Hsc English Close Test With Clues Textual

                      Close Test With Clues


1.[RB- ’17; Notre Dame College, Dhaka- ’16; Comilla Residential College, Comilla- ’16; Cantonment College, Comilla- ’16; Noakhali Govt. College, Noakhali- ’16; choumuhany Govt. S.A. college, Noakhali- ’16]

call among define deaths cause interpersonal
nature serious within economic armed aggressive

Conflict can be (a) — as clash of value and ideas among other things, and the most serious form of conflict is (b) — clashes that results in lots of (c) — and casualties. There can be conflict (d) — us, which is (e) — intrapersonal conflict. The conflict between or (f) — persons is called (g) — conflict. Constraint of resources is also a (h) — of conflict and it is known as (i) — conflict. Conflict is a very common phenomenon, but sometimes it takes (j) — forms.                                                                     [Unit-12; Lesson-2]

2[JB- ’17]

poisonous of preserve greatest be more
refresh stern by production contamination health

Food adulteration is one of the (a) — problems in the recent time in our country. Different food and food products, vegetables, fruits and fishes are being (b) — (c) — the unscrupulous and profit monger businessmen and green grocers. However, we, the general people (d) — the victims (e) — all sorts of pangs and serious diseases. The businessmen use (f) — chemicals such as DDT, Aldrin, Heptachlor just to make their products (g) — attractive or to (h) — them for a long time. So it is time the authority concerned took (i) — steps to stop such food adulteration. Proper monitoring, supervision, and public awareness should be compulsory from (j) — level to consumers.                                                                                                                                                        [Unit-3; Lesson-1]


3.[Milestone College, Dhaka- ’16]

brand support move study apartheid isolate
leave imprison advocacy regime move oppress

Mandela, the South African leader (a) — for armed resistance to (b) —. (c) — his country, he travelled the continent and Europe, (d) — guerilla warfare and building (e) — for the African National Congress. He (f) — a terrorist by his enemies and was sentenced to life (g) — in 1964. He (h) — from millions of his countrymen as they suffered (i) —, violence and forced resettlement under the apartheid (j) —.

[Unit-1; Lesson-1]


4.[Amrita Lal Dey College, Barisal- ’16]

and President in as after during
politician started since program with pass

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on the 17th March, 1920 at Tungipara in the district of Gopalganj. He is called the Father of the Nation (a) — Bangladesh gained independence under his leadership. He (b) — his primary education in the village. He (c) — Matriculation from Gopalganj Mission School in 1942 (d) — passed B.A. Examination from Kolkata Islamia College (e) — 1947. Sheikh Mujib was involved in politics (f) — his student life. He got in touch (g) — some great politicians in those days. As (h) — of Awami League, he declared the 6-point (i) — for the autonomy of Bangladesh in 1966. (j) — the victory of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at first took over as the Prime Minister and thereafter as the President.         [Unit-1; Lesson-2]


5.[Ispahani Public School & College, Comilla-’16]

of through on Bangladesh in make
the Bengal speech of then told

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the undisputed leader of Bangladesh. He delivered an illustrious and epoch-making speech (a) –– 7 March in 1971. He made his (b) –– in the presence of a mammoth gathering (c) –– people at Suhrawardi Udyan (the then Race Course Maidan). Many events of (d) –– past led him to deliver the speech. (e) –– his speech he mentioned the history of (f) ­–– as a history of oppression and deprivation. (g) –– his speech he inspired the people of (h) –– to get ready for Liberation War. He (i) –– the people to fight against the rulers (j) –– West Pakistan. He declared the independence of Bangladesh indirectly. [Unit-1; Lesson-2]



later age skydiving to supreme on
in launch cosmonaut earth but days

Valentina Tereshkova was born in a village in Central Russia. She was very expert in her (a) –– which helped her to become a (b) ––. On June 16, 1963, Tereshkova successfully (c) –– the spacecraft Vostok-6. She orbited the (d) –– 48 times and spent almost three (e) –– in space. Tereshkova received a doctorate (f) –– Engineering from Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. (g) ––, she turned to politics of the (h) –– Soviet. Still she desires to travel (i) –– the Mars at her very old (j) ––. On her seventieth birthday, she was invited by the Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin.                                                                                                                      [Unit-1; Lesson-3]


7.[Bangladesh Mohila Samity School & College, Chittagong- ’16]

engineering academic space did early receive
remembered history graduation civilization flew degree

The name of Chawla will be (a) — in the history of human (b) —. She is the first indian born woman to fly in the (c) —. Chawla had a very sound (d) — background. She had her (e) — education at Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School. After that she received her (f) — in Aeronautical Engineering. After that, She (g) — to America to (h) — her Master’s degree in Aerospace. Later She (i) — her PhD in Aerospace (j) — in 1988.                                                                                                                    [Unit-1; Lesson-3]


8.[Pirojpur Govt. Women’s College- ’16]

food detrimental preserve stop bring impact
sale involve enforce strict concern contaminate

Food adulteration is a great problem in Bangladesh. It has become a matter of great (a) — for the consumers. A recent survey has found that samples of various food items (b) — with highly poisonous chemicals. These items are (c) — to health. Almost every person of (d) — sector from root level to the top level are (e) — in adulteration of food. People use pesticides to (f) — food for a long time. Besides they also (g) — stale foods. This evil practice has a negative (h) — on our health. We should be aware about food adulteration. The government should take necessary steps to (i) — food adulteration. The dishonest businessmen should be (j) — to book for adulterating food.                                                                                                                                                                   [Unit-3; Lesson-1]



and made died space first with
she education second and graduation take off

Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian woman to travel to the space. This South Indian lady successfully completed her (a) –– in Aero-space Engineering from both India (b) –– the USA. She started working for NASA (c) –– a view to be an astronaut. She (d) –– her first space mission in 1997 (e) –– in 1988 she began working at the NASA, where (f) –– did Computational Fluid Dynamics research on Vertical (g) –– and Landing concepts. She made her second (h) –– mission in 2003. Due to misfortune she (i) –– along with her fellow astronauts in the (j) –– voyage. Kalpana showed enormous courage to take a second attempt to go to the outer space despite knowing the risk. [Unit-1; Lesson-3]



the is cope eagerness and think
or a head about these the

The importance of maintaining traffic rules is great. The drivers have to think (a) –– many things while driving on (b) –– roads. Driving in traffic in (c) –– roads, highways and racing circuit (d) –– not same. They have to (e) –– with different situations either good (f) –– rough. They must keep their (g) –– cool. They must have the (h) –– and experience of maintaining all (i) –– regarding traffic. The positive attitude (j) –– concentration while driving is the most important factor.                                                  [Unit-2; Lesson-2]



compared The always open now But
though human naturally as sophisticated that

During driving a car one has to think a lot of things at a moment. He must have to be conscious (a) ––. He has to keep his eyes (b) –– looking ahead. A human brain is (c) –– to a CPU of a computer. (d) –– there are some differences between them. (e) –– difference is that human brain works (f) –– but a CPU is programmed so (g) –– it can perform following it. The (h) –– brain is also called as a (i) –– machine. Some drivers consider the road (j) –– racing circuits and drive recklessly.                              [Unit-2; Lesson-1]



many or country miss time city
so and jam of in to

Dhaka is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The city is full of (a) –– problems. Traffic jam is one (b) –– them. The dwellers of the (c) –– suffer much because of traffic (d) ––. They cannot reach their offices (e) –– workplace in time. Students fail (f) –– attend their classes and often (g) –– the lecture of their teachers. (h) –– they cut a sorry figure (i) –– the exam. It is high (j) ––, the authority took proper steps to minimize this problem.                                                                               [Unit-2; Lesson-2]



roads possible complete or a common
the lights insufficient pull other of

The traffic problem in Bangladesh is very difficult to solve. But it is not impossible. It may be (a) –– at a high cost. About 15 lac people (b) –– rickshaws to earn their livelihood. Another few thousands (c) –– people own and repair the rickshaws. Besides, the (d) ­­–– of our cities and towns are narrow and (e) ––. Moreover, many of the bus companies are owned (f) –– linked to political parties or powerful trade unions. (g) –– obvious solution is to separate the rickshaws from (h) ––vehicles and give each of them lanes and (i) –– according to their top speed. Moreover consciousness of (j) –– people is also mandatory.                                       [Unit-2; Lesson-2]


14.[Dania University College, Dhaka-’16]

attraction thank expect say be insolvent
through praise express overlook entertainment pass

Twenty years ago the writer was living in an apartment in Paris (a) — a cemetery. At that time a lady wrote a letter (b) — one of his books. The writer answered (c) — her. Within a very short time the writer received from her another letter (d) — that she was passing (e) — Paris. And would like to have a chat with him. She also requested to give her little luncheon at Foyot’s. (f) — flattered the writer agreed to (g) — the lady at Foyot’s in spite of his financial (h) —. The lady was neither young nor (i) — according to the writer’s (j) —.                                                                                                                                                                          [Unit-3; Lesson-2]



vehicles roads safety return will ear
much because can many has journey

A traffic police is a very familiar figure in cities and towns. We see him on the (a) ––. The weather is uncertain. None (b) –– predict properly how the day (c) –– be. In any weather, he (d) –– to do his duty. His (e) –– hurts and his head aches (f) –– of the sound of the (g) ––. He always cares for our (h) –– on the roads. He faces (i) –– unfavourable situations to ensure our (j) –– or movement. So, we should respect them.                                                                                                                                       [Unit-2; Lesson-3]


16.[Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur- ’16]

possibly always polite specially at home quite
social effect presence certainly according to such

As a child you must have been told to greet your elders and visitors to your home (a) — your culture and tradition. You must also have been taught to be (b) — in company and keep (c) — while others, especially your elders, spoke. (d) —, you at times grudged (e) — schooling. Possibly, at times you even protested such disciplining. Now, (f) — you know that you can’t (g) — behave the way you want (h) — in the presence of others. There are rules of behavior you have to follow in a company. We are social beings and have to consider the (i) — of our behavior on others, even if we are (j) — and dealing with our family members.          [Unit-4; Lesson-1]



shrimps of mixing chromate members The
that in times were food than

In Bangladesh, we are accustomed to eating adulterated food. A recent survey conducted by NFSL found (a) –– around half of the vegetables and more (b) –– a quarter of fruits contain unsafe levels (c) –– pesticides. The team was comprising of 15 (d) ––. The amounts of pesticide in these samples (e) –– found to be harmful. Turmeric powder contains (f) –– which is fatal if we swallow it. (g) –– samples contained lead at 20 to 50 (h) –– above safety limit. Coriander, mango and fresh (i) –– were identified contaminated with adulteration. Poultry feed (j) –– the country had also been identified contaminated. They are found contaminated with traces of antibiotics.   [Unit-3; Lesson-1]


18.[National Ideal College, Khilgaon, Dhaka- ’16]

people lemonade volunteers connecticut weekend ultimately
turn create difference sponsors view neuroblastoma

Alexandra ‘Alex’ Scott was born in (a) — in 1996, and was diagnosed with (b) —, a type of childhood cancer, shortly before she turned one. In 2000, just after (c) — four, she informed her mother that she wanted to start a (d) — stand to raise money for doctors to help children. Her first lemonade stand raised 2,000 dollars and led to the (e) — of the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. Alex continued her lemonade stands throughout her life, (f) — raising over one million dollars toward cancer research. She passed away in August 2004 at the age of eight. Today, Alex’s Lemonade Stand (g) — a national fundraising (h) — in the United States which is popularly known as Lemonade Days. Each year, as many as 10,000 (i) — at more than 2,000 Alex’s Lemonade stands make a (j) — for children with cancer.                                                                                                                                                      [Unit-5; Lesson-5]



winter luncheon mind was in give
interval seen money woman writer flattered

The writer saw her at the play and answered to her beckoning. He met her at the time of (a) –– and took a seat beside her. It (b) –– twenty years ago since the writer had (c) –– her last. The writer used to live (d) –– a tiny apartment and earned barely enough (e) –– to keep body and soul together. The (f) –– wrote a letter of admiration to the (g) ––. The woman asked him if he would (h) –– inviting her at Foyot’s for lunch. Being (i) ––, the writer agreed to offer her a (j) –– at Foyot’s restaurant.                                          [Unit-3; Lesson-2]



anticipate eat intention question champagne the
was capacity the the food then

The writer was surprised to see the bill of fare. The prices of food items were beyond his (a) ––. The woman at first wanted to eat salmon. (b) –– waiter asked the woman if she wanted to (c) –– anything else while the salmon was being cooked. (d) –– the woman wanted to eat a little caviar. (e) –– writer chose the mutton chop for himself which (f) –– the cheapest dish on the menu. When the (g) –– of drink came, the woman wanted to drink (h) ––. The woman took the writer to task when (i) –– mutton chop arrived. Again, the woman expressed her (j) –– to eat asparagus.                                                                                              [Unit-3; Lesson-2]



and behaviours the risk appearance influences
transition of characterised time to considerable

Adolescence describes the teenage years between 13 and 19. It is a period of life when (a) –– from childhood to adulthood takes place and (b) –– and lifestyle are shaped. WHO identifies adolescence (c) –– be a period which shapes the future (d) –– girls’ and boys’ lives. Adolescence is a (e) –– of tremendous growth, potential as well as (f) –– risk during which social contexts exert powerful (g) ––. There are 28 million adolescents in Bangladesh. (h) –– situation of adolescent girls in Bangladesh is (i) –– by inequality and subordination within the family (j) –– society. This inequality leads to widespread practice of child marriage, marginalisation or exclusion from society.                                                                                                                                                                           [Unit-5; Lesson-1]



bride even uninformed must always house
it birth parents maternal to dowry

After marriage, a girl usually drops out of school. She begins to work in in-laws’ (a) –– where she is marginalized. In Bangladesh, (b) –– is still prevalent. This dowry demand (c) –– continues after wedding and the bride’s (d) –– have to pay dowry or she (e) –– suffer indescribable torture. She becomes victim (f) –– all forms of abuse. An adolescent (g) –– has risks during pregnancy and child (h) ––. Most brides and their relatives are (i) –– of reproductive health and contraception. The (j) –– mortality rate for adolescents is threatening.                                                                                                                                                      [Unit-5; Lesson-2]



and information having offspring health
all family heard continued to

After marriage, Shilpi joined a local empowerment group. The group provides adolescent girls with (a) –– regarding early marriage and pregnancy. Shilpi (b) –– about the risks. She invited Rashid (c) –– discuss pregnancy with a counselor. Hearing (d) –– those matters, Rashid agreed to delay (e) –– children for five years. His parents (f) –– neigbours pressurized them to produce an (g) ––. The couple met with a female (h) –– care provider, who informed them of (i) –– planning. Shilpi’s mother in-law and neighbours (j) –– to pressurize the newlywed couple. Cultural practices and traditions caused a rift between Shilpi and Rashid.         [Unit-5; Lesson-4]



to experience it and tended special
a start tiny benefit to large

The idea of Katie’s Krops began with a nine year old school girl and a 40 pound cabbage. In 2008 Katie Stagliano brought a (a) –– cabbage seedling home from school. She (b) –– to her cabbage and cared for (c) ––. The cabbage grew to 40 pounds (d) –– it was really amazing. It was (e) –– special cabbage and she donated it (f) –– a soup kitchen where it helped (g) –– feed 275 people. Moved by the (h) –– of seeing how many people could (i) –– from such production, Katie decided to (j) –– vegetable gardens and donate the harvest to help people in need. Now Katie has numerous gardens and donated thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables to organizations that help people in need.                                                                                                                                                                           [Unit-5; Lesson-5]



have secular of are kind songs
composed song so life. tune our

Bangladesh has a long heritage of folk music. Our folk music includes religious and (a) –– songs. Our country is criss-crossed with (b) –– many rivers. These rivers mostly dominate (c) –– folk songs. Most of the folk (d) –– are based on different issues. They (e) –– great variety. These songs are also (f) –– on social inequality and poverty. Folk (g) ­­–– reflect our national, cultural, social, religious (h) –– They also reflect the natural beauty (i) –– the country. Bhatiyali songs are one (j) –– of mystical songs which have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats. Last of all folk music varies from region to region.                         [Unit-14; Lesson-2]



influence design is craftworks a and
it mainly way qualities naturally its

Craftwork refers to the making of things, especially decorative objects, by hands as a profession or a leisure activity. A craftwork is a dynamic object which (a) –– our way of life. A craftwork is (b) –– handmade. It is one kind of art. (c) –– reflects its creator’s imagination. It represents a (d) –– of life and a cultural flavour. As (e) –– result changes of lifestyle have impacts on (f) –– and their productions. Craftworks have some applied (g) ––. It usually doesn’t bear the distinctive style of (h) ––maker but retains a personal touch. It (i) –– shaped by the signature of individual creativity (j) –– community aesthetics, interaction functions and human values. [Unit-14; Lesson-3]



power presence animals and may is
kantha decoration traditional the wonderful one

We all are familiar with the name of “Nakshikantha”. It is an embroidered quilt. It is (a) –– kind of crafts. It reflects the imaginative (b) –– of the rural folk of Bangladesh. Nakshikantha (c) –– a social and cultural product which reflects (d) –– desire and imagination of the maker. The (e) ––motifs represent the artistic ingenuity and the (f) –– of the maker in it. The motifs (g) –– include flowers and leaves, birds and fish, (h) –– etc. There are some other motifs like solar, moon and wheel motifs. The tactile feeling (i) –– the intimate nature makes the work of (j) –– animate. Sometimes sorrows and happiness of the maker or rural people reflect on kantha. [Unit-14; Lesson-3]



tradition demand being day of great
county crafts rural due products value

Hand-made crafts and mechanical products are totally opposite to one another. The hand-made (a) –– bears the testimony of our (b) ––. It always retains its aesthetic (c) ––. On the other hand mechanical (d) –– only emphasize on the market (e) ––. Producers don’t think about aesthetic. (f) –– to industrial development the production (g) –– the mechanical products is increasing (h) –– by day. Personal and emotional touch is (i) –– lost. It is a matter of (j) –– regret that handmade crafts are disappearing day by day. [Unit-14; Lesson-3]


29.[Dinajpur Govt. Women’s College- ’16]

migratory sandy combine fish colourful festival watch
beauty attractive coconut unique pleasant coat natural

Kuakata is one of the (a) — spots which allow a visitor to (b) — both the sunrise and the sunset from the beach. That perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world’s most (c) — beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical (d) — setting. This (e) — beach slopes gently into the Bay and bathing there is as (f) — as is swimming or diving. Kuakata is truly a virgin beach and a sanctuary for (g) — winter birds. (h) — boats plying in the Bay of Bengal with (i) — sails, surfing waves and the lines of (j) — trees add to the vibrant colours of Kuakata.                                                                                                                                          [Unit-8; Lesson-5]



learnt had Colombia of that India
in on through she being from

Elizabeth, a young English woman, travelled to Myanmar by a ship. She spent thirty pounds immediately (a) –– summer frocks and sailed on. (b) –– formed an impression about India (c) ––other passengers’ conversation. She also (d) –– a few Hindustani phrases. She (e) –– imagined to have a lot (f) –– enjoyment in India. She thought (g) –– the way people lived in (h) –– was almost as nice as (i) –– rich. They sailed to Colombo (j) –– the green grassy waters. They stepped into a shampan and rowed towards the sun-bright quays. After a week they reached Rangoon.                                                                                                            [Unit-15; Lesson-2]



he some come describe not high
freedom during rebel wit the also

About two weeks after Gulliver obtained his liberty, a government official named Reldresal came to see him. Gulliver allowed him to (a) –– for his qualities and personal merits. Reldresal (b) –– had done many good offices to him (c) –– his solicitations at court. During their conversation (d) –– said that without his support Gulliver might (e) –– have gained his freedom. He also claimed (f) –– merit in his freedom. He appreciated Gulliver’s (g) ––. He told Gulliver that two forces one (h) –– group and one foreign empire were threatening (i) –– kingdom. These two groups were Tramecksan wearing (j) –– heels on their shoes and Slamecksan wearing low heels on their shoes.                                                                                                                                                              [Unit-15; Lesson-3]



walks for call and of noticed
the identified trees shapes be are

The exterior of the king’s palace is neither magnificent nor beautiful. It can be easily (a) –– as the multi-storeyed residence of a merchant (b) –– Benares. All the mansions in the city (c) –– of this kind, but the queen’s palace (d) –– very handsome. The king’s garden, lying outside (e) –– city, is very old. It has pleasant (f) ––, lawns and neatly arranged beds of various (g) ––. A special kind of house is built (h) –– growing Indian fruits and flowers. It is (i) –– glasshouse. European weather doesn’t allow Indian fruits (j) –– vegetables to grow in the open. So glasshouse technique is applied here to grow them.                                                                                  [Unit-15; Lesson-4]



frame make the the a have
doors be houses can windows polished

There are many differences between the Indian and the English houses. Brick buildings in India (a) –– rooms with high ceiling and large doors and (b) ––. As a result, a soothing current of air (c) ––easily enter the building during hot weather. There (d) –– extreme cold, frost and snow in Europe. So (e) –– buildings in Europe have low ceilings and small (f) –– and windows. The frame of the roof is (g) –– with wooden beams and planks that looked like (h) –– slanting thatched roofs of huts in India. The (i) –– is then covered with tiles of fired clay. (j) –– are as tall as seven, eight or nine storeys.                                                                        [Unit-15; Lesson-4]


34.[Gulshan Commerce College, Dhaka- ’16; Chuadanga Govt. College, Chuadanga-’16]

who or increasing collective settled
own decades scholars diaspora because

The term (a) — is used to refer to people (b) — have left their homelands and (c) — in other parts of the world, either (d) — they were forced to do so (e) — because they wanted to leave on their (f) —. The word is (g) — used for such people as a (h) — group and/or a community. The world has seen many diasporas but (i) — have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent (j) —. [Unit-11; Lesson-1]



pressure But a the higher are
admission them increasing being admission want

After passing higher secondary examination every student wants to get a standard form of higher education. The (a) –– number of higher secondary examination passed students puts (b) ––on higher educational institutions. Most of the students (c) –– to get themselves admitted in a public university. (d) –– the number of public universities is limited. As (e) –– result, many of the students fail to get (f) –– there. Only about twelve percent of graduates enter (g) –– educational institution. More than 80 percent of them (h) –– admitted to NU affiliated colleges and rest of (i) ––in private universities. Nowadays, many private universities are (j) –– set up. We have a good number of private universities. But they are very expensive. Moreover public universities offer a wide range of subjects while private universities lack this facility.                                                                                                   [Unit-6; Lesson-2]



who have of especially elders feel
we beings on usually are want

In our childhood, we are made aware of good behaviours. Our family members, (a) –– our parents and teachers do this job. We (b) –– told to be polite while talking to our (c) ––. But at a certain period we become grudged (d) –– these. But a time comes when we everyone (e) –– the necessity of good manners. We are social (f) –– and there are rules of behaviour that we (g) –– to follow. We cannot do everything that we (h) –– to do. We have to think about others. (i) –– have to consider the effect of our deeds (j) –– others.         [Unit-4; Lesson-1]



education human education friendship of further
rights be fundamental higher government training

Everyone has the right to education. (a) –– shall be free, at least in the elementary and (b) –– stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional (c) –– shall be made generally available and higher education shall (d) –– equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (e) –– should direct education to the full development of the (f) –– personality and to the strengthening of respect for human (g) –– and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and (h) –– among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall (i) –– the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance (j) –– peace. [Unit-7; Lesson-3]



know another orphan to and she
with away alone odd an that

Amerigo is a boy of 13 years old. He lives on the street. He is (a) ––. His mother divorced his father and got married to (b) –– man. Amerigo wants to go to his mother but (c) –– refused to take him. Amerigo’s father also lives far (d) –– from him. He told him to send some money so (e) –– he could buy a bus ticket and go (f) –– him. But his father hasn’t replied. He is living (g) –– uncertain life. He doesn’t get enough food. He doesn’t (h) –– where to sleep next night. He has to do (i) –– jobs for living. Sometimes he has to collect trash (j) –– sell it to a vendor. Sometimes he sells ice cream but doesn’t get any money in return. He does such kind of jobs that has no life guaranty.                                                                                                                                                           [Unit-7; Lesson-4]


39.[Barisal Govt. Women’s College, Barisal-16]

some interesting However do differ derive
dream short generally dream short whole

All of us know what a dream is. (a) –– we dream in our sleep. Dreams may appear to be (b) –– or long lasting. Sometimes we say, I dreamt for the (c) –– night! But do we really dream for the whole night? (d) –– dreams are sweet or pleasant. Some are horrible. When we (e) –– something extremely bad, we call it a nightmare. This is (f) –– that dreams have no colour. They are soft, shadowy and (g) –– lasting. Do you know how the words reverie and hallucination (h) –– from dream? Do you know any day-dreamer? What do they (i) –– ? Does dream have any relation with reality? Do we always (j) –– during our sleep? The dream we have in the day time is called day-dream. Sometimes we long for something so passionately. We call that a dream as well.                     [Unit-10; Lesson-1]



of never that always as you
vivid to frightening basic include dream

Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years. It has been (a) –– an interesting thing. Recently dreams have been subjected (b) –– empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that (c) –– have often found yourself puzzling over the content (d) –– a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you (e) –– at all. First, let’s start by answering a (f) –– question: What is a dream? A dream can (g) –– any of the images, thoughts and emotions (h) –– are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily (i) –– or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or (j) –– images; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. [Unit-10; Lesson-1]



understand rivers is these one and
past know our poisonous most and

The other name of water is life. We (a) –– very well that we cannot live without it. As most of (b) –– body is made up of water, its importance cannot be denied. (c) –– of the sources of water in our country is the rivers. (d) –– are everywhere in our life, literature, economy and culture. But unfortunately (e) –– rivers are not in good condition. A few are already dead (f) –– several are going through the pangs of death. The river Buriganga (g) –– an example of a dying river. The river’s water is polluted (h) –– perpetual stench fills the air around it. Its water has become (i) ––. But the truth is that once the river had a glorious (j) ––. It supplied water and supported trade and commerce.                                                                                                                                                                            [Unit-8; Lesson-1]



government of richest the haor day
beels to both winter shelter than

Bangladesh is blessed with huge inland open water resources. Hakaluki haor is one of the (a) –– wetlands of the country.  Being a complex ecosystem, it contains more (b) –– 238 interconnecting beels and jalmahals. The haor is a blending of (c) –– natural beauty and economic benefits for near about 190,000 people. The (d) –– of Bangladesh declared the hoar as an Ecologically Critical Area. Hakaluki (e) –– is an important source of fisheries resources for Bangladesh. Various types (f) –– fish are available here. The beels of Hakaluki haor provide winter (g) –– for the mother fisheries. It is also a resting place for (h) –– migratory birds. But the haor is losing its beauty and capacity (i) –– by day. Government as well as common people should come forward (j) –– protect this beautiful water resource.                                                                                                                                                           [Unit-8; Lesson-2]


43.[Cantonment College, Jessore- ’16]

contribution maintain credentials play humanitarian starting
settlement collective peace enshrine security problem

Peacekeeping by the United Nations is a role (a) — by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. The United Nations Charter gives the United Nations Security Council the power and responsibility to take (b) — action to maintain international peace and security. Bangladesh is one of the highest peacekeeper (c) — countries in the world. She is dedicated and commited to the principles (d) — in the United Nations Charter, the peaceful (e) — of international disputes and to the (f) — of global peace and security. Footprints of Bangladeshi peacekeepers are now evident in almost all the (g) — areas of the world, (h) — from Haiti to East Timor; from Lebanon to DR Congo. Today, Bangladeshi peacekeepers have already earned the (i) — of a ‘Role Model’ in global peacekeeping due to their professionalism, commitment, impartiality, integrity and (j) — attitude.                                               [Unit-12; Lesson-5]



Bengal big study Sundarbans the largest
the mangrove seriously only is wild

The Sundarbans mangrove forest is one of the largest such forests in the world. The (a) –– forest is shared by both Bangladesh and India. (b) –– forest is a shelter for various types of (c) –– life. It is the largest reserves for the (d) –– Tiger. But a study reports that there are (e) –– 500 tigers remain in this mangrove forest. The (f) –– also finds that the forest is being damaged (g) –– by erosion, rising sea and storm surges. Hence, (h) –– life of tigers is at stake. The Sundarbans (i) –– a critical tiger habitat. We must save this (j) –– mangrove forest to save the majestic animal from being extinct.                                                                                 [Unit-8; Lesson-4]


45.Kurigram Govt. Women’s College-16; Kurigram, Cox’s Bazar Govt. college, Cox’s Bazar-16; Rajshahi Cadet Colege-09 Æ Sylhet Govt. Women’s College-09 Æ Gulshan Model School & College, Dhaka-08

plenty of expanse collect touch nature originate
sandy dominates colourful having tourism  

Kuakata, locally known as Sagor-Kannya (daughter of the sea) is a rare scenic beauty. The name Kuakata has (a) — from kua (well) dug on the sea shore by the early Rakhine settlers in quest of (b) —water. It (c) — the unending expanse of (d) — beauty (e) — excellent combination of (f) — waves of the Bay of Bengal. It has (g) — beach, blue sky and unending rows of plantation. Forests, boat plying in the Bay of Bengal with (h) — sails, fishing, towering cliffs, everything here (i) — visitor’s heart. A comprehensive plan may make it a nice (j) — spot.                                                                                                                                                 [Unit-8; Lesson-5]



slopes virgin surfing the beach allow
boats at sunset flows the pleasant

Kuakata is one of the unique spots of Bangladesh. It (a) –– its visitors to watch both the sunrise and the (b) –– from the beach. That perhaps makes Kuakata one of (c) –– world’s most attractive beaches. The long and wide beach (d) –– Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This sandy beach (e) –– gently into the Bay and bathing there is as (f) –– as is swimming or diving. Kuakata is truly a (g) –– beach and a sanctuary for migratory winter birds. Fishing (h) –– plying in the Bay of Bengal with colorful sails, (i) –– waves and the lines of coconut trees add to (j) –– vibrant colours of Kuakata.                                                                                                                     [Unit-8; Lesson-5]



peace which movement violence the peace
on a world intends violent ending

Peace movement means anti-war movement. Peace movement aims at the (a) –– of a particular war or all wars. It (b) –– to bring peace in the world. A peace (c) –– has some ideals such as the ending of (d) –– particular war or all wars and minimize inter-human (e) –– in a particular place. A peace movement emphasizes (f) –– banning of guns, pacifism, non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts, (g) –– camps etc to achieve its goal. In today’s (h) –– there are so many organizations that involve in (i) –– movement. But the organizations have a common goal (j) –– is sustainability of peace.                                                                                               [Unit-12; Lesson-5]



the properties major establish utopian conflict
peace for the today ensure appeared

Peace and conflict are the two sides of the same coin. (a) –– establishment of peace in the world is one of the (b) –– challenges for the world leaders. To save people’s lives and (c) –– and whole environment from the destructive force of war and (d) ––, there is no alternative to peace. We are not for (e) –– world, the world is for us. To have the world (f) ––, people need to have patience. World peace is not a (g) –– dream. It is within our control. In 1815-1816 to (h) –– peace, the first peace movement, New York Peace Society (i) ––. Afterwards, many organizations were set up to promote peace in (j) –– world. The United Nations was one of major organizations of them.                                                                                                                                                           [Unit-12; Lesson-1]



first was executives invent internet who
a seattle data got from available

People do not like to remember about how far they have come as a species in a relatively short period of time. In 1870s we first (a) –– electricity to light the house. Cars have become (b) –– 100 years ago. Charles Lindbergh was the first (c) –– made the trans-Atlantic flight in 1927. A (d) –– based dentist named Dr. Barney Clark was the (e) –– person to implant with an artificial heart. It (f) –– named after Robert Jarvik who designed it. People (g) –– all social strata from street vendors to business (h) –– now use cell phones. The personal computer is (i) –– wonderful machine that allows us to access the (j) ––, do word processing, use a calculator, watch TV, play games and do a host of other things.   [Unit-13; Lesson-1]



scientists be ears it on is
used infection limbs out disease has

Leprosy has been a serious disease over the years. (a) –– is a great challenge for medical science. It (b) –– a permanent damaging power to the skin, nerves, (c) –– and eyes. But the latest news is that (d) –– have now the opportunity to cure leprosy. IDRI (e) –– working on the disease in two ways. It (f) –– also trying to develop a test to find (g) –– the potential people being infected. To eliminate this (h) ––, some world’s renowned pharmaceutical giants donate the currently (i) –– antibiotics. Global technology also has a tremendous impact (j) –– eliminating leprosy.                                                                                                                             [Unit-13; Lesson-2]



no Martian field much of there
prove change medicine cold would be

Exploring Mars would not be as easy as landing on the moon was. It would be (a) –– more difficult because the journey to Mars (b) –– be about a hundred times longer. Moreover (c) –– might be new problems such as the (d) –– weather. Nanotechnology has the potential to bring (e) –– in several fields and especially in the (f) –– of medicine. Advanced drug delivery techniques could (g) –– used to deliver drugs to specific parts (h) –– the body without side effects. Nanomedicine may (i) –– to be the biggest achievement in modern (j) ––.                                                                                                                                                                         [Unit-13; Lesson-4]



becomes but represents truth poem quoted
on famous died of line with

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”. This is a (a) –– quotation of John Keats.  He (b) –– it in his famous “Ode (c) –– a Grecian Urn”. In this (d) –– he wanted to tie truth (e) –– beauty. Sometimes truth becomes unpleasant (f) –– at a higher level it (g) –– beautiful. A poem named “I (h) –– for beauty” by Emily Dickinson (i) –– the relation between beauty and (j) ––. Art and poetry in every language finds similarity between beauty and truth. It is beauty which is appreciated divinely.                                                     [Unit-14; Lesson-1]



laughter can natural perception truth universal
place pleasurable away be part is

It is difficult to define beauty. Beauty is in every (a) –– object. It may be in nature, in the (b) –– of children, in the kindness of strangers. Beauty (c) –– everywhere which is appreciated divinely. It may be (d) –– or not. It depends on one’s view and (e) ––. Beauty is a part of our life. But (f) –– you imagine that ugliness too can be a (g) –– of our life? Actually ugliness has as much (h) –– in our life as beauty. We cannot drive (i) –– ugliness fully from our life. Sometimes an unpleasant (j) –– becomes beautiful at a higher level. However, a beautiful thing remains true forever.                                                                                                                           [Unit-14; Lesson-1]



it large music rich famous fine
rural form our music structure a

Bangladesh is a country of music. It has a (a) –– culture. Bangladeshi culture is enriched with folk music. Folk (b) –– is the heart of Bangladeshi music. Folk music is (c) –– combination of folk dance, folk song and folk tune. (d) –– is an ancient type of music having a particular (e) –– of expression. Folk music is simple in words and (f) ––. Usually this type of music represents the life of (g) –– rural people. It is closely related to the nature, (h) –– environment and human life. Baul, Bhatiyali, Bhawaiya are some (i) –– kind of folk music of our country. The Baul (j) –– known as Baul sangeet is full of mysticism.                                                                                                    [Unit-14; Lesson-2]



pesticides formalin food findings that food
markets adulterated it poisonous threatening human

In Bangladesh adulteration in food is very common nowadays. It has taken a (a) –– shape. Almost every food available in market is (b) ––. Milk, milk products, vegetables, fruits, fish highly contain (c) –– such as DDT which is very dangerous for (d) –– health. The dishonest businessmen mix formalin with the (e) –– stuffs. This poisonous chemical is so harmful that (f) ––can even kill a man. These chemicals in (g) –– items were found out by a team of FAO (h) ––recently has run a survey in various kitchen (i) –– in Dhaka city. The report said that the (j) ––were shocking for the whole country.                                                                                              [Unit-3; Lesson-1]


56.[Notre Dame College, Dhaka- ’16]

varied integral pertain result pave goal
involve entity attempt disagree oppose idea

Conflicts can be described as a (a) — among groups or individuals. This is generally fueled by the (b) — of one party to another in an (c) — to reach a (d) — different from other party. The elements (e) — in the conflict have (f) — sets of principles and values, thus (g) — the way to conflict. Conflicts simply (h) — to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities, (i) — in an antagonistic state. However, conflict is an (j) — part of life.                                                                                                     [Unit-12; Lesson-2]


57.[Govt. College of Commerce, Chittagong ’16]

visit travel be follow materialise great
pioneers dream step mission refresh violent

Man had always (a) — of making a (b) — to the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person (c) — the dream. He (d) — on the moon in 1969. Buzz Aldrin was his (e) — They are considered to be (f) — in the history of space (g) —. (h) — inspired from their accomplishment, people (i) — their effort. This adventure had a (j) — impact in the world of science and technology. [Unit-13; Lesson-4]


58.[Scholarshome, Sylhet- ’16]

sign generate imply apply interact distinguish remain
apt determine present buy extract appreciate imagine

A craftwork is an (a) — form of art, a social and cultural product reflecting the inclusive nature of folk (b) —. A craftwork, which usually doesn’t bear the (c) — of its maker, retains a personal touch. When we look at a thirty year old nakshikantha we wonder at its motifs and designs that point to the artistic ingenuity and the (d) — of the maker in it. The fact that we don’t know her name or any other details about her doesn’t take anything away from our (e) — of the artist. Indeed, the intimate nature of the kantha and tactile feeling it (f) — animate the work and make it very inviting. A craftwork is shaped by the (g) — of individual creativity and community aesthetics, utility functions and human values. It (h) — by its maker’s desire to locate himself or herself in the wider and ever-changing cultural aspirations of the community, and subsequently of the market. But even when the market is an important factor, community aesthetics remains the factor (i) — the form and content of the craftwork. The exquisite terracotta dolls from Dinajpur dating back to early 1940s that form a part of the Bangladesh National Museum’s collection mostly (j) — from village fairs by some patron.                     [Unit-14; Lesson-3]


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Chai thowei marma

    This is Extraordinary website

  2. Fariha Moni

    Answer kothay? Ei gaps with clue er

  3. Fariha Moni

    Answer kothay gaps fill er

  4. Shikrity

    Answer gula diten bai

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