Hsc English Story Writing Part 2

                      Hsc English 1st Paper

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                                          Story Writing

                                                                 Part 2

 51  Complete the following story following the cue.

Once in a cold winter morning when a villager was going to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road … … … …

Ans.                                                                    Black Will Take No Other Hue

Once in a cold winter morning when a villager was going to his field he found a snake half dead with cold, lying by the side of the road. He felt a great pity for the miserable snake. He put it into his basket and brought it home. He placed it with care by a fire-place, gave it warm milk and made it comfortable. It was all right with it and it got quite well very soon. It began to play with the children of the farmer. For some time it played and behaved very well.

One day while playing with the children of the farmer, it bit one of them. Now, the farmer realised his mistake. Actually, what was inherent in its blood could not go off. He understood that an evil always remains an evil. So he became very angry and killed the snake with a stick.

“Oh,” cried the farmer with his last breath, “I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel. The greatest kindness will not change the ungrateful.”

Then he started saying “Black will take no other hue, black will take no other hue.”

 52  Read the following story. It is not complete. Complete the story by using your imagination with a suitable title to it :

You are a student of class 12. You live in the hostel of your school. During the Ramadan vacation you came to our……………..

Ans.                                       A Memorable Night

I am a student of class 12. I live in the hostel of our school. During the Ramadan vacation I came to our village house and spent the whole vacation there. After the Ramadan vacation had been over I went to the railway station at a distance of twenty kilometres from my house on foot. I reached the station at 9 o’clock at night.

After reaching the station I came to know that the train had left the station a few minutes before.

I decided to wait for the next train. The station master informed me that there was no scheduled train for that night. I became frustrated to some extent. It was quite impossible for me to return home on that dark night. Actually there was no suitable transport by which I could return home. There was no residential hotel where I could take shelter. I could not think anything more.

In the meantime, the station master was preparing to leave the station. He noticed me and proposed to spend the night in his house. Nothing could be a more pleasant to me than that proposal.

The next morning I started for my destination. I would never forget such a night and remain grateful to such a kind-hearted man.

 53  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

One sunny morning a boy of eleven years was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that…………………

Ans.                                                                           A Boy with Ready Wit

One sunny morning a boy of eleven years was tending cattle by the side of a railway line. Suddenly he noticed that a small railway slipper was about to collapse. A little while later, he remembered that a mail train was supposed to cross in about half an hour. He was at a loss thinking about what to do. He discussed the matter with his friends. But nobody could give an exact solution so that they could save the next train to come immediately.

Suddenly a fantastic plan came into the mind of Ratan. Once he heard that by showing something red, one can stop train. By his ready wit he put off his red shirt and hoisted it in the air when he heard a train coming along the crack line. He tried to attract the attention of the driver. Unbelievably the driver saw the red shirt of the boy and stopped the train just before the crack. The driver got down from the train and noticed the line. All the passengers and the driver praised the witty boy for whom all of them got a new life.

 54  Read the beginning of the given story and complete it in your own way with a title to it.

Once upon a time, in my childhood, I went to a village fair with my father. It was a big fair with lots of attractions for the children………….

Ans.                                                                   A Memorable Event in My Life

Once upon a time, in my childhood, I went to a village fair with my father. It was a big fair with lots of attractions for the children. Father started to take me from here to there. Due to heavy crowd, suddenly I was lost. I searched for my father for an hour, but failed. I started to weep in a corner of the fair. Suddenly an old man saw me. He came to me and asked the reason of my crying. I told him that I  had lost my father. He told me not to cry.

Then we began to search my father here and there. Suddenly I noticed that my father was talking to a stranger. When my father looked at me, he took me in his arm and gave me a lot of kisses. From that incident I came to know how much my father loved me. After that we resumed our visit. My father bought me sweets and many other things. He also bought me some toys. He took me to enjoy the puppet show.

After visiting for a long time we returned home safely. I will never forget this event in my life.

 55  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a suitable title to it.

Rahim comes of an extremely poor family. He has come to Dhaka with his family in quest of living. His parents and his elder brother do some odd jobs and he ………………………..

Ans.                                                                          Struggle for Livelihood

Rahim comes of an extremely poor family. He has come to Dhaka with his family in quest of living. His parents and his elder brother do some odd jobs and he collects polythene bags, scrap paper and other materials from the Motijheel area. He sells them at a shop for Tk 5 to 10 a bag. He earns Tk 20 to 50 a day, which he gives to his mother. Rahim and his family live in a slum near Kamalapur Railway Station. This house is a tiny shelter with a sheet of polythene for a roof. They sleep on the dirty floor. Rahim has a bath in a creek near their home. He usually has his meals at home but sometimes begs for food at restaurants. Once he got diarrhoea and had to stay at home for a few days. He could not afford to go to a doctor or buy medicine for himself. He once went to a free school near his home at Tongi but did not continue. He was in the school for about a year and now he wants to go back to school and start his studies again.

 56  Read the following story. The story is incomplete. Use your imagination to complete the story and give a suitable title to it.

        Salman was born in a poor working class family. His father was a landless farmer. But he wanted his son to be educated and one………………………

Ans.                                                                   Sincerity Is the Key to Success

Salman was born in a poor working class family. His father was a landless farmer. But he wanted his son to be educated and one day he would get a job and solvency would come to his family. Salman’s father got him admitted to a local free primary school and Salman did a very good result in Primary Education Completion Exam.

This paved the way for his further study. He was then admitted to a nearby High School and most surprisingly he got a place in the board merit list. Salman’s name and fame as a brilliant student spread in his locality. Many people extended their help for his study. During his school life every teacher helped him very much. Teachers always gave him extra care. Everything went fine until university entrance. He could not manage a good institution for higher study. However he got admitted to a college with Honours in Accounting. He was a bit disheartened but he continued his struggle. He could manage his expenses by teaching some students of various classes. Even he could help his poor parents from his income.

He graduated with honours and was placed in the first class. Soon he got an offer from a private college as a lecturer. Thus the long cherished dream of his father came true. Now Salman earns enough to maintain himself and his parents.

 57  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story.

King Solomon’s fame spread ¾ Queen of Sheba wanted to test his wisdom¾ the queen placed two garlands ¾ It was difficult to identify the real rose ¾ open the window ¾ Bees entered ¾ identification of real rose¾the queen became pleased.

Ans.                                                                        Wisdom of King Solomon

Many many days ago there was a wise king among the Jews. His name was Solomon. He was famous for his wisdom and judgement. His fame spread everywhere. The Queen of Sheba came to know about his wisdom.

The queen wanted to test his wisdom. So, she decided to pay a visit to King Solomon’s court with a scheme in her mind. When she reached the King’s court, she paid the respect worthy of a queen to a king. The king also greeted her with royal grandeur. However, the queen respectfully told the king that she had brought a little gift for the king. The king asked what it was. And the queen asked her attendants to bring two garlands of flowers. The King was surprised to see such a gift. The queen told him that one of the garlands was not real, and she hoped that the king would be able to say which one.

The king understood the matter, but he didn’t get angry. He accepted the challenge. But it was very difficult to say which was the real one and which was not. They looked so alike! They even had the same fragrance! It was spring season and the king noticed that some bees were humming around flowers outside the garden.

The king then ordered the attendants to open the windows and let the bees enter the court. The bees along with the breeze of spring hummed inside the courtroom. They at once went for the garland made up of real flowers and settled there. The king pointed at the garland of real flowers. The queen was very much pleased to witness the wisdom of the king. She paid her tribute to the wise king and returned to Sheba.

 58  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

There lived three friends in a village. One day one of the three friends planned to steal a bag of gold from a house. The second friend, at…………

Ans.                                                                  Three Friends And the Gold Bag

There lived three friends in a village. One day, one of the three friends planned to steal a bag of gold from a house. The second friend, at once agreed to the proposal but the third friend refused and requested them not to do it. Two others were very greedy and they decided to steal it.

This was for the first time that they were going to steal something. They were worried too. So they sat together and made a plan. The next night they went to that house at midnight and found everybody sleeping. Then they opened the almirah and found an ornament box. The gold owner was a very clever man and he kept the gold in a place where nobody could guess. He also kept a blank ornament box in his almirah and the thieves thought it might be their desired gold box.

When the thieves were coming out, the dog of the owner saw them and it barked with a high sound. Consequently the gold owner and his neighbours woke up and caught the thieves. They beat them mercilessly and handed them over to police. They were thinking that if they followed their friend’s advice, they would not face this ugly situation.

 59  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.         

Once there lived a girl named Reshma in Ghoraghat Upazilla under Dinajpur district. Her father, Jamal married her off with an……………

Ans.                                                                           Reshma A Lucky Girl

Once there lived a girl named Reshma in Ghoraghat Upazilla under Dinajpur district. Her father, Jamal married her off with an unemployed man named Rafique at her early age. Their conjugal life was not happy because of their poverty. One day she went out of her home and took a job as a garment worker in Rana Plaza at Savar. She was passing her days well. Like other days, she went to her working place on the 24th April 2013. About 9 am the building collapsed with a horrible sound and turned into a place of destruction. About one thousand and two hundred people lost their valuable lives and many people were seriously injured. But it is a miracle that Reshma was pulled out alive after 391 hours from the disastrous Rana plaza whereas one is not supposed to remain alive after 72 hours, after being trapped in a collapsed building. Reshma was found alive and unhurt on the basement of the eight storeyed building and pulled out by the rescuers at about 4:26 pm and became the part of history. It is proved that if Allah wants to save one, none can destroy him/her. Because of Allah’s mercy Reshma got a new life.

 60  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.         

Once a gold necklace was lost from the house of a rich man. A few servants used to work in that house. Normally it was suspected that one of the servants had stolen the necklace …………….

Ans.                               Misdeed Is Always Punished

Once a gold necklace was lost from the house of a rich man. A few servants used to work in that house. Normally it was suspected that one of the servants had stolen the necklace. The rich man made a plan to identify the real thief. He called all the servants. He gave each of them a bamboo stick. He said, “Every one of you take a stick. I shall take back everyone’s stick tomorrow. The stick of the real thief will be larger by 1 inch by tomorrow morning.” The servant, who stole the necklace, was a fool. He thought that if he cut short the stick by 1 inch that night, it would get larger by night and thus would still get its normal size. He did so and was identified by the rich man to have stolen the necklace.

 61  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

Once upon a time in Venice there was a very rich merchant named Antonio. He was a good and kind man. He had a close friend named Bassanio. Bassanio went ………..

Ans.                              A Noble man Never Blames His Friend.

Once upon a time in Venice there was a very rich merchant named Antonio. He was a good and kind man. He had a close friend named Bassanio. Bassanio went to Antonio for borrowing money. But he had no cash at that time. So, Antonio lent money from Shylock with a bond and gave his friend Bassanio. Bassanio was glad. His heart was filled with gratefulness for his friend Antonio. He went to Portia’s house to impress her. There all suitors had to choose one of the three cascades. The cascades were made of gold, silver and lead. Bassanio cunningly chose the third one and won Portia as his wife. Meanwhile the news came that Antonio’s all ships had sunk in the sea. He could no more pay his debt to Shylock. Now he had to cut his flesh as it had been mentioned in the bond. But he did not blame his friend Bassanio for this unexpected happening.

 62  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.         

Once I with my friends went out for a long journey during our vacation. We went to a nearby forest one day. With extreme curiosity we all………….

Ans.                                    An Evening Full of Thrills

Once I with my friends went out for a long journey during our vacation. We went to a nearby forest one day. With extreme curiosity we all went inside the forest when the sun was about to set. Soon darkness fell and the wild animals were howling in the forest. We got nervous. We had soon to climb up the hill where the rest-house was. We used a torch-light to walk in the dark. The path was sometimes slippery as a rain had made it wet. One of my friends had an air-gun with him and he shot in the air. No wild animal approached to us hearing that sound. However, they howled again and again after short breaks. We reached the rest-house in an hour. We vowed never to return after sunset whenever we went to a forest in future.

 63  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story :         

Once a man had a son who had some bad friends and he passed all his time with them. The father was very sorry for his son. He gave his son much advice to……………

Ans.                                   Bad Company Ruins a Man

Once a man had a son who had some bad friends and he passed all his time with them. The father was very sorry for his son. He gave his son much advice to leave the bad company and to give attention to study. But all the advice went in vain. The boy continued to mix with bad boys. His character was growing worse day by day; he started gambling and drinking. He soon started taking drugs. Once his father stopped providing him with money. He found himself in an awkward situation. He joined a group of smugglers for money. He even began to hijack on the street. One day while hijacking, he fell in the grip of the police; they took him to the police station and filed a case against him for criminal act. At the local court, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

 64  Read the beginning of a story. Now complete the story and give a title of it.

Once, there lived a rich man in a village. He had a mango orchard. He engaged a caretaker for his orchard……………

Ans.                                     The Honest Caretaker

Once, there lived a rich man in a village. He had a mango orchard. He engaged a caretaker for his orchard. He always had a look over the garden and its trees. The rich man usually ate mangoes everyday in season. One day he became irritated when eating mangoes in the morning. He called the caretaker. He asked him, “Why are the mangoes so sour?” He expressed his anger that the caretaker could not bring him some sweet mangoes. The caretaker was pale. The rich man began to scold him in indecent language. The caretaker mildly said, “Sir, you allowed me to look after the garden but didn’t allow to have a taste of the mangoes.”

 65  Complete the following story following the cue.

        There lived a wolf / tiger  in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck……………..

Ans.                                                              Ungratefulness/A Wolf And a Crane

There lived a wolf in a wood. He killed a lamb, but as he went on eating the flesh, a bone stuck in his throat. This gave him pain and he went about not knowing what to do.  

He was howling on in agony. While moving here and there, suddenly he saw a crane (mvim cvwL) at a distance. He asked the crane towards him and requested it to help him in his great trouble. The wolf lured (cÖjyä Kiv) the crane that it would give lot of rewards.

The greedy crane immediately agreed. It put its long beak (†VuvU) into the wolf’s throat and removed the piece of bone.

The wolf was relieved of his pain. Then the crane asked for (PvIqv) the rewards.

The wolf laughed at the crane and said, “Why? You have already had sufficient rewards in having been permitted to draw out your beak and head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.” “So I have already rewarded you without biting your head. Run away from here, else I will kill you.” The crane was very much disappointed and ran away to save its life.

 66  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

In a small village once a scholar was crossing a river on a boat. The weather was very pleasing. The river was very cool and calm………………

Ans.                                                              A Scholar And an Illiterate Boatman

In a small village once a scholar was crossing a river on a boat. The weather was very pleasing. The river was very cool and calm. The scholar was enjoying a lot. The boatman was a simple illiterate man. His bookish knowledge was nil.

The scholar started talking to him when he was sailing the boat. The scholar asked the boatman whether he had read the Gita and whether he could explain the verse of the Gita. The boatman replied that he had heard about that but had not read that. The scholar then said that he had wasted one fourth of his life. The scholar again said, “But tell me have you read the Arthashastra?” Again the boatman showed his ignorance. The scholar then undervalued the boatman and arrogantly (D×Zfv‡e) said, “Then my friend, you have wasted two-fourths of your life.” It was about to become dark as the sun was going to set.

Noticing the sun the scholar again asked the boatman if he knew the reason behind the sun rise and sun set. Being helpless the boatman again expressed his ignorance. The scholar haughtily said, “Then my friend, you have wasted three-fourths of your life.”

After sometime suddenly a thick cloud covered the sky and a storm rose from the river bed. Being anxious the boatman asked the scholar, “Sir, do you know swimming?” “No I don’t know how to swim,” the scholar answered with anxiety. The boatman said with sigh, “Then my friend, I see your whole life is going to be wasted and meaningless.”

 67  Complete the following story following the cue.

There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs…………

Ans.                                                 What Is Fun to One Is Death to Another

There was a little pond beside the play ground. There lived some frogs in the pond. One day some boys were playing beside the pond. They were disturbed by the croaking of some frogs. So they made a plan and said to each other, “Let us throw stones at them.”

They began to throw stones at the frogs. Soon some were injured. All the frogs were in danger. There was an old frog. It planned a wise plan. It put its head out of the water and said, “Boys, why are you throwing stones at us?” The boys replied, “We are making fun only.” At this the old frog said, “What is fun to you is death to us.”

But the boys did not stop. They kept throwing stones at the frogs. At one stage, a frog was so hurt that it died on the spot. The other frogs said, “Oh boys! Please stop the cruel game. One of us has died. Please stop throwing stones at us.”

The boys were ashamed of this. They stopped their funny games. Being repentant the boys stopped throwing stones.

 68  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.                                                                     

        Once a crocodile wanted her ten children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to … … … … … … … …

Ans.                                                                                     Tit for Tat

Once a crocodile wanted her ten children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to teach the crocodile’s children.

So the crocodile left all her children with the fox and went back to the river. The fox liked to eat crocodiles. So he ate one of them and kept other nine. After some days, the crocodile came to see her children. Then the cunning fox showed her the nine kids and showed one of them twice. The foolish crocodile thought that she saw all her ten children and went away.

After some days, the fox ate another baby crocodile. When the mother crocodile again came to see her children, the fox showed her eight crocodiles and showed one of them thrice. The mother thought that she had seen all her ten children and she went away happily.

At last when the mother crocodile came, the fox showed her the only one baby left ten times. The crocodile could not understand the trick. But when the crocodile came again after some days the fox was not able to show any of the babies because he had already eaten up the last one. The crocodile could understand the cunning trick (†KŠkj) of the fox. She got furious (w¶ß), jumped on the fox and ate him up.

 69  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

        Zaman and Mintu are two friends and lived near a deep forest. One day they decided to see elephant. So they went into the forest. As they were talking, walking,…………………

Ans.                          Curiosity of Two/Three Friends to See Elephant

Zaman and Mintu are two friends and lived near a deep forest. One day they decided to see elephant. So they went into the forest. As they were talking, walking, gossiping and discussing about the biggest animal of the world, it made them curious.

At the time of their gossiping and walking into the forest they saw many animals but did not see any elephant. Walking a few minutes, suddenly they saw a lion and they became very afraid and hid beside a big tree. And so they saved them from the ferociousness of the lion. Now they were discussing each other about the fearlessness and made some tricks how to face upcoming problem. However, they were able to save themselves and started to walk again. But they walked, walked and walked through the forest, could not find any elephant. They became hopeless but God granted their hope. At the time of their walking suddenly they heard the high sound of leg on the earth. Firstly, they did not understand what it was and then they understood that it was nothing but an elephant.

As they knew the elephant textually but not practically, their joys knew no bounds. So they started to walk toward the elephant and became very curious and attractive. But, as soon as they were near the elephant it tried to attack them. So they ran very fast and saved themselves again from the ferociousness of the biggest animal of the world.

 70  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once a farmer had a donkey. He thought himself to be very clever. He used to carry heavy load of his master alone to a market…..

Ans.                                     A Farmer And a Donkey

Once a farmer had a donkey. He thought himself to be very clever. He used to carry heavy load of his master alone to a market which was on the other side of the river. One morning when the donkey reached the river, he decided to shorten his journey by wading across the water.

But at one stage he reached a very deep spot. He had to swim to cross the river. Fortunately, he was carrying sacks of salt on that day. So, a large portion of the salt diluted in the water. As a result the load became light and he could easily cross the river. He felt very proud of himself. He decided that next time onwards he would follow the same way.

But the donkey did not know that the next day he was carrying a load of sponge. When he reached the river, he started wading through the river. But this time the load became so heavy soaking water that the donkey was drowned. Though he thought himself clever, really he was foolish. And for his foolishness, he died.

 71  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

        There lived a man in a village. His name was Rafiq. He had a great attraction for English………….

Ans.                                                               Perseverance Is the Key to Success

There lived a man in a village. His name was Rafiq. He had a great attraction for English and so he went to a teacher. The teacher began to teach him, but Rafiq was dull-headed and it was difficult for him to follow his teacher. The teacher was very dedicated and sincere. He always took special care for the weaker students like Rafiq. When the teacher saw that his new student was very enthusiastic but dull, he took the matter seriously because he believed that if a man sticks to his goal he must succeed in his life.

Then the teacher made a routine for Rafiq to follow regularly. He started giving lessons in all four skills of a language. These were reading, writing, listening and speaking. At the beginning Rafiq seemed very dull but he started showing his ability within a few months. He used to follow the routine very meticulously and never got disheartened if he failed in his first attempt. He took learning English as a motto of his life. Every day he would practise the skills of learning English.  Though he was not a regular student, he followed the syllabus of SSC English. Within six months he got a reasonable hold on the syllabus. And at the end of the year he became an authority on the subject.

This encouraged him to resume his study again and he got himself admitted into Bangladesh Open University (BOU) SSC Course. He continued his study on his own and with the help of a tutor. He also attended classes in the Regional Resources Centre of BOU. Through his perseverance and diligence he got A+ in the final examination and now he is planning to start his college education.

 72  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

Once there was a king in Yemen. He was very powerful, wealthy and magnificent. He was renowned for his charitable and generous activities……………………….

Ans.                                                                       The Greatness of Hatemtai

Once there was a king in Yemen. He was very powerful, wealthy and magnificent. He was renowned for his charitable and generous activities. He tried his best to love the countrymen. But people of the country were great admirer of Hatemtai, a benevolent young man in his country.

One day the king invited the rich and honourable persons of the country in a feast. The honourable persons went to the feast. They were served with delicious dishes and valuable gifts. People started praising the king. At that time, a man started to praise Hatemtai. Hearing it, the king became furious and sent an assassin to kill Hatemtai.

The assassin did not know Hatemtai. He roamed (D‡Ïk¨nxbfv‡e Nyiv) in search of Hatemtai all day long. In the evening, he took shelter in a young man’s house. The man was very modest, honest, flexible and great. His kindness attracted the heart of the assassin. He gave him rich food and excused pardon with modesty for his wrong.

Observing his great behaviour the assassin told the man the reason of his coming there. He then told the assassin that he himself was his expected man. Hatemtai then requested him to kill him to fulfill his desire to take the valuable reward from the king.

The assassin became puzzled with the greatness of Hatemtai. He went to the king and told him the story from top to bottom.

The king felt ashamed. He became overwhelmed with surprise. He bowed (Awfev`b Rvbv‡bv) down his head when he realized that Hatemtai was not an ordinary man but truly a generous man. He became fond of Hatemtai.

 73  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

        Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But the other woman claimed that baby……………………..

Ans.                              The Mother Arouses in a Real Mother

Once there lived two women in a village. One of them had a baby. But the other woman claimed that baby. As a result both of them were entangled in a quarrel. To settle the dispute they went to the court of King Solomon.

The king was very famous for his wisdom and justice. On hearing the arguments over the claim of the child of both of the women, the king tried to find out the real mother. But both of the women’s claims were so strong and seemingly perfect that no one could be confirmed of the authenticity of the claims.

The king found no other way. However an idea flashed in his mind. The king gave his verdict and ordered his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the women. At this a woman became satisfied and told the king to give her portion to her. But the other woman shouted crying hearing the order of the king and entreated the king not to cut the baby and give it to the woman fully.

The king then understood and recognised the real mother and ordered to give the child to the latter woman. He also punished the first woman for her false claim.

 74    Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

Hazrat Abdul Quader was a famous religious figure in Islam. He was born in Jilan in Iraq. His father died even before his birth. His mother decided to send him to Baghdad……………………..

Ans.                                     Hazrat Abdul Quader And His Truthfulness

Hazrat Abdul Quader was a famous religious figure in Islam. He was born in Jilan in Iraq. His father died even before his birth. His mother decided to send him to Baghdad with a view to educating him there. She was very pious and taught him many important and religious things. At the time of sending, his mother sewed (†mjvB K‡i Ry‡o †`Iqv) forty gold coins in his shirt and advised him never to tell a lie. That time the roads were unsafe; often gangs of robbers fell upon the travellers and plundered (jyÉb Kiv) their belongings and money.

The boy left for Baghdad with a caravan of merchants, but on their way a gang of robbers fell upon them and looted their money. One of the robbers said that the small boy might have something with him. The gang leader said that perhaps the boy had nothing with him. Boy Abdul Quader spoke out, “No, no, I have forty gold coins sewed in my shirt.” The leader felt surprised and said, “You might not have disclosed the fact.” The boy said, “Mother has advised me never to tell a lie even in danger.” The robbers felt ashamed of their deeds and gave up robbery.

 75  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Once a lion in a jungle started killing the innocent animals at random. All the animals remained afraid and passed their days in great tension. One day………………….

Ans.                                                                            Foolishness of a Lion

Once a lion in a jungle started killing the innocent animals at random. All the animals remained afraid and passed their days in great tension. One day the animals arranged a meeting with other animals in the jungle. They fixed that everyday one animal would go to the cave of the lion. Serially everyday the lion got at least one animal to meet up his hunger. One day it was the day for a rat. The rat was pensively (welv`wK¬ó) going towards the cave.

Suddenly it hit upon a plan. The rat went very late to the cave. Going there it saw that the lion was very angry. The lion was grumbling (g„`y MR©b Kiv) and said to the rat, “Why are you so late and why do you make me so hungry?” The rat said, “I met the same lion like you on the way.” The lion then got angry and shouted, “It is impossible that there would be some like me in this jungle.” The rat then accompanied the lion to show another lion in the jungle and took him near a well. The rat said that inside the well it would find another lion. The lion then peeped over the well and found the reflection of his own image. Getting very angry but foolishly the lion jumped over the well and got lost. And the rat then got relieved.

In this way, all animals in the jungle were relieved. Actually, the lion is a very strong animal but not at all clever whether being a very tiny and weak animal the rat is very clever. Ultimately, the body strength of the lion gets defeated by the intelligence of the tiny rat.

 76  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

One day a grocer borrowed a balance and some weights from a fruit-seller. After a few days, the fruit-seller asked the grocer to return his balance with weights to him. The grocer desired not to return those borrowed things. Rather he said to the fruit seller …….

Ans.                                                                  A Grocer And a Fruit Seller

One day a grocer borrowed a balance and some weights from a fruit-seller. After a few days the fruit seller asked the grocer to return his balance with weights to him. The grocer desired not to return those borrowed things. Rather he said to the fruit seller that mice had eaten up his balance and weights. The lame excuse of the dishonest grocer made the fruit seller very angry. But he controlled his temper and told him that it was his bad luck. The cunning grocer took him to be a fool. But the fruit seller was thinking of a plan to teach him a good lesson.

Accordingly, once the fruit seller requested the grocer to allow his son to go with him to the town as he was going there to do some shopping. The grocer allowed his son to go with him. The next day the fruit seller returned alone from the town. The grocer asked him about his son.  The fruit seller replied that a crow had carried his son away. At this the grocer grew very angry and called him a liar and asked him how a crow could carry his son away. The fruit seller instantly replied that it carried his son away in the same way as mice could eat up his balance and weights. The grocer understood what the fruit seller meant. He returned the balance and the weights to the fruit seller and requested the fruit seller to pardon him for telling a lie to him and also implored upon him to give him back his son. The fruit seller sent the boy back to his father.

Thus the fruit seller taught a good lesson to the grocer so that he (grocer) might not practise such evil habits.

 77  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

A pious man named Abu Ben Adhem was very good and honest. One night Abu said his prayers and ……

Ans.                                          Allah Loves Those Who Love the Mankind

A pious man named Abu Ben Adhem was very good and honest. One night Abu said his prayers and after that he found an angel writing in a book of gold. He then asked the angel what he was writing. The angel told him that he was making a list of those who love the Lord. Abu asked whether his name was on the list. He told that it is not. Abu became very frustrated and asked why his name was not there. The angel said, ‘The list includes those who love the mankind. A man may be dishonest and tell lies always, no matter you should love them. You should not discriminate between rich and poor, white and black, believers and non-believers. Allah loves those who love His creation. A man may be wicked (Lvivc) but he is also created by the same Allah who has created a good man.’

Abu realized his fault that he was not well behaved though he was honest and sincere. His mind was full of repentance and took a vow that he would never be ill-behaved. He thought this incident a warning from the Creator. May be the Almighty Allah wanted to purify him through this event. Abu became very well behaved since then and he took apology (Aciva ¯^xKvi) from those whom he mistreated.

After a few months the angel came in the same manner and told him that he was tabulating information about those whom Allah loves and Abu Ben Adhem’s name was at the top of the list.

 78  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Once upon a time a poor widow lived in Arabia. She had a daughter and a son. She had to maintain her family with great hardship ………….

Ans.                                                                   The Widow And Her Donation

Once upon a time a poor widow lived in Arabia. She had a daughter and a son. She had to maintain her family with great hardship (Kó). She was a faithful Christian. She had only one coin in her possession but she gave it away as a tithe for the church. There was a rich man also to donate money to the church. He donated half of his belongings to church, that was a lot and people looked up to him and respected him.

No one laid eyes on this poor widow.

Jesus Christ was sitting nearby. Then Jesus asked his disciples, ‘Who is more faithful to almighty God?’ Everyone answered – the rich man. But, Jesus said, ‘No, it’s the poor widow, she gave more than she could survive. She had faith that God will provide her, so she put the hope & trust in Him.

But the rich man only gave a half. He was still worried. How much you donate is not important. The important thing is how much have been donated proportionately. Please give it from the hearts, not by pressure, not for showing others how generous you are helping, not doing a show, just do it heartily, God will appreciate (mwVKfv‡e g–j¨vqb Kiv) it.’ People then became astonished (nZevK nIqv) and could understand their faulty way of thinking. He also told them that the rich people gave money they did not need, but the poor widow gave all that she had to live on. ‘It is the intention (D‡Ïk¨) which is above everything’ Jesus added.

 79  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

        Somal is a remote village with a population of three hundred nestling away in the Mempi forest which is cut off from the rest of the world. The nearest bus stop was 10 miles away………..

Ans.                                      A Story Teller Nambi

Somal is a remote village with a population of three hundred nestling away in the Mempi forest which is cut off from the rest of the world. The nearest bus stop was 10 miles away. Yet the villagers lived in a kind of perpetual enchantment. The enchanter was Nambi, the storyteller. He was a man of sixty or seventy. He was illiterate in the sense that the written word was a mystery to him; but he could make up a story in his head, at the rate of one a month. Each story took nearly ten days to narrate. His home was in the little temple of the village and he spent most of the time under a banyan tree in front of the temple. He used to light the lamp in the niche of banyan tree in the moonlit nights and the villagers gathered to hear the story. He never repeated the same story.

One moon, he lit the lamp in the tree. The audience came. The old man took his seat and began the story. “…….when king Vikramaditya lived, his minister was…….” He paused. He could not go beyond it. He tried again and again but the story did not come. Nambi bowed on the ground and everyone went away except his friend Mari. He said, “Age, age it has come on me suddenly.” Next day, he again lit the lamp in the niche. The villagers came but he could not tell the story. The villagers went away.

The next moon, Nambi again lit the lamp in the niche but only a handful villagers came. Nambi told the villagers that they all had to come the next day because he had a great story to tell. The villagers came next day. They thought that the storyteller had regained his power. Nambi started his story, “It is the goddess who gives the gifts, and it is she who takes them away. What is the lamp for when all the oil is gone? Goddess be thanked…….These are my last words on this earth and this is my greatest story.” After that Nambi never spoke again. The rest of his life was one great consummate silence.

 80  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

Robi is a poor boy. He lives in the streets of Dhaka. Layers of dirt and grime have turned his fair skin almost brown. His age is now more than 12 but……………..

Ans.                                       A Street Child Robi

Robi is a poor boy. He lives in the streets of Dhaka. Layers of dirt and grime have turned his fair skin almost brown. His age is now not more than 12 but he looks smaller for years of undernourishment. In ragged shorts, he looks hardly 10. He could have been a pretty child under proper care. He was left away by his parents at the early age and he doesn’t know where they live.

Robi usually wanders in Motijheel area and lives by collecting old scrap papers, bottles and so on. He also seeks for food in the garbage and collects the good ones. He then sells the papers and bottles to the shop and earns 100 or 150 taka a day. Sometimes, he is seen begging food from the hotel or money from the public when he cannot find anything to sell. He usually buys a slice of bread by his sold money and also eats some leftover rice from hospital attendants.

Sujan, a journalist, sees him almost everyday in Motijheel to collect papers and bottles. One day out of his curiosity, he called Robi and asked about him. After hearing all these sad things, Sujan became very swelled up. He thought that Robi the ‘Sun’ a street child has almost eclipsed by the dirt and negligence of the society. He then asked Robi, “What’s your dream?” Robi told that he had a dream of a plate full of rice, big pieces of chicken and sweets. He also told that he wanted to read and write. Sujan became surprised to hear such a little dream but pleased to hear his eagerness for reading and writing. He told Robi, “Come on. I am going to make your dream come true.” Robi couldn’t believe his ears.

In ten minutes Robi found himself seated on the chair and a table with bowls full of rice, beef and chicken curry spread before him in a famous restaurant. Robi delightfully took gulps of rice and meat and uttered Aha! Aha! Sitting among the respectable people, he ate to his heart’s content. Next day Sujan took Robi to a Night School and admitted him. Now Robi earns his livelihood on the day and attends the night school.  Sujan, now, dreams of a better future of Robi.

 81  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Sadia is a college student studying in a mufassal college. She has an uncle in Dhaka who has been telling her to come to Dhaka after her HSC Examination for her higher studies. Sadia’s parents however, are finding it difficult to decide whether to send their daughter to Dhaka or not ………………..

Ans.                                                                            Plight of Sadia’s Life

Sadia is a college student studying in a mufassal college. She has an uncle in Dhaka who has been telling her to come to Dhaka after her HSC Examination for her higher studies. Sadia’s parents however, are finding it difficult to decide whether to send their daughter to Dhaka or not. Her parents are conscious about their daughter’s security, because so many terrible (Pig) crimes are happening in Dhaka city especially “Eve teasing”. In spite of thinking all the negative sides, Sadia’s parents agree to send her to Dhaka. Sadia has taken admission into “Badrunnessa Mohila College”.

One day she was going to her college on foot. One of the boys tore her with some ill words. Sadia avoided the event for her shyness. Another evening she was going to the national park with her cousin. Some boys touched her hand. She slapped one of the boys. The terrible thing happened for the situation.

Next day when she was passing through the road outside of her college, the boys threw acid towards her and they ran away seeing the crowd coming towards them. Sadia was admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. But terrible things happened in Sadia’s life. Sadia’s face was burned completely.

 82  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.

It was the 15th of June, 1999. I got back home from my college at 5 p.m. In the evening I said my prayer. Then, I studied for three hours as usual. Next, I had my supper and went to bed at about 11 p.m. I was in a deep sleep. Suddenly I woke up with a hue and cry at dead of night ……

Ans.                                                                               A Tragic Accident

In the 15th of June, 1999. I got back home from my college at 5 p.m. In the evening I said my prayer. Then I studied for three hours as usual. Next, I had my supper and went to bed at about 11 p.m. I was in a deep sleep. Suddenly, I woke up with a hue and cry at dead of night at a little distance. I got up from bed and ran to the spot.

I saw that a cottage was burning.  It was the darling place of a poor family. Fire engulfed (MÖvm KiwQj) each and every corner of the cottage. Everywhere of the cottage, there was nothing but the hungry flame of the fire.

Hearing the hue and cry (†kvi‡Mvj) of the domestic help, the inmates of the house woke up and somehow managed to save their lives. But the only son of the family, an infant, was left in the burning fire. The mother of the infant was wailing madly. She was crying for help to rescue (D×vi Kiv) her son. Everybody gathered there was trying to extinguish (†bov‡bv) the fire. But no one dared go into the cottage to rescue the infant.

There was a universal distress all around about the fate of the infant. At this all the people became wordless. There was a pin drop silence for some moments. Then everyone saw a young man springing out of the cottage with the little baby in his bosom. There was fire in the dress of the young man. The mother ran quickly to the young man and took her baby in her lap. Some men rushed to the young man with gunny sack and somehow managed to save the life of an innocent infant. Though all the belongings were burnt to ashes, the couple seemed to be happy getting their son alive.

 83   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a landless farmer who used to work on other people’s land. With ………………

Ans.                                                                         Plight of Ayesha Begum

Ayesha Begum has three sons and two daughters. Her husband was a landless (f‚wgnxb) farmer who used to work on other people’s land. With great effort they married their daughters off by the time they reached teenage. The sons also started working with their father as day labourers when they were old enough to help.

By the time they were about seventeen years old and all of them had left to work in nearby towns to earn money. At first they used to send money to their parents occasionally. But after getting married they barely had enough to support their own families. Ayesha Begum and her husband are now old and feeble (`ye©j). Years of malnutrition and deprivation have made them look older than their years. All they are left with now is their broken little thatched house. Out of desperation (gwiqv n‡q IVv Ae¯’v) Ayesha Begum has started begging in the village to feed her old, invalid husband and herself. She does not know what ails him neither does she have the means to find out. She is too busy collecting food for survival.

Now, she is experiencing the curse of poverty in her last period of life.

 84   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Once I was passing through a jungle. I was enjoying some charming deer. It was almost in the evening. I lost my way. Suddenly I saw a tiger …………………………….

Ans.                                                                              Ferocity of a Tiger

Once I was passing through a jungle. I was enjoying some charming deer. It was almost in the evening. I lost my way. Suddenly I saw a tiger walking in the jungle. Deer are dear to tiger. It is their great feast. But I know tigers are ferocious (wnsmª). They never leave people alive. I felt nervous. I thought for a while. I found the tiger looking at the deer. The deer turned its fear and found the dangerous animal. The deer can jump and run. It is very speedy. But there were trees here and there. The tiger tried to jump but it could not reach the deer because of many trees. The hungry tiger did not see me first. As I saw the tiger, I tried to climb (DVv) a tree.

Climbing a tree was very tough (KwVb) for me. But it was the question of my living in the world. The Almighty Creator helped me. Very quickly I reached the top of the tree. By this time, the ferocious tiger caught the deer and started eating it. I thanked the Almighty. He saved me. The tiger went into the deep jungle slowly. I gazed (w¯’i `„wó‡Z ZvwK‡q _vKv) and gazed at it. Very slowly I returned home.

 85   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Shefali, a girl of ten years old, was really beautiful and innocent like a rose. She might spread the smell and beauty of her noble qualities by being educated like other girls. But the irony of fate is that she has to sell flowers in the street. “Ful niben Sir, ekta ful.” …………………………….

Ans.                                                                         Shefali : An Ill-fated Girl

Shefali, a girl of ten years old, was really beautiful and innocent like a rose. She might spread the smell and beauty of her noble qualities by being educated like other girls. But the irony of fate is that she has to sell flowers in the street. “Ful niben Sir, ekta ful.”

Once Shefali had everything. She had dreams like all other girls. But her dreams went in vain because of the cruelty of Padma river. Her house was on the bank of the mighty Padma. She lived happily with her parents and a younger brother. They were a solvent peasant family. But the hungry Padma was snatching many houses away. As a result of river erosion, Shefali’s family lost everything as flood took away all their harvest.

After losing everything they came to Dhaka. Now, Shefali’s family lives at a slum in the city. Her father died by a road accident. So her mother has to work in the other people’s house to earn their livelihood. Her mother’s little income is not sufficient to maintain their family. Sometimes they have to starve. They have no relatives in the city to help them. So, Shefali has taken a decision to help her mother earning some money. According to her plan, she starts selling flowers in the street. Now, Shefali roams about in the roads of Dhaka saying “Ful niben Sir, ekta ful.”

 86   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

One fine day, Akbar lost his ring. When Birbal arrived in the court, Akbar told him, “I have lost my ring. My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me find it.” Birbal said “Do not worry your Majesty, I will find your ring right now.”………………………………..

Ans.                                                                               Birbal’s Wisdom

One fine day, Akbar lost his ring. When Birbal arrived in the court, Akbar told him, “I have lost my ring. My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me find it.” Birbal said “Do not worry your Majesty, I will find your ring right now.”

He said, “Your Majesty, the ring is in this court itself. It is with one of the courtiers. The courtier who has a straw in his beard has your ring.” The courtier who had the emperor’s ring was shocked and immediately moved his hand over his beard. Birbal noticed this act of the courtier. He immediately pointed towards the courtier and said, “Please search this man. He has the emperor’s ring.”

Akbar could not understand how Birbal had managed to find the ring. Birbal then told Akbar that a guilty person is always scared.

 87   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan’s hobby was hunting. One day, he was ……..

Ans.                                                                                    True Justice

Long ago, there was a Sultan in Bengal. His name was Giasuddin Azam. His capital was Sonargaon near Dhaka. He was a very just and kind ruler. The Sultan’s hobby (kL) was hunting. One day, he was hunting in a jungle. Aiming at a fawn he shot but it missed the target (j¶¨) and hit a son of a widow (weaev). The widow came to the Kazi and complained (Awf‡hvM Kiv) against the Sultan. At first the Kazi fell in puzzle whether he should take steps to punish the Sultan.

Kazi told the Sultan to pay for the loss that he had committed to the widow as his punishment . Hearing this the Sultan stood up and came to the Kazi and said, “Kazi, I am proud of your honesty and bravery. You are really eligible (†hvM¨) for the post. My country needs man like you.” In reply the Kazi said, “Believe me the Sultan, if you disobeyed (Av‡`k Agvb¨ Kiv) my judgment, I would beat you with my stick as I do to other ordinary people.” The Sultan then gave a lot of wealth to the widow for the loss of her child.

 88   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Yesterday I was going to college. When I crossed the bus stand at Lalbagh, I witnessed that a huge crowd was standing in a circle. Out of curiosity, I went there and peeped through the crowd to see what was happening. ………………..

Ans.                                                          A Benevolent Person Earns All’s Thanks

Yesterday I was going to college. When I crossed the bus stand at Lalbagh, I witnessed that a huge crowd was standing in a circle. Out of curiosity, I went there and peeped through the crowd to see what was happening. To my utter surprise, I found a boy lying there. I went nearer and saw it was Tareq, a boy of my neighbourhood. The people there told me that a babi-taxi had hit him from behind. He was bleeding. On the instant, I called a rickshaw and took him to the hospital nearby. The doctors there had him bandaged and gave him some treatment. They released him in the evening. Supporting him on my shoulders, I took an auto rickshaw and took him to his house at Malibagh.

His mother was anxious as he had not yet reached home. All the family members began to cry as they saw him in such a condition. However, I tried to console them and asked them to thank their luck as he is safe now. I was about to leave. All the family members of Tareq thanked me sincerely.

 89   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.            

Lima works for a private firm in Dhaka. She lives alone in a small apartment near her office. Last Friday when she was cooking chicken curry for a leisurely holiday lunch, her phone rang. She rushed to her bedroom to receive the phone. It was her boss. He told her to turn up immediately. Lima got dressed and went out in a hurry. She took a rickshaw to her office. As she was about to get into her boss’s room she remembered that she had not turned off the gas stove before leaving for office.

Ans.                                                                    Consequence of Carelessness

Lima works for a private firm in Dhaka. She lives alone in a small apartment near her office. Last Friday when she was cooking chicken curry for a leisurely holiday lunch, her phone rang. She rushed to her bedroom to receive the phone. It was her boss. He told her to turn up immediately. Lima got dressed and went out in a hurry. She took a rickshaw to her office. As she was about to get into her boss’s room she remembered that she had not turned off the gas stove before leaving for office.

However, she entered her boss’s room and gave him salam. He told her to take a seat. She sat. Then he began to criticize a work she had done recently. He told her that her language was not good in the file. He told her to rewrite it again at home that day. Lima agreed to do and left for home.

As soon as Lima entered her apartment, she found there was smoke inside. She timidly went to the kitchen and saw her pan burning with blazing fire. She immediately called the security men by intercom phone. They came and extinguished fire using the fire box.

Lima vowed never to be careless again about her kitchen. She understood it was her duty to turn off the stove before leaving. It was a new lesson in her life.

 90  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Zayed saw him, a little slip of boy, regularly in the Medical College Gate. The boy wouldn’t be more than 10 years but he looked smaller than his age for………………..

Ans.                                                                             Feeding a Poor Boy

Zayed saw him, a little slip of boy, regularly in the Medical College Gate. The boy wouldn’t be more than 10 years but he looked smaller than his age for undernourishment. It seemed he hadn’t have one time square meal for many days.

Zayed called him and said, “What’s your name? Why are you standing here?” The boy replied, “I’m Rahim. I’m searching for food. If anyone arranges my square meal …………”

Zayed took him to the nearest restaurant and fed him with rice, chicken, vegetables and polao. Rahim ate with full satisfaction. He seemed grateful to Zayed in his looks and expression. He only wished if he could have such square meals everyday.

Zayed bought him a weight-scale and told him to measure the weight of passers-by in exchange of money. Rahim did so and started to make his livelihood in a way suitable for a child. He now eats three square-meals a day.

 91  The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.

Once a gentleman advertised for an office boy and received sixty applications for the post. He asked them all to appear for an interview. All the applicants came to be interviewe. The gentleman interviewed them patiently and chose one who had no testimonial or recommendations with him. Then the other applicants………..

Ans.                                                             Good Behaviour Is Always Rewarded

Once a gentleman advertised for an office boy and received sixty applications for the post. He asked them all to appear for an interview. All the applicants came to be interviewed. The gentleman interviewed them patiently and chose one who had no testimonial or recommendations with him. Then the other applicants went away. The main reason for choosing the boy as an office executive are many. Firstly, the boy was very polite in nature. He listens calmly what others say to him. Secondly, he is very careful about his duty. When he entered the room he gave salam to everyone and made no such sound that might create disturbance to the other employees. Thirdly, he knew how to speak with others. Fourthly, before entering the room he moped up his feet in the mattress. He knows well the official manner and works like that. Fifthly or lastly he also helped a old man who came for some work at the office. That showed his courtesy and humanity. Besides all these he could answer all the questions asked by the interviewer. Though all the applicants had the testimonial or recommendations but the boy had some special qualities that made him different from others. After seeing all these qualities the interviewer became impressed. So, the man chose him as an office boy without any testimonial or recommendations.

 92  The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.

It was a strange day for Aronnya as he had to start for a totally unknown place to join a farm. It was a fruit farm located deep in a jungle. He had to travel to the extreme south of this country. He had received the appointment letter two days back. After thinking a lot finally he opted to join there. But still he felt a weird feeling haunting his mind……………………

Ans.                                                             An Unknown Place Also May Be Good

It was a strange day for Aronnya as he had to start for a totally unknown place to join a farm. It was a fruit farm located deep in a jungle. He had to travel to the extreme South of this country. He had received the appointment letter two days back. After thinking a lot finally he opted to joint there. But still he felt a weird feeling haunting his mind.

He thought he had everything in Dhaka his ancestral house, his family, his friends, his roots, what not?…… It was hard for him to leave this city.

He thought and thought and began to make himself understand it is a tough age. One cannot get a job any time one wishes. It would be a big folly not to go.

He got on a train the day before his joining date. With a sorrowful mind he took a seat beside a window. Soon the fresh air filled his mind with joy. He was now confident about his job.

In the afternoon, the train reached the Khulna railway station. Oh! What a beauty! The natural setting of the southern Bengal made him jolly. He thanked his fortune that he had got a job at such a charming place.

The next day he went to join his office. He thought himself the luckiest man in the world. A new period of his life began.

 93  The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.

Once, a little lamb was grazing on a meadow, along with a flock of sheep. Being very mischievous……………..

Ans.                                                                            Ready Wit of a Lamb

Once, a little lamb was grazing on a meadow, along with a flock of sheep. Being very mischievous, the little lamb wandered some distance away from the sheep. It began to enjoy the fresh and delicious grass that it found there. It had come a long way from its group, but was unaware of that.

The lamb was also unaware of another fact: a wolf was closely following it!

When the lamb realized that it had lost its way and was far away from the flock, it decided to return and join them. However, the lamb was stunned to see a hungry and cunning wolf standing behind it.

The lamb realized that there was no option except to surrender itself to the wolf.

The lamb asked the wolf, “Are you going to eat me?”

The wolf said, “Yes, at any cost!”

The lamb said again, “But can you please wait for some more time? I have eaten a lot of grass now and my stomach is filled with grass. If you eat me now, you will feel as though you were eating grass! So please wait until the grass is digested.”

The wolf agreed, “Oh yes, I will wait. You are here before me and I can wait for some more time!”

The lamb thanked the wolf.

After some time, the wolf got ready to kill lamb, but the lamb stopped him again.

“Dear wolf, please wait for some more time. The grass is yet to be digested. If you eat me now, you will see a lot of grass in my stomach! Let me dance and then it will be digested easily.”

The wolf agreed.

The little lamb danced crazily for a while, and then suddenly stopped.

The wolf enquired what had happened.

The lamb said, “I cannot dance properly because there is no music. You see this bell around my neck? Can you untie this bell and ring it loudly? Then I can dance fast and the grass in my stomach also will get digested fast.”

The wolf, overcome with the desire to eat the lamb, was ready to do anything. He removed the bell tied to the lamb’s neck and rang it with all his might.

Meanwhile, the shepherd was searching for the little lamb and heard the bell ringing. He saw the wolf and the lamb. He ran towards the wolf with a stick. Seeing the shepherd with a stick, the wolf ran away, and the lamb was saved!

 94  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it :

One day a little boy of class four found a note of 500 taka in the school premises. At once he took it to his class teacher. He said……………..

Ans.                                                                       Honesty Is Always Praised

One day a little boy………..He said, “Oh, thank you, my boy. I shall try to know whose money it was.” The class teacher informed the matter to the Head teacher. He called the boy to his chamber. When he (b) went, the Head teacher praised him a lot. On the following day, he (H) announced before all students and guardians that a 500 taka note had been found. He said that he/she should take it that really owned it and also pleaded to all not to claim it dishonestly. A guardian came to meet the Headmaster and said that he had lost 500 taka a day ago. He took the money, met that boy and gifted him a book of fairy tales.

 95  Complete the following incomplete story and give a suitable title to it :

As I was walking home yesterday, a grey bearded man with one arm only suddenly stopped me and asked me the way to ‘Shanti Neer’. ……………..

Ans.                                                                         In Search of Shanti Neer

As I was walking home yesterday, a grey bearded man with one arm only suddenly stopped me and asked me the way to ‘Shanti Neer’. I was very surprised because that is my own house. But I could not recognize the man nor I remembered if I had ever seen him. However, I asked him about his whereabouts. Surprisingly he told me that he was one of my grand fathers whom I had never seen. He looked very joyous to know about my identity. He told me that he had been to Malaysia for a long time. He had been living there with his family and doing business. However, he felt the tense attraction to see his roasts and came to Bangladesh after a very long time. But everything he saw was quite unfamiliar to him. I gave him my identity and took him to our house. My mother could identity him after a long time and was overwhelmed with surprise. She introduced herself to him and a heavenly atmosphere prevailed for some time. We entertained him with all our ability. He felt satisfied and homely. On our request he stayed with us for about a fortnight and left for his home in Malaysia. The farewell scene was very pathetic and he desired to come again next year.

 96  The following is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words.

        Abdul Alim is a young man. He comes of a very poor family. Some days ago he came to Dhaka to find a job…………………..

Ans.                                                                   Industry Is The Key to Success

Abdul Alim is a young man. He comes of a very poor family. Some days ago. he came to Dhaka to find a job. He had a friend in Dhaka city who works in a garment factory. He first contacted with him. His friend managed a job for him in his garment factory. But he was not fully satisfied at the job. So, he decided to make some savings and leave the job. After a few months he left the job and started a tea stall near a bus stand. First, he could not get enough profit. But as days were passing by he became popular and got much profit. Then he started a stationery shop along with the tea stall. Both the shops were going on in full speed/swing. He benefited a lot from both the shops. So, he saved the money for a year more and returned to his native village. He then first recovered the mortgaged land of his father and started farming cattle and fish. Now he has three ponds and eight cows and many more chickens and ducks. He took a training from an institute about farming and fishing. After a few years he earned name and fame and become a affluent businessman. So, only the self-motivation or industry brings about a success in one’s life.

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