Hsc English Close Test Without Clues Textual

                   Close Test Without Clues


1.JB ’17

Beauty is easy to appreciate but difficult to define. If we look around, we will discover beauty in (a) — objects and sights in nature, in the (b) — of children, in kindness of strangers. But asked to define, we run into (c) —. Does beauty have an independent identity? Is it (d) — or relative? Is it dependent on our sense (e) —? Does it lie in the (f) — the beholder? Thus there will arise a number of (g) — in our mind. However, poets, artists, philosophers and thinkers (h) — always in search of beauty in their works and arts. But most of them have the common and undisputed opinion that where there is beauty, there is (i) —, that is, a thing of beauty is a joy (j) —.        [Unit-14; Lesson-01]


2.Nelson Mandela was an undisputed leader for the South African black people. He was the embody of the (a) –– of the black South Africans. He was in (b) –– for almost three decades. The years Mandela spent (c) –– bars made him the world’s most celebrated political (d) ––. He was a leader of mythic stature for (e) –– of people of black South Africans and other (f) –– people of the world. Charged with capital offences (g) –– the Rivonia Trial, his speech from the dock (h) –– his political testimony. Althrough his life he fought (i) –– the rights of the people who were deprived (j) ––. He was against the domination of both the white and black South Africans. He only dreamt of a society where all persons would live in harmony.                                                              [Unit-1; Lesson-1]


3.The history of Bengal is the history of a people who have repeatedly made their highways crimson with their blood. We (a) –– blood in 1952, even though we were the (b) –– in the elections of 1954, we could not (c) –– a government then. In 1958 Ayub Khan declared (d) ––Law to enslave us for the next ten years. (e) ––1966 we launched the six point movement but (f) –– boys were shot dead. When Ayub Khan fell (g) –– the movement of 1969, Yahya Khan assured that (h) –– would give us a constitution. He assured of (i) –– democracy. After then elections had taken place. Bangabandu (j) –– President Yahya Khan and requested him to hold the session of the National Assembly on 15 January. But Yahya Khan didn’t listen to him, instead he listend to Mr. Bhutto. [Unit-1; Lesson-2]


4.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the founding father of Bangladesh. He came of a (a) –– Muslim family of Tungipara under Gopalgonj district. (b) –– his student life he took part in (c) –– political movements like the Language Movement and (d) –– Liberation Movement. Many events of the past (e) –– to his 7 March memorable speech which (f) –– very illustrious. Through his speech he inspired (g) –– people of Bangladesh to get ready for (h) –– war. Being inspired by his speech the (i) –– nation got united for getting freedom. Thus, (j) –– speech has become a part of our history. [Unit-1; Lesson-2]


5.Valentina Tereshkova is a retired Russian cosmonaut and politician. She came of a (a) –– family of Central Russia. Her father (b) –– a tractor driver and her mother (c) –– in a textile plant. Valentina began (d) –– at the age of eight but (e) –– school in 1953. But she continued (f) –– education through distance learning. She was (g) –– in parachuting at her tender age. (h) –– took training in skydiving at the (i) –– Aero club. In 1962, she was (j) –– for the Project Vostok-6. She experienced nausea and physical discomfort for much of the flight. [Unit-1; Lesson-3]


6.Kalpana Chawla was an Indo- American astronaut. She was the first woman of Indian (a) –– in space. Kalpana joined NASA in 1988. Her (b) –– is an inspiration to women all over the (c) ––. She was an ordinary woman but with her (d) –– courage and work she became a source of (e) –– to women all over the world. Kalpana Chawla (f) –– her second voyage to space in 2003. After (g) –– 16 day scientific mission in space, the spacecraft (h) –– disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the (i) –– atmosphere and all the astronauts of Columbia died (j) –– 16 minutes before landing. [Unit-1; Lesson-3]


7.Driving is not a very easy task. Maintaining traffic rules on the road (a) –– on the highways is very important. One who (b) –– has to think about a lot of things (c) –– a moment. He has to be very conscious (d) –– every single moment. The condition in traffic changes (e) ––. So he has to face many unexpected situations (f) –– the road. He must always be ready to (g) –– unexpected behaviour from any vehicle or pedestrian. He (h) –– to keep his head cool while driving (i) –– it is one of the preconditions to (j) –– safely and successfully. Finally, while driving one must not think a road as a racing circuit. [Unit-2; Lesson-1]


8.A traffic policeman is a very familiar figure in the city and town areas. We can find him in the (a) ––. His main duty is to maintain traffic. We (b) –– him on his duty even in the rough (c) ––. Whether it is very hot or cold or (d) ––, he never stops performing his duty. He encounters (e) –– unbearable noisy environment every day. In spite of these odd (f) ––, he tries his best to make sure our (g) –– safe and sound. Sometimes he comes forward to (h)–– school students, old people, women and patients to (i) –– the road. We should show due respect to (j) ––. [Unit-2; Lesson-3]


9.It is found that the levels of pesticides used in around half of the vegetables and more than a quarter of fruits sold in the capital’s market are unsafe. A (a) –– published in Dhaka Tribune says that nearly 40% of 82 (b) –– of milk, milk products, fish fruits and vegetables contain banned (c) –– such as DDT, Aldrin, Chlordane and Heptachlor. It is found (d) –– the amounts of pesticide used in these samples were found (e) –– be 3 to 20 times greater than the limit. 50% (f) –– and 35% fruits were to be founded contaminated. The team (g) –– found that nearly 30% of the samples contained traces of (h) –– which is fatal if swallowed or inhaled. The lead contained (i) –– the samples is at 20 to 50 times above the (j) –– limit. BSTI conducted the survey. The survey found arsenic and chromium above safety limits. [Unit-3; Lesson-1]


10.[Noakhali Government College, Noakhali- ’16]

Nowadays foods are often (a) —. In hotels and restaurants stale and rotten (b) — are mixed with fresh food and served (c) — the customers. Fish and vegetables are adulterated (d) — putting on them chemicals and other (e) — in order to make them look fresh. Bakery (f) — confectionary products are also prepared by using (g) — substances and thus they get adulterated. Almost all kinds of foods and food articles are adulterated by dishonest and greedy businessmen and shop (h) —. Adulterated foods are a serious health (i) —, Food adulteration has also become an (j) — problem in our country now.                                   [Unit-3; Lesson-1]


11.[Birshreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College, Dhaka- ’16]

“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” relates the experience of a sailor (a) ¾ from a long sea (b) ¾. The mariner stops a man who is on the way to a (c) ¾ ceremony and begins to (d) ¾ the story. The mariner’s tale begins (e) ¾ his ship departing on its journey. Despite initial good fortune, the ship is (f) ¾ south by a storm (g) ¾ eventually reaches the Antarctic waters. An albatross appears and leads them out of the ice jam where they had been stuck, but suddenly the mariner shoots the bird. The crew gets (h) ¾ with the mariner, believing the albatross brought south (i) ¾ that led them out of Antarctic. However, the sailors (j) ¾ their minds when the weather becomes warmer and mist disappears.                                                                                                      [Unit-3; Lesson-2]


12.Adolescence means the teenage years between 13 and 19. Adolescents (a) –– different both from young children and adults. (b) ––, adolescents are not fully capable of understanding (c) –– concepts. They don’t even understand the relationship (d) ––behaviour and consequences, nor they have the (e) –– to take decisions over health issues. It (f) –– make them vulnerable to sexual exploitation and (g) –– risk behaviours. Laws and customs may also (h) –– adolescents. These issues often restrict adolescents’ access (i) –– reproductive health information and services. Parents, community (j) –– social institutions should intervene effectively when problems arise. [Unit-5; Lesson-1]


13.Adolescents constitute a nation’s core resource for national renewal and growth. (a) –– adolescence, transition from childhood to adulthood takes place. (b) –– shapes the future of girl’s and boys’ lives. (c) –– girls are victim of inequality and subordination within (d) –– family and society. It leads to widespread practice (e) –– child marriage. They are also marginalised or excluded (f) –– health, education and economic opportunities. And they are (g) –– to violence and sexual abuse. In fact, young (h) –– have a right to quality education, decent work (i) –– comprehensive health services. Government should focus on the (j) –– of the adolescents. [Unit-5; Lesson-2]


14.The situation of adolescent girls in Bangladesh is not good. After (a) –– pulled out of school, the adolescent girls often (b) –– their mobility, their friends and social status. The (c) –– of this mobility curtails their economic and non-formal (d) –– opportunities. They even lack information about health issues. (e) –– study reveals that only about three in five (f) –– have even heard of contraception. Most of the (g) –– girls are undernourished and suffer from anemia. Adolescent (h) –– is also high in Bangladesh. However, the condition (i) –– adolescent boys in our country is not good (j) –– somewhat better than the girls. The boys, who don’t go to school or unemployed, are unaware of the social and health issues. [Unit-5; Lesson-1]


15.Shilpi was being pressurized for having children by her in-laws. She took Rashid, her (a) ––, to discuss pregnancy with a counselor. Rashid agreed to (b) –– having children for five years despite pressures from his (c) –– and neighbours to produce an offspring. The couple met (d) ––a female health care provider, who informed them about (e) –– various family planning options available. Shilpi’s mother-in-law and neighbours (f) –– to pressurize the newlyweds. Deeply rooted cultural practice and (g) –– caused a rift between the couple, and their family (h) –– and criticized them. But at last Shilpi’s mother-in-law and (i) –– came to understand the harmful effects of early pregnancy (j) –– mother and child. [Unit-5; Lesson-4]


16.In Bangladesh, tertiary education faces many deep-rooted challenges. There are 35 public and 79 private universities in our country. These institutions are (a) –– with various types of problems. Every year a (b) –– number of students struggle hard to get admitted (c) –– public universities. But due to limited number of (d) –– in public universities, students’ hard struggle ends in (e) ––. Between public and private universities, a student chooses (f) –– universities. Public universities offer more subjects than private (g) ––. Offering low tution fees is one of the (h) –– reasons behind this choice. On the other hand, (i) –– universities offer less number of subjects. They also (j) –– high tuition fees for which students of middle class family hardly intend to get admitted into a private university. [Unit-6; Lesson-2]


17.[Dhaka Residential Model School & College, Dhaka- ’16]

Good manners do not (a) ¾ us anything, but what they bring (b) ¾ in return is beyond measure. To be polite and gentle (c) ¾ others one does not have to (d) ¾ money, but the love and honour that such manners bring us cannot (e) ¾ bought in a market. Good manners are often a matter (f) ¾ habit. They are (g) ¾ habit formed through training (h) ¾ tradition. But (i) ¾ reality such manners are also a matter of principle. For it is out of consideration and respect for others (j) ¾ good manners are born.                                                     [Unit-4; Lesson-1]


18.Bangladesh has a rich folk music. It (a) –– both religious and secular songs. Bangladeshi culture has a (b) –– tradition of folk music. Folk music may be described (c) –– that type of ancient music which springs from the (d) –– of a community. It is the heart of Bangladeshi (e) –– . Folk music is simple in words and structure. It (f) –– classified into several subgenrers. Baul, Bhatiyali, Bhawaiya are some (g) –– them. Baul sangeet is full of mysticism. Lalon Fakir (h) –– considered to be the greatest of all bauls. The (i) –– song ‘Bhatiyali is the music of boatmen and fishermen. (j) –– is the song of northern region. ‘Garial Bhai’ is a popular Bhawaiya song. [Unit-14; Lesson-2]


19.Bangladeshi folk music has a great variety. (a) –– varieties of folk songs have come from (b) –– variation. Besides, the culture and lifestyle of (c) –– tribes of our country have influenced folk (d) ––. Folk songs may be sung individually or (e) –– chorus. Chorus is the group of people (f) –– sing and dance together. Kabigan, Leto, Alkap (g) –– gambhira etc are performed in chorus. Some (h) –– cross religious boundaries and some do not. (i) –– are also some folk songs on which (j) –– can only participate. Bratagan and Meyeli Git are such kind of songs. [Unit-14; Lesson-2]


20.Craftwork is an applied form of art. There are (a) ––kinds of craftworks such as wood craft, (b) ––, pottery, embroidery etc. Wood craft is (c) ––artistic work which is designed on wood (d) ––made by woods. It includes all kinds (e) ––designs, statues, shapes etc. Many people in (f) ––country are engaged in producing wooden goods. (g) ––products are made for both aesthetic beauty (h) ––practical use. This artistic work is a (i) ––of our social and cultural heritage. In (j) ––spheres of our life, we use these products. [Unit-14; Lesson-3]


21.Craftwork has a great appeal to the people of all walks of life. It is called (a) –– object because it keeps with the changing tastes and (b) ––. But certain forms, shapes, styles and aesthetic preferences change (c) –– over time. Mechanical and mass production have a very (d) –– impact on handmade crafts. Though mechanically produced products are (e) –– goods but they do not have their aesthetic (f) ––. Handmade crafts have to compete on price and design (g) –– modern mechanical products. To revive handmade crafts, craftsmen (h) –– be trained better. Government should help them financially. Great (i) –– work should be done to catch the attraction of (j) –– international buyers. [Unit-14; Lesson-3]


22.[Cantonment College, Jessore­- ’16]

The name Kuakata takes its origin from the story of a ‘Kua’- or well-dug on the sea shore by the early Rakhaine settlers for (a) — drinking water. The Rakhaines had landed on Kuakata coast after being (b) — from Arakan by the Mughals. Following the first well, it became a (c) — to dig wells in the neighbourhood of Rakhaine (d) — for fresh water supply. Kuakata is one of the (e) — spots which allow a visitor to (f) — both the sunrise and the sunset from the (g) —. That perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world’s most (h) — beaches. The long and wide beach at Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This sandy beach slopes (i) — into the Bay and bathing there is as (j) — as is swimming or diving.                                                                                                          [Unit-8; Lesson-5]


23.[Rangpur Cadet College, Rangpur- ’16]

In our country women are the worst sufferers. Social prejudices and customs tend to (a) — their position. When a female child is born, it is not regarded as a happy (b) —. She is not welcomed with the deep warmth of (c) —. Instead of being delighted the male members think that she has come to add to their (d) —. Even the mother of the female child is not welcomed cordially for giving (e) — a female child. Rather she is held in great (f) —. Obviously there are many reasons behind this social (g) —. First of all she is regarded as a (h) — to be got rid of as soon as possible. The thinking of her marriage drive her parents mad for our evil (i) — system. Her parents try to find a husband for her even before she attains physical and mental (j) —.                                            [Unit-5; Lesson-2]


24.[Govt. College of Commerce, Chittagong – ’16]

Folk music (a) — of songs and music of a comunity that are (b) — by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard music styles. Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music (c) — includes both religious and (d) — songs. Folk music can be described as that type of ancient music which (e) — from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of (f) — uninfluenced by the rules of classical music and modern popular songs. Any mode or form (g) — by the combination of tune, voice and dance may (h) — described as music. Thus, the (i) — of folk song, folk dance and folk tune is called folk music. For (j) —. Baul songs are a combination of tune, music and dance.  [Unit-14; Lesson-2]


25.[Comilla Residential College, Comilla- ’16]

Everybody (a) — beauty of anything. Though we can (b) — beauty in our (c) — such as in nature, in the laughter of child, it (d) — not easy to (e) — beauty. We (f) — that ugliness is (g) — of beauty and ugliness is (h) — to anyone. But it is a (i) — of our life and (j) — as much a place in our life.                                                                                                                                                     [Unit-14; Lesson-1]


26.[Jhalokathi Govt. Women’s College, Jhalokathi- ’16]

Conflict can be defined as (a) — of value and ideas among other and the most (b) — form of conflict is (c) — clashes that results in lot of deaths and (d) —. There can be conflict within us, which is called (e) — conflict. The conflict between or among persons is called (f) — conflict. (g) — of economic resources is also a cause of conflict and it is known as (h) — conflict. Conflict is a very (i) — phenomenon, but sometimes it takes (j) — forms.                                                                                                         [Unit-12; Lesson-2]


27.[Chittagong College, Chittagong- ’16]

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Iron-rich surface of the planet (a) ¾ it a reddish appearance (b) ¾ which it is commonly referred to (c) ¾ the Red planet. It was (d) ¾ by the Romans in honour (e) ¾ their god of war. Martian air (f) ¾ more than 95% of carbon dioxide (g) ¾ very little oxygen. The average (h) ¾ is – 63 degrees Celsius. Scientists are (i) ¾ for extraterrestrial life on Mars, but (j) ¾ signs of life have yet been found.                                                                                                                             [Unit-13; Lesson-4]


28.[Chittagong Cantonment Public College, Chittagong- ’16]

Nanotechnology has the (a) ¾ to revolutionize several fields, but its greatest contribution may very well be in (b) ¾. The applications of nanotechnology in medicine are (c) ¾ endless. Molecules could be (d) ¾ to stick to and destroy cancer cells, and only cancer cells. Advanced drug (e) ¾ techniques could be used to deliver drugs to (f) ¾ parts of the body and (g) ¾ side effects. Microscopic (h) ¾ could be used to perform ultra-delicate (i) ¾ to repair damaged tissues, or to hunt down and destroy certain cells, like cancer cells or (j) ¾.                                                                                                                                                            [Unit-13; Lesson-4]


29.[National Ideal College, Khilgaon, Dhaka- ’16]

Rabindranath Tagore was a vast, varied and (a) — writer. There is no branch of Bengali literature where we do not see his consummate (b) — of writing. He has axed against the age old (c) — of the then Hindu society. He has taken his mighty pen and raised his voice where he has seen (d) — being trampled down because he knows that humanity is above all things. Haimonti is a short story which bears the (e) — to his vigorous expression of humanity. We see that Haimonti, an innocent girl with the purity and simplicity of a mountain stream became the (f) — of heartrending criticism and inhuman torture in her father-in-law’s house for (g) — He has dissected the (h) — of dowry system of the Hindu society to which the Hindu girls become the scape goats on the altar of sacrifice. To Apu’s parents dowry was (i) — to humanity. They cared little that their (j) — ruined a girl little by little.                                                                                            [Unit-6; Lesson-1]


30.[Dania University College, Dhaka- ’16]

Beauty is easy to (a) — but (b) — to define. As we look around, we (c) — beauty in pleasurable objects and sights-in nature, in the (d) — of children, in the kindness of strangers. But asked to define, we run into difficulties. Does beauty have an (e) — objective indentity? It is (f) —, or is it dependent on our sense (g) —? Does it lie in the eye of the beholder? We ask (h) —. A further difficulty arises when beauty manifests itself not (i) — by its presence, but by its (j) — as well.                                           [Unit-14; Lesson-1]


31.[Chowmuhany Govt. SA College, Noakhali- ’16]

The first Internet was (a) — in 1969 and the public only had access to the World Wide Web starting (b) — 1993. Today, just 22 years (c) —, the web has revolutionized the (d) — of information, created a (e) — multi-trillion dollar (f) — phenomenon, played a (g) — in revolutions, and has interconnected (h) — of the globe. It has also made it (i) — for people all over the planet to (j) — out and touch someone.                                                                                                                                                     [Unit-13; Lesson-1]


32.[Adamjee Cantonment College, Dhaka- ’16]

Kuakata is truly a (a) — beach and it is (b) — as a sanctuary for the (c) — winter birds. Fishing boats (d) — in the Bay of Bengal with colourful sails. The lines of coconut tree contribute to (e) — the beauty of Kuakata. The (f) — culture of the Rakhaine community indicate the (g) — old tradition and cultural (h) — of this area. Kuakata is also (i) — a remarkable place for the Hindus and the Buddhists. Each year the place is (j) — by thousands of devotees.                                                         [Unit-8; Lesson-5]


33.[Al-Amin Academy School & College, Chandpur- ’16]

Conflict comes (a) —; the clashing of (b) — and ideas (c) — a part of the human experience. It is true that it can be (d) — if left (e) —. However, it shouldn’t be (f) — as something that can only (g) — negative things to transpire. It is a way to (h) — up with more meaningful realization that can (i) — be helpful to the (j) — involved.                                               [Unit-12; Lesson-2]


34.Nanomedicine is the preservation and improvement of human health using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body. It is the medical (a) –– for nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can bring revolution in (b) –– fields. The impacts of the application of (c) –– in the field of medicine can be (d) ––. To destroy cancer cells, Molecules can be (e) ––. Nanotechnology can provide the possibility of delivering (f) –– to specific cells of the body. By (g) ––this technology overall drug consumption and side (h) –– may be lowered significantly. Nanomedicine may be (i) –– as a part of tissue engineering to (j) –– reproduce or repair damaged tissue. Nanorobots can be used to repair or detect infections or damages.                                                  [Unit-13; Lesson-4]


35.The emperor commanded all the subjects to break the smaller end of their eggs. Many people could not (a) –– this law. As a result, many (b) –– were forced to leave the country. (c) –– sought shelter in the neighbouring island, (d) ––. The Emperor of Blefuscu gave them (e) ––and a war broke out between (f) –– two countries. According to their rebellions, (g) –– had been six histories on that (h) ––. The result was that an Emperor (i) –– his life and another lost his (j) –– and nearly eleven thousand persons were killed. Many hundred large volumes have been published upon this controversy. [Unit-15; Lesson-3]


36.The King’s garden is very old. It has pleasant walks, lawns. The seed (a) –– of the garden are of various sizes. In (b) –– it is impossible to grow Indian fruits and (c) –– due to cold weather. So a special kind (d) –– house is built for this purpose. Three sides (e) –– this house are made of brick but the (f) –– one which faces the south is made of (g) ––. It prevents the cold air to enter but (h) –– in the sun’s rays. In the cold season (i) –– are hit to keep the house warm. The (j) –– along the walks in the king’s garden are tastefully arranged. [Unit-15; Lesson-4]


37.Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet and educator. His (a) –– of education is different from the (b) –– system of education. According to him (c) –– is an educational institution where students (d) –– to get higher degrees. It should (e) –– be made into mechanical organizations for (f) –– and distributing knowledge. He termed the (g) –– institution of India as India’s alms (h) –– of knowledge. The consequence is that (i) –– are getting a community of qualified (j) –– not a cultured community.

[Unit-6; Lesson-1]


38.The object of an educational institution should be the constant pursuit of truth. (a) –– should not be like a dead cage in which (b) –– minds fed with food artificially prepared. The educational institution (c) –– be an open house in which students and teachers (d) –– at one. They should have a common aspiration for (e) –– and need to share all the delights of culture. (f) –– former days, the great master craftsmen had students in (g) –– workshops who would cooperate in shaping things to perfection. (h) –– was a place where knowledge does not have its (i) –– and low but a creative personality subtly informed its (j) ––. Creative art is the aspect of intellectual knowledge which explores the truth and expresses something which is human in him. [Unit-6; Lesson-1]


39.There are 35 public and 79 private universities in our country. The (a) –– of private university emerged in 1990s. But in case (b) –– higher education, public universities are the first choices for (c) –– of the students. This is because the public universities (d) –– a wide range of subjects in various disciplines. Another (e) –– to choose the public university is that many seminars (f) –– and conferences are held there. Moreover, the best minds (g) –– attracted to teaching profession. There is also ample scope (h) –– national and international exposures. Public universities offer residential and (i) –– facilities at low cost. One of the most important (j) –– is that to study in a private university a student has to pay a huge amount of tuition fees. [Unit-6; Lesson-2]


40.At present there are 35 public universities in Bangladesh. All of these universities are (a) –– financed autonomous entities. In1990s private sectors came forward to establish (b) –– university in Bangladesh. Now 79 private universities are operating mostly (c) –– Dhaka and few others are in other big cities. There (d) –– 1400 colleges also for offering tertiary education and they are (e) –– to the NU. But still Bangladesh is struggling to keep (f) –– with demand for higher education. Students face so many problems (g) –– their desired university. Public universities offer limited number of seats. (h) –– there being a large number of competitors, students has to (i) –– a tough competition to get them admitted there. Moreover a (j) –– amount of tuition fees in private universities is allowing the problem to grow more.                                                                                                                               [Unit-6; Lesson-2]


41.The 21st century is a very competitive age. It is also the age of a (a) –– economy. As a result, higher education has to do a (b) –– of contribution for the development of the fast growing business (c) ––. Many modern educationists believe that the learners of this century (d) –– be prepared with some skills in addition to their subject (e) ––. They will think critically and make the best use of (f) ––. They must have the capability to solve complex and multi-disciplinary (g) –– . They have to be creative. They must have the ability (h) ––think unconventionally. Today many of the fastest growing jobs and (i) –– rely on workers’ creative capacity. These skills of the learners (j) –– help them to face the challenges of 21st century. [Unit-6; Lesson-3]


42.Etiquette means a set of behaviours in a society. There (a) –– difference between etiquette and manners. Whereas etiquette (b) –– regarded as the correct way of behaviour, (c) –– don’t refer to that. Manner means that behaviour (d) –– is considered to be polite in a particular (e) ––or culture. Manners may be both good (f) –– bad. Suppose, in our country, offering something (g) –– left hand is considered to be bad (h) –– which, obviously, isn’t bad in the western (i) ––. This cultural difference varies from country to (j) ––, society to society, community to community. That’s why this difference can make you puzzled. [Unit-4; Lesson-1]


43.A 13 year old street boy named Amerigo lives on the street. He is (a) ––. He is detached from his parents because they do not live (b) ––. He wants to live with them but both of them denied (c) –– him with them. They are not careful about their child. Even (d) –– could not get any financial support from them. He collects garbage (e) –– sells it to a vendor. Once he got serious infection and (f) –– the work following the doctor’s advice. Once he had worked for (g) –– ice cream shop. He sold the ice cream but in return (h) –– shop owner gave him something to eat and let him sleep (i) –– his hut at night. There are thousands of Amerigo around the (j) ––. They live a very miserable life. They are deprived of their fundamental rights. [Unit-7; Lesson-4]


44.Dream is a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. Dream is a (a) –– of unconscious wishes, thoughts and imaginations. It (b) –– be sweet or horrible. When we dream (c) –– pleasant, we call it a sweet dream. (d) –– when we dream something extremely bad, we (e) –– it a nightmare. Dream is meaningless, if (f) –– is a day-dream. But dream has also (g) –– real purpose if it is related to (h) ––, emotional and physical well-being. The main benefit (i) –– dream is that it produces new thoughts (j) –– ideas in brain and helps to clean up clutter from mind.

[Unit-10; Lesson-1]


45.As a human being we all are born free. We have our (a) –– thoughts and belief. No one should (b) –– our rights. Declaration of human rights (c) –– been set up for the preservation (d) –– human rights. It makes us conscious (e) –– our rights. Now we can easily (f) –– whether our rights are being violated (g) –– not. The rights described here are (h) –– standard for all people. The aim (i) –– the declaration is to preserve the (j) –– of human. Every person is asked to support these rights. [Unit-7; Lesson-1]


46.Education is one of the basic human rights. (a) –– education is a must for every human being. It (b) –– us to be aware of our human rights. Without (c) –– education we will deprive ourselves. We can learn about (d) –– basic human rights through education. Education makes a man (e) –– with the rights of his own and others. A (f) –– can learn about the rights what he is supposed (g) –– get. He can also learn how much he is (h) –– deprived of. It makes a man self-dependent. Education teaches (i) –– man not to violate the rights of others. It (j) –– to fostering peace, democracy and economic growth as well as improving health and reducing poverty. [Unit-7; Lesson-3]


47.Once the river Buriganga had a glorious past. It was a (a) –– of the mighty Ganges. The Mughals were marveled at the tide (b) –– of the Buriganga. But now its water is polluted. Perpetual stench fills (c) –– air around it. The city of Dhaka discharges about 4500 tons (d) –– waste everyday into the Buriganga. Again according to the department of the (e) ––, 20,000 tons of tannery wastes are released into it every day. (f) –– nine industrial areas are found out as sources of river pollution. (g) –– case is not for the Buriganga alone. It is same (h) –– almost every water body of the country. The problem is man (i) ––. To get rid of future problem, we should take care of (j) ––rivers. Otherwise, there may come a time when we will cry ‘water’ ‘water’ but find it nowhere.      [Unit-8; Lesson-1]


48.Hakaluki Haor is a complicated ecosystem. It has (a) –– interconnected beels and jalmahals. There are more than 238 interconnecting beels and (b) ––. The haor is an important source of fisheries resources of Bangladesh. The (c) –– fish species can be found here. The downstream fishing communities depend on (d) –– produced by mother fisheries. There are upstream movements of fish frequently towards (e) –– and tributaries of Hakaluki. Providing shelter for mother fisheries is being disturbed (f) –– to lack of capacity of the beels. For the migratory birds, the (g) –– is a good resting place. The haor is a temporary home for (h) –– other species of waterfowls. It works as a huge amount of food (i) –– for the waterfowls. The haor has also a tremendous impact on our (j) ––. [Unit-8; Lesson-2]


49.Giant panda is very charismatic. It is a (a) –– loved species. But it is one of the rarest and most (b) –– bear in the world. Pandas are mainly found in China. Due (c) –– temperature rise in China over the next century, Panda will seriously (d) –– endangered because of depletion of bamboo habitat which provides food for (e) ––. Bamboo makes up 99% of their diet. Only shifting to new (f) –– at higher elevations will likely to save them. But delayed conservation (g) –– may result in further human habitats and activities in the bamboo (h) –– reducing them to a great extent. Climate change models are a (i) –– solution to the preservation of three bamboo species convening one fourth (j) –– the total remaining panda habitat. [Unit-8; Lesson-3]


50.Pandas are one of the most beloved animal species on Earth. (a) –– pandas are mainly found in China. Giant pandas are classified as the (b) –– endangered animals. One of the main reasons that pandas have become endangered (c) –– habitat destruction. As the population in China continues to grow, pandas’ habitats (d) –– taken over by development, pushing them into smaller and less livable areas. (e) –– are also on the threat of extinction for the devastating effects of (f) –– change. Many pandas in the world currently living in the nature reserves (g) –– be protected from human encroachment. When those reserves will be unsuitable for (h) –– production of bamboo, their main food, due to temperature rise, Pandas will (i) –– face threat of extinction. To protect this beautiful species people should come (j) ––. [Unit-8; Lesson-3]


51.The Sundarbans is shared by Bangladesh and India. It is a (a) –– mangrove forest. The forest is the only (b) –– for the Royal Bengal tigers. These Tigers (c) –– only found in the mangroves of the (d) –– shared by Bangladesh and India. But this (e) –– is disappearing fast due to erosion, rising (f) –– levels and storm surges. Thus it poses (g) –– question mark over the future of the (h) –– Bengal tiger, an endangered species. Rapid deterioration (i) –– causing as much as 200 metres of (j) –– vegetation rich coast to disappear annually. If this continues, the tiger population in the Sundarbans will be at stake. [Unit-8; Lesson-4]


52.Kuakata is known for its panoramic sea beach. The natural beauty of Kuakata is really eye (a) ––. It has wide sandy beach, blue sky, huge (b) –– of sea water and green forest. A truly (c) –– beach Kuakata is a sanctuary for migratory winter (d) ––. Fishing boats plying in the Bay of Bengal (e) –– colourful sails, surfing waves and the lines of (f) –– trees which add to the vibrant colours Kuakata. (g) –– is also known as a holy place for (h) –– Hindus and Buddhits. The festivals Rash Purnima and (i) –– Purnima are celebrated each year by thousands of (j) –– who come here. On these two days, pilgrims take bath and go to the traditional fairs for enjoyment.        [Unit-8; Lesson-5]


53.Conflict can be defined as clash of value and ideas. It refers to some form of (a) ––, disagreement or discord arising within a group. (b) –– other and the most serious form of (c) –– is an armed clash that results in (d) –– of death and casualties. There can be (e) –– within us, which is called intrapersonal conflict. (f) –– conflict between or among persons is called (g) –– conflict. Constraints of economic resources are also (h) –– cause of conflict and it is known (i) –– resource conflict. Conflict is a very natural (j) ––, but sometimes it takes serious forms. [Unit-12; Lesson-2]


54.Economic conflict is related to resources as the resources of the planet are limited. (a) –– conflict is concerned with varied preferences and (b) ––. Power conflict is seen while different groups (c) –– in a clash concerning what influence they (d) –– make on social setting. Interpersonal conflict occurs (e) –– two individuals. Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an (f) –– Intragroup conflict happens among individuals within a (g) ––. And intergroup conflict takes place when a (h) –– arises among different teams within an organization. (i) –– are very natural in human life. The (j) –– of thoughts and ideas is a common part in every one’s life.   [Unit-12; Lesson-2]


55.Diaspora refers to the movement of population from its original homeland. These (a) –– do not live in their country of origin. (b) –– live in a new land and maintain their (c) –– there. Sometimes these people were forced to leave (d) –– country or sometimes they wanted to leave on (e) –– own decision. The world has seen many diasporas. (f) –– has a long and ancient history. In ancient (g) –– the Jewish people were forced to leave their (h) ––. The movement of the Aryans from Central Europe (i) –– the Indian sub-continent occurred thousands of years ago. (j) –– event is also an important example of diaspora. [Unit-11; Lesson-1]


56.Peace movements aim to establish peace in a particular society, country or in whole world. A peace movement is (a) –– a movement which is against all kinds of war. (b) –– is primarily characterized by a belief that human beings (c) –– not wage war on each other or engage in (d) ––conflicts on various issues. In the United States, the (e) –– peace movement was formed in 1815 named the New York Peace Society. (f) –– society turned to a very active organization holding meetings (g) ––. The society also produced literature and spread from Gibraltar (h) –– Malta. It expressed the horror of war and anti-war (i) ––. The same thing did the Massachusetts Peace Society. It (j) –– noteworthy that the founder of the New York Peace Society is an American theologian named David Low Dodge.                [Unit-12; Lesson-5]


57.As human beings, we like to forget what we achieved in a relatively short period of time. We have (a) –– our house in the 1870s. Cars were not available before 100 years (b) ––. It was Charles Lindbergh who made the first trans-Atlantic flight in 1927. Dr Barney Clark (c) –– the first person implanted with an artificial heart named Jarvik-7. We hope (d) –– one day more advanced versions of artificial organs will allow us to (e) –– longer. The personal computer is really a wonderful invention of modern science. (f) –– machine has made our life so easy. Personal computer allows us to (g) –– to the internet, do the word processing, play games and many more. Without (h) ––, internet wouldn’t have such a big impact on our life. Another scientific (i) –– is the cell phone. Now one can do almost everything in a (j) –– phone that one can do in a computer. Today people from all strata use mobile phone. [Unit-13; Lesson-1]


58.The first invented satellite is Telstar. It (a) –– its journey on 10 July 1962. Telstar incorporated many (b) –– such as the transistor and the 3,600 solar panels. (c) –– satellite has the capacity to carry 600 voice calls (d) –– one black and white TV channel from an egg (e) –– orbit. Today satellites are used for GPS, TV, radio, (f) –– tracking, military surveillance, space exploration and global communications. Human (g) –– always dreamt of walking on the moon. Neil Armstrong (h) –– the first person to land on the moon in 1969. (i) –– Internet was first invented in 1969 and public can (j) –– to internet starting in 1993. People all over the world now can reach out and touch someone through Internet. [Unit-13; Lesson-1]


59.Leprosy is a long term infection. It is a (a) –– disease. It causes severe, disfiguring skin sores and nerve damage in the (b) –– and legs. This disease has been around since ancient times. Every year (c) –– 2,50,000 new patients of leprosy are identified. There are some undetected too. (d) –– prevails in Asia, Africa and South America. Sometimes it becomes hard for (e) –– doctors to detect the disease as symptoms may take several years to (f) ––. Even symptoms can take as long as 20 years to appear. The (g) –– include progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. (h) –– also appears with a stigma. The individual attracted by it live in (i) –– unlike most other diseases. The good news is that leprosy control has (j) –– significantly due to national and sub-national campaigns in most endemic countries. [Unit-13; Lesson-2]


60.Can leprosy be finally eradicated? It’s a big (a) –– among the people of the world. As symptoms of leprosy (b) –– take several years to appear, it is hard to diagnose (c) –– infectious disease at an early stage. Leprosy results in isolation (d) –– most other diseases. IDRI, a non-profit organization, applies innovative science (e) –– develop advanced products for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of (f) –– disease. IDRI is trying to eliminate leprosy. The workers of IDRI (g) –– been carrying on research work for several years. They have (h) –– out two ways of attacking leprosy. The first way is (i) –– diagnose it correctly before clinical symptoms begin to appear. The (j) –– one is to develop a vaccine that would be used on a targeted basis. [Unit-13; Lesson-2]


61.Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases of the modern era. Modern (a) –– is still yet to come up with a cure. (b) –– cancer is similar to the common cold in the (c) –– of varities, millions of people die of it due to (d) –– types of slightly different cancer. Researchers are trying their (e) –– to find out alternative way how to cure the (f) –– diseases like cancer. They are on the edge of (g) ––. Recently a wide assortment of drugs, chemicals, stem cells, (h) –– modified viruses and even arsenic have all been proposed (i) –– cancer cures. We can hope for more remedy for (j) –– cures so that we can ensure a better life for everyone.    [Unit-13; Lesson-3]


62.In last 50 years we have got great scientific achievements. (a) –– is making things possible which were once (b) –– imagination. With the blessing of science we (c) –– solve many technical problems through computer. Scientists (d) –– invented many version of computer day by (e) ––. Now we are waiting for DNA computer. DNA (f) –– is a nanocomputer that uses DNA to (g) –– information and perform complex calculations. DNA is (h) –– in that sense that it efficiently stores (i) –– in a limited space. But this computer (j) –– now in the condition of infancy. Its prototype version is MAYA-II and it shows the concept only. [Unit-13; Lesson-3]


63.Beauty is easy to appreciate but difficult to define. Beauty is in (a) –– pleasurable object. Beauty can be found in nature, in the (b) –– of a child, in the kindness of a stranger. Everybody (c) –– beauty of anything. Beauty is a part of our life. (d) –– we can discover beauty in our surroundings, it is not (e) –– to define beauty. We know that ugliness is opposite to (f) –– and ugliness is not desirable to anyone. But it is (g) –– of the biggest truths of human life that ugliness too (h) –– a part of our life. Can we ignore ugliness? It (i) –– also a big question that if beauty is an important (j) –– of art, can art ignore ugliness? Poets and artist have incorporated both beauty and ugliness in their works.        [Unit-14; Lesson-1]


64.[Sonar Bangla College, Comilla- ’16]

Children must pass through several stages in their lives to become adults. For most people, there (a) ¾ four or five such (b) ¾ of growth where they (c) ¾ certain things : infancy, early (d) ¾, later childhood and adolescence. (e) ¾ 18 and over are (f) ¾ adults in our society. (g) ¾ course, there are some (h) ¾ will try to act (i) ¾ than their years. But (j) ¾ the most part, most individuals have to go through these stages irrespective of their economic or social status.                                                [Unit-5; Lesson-1]

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