`ª GB †`kwUi cwi‡ek (ev¯‘ ms¯’vb) mg„× Dw™¢`Kzj Ges cÖvYxKz‡ji Aw¯—‡Z¡i Rb¨ AbyK~j hv K‡Vvi AvB‡bi Øviv i¶v Kiv nq| GgbKx, hw` cvIqv hvq †h †KD GKRb GKwU Kv‡jv Mjvwewkó mvim nZ¨v K‡i‡Q Z‡e Zv‡K mvivRxeb Kvivev‡mi kvw¯— †`Iqv nq|

fyUvb miKvi Gi Rxe ˆewPΨ‡K i¶vi Rb¨ A‡bK¸‡jv c`‡¶c wb‡q‡Q| fyUvbB c„w_ex‡Z cÖ_g †`k †hLv‡b cwi‡ek i¶vi Rb¨ gvby‡li Ici mvsweavwbK eva¨evaKZv i‡q‡Q| msweavb Abyhvqx †`kwUi Kgc‡¶ 60 fvM Aek¨B memgq Mv‡Q XvKv _vK‡e| RvwZ‡K we‡`wk ms¯‹…wZ Ges g~j¨‡ev‡ai AbycÖ‡e‡ki nvZ †_‡K i¶vi Rb¨I c`‡¶c †bIqv n‡q‡Q| fyUv‡b we‡`kx ch©UK‡`i cÖ_g AbygwZ †`Iqv nq 1974 mv‡j| GLb ch©Ub‡K DrmvwnZ Kiv nh Z‡e GwU wbqwš¿Z Ges eQ‡i 6000 ågYKvixi g‡a¨ Zv mxgve×| †`kevmx‡K wUwf I B›Uvi‡bU mv‡_ cwiPq Kwi‡q †`qv me©‡kl †`k¸‡jvi gv‡S fyUvb Ab¨Zg| miKvi †Uwjwfkb Avi B›Uvi‡b‡Ui Dci †_‡K wb‡lavÁv cÖZ¨vnvi K‡i‡Q gvÎ 1999 mv‡j| fyUvb miKvi Rbmg‡¶ RvZxq †cvkvK civ‡K eva¨Zvg~jK K‡i‡Q|

me‡k‡l, f~Uvb m¤ú‡K© me‡P‡q gRvi welq GB †h fyUvbB n‡jv GKgvÎ †`k †hLv‡b mdjZv cwigvc Kiv nq †gvU RvZxq Drcv`‡bi †P‡q †gvU RvZxq my‡Li Ici wfwË K‡i| 2006 mv‡j weR‡bm& DCK fyUvb‡K Gwkqvi me‡P‡q myLx ivóª Ges c„w_ex‡Z 8g myLx ivóª wn‡m‡e gh©v`v †`q|


Thunder (_vbWvi) n.-eRª the loud noise that follows a flash of lightning; Dragon (Wª¨vMvb)n.-KwíZ mixm„c RvZxq bLIqvjv wekvj cÖvwY; Fierce (wdAvm©) adj.- violent and angry; wns¯ª I ivMx Zxeª cÖPÛ| Evolve (Bfj&f) v.- to develop naturally and gradually; ¯^vfvweK I axiMwZ‡Z weKwkZ nIqv ev Kiv; Perform (cvidg©) v.—to work or function; †Kvb Kg© m¤úv`b Kiv| Spirit (w¯úwiU) n.- soul, courage, liveliness; AvZ¥v, mnvwmKZv, mRxeZv, Drmvn| Intrusion (BbUªyRb) n.- the act of intruding; AevwÃZ cÖ‡ek, AbycÖ‡ek| Mandatory (g¨vb‡WUwi) adj.- compulsory; eva¨Zvg~jK| Gross  †MÖŠm) adj.- total, whole; †gvU|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. People celebrate Losar by ¾.

(i)cooking special dishes and wearing new clothes

(ii) having chess and badminton

(iii) having a trip to the neighbouring households

(iv) harvesting crops

  1. The first foreign tourists were permitted to Bhutan in ¾.

(i) 1947                    (ii) 1974                      (iii) 1927                     (iv) 1972

  1. In Bhutan ¾ of the country must remain under forest cover.

(i) 50%                    (ii) 55%                       (iii) 60%                      (iv) 65%

  1. Bhutanese houses are ¾ mud and stone with wooden roof.

(i) building               (ii) built by                  (iii) build by                 (iv) built from

  1. The progress of Bhutan as a nation is measured by ¾.

(i) GNP                                                        (ii) Gross National Happiness

(iii) Gross National Income                          (iv) Per Capita Income

  1. Bhutan has an area of ¾ Sq kms.

(i) 18394                  (ii) 28394                    (iii) 38394                   (iv) 38384

  1. The population of Bhutan is ¾.

(i) 716896                (ii) 715896                  (iii) 716869                 (iv) 176986

Extra Practices

  1. The Bhutanese never use ¾ in their buildings.

(i) iron                     (ii) iron nails                (iii) wood                     (iv) wooden nails

  1. The Bhutanese build each other people’s houses by exchanging _ the community.

(i) labour outside      (ii) labour within          (iii) money within        (iv) money outside

  1. The govt lifted a ban on ¾ only in 1999.

(i) Tlevision                                                 (ii) The Internet

(iii) Thelevision and the Internet                  (iv) Internet and Computer

  1. The progress of Bhutan as a nation is measured by ——.

(i)     Gross National Income            (ii)  Gross National Product

(iii)   Per Capita        (iv)                   Gross National Happiness

  1. Bhutanese houses are built from——.

(i)     mud, stone, woods with iron nails        (ii)    a sheet of cloth and wooden roof

(iii)   mud and stone with wooden roof         (iv)   bamboo and wood

  1. As per the constitutional obligation imposed by the Bhutanese government ——.

(i)     60% of the country must remain under forest cover.

(ii)    foreign nationals are not allowed to visit Bhutan still now.

(iii)   no citizen can use the Internet in their houses.

(iv)   people must always wear traditional Bhutanese clothes.

  1. The first foreign tourists were permitted into Bhutan in ——.

(i)     1947                (i)     1974                    (iii)   1927                    (iv)   1972

  1. People celebrate Losar by ——.

(i)     cooking special dishes and wearing new clothes

(ii)    having chess and badminton

(iii)   having a trip to the neighbouring households

(iv)   harvesting crops

  1. What is called the Jewel of the  Eastern Himalayas?

                (i)     Bhutan             (ii)    Nepal                   (iii)   India                    (iv)   Bangladesh

  1. It is bounded by Tebet —–.

(i)     in the East        (ii)    in the South          (iii)   in the North          (iv)   in the West

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. How is the progress of Bhutan measured?
  3. How is Loser celebrated?
  4. When did the govt lift a ban on TV and the Internet?
  5. What is mandatory for all Bhutanese?
  6. Which materials are Bhutanese houses built from?

Extra Practices

  1. What do the festivals reflect?
  2. How do the Bhutanese build each other houses?
  3. What do you think the Buddhist monks perform dances?
  4. What is the main religious festival of the Bhutanese?
  5. What is Bhutan called?
  6. How is the progress of Bhutan as a nation measured?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                   Unit7: Lesson-1(A)

The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art Zainul Abedin is widely acclaimed for his Bengal ‘Famine Sketches’. Through a series of sketches, Zainul not only documented the harsh famine of 1940 but also showed its sinister face through the skeletal figures of the people destined to die of starvation in a man-made plight. He depicted these extremely shocking pictures with human compassion. He made his own ink by burning charcoal and using cheap ordinary packing paper for sketching. He produced a series of brush and ink drawings, which later became iconic images of human sufferings.

Zainul developed a knack for drawing and painting when he was a high school student. After completing high school, he got admission to the Government School of Art, Calcutta (now Kolkata). He graduated with the first position in first class in 1938. He was appointed teacher of the Art School while he was still a student there. He also attended the Slade School of Arts, London in 1951-52.

Zainul Abedin is considered the founding father of Bangladeshi art. He was an artist of outstanding talent and earned international reputation. For his artistic and visionary qualities, he is referred to as Shilpacharya meaning ‘great teacher of art’ in Bangladesh. He was the first Principal of the first art school in Dhaka in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). He organized the Nabanna (harvest) exhibition in 1969. In the exhibition, a 65-foot long scroll portraying the rural East Pakistan in phases from abundance to poverty.  This intensified  the already heightened non-cooperation movement against the Pakistan regime. The exhibition was symbolic of the artists’ protest and a milestone in demanding cultural and political freedom. Zainul’s dynamic style of work is evident in a 30 foot long scroll painting called Manpura, which was done to commemorate the death of hundreds and thousands of people in the devastating cyclone of 1970.

He designed the pages of Constitution of Bangladesh. He founded the Folk Art Museum at Sonargoan, and also Zainul Abedin Shangrahasala, a gallery of his own works in Mymensing  in 1975.

The river Brahmaputra plays a predominant role in his paintings and a source of inspiration all through his career. Much of his childhood was spent near the scenic beauty of the river Brahmaputra. A series of water colours that Zainul did as his tribute to the river earned him the Governor’s Gold Medal in an all-India exhibition in 1938. This was the first time when he came into spotlight and this award gave him the confidence to create his own visual style.

Zainul was born in Kishoreganj on 29 December 1914 and died on 28 May 1976.

e½vbyev`t evsjv‡`‡ki AvaywbK wPÎwk‡íi AMÖcw_K Rqbyj Av‡e`xb Zvi evsjvi Ô`ywf©‡¶i wPÎÕ Gi Rb¨ e¨vcKfv‡e cÖkswmZ| GKwU wPÎ µgaviv gva¨‡g, Rqbyj †Kej 1940 mv‡ji Pig `ywf©¶‡KB Dc¯’vcb K‡ib wb gbyl¨ m„ó `y‡f©v‡M Abvnv‡i g„Zz¨ wbqwZ‡Z wba©vwiZ nIqv gvby‡li wP‡Îi gva¨‡g Gi AwbóKvix iƒcI cÖ`k©b K‡i‡Qb| wZwb gvbexq Ki“Yv wgwk‡q GB AwZ ü`qwe`viK Qwe¸‡jv Gu‡K‡Qb| wP‡Îi Rb¨ wZwb KvVKqjv cywo‡q wb‡Ri Kvwj ˆZwi Ki‡Zb Ges KvMR wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Zb m¯—v mvaviY †gvo‡Ki KvMR| wZwb GK ¸”Q eªvk Ges Kvwji Qwe Gu‡K‡Qb, hv cieZx©‡Z gvbweK `y‡f©v‡Mi K‡ói cÖwZgv cÖwZ”Qwe n‡q `uvwo‡qwQj|

Rqbyj Av‡e`xb hLb gva¨wgK we`¨vj‡qi QvÎ wQ‡jb ZLbB wZwb Qwe AvuKvi Rb¨ GK `¶Zvi weKvk NUvb| gva¨wgK we`¨vjq †kl K‡i wZwb Mfb©‡g›U ¯‹zj Af AvU©, K¨vjKvUv (eZ©gvb KjKvZv) †Z fwZ© nb| 1938 mv‡j wZwb cÖ_g †kªYx‡Z cÖ_g n‡q mœvZK wWwMÖ jvf K‡ib| QvÎ _vKv Ae¯’v‡ZB Zv‡K †mB AvU© ¯‹z‡j wk¶K wn‡m‡e wb‡qvM †`Iqv nq| wZwb 1951-52 mv‡j †mœBW ¯‹zj Af AvU©m, jÛ‡b †hvM`vb K‡ib|

Rqbyj Av‡e`xb‡K evsjv‡`wk wPÎwk‡íi cÖwZôvZv RbK wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq| wZwb wQ‡jb GKRb AmvaviY cÖwZfvi GKRb wkíx Ges wZwb Avš—R©vwZK mybvg AR©b K‡iwQ‡jb| Zuvi ˆkwíK Ges Kíbvkw³i ¸Yvewji Rb¨ Zuv‡K ejv nq wkívPvh© hvi A_© nj evsjv‡`‡k ÔwPÎwk‡íi gnvb wk¶KÕ| wZwb c~e© cvwK¯—v‡bi (eZ©gvb evsjv‡`k) XvKv‡Z Aew¯’Z cÖ_g AvU© ¯‹z‡ji cÖ_g Aa¨¶ wQ‡jb| wZwb 1969 mv‡j bevbœ (dmj †Zvjv) cÖ`k©bxi msMVb K‡ib| cÖ`k©bx‡Z GKwU 65 dzU `xN© †jL¨cU wPÎ c~e© cvwK¯—v‡bi MÖvgxY Ae¯’v‡K av‡c av‡c cÖvPzh© †_‡K `wi`ªZv ch©š— Zz‡j a‡i cÖ`k©b K‡i| GwU B‡Zvg‡a¨ cvwK¯—vwb kvm‡bi wei“‡× Zxeª Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb‡K Z¡ivwš^Z K‡iwQj| cÖ`k©bxwU wQj wkíx‡`i c¶ †_‡K cÖwZev‡`i cÖZxK Ges mvs¯‹…wZK I ivR‰bwZK gyw³i `vwei GKwU gvBjdjK| Rqby‡ji cÖvYeš— wPΉkjxi GKwU ¯úó D`vniY nj 30 dzU `xN© †jL¨cU wPÎ hvi bvg gbcyiv, †mwU Kiv n‡qwQj 1970 mv‡ji cÖjq¼i N~wY©S‡o wbnZ kZ kZ I nvRvi nvRvi gvby‡li g„Zz¨i ¯§i‡Y|

wZwb evsjv‡`‡ki msweav‡bi c„ôv¸‡jvi bKkv K‡ib| wZwb †mvbviMuvI G †jvKwkí Rv`yNi cÖwZôv K‡ib Ges 1975 mv‡j Rqbyj Av‡e`xb msMÖnkvjvI cÖwZôv K‡ib †hwU n‡jv Zuvi wb‡Ri K‡g©i GKwU M¨vjvwi| eªþcyÎ b` Zuvi wP‡Î gyL¨ f~wgKv cvjb K‡i Ges Zuvi Kg©Rxe‡b †cÖiYvi Drm wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| Zvi wkïKv‡ji AwaKvsk mgq †K‡U‡Q eªþcyÎ b‡`i cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i Kv‡Q| Rji‡Oi GK ¸”Q Qwe hv Rqbyj b`xwU‡K DrmM© K‡i Gu‡KwQ‡jb Zv 1938 mv‡j me© fviZ cÖ`k©bx‡Z Mfb©im ¯^Y©c`K G‡b †`q| GwUB wQj cÖ_gevi hLb wZwb †K›`ªwe›`y‡Z Av‡mb Ges GB cyi¯‹viwU Zuv‡K wbR m„wói wPΉkjx ‰Zwi‡Z AvZœwek¦vm †hvMvq|

Rqbyj 1914 mv‡ji 29†k wW‡m¤^i wK‡kviM‡Ä Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib Ges 1976 mv‡ji 28†k †g g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib|

[†WBwj ÷vi †_‡K Awf‡hvwRZ: RyjvB 16, 2012|]

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Zainul Abedin graduated with — in 1938.

(i) first class             (ii) honour                   (iii) award                    (iv) distinction

  1. Zainul developed a knack for —.

(i) drawing               (ii) painting                  (iii) fishing                   (iv) drawing and painting

  1. _ plays a pivotal role in his paintings.

(i) Brahmaputa         (ii) Buriganga               (iii) Nabaganga                        (iv) Surma

  1. Zainul was born in —.

(i) Kaliganj               (ii) Keraniganj             (iii) Kishoreganj           (iv) Manikganj

  1. Zainul is considered the — of Bangladeshi art.

(i) father                  (ii) founding father      (iii) famous artist         (iv) renowned painter

  1. Zainul attended the Slade School of Arts in —.

(i)1950-1951           (ii) 1951-1952             (iii) 1952-1954            (iv) 1951-1961

  1. He was the — of the first art school in Dhaka.

(i) first student         (ii) first Principal          (iii) second Principal    (iv) second student

Extra Practices

  1. He organized the harvest exhibition is —.

(i) 1969                    (ii) 1996                      (iii) 1959                     (iv) 1989

  1. Zainul designed the pages of Constitution of —.

(i) Bangladesh          (ii) India                      (iii) Pakistan                (iv) Nepal

  1. Zainul passed away on —.

(i) 1974                    (ii) 1975                      (iii) 1976                                 (iv) 1996

  1. Zainul Abedin developed a knack for drawing and painting when he was a student of —.

                (i)   College              (ii)    High school         (iii)   University            (iv)   Art College

  1. Zainul graduated with the — position in 1938.

                (i)   first                    (ii)    second                 (ii)    third                     (iv)   fifth

  1. The river which plays a resplendent role in his paintings is —.

(i)   the Padma          (ii)    the Meghna          (iii)   the Jamuna          (iv)   the Brahmaputra

  1. The Brahmaputra plays a — role in his paintings.

                (i)   Significant         (ii)    Important             (iii)   Resplendent         (iv)   Vital

  1. When Zainul graduated with first position.

                (i)   1951                  (ii)    1939                    (iii)   1938                    (iv)   1940

  1. If Calcutta before used, what word we used now ——.

                (i)   Kalkata              (ii)    Kolkata                (iii)   Culcutta               (iv)   Cullcutta

  1. Becoming an artist of outstanding talent what reputation specially he eared ——?

                (i)   External             (ii)    National               (iii)   International        (iv)   Seminational

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is “Shilpacharya”?
  3. What intensified the non-co-operation movement against Pakistan regime?
  4. What plays a resplendent role in his career?
  5. When did Zainul Abedin develop a knack for drawing and painting?
  6. Where did he found the Folk Art Museum?

Extra Practices

  1. What do you know about Zainul Abedin?
  2. Why is Zainul widely acclaimed?
  3. Where did he get admission after completing high school?
  4. Why do you think he is referred to as “Shilpacharya”?
  5. Did he get the Governor’s Gold Medal?
  6. When was Zainul Abedin born?
  7. What plays a predominant role in his career?
  8. Where did he found the folk Art Museum?
  9. What do you mean by shilpacharja?
  10. When did Zainul develop a knack for drawing and painting?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-7: Lesson-2(B)

In the primitive age communications took place between humans through signs and gestures. As humans began to use their vocal chords, these silent gestures were no longer used as the primary means of communication. But they did not completely disappear. They evolved as a form of art, used to entertain thousands, and came to be known as ‘mime’.

Mime touched a little boy’s heart while he was watching a performance in his village. He was so fascinated by the show that he was determined  to master this art. He is no other than Partha Pratim Majumder, who won the world’s highest award in mime — Moliere Award.

Partha is undoubtedly a forerunner in the field of mime in Bangladesh. He started as a musician and his keen sense of rhythm helped him to let his limbs move and express his surroundings through gestures.

Partha Pratim Majumder is the first Bangladeshi to take up mime as a profession. He performed in a number of television shows in Bangladesh and gained popularity. In his mime, Majumder depicted the day-to-day life of the people. There was sadness, tears as well as happiness and laughter.

Majumder’s turning point of life came in 1979, when he was asked to give a solo performance in Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy. The then French ambassador Loic Moreau happened to be among the audience. Mr. Moreau noticed the talent in Mojumder.  In 1981, the French Government offered him a scholarship so that he could get professional training in mime.   This was the first time that a student was granted a  French scholarship in mime. Mojumder started his training under the legendry maestro, Etiene Decroux. Through Decroux, he met another celebrated mime artist named Marcel Marceau.  Marceau has transformed modern mime by taking it to an unimaginable height.

Marceau was very impressed by the Bangladeshi young talent and offered him a place in his school for mime, named ‘Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame de Paris-Marcel Marceau’. This school is the biggest and the best in the world.

During his three years training period, Majumder practiced 16-18 hours daily till each and every bone in his body would feel like breaking.

After his time with Marceau, there was no looking back for Majumder. He staged solo performances in England, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy and the USA. French, Canadian and American TV channels enthusiastically aired his shows.

[adapted from the Star: Weekly Publication of The Daily Star,  27 January 2012]

e½vbyev`t Avw`g hy‡M gvby‡li gv‡S †hvMv‡hvM Kiv nZ ms‡KZ Ges Bkvivi gva¨‡g| †h‡nZz gvbyl Zv‡`i KÚ¯^i e¨envi Ki‡Z ïi“ Kij, GB bxie Bkviv †hvMv‡hv‡Mi cÖv_wgK Dcvq wn‡m‡e Avi e¨envi nq wb| wKš‘ G¸‡jv cwic~Y©fv‡e nvwi‡q hvq wb| G¸‡jv wkíiƒ‡c weKwkZ n‡q‡Q, nvRvi nvRvi gvbyl‡K Avb›` w`‡q‡Q Ges Gi bvg n‡q‡Q ÔgyKvwfbqÕ|

gyKvwfbq GKwU †QvU evj‡Ki ü`q‡K Qzu‡qwQj hLb wZwb Zvi MÖv‡g GKwU cwi‡ekbv Dc‡fvM KiwQ‡jb| cwi‡ekbvq wZwb GZB gy» n‡qwQ‡jb †h wZwb GB wk‡í `¶Zv AR©‡bi Rb¨ cÖwZÁve× nq| wZwb cv_© cÖwZg gRyg`vi Qvov Avi †KD bq, whwb gyKvwfb‡q c„w_exi m‡e©v”P cyi¯‹vi- gwj‡qi cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡iwQ‡jb|

evsjv‡`‡k gyKvwfb‡qi RM‡Z cv_© wbtm‡›`‡n GKRb AMÖcw_K| wZwb GKRb m½xZ wkíx wn‡m‡e Kg© Rxeb ïi“ K‡ib Ges Q›` m¤ú‡K© Zvi Mfxi †eva Zuv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Q Zuvi A½¸‡jv‡K Av‡›`vwjZ Ges Bkvivi gva¨‡g Zvi Pvicvk‡K cÖKvk Ki‡Z|

cv_© cÖwZg gRyg`viB cÖ_g evsjv‡`wk whwb g~Kvwfbq‡K GKwU †ckv wn‡m‡e wb‡q‡Qb| wZwb evsjv‡`‡k A‡bK¸‡jv †Uwjwfkb cÖ`k©bx‡Z AskMÖnY K‡ib Ges RbwcÖqZv AR©b K‡ib| gRyg`vi g~Kvwfb‡qi gva¨‡g gvby‡li ˆ`bw›`b Rxeb‡K Zz‡j a‡ib| †mLv‡b †hgb `ytL, myLmn AkÖ“ †Zgwb myL Ges nvwmI wQj|

1979 mv‡j gRyg`v‡ii Rxe‡bi w`K cwieZ©‡bi mgq Av‡m hLb Zuv‡K ejv nq evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg‡Z GKwU GKK cwi‡ekbvi Rb¨| ZLbKvi d«v‡Ýi ivóª`~Z jwqK gy‡i¨ NUbvµ‡g `k©K‡`i g‡a¨ wQ‡jb| Rbve gy‡i¨ gRyg`v‡ii †gav j¶ K‡ib| 1981 mv‡j d«vÝ miKvi Zuv‡K GKwU e„wËi cÖ¯—ve †`q †hb wZwb g~Kvwfb‡qi Ici †ckvMZ cÖwk¶Y †c‡Z cv‡ib| GwUB cÖ_g †h g~Kvwfb‡q GKRb Qv·K d«vÝ e„wË gÄyi K‡i| gRyg`vi Zuvi cÖwk¶Y ïi“ K‡ib wKse`š—x I¯—v` BwUwb †W‡µvi Aax‡b| †W‡µvi gva¨‡g wZwb Ab¨ GKRb weL¨vZ g~Kvwfbq wkíx gv‡m©j gvwm©D Gi mv‡_ mv¶vr K‡ib| gvwm©D AvaywbK g~Kvwfbq‡K KíbvZxZ kx‡l© wb‡q Av‡mb|

evsjv‡`wk hye‡Ki cÖwZfvq gvwm©D Lye †gvwnZ nb Ges g~Kvwfb‡qi Rb¨ Zvi cÖwZwôZ ÔB‡KvjÕ B›Uvib¨vkbvj wW gvB‡gv‡WªBg wW c¨vwim gv‡m©j gvwm©DÕ bvgK we`¨vj‡q Aa¨vq‡bi cÖ¯—ve †`b| GB we`¨vjqwU c„w_exi me©e„nr Ges me©‡kªô|

Zvi wZb eQ‡ii cÖwk¶‡Yi mgq, gRyg`vi 16-18 NÈv Abykxjb Ki‡Zb hZ¶Y bv Zvi Ggb g‡b nZ †h kix‡ii cÖ‡Z¨KwU nvo †f‡½ hv‡”Q|

gvwm©Di mv‡_ Zuvi KvUv‡bv GB mg‡qi ci, gRyg`vi‡K Avi wcQ‡b ZvKv‡Z nqwb| wZwb Bsj¨vÛ, †ewRqvg, Rvg©vwb, †¯úb, BZvjx Ges Av‡gwiKvq GKK cwi‡ekbv K‡ib| d«vÝ, KvbvWv Ges Av‡gwiKvi wUwf P¨v‡bj¸‡jv Drmv‡ni mv‡_ Gme cwi‡ekbv m¤cÖPvi K‡i|


Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Primitive (adj) wcÖwgwUf Avw`g, cÖvPxb ancient
Sign (n) mvBb cÖZxKxe¯‘ ev wPý symbol
Gesture (n) ‡Rm&Pvi A½fw½, Bkviv body language
Means (n) wgb&m& Dcvq, gva¨g medium
Evolve (v) Bfj&f weKwkZ nIqv, D™¢e NUv to develop gradually
Fascinated (adj) d¨vwm‡b‡UW gy», cÖejfv‡e AvK…ó very interested
Determined (adj) wWUviwgb&W& `„p msKíe× showing firm decision to do something
Surroundings (n) ÝvivDwÛsm& cvwicvwk¦©K Ae¯’v environment
Turning point Uviwbs c‡q›U msKUgq gyn~Z©, mwܯ’j the time when an important change takes place
Audience (n) AwW‡qÝ ‡kªvZ…gÊjx the people present in a play, concert etc.
Mime (n) gvBg g~Kvwfbq (in theatre) to act without speaking
Legendary (adj) wj‡RÛvwi Lye weL¨vZ very famous, mythical
Unimaginable (adj) AvbBg¨vwRb¨ve&j& Afvebxq, AKíbxq beyond imagination
Transform (v) Uª¨vÝdg© iƒcvš—i Kiv to completely change, convert
Solo (n) ‡mv‡jv GKK msMxZ a piece of music, dance etc.

preformed by only one person

Enthusiastically (adv) Gbw_DwRqvmwUK¨vwj cÖej Drmv‡n with strong interest and excitement
Aired (v) Gqv(i)W& m¤cÖPvi K‡iwQ‡jv cast, displayed
Depict (v) ‡Wwc± eY©bv Kiv, wPwÎZ Kiv to describe in words
Rhythm (n) wi`g& (KweZv, Mv‡bi) Q›` a strong regular pattern of sounds of movements
Sadness (n) m¨vW&‡bm& welYœZv, welv` cheerlessness, depression
Limbs (n) wj¤^&m& ‡`‡ni A½ ev cÖZ¨½ a part of an animal such as an arm, leg etc.
Forerunner (n) ‡dvi&ivbvi AMÖ`~Z, cw_K…r a person who came before and influenced somebody or something
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Partha Pratim Majumder won the _ highest award in mime.

(i) world’s                  (ii) American               (iii) Indian                   (iv) African

  1. Partha is a forerunner in the field of _ in Bangladesh.

(i) mime                     (ii) art                          (iii) literature                (iv) song

  1. The turning point of Majumder’s life came in _.

(i) 1979                      (ii) 1978                      (iii) 1997                     (iv) 1987

  1. The govt of _ offered Majumder a scholarship.

(i) French                   (ii) India                      (iii) Nepal                    (iv) Pakistan

  1. Majumder practiced 16-18 hours daily during his _ training period.

(i) Three months        (ii) three years              (iii) six months            (iv) five months

  1. In what form have the silent gestures evolved into?

(i) drama                    (ii) cinema                   (iii) mime                     (iv) dance

  1. Before the use of speech, communication took place through _ language.

(i) art                          (ii) sign                        (iii) written                   (iv) spoken

Extra Practices

  1. In older times the actors who performed mime used to put white paint on their _.

(i) limbs                     (ii) body                      (iii) face                       (iv) hair

  1. In the sentence “It touched a little boy’s heart while he was watching a performance in his village.” Here touched means _.

(i) appealed                (ii) requested               (iii) advised                 (iv) taught

  1. The French govt offered him a _.

(i) award                    (ii) scholarship             (iii) reward                   (iv) prize

  1. Before the use of speech, communication took place through — language.

              (i)     written               (ii)    sign                (iii) spoken                         (iv)   art

  1. In what  form have the silent gestures evolved into?

(i)     drama                (ii)    cinema           (iii) mime                           (iv)   dance

  1. In older times the octors who performed mime used to put write pain on their —.

(i)     limbs                  (ii)    body              (iii) face                             (iv)   hair

  1. In the sentence “It touched a little boy’s heart while he was watching a performance in his  village”. Here “touched” means——.

(i)     appealed            (ii)    requested       (iii) taught                           (iv)   broke

  1. During his three years training. Majumder practiced 16-18 hours——.

(i)     daily                  (ii)    monthly         (iii) weekly                         (iv)   fortnightly

  1. In the passage primary’ is a on——.

              (i)     verb                   (ii)    adverb           (iii) adjective                      (iv)   noun

  1. The synonym of ‘forerunner’ is ——.

              (i)     harbinger           (ii)    hardihood      (iii) locum                          (iv)   above all

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. When did mime touch Majumder’s heart?
  3. When did the turning point of life of Majumder come?
  4. When did the French Govt offer Partha a scholarship?
  5. What is mime?
  6. What is the name of school where Partha is placed?

Extra Practices

  1. What did Majumder depict in his mime?
  2. Why did the French Govt offer him scholarship?
  3. Who was Marcel Marceau?
  4. Who was Loic Moreau?
  5. How did Partha gain popularity?
  6. When did the French government offer Partha a scholarship?
  7. When did the turning point of life of Majumder come?
  8. When did mime touch Majumder’s heart?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-7: Lesson-3(A)

Partha Pratim Majumder was born in 1954 in Pabna to a family of artistes. He spent most of his early years in his ancestral home, one of the biggest houses, situated in a small locality known as Kalachandpara. At that time Kalachandpara was well known for its cultural activities. There were festivals and various types of cultural shows round the year. Majumder’s father, a photographer by profession was an art lover. He taught and inspired his son to appreciate different forms of art.

Majumder went to live with his aunt in Chandernagar, 30 kilometres away from Kolkata in 1966. It was there that he first came across a mime artiste named Jogesh Dutta. The way Dutta  narrated  stories without uttering a single word, left Majumder spellbound. He took lessons on mime from Dutta in Jogesh Dutta’s mime academy in Kolkata from 1966 to 1972.

e½vbyev`t cv_© cÖwZg gRyg`vi 1954 mv‡j cvebvq GK †ckv`vi wkíx cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY K‡i| wZwb Zuvi Rxe‡bi cÖ_gw`‡Ki eQi¸‡jvi AwaKvskB KvwU‡q‡Q Zuvi c~e©cyi“‡li evwo‡ZB, e„nr evwo¸‡jvi GKwU, KvjvPuv`cviv bv‡g †QvU GKwU GjvKvq Aew¯’Z| †m mgq KvjvPuv`cviv Gi mvs¯‹…wZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi Rb¨ mycwiwPZ wQj| †mLv‡b mviv eQi a‡i Drme Ges wewfbœ cÖKv‡ii mvs¯‹…wZK cÖ`k©bx n‡Zv| gRyg`v‡ii wcZv †ckvq GKRb Av‡jvKwPÎMÖvnK, whwb wQ‡jb GKRb wkí‡cÖgx| wewfbœ cÖKvi wkí‡K mwVKfv‡e g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z wZwb Zuvi †Q‡j‡K wk¶v w`‡Zb Ges DrmvwnZ Ki‡Zb|

gRyg`vi 1966 mv‡j Zuvi Lvjvi mv‡_ evm Kivi Rb¨ P›`ibMi hvb hv KjKvZv †_‡K 30 wK‡jvwUgvUvi `~‡i Aew¯’Z| †mLv‡bB wZwb cÖ_g †hv‡Mk `Ë bv‡g GKRb g~Kvwfb&q wkíxi mv‡_ †`Lv K‡ib| `Ë †hfv‡e †Kv‡bv kã D”PviY bv K‡i Mí eY©bv Ki‡Zb Zv gRyg`vi‡K gš¿gy» K‡iwQj| wZwb 1966 †_‡K 1972 mvj ch©š— †hv‡Mk `‡Ëi g~Kvwfbq GKv‡Wwg‡Z `‡Ëi wbKU wk¶v MÖnY K‡ib|


Words Bengali Meaning Synonyms
Artiste (n)  †ckv`vi MvqK, Awf‡bZv a professional singer, dancer, actor etc.
Ancestral (adj) wcZ… cyi“‡li cyi“lvbyµwgK in order of forefather
Situated (adj) Aew¯’Z, ¯’vwcZ in a particular place or position
Cultural (adj) mvs¯‹…wZK connected with a particular culture
Inspired (v) AbycÖvwYZ Ki‡jv gave somebody the confidence to do something well
Profession (n) †ckv, RxweKv occupation
Appreciate (v) mwVKfv‡e g~j¨vqb Kiv to recognize the good qualities of somebody, evaluate
Festival (n) Drme anniversary, celebration
Art (n) wkí, Pvi“Kjv dexterity, adroitness, skill
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Majumder went to ¾ live with his aunt.

(i) Chandpur            (ii) Chanderhat            (iii) Chandernagar        (iv) Chunasughat

  1. Majumder’s ¾ was a photographer.

(i) father                  (ii) brother                   (iii) uncle                     (iv) cousin

  1. The birth place of Partha Pratim is ¾.

(i) Patna                   (ii) Pabna                     (iii) Paharpur               (iv) Parbatipur

  1. He was highly inspired by his ¾.

(i) father                  (ii) mother                   (iii) sister                     (iv) brother

  1. Chandernagar is ¾ away from Kolkata.

(i) forty kms.            (ii) thirty kms.              (iii) thiry miles.            (iv) fifty kms.

  1. Majumder was born in ¾.

(i) 1954                    (ii) 1945                      (iii) 1950                     (iv) 1854

  1. His father was born in ¾.

(i) artist                    (ii) art lover                 (iii) honest man            (iv) educationist

Extra Practices

  1. ¾ was well-known for its cultural activities.

(i) Kalyanpur           (ii) Kalachandpara       (iii) Khamarpara          (iv) Kamarkhali

  1. He went to Chandernagar in ¾.

(i) 1996                    (ii) 1966                      (iii) 1954                                 (iv) 1960

  1. Majumder took lessons on ¾ from Dutta.

(i) mime                   (ii) sports                     (iii) photography          (iv) drawing

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why did Majumder go to Chandernagar?
  3. Who inspired him to appreciate different forms of art?
  4. Where did he take lessons on mime from Dutta?
  5. What was Majumder’s father?
  6. What made Majumder spellbound?

Extra Practices

  1. When was Partha Pratim Majumder born?
  2. Where did he spend most of his early years?
  3. What was Kalachandpara well known for?
  4. Where was Chandernagar?
  5. Did Partha take lessons on mime?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-7: Lesson-4(A)

It was Autumn. August 26, 1910. A little girl was born to an Albanian descent, rich Catholic merchant’s family in a small town called Skopje, Macedonia. She was the youngest of the three siblings and was named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Who had known that this tiny, little girl would one day become the servant of humanity– love and serve the poorest of the poor and become the mother of humanity. Yes, we are talking about none other than Mother Teresa.

At the age of 12, she heard a voice from within her that urged her to spread the love of Christ.  She decided that she would be a missionary. At the age of 18 she left her parental home. She then joined an Irish community of nuns called the Sisters of Loreto, which had missions in India.

After a few months of training at the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Dublin, Mother Teresa came to India. On May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948, Mother Teresa taught geography and catechism (religious instruction) at St. Mary’s High School in Kolkata (then Calcutta). However, the prevailing poverty in Kolkata had a deep impact on Mother Teresa’s mind, and in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent and devote herself to work among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Kolkata.

Abyev`t ZLb wQj kirKvj| 1910 mv‡ji 26 AvMó| †g‡m‡Wvwbqvi GKwU †QvU kni †¯‹vcwRi GKwU Avj‡ewbqv es‡kv™¢~Z abx K¨v_wjK e¨emvqx cwiev‡i GKwU †QvU †g‡q Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZb fvB‡ev‡bi g‡a¨ wZwb wQ‡jb me‡P‡q †QvU Ges Zuvi bvg ivLv n‡jv AvM‡bm MÄv eqvRy| †K RvbZ †h GB †QvÆ evwjKvwU GKw`b gvbeZvi †mweKv n‡eb…. `wi‡`ªi †P‡qI `wi`ª‡`i wZwb fv‡jvevm‡eb Ges †mev Ki‡eb Ges gvbeZvi gvZ…iƒ‡c Avwef©~Z n‡eb| nu¨v, Avgiv hvi m¤ú‡K© K_v ejwQ wZwb gv`vi †Z‡imv Qvov Avi †KD bb|

12 eQi eq‡m wZwb Zuvi wb‡Ri gv‡S GK WvK ïb‡Z cvb hv Zuv‡K Lªx‡÷i †cÖg Qwo‡q w`‡Z DØy× K‡i| wZwb wm×vš— †bb †h wZwb GKRb ag© cÖPviK n‡eb| 18 eQi eq‡m wZwb Zuvi wcZ…M„n Z¨vM K‡ib| ZLb wZwb wm÷vim Af j‡i‡Uv bv‡g Avqvij¨v‡Ûi GKwU mbœ¨vwmbx‡`i `‡j †hvM †`b hv fvi‡Z ag©cÖPv‡ii Øvwq‡Z¡ wQj|

Wvewj‡b BÝwUwUDU Af `¨v †e­mW fvwR©b †gix‡Z K‡qK gvm cÖwk¶Y †bqvi ci gv`vi †Z‡imv fvi‡Z Av‡mb| 1931 mv‡ji 24†g wZwb mb¨vwmbx nIqvi cÖv_wgK eªZ MÖnY K‡ib| 1931 mvj †_‡K 1948 mvj ch©š— gv`vi †Z‡imv KjKvZvq (ZLbKvi K¨vjK¨vUv) †m›U †gixm nvB ¯‹z‡j f~‡Mvj Ges K¨vwUwKRvg (agx©q wb‡`©kbv) wk¶v †`b| hv‡nvK, KjKvZvq weivRgvb `wi`ªZv gv`vi †Z‡imvi g‡b GK Mfxi cÖfve †d‡j Ges 1948 mv‡j wZwb Zvi Dci¯’‡`i KvQ †_‡K mbœ¨vwmbx‡`i Avkªg Z¨vM Kivi Rb¨ Ges KjKvZvi ew¯—¸‡jv‡Z _vKv `wi`ª‡`i †P‡qI AviI `wi`ª‡`i gv‡S wb‡R‡K wb‡qvwRZ Kivi AbygwZ cvb|


Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Descent (n) wW‡m›U R¤§, esk, AeZiY ancestry
Merchant (n) gv‡P©›U ewYK trader
Sibling (n) wmewjO GKB gvZv-wcZvi mš—vb brother or sister
Servant (n) mvi‡f›U PvKi a person who works in another person’s house
Humanity (n) wnDg¨vwbwU gvbeRvwZ people in general
Urge (ve) AvR© cxovcxwo Kiv/Zvov Kiv to try hard to persuade someone
Spread (v)  †¯úªW  †g‡j †`qv/Qvwo‡q cov scatter
Decide (v) wWmvBW wmך— †bIqv determine
Missionary (n) wgkbvwi ag©cÖPviK preacher of religion
Community (n) KwgDwbwU mgvR/m¤ú`vq society
Nun (n) bvb& mbϬvwmbx monk
Blessed (adj) ‡e­m&W Avkxe©v`cyó favoured with blessing
Impact (n) Bgc¨v± cÖfve/dj effect, influence
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Mother Teresa decided to be a ¾.

(i) nurse                 (ii) doctor                    (iii) missionary            (iv) physician

  1. The poverty in ¾ had a deep impact on her mind.

(i) Kolkata             (ii) Kuwait                   (iii) Kualalampur         (iv) Kathmandu

  1. She was born in ¾.

(i) Autumn             (ii) Summer                 (iii) Winter                   (iv) Spring

  1. She took her initial vows as a ¾ on May 24, 1931.

(i) nun                    (ii) teachers                  (iii) doctor                   (iv) nurse

  1. She left her ¾ at the age of 18.

(i) husband            (ii) children                  (iii) father                    (iv) parental home

  1. Mother Teresa was the ¾ siblings.

(i) youngest of the two                               (ii) eldest of the three

(iii) youngest of the three                           (iv) eldest of the two

  1. She heard a voice at the age of ¾.

(i) 12                      (ii) 16                          (iii) 18                         (iv) 20

Extra Practices

  1. The voice urged her to spread the love of ¾.

(i) Buddhist            (ii) Christ                     (iii) Hindu                    (iv) Muslim

  1. The Irish community of nuns had missions in ¾.

(i) Pakistan             (ii) India                      (iii) America                (iv) Bangladesh

  1. She taught ¾ and catechism.

(i) English              (ii) Bangla                    (iii) Geography            (iv) Philosophy

  1. What does “servant of humanity” mean in the text?

(i)   becoming a slave                           (ii)   to work in other people’s house

(iii) to be oppressed by others               (iv)  to serve the needy

  1. Mother Teresa set out to join the missionary of the sisters of Loreto in the year —.

                  (i)   1927                                              (ii)   1928

(iii) 1929                                              (iv)  1930

  1. Mother Teresa took her first vows at the age of ——.

(i)   18                                                  (ii)   19

(ii)  20                                                  (iv)  21

  1. Mother Teresa left her parental home at the age of ——.

(i)   21                                                  (ii)   18

(iii) 24                                                  (iv)  26

  1. The poverty in— had a deep impact on Mother Teresa’s mind.

(i)   Kolkata                                          (ii)   Bangladesh

(iii) Albania                                          (iv)  Macedonia

  1. Which family Teresa was from?

                  (i)   Hindu                                            (ii)   Medisi

(iii) Christian                                        (iv)  Catholic

  1. ‘To serve the needy’ refers that ——

                  (i)   become a slave                              (ii) work for all people

(iii) servant of morality                        (iv)  servant of humanity

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What was the season that led Mother Teresa to be a missionary?
  3. When did she leave her parental home?
  4. When was Mother Teresa born?
  5. What did she teach at St Mary’s High School?
  6. What made impression on her mind?

Extra Practices

  1. What did the voice urge her?
  2. What did she decide?
  3. Where did she join?
  4. When did she take her initial vows as a nun?
  5. Where did she teach?
  6. Do you think that Mother Teresa is a great lady of humanity?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-7: Lesson-6(A)

Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Kolkata. She founded the home for the dying destitute and named it ‘Nirmal Hridoy’, meaning ‘Pure Heart’. She and her fellow nuns gathered the dying people off the streets of Kolkata and brought them to this home. They were lovingly looked after and cared for.  Since then men, women and children have been taken from the streets and carried to Nirmol Hridoy. T hese unloved and uncared for people get an opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love. In their last hours they get human and Divine love, and can feel they are also children of God. Those who survive, the Missionaries of Charity try to find jobs  for them or send them  to homes  where they can live happily for some more years in a caring environment. Regarding commitment to family, Mother Teresa said, “ Maybe in our own family, we have somebody, who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our interest first? We must remember that love begins at home and we must also remember that future of humanity passes through the family”.

Mother Teresa’s work has been recognised throughout the world and she has received a number of awards. These include the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the Nehru Prize for Promotion of International Peace & Understanding (1972), the Balzan Prize (1978), the Nobel Peace Prize (1979) and the Bharat Ratna (1980).

Mother Teresa died at the age of 87, on 5 September 1997.The world salutes her for her love and compassion for humanity. She has taught us how to extend our hand towards those who need our love and support irrespective of creed, caste and religion. Draped in a white and blue-bordered sari, wrinkled face, ever soft eyes and a saintly smile, is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind.

e½vbyev` : KjKvZvi iv¯—vq Amy¯’ Ges gyg~ly©‡`i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z gv`vi †Z‡imv Av‡›`vwjZ nb| g„Zz¨c_hvÎx `yt¯’‡`i Rb¨ Avevm cÖwZôv K‡ib Ges Gi bvg †`b Ôwbg©j ü`qÕ hvi A_© ÔLuvwU ü`qÕ| wZwb Ges Zuvi mv‡_i mbœ¨vwmbxMY gyg~ly© †jvK¸‡jv‡K iv¯—v †_‡K msMÖn K‡ib Ges GB Avev‡m wb‡q Av‡mb| Zv‡`i‡K fv‡jvevmvi mv‡_ †`Lvïbv Kiv nq Ges hZœ †bIqv nq| ZLb †_‡K cyi“l, bvix Ges wkï‡`i‡K iv¯—v †_‡K Zz‡j wbg©j ü`‡q Avbv nq| GB fv‡jvevmv Ges hZœ ewÂZ gvbyl¸‡jv `qv Avi fv‡jvevmvi Ges cwi‡e‡k g„Zz¨i my‡hvM cvq| Zv‡`i Rxe‡bi †kl gyn~‡Z© Zviv gvbexq Ges ¯^Mx©q fv‡jvevmv cvq Ges Abyfe Ki‡Z cv‡i †h ZvivI Ck¦‡ii mš—vb| hviv †eu‡P _v‡K Zv‡`i Rb¨ `vZe¨ cÖwZôv‡bi ag©cÖPviKMY PvKwi Lyu‡R †`qvi †Póv K‡ib A_ev Zv‡`i‡K Avev‡m cvVvb †hLv‡b Zviv AviI wKQz eQi hZœgq cwi‡e‡k kvwš—‡Z emevm Ki‡Z cv‡ib| cwiev‡ii cÖwZ A½xKvi m¤ú‡K© gv`vi †Z‡imv e‡jb, ÒnqZ Avgv‡`i cwiev‡i Ggb †KD Av‡Q †h GKvKxZ¡ Abyfe K‡i‡Q, †h Amy¯’Zv Abyfe Ki‡Q, †h DwØMœ| Avgiv wK †mLv‡b AvwQ? Avgiv wK w`‡Z AvMÖnx hZ¶Y ch©š— bv Avgv‡`i cwiev‡ii mv‡_ _vKvi Rb¨ GwU Avgv‡`i AvnZ K‡i, bvwK Avgv‡`i myweav‡K cÖ_g ¸i“Z¡ †`B? Avgv‡`i Aek¨B g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h fv‡jvevmv Avcb M„‡n ïi“ nq Ges AviI g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h gvbeZvi fwel¨r cwiev‡ii ga¨ w`‡qB cÖevwnZ nq|

gv`vi †Z‡imvi KvR mviv c„w_ex Ry‡o ¯^xK…wZ jvf K‡i Ges wZwb †ek K‡qKUv cyi¯‹vi jvf K‡ib| G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q †cvc Rb †ZBkZg kvwš— cyi¯‹vi (1971), Avš—R©vwZK kvwš— Ges mg‡SvZv e„w×i Rb¨ †b‡ni“ cyi¯‹vi (1972), evjRvb cyi¯‹vi (1978), kvwš—‡Z †bv‡ej cyi¯‹vi (1979) Ges fviZ iZœ m¤§vbbv (1980)|

1997 mv‡ji 5 †m‡Þ¤^i 87 eQi eq‡m gv`vi †Z‡imv gviv hvb| c„w_ex Zv‡K Awfev`b Rvbvq gvbeZvi Rb¨ Zvi †cÖg Ges mg‡e`bvi Rb¨| wZwb Avgv‡`i wk¶v w`‡q‡Qb hv‡`i Avgv‡`i fvjevmv `iKvi Zv‡`i w`‡K nvZ evwo‡q w`‡Z Ges ag©gZ, †MvÎ Ges ag© wbwe©‡k‡l mevB‡K mn‡hvwMZv Kiv| mv`v Ges bxj †evW©v‡ii kvwo‡Z Ave„Z, fuvRcov gyL me©`v †Kvgj †PvL Ges mvaymyjf nvwm, GB n‡jv gv`vi †Z‡imvi Qwe hv Avgv‡`i g‡b Av‡Q|


Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Gather (v) M¨v`vi R‡ov Kiv ev nIqv, msMÖn Kiv collect
Opportunity (n) AciwUDwbwU my‡hvM privilege
Charity (n) P¨vwiwU m`qZv/cÖwZkÖ“wZ pledges
Hurt (v) nvU© AvNvZ Kiv hit
Recognize †iKMbvBR kbv³ Kiv/wPb‡Z cviv identify
Salute (n/v) mvj~U Awfev`b Kiv respect
Drape (v)  †WªBc c`©v ev fuvR Kiv Kvco w`‡q XvKv/Ave„Z Kiv adorn
Wrinkle (n) wisKj Pvgovq ¶z`ª †iLv ev fuvR corrugation
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Mother Teresa founded the home for the ¾.

(i) old                     (ii) lame                       (iii) blind                     (iv) dying destitute

  1. She has taught the world how to extend our hands towards the ¾.

(i) rich                    (ii) powerful                (iii) needy                    (iv) thief

  1. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in ¾.

(i) 1979                  (ii) 1975                      (iii) 1976                     (iv) 1978

  1. She along with her ¾ treated the dying people with care and love.

(i) fellow nuns       (ii) sisters                     (iii) brothers                 (iv) friends

  1. She breathed her last on ¾.

(i) September 5, 1979                                (ii) September 5, 1997

(iii) March 3, 1997                                     (iv) March 5, 1979

  1. The world salutes Mother Teresa for her ¾ for humanity.

(i) love and affection                                 (ii) honesty

(iii) truthfulness                                         (iv) love and compassion

  1. She wore a ¾ sari.

(i) white and blue-bordered                        (ii) blue

(iii) black                                                   (iv) white

Extra Practices

  1. She died in the ¾ century.

(i) 18th                   (ii) 19th                       (iii) 20th                      (iv) 21st

  1. She got the Bharat Ratna Prize in ¾.

(i) 1981                  (ii) 1988                      (iii) 1980                     (iv) 1989

  1. Mother Teresa said that love begins at ¾.

(i) home                 (ii) school                    (iii) college                  (iv) university

  1. Mother Teresa received —— award in 1979.

(i) The Balzan Prize                                    (ii)   The Nobel Peace Prize

(iii) The Pope John XXIII Peace Prize        (iv)  The Bharat Ratna

  1. Mother Teresa passed away on ——.

(i) September 5, 1979                                (ii) December 5, 1997

(iii) September 5, 1997                              (iv) December 5, 1979

  1. Teresa founded the home for ——.

(i) The old people                                      (ii) The blind people

(iii) The lame people                                  (iv) The dying destitute

  1. Mother Teresa along with her —— gathered the dying people.

(i) sisters                (ii) brothers                  (iii) students                 (iv) fellow nuns

  1. Mother Teresa has taught the world how to ——.

(i) become rich overnight                           (ii) exploit the general masses

(iii) take bribe from people                        (iv) extend our hand towards the needy

  1. Mother Teresa brought —— to Nirmal Hridoy

                  (i) only men           (ii) only women           (iii) only children         (iv) all of them

  1. Mother Teresa and her fellow nuns brought —— to ‘Nirmal Hridoy’.

                  (i) the poor people                                     (ii) the old people

(iii)  the blind people                                 (iv) sick and dying people

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What do you think the world salutes Mother Teresa?
  3. What has she taught us?
  4. What opportunity did the unloved and uncared people get in touch of Mother Teresa?
  5. When did she receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
  6. When did she pass away?

Extra Practices

  1. What is the picture of Mother Teresa in our mind?
  2. What prize did she get in 1980?
  3. What moved Mother Teresa?
  4. Why did she found Nirmal Hridoy for?
  5. What did she and her fellow nuns do?
  6. Why does the world salute Mother Teresa?
  7. What did she teach us?
  8. When did Mother Teresa die?
  9. What was the feeling of the unloved and uncared people in touch of Mother teresa?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-7: Lesson-7(B)

Steven Paul Jobs ( 24 February 1955 – 5 October 2011) , most popularly known as Steve Jobs was the co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. He was the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was famous for his career in the electronic field of computers and consumers. This became possible through the marketing of Apple computers.

In 1985, Jobs left Apple after losing a power battle with the board of directors. He then founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business market. On the other hand, Apple failed to bring up any new operating system during Job’s absence. Jobs returned to Apple as an adviser, and took control of the company as an interim CEO. By 1998, Jobs brought back Apple to profitability from the verge of bankruptcy. He supervised the development of iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad. These devices are so simple and user friendly that even a child can operate them.

He supervised the company’s Apple Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store too. The success of these products and services brought about steady financial returns for several years and pushed Apple to become the world’s most valuable publicly traded company in 2011. This triumph is regarded as the greatest turnarounds in the business history.

Steve Jobs has been highly acclaimed as a visionary leader. Jobs has changed people’s perspective computer, and how they use it, consume personal media, and how they communicate with each other. Hence i-Books, i-Phones, i-Pods and i-Pads have become extremely popular.  Jobs saw and felt the need of Wi-Fi (wireless internet connection) in laptops. It is who made Wi-Fi a standard feature of every laptop, and of many other devices worldwide. So Jobs’ dream to be anywhere anytime became a reality.

Jobs also co-founded and served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios. He became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.

e½vbyev`t w÷‡fb cj R¡m (24 †deª“qvwi 1955-5 A‡±vei 2011), w÷f Re&m wn‡m‡e mgwaK cwiwPZ, wQ‡jb A¨v‡cj BbKi‡cv‡i‡UW-Gi mn-cÖwZôvZv, †Pqvig¨vb Ges cÖavb wbe©vnx Awdmvi| wZwb wQ‡jb e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUv‡ii wec­‡ei AMÖcw_K| Kw¤úDUvi Ges Gi †µZv‡`i wb‡q MwVZ ˆe`y¨wZK hš¿cvwZi RM‡Z Zuvi †ckvi Rb¨ wZwb weL¨vZ wQ‡jb| GwU m¤¢e n‡qwQj A¨v‡cj Kw¤úDUv‡ii evRviRvZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g|

1985 mv‡j Re&m A¨v‡cj †Q‡o †`b cwiPvjK‡`i †ev‡W©i mv‡_ ¶gZvi hy‡× civwRZ n‡q| Zvici wZwb cÖwZôv K‡ib, †b·U †hwU n‡jv D”Pwk¶v I evwYwR¨K evRv‡ii Ici we‡klvwqZ Kw¤úDUv‡ii c­vUdg© Dbœqb †Kv¤úvwb| Ab¨w`‡K, Re&m-Gi Abycw¯’wZ‡Z A¨v‡cj †Kv‡bv bZzb Kg©c×wZ Avb‡Z e¨_© nq| Re&m A¨vcj- G wd‡i Av‡mb GKRb Dc‡`óv wn‡m‡e Ges †Kv¤úvwbwUi †bZ„Z¡ †bb GKRb Aš—eZx©Kvjxb wmBI wn‡m‡e| 1998 mv‡ji g‡a¨ Re&m A¨vcj‡K †`Dwjqv‡Z¡i cÖvš— †_‡K gybvdv AR©‡bi ¶gZvq wb‡q Av‡mb| wZwb AvBg¨vK, AvBwUDb&m& AvB‡dvb Ges AvBc¨vW Gi Dbœq‡bi ZË¡veavb K‡ib| GB hš¿¸‡jv GZB mvaviY Ges e¨enviKvix‡`i mn‡hvMx †h GgbwK GKwU wkïI G¸‡jv Pvjv‡Z cv‡i|

wZwb †Kv¤úvwbi A¨vcj †÷vim, AvBwUDbm †÷vi Ges A¨vc †÷viI ZË¡veavb K‡ib| GB `ªe¨¸‡jv Ges †mevi mdjZv †ek K‡qK eQ‡ii Rb¨ `„p A_©‰bwZK cÖZ¨veZ©b wb‡q Av‡m Ges 2011 mv‡ji g‡a¨ A¨vcj‡K c„w_exi me‡P‡q g~j¨evb Rbmg‡¶ evwY‡R¨I †Kv¤úvwb nIqvi w`‡K †V‡j †`q| GB weRq e¨emvi BwZnv‡m me‡P‡q eo ïf cwieZ©b e‡j g‡b Kiv nq|

GKRb ¯^vwcœK †bZv wn‡m‡e w÷f Re&m D”Q¡wmZ cÖksmv †c‡q‡Qb| Re&m Kw¤úDUvi Ges Gi e¨envi, e¨w³MZ gva¨‡gi e¨envi Ges GKwUi m‡½ Av‡iKwUi †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Dcvq m¤ú‡K© gvby‡li aviYv cwieZ©b K‡i‡Qb| GB Kvi‡Y AvB-eyKm, AvB-‡dvbm, AvB-cWm Ges AvB-c¨vWm AZ¨vwaK RbwcÖq nq| Re&m †`L‡jb Ges Abyfe Ki‡jb j¨vcU‡c IqvB-dvB (Zviwenxb B›Uvi‡bU ms‡hvM) Gi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv| wZwbB IqvB-dvB‡K cÖ‡Z¨K j¨vcUc Ges c„w_exRy‡o Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK h‡š¿I GKwU gvbm¯§Z Dcv`v‡b cwiYZ K‡ib| ZvB Re‡mi †h †Kv‡bv mg‡q †h‡Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b _vKvi ¯^cœwU ev¯—‡e cwiYZ nq|


Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Acclaim (v) A¨v‡K¬Bg cÖksmv Kiv/¯^xK…wZ †`Iqv praise, acknowledge
Animation (v) A¨vwb‡gkb QvqvQwe ˆZwi Kivi cÖwµqv the process of making film video
Co-founder (n)  †Kv-dvDÛvi hyM¥ ¯’cwZ/cÖwZôvZv a person who establish something with another or other
Popularly (adv) ccyjviwj RbwcÖqfv‡e familarly, in a popular way
Chief-executive (n) Pxd-Gw·wKDwUf cÖavb wbe©vnx background, base
Specialize (v)  †¯úwkqvjvBR  †Kvb Kv‡Ri †¶‡Î we‡klfv‡e `¶ nIqv be expert in any area of work
Operate (v) Acv‡iU Pvjbv Kiv, cwiPvjbv Kiv control, handle
Profitability (n) cÖwdU¨vwewjwU jvfRbK Ae¯’v state of being profitable
Supervise (v) mycvifvBR Z`viwK Kiv look after, be in position
Product (n)  †cÖvWv± Drcvw`Z e¯‘y produced thing
Steady (adj)  †÷wW `„p, AUj firm, resolute
Push (v) cyk  †V‡j †`Iqv move forward
Regard (v) wiMviW we‡ePbv Kiv, MY¨ Kiv consider
Turnaround (n) UvbA¨vivDÛ eo cwieZ©b change
consume (v) Kb&wRDg  †fvM Kiv use, enjoy
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of −.

(i) Apple                                                    (ii) Walt Disney Company

(iii) Pixar Animation Studios                     (iv) Microsoft

  1. Steve Jobs was specialized in the field of −.

(i)networking                                             (ii) software

(iii) photography and consumer                 (iv) computer

  1. Steve was the founder of −.

(i) Apple                (ii) Microsoft               (iii) Google                  (iv) NeXT

  1. Ipod, ipad, Mac etc are very − to use.

(i) tough                 (ii) funny                     (iii) vulnerable             (iv) easy

  1. Apple became the world’s most valuable publicly traded company in −.

(i) 2011                  (ii) 1985                      (iii) 1998                     (iv) 2006

  1. Steve Jobs was a − leader.

(i) powerful           (ii) famous                   (iii) visionary               (iv) notorious

  1. The products of Apple are −.

(i) very popular      (ii) very costly             (iii) very appealing       (iv) very complicated

Extra Practices

  1. Steve Jobs innovative ideas −.

(i) brought about a revolution

(ii) changed the world

(iii) made a big profit

(iv) changed people’s notion regarding computer

  1. When did Steve Jobs pass away?

(i) 5 October 2010                                     (ii) 24 February 2011

(iii) 05 October 2011                                 (iv) 24 October 2011

  1. What does the word Pix mean?

(i) pictures             (ii) photograph             (iii) i & ii                     (iv) none of the above

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Why did Steve leave Apple?
  3. Can you mention some of the products of Apple?
  4. Which company was co-founded by Steve Jobs?
  5. In which sector Steve Jobs was specialized?
  6. How did Apple escape bankruptcy?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.  Unit-7: Lesson-8(A)

A car mechanic Paul Jobs and his wife Clara Jobs adopted Steve Jobs. Steve was abandoned at birth. Paul and Clara loved Steve very much. They made him feel that he was ‘chosen’ and very ‘special’.

One of his colleagues, Del Yocam said about Steve, “I think his desire for complete control of whatever he makes derives directly from his personality and the fact that he was abandoned at birth.”

Jobs’ mother taught him how to read and write before he went to the elementary school. So when he went to school, he found out that he knew everything that the teachers were teaching. He got bored and played pranks to keep him busy. This continued for the first few years. It was clear from his behaviour that he could not accept other people’s authority. He said, “I encountered authority of different kind that I have never encountered before, and I did not like it.”

A turning point came when he was in grade four. His teacher Imogene Hill watched him very closely for some time and soon found out how to handle him and get things done by him. In order to get things done she used to give him money and food. One day after school, she gave Jobs a workbook with math problems in it. She said, ” I want you to take it home and do this.”  She showed Jobs a huge lollipop and said, ” When you are done with it, if you get it mostly right, I will give you this and five dollars.”  Within two days, Jobs solved the math and returned the book to his teacher. This continued for a couple of months and Jobs enjoyed learning so much that he did not need any return. Also he liked his teacher very much and wanted to please her. In Ms. Hill’s class, Jobs felt he was special. At the end of the fourth grade, Jobs did very well. It was clear not only to Jobs and his parents but also to the teachers that he was exceptionally intelligent. The school proposed that Jobs should skip two classes and go into seventh grade. This would mean that Jobs would find the study challenging and he would be motivated to study. His parents had him skip only one grade.

Steven Paul Jobs was the pioneer of the personal computer revolution. He was famous for his career in the electronic field of  computers and consumers.                                          Source: Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

e½vbyev` : cj Rem bv‡g GKRb Mvwo wgw¯¿ Ges Zvi ¯¿x K¬viv Rem w÷f Rem‡K `ËK †bb| R‡b¥i mgh w÷f cwiZ¨³ nb| cj Ges K¬viv w÷f‡K Lye fv‡jvevm‡Zb| Zv‡K Zviv GB Abyfe Kivb †h wZwb wQ‡jb ÔcQ›`K…ZÕ Ges Lye ÔAmvaviYÕ|

GKRb mnKgx©, †Wj BqKvg w÷f, m¤ú‡K© e‡jb, ÒAvwg g‡b Kwi wZwb hvB ˆZwi K‡ib Zuvi Ici Zuvi cwic~Y© wbqš¿‡Yi AvKv•¶vi Zvi e¨w³Z¡ †_‡K Ges wZwb †h R‡b¥i mgq cwiZ¨³ n‡qwQ‡jb G welqwU †_‡K DrmvwiZ n‡q‡Q|

cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡q hvIqvi c~‡e© Rem‡K Zuvi gv wkwL‡qwQ‡jb Kxfv‡e wjL‡Z nq Ges co‡Z nq| ZvB hLb wZwb we`¨vj‡q hvb ZLb †`L‡Z cvb †h Zvi wk¶Kiv hv wk¶v w`‡”Q Zuvi meB wZwb Rv‡bb| wZwb wei³ n‡q co‡Zb Ges `yóvwg Ki‡Zb wb‡R‡K e¨¯— ivLvi Rb¨| GwU P‡j cÖ_g K‡qK eQi| Zuvi e¨envi †_‡K GwU cwi®‹vi wQj †h wZwb Ab¨ †jv‡Ki KZ©„Z¡ MÖnY Ki‡Z bvivR| wZwb e‡jwQ‡jb, ÒAvwg wewfbœ cÖKvi KZ©„‡Z¡i gy‡LvgywL n‡qwQ hv Av‡M KLbI nBwb Ges Avwg Zv cQ›` Kwiwb|Ó

hLb wZwb PZz_© †MÖB‡W wQ‡jb ZLb Zuvi Rxe‡bi †gvo cwieZ©bKvix w`K Av‡m| Zuvi wk¶K B‡gvwRb wnj Lye Kv‡Q †_‡K wKQz¶Y a‡i Zuv‡K ch©‡e¶Y K‡ib Ges kxNÖB †`L‡Z cvb Zv‡K Kxfv‡e cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z nq Ges Kxfv‡e Zuv‡K w`‡q KvR¸‡jv Kiv‡bv hvq| Zuvi gva¨‡g KvR¸‡jv Kiv‡bvi Rb¨ wZwb Zv‡K UvKv Ges Lvevi w`‡Zb| GKw`b ¯‹z‡ji ci wZwb Rem‡K As‡Ki Abykxjbx m¤^wjZ GKwU IqvK©eyK w`‡jb| wZwb ej‡jb, ÒAvwg PvB Zzwg GwU evwo‡Z wb‡q hvI Ges GwU K‡iv|Ó wZwb Rem‡K GKwU wekvj jwjcc †`Lv‡jb Ges ej‡jb, ÒZzwg hLb GwU K‡i †dj‡e, †Zvgvi hw` AwaKvskB mwVK nq, Avwg †Zvgv‡K GwU Ges cuvP Wjvi w`e|Ó

Rem `yB w`‡bi g‡a¨ A¼ mgvavb K‡i †dj‡jb Ges Zuvi wk¶K‡K eBwU †diZ w`‡jb| `yB gvm a‡i GwU Pjj Ges Rem wk¶K‡K GZB cQ›` Kij †h Zuvi Avi †Kv‡bv cÖwZ`v‡bi `iKvi nqwb| AwaKš‘ wZwb Zuvi wk¶K‡K Lye cQ›` K‡iwQ‡jb Ges Zuv‡K Lywk Kivi †Póv Ki‡Zb|

wgm wn‡ji K¬v‡m wZwb wb‡R‡K we‡kl fve‡Zb| PZz_© †MÖBW Gi †k‡l Rem Lye fv‡jv Ki‡jb| GwU †KejgvÎ Rem Ges Zuvi wcZvgvZvB bq, Zuvi wk¶K‡`i wbKUI cwi®‹vi wQj †h wZwb wQ‡jb e¨wZµgfv‡e †gavex| we`¨vjq cÖ¯—ve w`j †h Zuvi `yB K¬vm AwZµg K‡i 7g †MÖB‡W hvIqv DwPZ| Gi gv‡b n‡jv GB †h Rem Aa¨qb‡K cÖwZØw›ØZvc~Y© wn‡m‡e cv‡e Ges †m Aa¨q‡Y D×z× n‡e| Zuvi wcZvgvZv Zuv‡K ïay GK †MÖBW mvg‡b G‡bwQ‡jb|

w÷‡fb cj Rem wQ‡jb e¨w³MZ Kw¤úDUvi wec­‡ei AMÖ`~Z| Kw¤úDUvi Ges Gi †fv³v‡`i ˆe`y¨wZK h‡š¿i RM‡Z wb‡Ri Kg©Rxe‡bi Rb¨ wZwb weL¨vZ n‡q Av‡Qb|                                               Drm: w÷f Rem evB Iqvëvi AvBR¨vKmb|


Motivated  (†gŠwU‡fB‡UW) adj.- stimulated; DØy×, cÖ‡Yvw`Z| Adopt (AvWcU)v.-to take somebody else’s child into one’s family and become its legal parents; †cvl¨MÖnY Kiv, `ËK †bIqv| Abandon (A¨ve¨vbWvg)v.- to go away from a person, thing or place not intending to return; cwiZ¨vM Kiv| Colleague (KjxM)v.- a person with whom one works; mnKg©x| Derived (wWivBfW)v.-to get obtain something from something, to have something as its source or origin; cvIqv, D™¢zZ nIqv| Elementary (Gwj‡g›Uvwi)adj.-of or in the early stages of a course of study; cÖv_wgK| Prank (cÖvOK&)n.- a playful or foolish trick; m‡KŠZzK ev `~iwfmwÜg~jK Qjbv, gK©Uµxov| Encounter (BbKvD›Uvi)v.- to find or be faced with something; to meet sb unexpectedly; wec‡`i gy‡LvgywL nIqv; AcÖZ¨vwkZfv‡e †`Lv cvIqv| Lollipop (jwjcc)n.- a large flat or round sweet on a small stick, held in the hand and sucked; KvwV j‡RÝ| Exceptionally (BK‡mcgbvwj)adv.- very unusually; AmvaviYfv‡e|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Paul Jobs was a —-.
  3. i) driver ii) car mechanic           iii) pilot                        iv) helper
  4. Steve did not accept other people’s —.
  5. i) advice ii) dominance              iii) request                   iv) command
  6. The school —- that Jobs should skip two grades.
  7. i) opposed ii) ordered                    iii) proposed                iv) observed
  8. Steve Jobs — Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs.
  9. i) were adopted by ii) was adopted by        iii) was discarded         iv) were discarded
  10. A turning point came when Steve was in grade —.
  11. i) four ii) five                         iii) six                          iv) two
  12. Paul and Clara – Steve very much.
  13. i) hated ii) loved                       iii) rebuked                  iv) abhorred
  14. Del Yocam was the — of Steve Jobs.
  15. i) colleague ii) friend                      iiii) brother                  iv) cousin

Extra Practices

  1. Mother of Jobs taught him how to —.
  2. i) swim ii) play football            iii) read and write         iv) fight

        i       Jobs solved the math’s within —.

  1. i) two months ii) two weeks               iii) two days                 iv) five days
  2. His teacher was —.
  3. i) Mr Imogene Hill ii) Ms Imogene Hill      ii) Bill Gates                iv) Del Yocam
  4. Paul jobs was a ——.

                (i)   driver                 (ii)    pilot                     (iii)   car mechanic       (iv)   bus conductor

  1. Steve Jobs was adopted by Paul Jobs and Clara Jobs. Here adopted means——.

                (i)   legally raised another person’s child       (ii)    left alone

(iii) encountered                                           (iv)   motivated

  1. When steve was in —— a turning point came.

                (i)   grade three.        (ii)    grade four            (iii)   grade five            (iv)   grade seven

        n      The school proposed that Jobs should skip ——.

(i)   one class            (ii)    two classes           (iii)   no class                (iv)   three classes

  1. Steve did not accept other people’s ——.

(ii)  advice                (ii)    request                 (iii)   authority              (iv)   command

  1. Who was Paul Jobs?

                (i)   teacher               (ii)    driver                   (iii)   maker                   (iv)   pilot

        q      Who was Steve Jobs?

                (i)   baby                  (ii)    daughter               (iii)   son                       (iv)   kid

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What was Steve Jobs famous for?
  3. What did the teacher find out watching him very closely?
  4. When did a turning point come?
  5. What did the school propose?
  6. Why did Steve get bored?

Extra Practices

  1. What is Paul Jobs?
  2. What did Job’s mother teach him?
  3. What was the name of his teachers?
  4. What did the teacher do to get things done by him?
  5. What was Steve Jobs’ role?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit- 8: Lesson-1 (B)

‘Heritage’ is what we inherit from the past, live with them in the present and then pass on to our children or future generation. Our unique source of life and inspiration is our cultural and natural heritage. When we speak of ‘World Heritage’, it indicates places and sites that we got from the past and pass on to the future generation of the entire world.

The ‘Shat Gambuj Mosque’ in Bagerhat is such a heritage. It became a world heritage site in 1985.

Originally, the historic Mosque City was known as ‘Khalifatabad’. It is situated at the outskirts of Bagerhat town— not very far from the dense mangrove forest of the Sundarbans. Khalifatabad was a Muslim colony. It was founded by  the Turkish general, a saint warrior Ulugh Khan Jahan in the 15th century. The infrastructure of the city reveals significant technical skills in many mosques as well as early Islamic monuments. Baked bricks are used for the construction of the buildings. The planning of the city is distinctly dominated by Islamic architecture and the decorations are a combination of Mughal and Turkish architecture.

Khan Jahan built a network of roads, bridges, public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable. There are about 360 mosques in the city. Among them the most remarkable is the multi-domed Shat Gombuj Mosque. The mosque is unique in the sense that it has 60 pillars that support the roof, with 77 low height domes. The 4 towers at 4 corners have smaller domes on the roof as well. The vast prayer hall has 11 arched doorways on the east and 7 each on the north and south for light and ventilation. It has 7 aisles running along the length of the mosque and 11 deep curves between the slender stone columns. These columns support the curving arches created by the domes. The thickness of the arches is 6 feet and have slightly narrowing hollow and round wall.

The west wall in the interior has 11 ‘mihrabs’ (niche in mosque pointing towards Makkah). These mihrabs are decorated with stonework and terracotta. The floor of the mosque is made of brick.

Besides being used as a prayer hall, Khan Jahan used the mosque as his court also. Today, it is one of the greatest tourist attractions and one of the best architectural beauties of Bangladesh.

e½vbyev` : ÔHwZn¨Õ n‡jv Avgiv AZxZ †_‡K DËivwaKvi m~‡Î hv cvB, eZ©gv‡b †m¸‡jvi mv‡_ evm Kwi Ges cieZx©‡Z Avgv‡`i mš—vb‡`i ev fwel¨Z cÖR‡b¥i Rb¨ †i‡L hvB| Avgv‡`i Rxe‡bi Ac~e© Drm Ges Drmvn n‡jv Avgv‡`i ms¯‹…wZ I Avgv‡`i HwZn¨| hLb Avgiv Ôwek¦ HwZ‡n¨iÕ K_v ewj, GwU wb‡`©k K‡i †mB me ¯’vb I ¯’vcbvi ¯’vb hv Avgiv AZxZ †_‡K †c‡qwQjvg Ges mviv c„w_exi fwel¨Z cÖR‡b¥i Rb¨ †i‡L hvB|

ev‡Minv‡Ui ÔlvU M¤^yR gmwR`Õ GgbB GKwU HwZn¨| GwU 1985 mv‡j BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZn¨evnx ¯’vb n‡qwQj|

ev¯—weK A‡_©, HwZnvwmK gmwR` kniwU ÔLwjdvZvev`Õ bv‡g cwiwPZ wQj| GwU ev‡MinvU kn‡ii evB‡i Aew¯’Z…. Nb Mv‡Qi R½j my›`ieb †_‡K `~‡i bq| LwjdvZvev` GKwU gymjgvb Dcwb‡ek wQj| GwU c‡bi kZvãx‡Z ZzKx©i †mbvcÖavb,  ag©civqY †hv×v DjyN Lvb Rvnvb cÖwZôv K‡iwQ‡jb| kn‡ii AeKvVv‡gv †hgb A‡bK gmwR‡` †Zgb Avw` Bmjvgx ¯§„wZ¯—¤¢¸‡jv‡ZI Zvrch©c~Y© †KŠkjMZ `¶Zv cÖKvk K‡i| fe‡bi AeKvVv‡gvi Rb¨ †cvov BU e¨envi Kiv nq| kni cwiKíbvq Bmjvgx ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi †ewk cÖfve i‡q‡Q Ges kni mw¾ZKi‡Y gyNj Ges ZzwK© ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi mgš^q †`Lv hvq|

Lvb Rvnvb Avjx ms‡hvMKvix iv¯—v, †mZz, miKvwi feb Ges msi¶Y e¨e¯’vi gva¨‡g kni‡K evm‡hvM¨ K‡i M‡o Zz‡jwQ‡jb| kn‡i cÖvq 360wU gmwR` Av‡Q| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ D‡j­L‡hvM¨ n‡jv eû M¤^yR wewkó lvU M¤^yR gmwR`| gmwR`wU Ac~e© hvi lvUwU LyuwU Qv`‡K †Vm †`q, mv‡_ 77wU Aby”P M¤^yR i‡q‡Q| Pvi †KvYvq PviwU DuPz `vjv‡bi Qv‡` A‡c¶vK…Z †QvU M¤^yRI i‡q‡Q| wekvj bvgvh N‡ii c~e© cv‡k¦© 11wU wLjvbhy³ `iRv i‡q‡Q Ges Av‡jv I evZv‡mi Rb¨ DËi Ges `w¶‡Y cÖ‡Z¨K cv‡k¦© 7wU `iRv i‡q‡Q| Gi 7wU Pjvi c_ i‡q‡Q hv gmwR‡`i j¤^vjw¤^ eivei P‡j †M‡Q Ges 11wU Mfxifv‡e †Lv`vBK…Z mi“ cv_‡ii ¯—¤¢ i‡q‡Q| G ¯—¤¢ mg~n M¤^yR Øviv m„ó †Lv`vBK…Z wLjvb‡K †Vm †`q| wLjv‡bi cyi“Z¡ 6 dzU Ges wKwÂr AcÖk¯— duvcv I e„ËvKvi †`qvj i‡q‡Q|

cwðg cv‡k¦©i wfZ‡ii w`‡K 11wU wginve i‡q‡Q (g°vi w`‡K AwfgyLx gmwR‡`i †KvUi)| Gi wgnive¸‡jv cv_‡ii KvR I †cvov gvwUi dj‡K mw¾Z Kiv n‡q‡Q| gmwR‡`i †g‡S B‡Ui ˆZwi|

ZvQvovI gmwR` bvgvh Ni wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡jI, Lvb Rvnvb Avjx GwU `iKvi wn‡m‡eI e¨envi Ki‡Zb, eZ©gv‡b GwU GKwU Ab¨Zg ch©UK AvKl©Yxq ¯’vb Ges evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg ¯’vcZ¨wk‡íi †mŠ›`h©|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Heritage HwZn¨ Tradition, customer
Inherit cvIqv accede to, succeed to, come into
Indicate wb‡`©k Kiv refer, note
Situated Aew¯’Z located
Colony Kvmb rule
Founded cÖwZwôZ established
Saint avwg©K e¨w³ pious man
Significant ¸i“Z¡c~Y© important momentous
Monument ¯§„wZ¯—¤¢ memorial
Combination wgkªY mixture
Habitable evm‡hvM¨ liveable
Remarkable D‡j­L‡hvM¨ noteable
Unique AZzjbxq matchless
Ventilation evqyPjvPj airing, aeration
Hollow ïb¨ empty, valiant
Architectural bKkvK…Z designable
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Khalifatabad was a colony where the lived —.
  3. i) Muslims ii) Hindus                    iii) Buddhists               iv) Christians
  4. Shat Gambuj Mosque got the status of  a world heritage site from —.
  5. i) 1980 ii) 1985                        iii) 1982                       iv) 1984
  6. The mosque is situated in —.
  7. i) Bogra ii) Magura                    iii) Bagerhat                 iv) Barisal
  8. The surface of the mosque is of —-.
  9. i) wood ii) stage                        iii) brick                       iv) iron
  10. Khan Jahan built the mosque in the —- century.
  11. i) 15th ii) 16th                          iii) 17th                         iv) 14th
  12. The mosque was established by a person who was —.
  13. i) Turkish ii) British                     iii) Arabian                  iv) Bangladeshi
  14. The mosque has — pillars.
  15. i) 50 ii) 40 iii) 30                     iv) 60

Extra Practices

  1. There are almost —- mosques in the city.
  2. i) 350 ii) 360                          iii) 370                         iv) 380
  3. The — was decorated.
  4. i) west wall ii) arches                      iii) domes                    iv) roof
  5. The thickness of the arches is — feet.
  6. i) less than 6 more than 6              iii) exactly 6                 iv. about 6
  7. Shat Gambuj Mosque became a world heritage site in ——.

(i)     1958                (ii)  1985                      (iii)   1858                    (iv)   1885

  1. The floor of the mosque is made of ——.

(i)     wood               (ii)  brick                      (iii)   stone                    (iv)   soil

  1. Khan Jahan built the mosque in the ——.

(i)     15th century     (ii)  16th century           (iii)   25th century         (iv)   14th century

  1. Shat Gambuj Mosque is situated ——.

(i)     in Bogra                                               (ii)    at Mohammadpur, Dhaka

(iii)   in Bagerhat                                          (iv)   in Barisal

  1. Khalifatabad was a —— colony.

(i)     Hindu              (ii)  Christian                (iii)   Buddhist              (iv)   Muslim

  1. ‘Heritage’ is what we inherit from the—.

(i)     past                  (ii)  present                   (iii)   future                   (iv)   long ago

  1. The ‘Shat Gambuj Mosque’ is at the outskirts of—.

(i)     Mirpur             (ii)  Bagerhat                (iii)   Sundarbans          (iv)   Tongi

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is heritage?
  3. What is the floor of the mosque made of?
  4. When did the mosque become a world heritage site?
  5. How many mosques are there in the city?
  6. Who built the Shat Gambuj Mosque?

Extra Practices

  1. What does the infrastructure of the city reveal?
  2. Where is Khalifatabad situated?
  3. What is “World Heritage”?
  4. What do you know about Khalifatabad?
  5. What did Khan Jahan build to make the city habitable?
  6. Who did build the Shat Gambuj Mosque?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-8: Lesson-2(A)

Paharpur is an important archaeological site situated in a village named ‘Paharpur’ in Naogaon district of northern Bangladesh. Naogoan is mainly plain land but in the middle of it stood a hill covered with jungle. When the jungle was cleared and the hill excavated, there emerged a lofty ruin of an ancient temple. The temple is about 24 metre high from the surrounding level. ‘Pahar’ means hill. Hence is the name Paharpur.

The Paharpur site has been excavated and re-excavated a number of times by archaeologists. Sir Alexander visited the place in 1879. Cunningham intended to carry out an extensive excavation but was prevented by the land owner. Nevertheless, he was satisfied with whatever excavation he was permitted to carry on. He discovered the ruins of a square tower of 22 feet side with a projection in the middle of each side from the top of the central hill. The site was declared to be protected by the Archaeological Survey of India in 1919 under the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904.

Systematic and regular excavation started jointly by Archaeological Survey of India, and Varendra Research Society of Rajshahi and Kolkata ( at that time known as Calcutta) University  in 1923. They excavated the south-west corner of the monastery. Next in 1925-26, R D Banerjee excavated the northern part of the central mound. From 1926-27 onward excavation was carried out under the supervision of KN Dikshit.

The Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh brought the site under further excavation after independence. The operations took place in two phases. The first phase was initiated in 1981-82 and continued to 1984-1985. The second phase was started in 1988-89 and continued  to 1990-91.

Pre-liberation expeditions have revealed the architectural remains of a vast Buddhist monastery, the Somapura Mahavihara. It is dominated by the central shrine, attracting immediate attention by its lofty height   and  unusual architectural design.

Somapura Mahavihara was one of the most famous Buddhist institutions for monks of ancient Bengal and in southern Asia. The excavated complex at Paharpur has been identified with the Somapura Mahavihara built by the second Pala king Dharmapala (781-821 AD). Some clay seals from the ruins bear the inscription Shri-Somapure-Shri-Dharmapaladeva-Mahavihariyarya-bhiksu-sangghasya.

The Pala rulers were devout Buddhists and they founded a number of monasteries throughout their growing empire. Some of them became great centres of learning and their reputation quickly spread throughout Asia. Somapura Mahavihara’s close relationship with the ruling dynasty implied that it shared the political ups and downs of its benefactors.

e½vbyev` : cvnvocyi GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cÖZœZvwË¡K wb`k©b hv evsjv‡`‡ki DËiv‡ji bIMuv †Rjvi cvnvocy‡i Aew¯’Z| bIMuv cÖK…Zc‡¶ mgZj f~wg hvi gvSLv‡b R½‡j Ave„Z GKwU cvnvo i‡q‡Q| hLb R½j cwi®‹vi Kiv n‡qwQj Ges cvnvo Lbb Kiv n‡qwQj, ZLb DuPz aŸsmcÖvß cÖvPxb gw›`i †ewi‡q Avmj| gw›`iwU Av‡kcv‡ki mgZj †_‡K cÖvq 24 wgUvi DuPz| ÔcvnvoÕ k‡ãi A_© cvnvo| G Kvi‡Y cvnvocyi bvgKiY Kiv n‡q‡Q|

cvnvocyi wb`k©bwU cÖZœZË¡we` KZ©„K K‡qKevi Lbb I cybtLbb Kiv n‡q‡Q| m¨vi Av‡jKRvÛvi 1879 mv‡j ¯’vbwU cwi`k©b K‡iwQ‡jb| Kvwbsnvg e¨vcK LbbK‡g©i B”Qv †cvlY K‡iwQ‡jb wKš‘ Rwgi gvwjK Øviv cÖwZ‡iv‡ai gy‡L co‡jb ZeyI, wZwb †h †Kv‡bvfv‡eB †nvK LbbKvh© Pvwj‡q hvIqvi AbygwZ †c‡q mš‘ó n‡jb| wZwb cÖavb cvnv‡oi P~ov †_‡K cÖ‡Z¨K w`‡Ki cÖvš— ch©š— Luvov 22 dz‡Ui eM©vKvi UvIqv‡ii aŸsmve‡kl Avwe®‹vi Ki‡jb| cÖvPxb ¯§„wZ¯—¤¢ msi¶Y Kvh©wewa 1904 Gi Aax‡b 1919 mv‡j fvi‡Zi cÖZœZvwË¡K Rwic Øviv ¯’vbwU msiw¶Z †NvlYv Kiv n‡q‡Q|

1923 mv‡j KjKvZv (H mg‡q K¨vjKvUv wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ wQj) wek¦we`¨vjq I ivRkvnxi e‡i›`ª M‡elYv †mvmvBwU Ges fvi‡Zi cÖZœZvwË¡K Rwic †hŠ_fv‡e c×wZMZ I wbqwgZ Lbb  KvR ïi“ Ki‡jb| Zviv  Dcmbvj‡qi `w¶Y-cwðg w`‡K Lbb ïi“ K‡iwQ‡jb| cieZx©‡Z 1925-1926 mvj Avi wW e¨vbvwR© cÖavb wUjvi DËi w`K Lbb K‡iwQ‡jb| 1926-27 †_‡K †K Gb `xw¶Z Gi ZË¡veav‡b LbbKvR Pj‡Z _vKj|

evsjv‡`‡ki cÖZœZvwË¡K wefvM ¯^vaxbZvi ci Avevi ¯’vcbvi ¯’vbwU Lbb Kv‡h©i e¨e¯’v wb‡jb| Kvh©µg `yB ch©v‡q n‡qwQj| cÖ_g ch©vq 1981-82‡Z c`‡¶c †bIqv n‡qwQj Ges cÖvq 1984-85 mvj avivevwnKfv‡e PjwQj| wØZxq ch©vq 1988-89 mv‡j ïi“ n‡qwQj Ges 1990-91 mvj ch©š— PjwQj|

¯^vaxbZv c~e©Kvjxb Awfhv‡b wekvj †eŠ× Dcmbvjq †mvgcyiwenvi cÖZœZvwË¡K wb`k©b wn‡m‡e cÖKvk †cj| †K›`ªxq DcvmbvjqwUi wekvj D”PZv I AmvaviY ¯’vcZ¨ bKkvwUi cÖwZ Zvr¶wYK cÖejfv‡e `„wó AvKwl©Z nh|

†mvgcyi gnvwenvi cÖvPxb evsjv I `w¶Y Gwkqvi mbœ¨vmx‡`i Ab¨Zg weL¨vZ †eŠ× cÖwZôvb| cvnvocy‡i LbbK…Z PZ¡iwU wØZxq cvj ivRv ag©cvj (781-821 L„:) KZ©„K ˆZwiK…Z †mvgcyi gnvwenvi iƒ‡c wPwýZ n‡jv| aŸsmve‡kl †_‡K cÖvß wKQz Kv`vi wmj‡gvn‡i †Lv`vB i‡q‡Q kªx kªx-‡mvgcyi, kªx-ag©cvj‡`e-gnvwenvix-wf¶z-msN|

cvj kvmKMY ag©cÖvY †eŠ× wQ‡jb Ges Zuviv Zuv‡`i M‡o IVv mvgªv‡R¨ eû Dcvmbvjq ¯’vcb K‡iwQ‡jb|  G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wKQz ¸i“Z¡c~Y© wk¶v‡K›`ª n‡qwQj Ges G¸‡jvi myL¨vwZ mgMÖ Gwkqvq Qwo‡q c‡owQj| kvmK ivR es‡ki mv‡_ †mvgcyi wenv‡ii Nwbô m¤úK© †evSvq †h ivR‰bwZK DÌvb-cZ‡b `vZv †Mvôx-Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©hy³ wQj|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Important ¸i“Z¡c~Y© significant, vital, momentous
Archaeological cÖvPxb ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú„³ related to archaeology
Excavated Lbb Kiv dig
Situated Aew¯’Z located
Extensive cÖk¯— wide, broad
Ancient cÖvPxb old
Monument ¯§„wZ¯—¤¢ memorial
Independence ¯^vaxbZv liberty
Phase Avc step
Expedition hvÎv journey, tour
Immediate kxNªB soon
Famous weL¨vZ famed
Reputation Mybvg fame
Dynasty Kvmb reign, rule
Unusual A¯^vfvweK stange, odd
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. a) Who prevented an extensive excavation?
  3. i) Sir Alexander ii) Cunningham            iii) the land owner        iv) the people
  4. b) — declared Paharpur to be protected.
  5. i) Varendra Research Society
  6. ii) The Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh

iii) All

  1. iv) The Archaeological Survey of India
  2. c) The Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh stopped further excavation in —.
  3. i) 1980 ii) 1985                        iii) 1989                       iv) 1991
  4. d) When were the architectural remains of a vast Buddhist monastery revealed?
  5. i) after liberation ii) pre-liberation;          iii) in `1990                 iv) in 1989
  6. e) Paharpur was in –.
  7. i) northern Asia ii) southern Asia          iii) northern America   iv) southern America
  8. f) Paharpur is situated in a village named —.

(i)   Mirpur                (ii)    Paharpur              (iii)   Ruppur                (iv)   Lalpur

  1. g) Naogon is mainly plain —.

(i)   land                    (ii)    house                   (iii)   building               (iv)   pond

Extra Practices

  1. h) The temple is about — metre high from the surrounding level.

(i)   22                       (ii)    23                        (iii)   24                        (iv)   25

  1. i) ‘Pahar’ means —.

(i)   pond                   (ii)    hill                       (iii)   river                     (iv)   house

  1. j) When was Alexander visited Paharpur?

(i)   in 1985               (ii)    in 1885                (iii)   in 1989                (iv)   in 1879

  1. k) What is Paharpur?

(i)   an important archaeological site              (ii)    World heritage

(iii) Shrine                                                     (iv)   antique

  1. l) Where is Paharpur?

(i)   Dinajpur             (ii)    Rangpur               (iii)   Naogaon              (iv)   Sayedpur

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. Where is Paharpur?
  3. Which department brought the site under further excavation after independence?
  4. What did expeditions reveal?
  5. When was Somapura Mahavihar built?
  6. What did Cunningham find when he was digging the Paharpur site?

Extra Practices

  1. Where is the Paharpur situated?

g      What thing indicates that the site was built by the second Pal king?

  1. What is Somapura Mahavihara famous for?
  2. What is Pahar?
  3. What did Somapura Mahavihara’s close relatimship with the ruling dynasty imply?
  4. What brought the site under further excavation after independence?
  5. How did the operations take place?
  6. When was the first phase initiated?
  7. How long did it continue?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-8: Lesson-3(D)

The French Sculptor Fredic Auguste Bartholdi was assigned to design and complete a sculpture within 1876, so that it could be a gift for the Americans on the occasion of celebrating the hundred years of the American Declaration of Independence. The statue was a joint venture between the USA and France. The French people would build the statue and assemble it in the States, and the people of the USA were to build the pedestal for the statue.

Raising money for the pedestal was completed in August 1885. The construction of the pedestal was finished in April 1886. In the meantime, France completed the Statue in July 1884. They sent it to New York on board the French war ship ‘Isere’ in 1885. While transporting the statue, it was split up into 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates.

It took four months to put the Statue together and place it on the pedestal. Thousands of people saw the unveiling ceremony of the Statue of Liberty on October 28th 1886. It was centennial gift ten years late.

The Freedom that the Statue stands for is not stationary. The broken chain wrapped around her feet, protruding from the bottom of her robe, symbolizes her free forward movement, enlightening the world with her torch, free from oppression and slavery.

The Statue’s original torch was the first part constructed in 1876. It was replaced by a new copper torch covered in 24K gold leaf in 1984.  The torch is lighted by flood light at night.  The original torch is currently located in the lobby of the monument.  Access to the torch has been closed since 1916.

From October 28, 2011, on her 125th anniversary, the Statue of Liberty was named “Liberty Enlightening the World Wide Web”. The credit goes to a series of new web cams placed around her torch. Several amazing views will be just a click of a mouse away. On clear days, three cameras provide unobstructed scenes and views. Two cameras  provide an ultra wide-angle interactive view of the famous golden torch. The remaining camera looks downwards towards the crown of The Statue of liberty, her face, the tablet she is holding from your computer or smart phone. So a person can have access to the web cam’s live feed of The Statue of Liberty from anywhere in the world.

Abyev` : divmx fv¯‹i †d«WvwiK AMv÷ e¨_©jwW‡K 1876 mv‡ji g‡a¨ GKwU fv¯‹h© bKkv cÖYqb I mgvß Kivi Rb¨ `vwqZ¡  †`qv n‡qwQj| myZivs Av‡gwiKvi ¯^vaxbZv †NvlYvi kZevwl©Kx D`hvcb Dcj‡¶ GwU GKwU Dcnvi wn‡m‡e cÖ`Ë| ¯—¤¢wU hy³ivóª I d«v‡Ýi †hŠ_ cÖ‡hvRbvq| d«v‡Ýi RbMY cÖwZg~wZ©wU ˆZwi I ms‡hvRb K‡i Ges hy³iv‡óªi RbMY‡`i ¯—‡¤¢i Rb¨ cv`‡`k ˆZwi Ki‡Z n‡qwQj|

cv`‡`‡ki Rb¨ A_© IVv‡bv 1885 mv‡ji AvM‡÷ mgvß n‡qwQj| cv`‡`‡k AeKvVv‡gv 1886 mv‡ji GwcÖj gv‡m mgvß n‡qwQj| d«vÝ 1884 mv‡ji RyjvB gv‡m cÖwZg~wZ©wU mgvß K‡iwQj| Zviv 1885 mv‡j d«v‡Ýi GKwU hy× RvnvR ÔB‡mivÕ G wbDBq‡K© cvVvj| ¯—¤¢wU ¯’vbvš—‡ii mgq 350wU c„_K j¤^v jw¤^ UzKiv Kiv n‡jv Ges 214wU Szwo‡Z c¨v‡KU Kiv n‡jv|

cÖwZg~wZ©wU‡K GKÎ Ki‡Z Ges cv`‡`‡k ivL‡Z Pvi gvm mgq †j‡MwQj| nvRvi nvRvi †jvK 1886 A‡±vei gv‡m ¯^vaxbZvi cÖwZg~wZ©wU Db¥y³ Kivi AbyôvbwU †`‡LwQj| kZel© c~wZ©i Dcnvi `k eQi ci|

cÖwZg~wZ© hv ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ `Êvqgvb Zv w¯’i bq| fvOv wkKj Zvi cv`‡`‡ki Pvwiw`‡K XvKv i‡q‡Q wX‡j Xvjv †cvkvKwU wbP ch©š— evB‡i cÖmvwiZ Kiv n‡qwQj| Zvi mvg‡b ¯^vaxb PjvPj‡K Zvi gkvj KZ©„K wek¦‡K Av‡jvwKZ Kiv AZ¨vPvi I `vmZ¡ †_‡K gyw³ BZ¨vw` cÖZxK Kiv n‡qwQj|

cÖwZg~wZ©wUi g~j gkvjwU cÖ_g Ask 1876 mv‡j MVb Kiv n‡qwQj| GwU 1984 mv‡j GKwU bZzb Zvgvi gkvj (hv 24 K¨v‡iU ¯^‡Y©i cv‡Zi Øviv Ave„Z wQj)-Gi Øviv cÖwZ¯’vwcZ n‡qwQj| gkvjwU iv‡Î d¬vBW jvB‡Ui gva¨‡g Av‡jvwKZ Kiv nq| Avmj gkvjwU eZ©gv‡b ¯§„wZ ¯—‡¤¢i `k©bxq ¯’v‡b †`Lv hvq| 1916 mvj †_‡K cÖ‡ekvwaKvi eÜ Kiv n‡qwQj|

2011 mv‡j 28 A‡±vei n‡Z 125 Zg evwl©Kx‡Z U¨vPz Af wjevwU©i bvgKiY Kiv n‡q‡Q ÒwjevwU© BbjvB‡Uwbs `¨v Iqvì© IqvBW I‡qe|Ó Zvi gkv‡ji Pvicv‡k ch©vqµ‡g I‡qe K¨vg ms‡hvRb Kiv n‡q‡Q| gvD‡m wK¬K Kiv gvÎ K‡qK cÖKvi Avðvh©RbK `„k¨vejx †`Lv hv‡e|

¯úó w`e‡m wZbwU K¨v‡giv Øviv weivgnxbfv‡e `„k¨vejx mieivn Kiv nq| `yBwU K¨v‡giv weL¨vZ ¯^‡Y©i gkvjwUi ms‡hvRb K‡i wewfbœ †Kv‡Yi Qwe mieivn K‡i| Aewkó K¨v‡giv wb‡Pi wmuwo †_‡K ¯^vaxbZvi g~wZ©i gyKzU, Zvi †Pnviv, wjwc dj‡Ki w`‡K ZvK Kiv, †m Avcbvi Kw¤úDUvi ev ¯§vU© †dv‡bi w`‡K a‡i ivL‡e| myZivs †h †KD c„w_exi †h †Kv‡bv cÖvš— †_‡K I‡qe K¨vg-G mieivn Ki‡Z cvi‡e|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Sculptor (n) fv¯‹i one who makes sculpture
Sculpture (n) fv¯‹h© statue, carving
Assemble (v) ms‡hvRb bring together
Pedestal (n) wfwË base
Statue (n) g~wZ© figurine/sculpture
Split (v) ¶z`ª ¶z`ª fv‡M wef³ Kiv to divide
Crate (n) ev· wooden container
Unveiling (adj) D‡¤§vPb uncovering
Centennial (n) kZ el© c~wZ© the 100th anniversary of an event
Stationary (adj) w¯’i motionless
Protrude (v) `„k¨gvb nIqv to project
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes —-.
  3. i) freedom                                     ii) struggle against tyranny

iii) Liberation War                                       iv) Justice

  1. It is a gesture of — friendship.
  2. i) global ii) international            iii) unique                    iv) both (i) & (ii)
  3. Broken chain means—-.
  4. i) rise of tyranny                                     ii) overthrow of tyranny

iii) the death of oppression                           iv) the start of oppression

  1. The Statue of Liberty is the shape of —-.
  2. i) man ii) woman                    iii) building                  iv) flower
  3. Who is the designer of the Statue of Liberty?
  4. i) Loius Khan ii) Anam                      iii) Fredeirc Bertholdi  iv) Joynul Abedin
  5. The Statue of Liberty is the shape of —-.
  6. i) man ii) woman                    iii) building                  iv) flower
  7. Who is the designer of the Statue of Liberty?
  8. i) Loius Khan ii) Anam                      iii) Fredeirc Bertholdi  iv) Joynul Abedin
  9. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  10. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
  11. Who designed the statue?
  12. Who does broken chain stand for?
  13. Who donated money to make it?
  14. Why is 4 July 1776 a historical day?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-8: Lesson-4(C)

Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the biggest and most ancient lakes of the world. It is situated almost in the centre of Asia. Lake Baikal is a gigantic bowl set 445 meter above sea level.  This grand, enormous, unusual and charming miracle of nature is located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous Republic and region of Irkutsk, Russia.

The lake covers 31,500 It is 636 km long and an average of 48 km wide. The widest point of the lake is 79.4 km. The water basin occupies 557,000 sq. km. and contains 23,000 kilometer) of  water, which is about one fifth of the world’s reserves fresh surface water.

The average water level in the lake is never higher than 456m. The average depth of Lake Baikal is 730 m., and its maximum depth in the middle is 1,620 m. It would take about one year for all the rivers of the world to fill Baikal’s basin, and would take four hundred years for all the rivers, streams and brooks now flowing into Siberian lake-sea to do the same.

There are hot springs in the surrounding area of Lake Baikal. The quality of the water of these springs is excellent. The lake acts as a powerful generator and bio filter producing this water. Baikal is a stormy lake. Autumn is the most stormy time. The wind blows  various directions.

The weather depends on the wind. If it is blowing from the north, the weather is bright and sunny. The water of the lake looks green and dark blue. But if the winds get stronger, Baikal turns black, waves rising high with white crest. The beauty of Lake Baikal is exceptional.

Abyev` : ˆeKvj n«` MfxiZg, Ab¨Zg eo I c„w_exi cÖvPxbZg n«`| GwU Gwkqvi cÖvq ga¨fv‡M Aew¯’Z| GwU GKwU wekvj cv‡Îi g‡Zv hv mgy`ª mgZj †_‡K 445 wgUvi D”PZvq Aew¯’Z| cÖK…wZi GB wekvj, AmvaviY I we¯§qKi AvKl©Yxq bgybv c~e© mvB‡ewiqvi `w¶‡Y, eywiqv` ¯^vqËkvwmZ cÖRvZš¿ Ges ivwkqvi BiKzU¯‹ A‡j Aew¯’Z|

n«`wU 31,500 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi GjvKv Ry‡o i‡q‡Q| GwU 636 wKwg. `xN© Ges M‡o 48 wK.wg. PIov| me‡P‡q cÖk¯— GjvKv 79.4 wK.wg.| RjvaviwU 557,00 eM© wK.wg. Ry‡o Av‡Q I 23000 Nb wK‡jvwgUvi (Nb wK‡jvwgUvi) cvwb aviY K‡i hv f~-c„‡ôi msiw¶Z weï× cvwbi cuvP fv‡Mi GK fvM|

n«`wUi cvwbi Mo D”PZv 456 wgUv‡ii Kg KLbB bq| ˆeKvj n«‡`i Mo MfxiZv 730 wgUvi Ges Gi me©vwaK MfxiZv gvS eivei 1620 wgUvi| ˆeKvj n«`‡K c~Y© Ki‡Z mviv c„w_exi b`xmg~‡ni GK eQi mgq jvM‡e Ges mKj b`x, Rjvkq Ges †QvU b`x mvB‡ewiqvb n«`-mgy‡`ªi w`‡K cÖevngvb K‡i GKB KvR Ki‡Z Pvi kZ eQi jvM‡e|

ˆeKvj n«‡`i Pvicv‡k Dò Sibv| GB SiYv ¸‡jvi cvwbi ¸YMZgvb PgrKvi| ü`wU kw³kvjx ev®ú Drcv`K wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Ges cÖvK…wZK cwikÖ“ZKi‡Yi gva¨‡g GB cvwb Drcvw`Z nq| ˆeKvj GKwU S‡ov n«`| kirKvjUv me‡P‡q †ewk S‡oi mgq evZvm wewfbœ w`‡K cÖevwnZ nq|

AvenvIqv evZv‡mi Ici wbf©ikxj| hw` GwU DËi w`K †_‡K cÖevwnZ nq Z‡e AvenvIqv D¾¡j I †iŠ`ªgq| n«‡`i cvwb meyR I Mvp bxj g‡b nq| wKš‘ hw` evZvm AviI kw³kvjx nq, Zvn‡j ˆeKvj Kv‡jv is G iƒc †bq, †XD cÖvš—fv‡M mv`v n‡q DuPz n‡Z _v‡K| ˆeKvj n«‡`i †mŠ›`h© AmvaviY|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Ancient cyivZb old
Situated Aew¯’Z located
Gigantic eo, wekvj big, large
Charming my›`i nice, beautiful
Enormous eo, wekvj vast, mammoth, gigantic
Region GjvKv, AÂj zone
Autonomous ¯^vaxb independent
Wide cÖk¯— large
Middle †K›`ª centre
Excellent PgrKvi nice, pretty
Powerful kw³kvjx strong
Various Wewfbœ different
Depend wbf©i Kiv rely
Exceptional e¨wZµg extraordinary
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. a) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about — for all the rivers of the world.

        (i) four hundred years ii) one month             iii) one year                 iv) two weeks

  1. b) Lake Baikal turns —- when wind gets stronger.
  2. i) black ii) blue                         iii) green                      iv) dark blue
  3. c) This exceptional lake is a—-.
  4. i) stormy sea ii) stormy lake              iii) pacific lake             iv) Siberian lake sea
  5. d) The water of the lake looks —-.
  6. i) green and blue ii) black                       iii) green                      iv) blue
  7. e) Lake Baikal is situated in —-.
  8. i) Asia ii) America                  iii) Africa                     iv) Arabia
  9. f) The lake area is —-.
  10. i) 31,500 sq. km ii) 31,500 km.              iii) 557,000 sq km        23,000 sq km
  11. The length of the lake is —-.
  12. i) 636 km ii) 630 km                    iii) 650 km                   iv) 536 km

Extra Practices

  1. h) The look of Lake Baikal û —.
  2. i) fine ii) wonderful               iii) excellent                 iv) exceptional
  3. i) The maximum depth of the lake is —-.
  4. i) 1600 km ii) 1620 km                  iii) 1620m                    iv) 1550 m
  5. j) Baikal is a ——.

(i)    stormy sea         (ii)    pacific lake          (iii) stormy lake            (iv) pacific sea

  1. k) The water of the lake looks——.

(i)    green and blue   (ii)    green and dark blue

(iii)  green                 (iv)   blue

  1. l) When wind gets stronger. Lake Baikal turns——.

(i)    green                 (ii)    blue                     (iii) dark blue                (iv) black

  1. m) The average depth of the lake is ——.

(i)    703 m                (ii)    730 m                  (iii) 70.3 m                   (iv) 730 cm

  1. n) To fill the basin of Baikal, it will take about one year for all the ——.

(i)    ponds of the world                                 (ii)  rivers of Bangladesh

(iii)  rivers of the world                                 (iv) ponds and rivers of Bangladesh

  1. o) — is the deepest and must ancient lakes of the world.

(i) Lake Panama        (ii) Lake Baikal            (iii) Lake Sahara          (iv) Lake Shaikh

  1. p) It is situated in the center of —

(i) Africa                   (ii) Asia                       (iii) Europe                  (iv) Sudan

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What is lake Baikal?
  3. What is the average depth of the lake?
  4. What does the water of the lake look?
  5. Where is the lake situated?
  6. What is the quality of the water of the surrounding springs?

Extra Practices

  1. What’s the length of the lake?
  2. What’s the average depth of the lake?
  3. What type of lake is Baikal?
  4. What’s the maximum depth of the lake?
  5. What does the weather depend on?
  6. How does the water of the lake look like?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-9: Lesson-1(B)

I know you will wonder if I say the best thing that ever happened to me was when I lost my last job. Yes, really!

I was a desk clerk in an office. But believe me I never liked my job. Nothing can be more boring than being stuck in an office all day with computers and telephone.

So after two years or so, I decided to leave my job though I had good salary there. Now I’m an owner of a nursery. Planting seeds, budding, grafting, taking care of saplings, cleaning the flower beds and spending time with trees are my full time job. I start work very early. In summer I usually leave home at 5:30 in the morning, but in winter not until about 7. I’ve a small hut in my nursery. There cannot be any more pleasure for me when I see the moon from there or walk through the trees in the soft moonlit night. The winter is just over. So I’m cleaning up the winter flower garden. Now I’m busy in producing more timber and medicinal plants which people will buy from July. Every season is so different and I love them all. When I compare my present days with the past, I simply can’t understand how I could survive there in my previous job. I love nature. I just love working outside in the open air after all those months in a stuffy office. Gadgets never attract me and perhaps will never.

I’m not married. I do my own work even cook my own food. I try not to depend on others for the work which I myself can do. Often my friends are annoyed with me. They say, I should engage a maid for household chores. They are not happy to see me in this ‘rustic life’. They are professionals. They earn a lot. Maybe — much more than me but I think I enjoy my work more.

At weekends, I often go countryside. Sometimes with my friends, sometimes alone.  I love collecting unknown saplings. I have another hobby. I love collecting stamps. I have a Russian stamp during the period of Lenin. I don’t watch TV. Almost everyone has a TV set these days.  But I don’t have any. How is that?

The only problem I face is I do not earn enough money in all seasons. The winter and the rain are two busy seasons for me.  But it’s OK. Maybe I do not earn enough like many other people around me. But I at least earn enough for my family, employees, and me to run a decent life. I must say I’m a very happy man!

e½vbyev` : Avwg Rvwb Zzwg AevK n‡e hw` Avwg ewj hLb Avwg Avgvi †kl PvKwi nvivB, ZLb me‡P‡q fv‡jv NUbv N‡UwQj| nu¨v, mwZ¨!

Avwg GKwU Awd‡mi Af¨_©bv †Kivwb wQjvg| wKš‘ Avgv‡K wek¦vm K‡iv Avwg Avgvi PvKwi KL‡bvB cQ›` Kwiwb| mvivw`b Awd‡m Kw¤úDUvi I †Uwj‡dvb wb‡q e¨¯— _vKvi †P‡q wbivb›` Avi wKQz n‡Z cv‡i bv|

myZivs `yB eQi ci Avwg Avgvi PvKwi †Q‡o †`Iqvi wm×vš— wbjvg| hw`I †mLv‡b Avwg fv‡jv †eZb †cZvg| GLb Avwg GKwU bvm©vwii gvwjK| exR ecb, A¼z‡iv`Mg NUv‡bv, Kjg †Rvov †`Iqv, Pviv Mv‡Qi hZœ †bIqv, dz‡ji exRZjv cwi®‹vi Kiv, Mv‡Q mgq e¨q Kiv Avgvi c~Y© mg‡qi KvR| Avwg Avgvi KvR Lye ZvovZvwo ïi“ Kwi| MÖx®§Kv‡j Avwg mKvj mv‡o cuvPUvq Ni Z¨vM Kwi wKš‘ kxZKv‡j 7Uvi Av‡M bq|

Avgvi bvm©vwi‡Z †QvU GKwU Kzu‡oNi Av‡Q| Avgvi Rb¨ Gi †P‡q Avb›` Avi Kx n‡Z cv‡i hLb Avwg †mLvb †_‡K Puv` †`wL ev †Kvgj Puv`bx iv‡Z Mv‡Qi ga¨ w`‡q †nu‡U hvB| kxZKvj gvÎ †kl n‡jv| ZvB Avwg kxZKvjxb dz‡ji evMvb cwi®‹vi KiwQ| Avwg GLb KvV I Jlwa RvZxq Pviv Drcv`‡b e¨¯— hv RyjvB gv‡m gvbyl wKb‡e| cÖwZwU FZzB wfbœ Ges Avwg Zv‡`i me¸‡jv cQ›` Kwi| hLb Avwg Avgvi eZ©gvb w`b¸‡jvi mv‡_ AZxZ‡K Zzjbv Kwi ZLb Avwg mvaviYfv‡e eyS‡Z cvwi bv Kxfv‡e Avwg c~‡e©i PvKwi‡Z wU‡K wQjvg| Avwg cÖK…wZ‡K cQ›` Kwi| AZ¸‡jv gvm k¦vmi“×Ki Awd‡m KvUv‡bvi ci evwn‡i †Lvjv evZv‡m KvR Ki‡Z Avwg cQ›` Kwi| hš¿ Avgv‡K AvKl©Y Ki‡Z cv‡i bv Ges m¤¢eZ KL‡bvB cvi‡e bv|

Avwg weevwnZ bB| Avwg Avgvi wb‡Ri KvR GgbwK Avgvi wb‡Ri Lvevi ivbœv wb‡R Kwi| Avwg hv wb‡R Ki‡Z cvwi †m Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Avwg A‡b¨i Ici wbf©ikxj n‡Z †Póv Kwi bv| cÖvqkB Avgiv eÜziv Avgvi Ici wei³ nq| Zviv e‡j Avgvi M„n¯’vwji UzwKUvwK KvR Kivi Rb¨ GKRb Kv‡Ri †g‡q wb‡qvM †`Iqv DwPZ| Zviv GB ÔMÖvg¨ Rxe‡bÕ Avgv‡K †`‡L myLx nq bv| Zviv †ckvRxex| Zviv cÖPzi Avq K‡i| n‡Z cv‡i…. Avgvi †P‡q †ewk wKš‘ Avwg g‡b  Kwi Avwg Avgvi KvR AwaK Dc‡fvM Kwi|

mßv‡ni †klw`b¸‡jv‡Z Avwg cÖvqkB MÖv‡g hvB| gv‡S gv‡S eÜz‡`i mv‡_, gv‡S gv‡S GKv| Avwg AcwiwPZ PvivMvQ msMÖn Kiv cQ›` Kwi| Avgvi Ab¨ GKwU kL Av‡Q| Avwg ÷¨v¤ú msMÖn Kiv fv‡jvevwm| Avgvi wbKU †jwb‡bi mgqKv‡ji GKwU ivwkqvb ÷¨v¤ú Av‡Q| Avwg †Uwjwfkb †`wL bv| G w`b¸‡jv‡Z cÖvq cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB wUwf †mU Av‡Q| wKš‘ Avgvi †bB| GwU †Kgb?

GKgvÎ mgm¨v Avwg †gvKv‡ejv Kwi, Avwg mKj FZz‡Z ch©vß DcvR©b Kwi bv| kxZ I el©v Avgvi Rb¨  `yBwU e¨¯— FZz| wKš‘ GwU wVK Av‡Q| n‡Z cv‡i Avgvi Pvicv‡ki †jv‡Ki g‡Zv Avwg ch©vß Avq Ki‡Z cvwi bv| wKš‘ Avwg Avgvi cwievi, Kg©Pvixe„›` Ges Avgvi Rb¨ my›`i Rxeb hvc‡bi Rb¨ Aš—Z ch©vß cwigvY Avq Kwi| Avwg Aek¨B eje, Avwg Lye myLx gvbyl!

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Why did the man feel happy?
  3. i) For getting job                                     ii) For letting a job

iii) For leaving a job                                     iv) For making his last job

  1. Why did the man dislike his last job?
  2. i) It was hard ii) It was boring           iii) It was a desk job     iv) It was an official job
  3. When did he decide to leave his job?
  4. i) After around two years ii) After more than two years

iii) After less than two years                         iv) After getting salary

  1. His job is now connected with —-.
  2. i) driving ii) nature                      iii) morning                  iv) winter
  3. When does he get up in summer?
  4. i) Earlier ii) Later than winter     iii) At moonlit night     iv) About 7 am
  5. What makes him busy now?
  6. i) Timber ii) Medicinal plants      iii) His previous job     iv) Flower garden
  7. Why does he himself cook his own food?
  8. i) Since he is unmarried ii) As he wants to be married

iii) As he is a good man                                iv) Since he has no job

Extra Practices

  1. Where does he go at weekends?
  2. i) In other countries ii) In village area          iii) In city area             iv) In a beautiful place
  3. Why does he not watch TV?
  4. i) Because he has no TV ii) As he has no money

iii) Since he collects stamps                         iv) Because it is his hobby

  1. He is happy because he —- to run a decent life.
  2. i) can earn vast money ii) can earn enough money

iii) has to earn enough money                      iv) is unable

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What was the reason behind the happiness of the man?
  3. Why did the man decide to leave the job?
  4. When does he start work?
  5. Is the man happy now?
  6. Why are his friends not happy?

Extra Practices

  1. Who are professionals?
  2. From where does he collect unknown saplings?
  3. What is his hobby?
  4. When does he become busier than the normal time?
  5. What is the passage about?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-9: Lesson-2(B)

What type of job do you want to have? Is it highly paid and high profile conventional job liked by most people? Yes, you can have it. It is the question of your choice and  important decisions that advance your life ahead. But have you ever thought of other types of jobs out there— cool, fun, exciting, even strange or weird jobs you never imagined to exist? What are they? Did you ever wonder who picks up the chewing gum left on a park bench or who assesses whether a piece of furniture is comfortable enough or who constructs glass eyeballs or who farms oysters in the middle of the ocean? These are all wacky, odd, unexpected, wild, crazy, unconventional, strange or just plain weird jobs and careers. They are not your traditional career choices, but somebody out there does all these things, gets paid for it, and enjoys life like anybody else.

There are hundreds of such jobs to take if you want to travel the less taken ways of life. You have to decide on several questions:

  • What companies will recruit/hire me?
  • Do I actually make a paycheck?
  • What type of education/diploma will I need?
  • Can I make a living doing this?

Your answers to these questions will help pave your career roadmap and help you decide if you are ready to take the challenge. Decide if you want a change. A lot of strange jobs also allow you to work part-time or freelance when it fits your schedule. This way you can get a taste of freedom, a secondary income, and build experience at the same time.

Do you have interests beyond writing memos and attending boring meetings? If so, you may wonder how you can find a strange job. Hobbies are a good place to start. What do you do for fun? Do you stuff animals, act like Charlie Chaplin, or make model cars? If you enjoy it, someone out there works in that field and is making money off your hobby. Maybe they are testing mountaineering equipment, developing fragrances, trying new brands of undergarments, or saving sea turtles. And they are getting paid good wages.


e½vbyev` :Zzwg †Kb RvZxq PvKwi †c‡Z PvI? GwU wK AwaKvsk gvby‡li cQ‡›`i g‡Zv D”P †eZb Ges D”P gvbm¤§Z PvKwi? nu¨v, Zzwg †c‡Z cv‡iv| GwU †ZvgviB cQ›` Ges ¸i“Z¡c~Y© wm×vš—mg~n hv †Zvgvi Rxeb‡K mvg‡bi w`‡K wb‡q hvq| wKš‘ G¸‡jv Qvov Ab¨ ai‡bi PvKwii K_v Zzwg KLbI wPš—v K‡iQ? PgrKvi, gRv`vi, D‡ËRbvKi, GgbwK A™¢~Z ev Avðh©RbK PvKwi hvi Aw¯—Z¡ Zzwg KLbI Kíbv Ki‡Z †c‡iQ wK bv? †m¸‡jv Kx?

KLbI wK †f‡eQ †K cv‡K©i †e‡Â †d‡j hvIqv PzBsMvg IVvq A_ev †K g~j¨vqb K‡i AvmevecÎwU h‡_ó Avivg`vqK wKbv A_ev †K Kuv‡Pi Aw¶ †MvjK ˆZwi K‡i ev mgy‡`ªi gvSLv‡b †K wSbyK Drcv`b K‡i? G¸‡jv meB we¯§qKi, D™¢U, AcÖZ¨vwkZ, ey‡bv, AvRe AMZvbyMwZK, A™¢yZ A_ev †mvRv K_vq Ave¸we KvR Ges †ckv| G¸‡jv †Zvgvi MZvbyMwZK †ckv evQvB‡q †bB wKš‘ †KD bv †KD G RvZxq KvR K‡i, Gi Rb¨ †eZb cvq, Ges Ab¨‡`i g‡ZvB Rxeb Dc‡fvM K‡i|

hw` Zzwg Rxe‡bi wbgœgv‡bi c×wZ‡Z P‡jv Z‡e kZ kZ G ai‡bi PvKwi cv‡e| K‡qKwU cÖ‡kœi wfwˇZ †Zvgv‡K wm×vš— wb‡Z n‡et

  • Avgv‡K †Kvb †Kv¤úvwb wb‡qvM/ fvov Ki‡e?
  • Avwg wK mwZ¨Kvifv‡e †eZb cvB?
  • †Kvb cÖKvi wk¶v / wW‡c­vgv Avgvi cÖ‡qvRb?
  • GwU K‡i Avwg wK Rxeb Pvjv‡Z cvie?

hw` Zzwg cÖwZØw›ØZv MÖn‡Y cÖ¯‘Z _vK, Zvn‡j G cÖ‡kœi DËimg~n †Zvgvi †ckvi cwiKíbv I wm×vš— wb‡Z mnvqZv Ki‡e| wm×vš— bvI, Zzwg cwieZ©b PvI wKbv| A‡bK ai‡bi A™¢yZ KvR †Zvgv‡K †Zvgvi mgqm~wP Abyhvqx mvgwqKfv‡e ev wb‡R wb‡R KvR KiviI my‡hvM K‡i †`q| G fv‡e Zzwg ¯^vaxbZvi gRv, ga¨g cÖKv‡ii DcvR©b, Ges GKB mg‡q AwfÁZv AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡iv|

†Zvgvi wK †g‡gv †jLv ev weiw³Ki wgwUs-G Ask MÖnY Qvwo‡q AvMÖn i‡q‡Q? hw` ZvB nq, Z‡e Zzwg nq‡Zv fve‡e Kxfv‡e GKwU A™¢yZ PvKwi †c‡Z cv‡iv| ïi“ Kivi DËg ¯’vb kL| gRv Kivi Rb¨ Zzwg Kx K‡iv? Zzwg wK cï-cvwLi g„Z‡`‡n Zz‡jv f‡i †Ljbv evbvI ev Pvwj© P¨vcwj‡bi gZ Awfbq Ki A_ev bgybv Mvwo ˆZwi K‡iv?

hw` Zzwg GwU Dc‡fvM K‡iv, †Kv_vI †KD G †¶‡Î KvR K‡i Ges †Zvgvi k‡Li A_© DcvR©b Ki‡Q| n‡Z cv‡i Zviv ce©Z Av‡ivn‡Yi hš¿cvwZ wbix¶v Ki‡Q, myMÜx Drcv`b Ki‡Q ev bZzb eªv‡Ûi Aš—e©vm ˆZwi Ki‡Q A_ev mvgyw`ªK K”Qc‡`i i¶v Ki‡Q Ges Zviv fv‡jv DcvR©b Ki‡Q|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. What is conventional job?
  3. i) Rare job ii) Traditional job         iii) Uncommon job      iv) Risky job
  4. Unconventional jobs can make your life—-.
  5. i) advance ii) honorable                iii) cool                        iv) funny
  6. What may be an example of unconventional job?
  7. i) Clerk                                     ii) Construct glass eyeballs

iii) Driving                                                   iv) Sea turtles

  1. What is an wonderful job?
  2. i) Chewing gum                                                                         ii) Pick up bench

iii) Picking up chewing gum left on a park bench                             iv) Sleeping

  1. What is not a traditional career choice?
  2. i) Eating chewing gum ii) Farming oysters

iii) Eyeballs                                                 iv) Making furniture

  1. How many odd jobs are there around us?
  2. i) Numerous ii) Very few                 iii) Small in amount     iv) Beyond our imagination
  3. How can we take a step to an unconventional job?
  4. i) By hobbies                                     ii) By making roadmap

iii) Doing part-time job                                iv) By thinking deeply

Extra Practices

  1. How can you get a taste of freedom?
  2. i) By working freelance ii) By scheduled task

iii) By making road map                              iv) By hard work

  1. How is trying new brands of undergarments?
  2. i) Conventional job ii) Unconventional job iii) Good wages            iv) It’s not a job
  3. Writing memos is —-.
  4. i) a conventional job ii) an unconventional job

iii) after                                                       iv) a good job

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. How is conventional job?
  3. What kind of job is picking up the chewing gum left on a park bench?
  4. What will happen if you want a change in your job?
  5. Do you think that unconventional job is a fun?
  6. Do you think that unconventional job is a fun?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                 Unit-9: Lesson-3(C)

Have you ever thought of a very delicate career? Have you dreamt of a rosy environment full of colour and fragrance? How much would you love it if you were placed in a house full of flowers to deal all the day? I’m just going to give you some clues for a way of business, a job.

Yes. Daises, violets, tulips, marigolds, dahlias, bellies, jasmines, roses and all those things of beauty can also earn your livings if you handle them professionally. In fact, a florist’s career is rather a good choice as an unconventional job for many around the world. Wherever you see eye-catching floral displays, you actually see the professional performance of a floral designer. They are also known as florists and they create superb arrangements with flowers. Using both real and artificial flowers with other greeneries, florists prepare flower displays for a variety of events such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, marriage days, Valentine’s day, official receptions and even funerals. Every flower is with its distinct colour, design, significance and meaning which flower designers have to know well. There are conventions and significance associated with flower. We know that conventionally roses are meant for romance and anniversaries and tulips for birthdays.

Although formal education or diploma is not essential always, florists must have a good taste, good eye for colours, shapes and proportion. They have to have good sense for selecting flowers, ribbons and other accessories to make beautiful arrangements. Professional florists are knowledgeable about not only flowers but also designs and techniques. Most florists learn the trade mainly through apprenticeship in a previous flower farming job and also by attending formal floral schools and courses. However, a true passion for flowers and a bit of aesthetic sense are all that can make a florist’s career successful.

Flower designers earn fairly handsome money. But the bonus is that they belong to a fresh fun job. They work in flowers all day long in a nice atmosphere with fresh air, pleasant smells and vivid colours around. But there is a disadvantage too, if you are inclined to see so. Florists deal with flowers, but miss their honey.!

e½vbyev` : Zzwg wK KLbI Lye bvRyK †ckvi K_v wPš—v K‡iQ? Zzwg wK is I Nªv‡Y cwic~Y© †Mvjvwc cwi‡e‡ki ¯^cœ †`‡LQ? hw` Zzwg mvivw`b dz‡j c~Y©fv‡e mw¾Z _vKv evwo‡Z _vK Zvn‡j Zzwg GwU‡K KZ fv‡jvevm‡e? Avwg ïay †Zvgv‡K GKwU e¨emvi Dcvq, GKwU PvKwii aviYv w`‡Z hvw”Q|

nu¨v| †WBwR †e¸wb, gwj­Kv, Muv`v dzj, Wvwjqv, †ewj, RyuB dzj, †Mvjvc dzj I †mŠ›`‡h©i Ab¨vb¨ wRwbm I †Zvgvi RxweKv AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡i hw` Zzwg †m¸‡jv‡K †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i mv‡_ bvI| e¯‘Z, c„w_exi A‡bK ¯’v‡bB AMZvbyMwZK †ckv wn‡m‡e GKRb dzj we‡µZvi †ckv eis GKwU fv‡jv cQ›`| †hLv‡bB Zzwg `„wób›`b dz‡ji cÖ`k©bx †`‡Lv, Zzwg mwZ¨Kvifv‡e dz‡ji bKkvKviv‡`i †ckvMZ cvi`wk©Zv †`L‡e| Zviv dzj e¨emvqx bv‡g cwiwPZ Ges Zviv dyj Øviv PgrKvi m¾v ˆZwi K‡i|

meyR cÎ wewkó Avmj I K…wÎg Dfq dzj e¨envi K‡i dzj e¨emvqxMY weevn Drme, Rb¥w`b, evwl©Kx, weevn w`em, fv‡jvevmv w`em, Awdwmqvj Af¨_©bv Ges GgbwK KzjLvwb BZ¨vw` wewfbœ NUbvi †cÖw¶‡Z dz‡ji cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ cÖ¯‘Z K‡i _v‡Kb| dz‡ji bKkvKvi‡`i cÖwZwU dz‡ji wewfbœ is, bKkv, Zvrch© Ges A_© fv‡jvfv‡e Rvb‡Z nq| dzj mswk­ó cÖPwjZ ixwZ Ges Zvrch© i‡q‡Q| Avgiv Rvwb mvaviYZ †Mvjvc gv‡bB †ivgvÂKi Ges wUDwjc Rb¥w`‡bi Rb¨|

hw`I AvbyôvwbK wk¶v A_ev wW‡c­vgv me mgq cÖ‡qvRb †bB, wKš‘ dz‡ji is, MVb Ges AbycvZ †evSvi Rb¨ Aek¨B fv‡jv Dcjwä, my›`i P¶z _vK‡Z n‡e| my›`ifv‡e mvRv‡bv dzj, wdZv Ges Ab¨vb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wRwbmcÎ evQvB Kivi Rb¨ Zv‡`i fv‡jv aviYv _vK‡Z n‡e| †ckvMZ dzj e¨emvqxi ïay dzj m¤ú‡K©B bq, bKkv I †KŠkj m¤ú‡K©I Ávb _vK‡Z n‡e| AwaKvsk dzj e¨emvqx e¨emvwU wk‡Lb g~jZ wk¶vbwek wn‡m‡e dz‡ji K…wl KvR K‡i Ges dzj msµvš— we`¨vj‡q Ges †Kv‡m© AskMÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g| hv †nvK, dz‡ji cÖwZ mwZ¨Kvi AvKl©Y Ges ˆkwíK eyw×gËv dz‡ji e¨emvqxi †ckvq mdjZv Avb‡Z cv‡i|

dz‡ji bKkvKvi cwic~Y©fv‡e fv‡jv DcvR©b K‡i| wKš‘ Zv‡`i AwZwi³ cvIbv GB †h Zviv GKwU Awfbe gRvi Kv‡Ri mv‡_ RwoZ| Zviv m‡ZR nvIqv, g‡bvig NÖvY Ges Pviw`‡K D¾¡j is Gi g‡a¨ mvivw`b dzj wb‡q KvR K‡i| wKš‘ G‡Z AmyweavI i‡q‡Q hw` Giƒc †`‡L †Zvgiv Drmvn‡eva K‡iv| dzj e¨emvqxiv dzj wb‡q e¨emv Ki‡jI dz‡ji gvKzh© †_‡K ewÂZ nq|


Violet (fv‡qv‡jU) adj.- a type of colour, combination of blue and red; †e¸wb; syn- purple| Superb (mycve©) adj.-being excellence; PgrKvi; syn-outstanding| Wedding (I‡qwWs)n.- the bond of marriage; weevn; syn-bridal| Valentine (f¨v‡jBbUvBb) adj.- attraction to somebody or something; fv‡jvevmv; syn-like| Funeral (wdDbv‡ij)n.- the celebration in memory of a dead person; KzjLvwb; syn-interment| Distinct (wWmwUsKU)adj.- separate from somebody or something; c„_K; syn – different| Significance (wmMwbwd‡KÝ)n.- importance of an event, action etc; Zvrch©; syn-importance| Proportion (cÖ‡cvikb)n.- a part of amount; AbycvZ; syn-ratio| Accessories (A¨vK‡m‡mvwim)n.- spare parts or things; LyPiv wRwbm; syn-frills| Technique  †UKwbK) n.- procedure of doing something; †KŠkj; syn-system| Passion (c¨vkb)n.- attraction for somebody or something; AvMÖn; syn-zeal|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Florists are for flowers but not—-.
  3. i) for honey ii) for money               iii) for beauty               iv) for energy
  4. Tulips are conventionally meant for —-.
  5. i) birthday ii) romance                  iii) weddings                iv) funerals
  6. As a conventional job, a florist’s career is —-.
  7. rather a bad choice ii) an excellent

iii) the worst choice                                     iv) rather a good choice

  1. — is essential to be successful in floral carrier.
  2. i) Good taste ii) Aesthetic sense        iii) passion                   iv) Good eye for colours
  3. Florists are knowledgeable about not only flowers but also —-.
  4. i) size ii) ribbons                    iii) beauty                    iv) shapes and proportion
  5. Roses are meant for —-.
  6. i) colour ii) travel                       iii) romance and anniversaries iv) new year
  7. Conventions and significance are associated with —-.
  8. i) fruits ii) flowers                    iii) fish                         iv) birds

Extra Practices

  1. —- earn fairly handsome money.
  2. i) flower designers ii) flower buyer            iii) flower seller           iv) flower business men
  3. Florists create superb arrangements with —-.
  4. i) fruits ii) flowers                    iii) leaves                     iv) plants
  5. — prepare flower displays.
  6. i) Farmers ii) Land owners            iii) Floral designers      iv) Flower sellers
  7. Florists deal with flowers but ——.

(i)   lase their money                                     (ii)    miss their honey

(iii) miss their beauty                                   (iv)   lose their energy

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What qualities do florists need?
  3. How do the florists prepare displays?
  4. How do the most florists learn the trade?
  5. What can make a florist’s career successful?
  6. How much do flower designers earn?

Extra Practices

  1. What do you mean by florists?
  2. What do the florists do?
  3. What do the florists have to know well?
  4. What is the bonus for the flower designers?
  5. How is the career of a florist?




Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it                 Unit-10: Lesson-3(B)

Pritilata was born in Chittagong on 5 May 1911. She was a meritorious student at Dr Khastagir Government Girls’ School in Chittagong and Eden College, Dhaka. She finally graduated in philosophy with distinction from Bathune College in Kolkata. In her college days, Pritilata was an activist in the anti British movement. All through her life, she dreamt of two things: a society without gender discrimination, and her motherland without British colonial rule. So she received combat training to fight against the British rule. Soon after, Pritilata became the headteacher of Nandankanon Aparna Charan School in Chittagong. Gradually she involved herself in Surya Sen’s armed resistance movement. Surya Sen was a famous anti-British movement organizer and activist in Cittagong area that time. In 1932, Surya Sen planned an attack on the Pahartali European Club. The club was well-known for its notorious sign Dogs and Indians not allowed. Surya Sen assigned Pritilata to lead a team of 10-12 men to attack the Club. The raid was successful but Pritilata dressed as a man failed to get out of the Club. She committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide to avoid arrest. She proved that women can work like men. She also proved that women too needed to be prepared to sacrifice their lives for the freedom from the British colonial rule. Her dream came true. The British  rule came to an end though she couldn’t see it during her lifetime.

Abyev` : cÖxwZjZv 1911 mv‡j 5†g PÆMÖv‡g Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib| wZwb Wv. L¯—Mxi miKvwi evwjKv we`¨vjq I XvKvi B‡Wb K‡j‡Ri †gavex QvÎx wQ‡jb| wZwb me‡k‡l KjKvZvi †e_yb K‡jR †_‡K K…wZ‡Z¡i mv‡_ `k©‡b mœvZK wWwMÖ jvf K‡iwQ‡jb|

K‡j‡Ri w`b¸‡jv‡Z cÖxwZjZv weªwUk miKvi we‡ivax Av‡›`vj‡bi Kgx© wQ‡jb| mviv Rxeb wZwb `y‡Uv wRwb‡mi ¯^cœ †`L‡Zb: wj½ ˆelg¨gy³ mgvR I Zuvi gvZ…f~wg weªwUk kvmbgy³| ZvB weªwUk kvmbwe‡ivax msMÖv‡gi Rb¨ mvgwiK cÖwk¶Y wb‡qwQ‡jb| kxNÖB cÖxwZjZv PÆMÖv‡gi b›`bKvbb AcY©v PiY ¯‹z‡ji cÖavb wkw¶Kv n‡qwQ‡jb|

cieZx©Kv‡j µgvš^‡q wZwb m~h© †m‡bi ¯^k¯¿ cÖwZ‡iva Av‡›`vj‡b †hvM w`‡qwQ‡jb| m~h© †mb H mg‡q weªwUk we‡ivax Av‡›`vj‡bi msMVK I PÆMÖvg GjvKvi Kgx© wQ‡jb| 1932 mv‡j m~h© †mb cvnvoZjx BD‡ivcxqvb K¬v‡e Avµg‡Yi cwiKíbv K‡iwQ‡jb|

K¬vewU KzL¨vZ wb‡lavÁv ÔKzKzi I fviZxq‡`i cÖ‡ek wbwl×Õ Gi Rb¨ mycwiwPZ wQj| m~h© †mb 10-12 R‡bi GKwU `‡ji †bZ…Z¡ w`‡q K¬ve Avµg‡Yi `vwqZ¡ w`‡jb cÖxwZjZv‡K| Awfhvb mdj n‡qwQj wKš‘ cyi“l †e‡k cÖxwZjZv K¬ve †_‡K †ei n‡Z e¨_© n‡jb| wZwb †MÖdZvi Gov‡bvi Rb¨ cUvwmqvg mvqvbvBW MÖn‡Y AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡iwQ‡jb|

wZwb cÖgvY Ki‡jb GKRb gwnjv cyi“‡li g‡Zv KvR Ki‡Z cv‡i| wZwb AviI cÖgvY Ki‡jb †h, gwnjv‡`iI weªwUk kvmb we‡ivax ¯^vaxbZvi Rb¨ Zv‡`i Rxeb DrmM© Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Zuvi ¯^cœ ev¯—evwqZ n‡qwQj| weªwUk‡`i kvmb Aemvb n‡jv hw`I wZwb Zuvi Rxe‡b †mwU †`L‡Z cv‡ib wb|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Meritorious †gavex bright, talent
Finally cwi‡k‡l at last, eventually
Descrimination cv_©K¨ disparity
Rule Kvmb reign
Gradually ax‡i ax‡i slowly
Involved wbqwgZ engaged
Resistance msMÖvg fight, conflict, struggle
Famous weL¨vZ famed
Notorious KzL¨vZ, Lvivc bad, harmful
Sacrifice DrmM© Kiv lay down
Colonial Pvcv‡bv imposing, regal
Successful djcÖm~ fruitful
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Pritilata hails from —–.
  3. i) Chittagong ii) Rajshahi                  iii) Rajbari                   iv) Rangamati
  4. Pritilata committed suicide at the age of —-.
  5. i) 20 ii) 19                            iii) 21                           iv) 22
  6. Pritilata had a dream of a society —.
  7. i) without complexion                                ii) with a apartheid

iii) free from gender discrimination              iv) with gender

  1. She completed her graduation in —. 
  2. i) Psychology         ii) Philosophy              iii) Physics                   iv) Bathune
  3. She was the — of Nandakanon Aparna Charan School in Chittogong.
  4. i) headteacher        ii)   student                   iii) combat trainer        iv)  music teacher
  5. The world saw Pritilata’s face first on—.
  6. i) May 5, 1911       ii) March 5, 1971         iii) Eden college           iv) 1932
  7. She was —student.
  8. i) a bad                  ii) a bright                    iii) a dull                      iv) an industrious

Extra Practices

  1. Pritilata’s desire—.
  2. i) came to light       ii) came false               iii) came right               iv)  came wrong
  3. She committed suicide by taking —.
  4. i) drugs                  ii) medicines                iii) poison                    iv) bomb
  5. She put on garment like a —.
  6. i) woman               ii) male                        iii) child                       iv) heroine
  7. Pritilata was a — student.
  8. i) dull                     ii) bright                       iii) weak                      iv) naughty
  9. Pritilata received her graduation degree form —.
  10. i) Dhaka ii)  Chittagong             iii) Kolkata                  iv)   Mumbai
  11. Surya Sen planned an attack on the Pahartali European Club. Here ‘attack’ is a/an—.
  12. i) noun                     ii) adjective                  iii) verb                        iv) adverb
  13. Why did Pritilata commit .suicide?
  14. i) To be arrested     ii) Being timid              iii) Not to be arrested   iv) To avoid the raid
  15. The British rule was over when Pritilata —.
  16. i) was arrested                                             ii) raided the Pahartali European Club

iii) was alive                                                iv) was not alive

  1. Which of the following statement is true?
  2. i) There was a famous sign on the Pahartali European Club.
  3. ii) Surya Sen was assigned to raid the Pahartali European Club,

iii) Pritilata was shot dead

  1. iv) Pritilata attacked the Pahartali European Club in disguise.
  2. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  3. What was the dream of Pritilata?
  4. When was she born?
  5. Where did she graduate?
  6. What did she prove?
  7. Why did she commit suicide?

Extra Practices

  1. Who was Pritilata?
  2. Why did Pritilata receive combat training?
  3. Who was Surya Sen?
  4. What did Surya Sen plan?
  5. Who did Surya Sen assign?





Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                Unit-10: Lesson-4(B)

Zahir Raihan was one of the most talented film makers in Bangladesh. He was born on 19 August 1935 in the village Majupur, in Feni district. He was an active worker of the Language Movement. He was one of the ten students to go out in a procession on 21 February 1952 despite a ban on such activities. As a result, he and many others were arrested and taken to prison. Zahir was also present at the historical meeting of Amtala on February 21, 1952. He also took part in the mass movement in 1969. In 1971, he joined the Liberation War.

All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a democratic society, a society that will ensure freedom of speech and will. He had many dreams about our film industry too. He made a legendary film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language Movement of 1952. It was a revolt against the then autocratic Government. The family presented in that film was a miniature East Pakistan ruled by an autocrat who had to go to the prison for her conspiracy. During the liberation war this film was shown outside Bangladesh. Critics like Satyajit Ray, Mrinal Sen, and Ritwik Ghatak appreciated this film. Zahir gave all his money to the Freedom Fighters’ trust that he got from his film show. Besides his great documentary on Pakistani atrocities, Stop Genocide, helped create world sentiment in favour of  our liberation war.

On 30 December 1971, someone informed Zahir about an address somewhere at Mirpur, where he might find his brother, the famous writer Shahidullah Kaiser.  Shahidulla was captured and killed by the Pakistani army and the local collaborators during the last days of the war. Accordingly Zahir left home to get his brother back and he never returned. This day is observed as Zahir’s Disappearance Day. Zahir’s dream was fulfilled. He could see the inception of a free independent Bangladesh though he did not get back his brother. And it’s a pity that this dreamer was missing at such a time when his dream came true.

Abyev` : Rwni ivqnvb evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg gbbkxj I †gavex Pjw”QÎ wbg©vZv wQ‡jb| wZwb †dbx Rjvi gRycyi MÖv‡g 1935 mv‡j 19 AvMó R¤§MÖnY K‡iwQ‡jb|

wZwb fvlv Av‡›`vj‡bi GKRb mwµq Kg©x wQ‡jb| wZwb `kRb Qv‡Îi g‡a¨ GKRb wQ‡jb whwb 21†k †deª“qvwi 1952 mv‡j wb‡lavÁv _vKv m‡Ë¡I wgwQ‡j †hvM`vb K‡iwQ‡jb| hvi d‡j, Zv‡K Ges AviI A‡bK‡KB †MÖßvi Kiv n‡qwQj| wZwb 1969 mv‡j MYAv‡›`vj‡bI Ask wb‡qwQ‡jb| 1971 mv‡j wZwb ¯^vaxbZv hy‡× Ask wb‡qwQ‡jb|

mviv Rxebe¨cx Rwni MYZvš¿K mgv‡Ri ¯^cœ †`L‡Zb, †m mgvR K_v ejvi I B”Qvi ¯^vaxbZv wbwðZ Ki‡e| Avgv‡`i Pjw”PÎ ms¯’v wb‡q Zuvi A‡bK ¯^cœI wQj| wZwb 1952 mv‡ji fvlv Av‡›`vjb wfwËK ÔRxeb †_‡K †bqvÕ wKse`š—x Pjw”PÎ wbg©vY K‡iwQ‡jb|

GwU wQj ˆ¯^iZvwš¿K miKv‡ii wei“‡× we‡`ªvn| H Pjw”P‡Î †h cwieviwU‡K Dc¯’vcb Kiv n‡qwQj Zv wQj c~e© cvwK¯—v‡bi ¶z`ªiƒc †hwU GKRb ˆ¯^ivPvix Øviv kvwmZ n‡Z _v‡K Ges Zvi loh‡š¿i Rb¨ Zv‡K KvivMv‡i †h‡Z n‡qwQj|

¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i mgq GB Pjw”PÎwU evsjv‡`‡ki evB‡i cÖ`wk©Z n‡qwQj| Pjw”PÎ †ev×viv †hgb mZ¨wRr ivq, g„Yvj †mb Ges FwZ¥K NUK G Pjw”PÎwUi f~qmx cÖksmv K‡iwQ‡jb| Pjw”PÎ cÖ`k©bx n‡Z cÖvß mKj A_© wZwb gyw³‡hv×v Uªv‡÷ Rgv w`‡qwQ‡jb| ZvQvovI cvwK¯—vwb ˆ¯^iZ‡š¿i Ici Zuvi weL¨vZ WKz‡g›Uvix Ô÷c †R‡bvmvBWÕ Avgv‡`i hy‡×i c‡¶ gZvgZ MV‡b mnvqZv K‡iwQj|

1971 mv‡ji 30 wW‡m¤^i, †KD GKRb Rwni‡K wgicy‡ii GKwU wVKvbv m¤ú‡K© Rvbvj, †hLv‡b wZwb Zvi fvB, weL¨vZ †jLK, knx`yj­vn& Kvqmvi‡K †c‡Z cv‡ib|

hy‡×i †kl w`‡b knx`yj­vn Kvqmvi‡K cvwK¯—vwb †mbvevwnbx I ¯’vbxq `vjvj‡`i KZ©„K aiv I nZ¨v Kiv n‡qwQj|

G Kvi‡Y Rwni Zvi fvB‡K wd‡i cvIqvi Rb¨ evmv Z¨vM Ki‡jb Ges Avi KLbI wd‡i G‡jb bv| Rwn‡ii ¯^cœ cwic~Y© n‡qwQj| wZwb GKwU ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`k Gi ïi“ †`L‡Z †c‡iwQ‡jb hw`I wZwb Zuvi fvB‡K wb‡q wd‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ibwb| Ges GUv `ytLRbK †h, GB ¯^cœ`ªóv nvwi‡q †Mj hLb Zuvi ¯^cœ mwZ¨ n‡jv|


Main word Bengali meaning Synonyms
Talented †gavex bright, meritorious
Movement Av‡›`vjb pressure group, association
Procession wkw_j parade, convoy, March
Activities Kvh©vewj jobs
Democratic MYZvwš¿K elected, independent
Freedom ¯^vaxbZv independence
Antocratic Awbe©vwPZ/AZ¨vPvwiZ tyrannical, oppressive
Prison ew›`kvjv jail, penal complex
Appreciate cÖksmv Kiv praise
Sentiment g‡bvfve mood
Famous weL¨vZ famed
Capture †MÖdZvi Kiv arrest
Fulfilled c~Y© completed
Inception DrcwË origin, foundation
  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1×7=7
  2. Zahir Raihan engaged himself in the mass movement in —.
  3. i) 1969                   ii)   1959                      iii) 1996                       iv).  1952
  4. Zahir Raihan was a —.
  5. i) soldier tv           ii) patriot                      iii) professor                iv) photographer
  6. He was taken to — for procession on 21 February.
  7. i) hospital                ii) medical college        iii) clinic                      iv) jail
  8. Shahidullah Kaiser was Zahir Raihan’s —.
  9. i) uncle                   ii) cousin                     iii) friend                     iv) brother
  10. Zahir dreamt for a democratic society —.
  11. i) all through his life                                   ii)  in his college life

iii) in his school days                                   iv) in his varsity life

  1. Zahir Raihan was born in —.
  2. i) Faridpur              ii) rural area                iii) district area             iv) Mirpur
  3. He had many dreams about our—.
  4. i) country               ii) flim industry            iii) education               iv) garment industry

Extra Practices

  1. The film was shown —.
  2. i) outside Pakistan                                      ii)   outside our country

iii) inside Bangladesh                                   iv)   outside the world

  1. The critics — the film.
  2. i) chose                  ii)  praised                    iii) disliked                  iv)   liked
  3. Zahir got disappeared on —.
  4. i) 30 December 1971                                 ii)   16 December 1971

iii) 26 March 1971                                       iv)   16 August 1975

  1. Zahir Raihan was a renowned ——.

(i)    film director       (ii)    film maker           (iii)   professor             (iv)   film hero

  1. The famous writer Shahidullah Kaiser was Zahir Raihan’s ——.

(i)    brother               (ii)    cousin                  (iii)   uncle                    (iv)   teacher

  1. Zahir took part in the mass movement in ——.

(i)    1958                  (ii)    1969                    (iii)   1952                    (iv)   1971

  1. Zahir Raihan was a —.

(i)    film maker         (ii)    reader                  (iii)   player                  (iv)   speaker

        o     He was born on — August 1935.

(i)    20                      (ii)    15                        (iii)   19                        (iv)   25

  1. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
  2. What did Zahir Raihan dream all through his life?
  3. Who was Zahir?
  4. What was the role of his documentary’Stop Genocide’?
  5. What did he do for the freedom fighters?
  6. Why was he taken to prison?

Extra Practices

  1. When was Zahir Raihan born?
  2. Did he join the Liberation War?
  3. What was the fate of Shahidullah Kaiser?
  4. When is Zahir’s Disappearance Day observed?
  5. Who appreciated the film’Jibon Theke Neya’?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Tapan Das

    So helpful post. Thanks a lot.

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