Hsc English letter Writing

                     Hsc English 1st Paper

                                          Letter writing

 01     Write a letter to your pen-friend about Bangladesh and her people.                                                                                                                                                                       [DB’ 17]


3 February 2017

Dear John

Thank you for your letter. Thanks for your interest to know about my country. I am writing a few words about it.

Bangladesh is a small country. Its land area is 1,47,570 square kilometers. It became independent through a sanguinary war in 1971. Thirty lakhs of people died for the country. It is a tropical country. It has six seasons. It is called a land of rivers as it is criss-crossed by hundreds and thousands of rivers and tributaries. Our land is very fertile. The monsoon blows over it and there is a lot of rain here. It has too big a population. It is now a fast developing country. Though my country is small, it is rich in crops, fruits, flowers, birds and animals. Rice with fish is our staple food. Ours is a very beautiful country. The climate is neither too hot nor too cold. As it is a country of heavy rainfall, floods occur every year. Floods cause a great damage to life and property. Our people are very simple. Most people are farmers. We want love and peace. There are people of different communities who live in harmony. We have different festivals and rituals. The natural beauty of the country is charming. The spring is the most beautiful season when nature smiles with sights and sounds. We are proud of our country, our culture and heritage. You are cordially invited to visit our country.

Hope to hear from you soon. I am fine.

Yours ever









*  cÖwZwU Private Letter Gi †k‡l GiKg Lvg Aek¨B mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|

 02    Write a letter to your friend who smokes a lot of cigarettes describing the bad effects of smoking and advising him to stop it.                                                                                                                                                   [RB ’17]

18 February, 2017

Mirbag, Rangpur


My dear Rana

At first take my cordial (Avš@wiK) love and hearten greetings from the core of heart. I am very anxious (wPwš@Z) about you as you smoke a lot of cigarettes a day. Smoking is surely harmful to health. I hope this letter will be able to make you conscious (m‡PZb) of the bad effects of smoking and help you stop it.

Smoking causes a major health hazard (SzuwK). It is so dangerous (fq¼i) that it may cause cancer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. One puff (Uvb) of cigarette smoke contains more or less nicotine, methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, arsenic, benzopyrene and several other acids which are fatal (cÖvYNvZx) to human beings. It will decay and destroy you day by day. So you should stop it without further delay.

With best wishes to you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 03    Your father sent you a letter not to waste time using facebook/internet. Now, write a letter to reply it.                                                                                                                                                                                        [DinjB ’17]

17, North Brook Road, Jessore

25 April, 2017


My dear father

I hope you are hale and hearty. I have just received your letter. In your letter you have forbidden me to waste my time by using facebook. I know it well that you have told this because of the adverse effects of facebook. But it has some advantages too. It is a great/best way to keep in touch with the family and friends who live far away. We can easily communicate with our near and dear ones with instant messaging and even video chat. We can easily update status, photos and profile information through it. In spite of having many advantages it has some disadvantages too. Many students become addicted to it and waste their valuable time in using facebook that may hamper their studies. They suffer in the long run. I am aware of the demerits of it. So, I am assuring you that I will take the best of it. But I will not spend much time in using it.

No more today. Salam to mother and love to my youngers.

Your son


*  Draw an envelope with address

 04    Write a letter to your father about your aim in life. [BB ’12]

105, Shantinagar Road, Dhaka-1000

13 March 2017


Dear father

I have just received your letter. In your letter you have asked me about my aim in life. Of course, I have my own aim in life. And I am leading my life towards my aim. My aim in life is to be a doctor. There are many reasons for choosing the profession of a doctor. The village people in our country are very poor, especially the people of my village. They suffer from various diseases. But there is no qualified doctor to serve them. There are a few quacks but they cannot serve them properly. Rather they extort money from the simple folks. Many people meet premature death for want of proper treatment. So I have decided to serve the people of my village through the profession of a doctor.

In this regard after passing the HSC I shall get myself admitted into a medical college. After obtaining the MBBS degree I shall go back to my native village and set myself to serve my village people through practice. I shall give them my service at the lowest cost.

No more today. Pray for me so that I may achieve my goal. My best regards to my mother and affection for my younger sister. Take care of your health.

Your only son


*  Draw an envelope with address

 05    Write a letter to your friend Nasif telling him about the study tour you enjoyed a few days ago.                                                   [RB ’09]

17, Station Road, Natore

10 February 2017


Dear Nasif

Heartfelt love to you. I hope you all are quite well. I am well too. You would be pleased to know that recently we went to a study tour from our college. Let me give you a description of the tour.

I along with some of my friends decided to go on a study tour. According to the decision, we went to the study tour on the 25 January. We went to the Shat Gambuj Mosque in Bagerhat. You know it is a place of historical interest. We had hired a bus to go there. We also took with us other necessary things. The hired bus took us to the place without any difficulty. We reached there before the expected time.

Reaching there we began to visit the Shat Gambuj Mosque. We had taken cooked food with us and so we did not have to cook. I was surprised to see the big and beautiful building of the mosque. The mosque was excellently built following the Mughal style of architecture. The surroundings, especially the Majar of Saint Khan Jahan Ali, the large tank in front of it and the crocodiles in the tank were also charming. I had to play an important role in the tour. I was in charge of management.

However, after staying there till 3 pm, we started our return journey. In fact, the tour really widened my outlook and inspired me a lot to go to such tours.


Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 06    Write a letter to your friend advising him to adjust himself to the new food and place.

897 Shahidbagh


11 March 2017

My dear Sumon

Thanks for your letter. I am happy to know that you are carrying on your studies and research. But I am sorry to hear that you are in some troubles at the new place in London. Friend, life means struggle. So it is not unlikely to be in some problems while you are in a new environment. In a foreign country you are in a different climate and culture. You are having a different kind of food. The food, climate and environment may not suit you. But this is a temporary problem. Work with patience and take everything easy. Try to adjust yourself. It will take time. But it is not impossible for you.

You have written that British food is not good for your taste. I think it is because you are not habituated. So I advise you to be accustomed. Language is a barrier. It is a problem. But you can overcome it. Try to follow their accent. Practise listening and speaking English. Be free and frank with all. You have been there for three months only.

I hope everything will be all right in a few months more. I am fine. Hoping to hear from you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address


 07    Imagine you were in a farewell party as one of the guests. Write a letter to your cousin describing what you did on that day.


The 7th April 2017


Dear Nipa

I have received your letter just now. I hope that you are well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am so so.

Now I want to tell you about a farewell party. I went to this party as one of the guests on the 16th March. The party was about the farewell of an old teacher in our college. This function began at 4 pm in our college auditorium with the recitation from the Holy Quran and the geeta. As I was a guest, I was requested to take a seat. The speech went on. Suddenly the Principal requested me to say something and I did so. The function was very gloomy because of the farewell.

This party came to an end at 7 pm. Everybody returned home by having some sweetmeat from the farewell party.

No more today. More when we meet again. Convey my best compliments to your parents. With best wishes.

Your cousin


*  Draw an envelope with address

 08    Write a letter to your friend describing a river journey.

15 Mirpur


2 March 2017


Dear Habib

How are you? I am fine. Yesterday I had a river journey. I am giving you a short account of it.

A river cruise was sponsored by ‘The Rotary Club of Dhaka Downtown’. We, all the members of our family joined the program. The steamer started from Pagla Ghat at 10 am. It was a double-decker steamer. I sat on the deck. There were 50 people on board of different families. The Rotary District Governor was a guest of honor. There were some musicians who presented melodious songs. Oh! How charming the sights on the bank of the Buriganga appeared! I saw many buildings and industries. There were many steamers and launches plying and crossing. After about three hours’ journey we reached Ghorashal. Then we were given packet lunch. After lunch, we began our return journey. I had my camera with me. I took some snaps. I found nobody swimming and diving in the river as the water was polluted. However, some fishermen were found fishing. The fresh wind made us cool. The bright sun gave us joy. We enjoyed all the moments. When it was 4 pm, we returned to Pagla Ghat.

That’s all for today.

Your loving friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 09    Write a letter to your friend telling him about taking food in a Chinese restaurant.

N.S. Road


22 January 2017


My dear friend

Thank you for your letter. I am glad to know about your interesting experience of attending a wedding party.

I am also telling you my experience of taking food in the Cantoon restaurant in Kushtia. It is a luxurious restaurant in the heart of the town. It remains constantly illuminated at night. The environment inside the restaurant is very charming. The dinner was served at 8.30 pm. We were four friends at the same table. At first, soup was given. It was very tasty. Then other items were served. The menu consisted of chicken fry, polao, lobster, mutton, vegetables, fruits and sweets. Every item was sufficient for us. We ate to our heart’s content. The waiters were very polite. Their service was excellent.

When we were taking food, an interesting thing happened. A seven-year old boy was eating with his mother. Suddenly, he became very violent and threw away the plate of food at his mother’s face. It made us all laugh.

That’s all for today. I am fine. With best love to you.


Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 10    Imagine you have a chance to fly either a wide bodied passenger plane or a helicopter. It is a half-an-hour’s free ride. Write a letter to your pen-friend telling him/her about your experience of flying on plane.


April 24, 2017


My dear Mukul

How are you? I didn’t get any letter from you for the last six months. Hope you are safe and sound.

Today I’ll tell you about an exciting event which happened in my life last week. I had a chance to travel by air for thirty minutes from Dhaka to Jessore. It was the first time I travelled by a plane. It was on the occasion of my elder sister’s marriage ceremony. We decided to go to Jessore by plane. Father collected five tickets for us. When we reached the domestic terminal of the Shah Jalal International Airport, I felt thrilled. At the time of take off I became a bit nervous but soon after it continued to fly above clouds, I got out of my nervousness. The thirty minutes passed very quickly at the announcement that we were at Jessore Airport. The incident of my maiden journey by air is now a memory to recollect. I will not forget it in my life.

No more today. I look forward to hearing from you about your first air journey.

With love


*  Draw an envelope with address

 11    Write a letter to your cousin about the procedure of admission to college.

897, Sobhanbagh

Dhaka -1217

7 june 2017


My dear Rupa

Thank you for your letter to know the procedure of admission to college. I am telling you about it.

For admission to a college you have to apply in a prescribed form. So you have to bring a form from your preferred school. Then you will fill in the form. After this, you will submit the application along with a passport size photograph, an academic transcript and a copy of testimonial from your school. Some colleges want the income certificate of the applicant’s father or guardian and a nationality certificate.

If the applicants are more than the seat capacity of the college, an admission test or interview is held. otherwise, you will be selected for admission in order of merit in the S.S.C. Examination. Then you have to pay the fees and other charges for admission. After admission your name will be entered in the admission register and you will have a roll number.

You can get a prospectus from the college to know the rules and regulations of admission. I suggest you to collect a copy of the prospectus.

I am fine. No more today.

Your cousin


*  Draw an envelope with address

 12    Write a letter to “Green Peace”, an independent international organization about the present condition of your environment. 

23 Dhanmondi

Dhaka, Bangladesh

17 February 2017

Dear Sir

It is grievously noted for your information that our environmental condition is aggravating day by day (Lviv‡ci w`‡K hv‡”Q). Hundreds and thousands of mechanized vehicles emit black smoke in the cities. Air is also being polluted in rural areas by burning brick. Mills and factories constantly create smoke causing air pollution. Water pollution is going on unabated. Sound pollution is an acute problem in the city. Motorized vehicles make sound all the time. Noiseless life is a far cry for the people in the city.

But we are not hopeless because afforestation program is gaining popularity. The Govt is also aware of the situation. certain steps have been taken to prevent air pollution. people are being motivated for keeping our environment pollution free. We expect your organisation to come forward with suggestions in this regard.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Nazma Hossain

*  Draw an envelope with address

 13    Write a letter to your younger brother/friend about the causes and effects of deforestation.


8 October 2017


My dear Najmul

Thank you for your letter. I appreciate your concern about the causes and effects of deforestation. I am giving you further ideas about the matter.

Deforestation is a problem. It happens because of some obvious reasons. Rising population is one of the main causes. The additional people need land for growing food. They need houses to live in and firewood for cooking. Firewood is burnt for making brick. For all these reasons, people are cutting forests every day. As a result, deforestation is going on. It has an adverse effect on ecological balance. The country is losing her green beauty. Birds and wild animals are losing safe heaven. Our land is going to be barren. Loss of trees will cause less rainfall. Our climate has already started changing. Polar ice is melting and the surface of the sea is rising. As a result, there will be more natural calamities. There will be more harm to human life and properties. We are heading towards a great disaster.

I will tell you more about this later. I am fine. Hoping to see you hale and hearty.

Your elder brother,


*  Draw an envelope with address

 14    Write a letter to your friend about the problems of using poly bags.


01 February 2017


Dear Mithu

Thank you for your opinions about the steps taken against the use of poly bags. But I do not agree with you on all points. I am telling you a few words about the problems of poly bags.

Poly bags pollute our environment. They are not disposable things. So they remain under the soil for long and destroy the fertility of the land. As polythene bag is not perishable, it creates a serious blockade in the drains of sewerage. As a result, after rainfall drains over-flow and water-logging occurs. People throw away the poly bags here and there. As they are very light, they are blown into the wayside roads causing blockade. I think you will agree with me because these problems are very common and you can easily realize and identify them.

That’s all for today. I am fine. Hoping to hear from you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 15    Write a letter to your pen-friend about the household activities of our boys and girls.

9 Mymensingh Road

10 October 2017


Dear Rosario

Thank you for your letter. I am giving you an idea about the household activities of our boys and girls in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi boys and girls are very obedient. They help their mother in their household activities. The boys tidy up their bed-rooms, reading rooms and reading tables. They wash their own clothes. On holidays, they work with their mother to clean the house. They help to buy kitchen goods and vegetables.

Our girls are very obedient and hardworking. They work in the kitchen though they are busy with their lesson. They help their mother in the kitchen and at the dining-table. They feed the chickens and the pets and also look after them. They also sweep the courtyard of the house.

No more today. More when we meet again. Love to you.


Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 16    Write a letter to your mother about your feeling after your visit to a friend’s house.

Nurpur High School Hostel,

Room No. South-B

23 March 2017


My dear mother

I hope you are all hale and hearty. I am fine too. I had a visit to the house of Mamun last week.

Mamun is my room–mate. I had wonderful memories and experiences in their house. They all cordially received me. His parents and grandparents were very frank and hospitable. Their family is large but happy and well-to-do. They are obedient to the elders. Mamun’s parents are very careful and reasonable guardians.

Their house is on an important road. There flows a river near the house. The rooms of the house are fairly spacious, well-furnished and well-ventilated. They entertained me with tasty food of different items. The food included vegetables, fish, chicken, mutton, beef, polao and biriani. Everyday in the morning I was given winter cakes prepared with date-juice.

All the members of their family are very polite and pious. They were very happy to know about you and father.

With best regards to you and father.


Your loving son


*  Draw an envelope with address

 17    Write a letter to your friend about how your college is different from your friend’s college.

3 Nilkhet

Dhaka – 1217

25 February 2017


Dear Sadek

Thank you for your letter to know the difference between your college and my college. I am telling you about the difference between the two colleges.

My college is a very old one. But your college is new. 2500 students read in my college. But your college has only 300 students. The result of our college is very good. Most of the students obtain A grade and a few students obtain GPA 5 every year. The rate of pass is hundred percent. But your college does not have such a brilliant result.

We have a lot of facilities in the common room. We have a well-equipped library. There is a Shaheed Minar in our college. It has an auditorium too. But in your college you do not have any of these things. our students are very good at various co-curricular activities for which we have a lot of opportunities, care and training. But in your college you have very inadequate opportunities for co-curricular activities.

That’s all for today. More when we meet. I am fine.


Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 18    Write a letter to your friend about the basic things of computer.                        



27 May 2017


Dear friend

I am very glad to know that your father is going to buy a computer set for your personal use. It is sure that you will know a lot about its use and components. As you are very interested to know, I am telling you about the basic things of a computer.

The main parts of a computer set are Central Processing Unit, Monitor and Keyboard. Central Processing Unit is also known as CPU in short. It looks like a box. It has a motherboard, the chip, the cards and the RAM in it. Monitor works like a TV screen and it shows you whatever you ask the computer to do. The keyboard is like a type-writer. It has a part called a mouse. Don’t be surprised to hear about a mouse in the computer. Because it’s not a real mouse. It is called the mouse because of its shape. It is a trigonometrically shaped thing placed by the keyboard. You can do different things by clicking on the icons with the mouse. I hope you will learn these things before you know how to operate a computer. A computer is really a very funny thing.

That’s all for today. I am fine.


Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 19    Write a letter to your friend about your experience of a train journey. 

8/A Dhanmondi


28 May 2017


Dear Shafiq

I hope you are hale and hearty. We are all fine. Yesterday I had a train journey from Mymensingh to Dhaka. I am giving you a short description of my experience.

The train was the Padma Express. It reached Mymensingh on time. My uncle and I got on the train and within a few minutes it left the station. I had a very comfortable seat beside a window. So I could enjoy the sights outside. The sun was setting then. I was charmed to see its beauty at dusk. The train was moving very fast. The houses and trees at a distance appeared to be running forward with the train. But the things near the train seemed to be running fast backward.

Inside the compartment, all passengers were discussing various topics. Some were talking about political situation of our country. I gave no attention to them. Just then I saw the moon appearing in the sky. It was a full moon. So it appeared with all her beauty and glory.

While the train was passing through the Bhawal forests I felt a bit drowsy. But the moonlight over the trees drew my attention. I enjoyed the beauty very deeply. After two hours’ journey we arrived at Kamalapur.

That’s all for today. With best wishes.


Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 20    Write a letter to your uncle about your visit to a place of historical importance.


2 March 2017


My dear uncle

Accept my compliments. I am fine. I hope you are fine too.

Last week I had a visit to Sonargaon. You know about the place. I went there by bus. I had a wonderful experience there. I went round the museum and saw many historical relics in it. They gave me both pleasure and practical knowledge. I have learnt about the coins, soldiers, their uniform, weapons and armours of heroes of Bengal during the time of Isha Khan and Giasuddin Azam Shah. In the museum a guide helped me. It was a fine excursion for me. I took down some information in my diary about my journey. I had a camera with me. I took some photographs which will give you pleasure. I returned by bus in the afternoon.

I shall tell you more about the visit when I meet you.


Your loving nephew


*  Draw an envelope with address

 21    Write a letter to your friend about a fire accident.

Sir Iqbal Road


2 February 2017


Dear Farid

I begin to write with my best love and wishes. I hope you are fine. I am fine too. But a fire incident that I witnessed often flashes on my mind. I am telling you about it.

A week ago a house of my neighbour caught fire. Suddenly I heard some people screaming. It was lunch time. I jumped out of our dining room and saw the fire spreading fast. Within a few moments the fire engulfed two more houses. People of the neighbouring houses rushed to the spot but could not go near the house. It was a very terrible sight.

The firemen of the fire-brigade came and were able to extinguish the fire after about an hour’s struggle. But all the belongings and the valuables of the house worth about taka five lakh were completely gutted. No life was lost. The inmates of the house could run out and save their lives. The fire originated from a kitchen. The owner of the house is a businessman. He says that his loss is irreparable. I still shudder with fear when I think of the terrible sight of the fire incident.

That’s all for today. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your younger brother Tutul. Again with love to you.

Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 22    Write a letter to your friend about the importance of communicative English.



3 June 2017

Dear Friend

Your letter is to hand. I am happy to know that you are fine. But I am sorry to learn that you are less interested in communicative English. You must know about its importance.

Modern English is communicative English. It is necessary for us to communicate with the foreigners. Nowadays, many people go to foreign countries for employment. They have to speak English. In different international forums we have to speak English. For overseas correspondence, we must understand what the foreigners say. If we are not fluent in spoken and written English, we cannot maintain our diplomatic and all commercial activities internationally. In that case, we shall be isolated from the global village. Without knowing English we cannot get a good job.

Ours is a developing country. We cannot keep pace with other nations without English. So I suggest you to lay importance on English specially communicative English which means the language of conversation, correspondence or knowledge of functional English. It does not mean literature. It is easy to learn.

That’s all for today. I am fine. Hope to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,


*  Draw an envelope with address

 23   Write a letter to your younger brother/friend about the importance of physical exercise.


3 January 2017


My dear brother

Your letter is to hand. I am very glad to know that you are regular in studies. But I am worried about your health because you are often suffering from different complaints. In order to keep in good health you should take physical exercise. I am writing a few words about its importance.

Physical exercise is a systematic exertion of human body. It is good for us in a number of ways. It helps our muscles and nerves to work properly. It helps to breathe more deeply and get more oxygen into our lungs. Physical exercise helps to digest our food well and increase appetite. This is why the person who takes physical exercise can eat enough and does not have any indigestion. It helps the blood to circulate all over the body properly. It also prevents constipation. Physical exercise helps to remove insomnia. It increases immunity in the body.

Regular physical exercise with proper food and rest can help a man to build a good health and maintain it. So I am advising you to take regulated form of exercise. I hope you will follow my advice.

I am well. With best love to you.


Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 24    Write a letter to your younger brother advising him not to copy/ adopt unfair means in the examination.

897, Shahidbagh


3 June 2017


My dear brother

Your letter is to hand. I am very glad to know that you are fine. I am fine too. But I am anxious to know that some of your friends copy/ adopt unfair means in the examination. They are not your real friends. You should keep away from them.

It is a vice to copy in the examination. I hate it. It is a crime. If a student wants to copy, he cannot learn the lesson. He does not try to learn the lessons. He rather prepares the sheet for copying. That is a waste of time. That is an act of self-deception. It makes him a bad student. He spends time in making ready the copies, whereas, by this time he can learn the lesson. Thus he can never learn. He can never acquire knowledge.

Good students never copy. You can never pass well by copying in the examination. Life is very competitive now. If you want to shine in life, you must know a lot to face the competition. You cannot build up a good career if you do not study and acquire enough knowledge. So, I advise you not to copy in the examination. I believe you will act on my advice.

That’s all for today. With best wishes,

Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 25    Write a letter to your pen-friend about the celebration of Pahela Baishakh.


15 April 2017


Dear David

I have received no letter from you for a few days. I hope you are fine. I am fine too. The Bengali New Year’s Day was celebrated in Bangladesh yesterday. We call it Pahela Baishakh. I am telling you in brief how I enjoyed the day.

Wearing the traditional dress, I went to Ramna Park in the morning. There I ate ‘Panta Bhat’ which means stale rice mixed with water. This is a tradition. Then I joined the rally. After the rally, I attended a cultural programme at Ramna Batamul where the opening of the programme began. Wearing a mask, I danced with other friends in the park. After ten o’clock I returned home and watched the live programmes on TV.

After lunch, I went to the fair which is called Baishakhi Mela. I bought some toys for my younger brother and a flute for me. In one stall I ate some sweets. Then I went to another shop where I was again entertained with sweets. The owner of the shop opened new accounts which we call ‘halkhata’. In the afternoon I enjoyed a film show on TV. In the evening I went out to see the sights of illumination in the city. There was a flow of joy everywhere. This is how we traditionally celebrate the Pahela Baishakh in Bangladesh.

That’s all for today. With best wishes.


Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 26    Write a letter to your friend about your favourite sport.


5 June 2017

Dear Alak

Your letter is to hand. You wanted to know about my favourite sport.

Games are good for health. So I like games. I find interest almost in all games. But football gives me the greatest pleasure. I like it most. It is originally an English game. Now it is a popular game all over the world.

Football is played between two teams. It is played on a plain ground which is 120 yards long and 80 yards broad. Each team has eleven players. There are two goal-posts at the two ends of the field. A referee conducts the game. The players stand in their respective places. The ball is placed in the centre of the field. The referee blows the whistle and the game starts. No player except the goal-keeper can touch the ball with hands. Each team tries to pass the ball by kicking or heading it through the goal-post of the opponent. The game continues for ninety minutes with an interval of fifteen minutes. The team that scores more goals wins the game. If both the sides score the same number of goals or no goal, the game is called a drawn game.

No more today. Take care.


Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 27    Write a letter advising your brother to avoid evil company.

63 Elephant Road


5 June 2017


My dear brother

I received your letter yesterday. I am glad to know that you have got many new friends.

I think all your friends may not be good friends. So I am advising you to choose good friends and not to keep company with bad boys.

You should know the consequences of evil company. Evil company is like a rotten fruit that affects other fruits with it. Similarly, bad boys will make you bad. They will demoralize you and spoil your career. Bad boys do not obey their parents. They do not attend college regularly. They do not listen to what their teachers say. They are not polite. Bad boys are imprudent. They cannot prosper in life. Before you become intimate with new friends, you should identify whether they are good or bad. Never make friendship with bad boys. Remember that a man is known by the company he keeps. Beware of false friends. They are opportunists. I want you to follow my advice.

I wish you a happy and prosperous life. May Allah bless you.

Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 28    Write a letter advising your brother to be attentive to his studies.

Luxmibazar, Dhaka

6 June 2017


My dear brother

Your letter is to hand. I am very glad to know about your performance in the annual sports of your college. But I am very anxious about your studies. Your progress report shows that you are not regular in studies.

You are my only younger brother. You are my pride. Our hopes and aspirations center round you. We want you to be a doctor. I know that you are ambitious. But remember that you cannot shine in life if you do not study regularly. You are now in class 11. This is high time for you to become punctual, serious, regular and attentive.

As I am your elder brother, it is my duty to guide and advise you. Do not miss any class and never put off any lesson for tomorrow. Practise writing regularly to improve your handwriting and avoid the slip of the pen. Irregularity is a bad habit. Do not keep late hours before the examination. Those who study seriously just before the examination cannot do well in the examination. It is because they are not regular. So I advise you to be regular. I want you to be attentive to studies if you want to reach the goal of life.

I am fine. With love to you and your friends.

Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 29    Write a letter congratulating your friend on his success in the exam. 

890, Shahidbagh


6 June 2017

Dear friend

I have received the news about your success in the SSC Examination. I extend my best congratulation to you on your brilliant success. It’s a unique achievement in your life. My parents are very glad to hear the news. I feel proud of you.

You have secured GPA 5. It’s a grand success. You have brought a great glory to your family and the college. It is a rare academic distinction for you. Because, it is only you who have achieved laurels of success from your college.

I know that your aim in life is to become a doctor. So I suggest you for admission into a famous college where you can have a congenial environment for studies. I know you are careful. But still I advise you not to involve yourself in politics.

Try to do much better in your future life. Ability, integrity and hard work will bring you success. And you have these qualities. I am sure that you will reach the goal of your life.

Convey my best regards to your parents. Again with heartiest congratulations and best wishes.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 30    Write a letter to your younger brother/friend about the importance of reading newspaper.

10 Motijheel


6 March 2017


My dear Rahmat

I am very glad to receive your letter. You are interested to know about the benefits and importance of reading newspaper. Many thanks for such a letter.

Reading newspaper means reading current history. It has a lot of benefits. If you read newspaper regularly, you can know what is happening around the world. Reading newspaper will make you a conscious and good citizen. It will increase your general knowledge. If you read newspaper regularly, it will develop your vocabulary. There is a children’s page in newspaper. If you read it, you will have both joy and knowledge. Newspaper tells you about market price, job opportunities, lost and found things and advertisements. It contains the news of things for sale and purchase. You can know weather report and views of important people as well as policy of the Government. Newspaper has some demerits. But still reading a newspaper is good for you if you want to learn from it. Remember one thing, never read newspaper leaving your lessons.

I am fine. With love to you.

Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 31    Write a letter to your friend about your visit to the zoo.

Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue


6 January 2017

Dear Nahid

Your letter is to hand. I am glad to know that you visited Cox’s Bazar. As my examination is over, I am free now. yesterday I visited the zoo at Mirpur in Dhaka. It was my second visit.

The day was a holiday. I reached the zoo by 9 am and bought a ticket for entry. Then I entered through the gate of main entrance. I went round different enclosures and visited all the animals there. I had a very wonderful experience.

I was surprised to see the lions, tigers, pythons, deer, various kinds of birds, snakes, the elephants and the hippopotamus. We cannot see them very closely when they are free. But in the zoo we can go very near and see them. It is really very interesting. I saw all of them from a very short distance. Lastly, I visited the birds. I was most surprised to see two parrots. They imitated human voice and said, “Good morning, thank you.” As many times as I said “Thank you” they repeated the same sweetly. However, I left the zoo at 2 pm and returned home by a taxi with a lot of experience.

No more today. More when we meet next.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 32    Write a letter to your younger brother/friend about the importance of games and sports.

11/4, Pallabi


6 June 2017

My dear brother

I am glad to know about your things of interest. But I am not happy to know that you have less interest in games and sports. I am telling you why you should take part in games and sports. Games and sports are closely related to our life and education. Taking part in games is essential for all students. Only work makes our life dull and cheerless. Shakespeare said that all work but no play makes Jack a dull boy. Game is a part of our life. It is never good for a student to remain busy with lessons only.

Regular games and sports keep our body and mind fresh. They keep our body strong and energetic. Games teach us discipline, cooperation, patience and obedience. Victory in games brings glory for the winners. Excellence in games and sports improves the image of the nation.

So it is said that a good sportsman is better than several ambassadors. Taking part in games is also good for health. So I suggest you to take part in games regularly.

We all are fine. With best love to you and your friends.

Your brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 33    Write a letter to your friend about the annual sports of your college.

897, Shahidbagh

Dhaka -1217

6 March 2017

My dear friend

Thank you for your letter about the annual sports of your college. The annual sports of our college also came off yesterday. It was a very pleasant occasion.

The field was colourfully decorated. The Director General of Secondary and Higher Education was the chief guest. Our Principal presided over the function. The National Anthem was sung while the chief guest ran up the national flag. The Principal hoisted the sports flag. Then the chief guest made a short speech and inaugurated the function. Alam, a good athlete of our college, circled the running tracks with a flaming torch in the hand. Then the events began. There were twenty events. About one hundred boys were the participants. I was one of them. The Cock Fight and the Chair sitting were the most interesting events. The games continued up to 3 pm with a break for 40 minutes. Then came the turn of prize giving. Many distinguished guests were present. The chief guest spoke stressing the need for games and sports in our national life. The winners shook hands with him and took the prizes with greetings. Then the president made his concluding speech and the function ended.

I am closing here with best love to you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 34    Write a letter to your pen-friend about Bangladeshi foods.

32 Arambag


7 April 2017


My dear Alice

Thank you for your letter to know about our Bangladeshi foods. I am giving you a short account of our usual foods.

Rice is our staple food. We eat rice, fish curry, chicken curry, chicken roast, fried fish, boiled egg, omelet, beef and mutton. We eat bread, loaves with vegetables, pulses or egg for breakfast. On different occasions we eat rich food for dinner. Then our rich foods consist of rice, meat, fish, pulses, vegetables, polao, biriani, milk and sweets. We eat our seasonal fruits. We like lemon and salad.

Besides, we eat different kinds of cakes. In winter, almost every family arranges a programme to entertain relatives with cakes. Khichuri, khir, polao, pulse and white rice are our traditional items of food. I shall be happy if you visit our country and enjoy our foods.


I am fine. With love to you.


Your friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 35    Write a letter to your friend describing your hobby.

22, Sadar Road

Cox’s Bazar

7 June 2017


My dear Kamal

I am very glad to receive your letter. You are interested to know about my hobby. I am telling you about it.

Your hobby is gardening. But my hobby is different. I take delight in writing. I write stories, songs and poems. These are literary creations. These will live even after my death and give pleasure to the readers. Thus I shall live through my writings. So I write. A few of my writings have been published in a monthly journal. I will show you the copies.

A writer speaks as a spokesman of all. He or she makes others laugh and weep, sad and glad. He or she speaks to all through writings and becomes favourite to all. A good writer is a popular personality. A popular writer lives and dies in honour. So my hobby is to write.

I like to sing the glory of Allah. But I never write at the cost of my studies. When I am free and regular lessons are prepared, then I try to write. Please pray for my success.

That’s all for today. I am fine. With best wishes to you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 36    Write a letter to your friend about the prize-giving ceremony of your college.

Kazi Nazrul Islam Road


7 February 2017

My dear Fahad

How are you? I am fine. I hope you are fine too. Once you wanted to know about the prize-giving ceremony of our college. I am giving you a short account of the programme.

Any annual programme of our college is always a colourful function. Like other years, the prize-giving ceremony of this year was held yesterday. The college building was very nicely decorated with flowers and festoons. The Director General of Secondary and Higher Education was the chief guest. The function began at 9 am.

A boy of class 11 recited the verses from the Holy Quran. The Chief Guest was honoured with a bouquet of roses. The Principal read out the annual report of the college. There were many distinguished guests present in the function. Some guests spoke on the occasion. The Chief Guest delivered a short speech. But it was very instructive for us. He inspired us greatly. Then he distributed the prizes. The prizes were given for honesty, brilliant results, excellence in games and sports, music, literature and regularity in attendance. It was a whole day program. Some students rendered very sweet songs. In the evening a one-act play was staged. I played a role in it.

That’s all for today. With best wishes to you.

Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 37    Write a letter to your friend describing your birthday celebration.

897, Shahidbagh


7 July, 2017

Dear Albert

I begin to write with my best love to you. I am fine. I hope you are fine too. I enjoyed my 17th birth day celebration on 30th June. I am writing a few lines about the program.

On that occasion, our house was festooned and decorated with the inscription “Happy Birthday”. Friends and relatives were invited. A special cake had already been prepared. The invited guests came in the evening. They were warmly welcomed by me and my parents. I was clad in a traditional dress called ‘pyjama and punjabi’. Everybody stood around the dining table. I stood in the middle surrounded by my friends and guests. The program began. The candle was lighted and the cake was cut when everybody was clapping. My younger brother took photographs. The pieces of the cake were distributed among the guests.

Then the plates of delicious food were handed round. Everybody began to eat with a good deal of zest. Talking and giggling continued. Some of my friends sang. Some made jokes. I made a speech of thanks to all. There was a flow of joy. Everybody began to sing in a chorus; “Happy birthday to you.” The party was rounded off by 10 pm.

No more today. Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely


*  Draw an envelope with address

 38    Write a letter to your friend about a street accident.



8 January 2017

Dear Simon

I have reached home safe and sound. But I saw a tragic street accident on my way to home. Now I am writing a few words about it.

It was about evening when I left you and the bus started. There was a heavy rush of people and transport on the road. The bus stopped at Joydevpur Chourasta. Some street urchins were crossing the road. A Dhaka bound luxury bus was going to over-take a local bus. As the bus suddenly came from the back, one of the urchins aged about 10, fell under the wheels of the vehicle. It ran over the boy killing him on the spot. Many people came running. The boy was lying in a pool of blood. The driver tried to escape. But the people caught him and he was handed over to the Police. But a tender life was nipped in the bud.

It was my first experience of witnessing an accident. When I think of this, I shudder with fear. May Allah save men from such an accident.

No more today. Hope to hear from you soon. With best wishes.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 39    Write a letter to your friend about a cricket match.

256/C, Khilgaon


8 June 2017

My dear friend

Thank you for your letter. I am not very interested in games. But I felt curious to watch the World Cup Cricket match between Bangladesh and Australia on TV. I am writing a few words about it.

In the toss Bangladesh won the batting first. The starting seemed to be very propitious for Bangladesh. Only two hours later, the trend of the game was unfavourable for our team. By this time three Bangladeshi strong and steady batsmen were bowled out and caught out. The game was very contesting. When Bangladesh scored only 182 runs, all the innings were over. We all in the room lost our keen interest. Two cricket fans broke into violent tears when Bangladesh failed to score 200 runs to qualify for the quarter final. However, when our Bangladesh team started fielding, we expected a good score. But the opponent team was very strong and expert. The best batsman outdid our Bangladeshi players. Our team could not outplay them in bowling and catch. Now the situation was very disappointing for us. When all the innings were not yet over, we found the Australian team scoring 186 runs. Thus the finishing was very discouraging. The Australian team was declared winner. We lost our spirit. My heart began to hurt for the defeat in spite of possibility of victory. I think you watched the game. If not, thanks for not witnessing the defeat.

Hoping to hear from you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 40    Write a letter to your mother about your life in the hostel.

Adarsha Chhatrabash,

Sonapur High School,

Room No-110

14 June, 2017

My dear Mom

I reached here safe and sound. Today is the 15th day of my hostel life. I am not unhappy here. The environment of the hostel is very charming. The hostel building is on the bank of a river. It faces the south. My room is at the eastern corner of the building. It is a very well-ventilated room. The climate of the place is very good for health. I can take a bath and swim in the river. I walk by the riverside in the morning. Vegetables and the daily necessaries are very cheap here. Pure milk is available. So our menu is good. We are given enough food, vegetables and meat. A feast is arranged on the last Friday of each month. Our breakfast consists of bread, vegetables and egg.

Life is very disciplined here. We have to study regularly. We have to work in the garden, take a bath and have our meals timely. We have to take part in games. We have to say our prayers regularly. I am not in any difficulty.

I am fine. With regards to you and father.

Your loving son


*  Draw an envelope with address

 41    Write a letter to your friend about your new college.

Govt. Laboratory College


15 March, 2017

My dear friend

Thank for your letter to know about my new college. I am telling you a few lines about it.

Govt. Laboratory College is one of the best colleges in the country. It has the most glorious results in the examination. The college is situated in the heart of the city in a residential area. It is a two-storeyed building. It has a very spacious playground. There is a garden in front of the college. It has a lot of flowers. The Shaheed minar in the garden sings the glory of the martyrs.

It is a double shift college. There are about 2000 students and 50 teachers. Though it is a college, it is from class seven. Each class has three sections. The Principal is a very learned man. All other teachers are very efficient, too. Their method of teaching is very impressive and easy. There are enough opportunities for games and other co-curricular activities in the college. The administration of the college is very strict and we have to attend college and prepare our lessons regularly. The environment of the college makes us feel that we are different from others. I am proud to be a student of this college.

No more today. With love to you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 42    Write a letter to a tour company asking for information about fares, discounts, detailed schedule etc.

23 March 2017

The Managing Director,

Thrin International Ltd,

8 Fakirapool


Dear sir

I am glad to know from an advertisement in a national daily that your travel agency is going to organize a package tour to Singapore next month. I am interested to join the program along with four members of our family. So I would like to know the detailed information about the per-head fare and the family rate of discounts, flight schedule, last date of booking and confirmation. please write to me at your earliest convenience through the mailing address given above.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

MA Hossain

*  Draw an envelope with address

 43    Write a letter to your friend/ younger brother advising him to improve his English learning.



7 March 2017

My dear Nahid

I am glad to receive your letter. But I am sorry to know that you are not good at English. English is an international language and we cannot keep pace with other nations without knowing it. If you want to have a good job, you must know English. So I am telling you how to improve your English learning.

You must read this subject regularly. You have to learn the vocabulary and their uses. Don’t memorize anything without understanding. You should know the basic rules of grammar. They will help you make correct sentences. You should write whatever you read and learn. It will help you keep it in memory. It is said that writing one time is equal to reading ten times. Besides these, you should practise the four language skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing. Without practising these four skills, you can never learn a foreign language. So practise these skills in different ways. I want you to follow my advice.

I shall tell you more when I come home. I am fine. With best wishes for your success.

Your elder brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 44   Write a letter to your father about your progress in studies and preparation for the exam.

Sonapur College

Hostel Room No. 12 B


31 March, 2017

My dear father

Your letter is to hand. You are anxious to know about my progress in studies and preparation for the coming examination. I request you not to be anxious. I am going on well with my studies.

Dad, you know that I am reading English and Mathematics with private tutors. Now I do not find any topic difficult for me. I have prepared standard notes on all science subjects as well as English and Bengali. I have learnt the answers to all important and probable questions. Now my revision is going on. You will be glad to know that this is my second time revision. There are still seven days ahead for the examination to begin. I want to revise the course again for the third time. You advised me to write whatever I read and learn. I am doing so and by learning in this way I have achieved a very rapid and lasting effect. Now I can learn and remember easily. In the class tests my performance is very good, too. I hope I shall do very well. Now I need blessings of you and mother.

Convey my regards to mother. I am fine. With best regards to you.

Yours affectionately


*  Draw an envelope with address

 45    Write a letter to your friend describing a picnic you enjoyed.


7 March, 2017

My dear Atique

How are you? I am fine. Yesterday I enjoyed a picnic. I am telling you a few words about it.

We, the students of our class arranged the picnic. We went to the National park at Gazipur. We went there by a hired bus. We reached there by 10 am. then we had our breakfast with eggs, loaves and bananas. After breakfast, we walked around the venue and enjoyed the natural beauty. Then we went near the lake and saw the lotuses. We were charmed to see the beauty of these flowers.

By this time our meal was ready. Everybody sat to eat. First I served food and then ate with the last group. The delicious food consisted of polao, chicken roast, mutton rejala, salad, curd and an apple for each. Everybody ate to his heart’s content.

After meals, we enjoyed some interesting events. Some students presented songs. Some students told jokes. A student played on a flute. Prizes were given among the best performers. Many photographs were taken. I shall show you the copies.

When it was about evening, we came back to Dhaka.

No more today. Hoping to hear from you.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 46      Suppose you have a friend named Asif/ Asma living at 57/1, Green Road, Dhaka. He/ she wants to know what you intend to do after the HSC examination. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after the HSC examination. 

10 March, 2017


My dear Asif

I am very glad to receive your letter. I am also glad that you have wanted to know what I intend to do after my HSC Examination. My examination is over. Now I have decided to come back to my village. There I shall teach some of the adult persons who are still illiterate. I will help them learn how to read and write. I shall also make them conscious (m‡PZb) of environment (cwi‡ek), health and other necessary things. I think that every student should engage (wb‡qvwRZ Kiv) themselves in removing illiteracy (wbi¶iZv) when they get vacation (QywU).

However, I also want to know your intention (D‡Ïk¨). With best wishes to your parents and love to your younger brother and sister.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 47      Imagine you are Masum/ Akhi of Central Road, Chittagong. Recently you have visited your friend Ripon’s house at Mymensingh Road, Dhaka. Now you have returned to your home. You have been very much charmed with the warm hospitality of your friend. Now write a letter to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.

10, Central Road


04 April, 2017

Dear Ripon

At first take my cordial love. I hope you are well. I am well too by the grace of almighty Allah. Yesterday I arrived at / reached home safely. Thank you for the warm (Dò) hospitality (AvwZ‡_qZv) given to me by you and the members of your family especially your mother and younger sister Asha. I will never forget you and the members of your family. I am very surprised how your mother received me with her deep warmth. I felt living in my own house.

I shall be highly pleased if you visit our house during the next vacation. I am awaiting your arrival.

No more today. With best regards to your parents and love to all.

Your loving friend

Masum/ Akhi

*  Draw an envelope with address

 48      Suppose, you will go on a picnic. Kamal is one of your intimate friends. Now, write a letter to him inviting him to join the picnic.


09 May, 2017

Dear Kamal

How are you? Hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of Allah. I am also so so. We are going to a picnic at Ramna Batamul on the 18 instant. All our teachers and students will go on the picnic. It is a great pleasure. You know that we are very good friends and I cannot think of enjoying the picnic without you. So, I invite you to the picnic.

There we will see many things. Besides, the surrounding scenery and atmosphere also will soothe us. So, don’t forget to come to our house a day before the destined date.

No more today. More when we meet and share.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 49    Write a letter to your younger brother about the importance of learning English. 

Momin Road, Chittagong


My dear Sujan

My love is to you. I received your letter on the 8th instant and came to know that you have got very poor marks in English in your Half-Yearly Examination. I have observed that you are not keen to learn English. The importance of learning English is immense.

English is an international language. So the necessity of learning English cannot be denied. English is the official and state language of many countries of the world. At present it has become the main medium of communication. You cannot hope to communicate with the other countries or with the foreigners without knowing English. Getting a good job now totally depends on the knowledge of English. Books on advanced learning, science and technology and literature are also published in English. Without having a good command over English you cannot expect to study or go through these books and articles. For receiving higher education, learning English is a must. So if you want to keep pace with the modern world, you ought to learn English and put more emphasis on it.

No more today. More when we will meet. I hope you will take proper care of your study.

Your loving sister


*  Draw an envelope with address

 50      Suppose, you are Monir/Monira living at Sonapur, Chandpur and a student of Nurpur College. Your friend, Nazim/ Nazma lives at Kaptai, Rangamati. He/She wants to know about the co-curricular activities of your college. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college. 

Rokeya Villa

Sonapur, Chandpur

18 March, 2017

Dear Nazim/Najma

I have received your letter on the 12th instant. In your letter you asked me to let you know about the co-curricular activities of our college and the benefits of such activities. Here is a brief description of the co-curricular activities of our college.

As a part of co-curricular activities our college includes debate, publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing, dancing. Co-curricular activities help us to bring out the best and the latent talents of us. Again games and sports are also very much related with the study because without a sound health a student cannot concentrate on his study. Games and sports pave the way for building sound health. Moreover, co-curricular activities help us to foster good will. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle, loyal, diligent and perseverant. They also tighten the bondage of friendship and brotherhood among the students. This is why our college authority gives so much emphasis on co-curricular activities as our routine work in the college.

No more today. Hope my letter will encourage you to take part in co-curricular activities of your college. Give my regards to your parents.

Your loving friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 51    You are Mijan. Your friend wants to know about your preparation for H.S.C exam. Now, write a letter to him informing about your preparation. 

31 March, 2017

Trunk Road, Munshigonj

Dear Hasan

Hope you are well. I am Ok. You have wanted to know about my preparation for HSC Exam.

I am always good in English and Bangla. I have already taken a good preparation on these subjects. I am weak in physics and math. So I am very careful in preparing myself for these two subjects. I am revising physics and math topics again and again.

So I hope to do well in the exam.

Now my all thoughts and motivations are concerned with it.

Take care.

Your friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 52    Suppose, you are Rana. You have a friend in New Zealand named Alfred. Recently he came to know that the condition of air pollution in Bangladesh has turned serious. He wants to know more about it. Now write a letter to Alfred describing the condition of air pollution of Bangladesh.

20 January 2017

Kachua, Chandpur

Dear Alfred

Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know about air pollution in Bangladesh. In our country, air pollution occurs in both manmade and natural works. People make fire to burn bricks for construction and to cook food. Mills and factories, motor vehicles, power house cause air pollution by creating smoke. People get sick for air pollution. Such pollution is disturbing our peaceful life.

Thanks for your concern. Take care.

Your friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 53      Imagine you are Taufiq/ Taufiqa of village : Domorgram, Upazilla : Kahaloo, Dist : Bogra. You have a pen-friend named Robert who lives at 12, Derriford Road, Playmouth PL G8 HB, UK. Now write a letter to him about your native village.


Kahaloo, Bogra

10 March 2017

My dear Robert

I am very happy to have your letter and hope your writings will continue. You have wanted to know about my village. I am really very glad to learn this. Now, I am going to tell you about my sweet and beautiful village where I live in.

The name of my village is Domorgram. It is very close to Bogra town. For your kind information, Bogra is a district town. There are about four thousand people in my village. Most of the villagers are farmers and earn their livelihood by working in the field. There are a few job-holders and businessmen in our village. Besides, we have weavers, fishermen and carpenters in our village.

There are a primary school, a post office, a madrasha and a free medical centre in our village. We live in this village in peace and harmony with all. Though most of the villagers are poor, they lead a decent life. They look after one another in their times of need.

No more today. Please convey my best regards to your parents.

Yours ever

Taufiq/ Taufiqa

*  Draw an envelope with address

 54    Write a letter consoling your friend on his father’s untimely death. 

        5 February, 2017

2/K Babu Bazar,


My dear Kamal

I am wordless at your father’s death. I am really shocked. It seems to me as a bolt from the blue.

I never thought that his illness was so serious and I was not at all ready to receive such a sad news. So when the news reached me, I became stunned. I know that you have greatly been shocked at his untimely death. Let me offer my sincerest condolence on this mournful occasion. Whenever I went to your house, he always received me with affection. I can’t but feel as if I had lost my own father. Man is mortal. So please don’t lose heart. May Allah grant you enough strength to bear this loss.

With best regards to your mother and love to your younger ones.

Yours ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

 55    Write a letter to your friend how he can play his role in keeping his surrounding environment clean. 

25 February, 2017

Dohulia, Chandpur

Dear Nasim,

Take my love. Your letter is just to hand. In your letter, you have written me that your surrounding environment is getting polluted day by day. You are anxious of it. You want to do something to keep your surrounding environment clean. You want my help in this regard.

I appreciate your idea. You can play a vital role in keeping your surrounding environment clean. At first, you may try to gather some other students who are interested to join you. Then you can start collecting wastage things and put them in the dustbin. You can try to make people conscious about the good effects of cleanliness and bad effects of environment pollution. I hope you will get success.

No more today. With best wishes to you.

Your loving friend


*  Draw an envelope with address

 56    Write a letter to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge. 

10 August, 2017

Bandar, Sylhet

Dear Nayeem

Thank you for your letter. You wanted to know the importance of ICT knowledge from me.

I have realized that you know almost nothing of ICT. But you cannot keep pace with modern day life without it.

ICT means ‘Information and Communication Technology’. It is mainly related to computer system. With the use of a computer, you can easily store any information, you can communicate with others through Email, Facebook and Twitter. You can search through Wikipedia for any general knowledge. In fact, computer and ICT have brought a revolution in communication system around the world.

So you should not keep aloof from it. Try to know about ICT and computer from now on.

No more today. With best wishes to you.

Your brother


*  Draw an envelope with address

 57   Write a letter to the parents of your friend expressing your condolence on the tragic death of your friend in an accident.

Palakhal, Chandpur

15 May 2017

Dear Uncle

Yesterday I heard the news of Asif’s tragic accident. It was just like a bolt from the blue. I do not know how to console you and I have no words to do so. It is very difficult to accept the death of one’s child. But no one can change the decree of Allah. We cannot get him back. He has become a sweet memory to us. Though it has made us all dumb founded, we must accept it as undeniable. Please don’t lose heart. Whenever I get time, I will surely come to meet you. Asif was like my brother, so you can consider me as your son.

No more today.

Your ever


*  Draw an envelope with address

This Post Has One Comment

  1. 비트코인세탁

    This is a good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere.
    Simple but very precise info… Many thanks for sharing this one.
    A must read post!

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