Class 9-10 English 2nd Paper Model Answer (41-70)

SSC English 2nd Paper Model Answer (41-70)


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a)  the;   (b)  appreciation;   (c)  from;   (d)  or;   (e)  natural;   (f)  forward;   (g)  friendship;    (h) gratefulness; (i) the; (j) for
  2. (a) the; (b) over; (c) depend; (d) kind; (e) easily; (f) eat; (g) people; (h) eat; (i) on; (j) means.
  3. (i) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.

(ii)    Everybody trusts a truthful man.

(iii)    A truthful man cares none but Allah.

(iv)    We all should respect a truthful man.

(v)     He is sincere too.

  1. (a) learns; (b) listening; (c) presents; (d) is told; (e) is presented; (f) reciting; (g) creates; (h) hear; (i) conquered; (j) are.
  2. The tailor courteously asked Mr. Rashid what he (t) could do for him (R). Mr Rashid answered that he (R) wanted a woollen suit made. The tailor again asked politely if he (R) would like to buy cloth from them. Mr. Rashid replied in the negative and said that he had brought the suit length with him (R).
  3. (a) No other player is as good as he.

(b)     A boy, who is industrious, will shine in life.

(c)     A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

(d)     I reached there and my friend received me cordially.

(e)     How attentive he is to his study!

(f)     He is one of the most brilliant students in the class.

(g)     She learns her lessons in time.

(h)     Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

(i)      All like flowers./Everybody likes flowers.

(j)      Much time has been wasted by you.

  1. (a) There was a man who wanted to learn English.

(b)     Because of having great attraction for English, he went to a famous teacher.

(c)     The teacher began to teach the man though he was dull-headed.

(d)     In spite of memorizing three words, he didn’t know their meanings.

(e)     However, after trying a couple of months, the teacher released him.

  1. (a) sweeter; (b) worldly; (c) ensure; (d) happiness; (e) Happiness; (f) contentment; (g) Morality; (h) immoral; (i) honesty; (j) comfortable.
  2. (a) Nowadays information and culture are freely flowing from one country to another, aren’t they?

(b)     Certainly culture has many good and bad aspects. But you should agree with me that foreign culture is destroying our own culture, isn’t it?

(c)     No, I won’t enjoy most of the foreign TV programmes, unless all are rich in moral and educative information. We can learn a lot from them, can’t we?

(d)     Undoubtedly, our culture has some drawbacks, hasn’t it?

(e)     You are right. We need to modify our TV programmes so that we can be benefited from these, don’t we?

  1. (a) So; (b) At last; (c) When; (d) As; (e) When.
  2. “Dear, how can you disbelieve me? I have done everything. Yes, in the true sense, everything for you. It is time, I am sure, to learn about everything you question.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) the; (b) a; (c) to; (d) from; (e) up; (f) the; (g) the/a; (h) desire; (i) a; (j) exercise.
  2. (a) habit; (b) the; (c) virtues; (d) peace; (e) on; (f) society; (g) rich; (h) cares/fears; (i) truthful; (j) prosperity.
  3. (i)      Once there was an honest and pious man named Abu Ben Adhem.

(ii)    One night he was in a peaceful sleep.

(iii)    Suddenly waking up he saw an angel.

(iv)    The angel was engaged in writing the names of the persons who loved God.

(v)     Abu asked the angel if his name was in the list.

  1. (a) lived; (b) came; (c) was; (d) have; (e) lay; (f) save; (g) dropped; (h) woke; (i) thought; (j) had done
  2. The grocer asked the fruit-seller where his son was. The fruit-seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. The grocer called him a liar and asked how a crow could carry away such a big boy. The fruit-seller replied that just the same way as mice could eat away the balance and weights.
  3. (a) Very few inventions of modern science are as wonderful as television.

(b)     Scientists did not invented it overnight.

(c)     Scientists spent many years by working hard so that they could invent television.

Or,    Scientists who spent many years worked hard to invent television.

(d)     Nowadays, there is no family without a television set.

(e)     Don’t the people of all ages like to watch television?

(f)     The programmes which are telecast by television, are very interesting.

(g)     Education programmes should be telecast by television.

(h)     By watching television you can learn many things.

(i)      People watch television and spend their free time.

(j)      Television in one of the most useful things.

  1. (a) It is true that most of the parents in our country are not interested enough to their children.

(b)     Parents think that spending money for the children’s education is unwise specially when they are female children.

(c)     They think female children need no education because they will go to their in-law’s families to do the household activities.

(d)     To lessen discrimination in children’s educational status,  the government gives subsidy for female children so that they can get proper education.

(e)     It is high time we ensured education for all children.

  1. (a) pleasure; (b) entertainment; (c) popularity; (d) enjoy; (e) almost; (f) disappointed; (g) misfortune; (h) Unfortunately; (i) competitive; (j) thrilling.
  2. (a)     You are a farmer but I am a student, aren’t I/ain’t I?

(b)     The moon shines at night, doesn’t she?

(c)     Please, sing a song and charm us, won’t you?

(d)     Muslims, aren’t they?

(e)     Do not go there and bring something, will you?

  1. (a) Though; (b) As; (c) Unless; (d) and; (e) if.
  2. “How is your mother, Nabila?” said Mrs. Rina. “She is well. Thank you,” Nabila replied. “I am very glad to hear that she is in good health,” said Mrs. Rina.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) a; (b) happiness; (c) worldly; (d) A; (e) in; (f) with; (g) the; (h) about; (i) by; (j) frustrated.
  2. (a) a; (b) a; (c) of; (d) wins/earns; (e) of; (f) towards; (g) in; (h) a; (i) pretend; (j) the.
  3. (i) The national flag is the symbol of independence and sovereignty of a nation.

(ii)    Hence, to every nation its flag is dearer than any other things.

(iii)    Every independent country of the world has its own flag.

(iv)    We need to safeguard its prestige.

(v)     For that we need to have patriotic feelings.

  1. (a) is; (b) does not wait; (c) can stop; (d) moves; (e) neglect; (f) make; (g) are; (h) succeed; (i) made; (j) follow.
  2. Abu asked the angel what he (angel) was writing. The angel looked up and replied in a sweet voice that he (angel) was writing the names of those who loved the Lord. Abu asked him (angel) if his name was one. The angel replied in the negative that his name was not  included there. Then Abu requested him (angel) to write down his name as one who loved his fellowmen.
  3. (a) Isn’t flower a glowing gift of nature.

(b)     It is the symbol of love and beauty.

(c)     People use flowers on different occasions.

(d)     Flower is presented to our nearest and dearest persons by us.

(e)     We need flowers so that we can decorate a place.

(f)     No other flower is as good as the rose.

(g)     A flower has sweet scent and beauty and so we love it very much.

(h)     It is the loveliest of all flowers.

(i)      How nice a flower the rose is!

(j)      Due to the increase of the demand for flowers day by day, we should cultivate flowers on commercial basis.

  1. (a)     Shamim is a farmer living in a village of Kushtia.

(b)     He has land of his own.

(c)     As the rainy season was a little late he was worried.

(d)     There were clouds in the sky but they were swept away by the wind.

(e)     One night he woke up hearing the sound of rain.

  1. (a)   purification;   (b)   contamination;   (c)   prevention;   (d)   motivation;   (e)   awareness; (f) organizations; (g) affected; (h) poisonous; (j) locality; (j) ideally.
  2. (a) Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in a man’s life, isn’t it?

(b)     The unfed ought to be fed, oughtn’t they?

(c)     The mother rose in her, didn’t it?

(d)     None came to help him, did they?

(e)     Our examination is over. Everybody is free now, aren’t they?

  1. (a) Once; (b) When; (c) So; (d) more; (e) But.
  2. Killing birds is harmful for the environment. Govt. must take some effective steps to stop the mindless killing of the guest birds that fly to Bangladesh for winter shelter every year. Eighty years old Mr. Ahmed, a bird specialist, recalls by that he was interested in hunting birds in his late teens.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) the; (b) treatment; (c) of; (d) generally; (e) and; (f) A; (g) sick; (h) the; (i) with; (j) to.
  2. (a) overnight; (b) required; (c) votaries; (d) together; (e) successful; (f) by; (g) basis; (h) given; (i) operators; (j) functions/activities/purposes.
  3. (a)    UNESCO has proclaimed February 21 as the International Mother Language Day in 1999.

(b)     The proclamation came in the form of a resolution unanimously.

(c)     It is a great tribute and glowing homage to the language martyrs.

(d)     The recognition was given to spread mother tongue widely.

(e)     The resolution was tabled in Bangladesh.

  1. (a) not see; (b) dancing; (c) were; (d) escaped; (e) pursued; (f) caught; (g) could not catch; (h) hide; (i) went; (j) find.
  2. He requested the king not to go any further and warned that if he did he would not be able to come back. Ulysses vowed that he must go at any cost and added that he must free his poor men from the cruel witch.
  3. (a) What a popular poet Madhusuden Dutt was!

(b)     Very  few dramatists in Bangla literature were as great as he.

(c)     It was he who was born at Sagordary on the bank of the Kapotaksho.

Or,    He was born at Sagordary which is situated on the bank of the Kapotaksho.

(d)     In his boyhood, he desired to be an Englishman.

(e)     His teachers recognized him as a precious child.

(f)     Didn’t he think that he was born on the wrong side of the planet?

(g)     He also though that his society was not able to appreciate his intellect.

(h)     Again he believed that only the West would be more receptive to his creative genius.

(i)      Wasn’t he an ardent follower of lord Byron?

(j)      Going to Europe, he started composing poems.

  1. (a)     A cobbler was happy to lead a simple life.

(b)     He had a neighbour having a lot of money.

(c)     He wanted to help him by giving him some money.

(d)     Taking money from his neighbour, the cobbler lost happiness.

(e)     But for his money, he could not enjoy sound sleep.

  1. (a) formal; (b)  intellectual;   (c)  enlighten;  (d)  promotion;  (e)  ennobles;  (f)  sensibility; (g) various; (h) disadvantage; (i) development; (j) education.

(e)    You are right. I must consult a doctor soon, ——?

  1. (a)     I didn’t see you for three days. You are getting on well with your studies, aren’t you?

(b)     Yes, I am trying heart and soul. I think attaining good marks is not impossible for a student, is it?

(c)     Sure, but you have begun studying burning the midnight oil, haven’t you?

(d)     It’s true, I am trying my best. You look so delicate. It seems your body is weak for hard work, isn’t it?

(e)     You are right. I must consult a doctor soon, mustn’t I?

  1. (a) so; (b) and; (c) but; (d) so; (e) Therefore.
  2. “Hello, Marium. You look very hot and tired,” said Nafis. “I was stuck in the traffic jam for one hour,” said Marium. “Sit down. What would you like to drink?”, said Nafis. “I would love really chilled mineral water or something like that,” said Marium.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) needs; (b) irrigate; (c) at; (d) irrigation; (e) to; (f) the; (g) A; (h) A; (i) the; (j) recent.
  2. (a) a; (b) a; (c) a; (d) the; (e) was; (f) with; (g) on; (h) with; (i) give; (j) fell.
  3. (a) Street children are a common sight in Bangladesh.

(b)     They are often seen wearing torn clothes and barefooted.

(c)     Many of them come out from their house before the sunrise and go back after sunset.

(d)     Sometimes they are seen playing in the scorching heat of the sun.

(e)     Sometimes they quarrel but again they play together.

  1. (a) controls; (b) taken; (c) have earned; (d) paralyzed; (e) galloping; (f) learnt; (g) manipulates; (h) do not come; (i) reported; (j) involved.
  2. Asif asked his sister if she wanted him to help her. His sister replied in the negative and said that she needed not take others’ help. She added that he could go then. Asif wished her sister good night and prayed that God might help her.
  3. 6. (a) No other man is so generous as Haji Mohammad Muhsin in this subcontinent.

(b)     It is he who was born in Hooghly.

Or,    The place where he was born in Hooghly.

(c)     Didn’t he inherit a vast property from his father and sister?

(d)     This wealth was not misused by him.

(e)     People call him the friend of humanity.

(f)     He was unmarried.

(g)     During his life time, he spent money lavishly so that he could help the poor.

(h)     He was very kind and so he could not refuse any one’s request.

(i)      One night at the time of his saying prayer a thief broke into his room.

(j)      Though he caught the thief, he did not punish him.

  1. (a) A person is known by the company he keeps.

(b)     I would write it had I any pen.

(c)     He was so attentive that he could understand the complicated problem.

(d)     He was reading with a view to gaining knowledge.

(e)     Work hard provided that you are physically fit.

  1. (a) Corruption; (b) dreadful; (c) destruction; (d) achievements; (e) dangerous; (f) careful; (g) administration; (h) largely; (i) immediately; (j) prosperous.
  2. (a)     Hasan has little idea about it, has he?

(b)     Our examination is over. Everybody is free now, aren’t they?

(c)     Let’s visit the Fantasy Kingdom, shall we?

(d)     The brother rose in him, didn’t it?

(e)     Happy birthday to you, don’t I?

  1. (a) at all; (b) in fact; (c) Unless; (d) And; (e) as well as.
  2. “I have got GPA-5 in the SSC exam,” said Rafiq. “Congratulations!” said I. “What do you intend to do now?” “I want to study in a reputed college and will try to get admission in Rajuk College,” Rafiq replied.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) heroes; (b) lives; (c) a; (d) the; (e) of; (f) Yet; (g) out; (h) miserable; (i) whereas; (j) with.
  2. (a) proper; (b) get; (c) do; (d) the; (e) real; (f) in; (g) pleasure; (h) the; (i) study; (j) gains.
  3. (a) As the opponent was much stronger than ours, we were a bit anxious.

(b)     But we knew if all of our players could play their best, it would not be impossible to defeat them.

(c)     We won the toss and decided to take the northern side of the field.

(d)     At first our team seemed to be weaker and rhythmless.

(e)     But after a few minutes our players began to show their excellent performance.

  1. (a) copying: (b) taken; (c) is trying; (d) announced/declared; (e) found; (f) expelled; (g) helping: (h) involved: (i) punished; (j) changed.
  2. The man politely asked the manager if he (man) might go in. The manager replied in the affirmative and told him (man) to go in. He (manager) asked him what he (man) wanted. The man told him that he (man) wanted to open a bank account in his (manager) bank. He (man) asked again if he (manager) could tell him (man) how he (man) could open a current account.
  3. 6. (a) It is health which is wealth.

(b)     A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.

(c)     A health man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is liability.

(d)     Can’t he succeed in life?

(e)     So, everybody must be conscious of his health.

(f)     Everybody cannot but take/cannot help taking care of his health all the time.

(g)     We/man can improve health by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet.

(h)     The poor people cannot afford to take a balance diet.

(i)      How concerned they are with the quantity of food.

(j)      It should be known to everybody that malnutrition causes weakness.

  1. (a)    Man considers books to be the best companions in life.

(b)     You may not get good friends to be in your side when you need them.

(c)     But there are books that are always ready to be at your side.

(d)     Books are thought to be your real friends as long as you love them.

(e)     To satisfy our thirst for knowledge we have to read more and more books.

  1. (a) indiscipline; (b) obedience; (c) Disobedience; (d) failure; (e) downfall; (f) courageous/ encouraged; (g) prosperity; (h) peaceful; (i) Similarly; (j) development.
  2. (a)    The Creator is second to none, is He?

(b)     The Jury gave its verdict today, didn’t it?

(c)     What he says, may be true, mayn’t it?

(d)     One should take care of one’s health, shouldn’t they?

(e)     Who dares to disobey the law, do they?

  1. (a) If; (b) Otherwise; (c) Moreover; (d) and; (e) when.
  2. Said an old crab to young one, “Why do you walk so crooked, child? Walk straight.” “Mother,” said the young crab, “Show me the way, will you?”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) In; (b) introduced; (c) to; (d) But; (e) importance; (f) The; (g) has taken; (h) as; (i) developing; (j) by.
  2. (a) for; (b) out; (c) dangerous; (d) by; (e) on; (f) one; (g) to;.(h) The; (i) making; (j) weapons.
  3. (a) Researchers have proved that the average lifespan of a rickshaw puller is five years less than other labours.

(b)     Respiratory diseases are very prevalent among the rickshaw pullers.

(c)     Not only is their physical labour daunting but a rickshaw puller has to endure physical abuse.

(d)     Tannery labourers are the worst victims of the gases produced in the factories.

(e)     Most of them are exposed to these poisonous gases constantly living in adjacent slums.

  1. (a) is; (b) used; (c) includes; (d) influenced; (e) has; (f) make; (g) have got; (h) sitting; (i) shake; (j) greeting.
  2. I saw a young boy standing before me with utmost politeness. Addressing me as uncle he told me that his parents were calling me. I came out of my house and saw an elderly man and a woman. Addressing me as ‘Bhaiya’ the woman asked me if I did not recognize her and said that she was Salma and also said that they had looked for me everywhere but hadn’t found me. I exclaimed with admiration that it was a great surprise.
  3. (a) My friend invited me so that I could pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar.

(b)     Wasn’t I very glad?

(c)     The invitation was accepted by me.

(d)     My friend received me cordially after my reaching there.

(e)     How excited I was to see the sea-beach!

(f)     It is larger than any other sea-beach in the world.

(g)     Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.

(h)     People call it the pleasure seekers paradise.

(i)      Every year a lot of people come and visit it.

(j)      I wish I could visit the sea-beach.

  1. (a) Scarcely had he told the story when he left the place.

(b)     Had I possessed a vast property, I would have helped the poor.

(c)     He speaks as if he were the President.

(d)     Ten years have passed since I saw him last.

(e)     Since I am an early riser, I can enjoy the fresh air of the morning.

  1. (a)   advancement;   (b)   scientifically;   (c)   developing;   (d)   industrially;   (e)   dependent; (f) agriculturally; (g) fishery; (h) undeveloped; (i) possibilities; (j) utilization.
  2. (a)     You are Suman, aren’t you?

(b)     Your father’s name is Zahid, isn’t it?

(c)     Yes, My father works with you in the same office, doesn’t he?

(d)     He always talks about you, doesn’t he?

(e)     We all like him. There is none who does not speak high of him, is there?

  1. (a) As/Since; (b) But; (c) Now; (d) Still; (e) But.
  2. The Buckingham Palace is in England. It was originally built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 and was called Buckingham House. King George III bought it in 1761. It was   remodelled and enlarged by a famous architect, John Nash.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) an; (b) information; (c) into; (d) by; (e) on; (f) operator; (g) invention; (h) of; (i) importance; (j) to.
  2. (a) a; (b) from; (c) a; (d) and; (e) on; (f) in; (g) of; (h) a; (i) of; (j) for.
  3. (i)     Marco Polo was an adventurous man.

(ii)    He travelled by land and sea, over mountains and across deserts.

(iii)    In one summer he reached the palace of Kublai Khan.

(iv)    Polo was warmly received by the Emperor of China.

(v)     The Emperor made him one of his officers.

  1. (a) started; (b) was walking; (c) looked; (d) lay; (e) was; (f) found; (g) stopped; (h) took; (i) asked; (j) was doing.
  2. The giant looked at the fisherman and ordered/told/threatened him to speak to him (G) more politely or he (G) would kill him (f). The fisherman asked the giant why he (G) should kill him. Then he (F) reminded the giant that he had just freed him (G). After that he (F) asked the giant if he (G) had forgotten that. The giant replied that he had not. The giant replied in the negative. But he told the fisherman that that would not stop him (G) from killing him.
  3. (a) The students who study regularly can expect a good result.

(b)     But most of our students are not attentive to their studies.

(c)     Their valuable time is wasted idly by them.

(d)     Isn’t wasting time harmful for them?

(e)     By repeating this activity, they make a result which is poor.

(f)     Nobody loves them then.

(g)     Even their family members treat them badly.

(h)     Failing in the examination, a student suffers from inferiority complex.

(i)      A failed student is the worst of all students in the class.

(j)      So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively in order to do well in the examination.

  1. (a)    Hardly had he reached the station when the train left.

(b)     He speaks as if he were mad.

(c)     I went to Dhaka with a view to buying a car.

(d)     He walked carefully lest he should fall.

(e)     We wish we were a developed nation.

  1. (a) leader; (b) teachers; (c) darkness; (d) beastly; (e) worshippers; (f) unseen; (g) boyhood; (h) thoughtful; (i) truthful; (j) trustworthy.
  2. (a) I have told you to leave the place. I think, I am right, aren’t I?

(b)     The teacher-says, “Charity begins at tome, doesn’t it?”

(c)     The Creator is second to none, is He?

(d)     Everybody praises a well-mannered student, don’t they?

(e)     As the weather was cold, there were a few migratory birds, weren’t there?

  1. (a) who; (b) because; (c) Even; (d) So; (e) Besides.
  2. Summer, the first season of the Bangla year, consists of Baishakh and Jaishta. Fruits of different items are seen available in the summer season. When strong wind blows, the children and girls come out under the trees to pick up mangoes. It is risky to go out because it might cause an accident.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) want; (b) dominantly; (c) from; (d) a; (e) ruler; (f) rights; (g) hesitate; (h) by; (i) So; (j) gained.
  2. (a) after; (b) of; (c) of; (d) the (e) As a result; (f) a; (g) in; (h) in; (i) made; (j) the.
  3. (a)    Happiness is a relative term.

(b)     A person with a crown may not be happy.

(c)     Whereas a day labourer may find happiness living in a shabby hut.

(d)     Again happiness varies from person to person.

(e)     Complete happiness or peace of mind is a blessing of God.

  1. (a) is; (b) has; (c) suits; (d) can go; (e) serve; (f) use; (g) preserve; (h) needed; (i) will prefer; (j) caused.
  2. Entering into the study, my elder brother looked around and burst out in disgust that I had I made the room very dirty. He also asked me why I used the room if I couldn’t keep it tidy. I replied that I was extremely sorry and said that I had been a nuisance. I also promised that in future he would never see the room in such a bad condition.
  3. (a) Haji Mohammad Muhsin was a very kind man.

(b)     Didn’t he inherit a vast property from his father and sister?

(c)     He was not married.

(d)     As long as he was alive he spent money lavishly to help the poor.

Or,    During his life time he spent money lavishly so that he could help the poor.

(e)     One night at the time of his saying prayer a thief broke into his room.

(f)     The thief saw Muhsin and he cried.

(g)     He caught the thief.

(h)     The thief was very needy.

(i)      The thief was given some food any money by him.

(j)      Very few philanthropists in the world were as good as Muhsin.

  1. (a)    It is high time we changed our food habit.

(b)     Faults are thick where love is thin.

(c)     If my friend had helped me, I could have done the work.

(d)     Five years passed since I had seen him in Dhaka.

(e)     Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

  1. (a) popularity; (b) modernized; (c) computerized; (d) overuse; (e) minimize; (f) addiction; (g) attention; (h) inattentive; (i) simultaneously; (j) seriously.
  2. (a) I am very sorry, Kamal, I am very late, ain’t I/aren’t I?

(b)     I couldn’t reach in time because of traffic jam, could I?

(c)     Oh! don’t worry, the train is late, isn’t it?

(d)     Then we can have a cup of tea, can’t we?

(e)     Yes, let’s go to the canteen, shall we?

  1. (a) that; (b) who; (c) But; (d) whose; (e) such.
  2. “Suppose, we are in some danger,” said Miss Mebbin. “Nonsense,” said Mrs Packletide. “It’s a very old tiger. It could not spring up here even if it wanted to.” “If it’s an old tiger, I think you ought to get it cheaper. A thousand taka is a lot of money.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) take;   (b)  people;   (c)  primary;   (d)  least;   (e)  in;   (f)  compulsory;   (g)  the;   (h)  from; (i) taken; (j) The.
  2. (a) ready/about/eager; (b) the; (c) to; (d) in; (e) to; (f) to; (g) to; (h) blesses; (i) of; (j) from.
  3. (a)     Trees are very useful to man.

(b)     They give oxygen to breathe to live.

(c)     They provide shelter to birds and animals.

(d)     We need oxygen to breathe to live.

(e)     We should not destroy trees.

  1. 4. (a) dominated; (b) confined; (c) come; (d) working; (e) taking; (f) been; (g) are contributing; (h) has come; (i) by keeping; (j) needs.
  2. The tourist wished the receptionist good morning and asked him (r) if they had any room vacant. The receptionist respectfully replied in the affirmative and asked him (t) if he (t) wanted a double room or single. The tourist replied that he wanted one double room. The receptionist told the tourist that they had a double room on the second floor.
  3. (a)     It is you who will do it.

(b)     What a hard-working man he was!

(c)     He is one of the most studious students.

(d)     A lion was not braver than he.

(e)     Who like to do bad in the examinations?

(f)     Monkeys are cleverer than tigers.

(g)     Let goodbye be never said.

(h)     After losing his father he stopped going to school.

(i)      No other bird is as sweet as the cuckoo.

(j)      Milton became blind at the age of 44 but he could produce most beautiful writings.

  1. (a)    It is education that enlightens us.

(b)     It paves the way for living a happy life.

(c)     If we educate the people, we can make them skilled workers.

(d)     These are the plans that should be implemented.

(e)     The conscious people should play a vital role so that illiteracy may be removed.

  1. (a) preparation; (b) prepared; (c) unprepared; (d) preparatory; (e) suggestion; (f) encouragement; (g) thoroughly; (h) nervous; (i) prayer; (j) assistance.
  2. (a) I think we should take a decision in the primary stage of our life, shouldn’t we?

(b)     No, I do not agree with you. At this stage a child cannot take decision, can it?

(c)     But I think parents or teachers can guide him/her in this regard, can’t they?

(d)     I shall become a teacher. There are not sufficient qualified teachers in our country, are there?

(e)     I want to be a doctor. We do not have adequate doctors in our country, do we?

  1. (a) Though; (b) as; (c) and; (d) Once/If; (e) in such a way.
  2. “Did you hear a sound?” he asked. “No,” she replied. “I heard nothing distinctly.” “Listen carefully,” he said. “Can’t you hear a little moaning sound coming from the old cottage?


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) who; (b) cleverly; (c) out; (d) on; (e) and; (f) be; (g) although; (h) clever; (i) much; (j) than.
  2. (a) Without; (b) its; (c) Games; (d) in; (e) be; (f) or; (g) the; (h) A; (i) real; (j) struggle/ examination.
  3. (i)     We cannot claim development without female education.

(ii)    Women have equal rights to education.

(iii)    They can also contribute to our development.

(iv)    But they are neglected in many ways.

(v)     Female children are left out after primary education in large number.

  1. (a) confined; (b) are; (c) developed; (d) adapting; (e) receiving; (f) becoming; (g) working; (h) are; (i) contribute/are contributing; (j) keeping.
  2. I asked Jack what he was doing then. He replied that he was watching an interesting program on television. I also asked him if he was not wasting his time. He replied in the negative and said that he did not think so. I advised him to remember that watching much TV makes people lazy.
  3. (a) Columbus is one of the most famous discoverers.

(b)     He did not pass his early life in happiness.

(c)     He became a sailor when he was a boy.

(d)     Coming in contact with many people there, he learnt many things about them.

(e)     The vast sheet of unlimited water was gazed at by Columbus very often during these voyages.

(f)     Who can be compared with him?

(g)     He sailed for India but reached America.

(h)     He thought that it was India.

(i)      Wasn’t he the first man to cross the Atlantic?

(j)      Reaching the shore, he became excited.

  1. (a) Had I the wings of a bird, I could fly in the sky.

(b)     If he had been seen by me, I would have given him a fantastic news.

(c)     It is high time that we left the hostel.

(d)     No sooner had we reached the school than the rain started.

(e)     The more you read, the more you learn.

  1. (a) Intolerance; (b) behaviour; (c) segregation; (d) bearing; (e) learners; (f) familial; (g) negligible; (h) educational; (i) newly; (j) importance.
  2. (a) Most of us hardly know about the dire consequences of deforestation, do we?

(b)     A few students qualified the placement test, didn’t they?

(c)     Bangladesh is too small to accommodate her population, isn’t she?

(d)     He rarely put on an overcoat, did he?

(e)    Trousers sold cheap, didn’t they?

  1. (a) because/as/since; (b) whenever; (c) As a result; (d) consequently; (e) Unfortunately.
  2. A village fair is an annual joyous gathering of the village people. The village fair, on the first Baishakh, is almost common in our country. It generally sits in the open field.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) for; (b) the; (c) a;  (d) endeavour;  (e) mean; (f) emancipation; (g) without; (h) more;  (i) domination; (j) by.
  2. (a) big/serious; (b) has spread; (c) tentacles; (d) grasped; (e) like; (f) rapidly/quickly; (g) attraction; (h) kinds/types; (i) alarming; (j) Frustration.
  3. (i)      Independence is the birthright of a man.

(ii)     No nation can achieve it without struggle.

(iii)    Our War of Liberation took place in 1971.

(iv)    People from all walks of life joined the war.

(v)     They went to the battlefield to save the country.

  1. (a) known; (b)comes; (c) was; (d) passed; (e) got; (f) was; (g) teased; (h) studies; (i) opposed (j) would sit.
  2. Sumon told me that Pintu had gone to his (S) house the previous day. I asked him (S) why he (P) had gone. Sumon replied that he (P) had not told him (S) anything. He (S) added that he (P) had been only talking about his (P) mother. I said that his (P) mother was an affectionate lady. I added that I still remembered how kindly she had talked to me a year before.
  3. (a)    Forgetting him I went outside the cabin.

(b)     She closed the door when she went back to work.

(c)     Jerry was not at all an incurious and inactive boy.

Or,    Wasn’t Jerry a very curious and active boy?

(d)     He was a small boy but could work like a man.

(e)     Jerry was appreciated blindly by the authoress.

(f)     Jerry is better than any other boy I have ever seen.

(g)     When he was four, he came to the orphanage.

(h)     The unnecessary things were done for the writer by him.

(i)      He always spoke the truth.

(j)      Being a free-will agent, he chose to do careful work.

  1. (a)     Had I much money, I would help the poor.

(b)     Walk fast lest you should miss the train.

(c)     It is I who have done the difficult sum.

(d)     I was so helpless that I could not move an inch.

(e)     Since they played well, they won the game.

  1. (a) unreasonable; (b) reuse; (c) overpaid; (d) disapprove; (e) oversleep; (f) undisturbed; (g) physical; (h) stressful; (i) around; (j) happily.
  2. (a) I am still your friend. I hardly think of deceiving you, do I?

(b)     Never believe what others say, will you?

(c)     I’ll ever risk my life if you fall in any problem, won’t I?

(d)     Always remember breaking a friendship is easier than building it. I hope you must not prove yourself foolish, must you?

(e)     Therefore, get back from your way. You need not hesitate any more, need you?

  1. (a) yet; (b) Moreover; (c) Therefore; (d) and/as well as; (e) Otherwise.
  2. “That can’t be,” replied the Nightingale, “I can’t have any rest in the place. I love to live in the green wood. I fly around to the poor fishermen, to the peasants’ huts, to the people who live far away from the place.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) equally; (b) rich; (c) of; (d) deprived; (e) with; (f) The; (g) a; (h) between; (i) upon; (j) humanity.
  2. (a) main; (b) Most; (c) miserable; (d) ill-clad; (e) development/progress; (f) dependent; (g) huge/common; (h) lives; (i) prosper/exist; (j) lives.
  3. (a)     Most Bangladeshis are fond of rice and pulses.

(b)     Both food items are necessary for our health.

(c)     Rice contains a high amount of carbohydrate.

(d)     Pulses have a good percentage of fat.

(e)     Both rice and pulses contain high energy content too.

  1. (a) rains; (b) seen; (c) go; (d) stands; (e) become; (f) remain; (g) causing; (h) not ply; (i) know; (j) taken.
  2. Habib asked the man why she (the farmer’s wife) was crying. He (H) again asked him (the man) what had happened to her (the farmer’s wife). In reply the man told Habib that she was the wife of a farmer. He (the man) further added that they had land on the other side of the river but they had lost that. Habib again asked the man what she (farmer’s wife) wanted to do then.
  3. (a) Man should possess many virtues.

(b)     They are not unnecessary to make a human being a real human.

Or,    Aren’t they necessary to make a human being a real human?

(c)     Truthfulness is greater than most other virtues in a man’s life.

(d)     Isn’t a truthful person true to himself?

(e)     Who does not respect a truthful person?

(f)     In spite of leading a poor life, a truthful person is honoured everywhere.

(g)     A person who is truthful is not afraid of anybody.

(h)     Peace is brought in one’s mind by it.

(i)      It is truthfulness which leads to discovering the inner truth of oneself.

(j)      All false impressions taken collectively are not as spacious as a true heart.

  1. (a) Many people cut trees at random.

(b)     Trees cause rainfall which is essential for our agriculture.

(c)     If we cut trees at random, it will make the environment unbalanced.

(d)     Trees supply oxygen without which we can’t live.

(e)     Since trees help us in many ways, we should not cut down trees at random.

  1. (a) mightiest; (b) feelings; (c) greatest; (d) humanity; (e) reliable; (f) living; (g) rituals; (h) unworthy; (i) loneliness; (j) happiness.
  2. (a)    Good afternoon. How are you? Quite fine. It’s a long time since we met last, isn’t it?

(b)     Probably we met each other eight months ago, didn’t we?

(c)     Yes, I thought you couldn’t but come to the fair, could you?

(d)     You are right. What’s that in your hand? It’s ‘Shanchita’ by Kazi Nazrul Islam, You did not read the whole book, did you?

(e)     No, I did not. I have bought it for further reading. Let’s move and see other book stalls, shall we?

  1. (a) But; (b) so; (c) who; (d) and; (e) nor.
  2. Rifa said to Tasfika, “How are you? I went to your house yesterday but did not find you. Where did you go?” “I went to the station,” said Tasfika, “I had to receive my maternal uncle.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) light; (b) the; (c) in; (d) of; (e) round; (f) the; (g) the; (h) called; (i) the; (j) around.
  2. (a) the; (b) of; (c) the; (d) a; (e) of; (f) to; (g) being; (h) Pollution; (i) is; (j) the.
  3. (a) Robert Herrick was a famous poet of English literature.

(b)     He was born in London, UK.

(c)     His father Nicholas Herrick was a famous goldsmith of London.

(d)     Nicholas Herrick suddenly died when he was five years old.

(e)     After the death of his father his family shifted to a village in Middlesex.

  1. (a) are; (b) is; (c)rise; (d) enjoying; (e)walking; (f) have/enjoy; (g) polluted; (h) are suffering; (i) overcome; (j) come.
  2. The Mayor asked the Piper if he (p) had killed the rats. The Piper replied in the affirmative that he had killed the rats and also requested him (M) to give him (p) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed with wonder that it was very funny. He (M) also said that they could not give him (p) so much money and offered him to take only fifty.
  3. (a)     I could not remember his name.

(b)     Yes, now I am sure of his being Jerry.

(c)     Wasn’t he like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky?

(d)     It is he who once broke the axe handle.

Or,    Once he broke the handle which was of the axe.

(e)     But he refused to take the money.

(f)     He was responsible for breaking the handle and he admitted it.

(g)     He did not accept the money.

(h)     Who hits accurately every time?

(i)      Being honest, he did not show any excuse.

Or,    Because of his honesty, he did not show any excuse.

(j)      He was sincere.

  1. (a) If you do not waste your time, certainly you will shine in life.

(b)     This the boy who came to me yesterday.

(c)     I wish I were a child.

(d)     United we stand divided we fall.

(e)     The boy is so weak in mathematics that he cannot work out a simple addition.

  1. (a) digestive; (b) indigestion; (c) digestion; (d) constipation; (e) circulation; (f) powerful/ empowered; (g) normal; (h) Improper; (i) unpredictable; (j) ensure.
  2. (a) Mr Shafiq is a nature lover. He is walking in his garden with his friend. He said to his friend, “How sweetly the bird sings! doesn’t it?”

(b)     Mamun along with his friends was reading the book. After the completion of their reading, Mamun said, “Let us play football now, shall we?”

(c)     Rahim is a poor boy. Eid is impending. His poor old mother said to him, “Rahim, you need to buy a new shirt, don’t you?”

(d)     If you read in cadet college, you may join the army easily, mayn’t you?

(e)     The postman is a low-paid government employee. His duty is to deliver letters and parcels, isn’t it?

  1. (a) once; (b) for; (c) so; (d) and; (e) up.
  2. It is the month of Ashar. The sky is overcast with clouds. It is drizzling. The roads are full of mud. The boats are plying with sails unfurled. Harvesting of paddy has been started. Bangladesh has worn an exquisite beauty. This is our motherland.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) overnight; (b) to; (c) of; (d) for; (e) successful; (f) In; (g) by; (h) the; (i) an; (j) the.
  2. (a) the; (b) Egypt; (c) beautiful; (d) was; (e) people/citizens/country; (f) attacked; (g) not; (h) poisonous; (i) neck; (j) bit.
  3. (a) Science helps man in so many ways.

(b)     For example, antibiotics are so helpful against diseases like cholera, typhoid and tuberculosis.

(c)     There are now inoculations and vaccines against most of the diseases.

(d)     There are diseases which still remain beyond control.

(e)     Now medical science is engaged in continuous research on such diseases.

  1. (a) becomes; (b) applies: (c) mix; (d) enriched; (e) keep; (f) open; (g) gives; (h) knowing; (i) received; (j) learn.
  2. Father asked Robi if he knew why he had been sent to school. Robi replied that he had been sent to school for playing with friends. Father disagreed with him and told him that he was sent to learn, to read and write. But Robi sulkily replied that he wouldn’t read and write. Father insisted again and told him that he would read and write.
  3. (a)     How difficult Farhana’s life was!

(b)     One day getting a loan from Grameen Bank, she started to make a plan.

(c)     She bought a dheki so that she could husk rice.

(d)     She worked very hard but there was happiness in her heart.

(e)     She was not at all an idle and irresponsible loanee.

(f)     Wouldn’t she pay the loan in time?

(g)     So, the official didn’t distrust her.

(h)     She has worked hard and changed her lot.

(i)      It is she who has brought prosperity to the family.

Or,    It is the family to which she has brought prosperity.

(j)      She is rich now.

  1. (a) United we stand, divided we fall.

(b)     It is high time, we changed our eating habits.

(c)     Unless you are united, you will suffer in the long run.

(d)     Who doesn’t know this wise saying?

(e)     The story of the old man and his sons teaches us that unity in strength.

  1. (a) unquenchable; (b) unsatisfied; (c) curiosity; (d) unconquerable; (e) undertake; (f) eventually; (g) inventions; (h) continuous; (i) helpless; (j) achievements.
  2. (a)     Man is fond of turning back to the past, isn’t he?

(b)     We need to be satisfied with the present, don’t we?

(c)     But everybody hardly forgets golden past, do they?

(d)     Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, is it?

(e)     The memories of childhood really never displease us, do they?

  1. (a) as; (b) But; (c) Unless; (d) Consequently/As a result; (e) So.
  2. Fahim said to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) of; (b) that; (c) fate; (d) toiled; (e) which; (f) roses; (g) enigmas; (h) to; (i) a; (j) fame.
  2. (a) of; (b) by/with; (c) a; (d) on; (e) the; (f) without; (g) the; (h) inclined; (i) weigh; (j) fleeting.
  3. (i) Mount Everest is in the Himalayan mountains.

(ii)     It has fascinated the climbers always.

(iii)    But climbing the Everest is difficult and dangerous because of snow.

(iv)    There might be snowslides and cracks under ice.

(v)     Mount Everest looks exciting and challenging to them.

  1. (a) ensures; (b) is; (c) not indulge; (d) sit; (e) treats; (f) cut; (g) bid; (h) prosper; (i) possess; (j) need.
  2. I wished Rina good morning/I wished good morning to Rina. I also asked her why she had missed the most important class on the rules of passage narration the previous day. Rina exclaimed with sorrow that she was a great fool. Addressing me as Sabina, she requested me to help her on the topic. Swearing by Allah she also told me that she would never miss any important class. I told her not to do that and proposed to her that we should discuss the topic.
  3. (a)    We notice the achievements of science custing our eyes everywhere.

(b)     The streets and houses are lighted by electricity there.

(c)     News, songs and lectures are broadcast by the radio.

(d)     There is cinema so that it can delight you in the evening. Or, There is cinema which delights/can delight you in the evening.

(e)     No other invention of modern science is as important as computer.

(f)     Can we go without it?

(g)     Internet is as important as computer.

(h)     It helps us and thus we can know about the world.

(i)      We need it in every office.

(j)      It has a good effect and it helps us.

  1. (a) No Sooner had I reached the station than the train left.

(b)     He was so lazy that he could not attend his class ever timely.

(c)     It is health which is wealth.

(d)     He succeeded though he was not a meritorious student.

(e)     As our elders love us, we should respect them.

  1. (a) creation;   (b)   rational;   (c)   worldly;   (d)   perfection;   (e)   shortness;   (f)   addition; (g) spirituality; (h) importance; (i) possession; (j) roughly.
  2. (a)     Birds are not the best of creations like man, are they?

(b)     But they do not pollute the environment as we do, do they?

(c)     It is man who pollutes the environment, isn’t he?

(d)     So, we should not pollute the environment, should we?

(e)     If we are educated, we will become conscious, won’t we?

  1. (a) Even; (b) And; (c) But; (d) When; (e) that
  2. “Will you go to college today?” the mother said to her son. “No, mother, our classes are suspended.” “Then go to market and bring some vegetables.” “Let me be ready and give me money.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) in; (b) exercise; (c) chiefly; (d) desire; (e) reasonable; (f) an; (g) a; (h) an; (i) mischief; (j) reasonable.
  2. (a) a; (b) on; (c) in; (d) treated; (e) a; (f) an; (g) for; (h) of; (i) near; (j) situated.
  3. (a)    Bangladesh is a developing country of South Asia.

(b)     It is an independent country.

(c)     It achieved freedom in 1971.

(d)     It has some impediments to be developed.

(e)     Corruption is one of the main impediments.

  1. (a) not forget; (b) was; (c) started; (d) took; (e) walked; (f) entered; (g) welcomed; (h) asked; (i) had answered; (j) thanked.
  2. Tom asked Mr. Reddy what part of India he came from. Mr. Reddy replied that he came from Madras though he had been born and educated in Hyderabad. Tom again asked Mr. Reddy if that was his first visit to Delhi. Mr. Reddy replied in the negative and said that he quite often went there on official business.
  3. (a)    It was an old lady who became blind. / A lady who was old became blind.

(b)     A doctor was called in by her.

(c)     In case of her cure, she agreed to pay large fee.

(d)     But she would pay nothing and she would do that in case of being not cured.

(e)     Apart from calling daily, the doctor coveted her furniture.

(f)     Didn’t he take away some of her furniture everyday?

(g)     After her being cured, he demanded his fees.

(h)     The lady refused to pay and said cure was not complete.

(i)      Didn’t the doctor bring a court case?.

(j)      Didn’t the judge give verdict in her favour?

  1. (a) I would not do the work if he told me.

(b)     The answer that he gave was not correct.

(c)     Finishing the work I went to school.

(d)     I saw my mother cooking in the kitchen room.

(e)     To walk in the morning is good for health.

  1. (a) addiction;  (b)  foremost;   (c)  frustration;  (d)  irrational;   (e)  derails;  (f)  frustrated; (g) aftereffects; (h) Initially; (i) imbalanced; (j) return.
  2. (a)     Each and everybody wants to succeed in life, don’t they?

(b)     But it is not an easy task, is it?

(c)     A man should work hard to get success in life, shouldn’t he?

(d)     He must not be lazy and poorly motivated in his action, must he?

(e)     Rather he will be committed and dedicated to his goal of life, won’t he?

  1. (a) rather; (b) and; (c) So/Therefore; (b) But; (e) When/If.
  2. “Will you buy my hair?” asked Della. “I buy hair,” said Madame, “Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it. Twenty Dollars,” said Madame, lifting the mass with a practiced hand.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) our; (b) and; (c) in; (d) at; (e) that; (f) with; (g) take; (h) this; (i) will; (j) may.
  2. (a) built; (b) of; (c) the; (d) a; (e) working; (f) hospital; (g) beautiful/magnificent; (h) easily; (i) in; (j) into.
  3. (i)      Every nation must have some glorious days.

(ii)    Our nation has also some glorious and memorable days.

(iii)    These days are 21st February, 26th March, 16th December.

(iv)    These days are observed every year with due solemnity.

(v)     The 16th December is a glorious day for the people of Bangladesh.

  1. (a) reigns; (b) prevail;  (c) are;  (d) preaching; (e) respected; (f) feel; (g) cannot prosper; (h) triumph; (i) understand; (j) stopped.
  2. The other foxes said that Mr. Fox was very clever. They wondered what he was going to tell them. Addressing them as friends Mr. Fox told them to listen to him. He said that he had made a discovery. Then he asked them if they wanted to know about that. The other foxes replied in the affirmative and said that they of course wanted to know about that. They asked him what the discovery was.
  3. (a)    Very few conquerors of the world were as great as Taimur.

(b)     The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur.

(c)     Entering the kingdom of the prince, he captured a large village.

(d)     The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers.

(e)     He disguised himself as a poor traveller so that he could survive.

(f)     He came to a house and asked for something to eat.

(g)     There lived a woman in the house who was old.

(h)     The woman saw Taimur and became sympathetic to him.

(i)      How hot the food was!

(j)      Taimur was very hungry and so he could not wait.

  1. (a) As flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity, it is liked by all.

(b)     There is hardly any person who does not love flowers.

(c)     We can turn our enemies into friends if we give them flowers.

(d)     It is said that those who do not love flowers can kill a person easily.

(e)     Many people cultivate flowers because they are a source of income nowadays.

  1. (a) beautifully; (b) musician; (c) beardless; (d) originally; (e) unthinkable; (f) thankful; (g) foretellers; (h) unmindful; (i) unaware; (j) joyous.
  2. (a) Time is very valuable. So, don’t waste time, will you?

(b)     Abdullah and Nafisa are honest. Neither of them tells a lie, do they?

(c)     Mother said to me, “You need not go to market, need you?”

(d)     I have got a family. I am really happy in my family, aren’t/ain’t I?

(e)     ‘I’ is a pronoun, isn’t it?

  1. (a) which; (b) Though; (c) if; (d) as; (e) whose.
  2. The traveller said, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” “Yes”, said the peasant. “Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” “No”, replied the traveller, “I only want a meal.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) race; (b) a; (c) agony; (d) dream; (e) the; (f) or; (g) Apparently; (h) does; (i) though; (j) out.
  2. (a) is; (b) to; (c) a; (d) a; (e) the; (f) from; (g) about/around/approximately; (h) die; (i) caused; (j) to.
  3. (i)      The 21st February is the National Martyrs Day.

(ii)    The 26th March is the Independence Day.

(iii)    The 21st February is now International Mother Language Day.

(iv)    Our nation will remain indebted to the martyrs of our country.

(v)     These days will always inspire us.

  1. (a) known; (b) compel; (c) fight; (d) changing; (e) controlled; (f) cultivating; (g) avoid; (h) take; (i) stop; (j) have.
  2. Addressing the fisherman as great king of the genies the monster told him (the fisherman) that he would never disobey him (F). Hearing those words the fisherman became very brave and asked the monster to tell him why he had been locked up in the vase. The giant looked at the fisherman and told/ordered him to speak to him more politely or he would kill him (F). The fisherman asked why he (G) would kill him.
  3. (a)     We want to earn knowledge and so we should make the habit of reading books.

(b)     The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.

(c)     Nobody gets perfection in life without reading the books written by great writers.

(d)     We should read books to remove ignorance.

(e)     Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized?

(f)     We call books man’s best friends.

(g)     No other habit is so important as reading books.

(h)     A man is guided to the right path by it.

(i)      We should read books so that we can acquire knowledge.

(j)      Nothing but reading books can increase man’s intellect.

  1. (a) Yesterday I did not get up early from bed because I felt a little bit fever.

(b)     As soon as I got up from bed, I found that the sun was up.

(c)     As I could not hire a rickshaw, I had to walk to school.

(d)     On the way to school I walked fast lest, I should miss the first class.

(e)     If I reached late, I would be rebuked.

  1. (a) childhood; (b) beautiful; (c) easily; (d) memorable; (e) attentively; (f) instructions; (g) effective; (h) highly; (i) morality; (j) deniable.
  2. (a)     Death is an universal event in human life. So, Mrs. Rahman said to her son, “No man can avoid death, can they?”

(b)     Shafiq is a very clever boy. His friend, Mita said, “Your cleverness charmed me, didn’t it?

(c)     Some people gathered in the road. Rana wanted to know the reason of it. One person said, “There’s been an accident, hasn’t there?”

(d)     Amina is a housewife. She scarcely goes to market, does she?

(e)     Mr. Arif is in the habit of having tea three times a day. He says to his colleagues “Tea removes tiredness,” doesn’t it?

  1. (a) But; (b) Though; (c) In fact; (d) While; (e) So/Consequently.
  2. “First of all” he said, “if you can learn a simple trick, scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) competitive; (b) for; (c) competition; (d) on; (e) to; (f) a; (g) the; (h) lost; (i) the; (j) with.
  2. (a) up; (b) about; (c) of; (d) by; (e) a; (f) a; (g) nature; (h) an; (i) from; (j) to.
  3. (i)      Hamlet was the prince of Denmark.

(ii)    He loved his father more than anything in the world.

(iii)    He was a brave and noble young man.

(iv)    His uncle was a very wicked and cunning man.

(v)     His father died suddenly in a mysterious way.

  1. (a) has; (b) turn; (c) become; (d) rears; (e) loving; (f) may prove; (g) be lost; (h) may fly; (i) needs; (j) be sacrificed.
  2. The teacher asked the boy if he thought that honesty is the best policy. Addressing him (t) as sir, the boy respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he thought so. The teacher advised him (b) to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked him (t). The teacher prayed for the boy that Allah might grant him a long life.
  3. (a)    We were going to Chittagong on Friday.

(b)     We walked for ten minutes and arrived at the station.

(c)     But no sooner had we reached there than the train left.

(d)     So, we waited long so that we could get the next train.

(e)     At last it came just before the sunset.

(f)     Buying the tickets, we got on the train.

(g)     Didn’t the train start running fast?

(h)     I was surprised at the scenery of setting sun.

(i)      It was nicer than most other sights.

(j)      We reached our destination when it was morning.

  1. (a) We must work hard in order that we can shine in life.

(b)     A man who is idle/lazy cannot shine in life.

(c)     It is hard labour that enables a man to rise to pinnacle of glory.

(d)     The idle cannot reach their target because they don’t work hard.

(e)     You cannot succeed in life unless you work hard.

  1. (a) shortest; (b) Scottish; (c) prophecy; (d) consumed; (e) action; (f) ambitious; (g) desperation; (h) autocratic; (i) committing; (j) suspicion.
  2. (a)    Man is fond of turning back to the past, isn’t he?

(b)     The present may be good, isn’t it?

(c)     But everybody hardly forgets golden past, do they?

(d)     Nothing is more pleasant to him than the memories of childhood, is it?

(e)     The memories of childhood really haunt us, don’t they?

  1. (a) enough; (b) so that; (c) Moreover; (d) than; (e) So.
  2. Thomas Alva Edison, a great scientist, was born in 1847 in Ohio, America. As a little boy, he was very inquisitive. He always wanted to know how things were done. Very early in life. he showed that he was full of curiosity, a quality which is so important to inventors.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) to; (b) the; (c) from; (d) with; (e) planted; (f) a; (g) with; (h) give; (i) in; (j) to.
  2. (a) A; (b) at; (c) the; (d) to; (e) by; (f) of; (g) in; (h) the; (i) urged; (j) taking.
  3. (i)      We all should try to obtain sincerity from the beginning of our life.

(ii)    Simple-minded people are really happy.

(iii)    It helps us think simple ways of life.

(iv)    Simplicity is a great virtue.

(v)     It also helps us mix with others easily.

  1. (a) has become; (b) growing; (c) strengthened; (d) calls; (e) demand; (f) reflect; (g) made; (h) ask; (i) celebrate; (j) played.
  2. Addressing Anwar as dear friend, Monju asked him how they could get peace in their life. Anwar replied that it is possible only by following the path which is shown by the Creator.   Monju told him (A) that he (M) thought they could find peace following the modern life.    Anwar exclaimed with sorrow that his (M) thinking was very narrow. Then he asked Monju if it is possible to operate an instrument without following the instruction of the catalogue.
  3. (a)    No one above 18 is regarded as a child.

(b)     People engage children in dangerous occupations.

(c)     Very few curses of the 21st century are as big as child labour.

(d)     It is unfortunate that this has become very accepted in our society.

(e)     Nothing but poverty is responsible for this.

(f)     Children can be educated if we can remove poverty.

(g)     In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to work to fill their empty stomachs.

(h)     These poor children have to break brick all day long but in return they are awarded all kinds of abuse.

(i)      Children in our country are more vulnerable than those in the developed country.

(j)      Something should be done for them.

  1. (a) If you lend me some money,  I won’t take any bank loan.

(b)     It is high time we changed our bad habit.

(c)     He is so weak that he cannot walk properly.

(d)     It is I who am to blame.

(e)     United we stand, divided we fall.

  1. (a) economical; (b) economize; (c) expenditure; (d) expendable; (e) unexpendable; (f) prosperous; (g) religious; (h) miserly; (i) mindful; (j) according.
  2. (a)    We need to prepare very well for the exam, don’t we?

(b)     Sure, to do so we must study regularly, mustn’t we?

(c)     Certainly. But we do not follow the rules at all, do we?

(d)     No, we do not. And when the examination approaches there is no way but start cramming, is there?

(e)     That’s exactly what I do. You should not do that, should you?

  1. (a) but; (b) lest; (c) So/Therefore; (d) so that/ that; (e) After.
  2. Addressing him as sir, the nobleman asked Sheikh Saadi why he was putting up the food in his pocket. He also asked him why he did not eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing because his dress deserved those rich dishes. The nobleman said that he did not understand what he meant to say and so he was sorry.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) an; (b) the; (c) for; (d) polluted; (e) in; (f) by; (g) into; (h) fields; (i) the; (j) the.
  2. (a) greatest/largest; (b) explorer; (c) He; (d) moving/working/going; (e) with; (f) desired/ tried; (g) river; (h) square; (i) world; (j) of.
  3. (a)    Character is the crown of life.

(b)     It means mental or moral nature.

(c)     Character of a person is the combination of some virtues.

(d)     It also means the mental or moral qualities of a person, a community, a race, etc.

(e)     Everybody hates a man without character.

  1. (a) knows; (b) is; (c) causes; (d) eating; (e) fall; (f) run; (g) do; (h) thrive; (i) deserve; (j) taken.
  2. My brother Rafiq said that he had got GPA-5 in the SSC examination. I congratulated my brother. I asked him what he intended to do then. Rafiq replied that he wanted to study science in a reputed college and added that he had a dream to get admission in Dhaka Medical College after his HSC.
  3. (a)    All men cannot but die.

(b)     Doesn’t it matter if a man lives many years or not?

(c)     We do not measure our lives by months or years.

(d)     Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings.

(e)     The life of a beast is as good as their life./ Their life is as good as the life of a beast.

(f)     By doing something good to the society, we can be immortal.

(g)     People will never forget those who do something good for the society.

(h)     Isn’t it our own responsibility to do good deeds?

(i)      We live short on the earth.

(j)      Actually there is no human being who can escape death.

  1. (a)    AIDS is a fatal disease which was first detected in Africa.

(b)     It is such a disease that is not curable.

(c)     The first AIDS patient was a man who was an African.

(d)     The doctors suggest that we should maintain religious practice.

(e)     There is no further remedy that can save AIDS affected people.

  1. (a) scientifically; (b) listener; (c) speaker; (d) exchange; (e) eventually; (f) initially; (g) natural; (h) artificially; (i) methodically; (j) creation.
  2. (a)    What a brilliant result you have made, haven’t you?

(b)     We feel proud of you, don’t we?

(c)     Thanks Amir, All credits go to my parents and teachers, don’t they?

(d)     I am very grateful to them, aren’t I?

(e)     Right you are. We ought to remain ever grateful to them, oughtn’t we?

  1. (a) so that; (b) which; (c) But; (d) As; (e) and/to.
  2. He said to the shoe-maker, “You are a big blockhead. You have done the reverse of what I desired you. I told you to make one of the shoes larger than the other and instead of that, you have made one of them smaller than the other.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) riding; (b) communication;  (c) communicate;  (d) a;  (e) with;  (f) can;  (g) the;  (h) if; (i) make; (j) through.
  2. (a) many; (b) a; (c) A; (d) an; (e) a; (f) must; (g) in; (h) will; (i) the; (j) of.
  3. (a) One needs to work hard to materialize any ambition.

(b)     One’s ambition can never be successful in life if one sits idly.

(c)     Sometimes it can remain only a dream.

(d)     One can materialize one’s desired ambition only by working hard.

(e)     One needs to be competitive too.

  1. (a) drifts; (b) tries; (c) wastes; (d) choosing; (e) be stuck; (f) having; (g) must/should overcome; (h) face; (i) Choice; (j) prepared.
  2. My father looked at me in anger and asked me where I had been so long and why I was wasting my time. After a moment he also asked me whether/if I would not appear in the final examination. I replied that I had gone to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he had not been at home and that was why I had to wait for him.
  3. (a)     We should read books so that we can gain knowledge.

(b)     We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books.

(c)     Don’t the books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas?

(d)     By reading books we can enrich our minds.

(e)     No other friend is as great as books.

(f)     They give us not only knowledge but also pleasure.

(g)     They are our real friends and they remain with us in time of danger.

(h)     How interesting some books are!

(i)      If we read books, we can build up a developed society.

(j)      Only books can remove the darkness of ignorance.

  1. (a) Wait here until I come back.

(b)     Had I recognized him I would have talked to him.

(c)     Scarcely had they reached the railway station when the train left.

(d)     He pretends as though he knew everything.

(e)     As it was a short distance, I went on foot

  1. (a) Achieving; (b) fitness; (c) psychologically; (d) gradually; (e) childhood; (f) largely; (g) inborn; (h) learnt; (i) emotional; (j) healthy.
  2. (a) I wholeheartedly believe you are a real patriot, aren’t you?

(b)     I try to be so, don’t I?

(c)     I know patriotism is a noble virtue, isn’t it?

(d)     It inspires a man to shed the last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his country, doesn’t it?

(e)     A man without patriotism is no better than a beast, is he?

  1. (a) indeed; (b) until/unless; (c) So; (d) Besides/Moreover; (e) along with/as well as.
  2. “Run! Run! The owner is coming,” said the naughty boy while others giggled. They were, in fact, gathering the windfall mangoes. “Why are you here? I will punish you.” “You will never get hold of me.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) conducive; (b) detrimental; (c) on; (d) an; (e) enjoy; (f) beautiful; (g) superb; (h) a; (i) with; (j) enjoyable.
  2. (a) abide; (b) from; (c) out; (d) sincerity; (e) part; (f) for; (g) mental; (h) also; (i) health; (j) on.
  3. (a) Many students cannot write out their examination papers fairly.

(b)     They cannot understand the questions properly.

(c)     So, they beat about the bush.

(d)     They lengthen their answers sometimes unnecessarily.

(e)     They do not know that writing answers to the point and neatly brings good marks.

  1. (a) breeds; (b) acts: (c) damage; (d) build; (e) rise; (f) lacks; (g) can’t control; (h) overcome; (i) doesn’t have; (j) not resist.
  2. Apon told Farhan that he had got GPA 5 in the SSC examination. Farhan congratulated him. He (F) asked him what he (A) intended to do then. Apon replied that he wanted to study in a reputed college and added that he (A) would try to get admission in Notre Dame College. Farhan appreciated him and added that he (A) would do better in the long run but it was difficult to do.
  3. (a)     Will success come to one’s life automatically?

(b)     An idle boy will not shine in life./An industrious boy will not lag behind in life.

(c)     A life with an assignment is an actual life.

(d)     Through hard work a man cannot be less successful than he dreams.

(e)     Saiful is one of the most successful boys in our village.

(f)     He did not come of rich/solvent parents.

(g)     His father could not work for the family because of his ever sickness.

(h)     Since/As there was always want and hunger in the family, his mother had to earn for them.

(i)      He had an elder sister and she helped her mother in domestic chores.

(j)      One day, he was sent to the nearest town by his mother to work and earn money.

  1. (a) A proverb goes that industry is the key to success.

(b)     Since the body and mind go together none can be happy without physical and mental health.

(c)     Hardly had the leader finished his speech when the audience started clapping.

(d)     If he travels abroad, he will see the unseen.

(e)     He hurried to the station lest he should miss the train. ,

  1. (a) dishonesty; (b) harmful; (c) injustice; (d) immoral; (e) uncomfortable; (f) responsible; (g) honesty; (h) dishonesty; (i) loved; (j) prosperity.
  2. (a)     Environment pollution is increasing at an alarming rate. It is high time we thought about it seriously, isn’t it?

(b)     A greedy man is covetous of wealth. He carves for money. He is not satisfied with what he has, is he?

(c)     There is difference between the educated and the uneducated. Again there is difference between the rich and the poor, isn’t there?

(d)     Without the help of this mass the great mission will be as if ended in smoke. They need to be skilled to accomplish any work, don’t they?

(e)     Khan Jahan Ali was one of the greatest saints of our country. He was a powerful leader of many people. He could build luxurious palaces but hardly did so, couldn’t he?

  1. (a) because; (b) Besides/Moreover; (c) On the other hand/But; (d) So; (e) Therefore.
  2. “How much do you want?” said the Mayor. “A thousand guilders,” said the pied piper. “All right,” said the Mayor. “We will pay you thousand guilders. When will you set to work?” “Now,” replied the pied piper.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) an;  (b) a;  (c) merciful; (d) upon;  (e) clearly; (f) an; (g) imposing;  (h) of;  (i) against; (j) unlawful.
  2. (a) science; (b) the; (c) companion; (d) made; (e) of ; (f) gift; (g) easily; (h) In; (i) People; (j) time.
  3. (a) Newspaper is called the storehouse of knowledge.

(b)     We can enrich our knowledge by reading newspaper.

(c)     We must read newspaper to be well informed with the news and views.

(d)     It has made the world smaller.

(e)     People from all walks of life get their necessary information and knowledge from newspapers.

  1. (a) spend; (b) breed; (c) survive; (d) are insulated; (e) are; (f) help; (g) remain; (h) reduce; (i) can reach; (j) stay.
  2. The teacher asked the girl if he thought that honesty is the best policy. The girl respectfully replied in the affirmative that she thought so. Then the teacher advised her to learn to be honest from her childhood. The girl respectfully thanked him. The teacher wished that Allah might bless her.
  3. (a)     Isn’t Bangladesh a low-lying country?

(b)     We are visited by natural disasters every year.

(c)     Earthquake is more unpredictable than most other natural disasters.

(d)     It is Dhaka city which may be the worst victim of this natural calamity.

(e)     People building house must maintain the earthquake resistance building code.

(f)     We experienced the recurrence of earthquake in the last few years.

(g)     Everybody knows the consequence of Tsunami.

(h)     How disastrous earthquake is!

(i)      Bangladesh doesn’t lie in the inactive earthquake zone.

(j)      Dhaka is the most risky (the riskiest) city in the face of earthquake.

  1. (a) We work hard so that we can prosper in life.

(b)     If we are not industrious, we’ll suffer in life.

(c)     A man who leads an idle life can never be happy and prosperous in life.

(d)     An idle man can never help people and so he is not loved or respected by them.

(e)     We know the proverb that industry is the key to success.

  1. (a) famous; (b) wisdom; (c) extra-ordinary; (d) imagination; (e) natural; (f) artificial; (g) association; (h) successful; (i) reputation; (j) multidimensional.
  2. (a) Every student can realize the importance of learning English. But she hardly realizes it, does she?

(b)     Man has landed on the moon. He is preparing to set foot on the Mars. Actually nothing is impossible for him, is any thing?

(c)     She disturbed the boy repeatedly. As he became utterly dissatisfied, he started complaining, didn’t he?

(d)     I am very busy now. I cannot accompany you today. Let’s meet tomorrow, shall we?

(e)     Football is a popular game. Nobody denies it, do they?

  1. (a) But; (b) Though/Although; (c) who; (d) as; (e) that.
  2. “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I asked the boy. “We can discuss the terms and conditions then.” I said, “I shall be very happy to meet you at your house.” “Thank you very much,” he replied.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) culture; (b) changing; (c) quite; (d) towards; (e) foreigners; (f) introduced; (g) visitors; (h) awkward;(i) understood; (j) genuine.
  2. (a) a; (b) because/as; (c) for;(d) a; (e) golden; (f) very; (g) were; (h) at; (i) a; (j) lost.
  3. (i) Early rising is good for health.

(ii)     This habit has long lasting effect in a man’s life.

(iii)    The man who rises early finds time to take exercise.

(iv)    The morning air refreshes both the body and the mind of a person.

(v)     This certainly enables a man to begin his day’s work early.

  1. (a) wanted; (b) leave; (c) said; (d) was; (e) sleep; (f) packed; (g) helped; (h) take; (i) eat; (j) is.
  2. The girl told the teacher politely that she would be grateful if he kindly lent her the book he had praised highly in the classroom the previous day. The teacher told that he had become really happy to know that she (g) was eager to read the book. The teacher added that she was welcome to any of his books that she liked. The girl thanked him respectfully. The teacher further said that she was welcome.
  3. (a)    Changes in his life were brought about by education.

(b)     Doesn’t the textbook complete your knowledge?

(c)     Hard labour is one of the most useful virtues.

(d)     Though Sagar was learning English well, he stopped it.

(e)     I visited the village during summer vacation.

(f)     I was so small that I could not do the work with you.

(g)     Very few students in the whole school are as brilliant as she.

(h)     No sooner had the ticket-checker come to me than I showed my ticket.

(i)      Without eating a balanced food you will not be healthy and happy.

(j)      He does not follow the rules of health.

  1. (a) He pretends as if he were a learned man.

(b)     As he was not sincere, he failed in the work.

(c)     It is high time we started for school.

(d)     His silence proves that he is guilty.

(e)     Let him prove while the matter is being discussed.

  1. (a) independent; (b) overpopulation; (c) unemployment; (d) deficiency; (e) government; (f) overcome; (g) digital; (h) development; (i) already : (j) achieving.
  2. (a) Let us have a discussion, shall we?

(b)     Time and tide wait for none, do they?

(c)     Many of us waste our time, don’t we?

(d)     None could prosper in life without utilizing time, could they?

(e)     Everybody should realize this truth, shouldn’t they?

  1. (a) So; (b) that; (c) as; (d) If; (e) and.
  2. “Hold your tongues,” he muttered glaring fiercely in their faces. “Have you not read the warning on the door?” “We pray for Allah’s pardon,” cried the dervishes, “Our lives are at your mercy.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) with; (b) talents; (c) so; (d) useful; (e) society; (f) and (g) in; (h) is; (i) and; (j) has.
  2. (a) beauty; (b) independence; (c) through; (d) in; (e) illiterate; (f) by/through; (g) in; (h) a; (i) hospitable; (j) foreigners/tourists.
  3. (a) The illiterate persons have no access to books.

(b)     They fail to choose between right and wrong.

(c)     Illiteracy is still dominant in our country.

(d)     There is much talk about removal of illiteracy.

(e)     Every educated person has a role to play in the campaign for removal of illiteracy.

  1. (a) wanted; (b) made; (c) came; (d) invented; (e) were; (f) was; (g) wondered; (h) travelling/to travel; (i) unveil; (j) fulfill.
  2. Shabab asked Labib if he had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Labib replied in negative and said that he had never been there and added that he desired for visiting the place. Shabab told him that he (S) had had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach the previous year. Labiba proposed to him that they should go there that week.
  3. (a)     In spite of not being a big country, too many people live in Bangladesh.

(b)     Very few people live here in solvency.

(c)     They are illiterate.

(d)     As they are poor, they cannot send their children to school.

(e)     Every one/everybody knows this.

(f)     This is the case but the institutions are not sufficient according to the demand.

(g)     The number of schools has to be increased by the government.

(h)     At the same time it is the facilities which/that should be increased.

(i)      The government/The authority should convince the illiterate parents to send their children to school.

(j)      It is possible to achieve this.

  1. (a)     Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country, natural calamities visit this country every year.

(b)     Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened with many problems.

(c)     Women who comprise half of our population can contribute a lot to our economy.

(d)     Moreover, our country is beset with various other problems.

(e)     Government should come forward with a view to solving the population problem.

  1. (a) golden; (b) formative; (c) preparation; (d) leaders; (e) patriotism; (f) education; (g) competent; (h) knowledge; (i) behavior; (j) interaction.
  2. (a) To make good result in the examination you cannot write the same thing as most students write, can you?

(b)     The examiners get bored when they find almost the same answers in all scripts, don’t they?

(c)     If you were an examiner, you could do the same, couldn’t you?

(d)     You are right. But what can I do now? Try to understand what you read, make your own notes and revise them frequently, wont’ you?

(e)     Do you have any other advice? You have to have a fairly good command over the language, haven’t you?

  1. (a) which/that; (b) like; (c) when; (d) but; (e) so.
  2. “Luna, have you done your English lesson today?” said the teacher. “Yes sir,” she replied. “But I haven’t understood one grammatical point.” “Come to my room. I’ll help you,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” she said.


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) between; (b) the; (c) If; (d) a/the; (e) to; (f) a; (g) completely; (h) from; (i) education; (j) important.
  2. (a) the; (b) over; (c) of; (d) of; (e) in; (f) the; (g) along; (h) an; (i) know/learn; (j) the.
  3. (i) Many people living in city areas are not careful of using natural resources.

(ii)     People are not careful of utilizing natural gas and thus are wasting this resource.

(iii)    They waste water by leaving the taps running whenever they use it for day-to-day  purpose.

(iv)    If this wastage continues, our resources will run out very soon.

(v)     So, preventive measures should be taken to minimize the waste of our resources.

  1. (a) take; (b) became; (c) not move; (d) called; (e) was; (f) didn’t prescribe; (g) said; (h) move; (i) followed; (j) grew.
  2. The asked the student if he had prepared his lesson that day. The student replied in negative. The teacher asked him the cause/why. The student replied that he (s) had been suffering from headache the previous day. He also added that he (s) would do his work the following day.
  3. (a)     No other boy in the class is so talented as Tareq.

(b)     Doesn’t he behave well with everybody?

(c)     He struggles so that he can win the battle of life.

(d)     What a poor life he leads!

(e)     He is poor and so he cannot buy new books.

(f)     His teachers want him to continue his studies.

(g)     He is helped a lot by the headmaster.

(h)     Everybody encourages him.

(i)      He is not insincere and disobedient.

(j)      He always makes good results in the examination.

  1. (a)     It is acid throwing which is a heinous crime.

(b)     Acid throwing has become a burning question because it is causing a great problem.

(c)     Acid throwing could be controlled if the government implements the laws strictly.

(d)     Though the victims recover from physical pain, they have to suffer from mental agony.

(e)     A dowry hunter husband throws acid on his wife if the promised dowry is not paid.

  1. (a) freedom; (b) warrior; (c) independence; (d) dearer; (e) willingly; (f) mighty; (g) mainly; (h) fighter; (i) unknown; (j) disappeared.
  2. (a) Nobody prospers in life without hard work, do they?

(b)     The decision of the people controls the situation, doesn’t it?

(c)     Let me deliver my lecture on it first, will you?

(d)     Barking dogs seldom bite, do they?

(e)     All of them will attend the function, won’t they?

  1. (a) Otherwise; (b) Besides; (c) for example; (d) So; (e) On the contrary/Moreover.
  2. “But one day I shot the albatross,” the sailor told the marriage guest. “It was a terrible thing to do and everyone said, I had killed the bird which made the wind blow. I had brought bad luck to the crew.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) a; (b) inherent; (c) every; (d) defend; (e) so-called; (f) to; (g) the; (h) materialized; (i) patriotism ; (j) must.
  2. (a) follow; (b) from; (c) morning; (d)the; (e) in; (f) for; (g) mental; (h) the; (i) of (j) important.
  3. (a) Education illuminates like light.

(b)     The illiterate person has no access to them.

(c)     The majority of our people are still illiterate.

(d)     They fail to choose between right and wrong.

(e)     The illiterate person is backward without education.

  1. (a) means; (b) works;  (c) is said;  (d) gained/achieved;  (e) favours;  (f) goes;  (g) comes; (h) are; (i) can not be gained; (j) works.
  2. Once a rich banker asked a poor cobbler how much he earned a year. The cobbler replied laughing that he never counted in that way. He also added that he earned barley enough to pass a day. And again he added that he was happy. The banker asked if he was really happy.
  3. (a)    No other creation is as intelligent as man.

(b)     He doesn’t use time unwisely.

(c)     He has to make division of time so that he can do his work properly.

(d)     He works sincerely and succeeds in life.

(e)     An active man never uses his time for an unproductive purpose.

(f)     To him, it is time which is money.

(g)     Time once gone is gone forever is known to him.

(h)     None is cared for by him in using his time.

Or,    None is cared for in using his time by him.

(i)      Time does not wait for us and so we should not waste away it.

(j)      A man who kills time has to repent in the long run.

  1. (a) You would have become successful if you had tried hard.

(b)     This is the sum which is very difficult.

(c)     We watched the ship coming towards the harbour.

(d)     By observing the rules of health, we can maintain good health.

(e)     The pilot told the passengers that he was going to land the plane.

  1. (a) happiness; (b) obviously; (c) necessarily; (d) absolutely; (e) feeling; (f) contentment; (g) satisfaction; (h) riches; (i) unhappiness; (j) insecurity.
  2. (a)     Little daughter asks her mother why man eats. In reply, she said, “Man eats to live, doesn’t he?”

(b)     Shafiqur Rahman is a happy man with his one son and one daughter. He says to his wife, “Everybody wants to be happy, don’t they?”

(c)     Shahela wants to know about the Grameen Bank from the manager. The manager said, “Grameen Bank provides loan to the poor only, doesn’t it?”

(d)     If you observe a good teacher, you will see him in motion, won’t you?

(e)     Trees play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. Trees produce oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, don’t they?

  1. (a) While/If/When; (b) if ; (c) And; (d) nor; (e) But.
  2. “What is it, mamma? I did not want this black thing and the terrible smell.” “Nor did I, my dear.” “But what shall I do with it?” “That I can’t tell.” “Okay, mamma. I must pour it out and fill the jar with fresh water.”


Part A : Grammar (60 Marks)

  1. (a) with; (b) learning; (c) worthy; (d) regret; (e) held; (f) our; (g) humble/regretful; (h) Still; (i) eradicating; (j) lot.
  2. (a) gift/product; (b) as; (c) single; (d) of; (e) the; (f) an; (g) change; (h) blind; (i) The; (j) cured/curable.
  3. (a) It is easy to take revenge.

(b)     A forgiver may be superior to a wrong doer.

(c)     To forgive is really a sign of strength.

(d)     It may be considered to be a sign of weakness.

(e)     But it takes a strong character to check passion.

  1. (a) blowing; (b) sitting; (c) blew; (d) lamented; (e) gone; (f) sitting; (g) was consoling; (h) lost; (i) understood; (j) meant.
  2. The teacher asked Konica if she had done her English lesson that day. She replied in the affirmative. She also said that she had not understood one grammatical point. The teacher advised her to come to his room. He assured her saying that he would help her understand the point. With respect she smilingly thanked him.
  3. (a)     She beckoned and I answered to it.

(b)     When it was the interval, I went over.

(c)     We all are getting older.

(d)     Her name had been mentioned to me by someone.

(e)     She was older than what I expected.

(f)     I was asked to luncheon by her.

(g)     I was living in Paris twenty years ago.

(h)     I was earning a little so that I could keep body and soul together.

(i)      A book of mine was read by her.

(j)      I was so young that I could not say ‘no’ to a woman.

  1. (a) Unemployment is a state when people remain jobless.

(b)     It is a social evil that causes much harm to our society.

(c)     When we can provide jobs to all, the development of the country will be accelerated.

(d)     This is the reasonable income that can satisfy the job seekers.

(e)     We cannot develop unless unemployment problem can be removed.

  1. (a) happiness; (b) absolutely; (c) psychological; (d) feeling; (e) contentment; (f) satisfaction; (g) really; (h) worldly; (i) eternally; (j) dignified.
  2. (a) We need to prepare very well for the exam, don’t we?

(b)     Sure. To do so we must study regularly, mustn’t we?

(c)     Certainly. But we do not follow the rule at all, do we?

(d)     No, we do not. And when the examination approaches there is no way but start cramming, is there?

(e)     That’s exactly what I do. You should not do that, should you?

  1. (a) Actually; (b) Very ; (c) If; (d) On the other hand/Besides/Moreover; (e) So.
  2. “I never eat anything for luncheon,” she said. “No, don’t say that,” I answered generously. “I never eat more than one thing.”

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