Hsc English 2nd Paper Email Writing Informal Email

                        English 2nd Paper

                                         Email Writing

                                                       Informal Email

 01   Suppose, your younger brother is going to participate in a debate competition. Read the following email sent by him and write a reply to it.                                                                                                                                                                    [RB’16]

Subject       :   Information about creative questions

From          :   <zakir@gmail.com>

To               :   <sagor@yahoo.com>

Cc                :

Dear brother

You’ll be glad to know that I’m going to participate in a debate competition that will be held at our college auditorium next week. The topic of the debate is “Creative question pattern makes students dependent more on guides than textbooks.” I will debate against this statement. But I’m really worried about this, as I can’t collect any information. Please, help me. I want to be the winner in the competition. Please send me necessary information in opposition of the mentioned topic.

Thanking you



To               :   <zakir@gmail.com>

Subject       :   Information about creative questions

Dear brother

I’m very happy that you’re participating in the debating competition in your college. You’ve asked me for necessary information. Your debate topic is “Creative question pattern makes students dependent more on guides than textbooks.” You need information against this statement. Now, I’m providing you the main information. First of all, creative question pattern guides the students to read and understand their textbook well because without reading it they will not be able to answer the questions. Secondly, it stops the tendency of memorizing the answer from the guide books. So they’ve to read and understand their text first. Thirdly, in creative question pattern there is no scope of copying. Beside the above information, you can take help from newspaper, magazine, internet etc.


No more today, wish you all the best in the debate competition of your college.



 02  Suppose, you are Sumon. Your email ID is sumon_2001@yahoo.com. You have a friend Rahat. His email ID is rahat_2001@gmail.com. Now email him inviting to attend your birthday party.

To: rahat_2001@gmail.com


Subject: invitation


Hi Rahat

How are you? I’m passing my days quite well. You’ll be very glad to hear that I’m going to celebrate my birthday on 15 March. I’ll be very happy if you arrive in Comilla by 14 March. I know you are busy with your studies but my birthday party will remain incomplete (Am¤•–Y©) if you don’t participate.

No more today. Please convey my best regards to your parents and affection to your younger sister. May Allah bless you.




 03  Write an email to your friend about your aim in life.

To: momin_2009@yahoo.com

Subject : aim in life


Hi Momin

I’ve just received your email. You have asked me about my aim in life. Of course, I have my own aim in life.

My aim in life is to be a doctor. I have decided to serve the people of my country through this profession. After obtaining the MBBS degree I shall go back to my village to serve the villagers. Even I have a plan to set up a charitable (`vZe¨) dispensary.

No more today. Pray for me so that I may achieve my goal. My best regards to your parents.


Your loving friend



 04  Write an email to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy books.

To: nazrulislam@gmail.com


Subject: money for buying books


My dear father

Please accept my salam first. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. You know that I have been promoted to the next higher class. Our new class has already been started. That’s why I have to buy some new books for the new class. I need some 1500/= taka to buy the books. Please send the money by post as early as possible.

With best regards to mother and love to younger brother and sister.


Yours affectionately



 05   Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your college.

To: jahidul_01714@gmail.com


Subject: prize giving ceremony


Hello Jahidul

I’m very glad to know that you are keenly interested to know about the prize giving ceremony of our college. I’m giving a short description of it. Last week, it was held in our college auditorium. The chief guest took his chair at the right time. At 4 p.m. the ceremony was begun. Our Principal read out the final report. The winners received prizes from the chief guest by turns. I personally got two prizes for good result and modesty. The ceremony was finished with a cultural function. Really it was a cheerful ceremony.


Love to you and all of your family.


Yours ever


 06  Write an email to your friend congratulating him/ her on his/ her brilliant success.

To: nasir25@yahoo.com


Subject: congrats


Hi Nasir

I am very much glad at your excellent result in the half yearly examination. I offer my heartiest congratulation on your brilliant success. I knew that you would cut an excellent figure in the examination. But I was really in some doubt whether you could do such outstanding result. However, the result will inspire you to make further brilliant success.


With best wishes to you and parents.


Your loving friend


 07  Write an email to your friend thanking him whose home you have visited recently.

To: adil90@yahoo.com


Subject: thanks



Love to you. I hope you are fine. However, just a note to tell you about the fine time at your home. Rafi and I were so pleased to meet your family and they made us really welcome.

I’ll never forget climbing the mountain and bathing in the fountain. My legs ached for days, but it was worth remembering those fantastic views!

We’re both at work now and very busy. However this weekend we’re going to decorate the spare room. So I hope you’ll come and visit us soon.


Your friend



 08  Suppose, you are Munira and your friend is Labonnya. Your friend borrowed a book from you.  But your examination is near. Now write an email to your friend to return the book.

To: labonnoya_2010@gmail.com


Subject: returning the book


Hi Labonnya

How are you? Hope that you are fine by the grace of the Almighty Allah. I’m also fine. I think you have already finished reading the book what you borrowed from me last month. My examination is knocking at the door. That is why I’m badly in need of the book. Please send the book as quick as possible.

No more today. Pray for me. Best wishes to you.


Yours ever



 09  Suppose, you are Rina and your friend is Tony. Now, email your friend thanking him for his sending you a birthday gift.

To : tony_bashabd@yahoo.com


Subject : thanks for birthday gift.


Hello Tony

Hope you are fine. Yesterday you did not attend my birthday party but sent a valuable gift. It would add to my pleasure if you came.

However, your gift has given me immense joy. As you are my best friend I shall always keep the gift with care.

Thanks a lot. Take care.


Yours ever



 10  Write an email to your pen friend asking him/her to visit Bangladesh.

To : edward12@yahoo.com


Subject : invitation to visit our country


Hi Edward,

I hope you are well. It is late autumn in Bangladesh. Gently breeze is blowing from the north. The fields are covered by paddy and mustard plants of yellow colour. And I, a boy amazed by her natural landscape, am inviting you to come to my beautiful country. Not only by natural beauty, but also Bangladesh is endowed by many historically important places. The Lalbagh Fort of Dhaka is a reminiscent of Mogul architecture, The National Museum at Shahbagh will tell you many things of our glorious days. The liberation war museum will let you know about people’s sacrifice and our glorious victory in the war of 1971.

No more today. You are cordially invited to Bangladesh once again. And wherever you are, live happily and peacefully.


Your friend


 11  Write an email to your friend inviting him to attend the wedding ceremony of your elder brother/ sister.           

To: ahmedsharif@yahoo.com

Subject: request for attending a wedding ceremony

Hello Sharif

How are you? Hope that you are fine. I am passing my days in business. Because the wedding ceremony of my elder sister will be held on February 17 this year. You are heartily requested to attend the ceremony. Converse you on meeting. Till then bye.

Yours ever



 12  Write an email to your father about your progress in studies and preparation for the exam.

To : monirahmed@gmail.com

Subject: about studies

My dear father

I’ve seen your email just now. You have mentioned that you are anxious to know about my progress in studies and preparation for the coming examination. I request you not to be anxious. I am going on well with my studies. I have learnt the answers to all important and probable questions. Now my revision is going on. You will be glad to know that this is my second time revision. There are still seven days ahead for the examination to begin. I want to revise the course again for the third time. I hope I shall do very well. Now I need blessings of you and mother. Convey my regards to mother. I am fine.

With best regards to you.


Yours affectionately



 13  Write an email to your friend inviting him to join a picnic.

To: keya_1996@gmail.com


Subject: invitation


Hi Keya

How are you? I am passing my days quiet well. Our school will be closed for winter vacation on Thursday next. You will be glad to know that we are going to have a picnic on the 15th instant. We have decided to go to Patenga Sea Beach, Chittagong. I hope we will have a nice time if you join us.

No more today. Convey my best regards to your parents and love to the youngers.


Yours ever


 14  Suppose your friend has become seriously ill. He has been hospitalized. Your examination is very near. So it is not possible for you to visit him in the hospital. Now send an email of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital.

To : nazrul_haq97@yahoo.com


Subject : your illness saddens me

Hello Nazrul

The news of your illness has made me sad. I could have come to visit you but unfortunately my annual examination is very near. Due to this unavoidable circumstance, I am unable to come.

Therefore I apologise. But don’t worry. As you have been hospitalized in time, you will soon come round. I pray for your recovery.

Come round and relieve us all from anxiety. With best wishes.


Your friend forever


 15  Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the benefits of reading newspaper.

To : aminislam@yahoo.com

Subject : benefits of reading newspaper

Hi Amin/Amina

I am very glad to receive your email. You have expressed your interest to know about the benefits and importance of reading newspaper. Many thanks for such an email.

Reading newspaper has a lot of benefits. If you read newspaper regularly, you can know what happens around the world. It will increase your general knowledge and will develop your vocabulary. Newspaper tells you about market price, job opportunities, lost and found things and advertisements. It contains the news of things for sale and purchase. You can know weather report and views of important people as well as policy of the Government. Remember one thing, never read newspaper leaving your lessons.

I am fine. With love to you.

Yours ever


 16  Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of learning English.

To : sujankhan@yahoo.com

Subject : importance of learning English

Hi Sujan

My love to you. I hope you are keeping well by the grace of Allah. I came to know that you have got very poor marks in English in your examination. I have observed that you are not keen to learn English. The importance of learning English is immense.

English is an international language. It is the official and state language of many countries of the world. At present it has become the main media of communication. Getting a good job now totally depends on the knowledge of English. Books on advanced learning, science and technology and literature are also published in English. So if you want to keep pace with the modern world, put more emphasis on it.

No more today. More when we will meet.

Your loving sister


 17   Write an email to your friend about your experience of a train journey.

To : shafiqahmed@gmail.com

Subject : experience of a train journey

Hi Shafiq

I hope, you are hale and hearty by the grace of Almighty. Yesterday I had a train journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka. I am giving you a short description of my experience.

The train was the Padma Express. It reached Mymensingh in time. My uncle and I got on the train and within a few minutes it left the station. I had a very comfortable seat beside a window. So I could enjoy the sights outside. The sun was setting then. I was charmed to see its beauty at dusk. The train was moving very fast. The houses and trees at a distance appeared to be running forward with the train. But the things near the train seemed to be running fast backward.

I enjoyed the beauty very deeply. After two hours’ journey we arrived at Kamlapur.

That’s all for today. With best wishes.

Yours sincerely

Jahangir Alam Siddique

 18  Imagine you have a chance to fly either a wide bodied passenger plane or a helicopter. It is a half-an-hour’s free ride. Write an email to your pen-friend telling him/her about your experience of flying.

To : mukulsikder@gmail.com


Subject : experience of flying


Hi Mukul

How are you? Hope you are safe and sound.

Today I’ll tell you about an exciting event which came in my life last week. I had a chance to travel by air for thirty minutes from Dhaka to Jessore. It was the first time I travelled on a plane. It was on the occasion of my elder sister’s marriage ceremony. At the time of take off I became a bit nervous but soon after  it continued to fly above clouds, I got out of my nervousness. The thirty minutes passed very quickly at the announcement that we were at Jessore Airport. The incident of my maiden journey by air is now a memory to recollect. I will not forget it in my life.


No more today. I look forward to hearing from you about your first air journey.

With love.


 19  Write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college.

To : nazimhossain@gmail.com


Subject : co-curricular activities


Hi, Nazim/ Najma

Thanks for your email. In your email you wanted to know about the co-curricular activities of our college and the benefits of such activities. Here is a brief description about it.

As a part of co-curricular activities our college includes debate, publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing, dancing. Co-curricular activities help us to bring out the best and the latent talents of us. Again games and sports are also very much related with the study because without a sound health a student cannot concentrate on his study. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle, loyal, diligent and perseverant. They also tighten the bondage of friendship and brotherhood among the students. This is why our college authority gives so much emphasis on co-curricular activities as our routine work in the college.

No more today.


Your loving friend



 20  Write an email advising your brother to avoid evil company.

To : masudrana@yahoo.com

Subject : evil company may lead you to the dog

My dear brother


I am glad to know that you have got many new friends. I think all your friends may not be good friends. So I advise you to choose good friends and not to keep company with bad boys.

You should know the consequence of an evil company. Evil company is like a rotten fruit that affects other fruits with it. Similarly, bad boys will make you bad. They will demoralize you and spoil your career. Bad boys do not obey their parents. Before you become intimate with new friends, you should identify whether they are good or bad. Never make friendship with bad boys. Remember that a man is known by the company he keeps. I want you to follow my advice.

I wish you a happy and prosperous life. May Allah bless you.


Your elder brother


 21  Compose an email to your friend greeting him/her happy new year.

To : shayon_wari@gmail.com

Subject : happy new year

Hi! Shayon

“Happy New Year”. I wish you a happy and joyous new year. I hope the new year will bring good luck to your life.


Lovingly yours


 22  Write an email to your mother describing your experience of hostel life/ telling her how you feel for her in her absence.

To : fatema@gmail.com

Subject : experience of hostel life

My dear Mother

Take my salam. Hope you are well. Today I shall tell you something about my hostel life. Our hostel is attached to the college compound. The northern side of the hostel building is open. Since my arrival I have been accustomed (Af¨¯@) to a new disciplined life. The hostel is so different from one’s home. Despite that it is interesting. There is a good academic atmosphere here. I have to get up early in the morning. We take our breakfast together at 7:30 am. Our classes start at 8 o’clock. We generally take our lunch at 1 pm.

Everyday I meet new students. Most of them are friendly. So I do not feel homesick. 1 am quite happy.

However, I miss your company. I am devoid of your affection. Convey my regards to father and affection to my younger sisters.

Your loving son


 23  Write an email to your friend about a road accident.

To : simon007@gmail.com

Subject : road accident

Dear Simon

I have reached home safe and sound. But I saw a tragic road accident. Now I am writing a few words about it.

It was about evening. A Dhaka bound luxury bus was going to over-take a local bus at Joydevpur Chourasta. As the bus suddenly came from the back, a boy aged about 10, fell under the wheels of the vehicle. It ran over the boy killing him on the spot. Many people came running. The boy was lying in a pool of blood. The driver tried to escape. But the people caught him. He was handed over to the police. But a tender life was nipped in the bud.

It was my first experience of witnessing an accident. I will never forget this tragic scene.

With best wishes.

Yours ever


 24  Write an email to your friend showing sympathy for his father’s death.

To : amiya_rahman@gmail.com

Subject : ‘do not break down, my friend’

Hi, friend

I am sorry to hear that your father has passed away. He was a noble and benevolent person indeed. I respect and honour such a good man.

Yet what can we do? As a law of nature, man must die. We all have the same fate in this world. So do not grieve too much. It will tell upon your health and you will not be able to do your duties properly.

No more today. Keep patience. Take care.

Your bosom friend


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