Hsc English 2nd Paper Email Writing Formal Email

                        English 2nd Paper

                                        Email Writing

                                                      Formal Email

 01 You are interested in studying English in the UK. Read the advertisement below which you saw in an international magazine. Now, write an email to Jane Black



To : j.black@central-school.co.uk
Subject : English courses

Dear Ms Black

I am writing in response to the advertisement I saw for your English school in ‘World Teens Today’ magazine. I am interested in doing one of your courses and I would be grateful if you could provide some further information.


Firstly, it says in the advertisement that the courses are two weeks long. Would it be possible to do a three-week course? I would also like to know how much your courses cost exactly.


Secondly, your advert mentions accommodation with host families. Could you tell me if I would be staying on my own with the host family or if there would be other students staying there as well?


Finally, I have a question about the social programme. Would you mind sending me more details about this? I am very keen on sport and I would like to know if there are any sports activities included in the social programme.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Lili Song

 02  Suppose, you are the secretary of the internet library club of your college. Now read the following email sent by an internet service providing company and write a reply requesting the company manager to provide you with internet facilities for the upgradation of your library.                                                                                                                                        [SB’16]

Subject : Internet connection

From : manager.bisp@gmail.com

To : secretaryiclub@gamil.com

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are glad to inform you that our firm, “Bangladesh Internet Service Provider” is ready to support and help for the upgradation of internet service of the internet library of the educational institutions with a good price. We have imported modern machineries from the foreign countries for providing the best service. We here attach the price list for your further interest. Please mail us if you need any internet related service.

Sincerely yours

P.B. Choudhury


Bangladesh Internet Service Provider


Subject         :   Internet facilities for the upgradation of our library

To                 :   manager.bisp@gmail.com


Dear Sir

I want to upgrade my internet connection. I’m not having enough internet speed to download necessary documents. Besides, I’m having other problems. So, I need your help. Please come as soon as possible.


I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

Secretary, Internet Library Club

Chittagong Govt. College, Chittagong

 03  Suppose, you are the secretary of the sports club of your college. Your sports club needs some sports products. Now, compose an email to a Sports Dealer ordering the products.


To: raju.paltan.adidas@gmail.com


Subject : Buying Order


The Sports Dealer


Paltan, Dhaka-1000


Dear Sir

I am pleased to notify (Ávcb Kiv) you that I am very satisfied with the sports goods that you sent last time. Now I want to buy some more sports goods for my club. I am sending you the name and quantity of the products.

Serial               Product   Quantity
  01 Cricket balls    2 dozen
  02 Badminton rackets    1 dozen
  03 Shuttle cocks    5 boxes
  04 Hockey sticks    1 dozen
  05 Volleyballs    1 dozen
  06 Footballs    1 dozen
  07 Badminton nets    1 dozen

The goods should be neatly (cwi”Qbœfv‡e) packed and the parcel should be addressed to the Principal of the College. Payment will be made immediately after the parcel is received.


Yours faithfully

Mohiuddin Mahi

 04  Suppose, the bridge of your locality has been damaged by the recent flood. Now, compose an email to the Chairman of your union to take steps for repairing the bridge.

To: chairman.sultanpur@gmail.com


Subject: For repairing the bridge


The Chairman

Kaligonj, Satkhira


Dear Sir

We are the inhabitants (Awaevmx) of your union. Our locality (Rbc`) has been flooded and the normal order of living has been disturbed (wewNœZ nIqv). The bridge over the river Isamoti has been damaged (¶wZMÖ¯@ nIqv). People of our area are not able to cross the river. The communication between our locality and other localities have been disrupted (wewNœZ nIqv). So, the bridge needs to be repaired (†givgZ Kiv).

I hope you will take immediate steps to repair the bridge.


Sincerely yours

Jahidul Islam

 05  Suppose, eve-teasing has become a major concern in your locality. Now, compose an email to the DC of your locality.

To: dc.satkhira@yahoo.com


Subject: For taking steps against eve-teasing


The District Commissioner



Dear Sir

We are the inhabitants (Awaevmx) of Polashpur of Satkhira district. Recently (m¤•ÖwZ) eve-teasing has become a major concern of our area. Some addicted (†bkvMÖ¯@) boys are regularly doing this evil act. The girls can not move freely (gy³fv‡e) due to safety concern (wbivcËvRwbZ D‡ØM).

We hope that you will take immediate actions to solve this problem.


Thanking you


Robi Saha

 06  Suppose, you are Reazul Karim,a student of Satkhira Govt. College. Now, write an email to the Principal of your college for seeking financial help from the poor fund.

To : principal.satkhiragovtcollege@gmail.com

Subject : For financial help from the poor fund

The Principal

Satkhira Govt. College



Dear Sir

I am a student of class XII of your school. I made a good result (djvdj) in the Year Final Examination of class XI. But as my father is a poor farmer, it is very difficult for him to bear (enb Kiv) my educational expenses (LiP). Now I need financial help from the poor fund (`wi`ª Znwej) of the school.

I would be highly benefited if you grant me financial help from the poor fund and enable me to continue (Pvwj‡q hvIqv) my studies.

Obediently yours


Reazul Karim

Roll No. 1 Class-XI

 07  Suppose, you are a student of City College, Satkhira. Your father is a government employee and he has been transferred from Satkhira to Dhaka. Now, write an email to the Principal of your college for a transfer certificate.


To : principal.citycollegectg@yahoo.com


Subject : Prayer for transfer certificate


The Principal

City College



Dear Sir

It is to inform you that I am a student of class XII of your college. My father is a government employee (Kg©Pvix) and he has recently been transferred from Chittagong to Dhaka. Our family has also shifted (e`wj n‡q‡Q) there. So it is impossible for me to continue my study here. Now I need a transfer certificate (QvocÎ) for admission (fwZ©) in a new college in Dhaka.


I hope you would be kind enough to grant me a transfer certificate and oblige thereby.


Yours obediently


Habibur Rahman

Class : XII  Roll No: 01


 08  Suppose, you have bought a computer and it turns out to be defective. Now, compose an email to the manager of the computer store complaining your problem.


To: dell.bashundhara@gmail.com


Subject: For repairing the system


The Manager

Easy Computer

Bashundhara, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I am Omar Faruque Bhuiyan. Last month, I bought a P.C. from your shop with one year warranty (†givgZ ev e`‡j †`qvi M¨vivw›U). It was running well in the first few days. But suddenly, the DVD writer stopped working. I am attaching the receipt of the purchase (µq). Please, inform me what I should do to get rid (wb¯‹…wZ cvIqv) of this problem.


I will be highly pleased (gy») if you solve (mgvavb Kiv) my problem.


Thanking you


Omar Faruque Bhuiyan


 09  Suppose, you have offered to make a tour to Cox’s Bazar and you want to know more about the tour. Now, write an email to the Director of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation asking details of a tour.


To : parjatancorporation@gmail.com


Subject : Details of a tour


The Director

Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation


Dear Sir

You have offered a tour (ågY) to the Cox’s Bazar sea beach (mgy`ª ˆmKZ) in the Daily Star on 27.6.2017. I need to know details of the schedule and essential formalities (AvbyôvwbKZv) of the tour.

You are therefore requested to inform those details.


Yours sincerely


Amit Rahman

 10  Suppose, you are a foreign student and you want to get information regarding admission in a university in Bangladesh. Now, compose an email to the Admission Section of a university asking them about admission procedure for the foreign students.

To : jnu.admission@gmail.com


Subject : For information regarding admission procedure for the foreign students


The Admission Officer

Jagannath University



Dear Sir

My name is Raihanul Islam. I am from Afghanistan. I have come to Bangladesh for getting admission in a university in order to study English. For this purpose (D‡Ïk¨), I need to know some information (Z_¨) about admission procedure (Kvh©cÖYvwj) in your institution for the foreign students.


If you help me, I would be highly grateful (K…ZÁ). I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Sincerely yours


Raihanul Islam

 11  Suppose, you want to buy a DVD player. Now, compose an email to the Samsung Electronics Bangladesh asking the sales officer to send you a DVD player that you have chosen on their website.

To : samsung.idb@gmail.com


Subject : An order for DVD player (Model no. DCT589)


The Sales Officer

Samsung Electronics Bangladesh

IDB Bhavan, Agargaon



Dear Sir

I want to buy a DVD player and for this purpose I have gone through your website today. I am amazed (we¯§qvwff‚Z) to see so many model of high quality DVD player in your website. From the available model I want to buy DCT589. Please, send me the product along with the money receipt (iwm`) and other necessary document (`wjj) to the following address.

I hope Samsung Electronics Bangladesh will always support me and send (†cÖiY Kiv) me the best product on due time.


Thanking you


Rajib Roy

15/c, Rankin Street, Wari, Dhaka-1203

Contact: 01714´´´´´´

Email: rajibroy@gmail.com

 12  Suppose, you are Jakirul Islam. You study in a local college. You want to get admission at Old-Trafford Catholic College, Manchester. Now, compose an email to the concerned authority asking for the admission information to the College.                                                                                                                                                                                             [JB’16]


To : info.oldtca@gmail.com


Subject: For Admission Information


The Admission Officer

Old-Trafford Catholic College

Old-Trafford, Manchester, England

Dear Sir

I want to get admission in your college. Would you please inform (AewnZ Kiv) me how I could apply for the admission to your college? Please send me detailed (we¯@vwiZ) information regarding (m¤•‡K©) the procedure (Kvh©cÖYvwj), tuition fees, college rules etc.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Thanking you


Jakirul Islam

13, Rampura, Dhaka-1000



 13  Suppose, you are Mohiuddin Jilani. You have seen a job opportunity in Kazal Brothers Limited. The company has asked to submit a detailed CV along with a cover letter to the Managing Director for the post of Senior Executive (English) to job_kbl@gmail.com. Now, apply for the post with a CV through the mentioned email address. 

To : job.kbl@gmail.com


Subject : Application for the post of Senior Executive (English)

Attachment : CV- Mohiuddin Jilani


The Managing Director

Kazal Brothers Limited

24, Purana Paltan



Dear Sir

I have come to know that your company has asked for applicants (Av‡e`bKvix) for the post of Senior Executive  of English. In response, I am applying for the post. I am attaching (mshy³ Kiv) my CV for your convenience (myweav).


I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Sincerely yours


Mohiuddin Jilani


 14  Suppose, you are a student of the Department of English, Dhaka University. You want to attend a seminar on language study organised by Bangla Academy on 07 to 11 August 2017. Compose, an email to the Director requesting him to give you an opportunity.                                                                                                                                                               [CtgB ’16]


To : belta14@gmail.com


Subject: For permission (AbygwZ) to attend a seminar on language study


The Director

Bangla Academy


Dear Sir

I have come to know that Bangla Academy is going to organise (Av‡qvRb Kiv) a seminar on language study from 07 to 11 August 2017. I like to attend the programme to enrich (mg„× Kiv) my knowledge and skill (`¶Zv) in English language.


I will be highly pleased if you give me the opportunity to attend (†hvM`vb Kiv) the seminar.


Thanking you


Robi Saha

 15  Suppose, you are the student of Rajuk Uttara Model College. Now, write an email to the Principal for seeking permission to arrange a cricket match.


To : principal.rumc@gmail.com


Subject : For permission to arrange (Av‡qvRb Kiv) a cricket match


The Principal

Rajuk Uttara Model College




We, the students of class XI of your college, would like to inform you that we want to play a friendly (eÜzZ¡c–Y©) cricket match with the students of class-XII. We have already (B‡Zvg‡a¨) taken all the necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) initiatives (c`‡¶cmg–n) to arrange it. We have formed a committee guided by our sport teacher. Now, we need your kind permission and allowance (fvZv) of some money from the college fund (Znwej).


We, therefore, request you to take steps in this regard and oblige thereby.


Obediently yours


Anayet Karim


 16  Suppose, you want to participate in The Inter Debate Competition by a National Daily. Compose an email to the editor requesting him/her for sending you the guidelines and other detail regarding the competition.


To : ittefaq.bd@gmail.com


Subject : For detailed information about the Inter Debate (weZK©) Competition


The Editor

The Daily Ittefaq

Kazla, Jatrabari



Dear Sir

I have come to know from the advertisement (weÁvcb) of your daily that an Inter Debate Competition is going to be held very soon. But I think that the advertisement is not provided with all the information (Z_¨). So, I am requesting you to send me detailed information.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Thanking you


Anayet Karim

Block-E, Mohammadpur


 17  Suppose, you are the inhabitant (Awaevmx) of the village Sultanpur, Satkhira. The recent flood has caused serious (gvivÍK) damage all around your locality (Rbc`). Now, send an email to the principal of your local college to open a relief camp in your college.


To : jakirulislam@gmail.com


Subject: To open a relief (ÎvY) camp on the college premises (cÖv½Y)


The Principal

Day-Night College

Sultanpur, Satkhira

Dear Sir

You have already been informed that a devastating (aŸsmvÍK) flood has caused a great havoc (aŸsm) in our village. It has crossed all the previous (c–e©eZ©x) records (`wjj). Almost all the villagers of our locality have lost all their belongings (m¤•`). Their sufferings know no bound. They are living under the open sky. They are also suffering (`y`©kv) from want of food and medicine.


Considering the situation, I am requesting you to open a relief camp on the college premises (cÖv½Y) so that we can send relief goods to the flood affected (cxwoZ) people.


Thanking you


Omar Faruque Bhuiyan


 18  Suppose, you are the manager of High-tech Electronic Shop. You need some mobile phones for your shop. Now, compose an email to the sales officer of Samsung Cellular Company.


To : outlet.samsung.bd@gmail.com


Subject : An order for mobile phones


The Sales Officer

Samsung, Bashundhara



Dear Sir

I am the manager of High-tech Electronic Shop and I would like to contact (†hvMv‡hvM Kiv) you to say that the samples (bgybv) you sent yesterday were received by our official in time. There is no doubt that the mobile phones prepared by Samsung are high in quality. So, I would like to buy some more mobile phones of the same model. So, please send us some more mobile phones to meet the demand (Pvwn`v) of the customer.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Thanking you


Runa Akhter

The Manager of High-tech Electronic Shop

Purana Paltan, Dhaka


 19  Suppose, you want to buy a computer. Now, compose an email to the manager of a computer outlet in response to an advertisement in the newspaper asking more information.

To : office.computeroutlet@gmail.com


Subject: For detailed information about computer.


The Manager

Asha Computer

IDB Bhaban

Agargaon, Dhaka

Dear Sir

I have come to know from the advertisement (weÁvcb) published (cÖKvwkZ) in “The Daily Star” that your outlet sells computers of various brands. I am interested (AvMÖnx) to buy a computer of a good brand from your outlet. But the advertisement lacks information about some crucial (AZ¨š@ Myi“Z¡c–Y©) things such as price, processor, warranty etc. I want to know about these sorts of information.


So, I would be grateful (K…ZÁ) if you could send me an email informing all kinds of information in details.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Thanking you


Raihanul Islam

Boalia, Rajshahi

 20  Suppose, you are an inhabitant of the village of Kulia in Parulia Union in the district of Satkhira. The roads of your village have been damaged during the recent (m¤•ÖwZ) flood. Now, write an email to the Chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads.


To : chairman.kuliaunion@gmail.com


Subject : For repairing the damaged (¶wZMÖ¯@) roads


The Chairman

Parulia Union Parishad

Debhata, Satkhira


Dear Sir

I am an inhabitant of the village of Kulia in the Parulia Union of Satkhira district. I would like to inform you that the main road of our village has been badly (gvivÍKfv‡e) damaged by the recent flood. As a result, water remains standing here and there.  It is very difficult for us to go along the damaged roads. Students as well as the people of our area are the worst sufferers. People often fell down and get hurt.


So, I hope that you would take immediate actions to repair the damaged (¶wZMÖ¯@) roads especially the main (cÖavb) road.


Thanking you


Rajib Roy

Parulia, Satkhira


 21  Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Sultanpur, a village under Satkhira Sadar Upazila, Satkhira. The villagers suffer a lot for want of proper medical care. Now, write an email to the UNO to set up a charitable dispensary for the villagers as soon as possible.


To : uno.sat@gmail.com


Subject : To set up a charitable (`vZe¨) dispensary



Satkhira Sadar Upazila



Dear Sir

I am an inhabitant of Sultanpur under Satkhira Sadar Upazila and I would like to draw (AvKl©Y Kiv) your kind attention (g‡bv‡hvM) to the following fact. You know Sultanpur is a big village. About seven thousands people live in this village. Every year the village goes under water and people suffer from various diseases. Due to lack of qualified (†hvM¨Zvm¤•bœ) doctor, every year a lot of people die for want of proper (h_vh_) treatment (wPwKrmv †mev). Besides, most of the villagers are poor and landless (f‚wgnxb). So, they cannot go to the private doctors. In these circumstances, I would be grateful (K…ZÁ) if you could take all out steps to set up (¯’vcb Kiv) at least a charitable dispensary for the villagers.


Thanking you


Robi Saha

Sultanpur, Satkhira Sadar Upazila


 22  Suppose, you want to open a savings account in the Sonali Bank but you don’t know the procedure. Now, write an email to the manager of the Sonali Bank for instructions to open a bank account.


To : managersonalibank@gmail.com


Subject: For instructions to open a bank account


The Manager

Sonali Bank Ltd

Wari, Dhaka -1203


Dear Sir

I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I want to open a savings account in your branch (kvLv) of Sonali Bank Ltd but I don’t know the procedure (Kvh©cÖYvwj) to open a bank account. So, I would be highly benefited (DcK…Z nIqv) if you instruct (Dc‡`k †`Iqv) me how to open a savings account.


I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Thanking you


Md. Jahidul Islam


 23  Suppose, your elder sister’s marriage ceremony is going to be held on 15th June 2017. So, you need 4 days’ leave of absence. Now, write an email to the principal of your college for a 4 days’ leave of absence.

To : principal.citycollege@gmail.com


Subject : For 4 days leave of absence


The Principal

City College

Dhanmondi, Dhaka


Dar Sir

I would like to inform you that my elder sister’s marriage ceremony (Drme) is going to be held on 15th June 2017. So, I will be very busy (e¨¯@) in various activities.


So, I therefore, request you to grant me 4 days leave of absence which will be effective from 13th June 2017.


Faithfully yours


Mohiuddin Jilani

Class: XI, Roll no: 101025

 24  Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Satkhira Sadar Thana of Satkhira district. Recently kidnapping has become a major concern for the people of your area. Now, write an email to the officer in charge of your police station to take actions.

To : oc.satkhirasadar@gmail.com


Subject : For taking actions to stop (eÜ Kiv) kidnapping


The Officer in Charge

Satkhira Sadar Thana


Dear Sir

I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that recently kidnapping has become a major concern for the people of our area. The people of our area always remain anxious (DwØMœ) of kidnapping.


So, I would be grateful if you could take all out actions to stop kidnapping so that we can be able to pass our days without panic (AvZ¼) and anxiety (D‡ØM).


Thanking you.

Rajib Roy


 25  Suppose, you are the inhabitant of Narsingdi Municipality, Narsingdi. Recently dengue fever has broken out in your area. Now, write an email to the chairman of your municipality to take actions.

To : chairman.narsingdi@gmail.com


Subject : For taking steps against dengue fever


The Chairman

Narsingdi Municipality



Dear Sir

I am the inhabitant of Narsingdi municipality (†cŠimfv). I would like to inform you that dengue fever has broken out in the municipality area. Many people have already been attacked (Avµvš@) with dengue fever. Three children, two old men and two women have already died. And now it has taken an epidemic form.

In these circumstances, I would be grateful if you could take immediate steps to eradicate Aedes mosquitoes and ensure the good health of the people of our area.


Thanking you


Faruque Bhuiyan

4/2, Narsingdi Municipality, Narsingdi

Mobile no: 0171´´´´´´´


 26  Suppose, you want to buy an e-book. Now, write an email to the sales officer of City Electronics, Dhaka asking him to send you the e-book you have chosen on their website.

To : salesofficer.cityelectronic@gmail.com


Subject: An order for an e-book


The Sales Officer

City Electronics

Elephant Road, Dhaka


Dear Sir

It would be a great pleasure (Avb›`) to be an online customer of your renowned outlet. Today while browsing your website, I have found some models of e-book. Among these models, wc-86 has attracted me much. Now, I would like to have this e-book. I am paying the bill through my Master card. Please, send me the product (cY¨) along with the receipt and other necessary documents.


I hope your renowned (mycwiwPZ) company will support me sending the best product on due time.


Thanking yours


Md Reazul Karim

15/C, Rankin Street, Wari, Dhaka-1203

 27  Suppose, you are an account holder of DBBL, Motijheel. Now send an email to the manager of the bank for cancelling a cheque.


To : monirulislam@yahoo.com


Subject : For cancelling a cheque


The Manager

Dutch Bangla Bank Limited

Motijheel, Dhaka -1000


Dear Sir

I am to inform you that I posted a cheque for Tk. 25,000/= bearing cheque SB. No. 123456 in favour of Bangladesh Apparels Limited on 5th instant (PjwZ gv‡mi). The cheque seems to have been lost in the post. Please cancel (evwZj Kiv) the cheque as early as possible (m¤¢e). I am sending another cheque in its place.


Obediently yours


Hasib Reza

Account Holder

A/C – 8105000024874


 28  Suppose, you are Rasel, an inhabitant of Sutrapur Police Station. At present anti-social activities are rampant in your locality. Now, write an email to the Officer in Charge of the Police Station to take action against them.


To : ps.sutrapur@gmail.com


Subject : Steps against anti-social (AmvgvwRK) activities in our locality.


The Officer in Charge

Sutrapur, Dhaka



Dear Sir

I am an inhabitant of Dholaikhal under Sutrapur police station. I would like to inform you that several groups of miscreants (`ye„©Ëiv) of this area are engaged (wb‡qvwRZ) in anti-social activities like hijacking, gambling, drinking and drug addiction.


You are earnestly (AvMÖn mnKv‡i) requested to take steps against (wei“‡×) these anti-socials.


Sincerely yours


 29  Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Doyagonj, Dhaka. The lights of the street of your area have been damaged. Now, write an email to the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation (south) for setting light in the street lamp posts of your area.

To : mayor.dhakacitycorporation@yahoo.com


Subject: Setting lights in the street lamp post


The Mayor

Dhaka City Corporation (South)

Doyagonj, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I am a fortunate (†mŠfvM¨evb) resident (emevmKvix) of Doyagonj under Sutrapur police station. It is one of the densely populated (Rbeûj) areas of Dhaka South City Corporation. More than 10 lacs people live here. The roads of this area are very narrow (msKxY©) and a lot of vehicles (hvbevnb) run in these roads. But sorry to say that there is hardly (K`vwPr) any active light in the lamp posts. That’s why, most often road accidents (moK `yN©Ubv) occur causing injury or even death to the people. Moreover, hijacking and robbery are on the increase these days. In these circumstances everyone concerned (mswkÐó) are urged upon to take immediate (Zvr¶wYK) and necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq)  measures (c`‡¶c) in this respect.

Sincerely yours


Touhidul Islam

Doyagonj, Dhaka


 30  Suppose, you are a student of Kachua Model College. The students of your college want to start/launch a tree plantation campaign within the college campus. Now, write an email to the Principal of your college for allowing you to organize and start the campaign.


To : principal.kachuamodelcollege@gmail.com


Subject : Starting a tree plantation (e„¶‡ivcY) campaign (cÖPviYv).


The Principal

Kachua Model College

Kachua, Chandpur



Dear Sir

Most respectfully, I, on behalf of the students of your college, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we are eager (AvMÖnx) and enthusiastic (AZz¨rmvnx) to organise a campaign on tree plantation in our college campus. The government, non-government and private organisations have come forward to make the programme a success. Please allow us to organise and start/launch a tree plantation campaign in the campus and oblige thereby.


Sincerely yours



Class: XI, Roll No: 01


 31  Suppose, you are Sumon of Kadamtala Union Council, Barisal. The people of your locality have been suffering from scarcity (`y®•Övc¨Zv) of pure drinking water for want of tube well.  Now write an email to the chairman of your union council praying for sinking a tube well.


To : ckuc@yahoo.com


Subject : For sinking (¯’vcb Kiv) a tube well


The Chairman

Kadamtala Union Council, Barisal

Dear Sir

Most respectfully, I, on behalf of the people of Kadamtala Union Council, beg to state that we have been suffering much for a long time for want of (Afve) water. Ours is a big village but we have only two tube wells at two ends of our village. As such they fail (e¨_© nIqv) to meet the need for drinking water for the villagers. So, the people are compelled (eva¨ nIqv) to drink impure (`–wlZ) water from ponds and river.


Would you be kind enough to take necessary steps to sink another tube well in the middle of the village?


Yours faithfully



On behalf of the people of Kadamtala Union Council

 32  Suppose, you are the librarian of Rajdhani Ideal College, Rampura, Dhaka. You need some new books for your library. Now write an email to the sales dealer of Anupam Library ordering some books.


To : popilibrary.rampura@yahoo.com


Subject: Ordering some books for college library

The Sales Dealer

Anupam Library

Rampura, Dhaka

Dear Sir

I want to buy the following books for our college library. I would be thankful to you if you kindly (AbyMÖn K‡i) send me the following books per VPP as early as possible.


(i)   HSC English Model First Paper – 05 copies

(ii)  HSC English Model Second Paper – 05 copies

(iii) HSC Note on English For Today – 05 copies


Thanking you



Rajdhani Ideal College

Rampura Dhaka

 33  Suppose, you are Mizanur Rahman. Write an email to the postmaster of Pirojpur Sadar complaining about non-receipt of a money order.


To : postmaster.pirojpur@gmail.com


Subject : Complain (Awf‡hvM Kiv) about non-receipt of money order


The Postmaster

Pirojpur Sadar, Barisal


Dear Sir

This is for your kind attention that I sent a money order for BDT 10,000 (Ten thousand only) from Rampura Post Office to Runa Akter, C/O Shahidul Islam, P.O. Pirojpur Sadar on 30 March 2017. Its receipt no MR 1822. But it is a matter of sorrow that the money order has not yet reached the payee even after five weeks.

Therefore, I hope that you will be kind enough to take steps in this regard.


Thanking you


Mizanur Rahman

 34  Suppose, you are Enayet Karim of Demra, Dhaka. You along with 7 of your friends want to visit Rangamati for sight-seeing. Now, write an email to the manager of Hotel Tajmahal for booking 33 double seated rooms for 4 days.

To : manager.hoteltajmahal@yahoo.com


Subject: Booking rooms


The Manager

Hotel Tajmahal


Dear Sir

I have the pleasure (Avb›`) to inform you that I want to go to Rangamati with seven of my friends on the 13th August and stay upto 16th August.

Would you please let me know the type of rooms, the charges for 4 days and the sight-seeing facilities (myweavmg–n) and expenses (LiP) thereof in detail? Moreover, let me know if there is 24 hour water supply (mieivn), electricity and generator service available.


Awaiting your early reply.


Yours faithfully


Enayet Karim

 35  Suppose, you are Nazmul Haque of 1st year science group, class- XI of Rajshahi College. You want to change one of your elective subjects. Now, write an email to the Principal of your College praying for change of an elective subject.

To : principal.rajshahicollege@yahoo.com


Subject: For changing elective subject

The Principal

Rajshahi College



Dear Sir

I would like to inform you that I am a student of class XI in your college. I belong to science group. At the time of my admission, I took Computer Science as an elective (Hw”QK) subject. But now I want to take Mathematics instead of (cwie‡Z©) Computer Science.

I hope that you would be kind enough to allow me to change (cwieZ©b Kiv) the elective subject and take Mathematics in lieu of (cwie‡Z©) Computer Science and oblige thereby.


Obediently yours


Nazmul Haque

 36  Suppose, you are the Branch Manager of Janata Bank. Read the following letter sent by one of your clients (LwiÏvi) and write a reply to the email.

Subject: Issuing (mB Kiv) a Bank Draft


From : jakirul.islam@gmail.com


To : Selim Khan<s.khan@gmail.com


The Manager

Janata Bank Limited

Rampura Branch


Dear Sir

I shall be highly obliged if you would supply (mieivn Kiv) me with a Bank draft of tk 5000 (Five thousands only) in favour of (AbyK‚j) “Rajuk College” Uttara.

Please debit the amount to my current (PjwZ) account (wnmve). Thanking you in anticipation


Yours faithfully


Jakirul Islam

A/C No: 215.912.000592


To : jakirul.islam@gmail.com


Subject: Granting a bank draft


Mr. Jakirul Islam

A/C No: 215.912.000592


Dear Sir

In reference (m¤^‡Ü) to your letter dated August 10, 2017, we enclose (PZzw`©‡K †eov) a Bank Draft of tk 5000 (Five thousand only) herewith (GZrm‡½) as required by you. We have debited your account for the same.

Please acknowledge.


Yours faithfully

Selim Khan

The Branch Manager

Janata Bank Ltd


 37  Suppose, you are Mainul Haque. You want to know about a computer. Now, write an email to the computer shop manager asking for information of a computer.

To : floralimited@gmail.com


Subject: For information of a computer


The Manager

ABC Computers

IDB Bhaban

Agargaon, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I have learnt from an advertisement (weÁvcb) published in the Prothom Alo on the 18th February 2017 that you are launching a new computer in the market. But you have not given sufficient (h‡_ó) information. I need detail (we¯@vwiZ) information about the uses, functions (KvR) and the price of the computer.

Waiting for your reply (DËi) at the earliest.


Yours sincerely


Mainul Haque


 38  Suppose, small pox has broken out in your locality, Bagmamudali at Munshigonj town in an epidemic form. Now, write an email to the Chairman of your Municipality for immediate vaccination in your locality.

To : chairman.munshigonj@gmail.com


Subject: For launching vaccination (wUKv`vb) programme


The Chairman

Bagmamudali, Munshigonj

Dear Sir

On behalf of the inhabitants of Bagmamudali of Munshigonj town, I would like to inform you that small pox has broken out in our locality at an epidemic form and has already taken away several lives. Most of the people have not been vaccinated as yet and the local Health Department is callous (D`vmxb) about this matter.


I would, therefore, request you to consider the matter seriously (gvivÍKfv‡e) and take immediate (Zvr¶wYK) and necessary (cÖ‡qvRbxq) measures (c`‡¶cmg–n) for vaccinating the people of the locality (AÂj).


Yours faithfully



On behalf of the people of Bagmamudali

 39  Suppose, you are Rajib Roy. You have seen a job opportunity at Mahanagar Ideal College, Mugdapara, Dhaka. The college has asked to submit a detailed CV along with a cover letter to the Principal of the college for the post of lecturer in English. Now write an email to the Principal with a CV.

To : principal.mic@yahoo.com


Subject : Application for the post of Lecturer in English.

Attachment : CV – Rajib Roy


The Principal

Mohanagar Ideal College

Mugdapara, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I have come to know that you have asked for applicants (`iLv¯@Kvix) for the post in lecturer of English. In response, I am applying for the post. I will be very happy to see myself in the post. I am attaching my CV for your convenience (myweav).

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Sincerely yours


Rajib Roy


 40  Suppose, you are a student of Notre Dame College, Motijheel, Dhaka. Now, write an email to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.   

To : principal.notredamecollege@gmail.com


Subject :  Prayer for a seat in the college hostel


The Principal

Notre Dame College

Motijheel, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I am a student of class XI in your college. Recently (m¤•ÖwZ) my father has been transferred (¯’vbvš@wiZ n‡q‡Q) to Chittagong. Our family will also shift there next month. Then I will have no residence in Dhaka. But I am determined (msKíe×) to continue my studies at your college. So, I am in great need of a seat in your college hostel.

So, I hope your kindness will be enough to grant me a seat in your college hostel and oblige thereby.


Sincerely yours

Monzur Morshed

Class: XI, Roll No: 01

 41  Suppose, you are a student of Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh. Now, write an email to the Principal of your college for a full free studentship.


To : principal.anandamohancollege@yahoo.com



Subject : For the full free studentship


The Principal

Ananda Mohan College



Dear Sir

I am a student of class XII in your college. I made a good result in the year final examination. My father is a poor farmer. He is the only earning (DcvR©bKvix) member of my family. With his little income (Avq) he has to maintain (fiY‡cvlY Kiv) a large family consisting of seven members. My other two brothers and two sisters are also students. So, it is not possible for my father to bear (enb Kiv) the educational expenses for all of us. So, I shall be compelled (eva¨ nIqv) to discontinue (Pvwj‡q bv hvIqv) my studies if I am not allowed a free studentship.


So, I hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship and oblige thereby.


Faithfully yours


Sadek Hossain

Class : XII, Roll No : 01

 42  Suppose, you bought a Sony tape-recorder from the Bashundhara outlet a few days ago. Unfortunately it turns out to be defective. Now, compose an email to the outlet Manager to replace the product.


To: sony.bashundhara@gmail.com


Subject: Complain about tape-recorder

Attachments: Receipt of purchase -187kp


The Sales Officer


Bashundhara City, Dhaka


Dear Sir

I am writing to complain (Awf‡hvM Kiv) about a new tape-recorder. I bought it from your outlet on 16 May 2017. It is not working properly. The sound system seems defective (ΓwUc–Y©). Since I bought it only a few days ago, I hope there will be no problem to replace (cwieZ©b Kiv) it. I am attaching a scanned copy of the receipt (iwm`) of purchase (µq).

I hope you will take immediate (Zvr¶wYK) action in this regard and send me a new tape-recorder to the following address.


Thanking you


Rajib Roy

15/C, Rankin Street, Wari, Dhaka-1203

Contact: 01714´´´´´´

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