Class Six English Seen Passage (1-5)

Seen Passage – 1 Or 2 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

My first day at the new school was interesting. I was going to school with my father in a rickshaw. We reached school after fifteen minutes. My father said good bye and left me at the school gate. I went in and found that everyone had gone to class. I walked into my classroom and found a seat. After sometime a teacher came and warmly greeted us. I found the students very friendly in my new class.                     [Lesson-1(B)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Interesting(adj.) B›Uªv‡iw÷s Avb›“vqK, wPËvKl©K fascinating
Reach(v.) ixP †cŠuQv arrive
Left(v.) †jd&U& bvwg‡q w`j dropped
Walk(v.) IqvK nuvUv moving on foot
Warmly(adv.) Iqvg©wj Dòfv‡e, AvšÍwiKfv‡e cordially
Greet(v.) MÖxU ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv, Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡bv welcome
Friendly(adj.) †d«Ûwj eÜzfvevcbœ amiably

 e½vbyev` :  bZzb ¯‹z‡j Avgvi cÖ_g w`bwU wQj Avb›“vqK| Avwg evevi mv‡_ GKwU wiKkvq P‡o ¯‹z‡j hvw”Qjvg| Avgiv 15 wgwbU c‡i ¯‹z‡j †cuŠQjvg| evev Avgv‡K we`vq Rvbv‡jb Ges Avgv‡K ¯‹z‡ji †M‡U bvwg‡q w`‡jb| Avwg †fZ‡i †Mjvg Ges †`Ljvg cÖ‡Z¨‡K K¬v‡m P‡j †M‡Q| Avwg Avgvi K¬vmiæ‡g †Mjvg Ges GKUv Avm‡b emjvg| wKQzÿY ci GKRb wkÿK G‡jb Ges Avgv‡`i‡K AvšÍwiKfv‡e ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡jb| Avgvi bZzb K¬v‡mi QvÎQvÎx‡`i‡K Lye eÜzfvevcbœ g‡b n‡jv|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. (weKí DËi¸‡jv †_‡K m‡e©vËgwU evQvB Ki|) .5 × 10 = 5

(a) The passage deals with .

(i)  the speaker’s first day at his friend’s house

(ii) the speaker’s personality

(iii) the first day at school of the speaker’s friend

(iv) the speaker’s first day at school

(b) He reached school fifteen minutes.

(i) in time                                      (ii) early

(iii) after                                        (iv) on time

(c) He went to school .

(i) by rickshaw                              (ii) on foot

(iii) by bus                                    (iv) by car

(d) Who did he go to school with?

(i)   mother                                    (ii) father

(iii) uncle                                      (iv) parents

(e) The students of the new class were—.

(i) hardly                                       (ii) friendly

(iii) coldly                                      (iv) firmly

 (f) interesting

(i)   complicated (RwUj)                  (ii) critical (¸iæZi)

(iii) dull (wbivb›`)                            (iv) fascinating (Avb›`RbK)

(g) seat

(i)   a place for sitting (emvi RvqMv) (ii) table (†Uwej)

(iii) gate (dUK)                                (iv) window (Rvbvjv)

(h) greet

(i)   command (Av‡`k)                     (ii) drift (MwZ)

(iii) welcome (¯^vMZ Rvbv‡bv)          (iv) control (wbqš¿Y)

(i)  warmly

(i)   cordially (AvšÍwiKfv‡e)               (ii)  confused (weåvšÍ)

(iii) upset (wegl©)                          (iv) agitated (weÿzä)

(j)  found

(i) most (cÖavb)                              (ii) utmost (Pig)

(iii) saw (†`Lj)                                 (iv) actually (Avm‡j)

Ans.   a.-(iv); b.-(iii); c.-(i); d.-(ii); e.-(ii); f.-(iv); g.-(i); h.-(iii); i.-(i); j.-(iii).


  1. Answer the following questions. (wb‡Pi cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|) 2 × 5 = 10

(a) How was the speaker going to his new school?

(b) When did he reach school?

(c) Where did his father leave him?

(d) What did he do then?

(e) How was his experience on the first day at the new school?

Ans.(a)        The speaker was going to his new school with his father in a rickshaw.

(b) He reached school after fifteen minutes.

(c) His father left him at the school gate.

(d) He then walked into his classroom and got a seat.

(e) His first day at the new school was interesting.




Seen Passage – 2

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station. I came to see him off. Sajjad was going to Dhaka to his elder sister’s house. It was very crowded in the station. There was a long line of people at the ticket counter. A woman was standing in the queue. She was holding her child’s hand tightly. A group of young people was talking loudly and drinking tea in front of a tea stall. An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit down and rest. The waiting room was crowded, too. I saw one man who was trying to carry three heavy suitcases. A young lady was sitting on a bench with her luggage at one corner. She was reading a magazine.

My friend and I stood near a newspaper stall talking and watching the crowd around. Soon my friend’s train started to leave. As the train whistled, he picked up his suitcase and we said goodbye to each other.                                            [Lesson — 3(A)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Crowded(adj.) µvD‡WW RbvKxY© congested
Counter(n.) KvD›Uvi †jb‡`‡bi †Uwej a place where business is done
Luggage(n.) jv‡MR gvjcÎ baggage
Magazine(n.) g¨vMvwRb mvgwqKx journal
Queue(n.) wKD mvwi line, row
See off(v.) mx Ad we`vq Rvbv‡bv say good-bye
Quiet(adj.) †Kvqv‡qU kvšÍ, bxie silent
Couple(n.) Kvc&j `¤úwZ husband and wife
Tightly(adv.) UvBUwj k³ K‡i firmly
Loudly(adv.) jvDWwj D‰”Pt¯^‡i in a loud voice
Carry(v.) K¨vwi enb Kiv to bring or move something
Watch(v.) IqvP †`Lv, ch©‡eÿY Kiv see

 e½vbyev` :  Avgvi eÜz mv¾v` Ges Avwg †ijI‡q †÷k‡b e‡mwQjvg| Avwg I‡K we`vq Rvbv‡Z G‡mwQjvg| mv¾v` XvKv‡Z Ii eo †ev‡bi evwo‡Z hvw”Qj| †÷k‡b A‡bK wfo wQj| wU‡KU KvD›Uv‡i gvby‡li GKUv j¤^v jvBb wQj| GKRb gwnjv jvB‡b `uvwo‡qwQj| †m Zvi ev”Pvi nvZ k³ K‡i a‡i †i‡LwQ‡jv| GK`j hyeK Pv‡qi †`vKv‡bi mvg‡b `uvwo‡q †Rv‡i †Rv‡i K_v ejwQj Ges Pv cvb KiwQj| GK e„× `¤úwZ GKUz e‡m wekªvg Kivi Rb¨  GKUv bxie RvqMv †LuvRvi †Póv KiwQ‡jb| wekªvgvMviwU RbvKxY© wQj| Avwg GKRb gvbyl‡K †`Ljvg †h wZbUv fvwi my¨U‡Km enb Kivi †Póv KiwQj| GK hyeZx GK †Kv‡Y Zvi gvjvgvj wb‡q †e‡Âi Ici e‡m wQj| †m GKwU g¨vMvwRb cowQj|

Avgvi eÜz Ges Avwg GKUv cwÎKvi †`vKv‡bi Kv‡Q `uvwo‡q K_v ejwQjvg Ges Pvicv‡ki wfo j¶ KiwQjvg| kxNÖB Avgvi eÜzi †Uªb Pj‡Z ïiæ Kij| hLb †UªbwU euvwk w`‡q ms‡KZ w`j †m Zvi my¨U‡Km wb‡q †Uª‡b DVj Ges Avgiv G‡K Aci‡K we`vq Rvbvjvg|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives : .      5 × 10 = 5

(a) Why did the speaker go to the station?

(i)  To see his friend                       (ii) To receive his friend

(iii) To say goodbye to his friend    (iv) To watch the crowd

(b) Who is Sajjad?

(i)   The speaker of the passage     (ii) A friend of the speaker

(iii) A cousin of the speaker           (iv) A stranger

(c) How could you know that the young lady was afraid of losing her child? Because, she was____.

(i)   holding her child firmly           (ii) careful of the child

(iii) looking all around                                                    (iv) standing in the line

(d) It was difficult to find a place for the old couple. Because ____.

(i)   they were old                           (ii) people do not like them

(iii) young people were too busy    (iv) the station was crowded

(e) Why was the old couple trying to find a quiet place?

(i)   To sit down and take rest        (ii) To watch people

(iii) To gossip                                 (iv) To sleep

     (f) crowded

(i)   congested (RbvKxY©)               (ii) supervision (ZË¡veavb)

(iii) loud (D‰”Pt¯^i)                                              (iv) poor (Mwie)

     (g) queue

(i) length (ˆ`N©¨)                           (ii) sequence (µg)

(iii) line (mvwi)                              (iv) width (cÖ¯’)

     (h)                           rest

(i)  relax (wekªvg Kiv)                                             (ii) upset (nZvk Kiv)

(iii) worry (wPšÍv Kiv)                                             (iv) both (i) & (ii) [i & ii DfqB]

     (i) quiet

(i) calm (kvšÍ)                                (ii) noise (ˆn‰P)

(iii) cold (VvÊv)                              (iv) hot (Mig)

     (j)  heavy

(i)   weighty (fvix)                          (ii) easy (mnR)

(iii) difficult (KwVb)                          (iv) light (nvjKv)

Ans. 1.                           (a)-(iii) ; (b)-(ii) ; (c)-(i) ; (d)-(iv) ; (e)-(i) ; (a) – (i); (b) – (iii); (c) – (i); (d) – (i); (e) – (i).



  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a) Why was there a long line of people at the ticket counter?

(b) How could you know that the waiting room was crowded?

(c) What did the speaker and his friend do to pass their time?

(d) Why do you think that a station is a busy place?

(e) Why was the young lady holding her child tightly?


     (a) The people were trying to get tickets. So, they were in a long line at the ticket counter to avoid chaos and disorder.

(b) An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit down and rest. But they did not find seats in the waiting room as it was crowded.

(c) The speaker and his friend were waiting for the train. They were passing their time by talking and watching the crowd around.

(d) There are always people coming in and going out of the station. All are in a hurry in a station. So, a station is a busy place.

(e) The young lady was afraid of losing her child. So she was holding her child’s hand tightly.


Seen Passage – 3

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

Bulbul collects rubbish from the Sankar area in Dhaka. Every morning, he wakes up at 5 o’clock and walks along the streets of Sankar to collect rubbish. People of Sankar put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. Bulbul walks from door to door to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad. But Bulbul does not mind. He takes out everything from the bins and puts them in his van. He believes that all jobs are important. He works hard every day to keep this area clean.

Last month Bulbul was sick for two days. So, he could not come to collect the rubbish. The people of Sankar were in great trouble. They got piles of rubbish waiting in front of their houses. The whole area became dirty and unhygienic. When Bulbul got well, he came back to Sankar. He collected everything from all the bins. Bulbul does not want to fall sick again. He realizes, if he stops working even for a few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.                                                                       [Lesson — 5(B)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Rubbish(n.) ivwek AveR©bv waste, dust
Collect(v.) Kv‡j± msMÖn Kiv gather
Dirty(adj.) WvwU© †bvsiv unclean
Trouble(n.) Uªvej mgm¨v problem
Large(adj.) jvR© e„nr, eo big
Unhygienic(adj.) AvbnvBwRwbK A¯^v¯’¨Ki unhealthy
Dustbin(n.) Wv÷web gqjvi Szwo trash can
Pile(n.) cvBj ¯Í~c heap, stack
Mind(v.) gvBÛ g‡b Kiv, wPšÍv Kiv think
Believe(v.) wewjf wek¦vm Kiv trust
Realise(v.) wi‡qjvBR Dcjwä Kiv, eyS‡Z cviv understand

 e½vbyev` :  eyjeyj XvKvi ksKi GjvKv †_‡K gqjv AveR©bv msMÖn K‡i| cÖwZw`b mKv‡j †m 5Uvq Nyg †_‡K I‡V Ges ksKi GjvKvi iv¯Ívq †nu‡U †nu‡U AveR©bv msMÖn K‡i| ksK‡ii †jvKRb Zv‡`i AveR©bv GKUv cøvw÷‡Ki cv‡Î f‡i Ges Zv‡`i evwoi mvg‡b iv‡L| eyjeyj †m¸‡jv Øv‡i Øv‡i wM‡q msMÖn K‡i| A‡bK mgq AveR©bvi cvθ‡jv Lye †bvsiv nq Ges `yM©Ü Qovq| wKš‘ eyjeyj wKQy g‡b K‡i bv| †m mg¯Í AveR©bv DVvq Ges †m¸‡jv Zvi f¨v‡bi †fZi iv‡L| †m wek¦vm K‡i cÖwZUv KvRB ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| †m GB GjvKvUv cwi®‹vi ivL‡Z cÖwZw`b K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡i|

MZ gv‡m eyjeyj `yB w`‡bi Rb¨ Amy¯’ n‡q c‡o| ZvB †m AveR©bv msMÖn Ki‡Z Avm‡Z cv‡iwb| ksKi GjvKvi †jvKRb Lye mgm¨vi g‡a¨ wQj| Zv‡`i evwoi mvg‡b AveR©bvi ¯Í~c †djvi A‡cÿvq R‡g hvq| cy‡iv GjvKv LyeB †bvsiv I A¯^v¯’¨Ki n‡q c‡o| hLb eyjeyj my¯’ n‡q I‡V, †m Avevi ksK‡i wd‡i Av‡m| †m cÖwZwU AveR©bvi cvÎ †_‡K mg¯Í AveR©bv msMÖn K‡i| eyjeyj Avevi Amy¯’ n‡Z Pvq bv| †m eyS‡Z cv‡i †h hw` †m Aí wKQyw`‡bi Rb¨I KvR bv K‡i Zvn‡j cy‡iv GjvKv GKUv eo AveR©bvi Szwo‡Z cwiYZ n‡e|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5

(a) The passage deals with a/an ____.

(i)   over ambitious boy                                                  (ii) lazy boy

(iii) industrious boy                          (iv) school going boy

(b) Why does Bulbul wake up at 5 o’clock?

(i)   To walk along the streets           (ii) To take rubbish away

(iii) To walk from door to door          (iv) To have dirty smell

(c) Bulbul does not mind to collect rubbish because____.

(i)   he likes rubbish                         (ii) he loves his job

(iii) he thinks it is his duty               (iv) he just ignores that

(d) What does Bulbul believe?

(i)   all jobs are important                (ii) he has to collect rubbish

(iii) all men are equal                       (iv) he is useless

(e) Bulbul realizes that ____.

(i)   he is a part and parcel of Sankar area

(ii)  he is responsible for the distress of the people

(iii) he is not dutiful

(iv) he should be sick always

     (f) collect

(i) remind (¯§iY Kiv‡bv)                   (ii) remove (miv‡bv)

(iii) gather (msMÖn Kiv)                                        (iv) tell (ejv)

     (g) rubbish

(i) wastage (AveR©bv)                                          (ii) want (PvIqv)

(iii) remove (miv‡bv)                                            (iv) recall (cybivq WvKv)

     (h)                           street

(i) road (iv¯Ív)       (ii) house (evwo) (iii) water (cvwb)  (iv) light (Av‡jv)

     (i) large

(i) tiny (ÿz`ª)         (ii) small (†QvU) (iii) huge (wekvj)  (iv) dot (we›`y)

     (j)  unhygienic

(i) healthy (¯^v¯’¨Ki)                                                    (ii) unhealthy (A¯^v¯’¨Ki)

(iii) pure (weï×)                             (iv) sanitary (¯^v¯’¨m¤§Z)


(a)-(iii) ; (b)-(ii) ; (c)-(iii); (d)-(i); (e)-(i) ; (f) – (iii); (g) – (i); (h) – (i); (i) – (iii); (j) – (ii).


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a) Who is Bulbul? What does he do?

(b) How does Bulbul collect rubbish?

(c) Why do you think that Bulbul’s job is difficult?

(d) Why does not Bulbul mind to collect rubbish?

(e) What will happen if he stops his work for a few days?


(a) Bulbul is the rubbish collector of Sankar area. He keeps the Sankar area clean and hygienic.

(b) Bulbul walks from door to door. He collects rubbish from the houses and put them in his van.

(c) Sometimes, the rubbish bins are very dirty and they smell bad. That’s why I think, Bulbul’s job is difficult.

(d) Bulbul does not mind to collect rubbish because he thinks it is his duty.

(e) If he stops his work for a few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.

Seen Passage – 4 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

A proverb says ‘Health is Wealth’. To keep healthy is to keep free from disease and anxiety. Good health is proper functioning of all body organs. It is also feeling well both in body and in mind. People in good health are active, cheerful and happy. If you are healthy, you can be happy and can help others in society as well.

To keep in good health we should be careful about hygiene. The rules and practices of keeping good health are called hygiene. We must practise the rules of hygiene. Proper food and nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness, and proper medicare are essential for good health.

[Lesson — 9(E)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Proverb(n.) †cÖvfve© cÖePb, cÖev`evK¨ maxim
Health(n.) †nj&_ ¯^v¯’¨ fitness
Wealth(n.) I‡qj&_ m¤ú` resource, riches
Disease(n.) wWwRR AmyL, †ivM illness, sickness
Anxiety(n.) A¨vsRvBwU D‡ØM, `ywðšÍv tension
Proper(adj.) cÖcvi h_v_©, Dchy³ appropriate, suitable
Organ(n.) AM©vb limb
Active(adj.) A¨vKwUf mwµq, Zrci lively
Cheerful(adj.) wPqvidzj cÖdzjø jolly
Happy(adj.) n¨vwc Avbw›`Z, myLx pleased, joyful
Careful(adj.) †Kqvidzj mZK©, hZœkxj alert, watchful
Practice(n.) cÖ¨vKwUm PP©v exercise
Nutrition(n.) wbDwUªkvb cywó nourishment
Cleanliness(n.) wK¬bwj‡bm cwi®‹vi-cwi”QbœZv neatness
Medicare(n.) †gwW‡Kqvi wPwKrmv treatment

 e½vbyev` :  GKwU cÖePb Av‡Q †h Ô¯^v¯’¨B m¤ú`Õ| ¯^v¯’¨evb _vKv gv‡b †ivM I D‡ØM n‡Z gy³ _vKv| my¯^v¯’¨ gv‡b kix‡ii mg¯Í A½ h_v_©fv‡e KvR Kiv| GUv kvixwiK I gvbwmKfv‡e fv‡jv †eva KivI †evSvq| my¯^v‡¯’¨i AwaKvix gvbyl Kg©Zrci, cÖdzjø I myLx nq| Zzwg hw` ¯^v¯’¨evb  nI, Zzwg myLx n‡Z cvi‡e Ges mgv‡Ri Ab¨‡`i mvnvh¨I Ki‡Z cvi‡e|

my¯^v¯’¨ eRvq ivL‡Z Avgv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨wewa m¤ú‡K© hZœevb n‡Z n‡e| my¯^v¯’¨ a‡i ivLvi wbqgvewj I PP©v‡K ¯^v¯’¨weÁvb ejv nq| Avgv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨wewai Abykxjb Kiv DwPZ| my¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ Dchy³ Lvevi I cywó, kixiPP©v, wekªvg I Nyg, cwi®‹vi-cwi”QbœZv I h_vh_ wPwKrmv AZ¨vek¨K|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5

(a) Why do people say that Health is Wealth? Because ____.

(i)   it is free from diseases        (ii) it is very costly

(iii) it ensures happy life           (iv) it is necessary

(b) Good health means the consistency between ____.

(i)   body and mind                   (ii) body and food

(iii) mind and balance diet        (iv) none of the above

(c) Who are in good health? People who ____.

(i)   eat healthy food                  (ii) are free from diseases and anxiety

(iii) have a cheerful mind          (iv) have a busy life

(d) To keep healthy is to keep free from ____.

(i)   pleasure                             (ii) disease

(iii) sleep                                   (iv) nutrition

(e) The rules and practices of keeping good health are called ____.

(i)   exercise                              (ii) cleanliness

(iii) hygiene                               (iv) none of the above

(f) proverb

(i) maxim (cÖePb)                          (ii) proof (cÖgvY)

(iii) pristine (Avw`g)                                                        (iv) power (kw³)

(g) anxiety

(i) anger (†µva)                             (ii) effort (cÖ‡Póv)

(iii) worry (D‡ØM)                          (iv) armour (eg©)

(h)                           proper

(i) modest (webqx)                                               (ii) appropriate (Dchy³)

(iii) demand (`vwe)                                                          (iv) gloomy (AÜKvi)

(i) careful

(i) alert (mZK©)                             (ii) careless (AmZK©)

(iii) inattentive (Ag‡bv‡hvMx)         (iv) inaccurate (wbfz©j)

(j)  cheerful

(i) sad (`ytL)                                  (ii) jolly (cÖdzjø)

(iii) dejected (wegl©)                                            (iv) dismal (bxim)


(a)-(iii); (b)-(i); (c)-(ii); (d)-(ii); (e)-(iii);(f) — (i); (g) — (iii); (h) — (ii); (i) — (i); (j) — (ii).


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a) What is good health?

(b) How is the life of a healthy person?

(c) How is a healthy person useful?

(d) What is hygiene?

(e) What are essential for keeping good health?


(a) Good health means to keep free from diseases and anxiety and proper functioning of all body organs.

(b) The life of a healthy person is active, cheerful and happy.

(c) A healthy person leads a happy life and so, he can help the other people in the society.

(d) The rules and practices of keeping good health are called hygiene.

(e) Proper food and nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness, and proper medicare are necessary for keeping good health.


Seen Passage – 5 

Read the text carefully and answer questions . (cvV¨vskwU g‡bv‡hvM mnKv‡i co Ges cÖkœ¸‡jvi DËi `vI|)

People around the world are slowly changing their attitude towards medicine. More and more they are turning to natural cures. Natural cures are made of natural things, most often herbs and plants. History says that natural or herbal remedies are nothing new. People used them all along in different ages. Herbal medicines were used in ancient civilizations like India, China, Greece, Egypt, and Rome. Some ancient treatment systems are still in practice today. They have come down through generations.

For a minor burn injury the doctor may prescribe you a tube of ointment. But for the same, a rural grandma may put some aloe vera or use cold water. If children have cold in our country, grandmas give them honey and tulsi leaves to eat. And it works too. If you have a minor cut or wound, grown-ups may put some turmeric, marigold or aloe vera on it. Rural people usually use garlic, neem or turmeric to cure skin problems. With experience they have seen that these remedies work. Moreover, they are easy to get, are cheap and most often are without any side effects.                           [Chapter — 10(B)]

 Word Meaning with Synonyms 

Words Pronunciation Bengali Meaning Synonyms/Meaning
Attitude(n.) A¨vwUwUDW g‡bvfve outlook
Medicine(n.) †gwWwmb Ilya drug, remedy
Herbal(adj.) nvievj †flR; foods or medicines that are made from plants
Remedy(n.) †iwgwW cÖwZKvi/wPwKrmv c×wZ cure
Civilization(n.) wmwfjvB‡Rkb mf¨Zv culture, courtesy
Generation(n.) †Rbv‡ikb cÖRš§ a group of people of similar age
Burn(n). evb© `»/†cvov/ÿZ an injury caused by fire
Injury(n.) BbRywi ÿZ, AvNvZ hurt, damage
Prescribe(v.) †cÖmµvBe e¨e¯’vcÎ †`Iqv suggest, give
Honey(n.) nvbx gay a sweet sticky substance made by bees
Wound(n.) ¶Z injury

 e½vbyev` :  c„w_exi me©Î gvbyl Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í Ily‡ai cÖwZ Zv‡`i `„wófw½ e`jv‡”Q| Zviv A‡bK †ewk cÖvK…wZK wPwKrmv c×wZi w`‡K wd‡i hv‡”Q| cÖvK…wZK cÖwZ‡laK AwaKvsk †ÿ‡ÎB †flR Dw™¢` I Ab¨vb¨ MvQcvjvi g‡Zv cÖvK…wZK wRwbm w`‡q ˆZwi| BwZnvm e‡j †h cÖvK…wZK ev †flR wPwKrmv bZzb wKQy bq| gvbyl wewfbœ hy‡M memgqB G¸‡jv e¨envi Ki‡Zv| †flR Ilya¸‡jv fviZ, Pxb, wMÖm, wgki Ges †iv‡gi g‡Zv cÖvPxb mf¨Zvq e¨eüZ n‡Zv| wKQy cÖvPxb wPwKrmv e¨e¯’v AvRI cÖPwjZ| G¸‡jv eskci¤úivq P‡j Avm‡Q|

Aí †cvov ÿ‡Zi Rb¨ Wv³vi †Zvgv‡K GK wUDe gjg w`‡Z cv‡i| wKš‘ GKB Kvi‡Y MÖv‡gi `vw`gv N„ZKzgvwi ev VvÊv cvwb e¨envi K‡ib| hw` Avgv‡`i †`‡k ev”Pv‡`i mw`© jv‡M, `vw`gviv Zv‡`i gay Ges Zzjwm cvZv †L‡Z †`b| Avi GUv KvRI K‡i| hw` †Zvgvi †Kv_vI Kv‡U ev ¶Z m„wó nq, eoiv Zv‡Z njy`, Muv`v A_ev N„ZKzgvwi w`‡Z cv‡i| MÖv‡gi gvbyl Pvgovi †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Ki‡Z ¯^vfvweKfv‡e imyb, wbg ev njy` e¨envi K‡i| AwfÁZv †_‡K Zviv †`‡L‡Qb †h GB wPwKrmv c×wZ KvR K‡i| AwaKš‘, G¸‡jv mn‡R cvIqv hvq, m¯Ív Ges AwaKvsk †ÿ‡ÎB cvk¦©cÖwZwµqvwenxb|

  1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. .5 × 10 = 5

(a) People are tending to herbal cures. Because____.

(i)   they are cheap                       (ii) they are available

(iii) they are effective                    (iv) all of them

(b) Herbal cures are initiated by ____.

(i)   American                               (ii) Indian and Greek

(iii) Chinese and Egyptian           (iv) both (ii) & (iii)

(c) Aloe vera and honey are used for____.

(i)   injury                                    (ii) burn

(iii) cold                                        (iv) all of the above

(d) What do people use for a minor burn at rural area?

(i)   aloevera or cold water            (ii) turmeric

(iii) ointment                                (iv) powder

(e) Turmeric is used for ____.

(i)   a minor cut                            (ii) wound

(iii) skin problems                        (iv) all of them

 (f) injury

(i) damage (ÿq)                             (ii) infraction (AvBbf½)

(iii) injustice (AwePvi)                                            (iv) image (cÖwZwe¤^)

(g)                           ancient

(i)   new (bZzb)                             (ii) old (cyivZb)

(iii) modern (AvaywbK)                                             (iv) latest (mv¤cÖwZK)

(h)                           attitude

(i)   attention (g‡bv‡hvM)              (ii) outlook (`„wófw½)

(iii) formal (AvbyôvwbK)                                           (iv) gracious (f`ª)

(i) cures

(i) remedy (cÖwZKvi)                                               (ii) cube (Nb‡ÿÎ)

(iii) curse (Awfkvc)                                                  (iv) curve (euvKv)

(j)  different

(i)   regular (wbqwgZ)                                              (ii) separate (c„_K)

(iii) direct (†mvRv)                                                  (iv) present (Dc¯’vcb Kiv)


(a)-(v); (b)-(iv) (ii) & (iii); (c)-(iv); (d)-(i); (e)-(iv) ; (f)—(i); (g)—(ii); (h)—(ii); (i)—(i); (j)—(ii).


  1. Answer the following questions. 2 × 5 = 10

(a) What are called natural cures?

(b) Who initiated the use of herbal cures?

(c) How do herbal cures differ from the modern cures?

(d) Why are people changing their attitude towards medicine?

(e) What do rural people use to cure skin problems?


(a) The cures which are generally made of herbs and plants are called natural cures.

(b) Ancient people from India, China, Greece, Egypt and Rome initiated the use of herbal cures.

(c) Herbal cures are generally made of natural things, most often herbs and plants, but modern cures are made of plants and different chemicals.

(d) People are turning to natural cures nowadays. These cures work well. Besides, they are easy to get, cheap and without side effects. So people are changing their attitude towards medicine.

(e) Rural people usually use garlic, neem or turmeric to cure skin problems.

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