Class Seven English Paragraph Writing



  2. Write a paragraph on ‘A Book Shop’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi cÖ`vb K‡i ÔGKwU eB‡qi †`vKvbÕ-Gi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 1; Lesson—5]

(a)  What is a book shop? (eB‡qi †`vKvb Kx?)

(b)  Where is it situated? (GwU †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?)

(c)  How is it furnished? (GwU‡K Kxfv‡e mvRv‡bv?)

(d)  What sorts of things are available in a book shop? (GKwU eB‡qi †`vKvb Kx Kx wRwbm cvIqv hvq?)

(e)  How does it help us? (GwU Kxfv‡e Avgv‡`i mvnv‡h¨ K‡i?)

A BOOK SHOP (GKwU eB Gi †`vKvb)

A bookshop is a very important (¸iæZ¡c~Y©) place for the students and all educated (wkwÿZ) persons. It is a place where various kinds of books such as text books, reference books, story books etc are sold. The customers (†µZv) of the bookshops are mainly book lovers of all ages. It is the most familiar place to the students. Generally a book shop is seen beside any educational institutions like school, college or university. It is also found in a stationery (gwbnvix) market place. In a bookshop, different selves are nicely decorated. In these selves books are categorized according to the types. In a bookshop we can also buy text books, story books, novels, fictions, pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers and various kinds of stationery products (`ªe¨). In a bookshop a bookseller is always available to serve the customers. A bookshop provides us with facilities (my‡hvM) to expand our knowledge. Actually (mwZ¨Kvi), a book shop plays a very important role for the readers and specially (we‡klfv‡e) for the students.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Using a dictionary’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔAwfav‡bi e¨enviÕ Gi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 3; Lesson—1]

(a)  What is a dictionary? (Awfavb Kx?)

(b)  How is it designed? (GwU‡K Kxfv‡e mvRv‡bv nq?)

(c)  What items are available in a dictionary? (Awfav‡b Kx Kx welq _v‡K?)

(d)  How are letters arranged in a dictionary? (Awfav‡b eY©¸‡jv Kxfv‡e mvRv‡bv _v‡K?)

(e)  How can anyone use it? (†h †KD GUv‡K Kxfv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡i?)

USING A DICTIONARY (Awfav‡bi e¨envi)

A dictionary is a very important tool for anyone who is learning a new language. Using a dictionary (Awfavb) is not a hard task for anybody if he knows the letter of the language and the arrangement (e¨e¯’v) of the letters that are used in the dictionary. Generally, a dictionary is designed alphabetically. The page starts with a single letter A or B or….. . Then the words are written one after another like in the alphabet. The main words are designed in bold. The pronunciations (D”PviY) are shown in the bracket. Sometimes antonyms and synonyms (mgv_©K kã) are given. Different parts of speeches are also mentioned. So, if anybody wants to use a dictionary he has to know the letters and sequence of the language. According to the letters of the words, one can search (†LuvR Kiv) and the first two or three letters of the words are mentioned on the top of the page of the dictionary. Again, if he wants to understand (†evSv) the pronunciation of the words, he has to learn the symbols (cÖZxK) of the language that are mentioned in the dictionary. In this way, anybody can use a dictionary.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Prize-Giving Day at your school’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi cyi¯‹vi weZiYx w`emÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 3; Lesson—1]

(a)  When was the prize-giving ceremony of your school held? (†Zvgvi ¯‹z‡ji cyi®‹vi-weZiYx Abyôvb KLb n‡qwQj?)

(b)  How was your school decorated? (†Zvgvi ¯‹zjwU Kxfv‡e mvRv‡bv n‡qwQj?)

(c)  Who was the chief guest? (cÖavb AwZw_ †K wQj?)

(d)  How did you enjoy the function? (Zzwg Kxfv‡e AbyôvbwU Dc‡fvM K‡iwQ‡j?)

(e)  Did you get any prize? (Zzwg wK †Kvb cyi¯‹vi †c‡qwQ‡j?)


(Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡qi cyi¯‹vi weZiYxi w`b)

A prize-giving day is a day of joy and inspiration (Drmvn). Our school prize-giving ceremony was held on the 2nd February. On this occasion (Abyôvb) our school auditorium and its dais were brightly decorated. Prizes were also neatly displayed on a separate (Avjv`v) table on the dais. All the students were present at the function. Among others, the guardians and some eminent (weL¨vZ) persons of the locality attended the function. The principal of PN College was the chief guest. The function started just at 10 am with a recitation (Ave„wË) from the holy Quran. Then our Headteacher read out the annual report. After that the chief guest gave a short speech. He highly praised the overall (mvwe©K) performance of the school and its excellent JSC and SSC Exam results. Then he gave away (†`Iqv) the prizes among the students for their outstanding (Amvavib) activities. I won the first prize in two events. At the end of the prize-giving function there was a cultural (mvs¯‹…wZK) show. The students sang songs, danced and staged (g¯’ Kiv) a one-act play. It was so good that everyone spoke highly of it. We enjoyed the programme very much.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your First Day at School’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôwe`¨vj‡q †Zvgvi cÖ_g w`bÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 3; Lesson—2/3]

(a) How old were you at that time? (H mgq †Zvgvi eqm KZ wQj?)

(b)  What did you put on? (Zzwg Kx cwiavb K‡iwQ‡j?)

(c)  How did you feel when you started for the school? (Zzwg ¯‹z‡j hvIqvi mgq †Kgb Abyfe K‡iwQ‡j?)

(d)  Who did you go with? (†Zvgvi mv‡_ †K wM‡qwQj?)

(e)  How did you feel there? (Zzwg †mLv‡b †Kgb Abyfe K‡iwQ‡j?)

MY FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL (we`¨vj‡q Avgvi cÖ_g w`b)

A new place is a new experience (AwfÁZv). My first day at school was a new experience to me. I can remember exactly what happened. I was then six years old when I was admitted into the school. On the first day my father took me to the school early in the morning. I put on (cwiavb Kiv) my best clothes. I was very excited. On the way I could not think anything else. I was always thinking about the school, the teachers and the students of our school. When we reached the school, I saw many students on the school campus. I did not know anyone. So I was a little afraid. My father took me to the Headteacher. He asked me a few questions and I answered them intelligently (eyw×gËvi mv‡_). The Headteacher praised (cÖksmv Kiv) me highly. And I was admitted to class one. Then a teacher took me to the class. The class teacher welcomed me and gave me a seat. All the students in the class were staring at me. I felt a bit nervous (wePwjZ). But soon I became easy. I could make friends with two or three students sitting beside me. However, my first day at school was very pleasant (g‡bvig) to me. I will remember the day as long as I live.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Teacher’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q GKRb wkÿ‡Ki Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 4; Lesson—2]

(a) Who is a teacher? (wkÿK †K?)

(b)  What are the special qualities of a teacher? (GKRb wkÿ‡Ki we‡kl ¸Yvejx¸‡jv Kx Kx?)

(c)  How is the teaching profession? (wkÿKZv †ckvwU †Kgb?)

(d)  What role does a teacher play in society? (mgv‡R wkÿK Kx f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i _v‡Kb?)


A person who teaches especially in an educational institution is known as a teacher. He is an architect (¯’cwZ) of a nation. He plays a significant (¸iæZ¡c~Y©) role in building up an educated nation. He removes the darkness of ignorance (AÁZv) from the society. A teacher possesses some excellent qualities. He has to have sound knowledge on his subject. He has to be honest, sincere and punctual to his duties. He should be well behaved (e¨envi) and co-operative. He should also be friendly with his students. But he never allows any irregularity and improper acts. Though a teacher is not an actor, he has to suit his act according to the need of his audience (†kªvZv) in the classroom. He is a clear speaker with good, strong and pleasing voice. He makes lessons interesting to the students. As teaching is more than a job, a teacher does not only teach his subject. He cares for his students. He loves them. He himself demonstrates good behaviour and inspires them to be good. He also discovers the latent (cÖwZfv) talent of the students, finds out their weakness and helps them to be confident (cÖZ¨qx). However, a teacher tries to make his students a good citizen. So, a teacher is a friend and guide for his students and an useful person in society.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Homemaker’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb M„wnYxÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 4; Lesson—6/7]

(a) Who is a homemaker? (GKRb M„wnYx †K?)

(b)  What does she do? (wZwb Kx KvR K‡ib?)

(c)  How does she manage the family? (wZwb Kxfv‡e cwiev‡ii †`Lvïbv K‡ib?)

(d)  What is the importance of a homemaker in a family? (cwiev‡i GKRb M„wnYxi ¸iæZ¡ Kx?)

(e)  How should we look at her? (Zv‡K Avgv‡`i Kxfv‡e †`Lv DwPZ?)


A person especially a woman who works at home and takes care of the house and family is known as a homemaker. Generally a wife is considered (we‡ePbv Kiv) as a homemaker in our country. Some homemakers are educated and some are not. But they all do one common thing that is they do every household work. Usually a homemaker does not earn (Avq Kiv) money, but she also runs the family. She does all the work at home-cooking, cleaning, washing, husking, taking care of the children. She also teaches her children at home. She takes care of all the members of her family. Her work in the home is very important as it can make the family stick together and make it happy. Even a homemaker tries her best to maintain peace (kvwšÍ) and happiness at the cost of her life (Rxe‡bi wewbg‡q). So we should look at a homemaker with so much admiration (cÖksmv) and gratitude (K…ZÁZv).

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Morality Shop’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔˆbwZKZv wbf©i †`vKv‡bÕi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 4; Lesson—5]

(a) What is a morality shop? (ˆbwZKZv wbf©i †`vKvb Kx?)

(b)  How can a person buy things from this shop? (G †`vKvb †_‡K GKRb e¨w³ Kxfv‡e wRwbmcÎ wKb‡Z cv‡ib?)

(c)  What are the benefits of this shop? (G †`vKv‡bi myweav¸‡jv Kx?)

(d)  What types of items are available in a morality shop? (GKwU ˆbwZKZv wbf©i †`vKv‡b Kx Kx wRwbm cvIqv hvq?)

MORALITY SHOP (ˆbwZKZv wbf©i †`vKvb)

A kind of shop where there is no shopkeeper or salesperson (we‡µZv) is known as a morality shop. Here a customer (†µZv) can buy any kinds of things by putting the price-money in the box kept in the shop. In a morality shop the price (g~j¨) of each item or thing is written on a small piece of paper. This price tag is attached to the item or items. A customer can pick an item he/she likes, look at the price tag and put the money in a box. Different kinds of items like pens, pencils, notebooks, coloured papers are available in this shop. Besides, biscuits, buns, bananas, bottles of mineral water and some other necessary things are also sold here. There are a number of benefits (DcKvi) of this shop. Anybody does not have to bargain or haggle with the shopkeeper or salesperson over the prices of anything. Though there is no shopkeeper or salesperson in this shop, nobody takes a thing and goes away without paying (cwi‡kva Kiv). If anybody takes a thing without paying, his/her conscience pricks him/her and troubles him/her. So a morality shop can encourage (DrmvwnZ Kiv) us doing the right thing.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Begum Rokeya’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†eMg †iv‡KqvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 5; Lesson—1]

(a) What kind of family did Begum Rokeya come from? (†eMg †iv‡Kqv Kx ai‡bi cwiev‡i Rb¥ MÖnY K‡ib?)

(b) What was her belief? (wZwb Kx‡m wek¦vm Ki‡Zb|)

(c) Why did she fight for? (wZwb Kx‡mi Rb¨ msMÖvg K‡ib?)

(d) To whom was she married? (Kvi mv‡_ Zvi we‡q n‡qwQj?)

(e) Why did she learn Bangla and English? (wZwb †Kb evsjv I Bs‡iwR Dfq wel‡q wkÿvMÖnY K‡ib?)

BEGUM ROKEYA (†eMg †iv‡Kqv)

Begum Rokeya was a famous (weL¨vZ) writer and a social worker (mgvRKgx©). She lived in undivided (Awef³) Bengal in the early 20th century (kZvãx). She was born in a village called Pairabondh, Rangpur in 1880 in a wealthy family. She was married to Khan Bahadur Sakhawat Hossain in 1896. Her husband was the Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur, now a district in the Indian state (ivR¨) of Bihar. He was very cooperative, and always encouraged Rokeya to go on with her activities. Rokeya had great love for her mother tongue (gvZ…fvlv). So she learnt Bangla and English from her eldest brother. She believed that women should have the same rights (AwaKvi) and opportunities as men have in the society. So she fought for their cause throughout her life.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Helen Keller’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†n‡jb †KjviÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 5; Lesson : 3—4]

(a) When was Helen Keller born? (†n‡jb †Kjvi KLb Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib?)

(b) What were the names of her father and mother? Zvi evev Ges gv‡qi bvg Kx wQj?)

(c) How did she become blind, deaf and dumb? wZwb Kxfv‡e AÜ, g~K I ewai nb?)

(d) Why is she famous for? wZwb Kx‡mi Rb¨ weL¨vZ?)

(e) When did she die? wZwb KLb g„Zz¨eiY K‡ib?)

HELEN KELLER (†n‡jb †Kjvi)

Helen Keller is a great humanitarian (gvbewn‰Zlx). She was born in 1880 in Tuscumba, Alabama. Her father was Captain Arthur Keller and mother Katherine Adams Keller. Her family was not rich and their main source of income (Avq) was cotton plantation. She was born as quite healthy, but two years after her birth she had a high fever and she became blind, deaf (ewai) and dumb (†evSv). She started her formal (AvbyôvwbK) education at the Wright Humason School for the deaf. There she worked to improve her communication (†hvMv‡hvM) skills and studied regular academic subjects. Later, she received a BA degree with honours from Redcliffe College. There she learnt reading through a special technique (†KŠkj) called Braille. However, overcoming all her disabilities Helen Keller put a great contribution (Ae`vb) in the field of humanitarian activities. She worked for the disabled (Aÿg) people all through her life. She always tried to make the learning process easier for disabled people. She died on June 1, 1968, a few week short of her 88th birthday.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Florence Nightingale’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q †d¬v‡iÝ bvBwUs‡M‡ji Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 5; Lesson—5]

(a) Who is Florence Nightingale and what is she famous for? (†d¬v‡iÝ bvBwUs‡Mj †K Ges wZwb Kx‡mi Rb¨ weL¨vZ?)

(b) When and where was she born? (wZwb KLb I †Kv_vq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib?)

(c) When and why did she go to Turkey? (wZwb KLb Ges †Kb Zzi‡¯‹ hvb?)

(d) How is she known worldwide? (wZwb Kxfv‡e wek¦e¨vcx cwiwPZ nb?)


Some great persons spent their life for the welfare (Kj¨vY) of mankind (gvbeRvwZ). Florence Nightingale is one of them. She is famous for her philanthropic (gvbe †mev) activities, especially nursing. She was born in 1820 at Florence in Italy. Her father was a rich landlord (f‚-¯^vgx). But she decided to be a nurse and studied nursing at Nurses’ Training Institute in Germany. She took her first job in a London hospital. During the Crimean war (1853-56), she went to Turkey with a group of 38 nurses to work for the sick British soldiers. She along with her fellow nurses worked day and night to help the wounded soldiers. In a few months, she could bring order and comfort (Avivg) among soldiers. Then she came back to England. Her reputation in nursing spread far and wide (me©Î). She became famous as ‘the Lady with the Lamp’. She set up Nightingale School for nurses in London. She breathed her last on 13 August 1910.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Pastime/Leisure Activities’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔAemi we‡bv`bÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 6]

(a) What is pastime or leisure activity? (Aemi we‡bv`b ev Aem‡ii Kvh©vejx Kx?)

(b) Why do pastimes vary from person to person? (Aemi we‡bv`b e¨w³‡Z e¨w³‡Z wfbœ nq †Kb?)

(c) How do the village people spend their leisure? (MÖv‡gi †jv‡Kiv Kxfv‡e Aemi KvUvq?)

(d) How do the urban people spend their leisure? (kn‡ii †jv‡Kiv Kxfv‡e Aemi KvUvq?)

(e) How does it benefit us? (GwU Avgv‡`i Kx myweav †`q?)


Pastime actually means spending one’s free or leisure (Aemi) time pleasantly. Pastime is to catch up with one’s hobbies. Pastime varies from person to person. It is one’s own choice (cQ›`) and decision how to spend his/her pastime. In our country, pastime varies in respect of locality. In the village, people spend their leisure time by chatting (Mvj-Mí Kiv), fishing, playing, swimming, flying kites, etc. Sometimes they do various social work. City people spend (e¨q Kiv) their leisure time by shopping, reading books, watching TV, using computer, listening to music, going to park and zoo, gardening, etc. Travelling is also a good pastime. It refreshes (m‡ZR Kiv) our mind and broadens our outlook. As I am a student, I do not get much time for pastime. I spend my leisure time by reading books, watching TV and listening to music and thus I get relaxation and pleasure (Avb›`) through my pastime.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of games and sports in our life’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔAvgv‡`i Rxe‡b †Ljvayjvi ¸iæ‡Z¡Õi Ici GKwU GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 7 ]

(a) How many sorts of games and sports are there? (KZ cÖKv‡ii †Ljvayjv Av‡Q?)

(b)  What is the most important benefit of games and sports? (†Ljvayjvi m‡e©vËg DcKvwiZv Kx?)

(c)  What do games and sports ensure? (†Ljvayjv Kx‡mi wbðqZv †`q?)

(d)  Why should we play games and sports? (†Kb Avgv‡`i †Ljvayjv Kiv DwPZ?)


(Avgv‡`i Rxe‡b †Ljva~jvi ¸iæZ¡)

Games and sports are not only important for success (mdjZv) in student life but also for every walks of our life. Games and sports may be of various (wewfbœ) kinds. They are football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, basket ball, jumping, etc. These are the outdoor games. There are many indoor games such as ludu, chess, carom, etc. The importance of games and sports can never be minimized. Games and sports are good exercises and help to build strong physique (kixi) for the boys and girls. Good health is one of the most important benefits (DcKvi) of games and sports. Students learn to cope with (Lvc LvIqv‡bv) difficult situation through games and sports. It also improves immunity (†ivM msµgY †_‡K wbivc`) and develops personality. Participation (AskMÖnY) in sports ensures not only good health but also provides fresh mind. It also helps to acquire leadership qualities. Indoor games also improve thinking power (wPšÍv kw³) and knowledge. Finally we all should play any form of games and sports to refresh ourselves and live a healthy life.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Pele’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†c‡jÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 7; Lesson -4]

(a) When and where was Pele born? (†c‡j KLb Ges †Kv_vq Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib?)

(b)  How did he pass his early life? (wZwb Kxfv‡e Zvi ˆkke KvUvb?)

(c)  How was he regarded internationally? (AvšÍR©vwZK †ÿ‡Î wZwb Kxfv‡e we‡ewPZ nb?)

(d)  What were his specialities in his career? (Zvi †ckvMZ Rxe‡bi we‡klZ¡¸‡jv Kx?)

(e)  How is he considered in his country? (wbR †`‡k wZwb Kxfv‡e we‡ewPZ nb?)

PELE (†c‡j)

Pele was born on 21 October, 1940 in Brazil. He was born in a poor family and passed his early life in abject (†kvPbxq) poverty. He had a great attraction (AvKl©Y) for football from his boyhood. With the passage of time (mg‡qi Ave‡Z©), he became one of the greatest football players of all time. In 1999, he was voted Football Players of the century by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics. He was named “Athlete of the Century” by the International Olympic Committee in the same year. In his career he scored (†Mvj Kiv) more than 1200 goals. Thus he has become the top scorer of all time. In his own country Brazil, Pele is a national hero. People call him “The King of Football”, “The King Pele” or simply “The King”. He is the all-time leading scorer of the Brazilian national (RvZxq) team. He is the only footballer to be a part of three World Cup-winning squads. He is also the only player in the world to have three World Cup winning medals. He is praised for his excellent performance and exceptional (e¨wZµg) ability.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Maradona’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôg¨viv‡WvbvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 7; Lesson—4]

(a) Who is Maradona? (g¨viv‡Wvbv †K?)

(b)  How did he spend his childhood? (wZwb Kxfv‡e Zvi ˆkke KvUvb?)

(c)  In which year he won the World Cup? (wZwb †Kvb& eQi wek¦Kvc †R‡Zb?)

(d)  When was he voted FIFA Player of the Century? (wZwb KLb kZvãxi †miv wddv †L‡jvqvo wbe©vwPZ nb?)

(e)  Why is he a living legend? (wZwb †Kb RxešÍ wKse`šÍx?)

MARADONA (g¨viv‡Wvbv)

Maradona is a living legend (weL¨vZ e¨w³) in the world of football. His full name is Diego Armando Maradona. He was born in a poor family in Argentina. He spent (e¨q Ki‡jb) his childhood in a slum (ew¯Í). He proved his football talent (cÖwZÁv) at the age of ten only. He is considered the greatest (me‡P‡q eo) football player of all time. He played in four FIFA world cup tournaments for Argentina. He won the 1986 world cup as the captain (`j‡bZv) of the Argentina team. That year he also won the Golden Ball as the tournament’s best player. His second goal against England in 1986 was voted the goal of the century (kZvãx). In 1990 world cup, Argentina finished as the runners-up (ivbvm©-Avc) under his captaincy. He was voted FIFA player of the century in 1999. For these reasons he is a living legend not only in Argentina but also in the whole world.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Folk Song’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†jvKm½x‡ZiÕ Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 8; Lesson -1]

(a) What do you mean by folk song? (†jvKm½xZ ej‡Z Zzwg Kx †evS?)

(b) What are the themes of these songs? (Gme Mv‡bi welqe¯‘ Kx?)

(c) Name some of the folk songs. (KwZcq †jvKm½x‡Zi bvg D‡jøL Ki|)

(d) Name some of the famous folk singers of Bangladesh. (evsjv‡`‡ki wKQzmsL¨K weL¨vZ †jvKm½xZ wkíxi bvg D‡jøL Ki|)

(e) How can we uphold our folk songs? (Avgiv Kxfv‡e Avgv‡`i †jvKm½xZ¸‡jv‡K a‡i ivL‡Z cvwi?)

FOLK SONG (†jvK m½xZ)

Folk song is one of the most important elements (Dcv`vb) of Bangladeshi culture and tradition. Folk songs are songs sung in the traditional (HwZn¨evnx) style of a community or country. The main themes of these songs are the activities of common and rural people, natural and traditional activities. Bangladeshi folk songs are simple spontaneous (¯^Z:ù‚Z©) and pastoral (MÖvgxY). Bangladesh has a rich (mg„×) folk music which includes both religious and secular songs. Of them Palligiti, Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagan and songs of Hason Raja are very popular. The traditional musical instruments are usually played with these songs. Some well known folk singers are Lalon Shah, Abbas Uddin, Abdul Alim, Abdul Zobber, Ajam Khan and Farida Parvin. But at present the condition (Ae¯’v) of folk song in our country is very poor. Our rich traditional folk songs are influenced (cÖfvweZ nIqv) by western music and culture. If we want to get back our golden era of folk song, we have to create consciousness among our young generation (cÖRš§). Besides, Government has to increase its attempts for folk music. If we can do these activities, we can bring our golden musical era (hyM) again.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Greenhouse Effect’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔMÖxbnvDR cÖwZwµqvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 9; Lesson -3]

(a) What is greenhouse effect? (MÖxbnvDR cÖwZwµqv Kx?)

(b) Why is it harmful? (GwU ÿwZKi †Kb?)

(c) What are responsible for greenhouse effect? (MÖxbnvDR cÖwZwµqvi Rb¨ Kx Kx welq `vqx?)

(d) What happens if our air becomes warm? (Avgv‡`i evqy DËß n‡j Kx N‡U?)


Greenhouse effect is one of the big problems in this present world. The highly increasing (e„w×cvIqv) population, vehicles and other harmful sources are the main causes of greenhouse effect. Greenhouse is a house made of glass. People in cold countries grow vegetables and flowers and other plants in them. This house receives heat (Zvc) from the sun and some of the heat is trapped inside it by the glass. So, the inside of the greenhouse is always warm (Dò) even in the winter. Our earth is also like a greenhouse. Numerous (AmsL¨) mills and factories and vehicles are emitting (wbM©Z nIqv) huge amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere (evqygÛj). This carbon and other gases work like the glass walls and the roof. And they trap the heat in the atmosphere and keep the earth warm. As a result, the earth is getting hotter day by day. Due to extreme (Zxeª) heat, the polar ice-caps are melting (M‡j hvIqv) and the sea-level is rising. Consequently (d‡j), the lower parts of the world will go under water. Besides, storms and cyclones will become more powerful (kw³kvjx). More areas will get drier and turn into deserts (giæf‚wg). There will be more floods (eb¨v) and river erosions.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Climate Change in Bangladesh’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôevsjv‡`‡k Rjevqy cwieZ©‡biÕ Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|) [Unit 9; Lesson -5]

(a) What is climate change? (Rjevqy cwieZ©b Kx?

(b) What are the impacts of climate change?  (Rjevqy cwieZ©‡bi cÖfve¸‡jv Kx Kx?)

(c) What is responsible for increase of temperature? (ZvcgvÎv e„w×i Rb¨ `vqx Kx?)

(d) What may happen to our territory and people? (Avgv‡`i AÂj Ges †jvKR‡bi †ÿ‡Î Kx NU‡Z cv‡i?)

CLIMATE CHANGE IN BANGLADESH (evsjv‡`‡ki Rjevqyi cwieZ©b)

Climate change has become a buzzword (A‡bK †jv‡Ki Kɯ^i) in modern days. It means especially the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere (evqygÊj) that is caused by the increase of particular (we‡kl) gases, especially carbon dioxide. Increase of burning oil, gas and coal is responsible (`vqx) for the rise of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. The gradual (µgvš^‡q) increase of these gases is warming the earth up and changing our climate. Due to extreme heat the ice on the earth’s surface is melting fast and the sea-level is rising. As a result, we are facing the adverse (weiƒc) impacts of climate change. An increasing number of people are suffering damage or loss to their property (m¤úwË) and some time life due to disasters caused by climate change. Besides, the river bank and coastal (DcK‚jxq) erosion are increasing at an alarming rate. Moreover, cultivable land is becoming salty and earth is becoming barren. It is high time we took preventive (cÖwZ‡ivag~jK) measures to tackle (mgm¨v †gvKvwejv Kiv) this adverse situation.

  2. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Reading Room’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi covi KÿÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)         What is a reading room? (covi Kÿ Kx?)

(b) How is the decoration of your reading room? (†Zvgvi covi KÿwU Kxfv‡e mw¾Z?)

(c) Where is your reading room situated? (†Zvgvi covi KÿwU †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?)

(d) How do you feel in this room? (G K‡ÿ Zzwg †Kgb Abyfe Ki?)

(e) Do you use your reading room as a bedroom? (Zzwg wK †Zvgvi covi KÿwU‡K †kvevi Kÿ wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki?

MY READING ROOM (Avgvi covi Ni)

A reading room is a place which is used for reading. I have a separate (Avjv`v) room for reading. It faces the south. It is well furnished (mw¾Z) with vital and necessary things. The sunlight and fresh air can easily enter into my room. There are a table, a cot (LvU), a chair, a rack, and two book-selves in my reading room. There is a wardrobe in room because my reading room is serving the purpose of a bed room. In my reading room I have kept some nice pictures of famous personalities (e¨w³Z¡), and a wall clock as well as a world map. It creates an authentic (NuvwU) environment inside the room. My reading room is always fresh and alive. All are not allowed to enter (cÖ‡ek Kiv) it. I feel relief and comfort (Avivg) in my reading room. I feel proud (Me©‡eva Kiv) of my reading room.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Rainy Day’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKwU e„wói w`bÕ m¤ú‡K© Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is a rainy day? (e„wói w`b Kx?)

(b)  How is a rainy day? (GKwU e„wói w`b †Kgb n‡q _v‡K?)

(c)  How do people feel on a rainy day? (e„wói w`‡b †jvKRb †Kgb Abyfe K‡i?)

(d)  How is a rainy day to the poor? (`wi`ª‡`i Kv‡Q e„wói w`b †Kgb?)

(e)  How do students and children feel on a rainy day? (e„wói w`‡b wkÿv_x© I wkïiv †Kgb Abyfe K‡i?

A RAINY DAY (GKwU e„wói w`b)

A rainy day is the most common (mvaviY) day during rainy season. When it rains (e„wó nIqv) all day long, the day is called a rainy day. Sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles (¸wo¸wo e„wócov). Often there are flashes of lightning and roars of thunder in the sky. The sky remains cloudy and gloomy (welbœ). The weather remains foul and gusty wind blows with rain. On a rainy day, people cannot go out without an umbrella. It brings sufferings (`y:L `y`©kv) to the poor people as they cannot earn their livelihood properly. Sometimes common people, students, office going people cannot reach their destination (MšÍe¨) in time. On this day, people like to stay at home and feel nostalgic (M„nKvZi). Normal life is disrupted due to heavy rain. Rivers, canals and tanks swell up. Roads and paths get muddy and slippery (wcw”Qj). Those who have imaginary (KwíZ) bent of mind enjoy the beauty of rainy day. On the other hand, a rainy day has good effects (cÖfve) on the soil. It makes the soil fertile (De©i). It helps plants and crops to grow. After all (†gv‡Ui Ici), a rainy day gives us both joy and sorrow.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Railway Station’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†ij †÷k‡biÕ Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` wjL|)

(a) What is a railway station? (†ij‡÷kb Kx?)

(b)  How many rooms are there in a railway station? (GKwU †ij †÷k‡b KZ¸‡jv Kÿ _v‡K?)

(c)  What do passengers do there? (hvÎxiv †mLv‡b Kx K‡i?)

(d)  How is the environment of a railway station? (GKwU †ij †÷k‡bi cwi‡ek †Kgb?)

(e)  How many signals are there in a railway station? (GKwU †ij‡÷k‡b KZ¸‡jv wmMbvj _v‡K?)


A railway station is a very common place where trains stop and starts from. It is the part and parcel (Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask) of train communication system of a country. It may be a big or a small one. There is only one platform in a small railway station but there are two or more platforms in a big station. There are two signals — one inner and the other outer. These signals are got down by the pointsman before the arrival of a train. The pointsman moves with red and green flags. There are ticket counters, booking office for goods, station master’s office, waiting rooms for male and female (gwnjv) passengers (hvÎx) in a railway station. There are also restaurants, book-shops, tea-shops, newspaper-stand, etc. in a station. A railway station always remains crowded (fxo) with passengers, hawkers (†dwiIqvjv), porters (Kzwj) and the vagabonds (feNy‡i). Before getting into a train the passengers buy tickets from the ticket counter and wait in the waiting rooms. When a train arrives, the station becomes very busy. Everyone moves in a hurry (Zvovû‡ov). When the train leaves, the station becomes a calm and quiet place. A railway station plays an important role in the communication system (e¨e¯’v) of a country. So it has to be facilitated with modern amenities (my‡hvM-myweav).

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Daily Life’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi ˆ`bw›`b RxebÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) When do you get up from bed? (Zzwg KLb Nyg †_‡K I‡Vv?)

(b) What do you do after rising from bed? (Nyg †_‡K RvMvi ci Zzwg Kx Ki?)

(c)  When do you go to school? (Zzwg KLb ¯‹z‡j hvI?)

(d) What do you do in the afternoon? (Zzwg weKv‡j Kx Ki?)

(e)  When do you go to bed? (Zzwg KLb Nygv‡Z hvI?)

MY DAILY LIFE (Avgvi ˆ`bw›`b Rxeb)

Daily life means (†evSvi) the routine of daily activities. Every man has a daily routine. So my daily life is that I follow (AbymiY Kiv) everyday and maintain a routine. To make the best use of time everybody should have a daily routine. I am a student and I read in class seven. So I have daily activities. Usually I get up early in the morning from bed and brush my teeth. Then I go out for a walk in the open air (gy³ evZvm). At six I come back home and take my breakfast which mother keeps ready for me. As a student, study is my main duty. So when my breakfast is over, I go to my reading room to prepare (cÖ¯‘Z Kiv) my day’s lessons. In between 8 to 10 am I take my bath (†Mvmj) and have my meal. Then I go to school and stay there up to 4.30 pm. I always sit in the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. I return home at 5pm. Then I take some refreshment (nvjKv bv¯Ív) and go to the field to play with my friends. Just before sunset (m~h©v¯Í) I come back home. Thereafter, I go to my reading room and study there till 10 pm. Then I take my supper (iv‡Zi Lvevi). Then I go to bed after brushing my teeth. On holidays, I usually spend my time visiting different places with my friends and family. My daily life makes me active (Kg©V) and fresh in doing my activities.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Hobby’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi kLÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is your hobby? (†Zvgvi kL Kx?)

(b) What do you do for your hobby? (Zzwg †Zvgvi k‡Li Rb¨ Kx KvR Ki?)

(c) Why is it your hobby? (†Kb GwU †Zvgvi kL?)

(d) What do the other people think about your hobby? (†Zvgvi kL m¤ú‡K© Ab¨ †jv‡Kiv Kx fv‡e?)

MY HOBBY (Avgvi kL)

Different people have different hobbies and my favourite hobby is gardening. I like this hobby because it gives me much pleasure (Avb›`) and keeps me always fresh. I have a flower garden in front of our house. I have planted a lot of (cÖPzi) flower plants in my garden. I work in my garden regularly (wbqwgZfv‡e). I make the soil loose and weed out all kinds of weeds. I grow different kinds of flowers such as rose, rajanigandha, gandharaj, karabi, sheuli, shefali, hasnahena, surjamukhi, etc. These flowers make my garden very charming and spread sweet smell. Whenever I feel mentally exhausted ((g‡bvgy»Ki), I stand beside my garden and my mind becomes fresh. My garden is also a source of joy to others. My friends, relatives and my neighbours (cÖwZ‡ekx) come to see my garden. I present them flowers from my garden. They become glad and appreciate (cÖksmv Kiv) such a beautiful garden. Thus, my hobby gives me pleasure and makes me happy.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Mother’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi gvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) Who is your mother? (†K †Zvgvi gv?)

(b) How does she feel when you are ill? (Zzwg Amy¯’ n‡j wZwb †Kgb Abyfe K‡ib?)

(c) What is she? (wZwb Kx K‡ib?)

(d) What does she do in the time of leisure? (wZwb Aem‡i Kx KvR K‡ib?

MY MOTHER (Avgvi gv)

My mother’s name is Sharmin Ahmed. She is about thirty-five years old. She comes of a respectable (m¤£všÍ) family. She is a teacher of a Govt. High School. She is dedicated (wb‡ew`Z) to her profession (†ckv). She tries to make her students understand the lessons easily. Students are satisfied (mš‘ó) with her teaching method. She also looks after our family very sincerely. She manages the household activities with the help of a helping hand. Though she is very busy, she spends some time in social activities. When the neighbours face any problem, they come to my mother to get advice (Dc‡`k). My mother takes great care of our health. When I fall ill, she becomes very worried (wPwšÍZ). But her face smiles with joy when I come round. My mother is also very pious. She reads a lot of religious (agx©q) books in leisure time. She is my best friend. There is none so dear to me as my mother. I love my mother so dearly. I am proud of having such a mother.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Native Village’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi wbR MÖvgÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What is the name of your native village? (†Zvgvi wbR MÖv‡gi bvg Kx?)

(b) How many people are there in your village? (†Zvgvi MÖv‡g KZ †jvK evm K‡i?)

(c)  What institutions are there in your village? (†Zvgvi MÖv‡g wK wK cÖwZôvb Av‡Q?)

(d) How is your native village? (†Zvgvi wbR MÖvgwU †Kgb?)


The name of my native village is Hasanpur. It is in the district of Pabna. It is a big village and almost eight thousand people live in this village. Most of them are Muslims. There are people of other religions (ag©) also. Most of the people of this village are farmers. Some others are engaged (hy³) in other professions. There are a high school, a college, two primary schools, three mosques, a hospital, a post office in our village. There are also two markets in the village. The communication (†hvMv‡hvM) system of the village is fairly well. People can go to the upazilla and the district town by van, rickshaw, etc. The natural (cÖvK…wZK) sight of our village is worth seeing. A small river flowing by the side of our village adds a special beauty (†mŠ›`h©) to it. We bathe in the river and catch fish in it. Sometimes, the villagers arrange boat race (†bŠKv evBP) in this river. My village is an ideal (Av`k©) village. I am proud of my native village.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Pet Animal’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi †cvlv cÖvYxÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is the name of your pet animal? (†Zvgvi †cvlv cÖvYxi bvg Kx?)

(b) How is it? (GwU †Kgb?)

(c) What is its food? (GwUi Lv`¨ Kx?)

(d) How do you feel about it? (Zzwg GwU‡K wb‡q †Kgb Abyfe Ki?)

MY PET ANIMAL (Avgvi †cvlv cÖvYx)

I am very fond of animal and I have a pet animal. It is a cat. It’s name is don. When we call on, it comes to us. My pet looks very beautiful. Its colour is black. So it is very difficult to find out Don at night. The eyes of my pet are very bright. It has very sharp (Zx¶è) claws and it preys rats by its claws (_vev). It is very fond of milk. It also likes to eat meat, fish, rice, etc. Don is always friendly to the little babies of our family and it never harms (ÿwZKiv) anybody. It always moves with me from one room to another. It attends to the call of nature in a particular corner of our house and never makes our rooms dirty (†bvsiv). It has become a faithful friend to everybody. We have never seen it stealing (Pzwi Kiv) anything from our kitchen. Don is very fond of (wcÖq) me and I also love it very much.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your Class Teacher’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi †kªwY wkÿKÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) Who is your class teacher? (†Zvgvi †kªwY wkÿK †K?)

(b) What is his qualification? (Zvi †hvM¨Zv Kx?)

(c)  What does he do to the students? (wZwb wkÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ Kx K‡ib?)

(d) How is his teaching method? (Zvi cvV`vb c×wZ †Kgb?)

(e) What do you know about his behaviour? (Zzwg Zvi AvPiY m¤ú‡K© Kx Rvb?)

MY CLASS TEACHER (Avgvi †kªYx wkÿK)

Mr. Ali Asgar Khan is my class teacher. He is an M.A in English. He has also a B.Ed degree. He is a young teacher and he is very smart. He is helpful (mnvqK) to the students and his teaching method (c×wZ) is very pleasing and nice. He presents everything to the students in an easy way. He is very lively in the class and teaches the students carefully (h‡Zœi mv‡_). His behaviour (AvPiY) is well and all the students respect him. Mr Khan is not only a teacher but also a good friend and guide to us. He guides us in games and sports and in cultural (mvs¯‹…wZK) activities. He is also enriched with a good sense of humour (im). Whenever we feel bore, he entertains us with stories having good moral. He possesses (AwaKvix nIqv) a good moral character. Everybody respects him for his pleasing and amiable (AgvwqK) gesture.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Your School’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi we`¨vjqÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is the name of your school? (†Zvgvi we`¨vj‡qi bvg Kx?)

(b) Where is it? (GwU †Kv_vq Aew¯’Z?)

(c) How is your school? (†Zvgvi we`¨vjqwU †Kgb?)

(d) How many students and teachers are there? (†mLv‡b KZRb wkÿK I QvÎQvÎx Av‡Q?)

OUR SCHOOL (Avgv‡`i we`¨vjq)

The name of our school is Bonogram High School. It is one of the best schools in the district of Faridpur. The school is housed in a nice two-storeyed (wØ-Zj) building. There are twenty classrooms in our school. Our Headmaster has a separate room. Besides, there are an office room, a teachers’ room and a common room for the students in the school. All the rooms are spacious (cÖk¯’) and well ventilated (Aev‡a evqy PjvPj Kiv). The school has twenty teachers and six hundred students. All the teachers are qualified (†hvM¨) and they are very helpful to us. Our Headmaster is an M.A. B.Ed. He is very kind to us. There is a large playground (†Ljvi gvV) in front of our school. Every afternoon we play different outdoor games there. The results of the JSC and SSC exams are quite satisfactory (m‡šÍvlRbK). A congenial atmosphere prevails in our school. We consider our school as a real home of learning (†kLvi). I love my school very much. I am proud (MU) of being a student of this school.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Village Market’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKwU MÖvg¨ evRv‡iiÕ Dci GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is a village market? (MÖvg¨ evRvi Kx?)

(b) Where does a village market sit? (MÖvg¨ evRvi †Kv_vq e‡m?)

(c) What things are sold in a village market? (GKwU MÖvg¨ evRv‡i Kx Kx wRwbm wewµ nq?)

(d) What is the importance of a village market? GKwU MÖvg¨ evRv‡ii ¸iæZ¡ Kx?)


A village market is an important place where the villagers gather (R‡ov nq) to buy or sell the goods which are needed for daily life. A village market is generally situated (Aew¯’Z) on the bank of a river or by the side of a highway or under a big tree. It sits generally twice a week. Most of the shops here are temporary (A¯’vqx) but a few permanent (¯’vqx) shops are found here. Rice, vegetables, fish, poultry (nuvm-gyiMx) and homemade things are bought and sold here. The vegetable and fish market are the noisiest and crowded places in the market. The pickpockets (c‡KUgvi) also gather there. The prices of the things are generally cheaper (AwaKZi m¯Ív) in a village market. A village market is a meeting place of the villagers. They gather at the tea-stalls in the market and spend (e¨q Kiv) time with their friends and relatives. Thus, a village market plays a very important role in the agro-based (K…wl wbf©i) economy (A_©bxwZ) of the country.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Tea Shop/Tea Stall’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKwU Pv‡q’i †`vKv‡biÕ Dci Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is a tea stall? (Pv‡qi †`vKvb Kx?)

(b) Who maintains a tea stall? (GwU †K cwiPvjbv K‡i?)

(c)  What things are sold in a tea stall? (GKwU Pv‡qi †`vKv‡b Kx Kx wRwbm wewµ nq?)

(d) Why do people come to a tea stall? (†jv‡Kiv †Kb Pv‡qi †`vKv‡b Av‡m?)

A TEA SHOP / A TEA STALL (GKwU Pv‡qi †`vKvb)

A tea shop is a small shop where tea and some other things are sold (wewµ). It is found in cities, towns and even in villages in our country. In a tea shop cigarette, biscuit, cake, banana, bread, betel leaf, etc are also sold. There is a manager (e¨e¯’vcK) in a tea shop to maintain it. He usually sits near the cash box and collects money from the customers (†µZv). People take tea from a tea shop and discuss various topics. So it is a very important place for them. Some people come here to pass the idle moments (gyn‚Z©) by gossiping with others. A tie of (eÜb) relationship develops among people centering round the tea shop. A tea-shop opens early in the morning and closes late at night (Mfxi ivZ). Generally, the environment (cwi‡ek) of a tea-shop is not neat and clean (cwi®‹vi-cwi”Qbœ). But it renders (†`Iqv) a great service to the people.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Bus Stand’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKwU evm÷¨v‡ÛÕi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What is a bus stand? (evm÷¨vÛ Kx?)

(b) How busy is a bus stand? (GKwU evm÷¨vÛ KZUv e¨¯Í _v‡K?)

(c)  What things are there in a bus stand? (GKwU evm÷¨v‡Û Kx Kx wRwbm _v‡K?)

(d) What is the importance of it? (Gi ¸iæZ¡ Kx?)

A BUS STAND (GKwU evm÷¨vÛ)

A bus stand is a common place where the buses stop and start for other places. It is a very busy place because different (wewfbœ) kinds of people wait here to go from one place to another. Some bus stands have sheds for passengers (hvÎx) and ticket counters. Passengers have to buy tickets from the counters before getting on the bus. There are small shops, tea-shops, hawkers, and porters (Kzwj) at a bus stand. When a bus stops, passengers become busy to get down (bvgv) and to get into it. Ladies and elderly passengers find it too difficult to get into a bus. The conductors and helpers shout to get passengers. All these make a bus stand always noisy. But it is a useful and important (¸iæZ¡c~Y©) place for the passengers.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Winter Morning’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKwU kx‡Zi mKvjÕ m¤ú‡K© Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) What are the common characteristics of a winter morning? (GKwU kx‡Zi mKv‡ji mvaviY ˆewk󨸇jv Kx Kx?)

(b) How does the nature look in the morning? (mKv‡j cÖK…wZ †Kgb †`Lvq?)

(c)  Why do people make fire in the morning? (†jv‡Kiv mKvj‡ejv Av¸b R¡vjvq †Kb?)

(d) What delicious things are available in a winter morning? (kx‡Zi mKv‡j Kx Kx my¯^v`y Lvevi cvIqv hvq?)


A winter morning is usually foggy (Kzqvkv”Qbœ) and cold. Grass and leaves of trees are wet with dew (wkwki) drops. Nature looks very dull and dismal (wbivb›`) in a winter morning. Everything looks gloomy (welbœ) and things at a little distance (`~iZ¡) can hardly be seen. People shiver (Kuvcv) in cold. They put on warm clothes to warm (Mig Kiv) themselves. Some people gather straw (Lo) or dried leaves and make fire to keep themselves warm. The old people and the children remain inside their houses. Domestic (M„ncvwjZ) and other animals also do not come out of their sheds (QvDwb). People get up late when the sun starts to peep through (DuwK †`Iqv) the dense fog (Nb Kzqvkv). The sun-rays make everybody happy. Some people bask (†iv` †cvnv‡bv) in the sun. People start to go to their daily business (e¨¯ÍZv). The dull scene of a winter morning disappears (A`„k¨ nIqv) as the sun goes up and the fog melts away. However, a winter morning is welcomed for its delicious (my¯^v`y) cakes, date-juice (†LRyi-im), and many other items.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Street Beggar’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb c_ wf¶zKÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) Who is a street beggar? (c_ wf¶zK †K?)

(b) Where does he beg? (†m †Kv_vq wfÿv K‡i?)

(c) Where does he live? (†m †Kv_vq _v‡K?)

(d) How is his life? (Zvi RxebhvÎv †Kgb?)


The person who lives by (RxweKv wbe©vn Kiv) asking people for money or food in the street is known as a street beggar. He is a familiar (cwiwPZ) figure to the people of cities and towns. He is a very poor man who lives on charity (`vbkxjZv). A street beggar usually wears (cwiavb Kiv) dirty and torn clothes and he has a bowl in his hand. He receives alms (wfÿv) in this bowl. A street beggar generally sleeps on the pavement (dzUcvZ) of a street, building, market, or in a slum. If anyone gives alms to a beggar, he becomes happy and prays to god for him. A street beggar earns (Avq Kiv) a little. He can hardly meet (wgUv‡bv) the basic needs of his family. So he leads a miserable (`y:Lc~Y©) life.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Fisherman’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb †R‡jÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) Who is a fisherman? (GKRb †R‡j †K?)

(b) Where does a fisherman catch fish? (GKRb †R‡j †Kv_vq gvQ a‡i?)

(c) How does he spend his time? (†m Kxfv‡e Zvi mgq KvUvq?)

(d) What is the economic condition of a fisherman? (GKRb †R‡ji Avw_©K Ae¯’v †Kgb?)


A person who earns his living by catching and selling fish is known as a fisherman. He spends (e¨q Kiv) his time by catching fishes, making and repairing (†givgZ Kiv) nets, making boats and drying and selling fishes. He works hard all day and night specially (we‡klfv‡e) in the rainy season. While a fisherman is in the deep sea (Mfxi mgy`ª) or river to catch fish, his family members remain very anxious about (DwØMœ) his safe return. His life is challenging. He contributes (Ae`vb ivLv) a lot to our nation. He meets the demand of our protein. Besides, our country earns foreign exchange (ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv) by exporting fish. But his economic (A_©‰bwZK) condition is not well. He can hardly manage (e¨e¯’v Kiv) his family properly. As a result (d‡j) he leads a miserable life. We should do something to improve (DbœwZ Kiv) his lifestyle.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Physical Exercise’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Ri cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôkixi PP©vÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What do you mean by physical exercise? (kixi PP©v ej‡Z Zzwg Kx †evS?)

(b) Why is physical exercise important? (kixi PP©v †Kb ¸iæZ¡c~Y©?)

(c)  How is excessive physical exercise harmful? (AwZwi³ e¨vqvg †Kb ÿwZKi?)

(d) What is the effect of physical exercise? (kixi PP©vi DcKvwiZv Kx?)


Physical exercise means regular movement of our limbs (A½ cÖZ¨½) according to rules. It is essential to keep our body fit for work. As a sound mind (my¯’gb) lies in a sound body, without taking physical exercise one cannot enjoy sound health. It increases (e„w× K‡i) our strength (kw³), stamina (kw³) and ability to work. It provides us energy. Besides, it improves our blood circulation (mÂvjb) and power of digestion. It helps to keep our body active and muscles strong. But over exercise is very harmful and it can causes illness. One should take physical exercise according to his age and ability. Because all kinds of exercise are not suitable (Dchy³) for everyone. However, we should take physical exercise regularly to ensure (wbwðZ Kiv) a healthy life.

  1. Suppose, you are a student of Class VII. Recently you have celebrated your 13th Birthday. Now, write a paragraph on the birthday party you have celebrated by answering the following questions. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg 7g †kªwYi GKRb wkÿv_x©| m¤cÖwZ Zzwg †Zvgvi 13Zg Rb¥w`b cvjb K‡iQ| GLb, wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q †Zvgvi D`hvwcZ Rb¥w`‡bi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  When did you celebrate your birthday party? (KLb Zzwg †Zvgvi Rš§w`‡bi cvwU© D`hvcb K‡iwQ‡j?)

(b) How did you decorate your house? (Zzwg Kxfv‡e †Zvgvi evwo mvwR‡qwQ‡j?)

(c)  Who were invited? (Kv‡`i‡K wbgš¿Y Kiv n‡qwQj?)

(d) How did the function start? (AbyôvbwU Kxfv‡e ïiæ n‡qwQj?)

(e)  How were the guests entertained? (AwZw_‡`i‡K Kxfv‡e Avc¨vqb Kiv n‡qwQj?)

(f)  When did the function come to an end? (AbyôvbwU KLb †kl n‡jv?)


Last monday was my 13th birthday ceremony. On that day we cleaned and decorated (mvRv‡bv) our house with colourful (iwOb) papers and flowers. Everything looked very tidy. Some of my relatives and close friends were invited to the birthday party. A chocolate cake was bought and delicious (my¯^v`y) dishes were cooked for the guests. All the guests came in time. The function started just at 6 pm. All stood around a table and I cut the cake after putting out the candles (†gvgevwZ). All sang in a chorus, “Happy Birthday to You.” Then the guests were entertained with the cake and some snacks. After that different delicious (my¯^v`y) foods were served to the guests. They had all items with a lots of zest, talking and giggling. My elder brother took snaps of some rare moments. A short cultural (mvs¯‹…wZK) programme was arranged at the end of the function. The function came to an end at 9 pm. We enjoyed the function very much. It will remain ever green in my mind forever (wPiZ‡i).

  1. Suppose, recently you have a visit to a place of historical interest with some of your friends. Now, write a paragraph about your visit to a place of historical interest by answering the following questions. (g‡b Ki, Zzwg m¤cÖwZ †Zvgvi KwZcq eÜz wb‡q GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’vb †`L‡Z wM‡qwQ‡j| GLb, wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi GKwU HwZnvwmK ¯’vb ågYÕ-Gi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a) Where did you go? (Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQ‡j?)

(b) When did you go to the place? (Zzwg H ¯’v‡b KLb wM‡qwQ‡j?)

(c) Who were with you? (†Zvgvi mv‡_ Kviv wQj?)

(d) What things did you see there? (Zzwg †mLv‡b Kx Kx wRwbm †`‡LwQ‡j?)

(e) What things impressed you much? (†Kvb wRwbmwU †Zvgv‡K Lye gy» K‡iwQ‡jv?)


(Avgvi †`Lv GKUv HwZnvwmK ¯’vb)

A historical place is a site which has a historical background (cUf‚wg) or interest. I like to visit a historical place because it helps me to know many things about the place. Some days ago I went to Sonargaon with some of my friends. It is one of the famous historical places. It is not so far from Dhaka. We started our journey at 8.30 am and reached there at 10.00 am. At first we saw a beautiful small pond. By the side of the pond there was a statue (g~wZ©) by Zainul Abedin. We walked across some small canals over bridges. It is wonderful to see the national Archaeological (cÖZœwe`¨v m¤úwK©Z) Museum. There we saw many old guns, swords (Z‡jvqvi) and furniture of the former rulers. There is another museum of handicrafts (n¯Íwkí). The building and heritage of Sonargaon are old. This place impressed me much. We stayed there for about 2 hours. I enjoyed the visit of Sonargaon very much. We got back home safe and sound (wbivc`) at 3.00 pm. The journey was both thrilling (†ivgvÂKi) and pleasant for me and my friends.

  1. Imagine, recently you enjoyed a journey by bus. Now, write a paragraph about a journey by bus by answering the following questions. (Kíbv Ki, Zzwg m¤cÖwZ GKwU evm åg‡Y wM‡qQ| GLb wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  Where did you go? (Zzwg †Kv_vq wM‡qwQ‡j?)

(b) When did the bus start? (evmwU KLb hvÎv ïiæ K‡iwQj?)

(c)  What scenery did you enjoy? (Zzwg Kx Kx `„k¨ Dc‡fvM K‡iwQ‡j?)

(d) When did the bus reach the destination? (†Zvgvi evm KLb MšÍ‡e¨ †cuŠ‡QwQj?)

A JOURNEY BY BUS I ENJOYED (Avgvi Dc‡fvM Kiv GKwU evm ågY)

Journey is always a pleasant thing to me. Last month I enjoyed a journey by bus from Rajshahi to Dhaka. I reached the bus station at 7am. Then I bought a ticket and got on the bus. The bus started and after a few minutes it picked up its full speed (MwZ). I looked outside through the window. When the bus crossed Rajshahi city, the green Bengal welcomed us cordially (AvšÍwiKf‡e). Trees, green fields, houses, etc were seemed to be running backward (wcQ‡bi w`‡K). After an hour our bus began to run through ‘Chalanbill’. I found only water everywhere. Some fishermen were catching fish with small boats and nets. Some boats were also moving with passengers and goods. Our bus reached the Bangabandhu Bridge at about 10.30 am. The bridge (†mZz) looked very beautiful. I saw a train crossing our bus. It’s really a rare (wei³) moment to be found. After about five hours we reached Dhaka. I enjoyed the journey very much.

  1. Imagine, recently you paid a visit to a book fair. Now, write a paragraph about your visit to a book fair by answering the following questions. (Kíbv Ki, Zzwg m¤cÖwZ GKwU eB‡gjv †`L‡Z wM‡qwQ‡j| GLb, wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†Zvgvi †`L‡Z hvIqv GKwU eB‡gjviÕ Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  When was it arranged? (GwU KLb Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡qwQj?)

(b) How were the pavilions? (c¨vwfwjqb¸‡jv †Kgb wQ‡jv?)

(c)  Did you buy any book? (Zzwg wK †Kvb eB wK‡bwQ‡j?)

(d) Who arranged it? (GUv †K Av‡qvRb K‡iwQj?)

(e)  How were the stalls? (÷j¸‡jv †Kgb wQ‡jv?)

A BOOK FAIR I VISITED (Avgvi cwi`k©b Kiv GKwU eB †gjv)

Recently I have visited the Ekushey Boi Mela held in the premises (cÖv½b) of Bangla Academy. I along with some of my friends visited the fair. There were hundreds of pavilions there. All the pavilions were decorated beautifully. All sorts (cÖKvi) of books were displayed (cÖ`k©b Kiv) there nicely. There were food and drinks pavilion also. There was crowd of people there. Some people were roaming about (Ny‡i †eov‡bv) and some were buying books. There was a festive look all around. The renowned (weL¨vZ) artists, authors, poets also gathered there and took part in the cultural programmes. I visited different book stalls and bought two story books. We also took some snacks (nvjKv Lvevi) from a food stall. Then we left the place with a cheerful (Drdzjø) mind.

  1. Suppose, you had an opportunity to visit the last ‘Baishakhi Mela’ held in your locality. Now, write a paragraph about how you visited the Last Baishakhi Mela by answering the following questions. (g‡b Ki, †Zvgvi GjvKvq AbywôZ weMZ ˆekvLx †gjvwU †`L‡Z hvIqvi my‡hvM †Zvgvi N‡UwQj| GLb, wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Zzwg Kxfv‡e MZ ˆekvLx‡gjv ågY K‡iwQ‡j Zvi Ici GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  When did you visit the mela? (Zzwg KLb †gjvwU †`L‡Z wM‡qwQ‡j?)

(b) What did you see there? (Zzwg †mLv‡b Kx †`‡LwQ‡j?)

(c)  Which items gave you much pleasure? (†Kvb wRwbm¸‡jv †Zvgv‡K †ewk Avb›` w`‡qwQj?)

(d) Did you buy anything? (Zzwg wK wKQz wK‡bwQ‡j?)

(e)  When did you return? (Zzwg KLb wd‡i G‡mwQ‡j?)

A BAISHAKHI MELA I VISITED (Avgvi Dc‡fvM Kiv GKwU ˆekvLx †gjv)

Every year Baishakhi Mela is arranged (e¨e¯’v Kiv) on the first day of Bangla New Year with traditional festivities across the country. I visited the last Baishakhi Mela held in our locality (GjvKv). I along with two of my friends went to the mela. The mela premises was decorated with colourful festoons and attractive (AvKl©Yxq) paintings. There were many shops and people of different professions (†ckv) displayed their handmade articles in their shops. There were clothes, toys, utensils (evmb), fancy goods, cosmetics, ornaments, bamboo-made articles, sweetmeats and many other attractive things in the fair. People of different ages visited the Mela in cheerful mood and bought traditional (HwZn¨evnx) items. Many of them entertained themselves with sweetmeats. I bought some bamboo-made articles and some sweetmeats. In one corner there were some special (we‡kl) attractions both for children and adult. Circus, jatra, puppet shows (cyZzj bvP), magic shows and merry-go-round (bvMi‡`vjv) are some of them. We enjoyed most of the items. The visit was very exciting and interesting. We returned home in the evening with a fresh and delighted (Avbw›`Z) mind.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Our National Flag’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔAvgv‡`i RvZxq cZvKvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What is a national flag? (GKwU RvZxq cZvKv Kx?)

(b) How is our national flag? (Avgv‡`i RvZxq cZvKv †Kgb?)

(c)  What do the colours of our national flag signify? (Avgv‡`i RvZxq cZvKvi iO¸‡jv Kx Zvrch© enb K‡i?)

(d) What is your feeling about our national flag? (Avgv‡`i RvZxq cZvKv m¤ú‡K© †Zvgvi Abyf‚wZ †Kgb?)


A national flag is the symbol of independence (¯^vaxbZv) and sovereignty (mve©‡fŠgZ¡) of a nation. We are an independent nation. So we have a national flag. The designer (bKkvKvi) of our national flag is Kamrul Hassan. Our flag in rectangular (AvqZvKvi) in shape. The size of our national flag is noticeable and significant (Zvrch©c~Y©). The ratio of the length and width of the flag is 10:6. Red and green colours are used in it. The green colour is the symbol of youth and red is the symbol of sacrifices of freedom fighters. It represents (cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Kiv) our national identity. It creates in us a deep patriotic (†`kvZ¥‡evaK) feeling. It contains our prestige and nobility. It works as a inspiration (Drmvn) and moral courage. So it is our duty to preserve and uphold (D‡a© Zz‡j aiv) its honour.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Early Rising’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ô†fv‡i Nyg †_‡K IVvÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What does early rising mean? (†fv‡i Nyg †_‡K IVv ej‡Z Kx †evSvq?)

(b) How is the environment early in the morning? (†fv‡i cwi‡ek †Kgb _v‡K?)

(c)  How can an early riser start his day’s work? (†fv‡i Nyg †_‡K IVv GKRb e¨w³ Kxfv‡e w`‡bi KvR ïiæ Ki‡Z cv‡i?)

(d) What happens to a late riser? (GKRb †`wi‡Z Nyg †_‡K IVv e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î Kx N‡U?)

EARLY RISING (†fv‡i Nyg †_‡K IVv)

Early rising is the habit of getting up early in the morning. It is a good habit and beneficial to health. In the early morning, nature looks fresh (m‡ZR) and beautiful. An early riser can have a good start of the day’s work. He can finish a lot of work. In the morning our mind and body remain fresh. An early riser can take regular physical exercise in the morning. He can enjoy (Dc‡fvM Kiv) the fresh air, chirping (cvwLi WvK) of the birds, colourful flowers, green leaves, gentle breezes etc. All those make them cheerful (Drdzjø) and healthy. Early rising helps a man to be regular and punctual. On the other hand, the people who rise late always lag behind. He feels lethargic (Ajm) and bored at work. They are not punctual.  Sometimes they become sick. The habit of early rising is the source of health, wealth and wisdom. So we should cultivate (PP©v Kiv) the habit of early rising in order to be healthy and happy.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Load Shedding’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôwe`y¨r weåvUÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What does load-shedding mean? (we`y¨r weåvU ej‡Z Kx †evSvq?)

(b) When does it occur? (GwU KLb N‡U?)

(c)  What does it cause? (GUv Kx cwiw¯’wZ m„wó K‡i?)

(d) Who are the victimes of load-shedding? (Kviv we`y¨r weåv‡Ui wkKvi?)

(e)  What should we do to reduce this problem? (GB mgm¨vwU Kgv‡Z Avgv‡`i Kx Kiv DwPZ?)

LOAD SHEDDING (we`y¨r weåvU)

Load shedding means the interruption (evavMÖ¯’ nIqv) of supply of electricity. It is a great hindrance (evav) and it creates a lot of problems. It occurs when the demand (Pvwn`v) is greater than supply. It causes various problems in the socio-economic (Av_©-mvgvwRK) development of a country. Houses, mills, factories, industries, shops, hospitals all fall a victim to it. Scarcity of electricity hampers in production. Domestic life becomes painful (†e`bv`vqK). The students sit idle in the dark closing their books. The children and the old people suffer most during the load-shedding. The house wives remain in the darkness (AÜKvi) in the kitchen. Office activities, serious operations are stopped. In a word the entire life domestic and industrial comes to a standstill. Some vital measures (c`‡ÿc) have to be taken. Enough power generation (we`y¨r Drcv`b) has to be ensured. Illegal connection (A‰ea ms‡hvM) should be disconnected and misuse (Ace¨envi) of electricity have to be prevented.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Railway Porter’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb †ijI‡q gy‡UÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  Who is a railway porter? (†ijI‡q gy‡U †K?)

(b) What does he usually wear? (†m mvaviYZ Kx cwiavb K‡i?)

(c)  When does he become very busy? (KLb †m Lye e¨¯Í n‡q I‡V?)

(d) How does he support his family? (†m Kxfv‡e Zvi cwiev‡ii fiY‡cvlY K‡i?)

(e)  What should we do for him? (Zvi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i Kx Kiv DwPr?)


A railway porter is an employee (Kg©Pvix) employed to assist passengers aboard a train or to carry their baggage (gvjcÎ). He is a familiar figure at the railway station. He is strong and hardworking (cwikªgx). He works hard all day long. When a train arrives, he becomes very busy. He usually wears (cwiavb Kiv) a uniform. Its colour may be blue or red. He wears a brass plate on his arm given to him by the railway authority (KZ©„cÿ). He is able to carry heavy loads (†evSv). He is very cunning too. He can easily cheat the passengers. When any passengers fall into trouble, the porter tries to take a chance (my‡hvM). He also raises his demand then. However, his daily income is very low. He leads a very miserable (`y:Lc~Y©) life. Yet he renders a great service to the people. We should behave well with him and the government should take initiatives (D‡`¨vM) to help them in all respects (mewel‡q).

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘Tree Plantation’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q Ôe„ÿ‡ivcYÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  What do you mean by tree plantation? (e„ÿ‡ivcY ej‡Z Zzwg Kx eyS?)

(b) What do trees do to us? (MvQcvjv Avgv‡`i Kx K‡i?)

(c)  Why should we plant more trees? (†Kb Avgv‡`i †ewk gvÎvq MvQ jvMv‡bv DwPZ?)

(d) When is the best time for tree plantation? (e„ÿ‡ivc‡Yi m‡e©vËg mgq KLb?)

(e)  What should govt. do in this respect? (G‡ÿ‡Î miKv‡ii Kx Kiv DwPZ?)


Since the dawn of civilization (mf¨Zv) man has a close relation (m¤úK©) with nature. Trees are the most important gift of nature. They are our best friends. So we need to do more for tree plantation. Tree plantation means to plant trees in a fixed or different areas to produce wood, food, oxygen and fuel. Trees play an important role in our daily life and economy. They give us shade (Qvqv) and shelter. We get various kinds of fruits, medicine, wood, oil, etc from trees. It keeps our environment (cwi‡ek) free from pollution. It saves us from flood and natural calamities (wech©q). We know that Bangladesh is a low land country. So upper level areas are the best places for tree plantation. We can also plant trees on both sides of roads and highways. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Trees bear a great impact (cÖfve) on the climate. If we destroy trees at random (D‡Ïk¨nxbfv‡e) one day our country will turn into a great desert (giæf‚wg). However we should plant more and more trees. Govt. should encourage (DrmvwnZ Kiv) the people for tree plantation through different ways. So to save mankind (gvbeRvwZ), forests should be preserved to keep the earth greener, cleaner and safer for the future.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Postman’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb WvKwcqb m¤ú‡K©Õ GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  Who is a postman? (GKRb WvKwcqb †K?)

(b) When does he start his work? (wZwb KLb Zvi KvR ïiæ K‡ib?)

(c)  How does he perform his duties? (wZwb Kxfv‡e Zvi KZ©e¨ m¤úv`b K‡ib?)

(d) How does he maintain his family? (wZwb Kxfv‡e Zvi cwiev‡ii fiY‡cvlY K‡ib?)

(e)  How is his life-style? (Zvi RxebhvÎv †Kgb?)


The man who delivers letters, parcels and money orders from door to door is a postman (WvKwcqb). A postman is very punctual (mgqwbô) and dutiful. He starts his work early in the morning. He wears a different dress which is known as Khaki uniform (wba©vwiZ †cvkvK). The postman carries a bag in his shoulder (Kuva) containing many postal articles, letters, money orders and parcels. His work is very much useful and important. He goes from door to door to deliver things to the proper addresses (wVKvbv). A postman can make us both happy and unhappy. When he brings good news, we become happy and when he brings sad news, we become unhappy. The academic qualification of a postman is very low. Though he works very hard, he gets a very small amount of salary (†eZb). With it, he cannot maintain his family decently (my›`ifv‡e). So, his life is very miserable. No doubt he serves greatly in the field of postal communication (†hvMv‡hvM). He should be given good salary so that he can lead (Pvjv‡bv) a better life.

  1. Write a paragraph on ‘A Village Doctor’ by answering the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi w`‡q ÔGKRb MÖvg¨ Wv³viÕ m¤ú‡K© GKwU Aby‡”Q` †jL|)

(a)  Who is a village doctor? (MÖvg¨ Wv³vi †K?)

(b) What is his qualification? (Zvi wkÿvMZ †hvM¨Zv Kx?)

(c)  When does he attend his patients? (wZwb KLb Zvi †ivMx‡`i wPwKrmv K‡ib?)

(d) How is he treated? (Zvi mv‡_ Kx ai‡bi AvPiY Kiv nq?)

(e)  What should govt. do for his improvement? (Zvi Kj¨v‡Y miKv‡ii Kx Kiv DwPZ?)


A village doctor is a familiar (cwiwPZ) person. He gives the treatment (wPwKrmv) to sick people in the village. He has a great demand (Pvwn`v) in the village. He is generally a quack (nvZz‡o). He does not know much about medicine. He work with a qualified (†hvM¨) doctor for a few years and receives training (cÖwkÿY) under him. Then he sets up a dispensary in his own village. In the morning he goes to his chamber or dispensary (Jl‡ai †`vKvb) and gives medicine (Jla) to all the patients waiting for him. After his duties in the dispensary, he goes out with a bag in his hands to all the ailing (Amy¯’) people who contacted (†hvMv‡hvM Kiv) him earlier. He stands by the villagers in time of danger. He is locally respected much. He treats his patients with a nominal (bvggvÎ) fee. He does not mind if any one does not pay (cwi‡kva Kiv) him. He is somewhat responsible for the health condition of the villagers. Therefore, he should be trained more practically by the government for the better treatment of the villagers.


  1. How to do well in the examination (cixÿvq wKfv‡e fv‡jv Kiv hvq)

Every student wants to do well in the examination. To do well in the examination one has to do the following things. Firstly, he has to study hard. For this the most important thing is attentiveness (g‡bv‡hvwMZv). If one studies attentively, nothing will seem to be more difficult to him. Secondly, he has to identify (mbv³ Kiv) his weak points (w`K/welq). Thirdly, he has to consult (Av‡jvPbv Kiv) his teacher or other good students about his weakness. Fourthly, he has to write the things again and again that he has learnt. This will help him increase (e„w× cvIqv) his writing skill. Finally, he has to give up the habit of cramming (gyL¯’ Kiv). Rather he should try to understand the topic what he reads. This is how one can do well in the examination.

  1. how to make a phone call (wKfv‡e †dvb Ki‡Z nq)

Go to the telephone set. Lift (D‡Ëvjb Kiv) the receiver. You will find (cvIqv) some buttons with numbers (msL¨v) (such as 1, 2, 3). Dial the number you desire. You will hear the dial tone. Wait until someone receives the phone call at the other end (Ab¨ cÖvšÍ). When the person at the other end of the wire (Zvi) will say “Hello”, ask him “Could I please talk to….. (Mention (D‡jøL Kiv) the name whom you want.) If the person (e¨w³) replies (cÖwZDËi †`Iqv), ‘speaking’ tell him / her what you want to say. If you do not get your wanted person, you can leave message (msev`) to the receiver.

  1. How to make a cup of tea (wKfv‡e GK Kvc Pv ˆZwi Kiv nq)

Making a cup of tea is very easy. It needs no special training (cÖwkÿY) for this. To make a cup of tea one is to follow (AbymiY Kiv) the rules below. Firstly, he is to put some water into a kettle (†KZjx). He will put the kettle over a stove until the water is boiled. Then he is to put two tea spoonfuls of tea leaves (cvZv) into the boiled water. After that he is to remove (mwi‡q †bIqv) the kettle from the stove when the water has turned red. Finally, he is to pour liquor (Zij c`v_©) into a cup through a strainer. He is also to mix (wgkv‡bv) some sugar and milk with liquor and stir it until the sugar dissolves (M‡j hvIqv) Kiv). Thus a cup of milk tea is prepared. But in case of lemon/ginger (Av`v) tea he is to add lemon juice/ginger instead of (cwie‡Z©) milk.

  1. How to make a flower garden (wKfv‡e GKwU evMvb ˆZwi Ki‡Z nq)

Many of us have the habit of gardening. But very few of us know the process (c×wZ) of gardening. To make a flower garden one has to do the following things step by step (av‡c av‡c). Firstly, he has to select (wbe©vPb Kiv) the land and plants he would plant. Then he should plough the land properly (h_vh_fv‡e) with the help of a spade (†Kv`vj) or oxen. Next he should put cowdung (†Mvei) or fertilizer in the land. After that he should plant the seeds in time and make a fence (†eov) around the land so that the cattle (Mev`x cï) can do no harm (ÿwZ Kiv) to it. Finally, he should take care of the flower garden.

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