Class 9-10 English 2nd Paper Model Answer (21-40)

SSC English 2nd Paper Model Answer (21-40)


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) of; (b) which; (c) constructive; (d) his; (e) difficult; (f) exception; (g) and; (h) of; (i) their; (j) written.
  2. (a) quite; (b) of; (c) greatly/largely; (d) turn; (e) from; (f) covered; (g) use/exercise/exert; (h) over; (i) plant; (j) the.
  3. (i)     Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

(ii)     It was named after Everest who was the first to survey the Himalayas in 1841.

(iii)    Climbing mountains like Everest is difficult and dangerous.

(iv)    Many expeditions had been led to conquer Mount Everest but some of them failed.

(v)     Hillary and Tenzing first reached the top on May 10 after two months of difficult and dangerous climbing.

  1. (a) experienced; (b) was preparing; (c) had entered; (d) becoming; (e) came; (f) appeared; (g) seemed; (h) sat; (i) enjoyed; (j) gossiping.
  2. The teacher asked Ahsan why he (A) was talking in the class and told him that he (A) should behave himself. Apologizing respectfully, Ahsan informed the teacher that he was asking Rahim to lend him (A) his (Rahim’s) pen as his (A) pen had run out. The teacher told him to be attentive and to listen to his lecture.
  3. (a)     Abdur Rahman got married at the age of twenty-two.

(b)     He was not an active man at all.

Or,    Wasn’t he a very lazy man?

(c)     His wife had to work hard so that she could maintain his family.

(d)     They had no food and so they could not satisfy their hunger.

(e)     Sorrow is not as strong as hunger.

(f)     His wife insisted by her that he should do something.

(g)     He was requested by her to be more responsible.

(h)     Didn’t Abdur Rahman realize the fact?

(i)      He promised to her to manage a job within a week.

(j)      We must be hard-working in our life.

  1. (a) It is true that most of the parents of our country are not interested enough to send their children to school.

(b)     Parents think that spending money for the children’s education is unwise specially when they are girls.

(c)     They think female children need no education because they will be married off one day.

(d)     To lessen discrimination in children’s educational  status the government gives subsidy for female children so that they can get education free of cost.

(e)     It is a good sign that nowadays many parents are sending their female children to school.

  1. (a) immoral; (b) malpractice; (c) prevailing; (d) deterioration; (e) realization; (f) sorrowful; (g) leniency; (h) ethical; (i) religious; (j) educational.
  2. (a) Zinia has little knowledge about sports, has she?

(b)     But, she can develop it if she reads sports journals, can’t she?

(c)     I think she has no interest in it, has she?

(d)     Let’s talk to her, shall we?

(e)     Indeed we need to encourage her in sports for our benefit, don’t we?

  1. (a) because; (b) that; (c) But; (d) which; (e) If.
  2. He said, “I can chop some wood today.” “But I have a boy coming from the orphanage,” I retorted. “I’m the boy.” “You? But you are too small!”



Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) maker; (b) a; (c) division; (d) to; (e) in; (f) to; (g) for; (h) of; (i) the; (j) in.
  2. (a) similar;   (b)  important;   (c)   about;   (d)   communicate;   (e)   can;   (f)  way;   (g)  worry; (h) when; (i) mistake; (j) through.
  3. (a) Dowry hampers the normal conjugal life.

(b)     In the name of dowry manhood of the husband is sold to the womanhood of the wife.

(c)     The selling of manhood is the name of a black trading.

(d)     This imprisonment of the husband refers to taking dowry because it hampers our dignity.

(e)     We must give up the buying of the imprisonment.

  1. (a) is; (b) face; (c) having; (d) cannot think; (e) require; (f) to buy; (g) are cheated; (h) is; (i) is; (j) is trying.
  2. Drawing Hamid’s attention Salmon politely asked him if he was Jack. Hamid replied that he was not. Then pointing to a place Hamid told Salmon that he (J) was over there. At this, Salmon apologised and then Hamid asked Salmon if he was a new student there. Salmon replied in the affirmative and said that he was.
  3. (a) Isn’t patriotism a great virtue?

(b)     A patriot is loved by all.

(c)     On the other hand, treachery is not loved by anyone.

(d)     Those who are treacherous do not deserve any praise.

(e)     Everybody forgets them after their death and so they sink into oblivion.

(f)     No other persons in the society are as hateful as they.

(g)     Even if we remember them, we remember them with disgust.

(h)     Nawab Sirajuddoulah is more remarkable than most other persons of patriotism.

(i)      Jafar Ali Khan is one of the most treacherous persons.

(j)      Nawab is very adorable.

  1. (a) If we don’t work hard, we can’t prosper.

(b)     It is computer which computes swiftly

(c)     We got our independence after we had lost huge blood.

(d)     Though it is harmful, people go on smoking.

Or,    Though smoking is harmful, people go on smoking.

(e)     It is a matter of irony that such a little child lost its mother.

  1. (a)   loudness;   (b)   tolerance;   (c)  vibration;   (d)   pleasant;   (e)   regularly;   (f)   pollution; (g) seriously; (h) aged; (i) unbearable; (j) pollution.
  2. (a)    Though the girl is intelligent, she is often deceived, isn’t she?

(b)     Where there is smoke, there is fire, isn’t there?

(c)     Strike the iron while it is hot, will you?

(d)     Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, hasn’t it?

(e)     Let’s discuss the story of Ruplal that Mrs. Amin told us, shall we?

  1. (a) because/ for; (b) Therefore; (c) which/that; (d) but; (e) when.
  2. Twenty years ago, I lived in a village. Now it has turned into a big one. Not only that, it is going to be a crowded town. This way we face changes, don’t we? Changes should be accepted but that should be positive.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) adulteration; (b) of; (c) a; (d) that; (e) or; (f) at; (g) the; (h) the; (i) into; (j) for.
  2. (a) concentration; (b) benefit; (c) extensively/widely; (d) purpose; (e) care; (f) enjoy; (g) read/study; (h) knowledge; (i) broaden; (j) enriching/increasing
  3. (i)      Efforts are extremely needed for the progress in life.

(ii)    Life loses its interest without struggle.

(iii)    Games become dull if there is no competition.

(iv)    A victory is not a real triumph if both the sides are not equally matched.

(v)     Really life is one kind of continuous examination.

  1. (a) give; (b) arrived; (c) did not; (d) passed; (e) felt; (f) arranged; (g) expecting; (h) wait; (i) mentioned; (j) was.
  2. Sitting close to Kabir, Subir addressed him as his pal and asked him what ailed him (K). Heaving a sigh, Kabir told him (S) that there was nothing so serious and added that he (K) had got rather nostalgic about his (K) homeland. He (K) further added that he (K) missed his (K) dear country and the childhood memories haunted him (K). Then he (K) exclaimed with sorrow that it was a very painful experience to leave one’s country only for the sake of a better living. Afterwards, Subir nodded (K) that he (K) was right.
  3. (a) Very few curses of the 21st century are so big as child labour.

(b)     They are forced to work for poverty.

(c)     We have to remove poverty so that we can check child abuse.

(d)     Robert Bruce was defeated for six times and lost all hopes.

(e)     Nothing but determination can bring us success.

(f)     People can pollute water in many ways.

(g)     We will become sick if we drink polluted water.

(h)     Marco Polo was a very famous traveller.

(i)      It is never free.

(j)      We eat and satisfy our temptation.

  1. (a) We belong to a community and we have our language and culture.

(b)     Once there was a time when we were oppressed by foreign rulers.

(c)     We got our independence after we had fought bravely for it.

(d)     Many freedom fighters received martyrdom while fighting against the enemies.

(e)     It is high time we paid proper honour to the martyred freedom fighters.

  1. (a) worldly; (b) Shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) difficulty; (f) dependent; (g) utilization; (h) improper; (i) destruction; (j) careful.
  2. (a) Manners make man. But what about our young generation nowadays? The young hardly practise good manners, do they?

(b)     But nobody likes an ill-mannered student, do they?

(c)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student, don’t they?

(d)     We seldom teach our young learners manners, do we?

(e)     “Courtesy costs nothing, but pays more.” It is all who should know the maxim, shouldn’t they?

  1. (a) when; (b) ultimately/eventually/pathetically/bitterly; (c) But; (d) And; (e) both.
  2. I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) of; (b) inventions/achievements; (c) invention; (d) used; (e) for; (f) doing; (g) work; (h) the; (i) information; (j) preventing.
  2. (a)  main;   (b)   achieving;   (c)  prepared;   (d)  lying/coming;   (e)  faced;   (f)  come;   (g)  by; (h) participate/take part; (i) a; (j) helping.
  3. (i)     Health is the root of all happiness.

(ii)     A person who has ill health cannot enjoy his life.

(iii)    We need good health to survive in the world.

(iv)    Health is wealth.

(v)     It is the blessing of God.

  1. (a) founded; (b) established; (c) broke out; (d) been proved; (e) experienced; (f) aimed; (g) struggled; (h) exploded; (i) fell; (j) exploded.
  2. Sabu asked his father what a puppet show was. Father proposed that they should go inside and he could see for himself. Inside the tent, Sabu exclaimed with wonder that it was very strange that a doll was dancing and talking. Father said that a man behind the screen was moving the doll and asked if he understood who was talking.
  3. (a) We can pollute water in many ways.

(b)     Wastes are thrown into it and it is polluted.

(c)     People pollute water by chemical fertilizers and insecticides too.

(d)     When we drink polluted water, we become sick.

(e)     If people are not made aware of pollution it cannot be kept clean.

(f)     Water should not be polluted by us.

(g)     We will suffer from different diseases by drinking polluted water.

(h)     Nothing but polluted water causes the diseases of our stomach.

(i)      Water is more important than all other things for us.

(j)      We should drink clean water.

  1. (a)    A friend in need is a friend indeed, is a proverb.

(b)     Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

(c)     If he studied hard, he would pass.

(d)     A patriot is he who loves his country.

(e)     Had the students done their duties properly, they would have succeeded.

  1. (a) usually; (b) recently;  (c) Employment;  (d) Reference;  (e) Sustainable;  (f) patriarchal; (g) empowerment; (h) Conventionally; (i) undeniable; (j) potentialities.
  2. (a)     A child is a blessing of God. There is no mother but loves her child, is there?

(b)     Nature is mysterious. But who knows the ways of nature, do they?

(c)     The old man said to his people, “Let him say whatever he likes, will you?”

(d)     Flood has affected the country recently. So the MP said, “Do save my country and my countrymen, won’t you?”

(e)     Samira wants to swim in the pond. But her friend said to her. “There is little water in the pond, is there?”

  1. (a) which; (b) and; (c) For example; (d) But; (e) Rather.
  2. Have you heard the name of George Bernard Shaw? This great man was born in Dublin in 1856. His father’s family had been small land owners. He was awarded Nobel Prize on literature in November 1925. ‘Arms and the Man’ is a creation of Bernard Shaw. Here he says, “romantic lovers are like colourful butterflies.” What a great man he was!


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) is scheduled; (b) held; (c) in; (d) The; (e) again; (f) chance; (g) chances; (h) are; (i) are;      (j) splendour.
  2. (a) uncommon;   (b)  civilization;   (c)  foremost;   (d)  people;   (e)  development;   (f) defend; (g) performs; (h) traitor; (i) over; (j) shake.
  3. (i)      Rabindranath Tagore was one of the most famous poets of world literature.

(ii)     He was born in the famous Tagore family in March, 1861.

(iii)    He could not accustom himself to formal education.

(iv)    So, he was educated informally at home.

(v)     At the age of fifteen, his poetic genius got revealed through his published book ‘Banaphool’.

  1. (a) has risen; (b) are; (c) offer; (d) rejected; (e) take; (f) throwing; (g) burnt; (h) lead; (i) preventing; (j) raise.
  2. Sakib told Karim that he had had a blue pen. Karim strongly denied in the negative and said that it had been green. Then Sakib told Karim that he (K) said it had been green and asked him where it was then. Swearing by God Karim replied that he did not know. Sakib exclaimed with wonder to Karim that it had been a very nice pen.
  3. (a)     No other invention of science is as miraculous as Internet.

(b)     It is Internet which has brought about an unthinkable revolution in the field of communication.

(c)     It is a computer network connecting other network including computers across the globe.

(d)     Telephone line interlinks this network.

(e)     Internet connection cannot but require a telephone set./There cannot be any Internet connection without a telephone set.

(f)     It also requires a modem, a special kind of software.

(g)     There are only two types of internet.

(h)     Internet gets a connection from a system and the name of this system is networking system.

Or,    There is a networking system and internet gets connection from it.

(i)      Any sort of information can be got very easily and quickly by the internet users.

(j)      Thus what a wonderful job-internet has done!

  1. (a)     Bangladesh is a small country but it has a huge population.

(b)     Our big population is a problem because most of them are poor and illiterate.

(c)     Though it is a great problem, we are not aware of it.

(d)     Unless we control our problem, it will be more serious.

(e)     It is high time we took measures to control it.

  1. (a) fairly; (b) invention; (c) become; (d) calculation; (e) ensure; (f) removed; (g) almost; (h) electronic; (i) unable; (j) independently.
  2. (a)     The little boy came fast, didn’t he?

(b)     I am always obsessed with cricket, aren’t I?

(c)     Let’s go out for a walk in the open field, shall we?

(d)     The teacher said in the class, “He is a 3rd person, isn’t it?”

(e)     Hello, Sumon, I believe you are coming to the airport, aren’t you?

  1. (a) In addition; (b) Moreover; (c) On the other; (d) So; (e) That is why/Therefore.
  2. “My lord,” he said to the caliph in a humble voice, “I know I have done wrong and must suffer for it. But if I save the donkey, I shall cause it a great deal of unnecessary suffering.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) in; (b) After; (c) ability; (d) a; (e) of; (f) the; (g) involve; (h) work; (i) the (j) the
  2. (a) an; (b) by; (c) a; (d) second; (e) the; (f) of; (g) Once; (h) our; (i) in; (j) of.
  3. (i)     A king declared a rich prize for the teller of the biggest lie.

(ii)    They were all taken before the king.

(iii)    A date was fixed for the competition.

(iv)    Applicants tried their best to tell bigger lies.

(v)     Applicants were enlisted serially for the competition.

  1. (a) do; (b) approaches; (c) makes; (d) prepares; (e) write; (f) to cram; (g) go; (h) gather; (i) reading; (j) does not hesitate.
  2. Sohel wished Rupa good morning and asked how much preparation she had taken for the test exam. Rupa replied that she had taken a great preparation and added that she must get GPA-5. Sohel exclaimed with great joy that she was a very lucky girl and added that but his preparation was not so good.
  3. (a)     What a devastating phenomenon of the modern world terrorism is!

(b)     Isn’t it increasing alarmingly at present?

(c)     Terrorism is more disastrous than anything.

(d)     Very few problems of the modern world are as corrosive as it.

(e)     People hate a terrorist.

(f)     Everybody is now in the threat of violence.

(g)     There is law to punish the terrorists but they are not properly applied.

(h)     If we apply the law properly, we can get rid of terrorism.

(i)      A terrorist leads a very miserable life.

(j)      We should bring them to book.

  1. (a)     He is such a great fool that he cannot understand a simple matter.

(b)     The sooner, the better.

(c)     Man lives in a society as he is a social being.

(d)     That he will get promotion is clear to us.

(e)     By the time he returned home he got very tired.

  1. (a) compulsorily; (b) methodically; (c) memorize; (d) untrained; (e) inefficient; (f) interested; (g) lively; (h) attractive; (i) comparatively; (j) existing.
  2. (a) My father scolded me. I was upset. Later I told him, “You don’t like me, do you?”

(b)     My friend Rihan was very interested to play. I told him, “Let’s play badminton, shall we?”

(c)     Whenever I go to Cox’s Bazar, I think that the Bay of Bengal is beautiful, isn’t it?

(d)     Little daughter asks her mother why man eats. In reply, she said, “Man eats to live, doesn’t he?”

(e)     “He is very introvert. He never passes any comment about others, does he?”

  1. (a) But; (b) who; (c) because; (d) however; (e) so.
  2. Do your duty by yourself. When you will be attentive to your lessons, you will be able to finish your course. Unless you work hard, you will not succeed. So, do your duty in the right moment.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) the; (b) to; (c) output; (d) a; (e) will; (f) indolent; (g) dependent; (h) of; (i) for; (j) aversion.
  2. (a) the; (b) for; (c) helps; (d) The; (e) by; (f) near; (g) the; (h) at; (i) expected; (j) with.
  3. (i) Gentility is the state of being gentle.

(ii)    And he who possesses this quality is a gentleman.

(iii)    A gentleman/He behaves with all gently.

(iv)    He/A gentleman never hurts anyone whimsically.

(v)     Gentility is the symbol of peace and prosperity.

  1. (a) put; (b) done; (c) visited; (d) told; (e) was filed; (f) inquired; (g) set; (h) were kept; (i) said; (j) bought.
  2. He asked me what the time was by my watch. I replied that it was half past nine. He said, that he wanted to go to college and asked me politely if I would accompany him. I replied in the negative and said that I was sorry.
  3. (a) The cuckoo is a bird which is of very shy nature.

(b)     It is hardly seen beside human habitation.

(c)     Allah is second to none.

Or,    Isn’t Allah one?

(d)     They are coward but clever.

(e)     They lay their eggs in the nests which belong to crows.

(f)     The crows are not as clever as they.

(g)     They do not make their nests because of their being lazy.

(h)     The baby cuckoos are raised by the crows.

(i)      The baby grows up and then flies away.

(j)      Do crows ever understand it?

  1. (a)     Too much courtesy too much craft.

(b)     If I had been rich, I would have helped the poor.

(c)     It is a good sign that nowadays many rich people help the poor.

(d)     The postman has a definite area where he works.

(e)     The grapes were hanging so high that the fox could not reach them.

  1. (a) adulteration; (b) poisonous; (c) incurable; (d) greedy; (e) wickedness; (f) dishonest; (g) really; (h) Presently; (i) Hopefully; (j) malpractice.
  2. (a) Be careful, won’t you?

(b)     I had an accident last week, hadn’t I/didn’t I?

(c)     Everything looked beautiful, didn’t it?

(d)     These are apples, arent’ these?

(e)     Shila told Nipa, “How happy you are in a nuclear family! aren’t you?

  1. (a) While; (b) that; (c) or; (d) who; (e) as.
  2. Rabindranath Tagore is my favourite author. He was born at Jorasanko in Calcutta on the 7 May, 1861. My brother loves him very much


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) desire/instinct; (b) up; (c) which; (d) the; (e) after; (f) desire; (g) to; (h) to; (i) the; (j) by.
  2. (a) the; (b) job; (c) unlawful/illegal; (d) number; (e) by; (f) Though; (g) people; (h) are; (i) hindrance/obstacle; (j) to.
  3. (i)     Illiteracy is a curse.

(ii)    It is still dominate in our country.

(iii)    Books preserve the sayings and thoughts of great men.

(iv)    The illiterate persons have no access to them.

(v)     Education illuminates like light.

  1. (a) is;   (b)   enjoys;   (c)  takes;   (d)  refreshes;   (e)   takes;   (f)   avail;   (g)   strolling/walking;  (h) walking/strolling; (i) keep; (j) don’t do.
  2. Miranda exclaimed with sorrow and advised Ferdinand not to work hard. She said that her father was at his studies and added that he was safe for those three hours. Then addressing him as brother she advised him (F) again to rest himself. Addressing her (M) as dear lady, Ferdinand replied that he (F) dared not to rest and added that he (F) had to finish his work before he (F) took rest.
  3. (a) Bangladesh is more populous than most other countries in the world.

(b)     We should read books so that we can gain knowledge.

(c)     Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation.

(d)     Fading soon, they lose their beauty.

(e)     It is honesty which is a great virtue.

(f)     My first day at school is the most memorable day in my life.

(g)     No other beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazar.

(h)     Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

(i)      Everybody likes flowers.

(j)      It is more famous than most other schools in Chittagong.

  1. (a)    Yesterday I could not get up from bed in time because I felt sick.

(b)     As soon as I got up from bed, I felt pain.

(c)     Since I could not avail the bus, I walked there on foot.

(d)     On the way to college I walked fast lest I might miss the class.

(e)     If I reached late, I would miss many things.

  1. (a) maker; (b) writer;  (c) indomitable;  (d) later; (e) autocratic;  (f) rulers;  (g) unknown; (h) Accordingly; (i) returned; (j) Disappearance.
  2. (a)     Time and tide wait for none, do they?

(b)     But many of us waste our time, don’t we?

(c)     None can prosper in life neglecting time, can they?

(d)     Everybody should realize this truth, shouldn’t they?

(e)     Let’s make the best use of our time, shall we?

  1. (a) and; (b) but; (c) However; (d) if; (e) Though.
  2. The man said to Mohsin, “My family have been starving for a couple of days. I have gone from door to door in quest of work, but I have found no work.” Mohsin said, “Take this bunch of keys and open the almirah. Have as much money as you require.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) collecting; (b) after; (c) rolled; (d) in; (e) the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) for; (i) from; (j) on.
  2. (a) went; (b) When/While; (c) frightened; (d) a; (e) running; (f) after; (g) caught; (h) the; (i) to; (j) call.
  3. (a) Education is a precondition for development.

(b)     An uneducated man is a burden of nation.

(c)     Illiteracy hampers all the development efforts.

(d)     An educated man can play a role in removing illiteracy.

(e)     After all he/she can play a significant role to build up a nation.

  1. (a) meaning; (b) fought; (c) was called; (d) was; (e) was reading; (f) was passing; (g) saw; (h) was tearing; (i) entered; (j) said.
  2. The boy respectfully told the teacher that he (b) would be much obliged if he (t) would kindly lend him (b) the book he (t) had praised highly in the classroom the previous day. The teacher said that he (t) was very glad to know that he (b) was eager to read that book and added that he (b) was welcome to any of his (t) books that he (b) liked.
  3. (a) It is education which is power.

(b)     Isn’t it much more than getting certificates?

(c)     We have to acquire an enlightened mind which will be enriched with the ability of free thinking and rationality.

(d)     Who will be able to think freely and rationally?

(e)     We should not be unconscious of our feelings.

(f)     We should achieve the capability so that we can think from others’ perspective.

(g)     We should not have a biased and imbalanced opinion.

(h)     Rationality should always equip our mind.

(i)      No other wealth is as great as education.

(j)      It is more valuable than any other thing.

  1. (a) We shall go there provided the weather is fine.

(b)     The boy was given the job after he had qualified himself in the interview.

(c)     Check the beast in you lest you should fall in life.

(d)     Be truthful if you want to be respected.

(e)     Scarcely had the party begun when it began to rain.

  1. (a) applicable; (b) formal; (c) exemplified; (d) unletterred; (e) easily; (f) methodical; (g) loudly; (h) silently; (i) orally; (j) comprehension.
  2. (a) As he carried a book with him, he put the book on the table, didn’t he?

(b)     My brother is two years older than me, I am ten years old, aren’t I?/ain’t I?

(c)     The weather is very rough today. Let us go home, shall we?

(d)     He is a liar. Nobody believes him, do they?

(e)     The industrious shine in life. The idle cannot prosper in life, can they?

  1. (a) As/Since; (b) Though; (c) that; (d) In order to; (e) if.
  2. “Where are you from?” said the teacher. “I am from Nepal,” said the student. “How did you find Dhaka when you first arrived?” said the teacher. “Well, I like it. I think the city is very beautiful,” said the student.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) wonder; (b) a; (c) to; (d) of; (e) the; (f) without; (g) a; (h) keeping; (i) in; (j) communication.
  2. (a) through; (b) from; (c) in; (d) out; (e) a; (f) both; (g) obey; (h) the; (i) among; (j) the.
  3. (a) Adversity is regarded as a curse.

(b)     But it has its uses also.

(c)     This enables us to know true friends from false ones.

(d)     It also develops our latent power, which enables us to prosper in life.

(e)     It also prompts us to exert ourselves.

  1. (a) came; (b) brought; (c) carried; (d) was preserved; (e) had given; (f) hawked; (g) carried; (h) brought; (i) had; (j) could not forget.
  2. Abu asked the angel what he (angel) was writing. The angel looked up and replied in a sweet tone that he (angel) was writing the names of those who loved the Lord. Abu asked if his (Abu) name was written. The angel replied in the negative and said that his (Abu) name was not included there. Then Abu requested the angel to write down his (Abu) name as one who loved his fellowmen.
  3. (a) Very few virtues are as great as patriotism.

(b)     A patriot has patriotism and so he is loved by all.

(c)     By whom is an unpatriotic man liked?

(d)     Patriotism is a very noble virtue.

(e)     It is one of the best qualities of man.

(f)     It inspires a man making him able to do everything just and fair for the betterment of the country.

(g)     The countrymen love and respect a patriot.

(h)     A patriot is never forgotten by people.

(i)      A man who is unpatriotic is hated everywhere.

(j)      He may have worldly immense wealth but he remains a worthless person.

  1. (a) If we drink arsenic polluted water, we will be affected with arsenicosis gradually.

(b)     Surface water is safe when underground water is polluted with arsenic.

(c)     Pond water is not safe as it contains germs and bacteria.

(d)     Many people drink arsenic contaminated water because they are not conscious.

(e)     Since there is scarcity of pure water, we can preserve rainwater.

  1. (a) unlimited; (b) writers; (c) enrich; (d) perfection; (e) spiritual; (f) prosperity; (g) Truly; (h) alternative; (i) various; (j) development.
  2. (a)     Hello, Surhon, I believe you are coming to the airport, aren’t you?

(b)     Of course, I am coming with Azim, aren’t I /ain’t I ?

(c)     The plane will land at about 9 am, won’t it?

(d)     But sometimes it delays, doesn’t it?

(e)     Please bring a camera with you, will you?/won’t you?

  1. (a) Though; (b) So; (c) For example; (d) along with; (e) On the other hand.
  2. 11. The man said to me, “Where are you going?” “I am going to school,” said “Did you go to school yesterday?” “No”, I replied. “Why didn’t you go?” “I was very busy,” said I.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) become; (b) looked; (c) have; (d) so; (e) on; (f) that; (g) travelling; (h) probably; (i) ever; (j) will.
  2. (a) recently; (b) melting; (c) in; (d) as; (e) for; (f) atmosphere; (g) when; (h) are; (i) leads/causes; (j) is.
  3. (i) Drug addiction means taking heroin, opium, etc.

(ii)     It has grasped the young generation of our country.

(iii)    Drugs are used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.

(iv)    Young boys commit various crimes to arrange money.

(v)     It kills a man slowly but surely.

  1. (a) have been   living;   (b)   have   moved;   (c)   seem;   (d)   drag;   (e)   make;   (f)   coming;  (g) drives/makes; (h) be avoided; (i) know; (j) should be stopped.
  2. Himi asked Rimi why she (R) did not get up early from sleep. Rimi replied that it was tough to her (R) to leave bed early. Himi exclaimed with sorrow that it was a bad habit. Himi told her (R) that if she (R) left bed early she (R) could enjoy sound health. She (H) also advised her (R) to follow her (H) advice. Rimi told her (H) that she (R) would try her (R) level best to do that.
  3. (a) BAF Shaheen college is situated at Patenga in Chittagong and it is flourishing its name and fame day by day.

(b)     It being far away from the city, students have to start early for school.

(c)     O God, grant my prayer and help my brothers.

(d)     He does not love anybody less than others.

(e)      The woman had chopped wood, brought in water before she fed her baby.

(f)     Who didn’t admire her?

(g)     Without doing it, you will die.

(h)     Alif studies regularly so that he can make a brilliant result.

(i)      How beautiful she looked wearing this dress!

(j)      All the questions should be tried to answer by an examinee.

  1. (a) A book fair is an affair which meets the demand of the book lovers.

(b)     It is a fair where books on different subjects are displayed.

(c)     When it is the evening, book lovers gather there.

(d)     Book lovers gather in the fair so that they can purchase their respective favourite books.

(e)     Some come to the fair to buy books and some come to meet their favourite writers.

  1. (a) materialise; (b) determination; (c) achievable; (d) unachievable; (e) uncommon; (f) disinclined; (g) unfortunate; (h) idleness; (i) befool; (j) remorseful.
  2. (a)    Drug is ruining our young generation, isn’t it?

(b)     You can’t deny that drug has its beneficial effect, can you?

(c)     Strange! Everyone knows it gradually affects the internal function of the body, don’t they?

(d)     But drug helps one to forget frustration, doesn’t it?

(e)     Strong will can defeat frustration, can’t it?

  1. (a) But; (b) Firstly; (c) Moreover; (d) Besides; (e) also.
  2. The teacher said to the boy, “where are you going now?” “I’m going to school,” said the boy. “Did you go to school yesterday?” “No,” the boy replied. “Why did you not go?” “ I was suffering from fever,” said the boy.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) an; (b) in; (c) the; (d) the; (e) for; (f) in; (g) flourish; (h) in; (i) A; (j)  introduced.
  2. (a) in; (b) of; (c) they; (d) the; (e) from; (f) bring; (g) by; (h) the; (i) different; (j) practical.
  3. (i) Florence Nightingale did not like the easy occupation of the society.

(ii)    She visited London Hospital instead of going out to parties.

(iii)    She studied the treatment of sick people.

(iv)    She was shocked by the roughness in those hospitals.

(v)     She went to Germany and France to study nursing.

  1. (a) take; (b) not live; (c) known; (d) suffer; (e) damages; (f) overeating; (g) are; (h) eating; (i) need; (j) forbids.
  2. Addressing the Prophet as Muhammad (Sm) the Beduin earnestly requested him (Sm) to forgive him (B) and said that he could not recognize him (Sm). The holy Prophet (Sm) asked him why he (B) had cut off his right hand. He (B) replied that he (B) didn’t think it was right to keep the hand that had assaulted him (Sm) and requested him (Sm) to join his hand if he (Sm) was the Prophet.
  3. (a) A good teacher is nothing but an asset for a country.

Or,    A good teacher is not a liability for the country.

(b)     If you observe a good teacher, you will never find him motionless.

(c)     He always moves in the class.

(d)     He feels the necessity of movement and he walks about the class.

(e)     Does not he have to assess the answer sheets of the students?

(f)     He speaks according to his thought and belief.

(g)     A man in other profession actually does not work as hard as a good teacher does.

(h)     He is not chained by fixed rules.

(i)      His classes do not become non-communicative and lifeless.

(j)      Let’s show due respect to him.

  1. (a)    These are the Pyramids which are the wonders of the world.

(b)     All the Pyramids are not of equal size as they are different.

(c)     These Pyramids are located in Egypt which is an ancient country.

(d)     The great Pyramids were built by a king whose name was Khunam-Khufu.

(e)     He ruled Egypt and was the second Pharaoh of the 4th dynasty.

  1. (a) worldwide; (b) rightful; (c) declaration; (d) unanimously; (e) multilingual; (f) fuller; (g) understanding; (h) glowing; (i) unforgettable; (j) glorious.
  2. (a)    We live in Bangladesh, don’t we?

(b)     She is one of the smallest countries in the world, isn’t she?

(c)     But she has a large population, hasn’t she?

(d)     We must turn this population into power, mustn’t we?

(e)     Let us work together in this regard, shall we?

  1. (a) such as; (b) When; (c) than; (d) which; (e) thus.
  2. “Is there anybody here who has ever crossed a river by a boat.” I have a teacher, I clearly remember what happened in that journey,” said Jamal.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) an; (b) think; (c) a; (d) generous; (e) in; (f) of; (g) an; (h) charity; (i) help; (j) at.
  2. (a) inaugurated/opened; (b) at; (c) at; (d) founded; (e) the; (f) the; (g) the; (h) of; (i) The: (j) about.
  3. (i) Travelling is always fascinating.

(ii)    People used to travel from prehistoric time.

(iii)    We use fastest transportation system.

(iv)    We can mention the name of aeroplane in this regard.

(v)     It has educative value as well.

  1. (a) are; (b) are organized; (c) are sponsored; (d) pay; (e) advertise; (f) are telecast; (g) watch; (h) receive; (i) giving; (j) promotes.
  2. Once Buddha asked an old man how old he (O) was. He (O) humbly replied that he (O) was two years old. Being surprised Buddha told that he (O) looked eighty. Addressing him (B) as great saint the old man told that he (O) had come to know what true love was just two years before.
  3. (a)     Is anger anything but a vice?

(b)     It begets nothing but the worst.

(c)     So it should be controlled by us for our own sake.

(d)     A person taken by anger causes a lot of troubles.

(e)     We should realize it and should be emotionally balanced.

(f)     All do not like an angry man.

Or     Nobody likes an angry man.

(g)     Everybody must hate an angry man.

(h)     An angry man is less favourite than others.

(i)      He is more despised than any other person in a society.

(j)      Nothing is as furious as anger.

  1. (a)    It is flower which is the symbol of beauty and purity.

(b)     We have not the proper mechanism by which we can lift them.

(c)     Love others lest they should love you.

(d)     He became so greedy that he cut the belly of the goose.

(e)     United we stand, divided we fall.

  1. (a) overcrowded; (b) migration; (c) installations; (d) decentralized; (e) employment; (f) overnight; (g) automatically; (h) earnestly; (i) attractive; (j) tendency.
  2. (a)    Everybody respects freedom fighters, don’t they?

(b)     They fought for the independence of our country, didn’t they?

(c)     Their sacrifice has given us freedom in every sphere of life, hasn’t it?

(d)     Their names are written in golden letters, aren’t they?

(e)     We should never forget them, should we?

  1. (a) but; (b) who; (c) Because; (d) Actually; (e) In addition.
  2. The king said, “What harm did I do then that you should seek to take my life?” “With your own hand you killed my father and my two brothers,” the young man replied.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) a; (b) smiles; (c) red; (d) a; (e) Always; (f) the; (g) Almost; (h) with; (i) pleasing; (j) to.
  2. (a) regarded; (b) So; (c) on; (d) the; (e) for; (f) fail to; (g) power; (h) for; (i) Therefore/So; (j) become.
  3. (a)    Our country has much probability of development.

(b)     Poverty makes us disreputable in the society.

(c)     It has been actually created by us.

(d)     It is too complicated to solve in a day.

(e)     We solve this problem through hard diligence.

  1. (a) are not; (b) do not; (c) do not care; (d) give; (e) prefer; (f) liked; (g) contains; (h) needed; (i) keep; (j) ensure.
  2. Suddenly addressing the six blind men as gentlemen and wishing them good morning, a voice asked them where they were going and what they were doing there. They exclaimed that they were going nowhere and were doing nothing. Then the voice told them that they looked so pensive and asked them why they looked so. The six blind men-agreed with the voice and told that it was right. They added that they were looking for something,
  3. (a)     Student politics is more discussed than most other issues of the country.

(b)     Our students are misguided and do a lot of harm.

(c)     We should developed public consciousness so that we can solve this problem.

(d)     How harmful it is!

(e)     Political involvement is good for the students.

(f)     But politics should be done by them for the benefit of the nation.

(g)     They should avoid evil minded leaders.

(h)     By avoiding campus violence, we can remove session jam.

(i)      If we are determined, we can solve many problems.

(j)      Violence is the most harmful thing.

  1. (a)    Avoid mistakes lest you should get poor marks.

(b)     If you invited me, I would go.

(c)     The farmers could not reap a good harvest this year as it did not rain in time.

(d)     He is sure that he will get A+ in the exam.

(e)     Many years have passed since I met you last.

  1. (a)   manager;   (b)   receptionist;   (c)  visitor;   (d)   foreigner;   (e)   knowledge;   (f)   boarder; (g) assistance; (h) disagree; (i) finally; (j) successfully.
  2. (a)     It is an enjoyable evening, isn’t it?

(b)     Yes it is. Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?

(c)     That’s a nice idea. We can enjoy a walk outside, can’t we?

(d)     The air is also cool and soothing, isn’t it?

(e)     Right. And the queen moon is also shining brightly in the sky, isn’t she?

  1. (a) Because; (b) So; (c) When; (d) who; (e) In this case.
  2. Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, was defeated at a war and failed to regain his countrys freedom several times. Naturally he was in a very dejected mood. Sitting in his hide out, he lost himself in deep thought.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) at; (b) to; (c) of; (d) to; (e) in; (f) by; (g) of; (h) to; (i) from; (j) in.
  2. (a) usually/often; (b) father; (c) educated; (d) held; (e) midst; (f) burning; (g) darkness; (h) ignorance; (i) steps; (j) proper.
  3. (a)    The authoress wanted to be quiet and away from people to do some serious writings.

(b)     She rented a cabin which belonged to the orphanage.

(c)     She asked for a boy or a man to come and chop wood for her.

(d)     The orphanage sent the boy for chopping wood.

(e)     He was about 12 years old but looked smaller.

  1. (a) received; (b) came; (c) had secured; (d) accept; (e) are ; (f) expected; (g) retain; (h) held; (i) expect; (j) continuous
  2. The man next to me asked me if he could have a look at my paper for a moment and said that he just wanted to see the cricket results. I replied that I hadn’t quite finished with it and asked him if he could wait a moment. He replied that he could not wait long since he was getting off at the next stop.
  3. (a)     Very few religious festivals of the Muslims are as big as Eid.

(b)     What an auspicious day it is!

(c)     Don’t the Muslims keep fasting during the month of Ramadan?

(d)     The poor should not be looked down upon.

(e)     The people who are rich try to enjoy Eid in a different way.

(f)     The helpless deserve our charity.

(g)     Eid is the most colourful festival.

(h)     We enjoy the day.

(i)      The celebration is very amazing.

(j)      Various programmes are telecast by different channels on this day.

  1. (a) I don’t know what happened to him.

(b)     The truth is that he is a drug addicted.

(c)     He pretends as though he knew nothing about it.

(d)     Though he is healthy, he does not do any work.

(e)     The police is looking for him as he is a criminal.

  1. (a) western; (b) question; (c) networks; (d) unsocial; (e) network; (f) smartness; (g) companion; (h) virtual; (i) hardly; (j) reaction.
  2. (a) Man is fond of turning back to the past, isn’t he?

(b)     The present may be good, mayn’t it?

(c)     But everybody hardly forgets golden past, do they?

(d)     Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, is it?

(e)     The memories of childhood really haunt us, don’t they?

  1. (a) While; (b) such as; (c) Besides; (d) So; (e) Therefore.
  2. Bangladesh is a small country with a population of about sixteen crores. She can hardly make headway. So, we should work hard to keep pace with the rest pf the world.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) disaster; (b) caused; (c) to; (d) the; (e) untold; (f) heavy; (g) without; (h) after; (i) famine; (j) out.
  2. (a) follows; (b) to; (c) a; (d) an; (e) the; (f) an; (g) the; (h) by; (i) into; (j) from.
  3. (a) Liberty does not descend upon a people automatically.

(b)     The people must raise themselves to achieve it.

(c)     The real freedom is freedom from want, disease and ignorance.

(d)     It is a fruit that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.

(e)     That freedom is only freedom from foreign domination is an old idea.

  1. (a) is; (b) contaminated; (c) run; (d) consumed; (e) fall/are falling; (f) existing; (g) rectified; (h) expected; (i) implemented; (j) curbing.
  2. The teacher asked the student where he was from. The student replied that he was from Nepal. The teacher again asked the student how he had found Dhaka when he had first arrived. The student thinking for a while answered that he liked Dhaka and added that he thought the city was very beautiful.
  3. Changing sentences

(a)     Very few gifts of nature are as great as birds.

(b)     Everyone/Everybody loves birds.

(c)     We cannot but be kind to them.

(d)     Don’t they help to keep ecological balance?

(e)     When it is winter, birds come to our country from Siberia.

(f)     The birds eat up the insects harmful for our crops.

(g)     Nature is beautified by birds to a great extent.

(h)     Birds are one of the most useful things for our ecosystem.

(i)      How essential birds are!

(j)      Crow is uglier than all other birds.

  1. (a)  It is high time we started for school.

(b)     Scarcely had we finished our duty when the supervisor appeared.

(c)     She spoke as though she had been a learned person.

(d)     The students are studying hard lest they should fail in the exam.

(e)     If he had utilized his time properly, he would have prospered in life. ,

  1. (a) Self-confidence;   (b)   determination;   (c)   confidence;   (d)   failure;   (e)   competition; (f) mentally; (g) preparation; (h) prosperity; (i) determined; (j) renewed.
  2. (a)     Hello, Liza. Father’s birthday is on Monday next, isn’t it?

(b)     Yes, Lili. Only two days are left, aren’t they?

(c)     We need to buy some beautiful gifts, don’t we?

(d)     Of course. Let’s go to a watch shop, shall we?

(e)     What a nice idea, Liza, isn’t it?

  1. (a) As/Since; (b) But; (c) So/This is why/For this reason; (d) Besides; (e) As a result.
  2. “Why are you going to Barisal”? said father. “I want to buy some important books,” said Saad. “Do you need money? “Yes, father.” “Don’t go alone as time is not going well.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) Bangladeshis; (b) religious; (c) are celebrated; (d) ours; (e) of/on; (f) of; (g) on; (h) the; (i) by; (j) leading.
  2. (a) responsible; (b) in; (c) on; (d) overloading; (e) reasons; (f) death; (g) capacity; (h) over; (i) usual; (j) distance.
  3. (i)     Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists of the 18th century.

(ii)    He was born on February 7, 1872 in Portsmouth.

(iii)    When he was a small boy, his father was sent to prison for debt.

(iv)    He could not go to school and receive education.

(v)     Dickens had to work in a factory at the age of twelve.

  1. (a) woke; (b) heard; (c) Being; (d) appeared; (e) following; (f) found; (g) was; (h) absorbed; (i) was; (j) understood.
  2. Jerry told the authoress that she looked a little bit like his mother especially in the dark by the fire. Being confused, the authoress said that he had been only four years old when he had gone there. Finally, Jerry concluded saying that his mother lived in Mannville.
  3. (a) English is more used than most other languages in the world.

(b)     People speak English all over the world.

(c)     The international community is helped by English to communicate across the national borders.

(d)     People having good knowledge in English get good jobs.

(e)     Without learning English we cannot prosper.

(f)     We cannot acquire knowledge if we do not learn English.

(g)     We cannot but learn English.

(h)     We can get good jobs, and therefore we should learn English.

(i)      English opens a door and it is knowledge.

(j)      It is difficult to communicate across national borders without learning English.

  1. (a)     Truth is an abstract idea although it is valued everywhere.

(b)     We cannot get it as shape, yet we should try to achieve it.

(c)     Falsehood may rule but gets exposed sooner or later.

(d)     It will disclose either sooner or later.

(e)     Those who are truthful are honoured by the people.

  1. (a)   disloyal;   (b)   Disloyalty;  (c)   equal;   (d)   treachery;   (e)   traitorous;   (f)   unrest; (g) disrespectful; (h) criminal; (i) unpunished; (j) dishonoured
  2. (a) My brother rebuked me. I was shocked. Next day I told him. “You don’t fondle me, do you?”

(b) My sister Rani is very polite. I told her, “Let’s play chess, shall we?”

(c) Whenever I go to Agra, I think nothing is so beautiful as the Tajmahal, is any thing?

(d) There was an accident near Dhaka Commerce College in the morning. I entered the office hurriedly and told, “I am not late, am I?”

(e) Mr. Salam is religious minded. He says his prayer five times daily, doesn’t he?

  1. (a) Firstly; (b) unless; (c) Secondly; (d) Finally; (e) and.
  2. Once my mother said to me, “Who came to you?” “My friend Rafiq, Mom.” She asked “What did he want?” I said, “His mother is ill. He needs some money. I have given him five hundred taka. My mother said, “Wonderful!.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) global; (b) for; (c) to; (d) creating; (e) deprivation; (f) by; (g) but; (h) if; (i) loving; (j) unitedly.
  2. (a) behaviour; (b) means; (c) To; (d) need; (e) have; (f) follow; (g) from; (h) have/possess; (i) in; (j) but.
  3. (a) Our War of Independence took place in 1971.

(b)     People from all walks of life joined the war.

(c)     They went to the battlefield to save the country.

(d)     They did not run away showing their backs.

(e)     They fought face to face with their enemies.

  1. (a) throw; (b) includes; (c) grows; (d) pollutes; (e) is; (f) thought; (g) get; (h) reduce; (i) recycling; (j) collect.
  2. Rihan asked me if I had finished reading the book he (R) had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and wished that I could borrow the book earlier. Rihan asked me if I would return the book to him (R) that day.
  3. (a) Very few soldiers in France were as great as Napoleon.

(b)     In his youth, he joined the French army as an ordinary soldier.

(c)     As he grew powerful, he soon became the greatest man in the country.

(d)     Fighting several wars with the neighbouring countries, he won victory over them.

(e)     Didn’t he proclaim himself the emperor in 1804?

(f)     He was feared by everybody.

(g)     Then, France was more powerful than any other country in Europe.

(h)     Napoleon became great because he was courageous.

(i)      He was raised to the high position by his courage.

(j)      He was destroyed because of his misuse of power.

  1. (a)     There is a popular saying that “Honesty is the best policy”.

(b)     Though an honest man is poor, he leads a happy life

(c)     If we try whole-heartedly, we can remain honest.

(d)     I wish I were honest.

(e)     Our life is meaningless until we are honest.

  1. (a) communicative; (b) movement; (c) motorized; (d) exertion; (e) suggestion; (f) enables; (g) enjoy; (h) fitness; (i) indifferent; (j) preference.
  2. (a) Congratulations Kajol! You have made an excellent result, haven’t you?

(b)     Thanks. But my parents and teachers also deserve the credit, don’t they?

(c)     Right you are. We ought to remain grateful to them, oughtn’t we?

(d)     Certainly, you too studied hard, didn’t you?

(e)     Yes, only hard work brings success, doesn’t it?

  1. (a) So; (b) Then; (c) As; (d) But; (e) So.
  2. Born from the great Liberation War of 1971, Bangladesh is a non-communal progressive democratic state that has worked to establish an economy and society, free of inequality and, to nurture a culture of democracy and respect for human rights for all, fostered by patriotism in all areas of social existence.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) pollution; (b) in; (c) to; (d) outside; (e) the; (f) the; (g) of; (h) among; (i) the; (j) the.
  2. (a) In; (b) a; (c) with; (d) the; (e) a; (f) with; (g) on; (h) the; (i) unknown; (j) thought.
  3. (a) Tree plantation has become a common expression to all in our country.

(b)     There is hardly any man who is not familiar with this term.

(c)     Tree plantation means planting more and more trees.

(d)     June and July are the best time for tree plantation.

(e)     We cannot think of our existence without trees.

  1. (a) makes; (b) does; (c) prosper; (d) repent; (e) be moulded; (f) waste; (g) have; (h) is called; (i) sow; (j) reap.
  2. The class teacher of class X asked the students if they liked to go on a study tour. The students respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that they would like to go on a study tour. Then he told them to take the permission from their parents. One of the students respectfully asked where they would go. The teacher replied that it would be decided after a discussion with the Principal.
  3. (a) It is tigers which are known as ferocious animals.

(b)     The paws being cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle.

(c)     Very few animals are as ferocious as the tiger.

(d)     Lions are not as strong as tigers.

(e)     Tigers are braver than all other animals.

(f)     They are both strong and ferocious.

(g)     They do not hunt sluggishly.

(h)     They target their prey and then hunt it.

(i)      At the time of their walking, they don’t make any sound.

(j)      Can’t tigers swim well?

  1. (a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues because it makes a man really great.

(b)     We cannot command the confidence of others unless we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth.

(c)     The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life.

(d)     A man may succeed once or twice by telling a lie, but it never brings about a good result.

(e)     When once one’s falsehood is brought to light, he is trusted by no one any longer.

  1. (a) outward: (b) inward; (c) inborn; (d) useful; (e) celebrated; (f) inner; (g) outer; (h) careless: (i) enrich; (j) valueless.
  2. (a)    Money is a must for our life, isn’t it?

(b)     One can do almost nothing without it, can one?

(c)     But money can hardly bring happiness, can it?

(d)     What you need most to be happy is contentment, isn’t it?

(e)     That’s why, few people lead a happy life, do they?

  1. (a) But; (b) where; (c) not only; (d) but also; (e) So/Thus/Therefore.
  2. In spite of his illness, Rahul went to college. He seemed to be very tired and worried. His teacher, Mr. Wahed, advised him to leave college at once.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) for; (b) by; (c) are; (d) a; (e) Different; (f) farming; (g) the; (h) for; (i) in; (j) in.
  2. (a) role; (b) answer; (c) man; (d) a; (e) belief; (f) home; (g) womanly/delicate; (h) decision; (i) lack; (j) changed.
  3. (a) Corruption is a type of social cancer.

(b)     It creates a number of problems in the society.

(c)     Whenever the social value of a society is degraded, this problem is raised.

(d)     Due to corruption, society steps down into different types of problems.

(e)     Everybody must work together to uproot corruption from the society at any cost.

  1. (a) cannot; (b) stumbles; (c) have; (d) find; (e) are; (f) fix; (g) endowed; (h) have not/do not have; (i) consult; (j) evaluate.
  2. The Brazilian receptionist smilingly wished the tourist good morning with respect and asked her how they could help her. The tourist nodded and asked if they had any room vacant. He replied in the affirmative and said that they had a single one on the first floor and asked her again respectfully if it would do.
  3. (a)     Strategy is the most important thing in the examination.

(b)     A student should not elaborate any answer in the examination.

(c)     When he gets the question paper, he should read it carefully.

Or,    He should read the question paper carefully after he has got it.

(d)     At first glance the question may seem difficult.

(e)     A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.

(f)     He answers all the questions and the examiner becomes glad seeing that.

(g)     But not answering at all is not as good as it.

(h)     It is not insensible.

(i)      Time should not be wasted by him to do it.

(j)      Can another process bring a good result in an examination?

  1. (a) He could not attend the meeting because he was seriously ill.

(b)     We went to his residence as soon as we heard the news of his illness.

(c)     He was so ill that he could not talk to us.

(d)     We immediately decided to shift him to a hospital where he could be properly treated.

(e)     No sooner had we reached the hospital than he died.

  1. (a) exceptional; (b) movement; (c) praiseworthy; (d) attraction; (e) founder; (f) actively; (g) movement; (h) reorient; (i) artistic; (j) visionary.
  2. (a)     Rafiq has little knowledge about games and sports, does he?/has he?

(b)     But he can develop it if he reads sports journal, can’t he?

(c)     I think he has no interest in it, has he?

(d)     Let’s talk to him, shall we?

(e)     Indeed we need to engage him in games and sports for our benefit, don’t we?

  1. (a) So; (b) Though; (c) Because; (d) Besides; (e) So.
  2. “My dear friends, I know a charm by which I can rid you of these rats, but you have to pay me one thousand guilders in payment of my this service.” A thousand guilders!” cried the men. “We will give you ten thousand guilders if you can rid us of these rats.”

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