Hsc English Close Test Without Clues Non Textual

                  Cloze Test Without Clues

                                            Non Textual

  1. DB ’17 n National Ideal College, Dhaka-’16; Govt. M.M. College, Jessore-’16.

Rabindranath Tagore was a man of (a) — genius. He was (b) — a poet and a novelist (c) — a playwright, a composer, a painter and a philosopher. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for (d) — ‘Gitanjali’ into English. Those translations earned him a great (e) — in the West. As a humanist, Tagore accused the British (f) — and pleaded for the (g) — of India from Britain. Tagore was highly influential in (h) — the best of Indian culture to the West and Vice-versa. He (i) — himself to literature at a very early age. After coming back from England, he began to write (j) — in all branches of literature.


  1. RB ’17 n Military Collegiate School & College, Khulna-’16.

Sincerity is the best way of achieving success. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. People who are sincere in their work are (a) — of making anything success. The great men are also sincere because they (b) — that sincerity is the (c) — to success. Those who are not (d) — can never (e) — a long way in the world. The poor people are not always sincere because they do to know the (f) — of sincerity. If they knew it, they would (g) — a good use of it. Sincerity means not only to do work (h) — but also with dutifulness, honesty, modesty and good behaviour. It all of us (i) — sincere, our country will (j) — be prosperous.


  1. DinajB ’17 n Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka-’16; Amanullah Degree College, Pirojpur-’16.

Sports are a popular form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are (a) — from time to time. Most of these events are (b) — by multinational manufacturing (c) — and business firms. They pay for the sports events in (d) — for the right to (e) — their products during those events. These events are (f) — worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them (g) —. As a (h) —, the sponsors’ products receive maximum media (i) —. Thus sports help the (j) — of trade and commerce.


  1. CB ’17

Bangladesh is a land of (a) — beauty. Its beauty is so captivating that a stranger cannot but be (b) — looking at this endless variety. Nature has (c) — showered its blessings on this country. The rivers, hills and forests are rich in natural (d) —. The people of this country feel a strong (e) — for their motherland. They love their motherland from the (f) — of heart. They work hard to (g) — its economic condition and to remove poverty. Most of them toil hard from dawn to dusk to accelerate the pace of (h) —. The progress of this country lies in the (i) — of common people. They are the (j) — of a beautiful and prosperous Bangladesh.


  1. CtgB ’17

There goes a saying that child is (a) — of the man. Today’s child is the (b) — of a nation. He will (c) — the country. The whole (d) — depends on their proper (e) —. It is our fundamental (f) — to rouse their (g) — talent. A sound environment is (h) — both in the family and society so that a child can (i) — up physically, mentally and spiritually. Only then it will be (j) — to build up a beautiful and developed country.


  1. SB ’17 n Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka-’16.

The proper (a) — of study involves, regular and proper understanding. In order to (b) — the best benefit from study, we should read (c) — and intelligently. We should not study (d) — for the purpose of (e) — examinations. We should take genuine (f) — in our studies so that we can enjoy what we (g) —. This will give us knowledge and wisdom and (h) — the horizon of our (i) —. We should, therefore, study not for immediate gains but for (j) — the wealth of our mind.


  1. BB ’17 n Govt. Begum Rokeya College, Rangpur-’16.

Many events of great importance (a) — during the last century. Significant advances (b) — in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies gained independence. The movement (c) — democracy became (d) — in many parts of the world. Two world wars (e) — in the century. It (f) — witnessed the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely destroyed as a result of dropping of atom bombs. The Vietnam War and the Gulf War killed many innocent people. However the (g) — of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) — a momentous event. After a (i) — war of nine months, Bangladesh was born. Now we (j) — our heads high as an independent country in the world.


  1. DB ’16 n Haji Kashem Ali College, Mymensingh’13 Æ Notre Dame College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka-’07 Æ Dr. M. Fazlul Haque Girls’ Degree College, Kushtia-’09 Æ Bangladesh College Teachers’ Association, Barisal-’09 Æ Narayanganj University College-’09.

Hospitality has long been a part of our (a) — in Bangladesh. Although many other (b) — are changing now, people are still quite (c) — and friendly towards (d) —. They like speaking to foreigners even if they have not been (e) —. It is quite (f) — for Bangladeshis to ask personal (g) — about family, jobs and (h) — which visitors from overseas might find (i) —. However, it should be understood that no harm is (j) — by such questions. On the other hand, they express a genuine interest in the foreigner’s state of affairs!


  1. RB ’16; DB ’07 n Comilla Residential College-’13; Patiya Govt. College, Chittagong-’13; Public College, Khulna-’13; Noor Jahan Memorial Women’s Degree College, Sylhet-’13; Sreemongal Govt. College, Moulvibazar-’11 Æ Gulshan Commerce College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Bangladesh College-University Teachers’ Association, Barisal-’10 Æ Viqarunnisa Noon College, Dhaka-’09 Æ Chuadanga Govt. College-’09 Æ Govt. Shaheed Asad College-’08 Æ Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College-’08.

Television has become a (a) — source of entertainment of the present world. A wide (b) — of programmes is (c) — on numerous channels. Almost every family has a television (d) — today. Television (e) — are not only entertaining, they can be highly (f) ¾ too. For example, television is now (g) — used for distance learning. Courses (h) — by the Open University are shown on BTV. Several channels like the Discovery Channel and the National Geographic Channel telecast highly informative and (i) — programmes. However, too much watching TV (j) — not permissible.


  1. DinajB ’16

Teaching in Bangladesh is still not up to the world standard. The most unfortunate thing is that it is falling down very rapidly day by day. It is mainly (a) — of the traditional education system. Teachers do not know much about the modern teaching method. Moreover, the testing (b) — is not effective. Students can (c) — good marks by memorizing. But in this system they lose their (d) — power and learn to depend on (e) —. As a result, they cannot face new (f) —. Whenever they talk, they reveal their ignorance. They lose (g) — in the process. It is a great (h) — for the nation. Conditions should be improved to (i) — our children in a proper way so that they may exploit the whole (j) — boldly.


  1. JB ’16

There are many people in Bangladesh who have a (a) — outlook. Quite (b) — in life they learn to believe that everything in this world was (c) — and all that happens to them was (d) — by God. From this (e) — the poor generally accept their poverty and all their sorrows and (f) — without trying much to (g) — them. They also hold a (h) — belief that those who undergo sufferings in this (i) — world will be amply (j) — in the next world.


  1. CB ’16

I have recently noticed that our (a) — son, younger than my son, has started (b) —. I have tried many (c) — to tell him to give it (d) — because it is nothing but slow (e) —. But he walks (f) — with the retort, “You are not my guardian. I don’t have to (g) — to you.” Our family is on very good (h) — with his family, but I don’t think his parents (i) — that he smokes. I am in a (j) — should I or shouldn’t I tell them?


  1. CtgB ’16 n Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka-’16; BIAM Model School & College, Bogra-’16; IBN Taimiya School & College, Comilla-’16.

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” relates the experiences of a sailor (a) — has returned from a long (b) — voyage. The mariner stops a man who is on the way to a wedding (c) — and begins (d) — narrate a story. The mariner’s tale begins (e) — his ship departing on its journey. Despite initial good fortune, the (f) — is driven south by a storm (g) — eventually reaches the Antarctic waters. An albatross appears and leads them out of the ice jam where they had been stuck, but suddenly the mariner shoots the bird. The crew gets (h) — with the mariner, believing the albatross brought south (i) — that led them out of the Antarctic. However, the sailors (j) — their minds when the weather becomes warmer and the mist disappears.


  1. SB ’16

Our liberation is the (a) — achievement in our national life. It was (b) — in 1971. We had been (c) — Pakistani rule for twenty-five years. But the discrimination, (d) — and suppression of the West Pakistani rulers (e) — us to wage the Liberation War. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led the struggle for (f) —. But soon he was (g) — by the Pakistani rulers. However, people from all (h) — of life took part in the war responding to the call and order of Bangabandhu. This war (i) — a great protest against all forms of wrong doing. Now, we observe our independence with due (j) — and solemnity.


  1. BB ’16

One very (a) — change in our society is the presence of working women outside the home. Of course, it has to be (b) — that women have always worked within the house-hold but this commonly is not counted as ‘work’. It is unfortunate that women’s roles in agricultural societies have not been (c) — either. Whether it is due to economic necessity or the urge to (d) — an individual identity or both, nowadays many women are joining the outside workforce. They are (e) — a wide range of professions. Moreover, both educated and uneducated women are (f) — to work outside. All of them are trying to be self (g) —. The life of a woman has now become more (h) —. Because they have to shoulder (i) — roles also. Most of the women have to compete with men (j) —.


16.DB ’15

The craft of (a) — paper to give them different (b) — without any cutting or pasting is called oregami. Although not much is known about its (c) —, Oregami has been (d) — in the Orient for (e) —. In fact it has taken the form of sophisticated (f) — in Japan where it is specially (g) — for decorating and for (h) —. As a form of (i) — plaything, oregami takes the form of birds, fish, insects, animals and geometrical figures, sometimes with (j) — parts to imitate the movement of real life objects.


  1. RB ’15; CB ’14; ’10; RB ’07; DB ’05 n Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur-’16; Govt. Fazilatunnesa Women’s College, Bhola-’16; Beanibazar Govt. College, Sylhet-’14; Royal Media College, Mymensingh’13; Moulavi Shamsul Karim College, Feni’13; Akij Collegiate School, Jessore’13; Feni Girls’ Cadet College-’12 Æ Haji Lalmia City University College, Gopalganj-’12 Æ Scholars home Sylhet-’12 Æ Khalilur Rahman College, Bagerhat-’11 Æ Bangladesh College-University Teachers’ Association, Barisal-’11 Æ Rangpur Cadet College, Rangpur-’10 Æ Naogaon Govt. College, Naogaon-’10 Æ Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College, Jessore-’10 Æ Lohagara Adarsha Mahavidyalaya, Narail-’10.

Modern life (a) — much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio-political crises. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places previously (e) —. It has (f) — helped the flourishment of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and people (j) — the globe.


  1. DinajB ’15, ’13; SB ’11 n Jessore Cantonment College, Jessore’13; Patuakhali Govt. College’13

Jerry, an orphan of twelve, (a) — in an orphanage. The authoress hired a cabin belonging (b) — the orphanage. Jerry came to her cabin to chop (c) — for the fireplace. He also (d) — some extra work for (e) —. Once Jerry (f) — a cubby-hole where he put (g) — kindling and medium wood so (h) — the authoress might (i) — dry fire materials ready in case (j) — sudden wet weather.


  1. JB ’15

People’s interest in birds goes way back into the past when some birds were actually (a) — as messengers of gods in ancient Egyptian as well as in other cultures. Bird watching these days is done for the fun of finding out more about our feathered friends and (b) — to our knowledge about them. In recent years, birds have become the barometers of (c) — changes around us. Birds watchers have made important contributions towards (d) — information about which birds have (e) — from which areas or become extinct altogether or what factors are having bad effects on their (f) —. Bird watching requires a lot of (g) — and might cover days, months or years. Real (h) — even go to (i) — islands to observe a queer variety of birds. Bird watching has become well-known almost all over the world and many travel agencies can also provide necessary information on (j) — which are suitable for bird watching.


  1. CB ’15; ’08; SB ’05 n Military Collegiate School & College, Khulna-’16; Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College’13; Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh’13; Ullapara Science College, Sirajganj’13; Chaumuhani Govt. S.A College’13; Birshreestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College, Dhaka-’12 Æ Muminunnisa Govt. Women’s College, Mymensingh-’12 Æ Collectorate Public College, Nilphamari-’12 Æ Jessore Govt. Mohila Colege, Jessore-’11 Æ Govt. Women’s College, Comilla-’11 Æ Noapara Model Degree College, Jessore-’10 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Chittagong-’10 Æ Sylhet Commerce Colege, Sylhet-’10.

Sincerity is the best way for achieving success. One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity. People who are sincere to their work are (a) — of making anything success. The greatmen are also sincere because they (b) — that sincerity is the (c) — to success. Those who are not (d) — can never (e) — a long way in the world. The poor people are not always sincere, because they do not know the (f) — of sincerity. If they knew it, they would (g) — a good use of it. Sincerity (h) — not only to do work properly, but also dutifulness, honesty, modesty and good behaviour. The people of our country are not still (i) — of the (j) — of sincerity.


  1. CtgB ’15 n BAF Shaheen College, Shamshernagar, Moulvibazar-’16.

Our modes of entertainment are (a) — a significant change. The traditional sources of entertainment are no more (b) —. People are no longer (c) — with the traditional forms of entertainment. The western culture and music are now (d) — the upper hand of (e) — modes of entertainment. Our own music and culture are (f) — fast coming in (g) — with the western culture. So there is a blending of melodies between western music and our own music. Now people (h) — cricket to football. Radio is (i) — popularity and sports is also (j) — as a popular source of entertainment.


  1. SB ’15 n Principal Kazi Faruky School & College, Raipur, Lakshmipur-’16.

‘Tsunami’ is a Japanese word which means marine earthquake. It caused a great (a) — on life and property along the coastlines of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia. About 5 million people became (b) —. We are fortunate enough that by the (c) — of God, Bangladesh narrowly (d) — such a natural (e) —. But it is not unknown to us that Bangladesh lies in (f) — earthquake zone. It still has (g) — for Bangladesh to save the (h) — region from any such colossal (i) — of Tsunami. Since nobody can predict the (j) — time of earthquake, we have to be careful and conscious from now on.


  1. BB ’15; RB ’09; SB ’03 n Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogra-’16; Cantt. Public School & College, Dinajpur- ’12 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Chittagong-’11 Æ Ideal College, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-’10 Æ Mongla College, Bagerhat-’10 Æ MC College, Sylhet-’10 Æ Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur-’09 Æ Kazi Mohammad Shafiqul Islam University College, Brahmanbaria-’09, ’08 Æ Narsingdi Govt. College-’08 Æ Jhalakati Govt. Mohila College-’08.

One day a lad went to a famous teacher and having expressed his desires to (a) — knowledge, begged him to (b) — him in the arts and sciences. The learned man, wishing to (c) — out what sort of ability the lad (d) —, asked him where God (e) —. The lad replied, “I will answer you, if you will first (f) — me where He is (g) —.” The sage, from this sensible (h) —, thought highly of the boy’s (i) — and according to his (j) — perfected him in his studies. Thus the wisdom of the wise manifests itself early.


  1. DB ’14 n Qadirabad Cantonment Sapper College, Natore-’16; Jalalabad Cantonment Public School & College, Sylhet-’16; Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur-’16.

Civility means polite (a) — or modesty. It also (b) — courteous manner. It is a great virtue (c) — a man. To be well-behaved, or good-natured we (d) — spend money or wealth. We have to (e) — willingness to attain civility. We have to (f) — some code of conduct and (g) — the norms of etiquette of the society. It (h) — from society to society. However, one has to (i) — good manner in one’s character from an early age. No expenditure (j) — consciousness is required.


  1. RB ’14

Bangladesh is a small country but it has a (a) — population. Most people here live below the (b) — line and cannot therefore (c) — to educate their children. Many poor children (d) — drop out of school after just a few years or simply do not go to (e) — at all. Despite this situation, we have far too many (f) — to educate compared to the number of (g) — available. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and (h) — to provide for the increasing number of (i) — . But owing to financial and resource constraints, the government cannot fund the (j) — numbers of educational institutions.


  1. DinajB ’14; RB ’12, ’08; JB ’10, ’03; CtgB ’09; BB ’08 n Rajshahi Cadet College-’14; Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogra-’14; Ispahani Public School & College, Comilla-’14; Rajdhani Ideal School & College, Rampura, Dhaka’13; Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka’13; Suja Memorial College, Sylhet’13 Æ Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College, Rajshahi-’11 .

Man pollutes water, another vital (a) — of the environment by (b) — waste into it. Farmers (c) — chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. Some of these chemicals, washed away by rain and flood, (d) — mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Water is also (e) — by mills and factories when they throw their (f) — chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Water vehicles also pollute rivers by dumping oil, food waste and human (g) — into them. Insanitary latrines (h) — on river and canal banks are also (i) — for further pollution. In this way, various (j) — of waste and filth contaminate water.


  1. JB ’14 n Baroihat College, Chittagong-’16.

Rubel is (a) — up with his next door neighbours. His bedroom is very close to (b) — . Every time he sits down to study in the evening, there comes the (c) — sound of the television from the house (d) — door. It seems that the television is kept (e) — the whole evening. It becomes very difficult for him to (f) — on his studies. In winter he can (g) — it by keeping his window closed but in summer it gets too hot and (h) — if the window is kept closed. So he is (i) — to put up (j) — the disturbance from next door.


  1. CtgB ’14 n Blue Bird School & College, Sylhet-’16; Moulvibazar Govt. Women’s College- 14.

Most of the Bangladeshis (a) — that our motherland (b) — in the active earthquake zone. Experts are alarmed by the recurrence of the (c) — in the recent years. But they do not give any direct answer to the question (d) — the (e) — of the buildings in Dhaka city. As there is every (f) — of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts (g) — for taking adequate precautionary (h) — to reduce the losses. RAJUK opines that an earthquake (i) — building code should be (j) — to avoid natural disaster.


  1. SB ’14 n Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka- ’14.

The house hasn’t yet shed its festive look, which started with my sister’s marriage. Since Auntie’s baby was (a) —, we have had streams of guests (b) — the house. I’m really worried about my (c) — exams. There’s so much noise and (d) — in the house that I can hardly (e) — on my studies. You can’t imagine how (f) — it is to study in a large family. Even I have  to share my room (g) — my younger brothers and sisters and, at times, with my (h) —. I wish I (i) — in a small family. Tell me (j) — I should do.


  1. BB ’14; SB ’13 n Dhaka Commerce College- ’14; Agrabad Mohila College, Chittagong-’14.

Banks are often unable or (a) — to lend money to the poorer section of the society. The Grameen Bank (b) — credit to the poor, particularly rural (c) —. There are about 800 micro-finance (d) — in our country. It is estimated that they have (e) — employment opportunities for about 54,000 people. A recent (f) — indicates that micro-credit programmes had a (g) — effect on socio-economic variables (h) — children’s schooling, nutrition and family (i) — and about 5% of programme participants rose above (j) — line.


  1. DB ’13

UNICEF (a) — originally for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. But now it is the United Nations Children’s Fund which (b) — long-term help to children of developing nations. It (c) — several welfare projects in Bangladesh. It has established numerous maternity and baby care centres around the country to (d) — the health of babies and child-bearing mothers. It has helped Bangladesh get rid of (e) — childhood diseases. It has (f) — training programmes to create rural health workers. Thus, this organisation has been able to (g) — infant mortality rates in Bangladesh. Above all, in times of natural disasters, it undertakes (h) — work to help the distressed people. To (i) — education, UNICEF distributes reading and writing materials among students, trains teachers and (j) — primary education particularly among girls.


  1. RB ’13 n Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka-’16; Abdul Kadir Mollah City College, Narsingdi-’14; Dania University College, Dhaka-’14; Mohanagar Ideal College, Dhaka-’14; Dinajpur Govt. College-’14; Cox’s Bazar Govt. Women’s College-’14; Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal-’14; Khulna Public College-’12 Æ Cantt. College, Comilla-’12.

Sports are a popular form of (a) —. Many international (b) — events are organised from time to time. Most of these events are (c) — by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They (d) — for the sports events in exchange for the right to (e) — their products during those events. These events are (f) — worldwide by satellite  and people all over the world enjoy them (g) —. In this way, the sponsors’ products (h) — maximum media (i) — facilitating the companies concerned international (j) —.


  1. JB ’13, ’08 n Bogra Cantt. Public School & College-’14; Chittagong Cantt. Public School & College-’14; Fajudarhat Cadet College’13; Dhaka Commerce College’13; Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College’13; Fenchuganj Degree College13; Pabna Cadet College-’12.

Introverts and extroverts are two (a) — of people (b) — in the society. An (c) — is quite opposite to an extrovert. Without (d) — extrovert no one can (e) — life in the country. What we have (f) — from the (g) — of Sohel and Farid gives us the quality of (h) —. What Farid has done in the bus (i) — introvert. Fahima is (j) — the extrovert quality.


  1. CB ’13 n Cantonment Public School & College, BUSMS, Dinajpur-’16; Govt. Zia Mohila College, Feni-’14; Gazipur City College-’12 Æ Comilla Commerce College-’12.

Air and water are two important (a) — of the environment. These elements are (b) — for life on earth. They are often (c) — in many ways. Air is polluted by (d) — and water by different kinds of (e) — and filth. If we want to live a (f) — life, we should (g) — the pollution of the environment. Total prevention may be (h) — but we can certainly (i) — pollution by raising (j) — among the people.


  1. CtgB ’13 n Govt. MM City College, Khulna-’14; Chandpur Govt. College, Chandpur-’14.

Bangladesh is a land of (a) —. But now-a-days the rivers are (b) — up. So, (c) — is an urgent necessity for our country now. The rivers carry (d) — which makes the land (e) — to grow crops. Besides, they supply us plenty of (f) —. During the dry season, we (g) — river water to the land. At present, the (h) — of water causes bad harvest. We can easily (i) —  the use and utility of the rivers in our life and (j) —.


  1. BB ’13, ’11 n Holy Cross College, Dhaka-’16; Sonargaon Kazi Fazlul Haq Women’s University College, Dhaka-’14; Chaumuhani Govt. SA College, Noakhali-’14; Cox’s Bazar Govt. College-’14; Mohanagar Ideal School & College, Dhaka’13; Chandranath College, Netrakona’13; Chittagong Metropolitan Commerce college’13; Sonar Bangla College-’12.

E-mail has brought about (a) — in modern (b) —. Messages can be transmitted from one country to another within a few (c) —. It is far cheaper than telephone calls. Trade and commerce has become greatly (d) — on this speedy mode of communication. It has, (e) —, not reached everyone, specially in (f) — countries like ours, as most of the people cannot (g) — to have a personal computer. But (h) — of the people have started (i) — commercially operated e-mail for important (j) —.


  1. DB ’12 n Thakurgaon Govt. Women’s College’13; Chittagong Cantt. Public School & College, Chittagong-’10.

All things that make up the environment are (a) —. The way in which people, animals and plants are related to each other and to their (b) — is known as (c) —. The ecosystem is a (d) — web that links animals, plants and every other life (e) — in the biosphere. All these things (f) — together. The system is in a steady state of (g) — balance which means that by (h) — any one part of the web you can affect all the other parts. For example, the (i) — of forests may have serious ecological (j) — on humans and animals.


  1. DinajB ’12; CB ’12; CtgB ’06 n Barisal Govt. Women’s College Barisal-’16; BAF Shaheen College, Chittagong-’14; Rabita Model College, Rangamati-’14; Biswanath Degree College, Sylhet’13; Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh’13; Amanaulla Degree College, Barisal’13; Sylhet Govt. Women’s College’13; Govt. Shaheed Bulbul College, Pabna’13; Nageswari Degree College Kurigram’13; Sunamganj Govt. College’13; Sreemangal Govt. College, Moulvibazar-’12.

If we (a) — forests and cut (b) — trees, the effects might eventually (c) — us all. If forests (d) — into deserts, what will (e) — carbon dioxide? Then the weather pattern (f) — change and the world will become (g) —. This is (h) — the greenhouse effect. As a result of this effect, the polar ice-caps will (i) — and this will cause the flood in (j) — areas of the globe.


  1. JB ’12 n New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi-’14; Cantt. Public School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari-’14; Hajigonj Model University College, Chandpur-’14; Bogra Cantt. Public School & College’13; Ispahani Public, School & College, Chittagong’13; South Asian College, Chittagong’13; Moulvibazar Govt. College’13; Bangladesh College University Teachers’ Association, Barisal- ’12.

UNICEF is an international (a) —. It runs several welfare (b) — in Bangladesh. It has reduced infant (c) — rates through raising (d) — about health and (e) —. It has organised (f) — programmes for (g) — health workers to (h) — health help to the rural (i) —. At present it is trying to (j) — primary education particularly among girls.


  1. CtgB ’12; CB ’06 n Adamjee Cantonment College, Dhaka’13; Lakshmipur Govt. College’13; Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogra’13; Police Line School & College, Rangpur’13 Æ Cantt. Public School & College, Khulna-’12 Æ Chitra Mohila Mohabiddyalaya, Terokhada-’12 Æ Brindaban Govt. College, Habiganj-’12 Æ Feni Girls’ Cadet College-’11.

Learning a language is (a) — riding a cycle. The most (b) — thing (c) — any language is communication. You learn to (d) — effectively by using a language, by doing things with it and by experiencing it. You (e) — learn English in the same (f) — as one learns to ride a cycle. Do not (g) — if people laugh at you (h) — you make (i) —. You can certainly learn (j) — mistakes.


  1. SB ’12 n Noakhali Govt. Girls’ College’13; Shaheed Smriti Degree College, Pirojpur’13.

Man pollutes water, an important (a) — of the environment by (b) — waste into it. Farmers (c) — chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. Some of these chemicals (d) — away by rain and floods (e) — mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Water is also (f) — by mills and factories which throw their (g) — chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Water vehicles also pollute water by (h) — oil, food waste and human waste into them. Insanitary latrines (i) — on river and canal banks are also (j) -¾ for further pollution.


  1. BB ’12 n New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi13

William Caxton introduced printing into England. His success as a merchant enabled him (a) — retire early and (b) — himself to literary pursuits. In 1477, he set up his (c) — press and (d) — nearly a hundred books. A (e) — of prodigious industry, he translated twenty (f) — himself. What is more (g) — him is that he published books in English when most works appeared (h) — French or Latin. Caxton (i) — it as his aim to hasten the spread of knowledge by making books in English (j) — to the public.


  1. RB ’11 n Dinajpur Govt. College13; Kushtia Govt. Girls’ College13; M.C. Academy, Gopalganj- 12;

Computer is one of the latest important and most (a) ¾ inventions of science. A computer performs three important (b) ¾ . It receives data, processes data (c) ¾ various computations and emits data. Computer now (d) ¾ us in various ways. In a (e) ¾ minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete. Now computers are (f) ¾ used in agricultural farms. Trains and planes are run by the (g) ¾ . (h) ¾ results can be accurately given by computer within the shortest span of time. The computer has become very sophisticated and can perform (i) ¾ complicated tasks. This is why many people call the computer “an electronic (j) ¾ .”


  1. DinajB ’11n Adhyapak Abdul Majid College, Comilla-’12; Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College, Joypurhat-’16.

Returning home can be very difficult. When people (a) ¾ to their home countries, they often find many changes. The (b) ¾ old streets may not look the same. People they remember may not (c) ¾ them. If they go back to their own childhood house, the house may look very (d) ¾ . It may (e) ¾ small and cramped. One woman wrote that she returned to her (f) ¾ and her house was gone. In its (g) ¾ , there was a little, modern grocery shop. No one (h) ¾ her. She was extremely (i) ¾ . It is also possible to return to a place where everyone remembers you. That makes a person feel happy inside; at least you were not (j) ¾ .


  1. JB ’11 n Ambari Women’s College, Dinajpur-12; Lutfor Rahman Matin Mohila Degree College, Tangail-’16.

Rose is a symbol of (a) ¾ . I have a rose garden. The garden looks (b) ¾ when the roses bloom. It (c) ¾ sweet. The (d) ¾ and fragrance of the rose attract all. I pluck roses from my garden (e) ¾ our house (f) ¾ . Nowadays many people (g) ¾ roses. The (h) ¾ of rose is profitable. So we should (i) ¾ roses not only to earn money but also to (j) ¾ our houses.


  1. CtgB ’11 n Govt. P.C College, Bagerhat-’16; Bangladesh Mohila Somity School & College, Chittagong-’16; Dohar Nawabganj College, Dhaka-’14; Pirojpur Govt. Women’s College’13; Govt. Haji Mohammad Muhsin College, Chitagong-’11.

Today women (a) — an important role in all spheres of life. They (b) — no longer confined within the four walls of their home. They have (c) — out of their kitchens and are (d) — side by side with men in all the development programmes of the government. Many women have (e) — higher education and (f) — as doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators, judges etc. They have been able to (g) — their worth. However, women still face (h) — discrimination. Many girls are married (i) — at an early age. Many never (j) — to school.


  1. DB ’10 n Rupsha (Degree) College, Khulna13; Govt. Akbar Ali College, Sirajganj-11.

Language plays a very (a) — role in our life. We use language from the (b) — we wake up in the morning (c) — we go to bed at night. We use language not only during our (d) — hours but also in our dreams. We use language to (e) — what we feel and to say (f) — we like or dislike. We also use language to (g) — information. In short, language is (h) — present in our life. It is an (i) — part of what we do, (j) — and believe.


  1. RB ’10; CB ’09 n Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-’14; Govt. City College, Chittagong-’14; Poura Mohila College, Kishoreganj’13; Mongla College, Bagerhat’13 Æ Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-’11 Æ Sylhet Commerce College, Sylhet-’11 Æ Sylhet Govt. College-’11 Æ Firoz Miah Degree College, Brahmanbaria-’10.

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is a (a) — city. It is a city (b) — traffic jam. A flyover is built at Mohakhali with a view to (c) — the traffic jam. To (d) — this problem, traffic rules (e) — be enforced. Besides this, drivers, passers-by and (f) — should honour and abide (g) — all rules (h) — making the city habitable. Otherwise our life (i) — remain (j) — stake.


  1. DinajB ’10 n Sylhet Govt. Women’s College-’14; Milestone College, Dhaka’13 Æ Cambrian College, Dhaka-’12; Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College-’11.

Everybody (a) — to live a happy and peaceful life. But what are the (b) — that can assure you of such a nice life? Naturally people’s opinions are quite different on this point. The factors (c) — be money, power, security, honour, love, health, good family bondage, education, voluptuous pleasures etc. Most people (d) — money alone can ensure all other elements (e) — for a happy life. It’s partly true. But if you (f) — stick to money, you may start running after money. But you cannot live in two rooms, cannot (g) — two persons’ food etc. at the (h) — time. You should bear in (i) — that your necessity or desire has a limit. If you exceed the limit and run (j) — money with an endless greed, you will be utterly ruined.


  1. CtgB ’10 n Cantonment College, Comilla-’16; Comilla Cantonment College, Comila-’11 Æ Adhyapak Abdul Majid College-10.

It is a happy news that the (a) — of adopting unfair means in the examination has been (b) — to a greater extent. Our students have now (c) — that passing in the examination is not the only goal of student life. But still this heinous (d) — has not been totally (e) —. When an examinee is caught copying in the examination, there is nothing open to authority (f) — to (g) — him/her. This damages not only the concerned examinee, but also (h) — a total loss to the whole family of that examinee. So, our students must refrain themselves (i) — this bad practice. They should also remember that a building (j) — a strong foundation must fall down either today or tomorrow.


  1. SB ’10

One day a fox was very (a) — . It was (b) — for some food to eat. But it could not manage any (c) — . At last it became very (d) — and sat (e) — a tree. A crow was sitting on the tree with a (f) — of meat in its beak. The fox looked at the crow and (g) — the piece of meat. An idea came to its mind to (h) — the meat from the crow. The fox said loudly, “(i) — a beautiful bird it is ! but alas ! the bird (j) — not sing.”


  1. BB ’10

Electricity is (a) — a part of our everyday (b) — that we rarely think twice about its importance and necessity. When we switch (c) — the light and the fan or turn on our television and computer, we enjoy (d) — blessings of electricity. Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep, (e) — remains working for us driving our fans, heating or cooling our rooms and running our refrigerators. Unfortunately, we (f) — enjoy the uninterrupted blessings of electricity. There is some (g) — in the generation (h) — electricity in Bangladesh. (i) — , load-shedding or suspension of the supply of electricity has (j) — a regular programme of the Power Development Board.


  1. DB ’09 n Notre Dame College, Dhaka-’04.

An elephant does many things with its trunk. It smells, feels and picks things up with its (a) —. Elephants can uproot trees (b) — their trunks. They can defend themselves by wrapping their trunks (c) — enemies and dashing them (d) — the ground. They use their trunks to eat (e) — peanuts too. They can even brush (f) — flies. In the lumberyards of India elephants learn to pull logs out (g) — rivers and stack them. Elephants have even been taught to sweep. By holding a broom in (h) — trunk, an elephant can (i) — a road clean of dust. What a wonderful (j) — that trunk is!


  1. DinajB ’09 n Mirkadim Hazi Amzad Ali Degree College; Munshiganj’13; Amrita Lal Day College, Barisal’13 Æ Govt. Barisal College-’12 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Mongla College, Bagerhat-’11 Æ Firoz Miah Degree College, Brahmanbaria-’11 Æ Govt. Barisal College, Barisal-’11 Æ The Buds Residential Model School & College, Srimangal, Moulvibazar-’10 Æ Al-Hera Academy School, Bera, Pabna-’09 Æ Dhaka Commerce College-’08.

Bangladesh is one of the (a) — countries of the United Nations. As a peace-loving and (b) — country she has been undertaking welfare and (c) — activities in line (d) — the United Nations. Bangladesh has (e) —the UN declaration of the second decade (f) — the disabled in Asia and the Pacific region. Along (g) — other governments of this region she is (h) — to implement the charter. There is also provision in our constitution for ensuring health, (i) —, education and employment for the (j) —.


  1. JB ’09 n Savar College-’12 Æ Sa Amrita Lal Day College, Barisal-’10.

While eating food we have to (a) — that we should not eat just to satisfy hunger or to (b) — the stomach. We should (c) — to preserve our health. For good (d) — we need good food. Sometimes it so happens that people (e) — live even in the midst of plenty, do not eat the (f) — they need for a good health as they (g) — no knowledge of health and nutrition. Again the poor and illiterate people think that good food (h) — costly food. They do not (i) — that whatever food they get can be nutritive (j) — they can select the food items wisely to make a balanced diet.


  1. SB ’09 n Noapara Model Degree College, Jessore-’16; Govt. Debendra College, Manikgonj-’14; Haji Lalmia City College, Gopalganj-’14; Rajshahi Govt. Women’s College-’14; Milestone College, Dhaka-’12 Æ Satkhira Govt. College, Satkhira-’12 Æ Faujdarhat Cadet College-’11 Æ SOS Hermann Gmeiner College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Rupdia Shaheed Smrity Degree College, Jessore-’10.

The Shatgombuj Mosque is a 15th Century Islamic (a) — situated in the suburbs of Bagerhat, on the (b) — of the Sunderbans, some 175 km. south-west of Dhaka. It is an (c) — Mughal architectural site (d) — a very large area. The Mosque is (e) — in that it has sixty pillars, which (f) — seventy seven exquisitely (g) — domes that have worn away with the (h) — of time. The mausoleum of the city’s (i) — Khan Jahan Ali can be found nearby. With the (j) — of the mosque as a World Heritage Site it is hoped that this beautiful architectural monument will be preserved from further decay.


  1. DB ’08 n Dania College, Dhaka-’12 Æ Govt. Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College, Chittagong-’12 Æ Govt. Mujibur Rahman Women’s College, Bogra-’11.

Michael Baumann is a lawyer. He doesn’t like (a) ____ who talk too much. He himself (b) — to speak very little. He doesn’t (c) — a beard but he (d) — an enormous moustache. He (e) — it makes him look important. He does not have a lot of (f) — on his head but he isn’t (g) ____ either. His hair is not straight but (h) — . He is (i) — his fifties and (j) — to eat.


  1. CtgB ’08 n Sreemangal Govt. College’13 Æ Govt. Asheq Mahmud College, Jamalpur-’11 Æ Rajendrapur Cantt. Public School & College, Gazipur-’11 Æ Dr. Abdur Rajjak Municipal College, Jessore-’11 Æ Pirojpur Govt. Women’s College, Pirojpur-’11 Æ Dhaka Imperial College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Al-Hera Acadmey School & College, Pabna-’10.

Natural disaster (a) — throughout the world in recent years. The main reason behind this is greenhouse effect or (b) — of the air (c) — the earth. Global warming is melting the (d) — ice of polar regions and of the peaks of (e) — mountains. Consequently the (f) — of sea water has alarmingly increased. Cyclones and tidal bores (g) — inundating and destroying the coastal regions to a large extent. Climatologists (h) — that in the last 185 years 99 cyclones hit the coastal (i) — and off shore islands of our country causing irrecoverable loss (j) — life and properties.


  1. SB ’08 n Shachindra Degree College, Habiganj’13; National Ideal College, Khilgaon, Dhaka-’09 Æ Tejgaon College, Dhaka-09 Æ Syed Masud Rumi College, Kushtia-’08.

Who is to control the crimes of the country? The rich? The government? Who? It is everybody’s responsibility. In a country where everybody is trying to defeat every other one to make unlimited wealth as quickly as possible, it is very difficult to curb the crimes. Almost all contribute to crime and disorder in one or the other (a) —. World Bank and other International organisations have published (b) — on corruption and human rights violation in Bangladesh. They have also suggested how to (c) — the existing situation. But none of them is (d) — so far. It is alleged that most of the political parties are (e) — to gain their party interests. They have also divided the nation ideologically. National (f) — is a dream that might never come true. Sometimes some so called intellectuals write some articles in newspapers. But that brings no (g) —. Abuse of (h) — by the public servants has led the nation to its present situation. The representatives of the people are being mainly (i) — for it. But it is not the only truth. Let us all be united to bring an end to this deteriorating (j) —.


  1. JB ’07; CB ’03 n Rajdhani Ideal College, Rampura, Dhaka-’16; Military Collegiate School, Khulna-’14; Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public School & College, Dhaka’13 Æ Police Lines School & College, rangpur-’11 Æ Pabna Cadet College-’11 Æ Chittagong College, Chittagong-’11 Æ Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah-’10 Æ Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet-’10 Æ Tibunnesa Khanam Academy Degree College, Juri, Moulvibazar-’10.

Money is power and can do much good and evil. It gives (a) — and delight. It (b) — do everything. A person (c) — is a person to be pitied. Nobody pays (d) — respect to him. His friends do not (e) — him. He has to depend on the (f) — of others. In order to (g) — money he does a lot of jobs. It is a must (h) — our life. But it does not necessarily (i) — happiness. Happiness is absolutely a (j) — matter.


  1. CtgB ’07 n Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi-’16; Trishal Mohila Degree College, Mymensingh’13 Æ Bangladesh College Teacher’s Association, Satkhira-’11 Æ Amrita Lal Day College, Barisal-’11 Æ Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal-’10.

No other word is so (a) — as the word ‘Mother’. It is (b) — up with our existence. Everyone starts his life first (c) — the word, ‘mother’. This word lasts in the child (d) — death. It is mother, who first becomes touched (e) — our happiness and sorrows. We know about the mother of Bayezid Bostami (f) — Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. In every religion the position of mother is (g) — the highest place. Our great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.) (h) — that “Heaven is at the (i) — of mother.” So, when I think of my mother, my head (j) — down.


  1. SB ’07; RB ’04 n Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong-’16; Khalilur Rahman Women’s Degree College, Chittagong’13 Æ Adamjee Cantonment College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Armed Police Battalian Publci School & College, Bogra-’11 Æ Govt. Haraganga College, Munshiganj-’10 Æ Govt. Barisal College, Barisal-’10.

A large number of people (a) — English all over the world. Some people use it as a (b) — language and some people take it as a (c) — language. Many international (d) — now depend on English to (e) — with offices in different countries. Their advertisements published in different (f) — are always in (g) —. They also want people who possess a good (h) — knowledge of English. People seeking employment (i) — expect to get good jobs without (j) — English.


  1. DB ’06

There have been (a) ¾ changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. Even if they do, people keep looking for newer forms of (b) ¾. Thus snake charming, puppet shows, Jatra, Jarigan, Sharigan and Kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past, have almost lost their (c) ¾. Radio is now giving place to television and to (d) ¾ channels in particular. The entertainment business, like other spheres of life, is getting (e) ¾ day by day. Folk music or palligeeti is now sung with western (f) ¾. At the same time, (g) ¾ music is now fusing melodies from folk and traditional songs. In general, band and pop music are becoming more and more (h) ¾ , particularly among the (i) ¾ generation. Sport has become a great source of entertainment (j) ¾.


  1. RB ’06

I do not think that it is (a) — not to make any (b) — while learning English. Because we (c) — through trial and error. I think it is better to (d) — English without paying much (e) — on being correct. Because it is not important to (f) — always correct English. I do not (g) — that a shy man can never (h) — English. This is because a shy man can learn English by (i) — English newspapers. (j) — and various text books.


  1. JB ’06

Traffic jam is one of the major problems of our time. It is a very (a) — affair in big cities and towns. Our population has (b) — very fast over the last fifty years or so. The (c) — of vehicles has also gone up. But our roads are not broad (d) — to accommodate so many buses, trucks and cars. Slow moving vehicles (e) — rickshaws and baby taxies have added complications to the problem. On top of that our drivers are not very willing to (f) — traffic rules. They often (g) — impatient and look to go (h) — of one another (i) — traffic signals. Sometimes they (j) — recklessly and meet horrible road accidents.


  1. BB ’06 n Lalmonirhat Govt College, Lalmonirhat-’16.

From the moment we are born we cannot (a) — alone. We are always in (b) — of assistance of (c) — others around us. We need clothes, which others (d) — ; houses, which others (e) — and food, which others (f) — . We have to earn our livelihood by   (g) — for others, while they get their livelihood by working for us. As children, we need our parents to be our comforters, and to take (h) — of us in body and (i) — . As we grow up we need the care of others; we cannot exist a day (j) — our fellowmen.


  1. RB ’05 n Ramgonj Model University College, Lakshmipur’13 Æ Singra Demdama Pilot School & College, Natore’13 Æ Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Satkhira Day-Night College-’11 Æ Adhyapak Abdul Majid College, Comilla-’11 Æ Blue Bird School & College, Sylhet-’11.

Newspapers in Bangladesh have constantly (a) — our attention to the (b) — safety measures provided by (c) — garment factories. They (d) — adequate space, (e) — staircases and (f) — exits. (g) — addition, most of the garment (h) — do not have any training (i) — fire safety. At least 104 garment employees were (j) — in fire related incidents.


  1. JB ’05 n Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet-’16; Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka-’14; Joypurhat Govt. College-’14; Scholarshome, Sylhet-’14; BN College, Dhaka’13; Natun Kohela College, Tangail’13 Æ Govt. City College, Rajshahi-’13, ’11 Æ Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-’12 Æ Mirzapur Cadet College-’12 Æ Shahjalal City College, Sylhet-’12 Æ Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh-’12 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Jessore-’12.

Your performance in the interview is very important, even (a) — some people regard (b) — as poor predictors of future (c) —. There is a good (d) — of subjectivity in an interview to judge a  (e) — but as a candidate, the subjectivity inherent in interviews can work to your (f) —. If you manifest confidence and enthusiasm, smile a (g) — and generally look as though you know (h) — you are talking about, then you are well on the (i) — to a result. (j) — you respond is probably more important than what you say.


  1. CtgB ’05 n Sarder Asmat Ali Mohila Degree College, Narsingdi’13 Æ Cambrian College, Dhaka-’08.

The great ship “Titanic” (a) — for New York from Southampton on April 10, 1912. She was (b) — 1316 passengers and a crew of 891. At that time, however, she was the only largest ship that had been (c) — built. She was regarded as unsinkable, for she had sixteen water-tight compartments. The tragic (d) — of the great ship will always be remembered, for she went down on her maiden (e) — with a heavy loss of life. Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing (f) — the icy water of the North Atlantic, a huge ice-berg was suddenly spotted (g) — the lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a (h) —. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below and the captain went down to see what had (i) —. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below the captain realised to his horror that the ‘Titanic’ was sinking rapidly, for five of the sixteen water-tight compartments had already been (j) —.


  1. BB ’05 n Cambrian School & College, Dhaka’13; Mongla College, Bagerhat-’09 Æ Dhaka Commerce College-’05
    Æ Ideal College, Dhaka-’04.

In the Polar Regions, one kind of houses is made of glass for growing crops in it. When the rays of the sun fall on earth, their wave-length is so small that they (a) — on the soil inside the house without (b) — the glass walls. When those rays are reflected by the earth, their wave-length gets (c) — and thus they can easily heat the glass-walls. This process of artificially heating up the glass-houses is called the green house effect. Though it is fundamentally the (d) — of a scientific process, now we (e) — by it to a dangerous effect being caused in the atmosphere. For various scientific reasons, nowadays the amount of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluoro carbons are (f) — in the atmosphere. Consequently, when the rays of the sun, after being (g) — by the earth, goes up with larger wave-lengths, the above-mentioned gases get heated by it (h) — the glass-walls of the aforesaid green house. The result is obvious and fatal; the temparature of the (i) — around the earth increases more than (j) —.


  1. DB ’04 n Govt. Begum Rokeya College, Rangpur-’16; Cantt. Public School & College, Rangpur-’14; Cantonment College, Jessore-’14; Comilla Shikkha Board Model College-’14; Govt. Bangabandhau College, Gopalganj’13; Juranpur Adarsha University College, Comilla’13; Æ Cantt. Public School & College, Rangpur–’13 Æ Patuakhali Govt. Mohila College’13 Æ Rangpur Cadet College-’12 Æ Barisal Cadet College-’12.

Many events of (a) — importance took place during the last century. Significant advances were made in the (b) — of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) — independence. The movement for democracy became (d) — in many parts of the world. Two world wars (e) — out in this century. It also witnessed the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (f) — as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. The Vietnam war and the Gulf war killed (g) —innocent people. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an (h) — nation was a momentous event. After a bloody (i) — of nine months, Bangladesh was born. Now we hold our heads (j) — in the committee of nations.


  1. JB ’04 n Chandpur Govt. Girls’ College’13 Æ Dhaka City College-’11 Æ Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi-’10 Æ Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-’07 Æ Madan Mohan College, Sylhet-’05.

Amin/Sajal is a man of 20 years. His parents were very poor. They could not provide his educational (a) —. Amin/Sajal passed SSC Examination. He thought that he (b) — not be able to continue his studies. He thought that he would get (c) —in poultry and cultivation of fish. He got himself admitted into Youth Development Training Centre and after (d) — training he (e) — an amount of money from a bank. He (f) — a poultry farm. He was (g) — profit. Then he started fish cultivation (h) — brought huge (i) — for him. He is no more an (j) — man, rather he can provide people with work.


  1. CB ’04 n Brahmanbarai Govt. Women’s College-’11 Æ Mymensingh Girl’s Cadet College-’09 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Jessore-’08 Æ Sharatpur Govt. College-’08.

Bangladesh is a country (a) — an area of 1,47,570 square kilometres. It is (b) — with more than 120 million people. About one thousand people (c) — per square kilometre. So it is a (d) — populated country. The growth rate is very (e) — which must be (f) — immediately. If this rate (g) — on unchecked, Bangladesh will (h) — a great problem. So every one should (i) — forward to (j) — public consciousness.


  1. CtgB ’04 n Feni Girls’ Cadet College-’14; Govt. MM College, Jessore-’14; Shaheed President Ziaur Rahman Degree College, Dhaka’13; Viqarunnisa Noon College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Pabna Cadet College, Pabna-’10 Æ Rajendrapur Cantt. Public School & College, Gazipur-’10 Æ Bogra Cantt Public School & College-’09 Æ Govt. Barisal College-’09 Æ Comilla Victoria Govt. College-’09.

For international communication a common language is (a) —. There are many (b) — for which English has achieved the (c) — of being that language. Now English has (d) — the national borders to (e) — people who speak other languages. It is no longer the (f) — possession of British or American or other native speakers, but a language that belongs to (g) — people. This phenomenon has led to a (h) — variety of English around the world. As more and more people speak English, more and more varieties have (i) — which are strongly (j) — by the pronunciation, grammar and idioms of the respective mother tongues.


  1. SB ’04 n B.N School & College, Khulna-’16; Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Women’s College-’12 Æ Ghatail Cantt. Public School & College, Tangail-’11 Æ BAF Shaheen College, Jessoe-’11 Æ SOS Hermann Gmeiner College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail-’09 Æ Barisal Cadet College-’09 Æ Bangladesh College Teachers’ Associatin, Satkhira-’09 Æ Sonar Bangla College, Comilla-’09 Æ BN School & College, Khulna-’09.

Atom bomb was first (a) — on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the World War II. When the first bomb (b) —, the world knew for the first time that man (c) — at long last been in possession of a force, (d) — in all respects. The atom bomb (e) — for the welfare of human beings. But alas! the superhuman energy has been (f) — against mankind. One single bomb (g) — the (h) — town Hiroshima and another bomb Nagasaki. There had (i) — many children, women and patients not (j) — in the problems of the war.


  1. BB ’04 n Dohar-Nawabganj College, Dhaka’13; Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Women’s College-’12 Æ Ghatail Cantonment Public School & College, Tangail-’10 Æ Dr. M. Fazlul Haque Girls’ Degree College, Kusthtia-’10 Æ Brahmanbaria Govt. Mohila College, Brahmanbaria-’10 Æ Dhaka Commerce College-’09 Æ Noakhali Govt. College-’09 Æ Begum Bodrunnessa Govt. Mahila College, Dhaka-’08 Æ Mongla College, Bagerhat-’08.

Student life is a life of (a) — for future struggle. To make him (b) — for the struggle, education is necessary. So the first and foremost duty of a student (c) — to prosecute his studies well. He who (d) — his lessons regularly (e) — well in the examination. On the (f) — the student who wastes his time cuts a (g) — figure. It should be (h) — in mind that none can get back the (i) — time. If the students neglect their studies, they will suffer in the (j) — run.


  1. DB ’03 n Rajshahi College-’14; Victoria Govt. College, Comilla-’13; ’11 Æ Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail’13; Rajshahi Cadet College’13 Æ Govt. Shah Sultan College, Bogra-’10 Æ Kazi Mohammed Shafiqul Islam University College, Brahmanbaria-’10 Æ Scholars Home, Sylhet-’10 Æ Jhenidah Cadet College-’09.

Housing is one of the (a) — problems of our (b) —. Thousands of people in big (c) — like Dhaka and Chittagong dwell on the footpaths. In rural (d) — also there is an acute (e) — of houses. The cost of construction is (f) — everyday. At present it is very (g) — for the common (h) — to afford the (i) — of construction. This problem needs to be (j) — immediately.


  1. RB ’03 n Hajigonj Model College, Chandpur-’11, ’03 Æ Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal-’09.

One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit seller. After a few days the fruitseller asked the grocer to (a) — his balance and weights to him.  The grocer said, “I am sorry to say that the mice ate away your balance and weights.” The fruit seller became very (b) — at the (c) — excuse of the dishonest grocer. Then one day the fruit seller said to the grocer, “I am (d) — to the town to do some shopping. Please send your son with me to (e) — my things. We will come back tomorrow.” So, the grocer (f) — his son with the fruit seller. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. “Where is my son?” asked the grocer. “A crow carried your son away,” replied the fruit seller. “How can a crow (g) — away such a big boy?” The grocer shouted angrily. “Just the same way as the mice can (h) — away the balance and weights,” said the fruit seller. The grocer (i) — the point. He returned the balance and weights to the fruit seller. Then the fruit seller sent the boy (j) — to his father.


  1. CtgB ’03 n B.N School & College, Khulna-’14; Comilla Victoria Govt. College-’14; Amtali Degree College, Barguna-’14; Ispahani Public School & College, Comilla-’13, ’09 Æ Khanjahan Ali Ideal College, Khulna-’12 Æ Ideal College, Central Road, Dhaka-’11 Æ Chittagong Cantonment Public College-’11 Æ Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College, Joypurhat-’10 Æ Khalilur Rahman Degree College, Bagerhat-’09 Æ Govt. City College, Chittagong-’09.

Jerry was a twelve year old boy (a) — lived in the orphanage. The authoress hired the cabin (b) — to the orphanage. Jerry came to the cabin to (c) — wood for the authoress. He also did some extra work (d) — the convenience of the authoress. Once he (e) — a cubby hole where he put some kindling and medium wood (f) — that the writer might get dry fire materials ready in case of (g) — wet weather. The authoress was pleased (h) — him. When she gave him some candy or apples he used to (i) — silent. He expressed his (j) — by looking at the gift and the authoress.


  1. BB ’03 n Dinajpur Govt. Womens’ College, Dinajpur-’11 Æ Adarsha Degree College, Sreenagar, Munshiganj-’10 Æ Cantt. Public School & College, BUSMS, Parbatipur, Dinajpur-’10 Æ Sonar Bangla College, Comilla-’10 Æ Dhaka Residential Model College-’09 Æ Quadirabad Cantt Sapper College, Natore-’07 Æ Govt. Shah Sultan College, Bogra-’09

Sports can give us (a) —. International sports (b) — organize different sporting events in different (c) —. Most of these events are sponsored by multinational manufacturing companies and business firms. They pay for the sport event. They do it because in (d) — they get the right of (e) — their products (f) — the events. The satellite channels (g) — the events (h) —. As a (i) —, people all over the world can (j) — the events live.


  1. Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh-’10 Æ National Ideal college, Dhaka-’10 Æ Dinajpur Govt. College-’09.

To be successful in a job interview, the applicant should demonstrate certain personal  and (a) — qualities. In as much as the first and often lasting (b) — of a person is determined by the clothes he wears, the job applicant should take care to appear well groomed and modestly dressed. Besides he should pay close (c) — to his manner of speaking which should be neither (d) — nor familiar, but rather straight forward. In addition he should be (e) — to talk knowledgeably about the (f) — of the position. And finally applicant must (g) — a sense of self confidence and (h) —. With the display of these (i) — one will certainly (j) — in personal interviews.


  1. Rajshahi College, Rajshahi-’16; Bakalia Shahid N.M.M.J. College, Chittagong’13 Æ Residential Model College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Govt. Suhrawardy College, Pirojpur-’08.

According to UNICEF, the health of women is a telling window on female (a) — and it is most telling at the most (b) — time of life, infancy and early childhood. The Global Commission on Women’s Health considers it imperative to look at women’s health within a (c) — perspective. Women’s life not only affect (d) — phases of her own life but also have an (e) — on future generations. This (f) — link is a characteristic (g) — to women. The girl child as UNICEF categorizes the (h) — child up to the age of 15, has become the focus of attention in recent years. Several areas, such as (i) — work and health are being re-examined with the specific need of the girl child in mind as today’s girl is (j) — women and will bear the responsibility for a new generation.


  1. Cambrian College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Shaheed Syed Nazrul Islam College, Mymensingh-’10 Æ Brahmanbaria Govt. College-’09 Æ Barisal Cadet College-’06.

As his reputation as a scientist (a) — higher and higher, fate followed with less rewarding things. Stephen (b) — started losing control over the muscles of his body as he gradually became a (c) — of Gehrig’s disease. Since the age of thirty, he has been (d) — to a wheelchair with no power to control his body except for some limited (e) — of his head and hands only. He can speak only through a computer with a voice (f) — that converts his messages into sounds. But such a tremendous physical handicap has not managed to (g) — or slow him down. Stephen is still a (h) — worker, using his computer to carry out research work as well as deliver lectures. He lives with his wife and three daughters and is (i) — with twenty-four hour nursing facilities by an American (j) — for his physical well-being.


  1. Ispahani Public School & College, comilla-’16; Residential Model College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Dhaka City College, Dhaka-’10 Æ Chandpur Govt. College-’07.

Many unhappy events (a) — during the 20th century. The (b) — of atomic energy (c) — great havoc to human (d) — and brought untold (e) —. It (f) — out many beautiful towns like Hiroshima and Nagasaki and (g) — a heavy toll of human (h) —. The century also (i) — problems like poverty, hunger, malnutrition, environmental pollution, AIDS etc. Violence and terrorism (j) —  very high during the century.


  1. Gulshan Commerce College, Dhaka-’11 Æ Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur-’11 Æ Madhupur College, Tangail-’10.

A national flag symbolizes the (a) — of the country. Like other countries we have a (b) — national flag and it is very sacred to us. We are really (c) — it. We (d) — it after a nine months sanguinary war of liberation in 1971. It bears a great (e) —. It is the pride and (f) — of our nation. It is (g) — in size and is very nice to look at. It may be of different sizes but its length and (h) — must be in the ratio of 10:6. The middle portion of it is round and red which (i) — the rising sun. The (j) —  portion of it is bottle green in colour.


  1. BIAM Model School & College, Bogra-’08 Æ Barisal Govt. College-’08 Æ Comilla Cadet College-’04.

Children are very fond of festivals. They become very (a) — on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys know no (b) —. They become very (c) — to have wishes from their beloved persons. Whole day they (d) — to spend time in joy. Usually a child on his/ her birthday gets up early and tries to (e) — close to his/ her parents. It becomes a (f) — day, if he/ she is presented anything very (g) — to him/ her. Children also want to have their friends (h) — to their house on a festival. They expect to have a party. Their joys give pleasure to their (i) —. We should try to keep the children always in a (j) —  mind.


  1. Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur-’10 Æ Birshrestha Nur Mohammad Rifles Public College, Dhaka-’09.

What is a poet? To whom does he address (a) —? And what language is to be expected (b) — him? He is a man speaking to men; a man endowed (c) — sensibility. He has a greater (d) — of human nature and a more comprehensive (e) —. He is (f) — of deep passions and feelings and (g) — more than other men in the (h) — of life. He has a strong (i) — and can visualise things as if they (j) —  present in front of him.


  1. Sylhet Cadet College–’13 Æ Govt. City College, Chittagong-’10 Æ The Buds Residential Model School & College, Moulvibazar-’09.

Literacy as a skill was (a) — institutionalized in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and China. But at that (b) — literacy was confined to a few (c) — who did activities (d) — to state or religion. For the first time, education (e) — more widespread in Greece in about the 5th century BC. But it was (f) — only to male. When the Greeks (g) — the Romans, the Romans came in (h) — with the Greeks and (i) — a strong tradition of (j) —.


  1. Ahammad Uddin Shah Shishu Niketan School & College, Gaibandha-’11 Æ Barguna Govt. College-’09.

The Sundarbans (a) — not only the 52nd World (b) — Site in the world, but also has gained special attention as a (c) — forest. We are highly fortunate in the sense that the (d) — mangrove forest is situated in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans is also an (e) — tourist spot. Many people like to (f) — it’s natural beauty. For them it is a beautiful place to go far from (g) — towns and cities. But some people are (h) — this forest by (i) — down trees indiscriminately. Though there are forest officials in the Sundarbans they cannot (j) —  the forest.


  1. Govt. Asheq Mahmud College, Jamalpur-’10 Æ Govt. BMC Women’s College, Naogaon-’09 Æ Armed Police Battlion School College, Bogra-’09 Æ Comilla Cadet College, Comilla-’08.

Most of our people live (a) — the poverty line. Poverty creates (b) — problems. It is a gigantic task to (c) — poverty. No individual or government is able to turn the (d) — of fortune overnight. The condition of every poor family is almost as (e) — as that of Ayesha. Early marriage is a very (f) — phenomenon in poor families. Recently many cases of divorces are being (g) —. Most of the divorces are (h) — out of dowry. Even the housewives are (i) — if the demands of dowry are not (j) —.


  1. Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur-’11 Æ Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur-’10 Æ Birshrestha Munshi Abdur Rouf Rifles College, Dhaka-’09 Æ Shaheed Bir Uttam Lt. Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-’08.

Education is the (a) — by which our mind develops through formal learning at an (b) — like a school, college or university. It is mental and intellectual (c) — which provides opportunities of growth and helps to meet (d) — and overcome obstacles to progress. Again the purpose (e) — education is to enlighten the individual and to develop his/ her (f) — to the limit. It is also the business of (g) — to train individuals to make the (h) — choices to go ahead. It (i) — our mind and refines our sensibility. It also broadens our outlook and makes us (j) — of our rights and responsibilities.


  1. Hamidpur Al-Hera Degree College, Jessore-’09 Æ Sunamganj Govt. Mahila College, Sunamganj-’08.

Television is one of the (a) — wonderful gifts of modern science. It is the best medium (b) — our entertainment. It not only entertains us (c) — helps us as an effective medium of education. It (d) — us with its charms. A German scientist, Paul Nepkov first (e) — television. Then John Baird modernized (f) —. It has a (g) — likeness to cinema. But television entertains us with the programmes that are (h) — from the television centres. We (i) — their programmes on television. Modern life is (j) — without television.


  1. Govt. Begum Rokeya College, Rangpur-’09 Æ Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur-’08.

The development of railway in the 19th century has (a) — a profound (b) — on social and (c) — development in many parts of the world. The process is (d) — in an (e) — fashion by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. It is the first and still the most (f) — model of a (g) — train that goes (h) — a mountain. It is (i) —  known as toy train perhaps because of its (j) — wagons and its slow speed.


  1. Ahammad Uddin Shah Shishu Niketan School & College, Gaibandha-’10 Æ Hazi Abed Ali College, Narsingdi-’08.

Communicative Competence refers to the (a) — to use language appropriately in various circumstances. There are two ways of (b) — Communicative Competence in a language. The first is (c) — which is similar to the way people develop ability in their (d) — tongue. It is a (e) — subconscious process in which users are not (f) — aware of acquiring language. They are (g) — only of the fact that they are (h) — the language for (i) —. In non-technical terms, acquisition is ‘picking up’ a language (j) —. It may also be called implicit learning.


  1. Sufia Matin Mahila College, Baniachang, Habiganj-’09 Æ Abdul Kadir Mollah City College-’08.

It is a common scene in the Dhaka City (a) — when a person (b) — stuck in a seemingly never (c) — jam, some poor kids are (d) — with flowers for sale. They pursue the passenger relentlessly to (e) — flowers for his near and dear ones. They (f) — to sell the flowers at a cheap (g) — which really bewilders the (h) —. They never (i) — tired. The shouts of the passenger have no (j) — on them.


  1. Adarsha Govt. Women’s College, Chuadanga-’09 Æ Govt. Mujibur Rahman Women’s College, Bogra-’08 Æ Barisal Cadet College-’08.

The Taj Mahal is one of the (a) — wonders in the world. It is a world heritage site. The emperor Shahjahan (b) — this Mahal (c) — remembrance of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. In the 17th century this important Mogal monument was built. It is a (d) — like place (e) — visitors come to visit. This building is (f) — by a garden. There is pool water (g) — front of the building. It looks (h) — at different times. (i) — most of the visitors think that it is better to visit the Taj Mahal (j) — moonlit night.


  1. Darsana Govt. College, Chuadanga-’09 Æ Dr. Abdur Razzak Municipal College, Jessore-’08.

Gender discrimination originates in the family (a) — a baby girl takes birth. Her father (b) — to see her. He always wants (c) —. He becomes furious (d) — his wife. The little girl grows (e) — in a neglected atmosphere with depression and (f) — complex. She can (g) — think herself happy and able. Rather she always feels insecured and (h) — on the male members of the family. In this way she loses her (i) — and identity and grows to be (j) — daughter, wife and mother of someone else.


  1. Cantonment Public School & College, Mymensingh-’10 Æ Ideal College, Dhaka-’09 Æ Satkhira Govt. College-’08 Æ Govt. Shaheed Suhrawardy College, Dhaka-’07.

In Bangladesh (a) — are limited number of seats for higher education. A large number of students with a good (b) — result cannot get chance for higher education. Consequently many students go (c) — to pursue higher (d) —. Most of them do not return to Bangladesh (e) — completing their studies. They (f) — to stay in abroad as they get better facilities as compared to those of Bangladesh. Serious brain-drain is being continued in this (g) —. The government should come (h) — to stop brain-drain. If there are many (i) — universities in Bangladesh, they can stop brain-drain (j) —.


  1. Amrita Lal Dey College, Barisal-’09 Æ Scholars Home, Sylhet-’08 Æ Chandpur Govt. Mahila College-’07.

Self-employment means to create (a) — opportunity for (b) — by one’s own effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c) — a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGO’s have also rendered their (d) —. Livestock (e) —, agricultural (f) —, poultry raising (g) — some of the (h) —. There are many (i) — for self-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j) — engage oneself in the jobs.


  1. Notre Dame College, Dhaka’13 Æ Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka-’08 Æ Govt. Azizul Haque College, Bogra-’07 Æ Panchagarh Govt. Women’s College-’07.

Rokeya is a Bangladeshi girl who is about to finish school but she has no (a) — of going on to college. Like millions of other (b) — Rokeya’s parents think that educating a daughter is a (c) — of time and money. They have decided that they will now (d) — her off and use their (e) — resources for their son’s education. Rokeya used to (f) — about lessons and tests, but now she worries more about getting married and having (g) —. She used to dream about being a doctor, but now faces a life of household (h) — and bringing up children. She used to be happy being a girl but now wishes she (i) — a boy. If she had been a (j) —, she could have gone to college and university.

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  1. Mustafizur

    Answer nai keno

  2. Arham

    no answers

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