Hsc English Story Writing Part 1

                              English 1st Paper

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                                                 Story Writing

                                                         Part 1

 01  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it.                              [DB ’17; CB ’14; DinaB ’13]

An ant lived on the bank of a river. The level of water in the river was increasing gradually. One day a wave stroke at the shore. At that moment the ant was walking. It slipped (wcQwj‡q cov) into water and………

Ans.                                                                           The Dove And the Ant

An ant lived on the bank of a river. The level of water in the river was increasing gradually. One day a wave stroke at the shore. At that moment the ant was walking. It slipped into water and could not reach the shore. A dove observed the matter. He felt for the ant and became very sympathetic (mnvbyf‚wZcÖeY).

He took a leaf of a jackfruit tree and spared it downward the water. The drowning ant caught it. Both the leaf and the ant were floating. At last the ant reached the shore. When he got back his life, he heard everything from the dove. He thanked the dove and soon they became friends.

One day, while the dove was sitting beside the bank, a hunter targeted it for hunting. At that moment, the grateful (K…ZÁ) ant hit upon a plan suddenly to save the dove. When the hunter aimed his gun at the dove, the ant bit his foot. As a result, the hunter jumped up and missed his target. Hearing the sound, the bird flew off. Thus the ant saved the life of his useful friend dove.

 02  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it. [RB ’17]

It was late at night. I was taking preparation for my ensuing examination. All the members of my family were sleeping. All on a sudden, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I got frightened ……………….

Ans.                                                                     Fun Is Not Always Good

It was late at night. I was taking preparation for my ensuing examination. All the members of my family were sleeping. All on a sudden, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I got frightened when he introduced himself as a robber.

This voice was soft at first but it was very ferocious later. He demanded at least ten lac taka within 24 hours. After saying this he cut the line. I was very nervous because he threatened to kill me if I don’t give him the money. I was very sensitive about this issue, specially over unknown phone call. My mental condition was serious and I was admitted into the hospital by my parents.

Next night he phoned me again and my father received it and told him about my real condition. After hearing this he became ashamed and penitent. He apologised to my father telling him that he was one of my school friends and he had made a fun with me.

 03   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.                                                        [Dinaj B ’17]

It was a bright sunny morning. I was going to college with some of my friends. We were in a hilarious mood as we were talking about our plan to go on a picnic. Suddenly…………………..

Ans.                                                                             Friend Is for Friend

It was a bright sunny morning. I was going to college with some of my friends. We were in a hilarious mood as we were talking about our plan to go on a picnic. Suddenly we were in a fix what to do. I, along with two others, lifted him up from the ground. I took a rickshaw. The rickshaw puller did not agree to go on usual fare. So we had to give him double fare.

However, we took our sick friend on the rickshaw to a nearby hospital. He was admitted there and treatment was going on. The doctors gave him saline and prescribed him to take rest on the hospital bed. In the afternoon, they released him giving some medicines.

We hurriedly went to college. The exam was already over. We met our Principal in his room, told him everything and requested him to give us another chance to sit for the exam. He pleasantly okayed our plea to sit for the exam on Friday. We thanked him and took our ailing friend to his house.

 04  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.                                                           [JB ’17; ’09]

There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree ……

Ans.                                                                          The Fox And the Crow

There was a crow on a tree with a piece of meat in its beak. A hungry fox sat under the tree. He saw the crow with the piece of meat in her beak. He wished to eat the piece of meat. So, he made a plan. In an attempt to materialise his plan he thought of several devices and finally he got one which seemed very suitable. He decided to take to flattery.

So the fox walked up to the foot of the tree, looked up and cried, “Good day beautiful crow. How well you are looking today : how glossy your feathers are; how bright your eyes are! I feel sure that your voice must surpass (Qvwo‡q hvIqv) in sweetness than that of other birds, just as your figure does: Let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of birds.”

Each and every word that the fox uttered were the sweetest things of the world the crow had ever heard. She lifted up her head and began to caw her best. But the moment when she opened her mouth the piece of meat fell to the ground, and the fox snapped the piece of meat.

“That will do. That was all I wanted. In exchange for your meat I will give you a piece of advice.” “No, that is not possible,” said the fox, “But I must give you the advice for the future : Do Not Trust Flatterers.”

 05  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   [CB ’17]

Rahim was a meritorious boy. He read in a village school. His father’s economic condition was not good. But he dreamt to be doctor………

Ans.                                                                Determination Brings Success

Rahim was a meritorious boy. He read in a village school. His father’s economic condition was not good. But he dreamt to be doctor so that he could remove all the miseries of his family. But there is always a gap between imagination and reality. When he was a student of class X, his father died.

After his father’s death he fell into more difficulties. But he did not give up his hope. He promised to try his level best to materialize his dream. He appeared at the SSC and got GPA 5 from science group. A national newspaper published an article on him. There were some photographs of him, their home etc in the newspaper. Reading this article, a private bank extended its cooperative hands to assist Rahim.

One day a postman came to their house and delivered him a registered letter. After reading the letter, he became overwhelmed with joy and surprise. The bank offered him a big stipend. He called out his mother and his close friends. They all also became very happy at the good news. Rahim availed the chance and after a few days he met the chief of the bank. Then he got admission in B.S College, Comilla and began to study very sincerely and seriously. He also secured GPA 5 in his HSC examination. Then he got admitted into Dhaka Medical College.

Now Rahim is a very skilled and experienced doctor. He treats his patients humanly. He has been doing a lot of philanthropic and constructive works for the people of his village. The people also love and respect him very much.

 06  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it.

[Ctg ’17; RB ’15; BB ’13; Dinaj B ’12; JB ’12]

A shepherd boy — kept a flock of sheep near a forest — made a fun with villagers — shouted ‘Wolf! Wolf! Help!’ — villagers-ran to help — he laughed at them — made the same fun — but a wolf really came — killed the sheep — cried for help — none came.

Or,  There lived a shepherd (†gl cvjK) boy in a pastoral (MÖvg¨) area. He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. In the forest, there lived a wolf. At times, the wolf would come out and kill lambs (†gl kveK) and farmers. The shepherd boy had…………..

Ans.                                                                                 Punishment of a Liar

There lived a shepherd boy in a pastoral area. He kept a flock of sheep near a forest. In the forest, there lived a wolf. At times, the wolf would come out and kill lambs and farmers. The shepherd boy had a bad habit of telling lies. He used to make a fun with villagers shouting “Wolf! Wolf! help!” The villagers would think that the young shepherd boy might be in danger. The villagers would rush to save the shepherd boy with sticks, spears (ek©v) and tools. But they would find no wolf.

Seeing the villagers, the shepherd would laugh at them. The villagers would become annoyed (wei³ Kiv) and return to their work. The liar shepherd would make the same fun few and far between. The villagers would come forward to protect the boy and return home being annoyed.

But one day a wolf really came. The shepherd boy shouted to his highest voice. The villagers heard his shouting but they did not extend (cÖmvwiZ Kiv) their helping hands. They did not come to rescue the shepherd. The wolf killed all his sheep. The boy cried loudly and asked for help. But nobody came. The wolf also killed the shepherd. The poor unfortunate (nZfvM¨) shepherd lost his life for telling lies.

So, we should never tell a lie.

 07  Read the beginning of the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title.          [SB ’17; DB ’15, ’11; Dinaj B ’11; CB ’09]

        There lived a woodcutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The wood cutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the woodcutter … … … …

Ans.                                                                                  Reward for Honesty

There lived a woodcutter in a village. One day he was cutting wood near a river. Suddenly his axe fell into the river. The river was very deep. The woodcutter did not know how to swim or dive. So, he was sitting there sadly. Then a wonderful thing happened. A beautiful fairy appeared before the woodcutter. The fairy asked the woodcutter what had happened to him. The woodcutter informed the fairy about the incident. He informed her that he was a poor woodcutter and he earned his living by cutting wood. Now he would not be able to work anymore as he had lost his axe in the river water. It was out of his ability to buy a new one. Hearing all these, the fairy felt pity for him. The fairy dived into the river water and came out with a gold axe. She asked the poor woodcutter whether it was his axe. The poor man replied in the negative. The fairy dived again into the river water and raised her hand with a silver axe. She asked the woodcutter whether it was his axe. The woodcutter replied in the negative.

The fairy instantly dived into water and raised up with the axe which the woodcutter had lost. She asked him if it was his axe. The woodcutter was very glad and shouted that it was his axe. The fairy was surprised to see the honesty of the poor woodcutter. She rewarded him with all the three axes of gold, silver and iron.

 08  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.                

                                                                                                                                                                  [CtgB’16; DB ’14, ’10; BB ’12]

Once on a summer day a crow became very thirsty. It began to move here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope. It, at last, noticed a jar at a little distance. It at once flew to it but…………………….

Or,  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it. [BB ’17; DinajB ’13; CB ’12; CtgB ’12; JB ’11; RB’10]

It was a summer day and a crow became very thirsty. It began to move here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope. It, at last, noticed a jar at a little distance. It at once flew to it but……………………..

Ans.                    Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way/A Thirsty Crow

It was a summer day and a crow became very thirsty. It began to move here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope. It, at last, noticed a jar at a little distance. It at once flew to it but there was a little water at the bottom of the jar. The water of the jar was not reachable to the crow.

He became very frustrated. He was at a loss what to do. He looked around and saw some pebbles. Then an excellent idea came to his mind.

He picked up the pebbles one by one with his beak. He dropped them into the pitcher. Soon the water came up to the mouth of the pitcher. The crow drank the water and flew away happily.

So, we learn from the story that we should never be frustrated in any situation.

 09  Read the beginning of the following story. The story is not complete. Use your imagination and complete the story by giving a suitable title to it.                                                                                                                                                [SB’16; SB ’13]

A hare is a very speedy animal. It can run very fast. But a tortoise moves very slowly. Once upon a time a hare was very proud of his speed and cut a joke to a tortoise. Once the tortoise challenged…….

Ans. Slow And Steady Wins the Race/A Race between the Hare And the Tortoise

A hare is a very speedy animal. It can run very fast. But a tortoise moves very slowly. Once upon a time a hare was very proud of his speed and cut a joke to a tortoise. Once the tortoise challenged (†kÖôZ¡ cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨ cÖwZØw›ØZv Kiv) the hare and invited him to run a race with him. They both went to a fox and asked him to be the judge of their contest. The fox agreed and on an appointed day they met at cross road.

Finally the race began. The hare, from the beginning, started running at a top speed and soon left the tortoise far behind. Crossing almost half of the distance the hare looked back. There was no sign of the tortoise around.

The hare smiled and said to himself, “I am really a fool. Why should I run so fast in the hot sun with the slow, old tortoise? I will start again when the tortoise will catch up. Before that I will have a rest.” So, he lay down to have a rest under a shady (Qvqvhy³) tree. But, as he was a little tired, he soon fell asleep (Nygš@). The tortoise, on the other hand, went along his slow but steady way. He never stopped nor looked back and at last passed the proud hare and reached the finishing spot well ahead of the hare.

The hare knowing not when he fell asleep, awoke with a start and looking back found no sign of the tortoise. Still satisfied with himself he started running. But on reaching the finishing spot he saw the tortoise gossiping with the fox, the judge of the race.

Then the tortoise said, “You should know friend, slow and steady wins the race.”

 10  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          [BB’16;Dinaj B’15;BB ’11; SB’09]

Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water ………

Ans.                                                                             Devotion to Mother

Bayazid was a small boy. His mother was ill. One day he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailing mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up, raised her head and told her son to give her a glass of water. The boy Bayazid took the glass to pour water from the pitcher. But the pitcher was empty. There was not a single drop of water in the house.

Bayazid remembered a stream from where he could bring water. But it was far from his house and was in one corner of the village. The night was quite dark. Bayazid took the pitcher and went to fetch water from the stream. When he returned with water, he found his mother in deep sleep. Bayazid thought that if he made his mother awaken, she might feel disturbed. So, he decided to stand beside his mother’s bed with the glass of water. When she woke up, he would serve her with the water.

The whole night passed. Bayazid’s mother opened eyes in the morning and saw her son standing with a glass of water. Seeing that, her eyes became full of tears. She took him in her arms with motherly affection and blessed him from the core of her heart. Her blessings made him a great saint later.

 11  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it.

[DinajB ’15; CB ’15, ’13]

A farmer had three sons — he called his sons — farmer asked them to break it — untie the bundle — they broke — nobody can harm you.

Ans.                                        Unity Is Strength

A farmer had three sons. His sons were not in good terms with one another. They often quarrelled among themselves. So, the old farmer was unhappy with them. The old farmer wanted to teach them a good lesson. So, he hit upon a plan. He called all his sons and asked them to bring some sticks. According to their father’s order, the sons collected some sticks (jvwV) and took them to him. The farmer told the sons to tie the sticks in a bundle (AvuwU).

Then the farmer asked each of his sons to break the bundle. Each of them tried to break the bundle but failed. This time the old farmer asked them to untie the bundle. The sons did it at once. Then he gave a stick to each of his sons. He again asked them to break the sticks. The sons could break their sticks easily.

Then the farmer told his sons that if they remain (Aewkó _vKv) united like the bundle of sticks, nobody can harm them. He also warned them if they quarrelled again and remained separate (c„_K Kiv), enemies would break down them like the single sticks. He taught his sons the importance of unity. The sons realized (eyS‡Z cviv) and promised to remain united.

 12   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.                                                     [JB ’15; BB ’10]

Once there lived a poor farmer who worked very hard to maintain his big family. But he could hardly manage two square meals a day. One day while working in the field, he found a basket. He picked it up and carried it ………….

Ans.                                                                       Honesty Is the Best Policy

Once there lived a poor farmer who worked very hard to maintain his big family. But he could hardly manage two square meals a day. One day while working in the field, he found a basket. He picked it up and carried it home. He showed it to his wife. She opened it. Oh! It was full of huge amount of money.

The wife was greedy by nature. She advised her husband to use it or at least a part of it for themselves. But the farmer told his wife that to use it was nothing but great dishonesty. He added that he would first try to find out the person who had lost the basket.

He set out (ïi“ Kiv) to find the owner of it. He moved here and there to find him or her. At last the farmer found the owner of the basket. He was an industrialist of the nearby town. He went to him and gave him the basket. Finding the basket, the rich man became very happy. He gave the farmer lots of thanks, but no reward.

Giving back the basket to its owner, the farmer became happy. Then he came back home. The farmer’s wife looked at him very angrily and rebuked him for his foolishness. But the farmer did not change his motto and stand. He kept on saying, “Honesty is the best policy.”

Some months went away (AwZµg Kiv). Suddenly one day the industrialist arrived at his house. Both he and his wife got astonished at this. They tried their level best to entertain him. He praised the farmer highly. Then he gave the farmer a handsome cash reward and gave him some plots of land, then took leave of them. The poor farmer and his wife became very glad at the greatness of the rich man.

Then the farmer called his wife and said to her, “Now have you understood that honesty is the best policy?” The wife felt very ashamed and said, “Really, honesty is the best policy.”

 13  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to your story. [Ctg B ’15, ’10]

Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man’s house. There was the availability (cÖvc¨Zv) of rich and tasty foods. They ate cereal (Lv`¨km¨) and made holes in the house. The mice also cut the clothes and……………………………..

Ans.                                                                          Who Is to Bell the Cat?

Once some mice were having a good time in a rich man’s house. There was the availability of rich and tasty foods. They ate cereal and made holes in the house. The mice also cut the clothes and bit the sleeping children. They were always shrieking (Zxeª wPrKvi Kiv) and squeaking (wKwPi wgwPi kã Kiv) in the house. So, the owner brought a cat to get relief from that disturbance (Akvwš@). The cat started to hunt mice everyday. The mice were afraid of it.

So, all the mice sat together in a conference. Many of them put different opinions. But nothing was suitable (Dc‡hvMx). The meeting was about to end. At that time, a young mouse stood up and asked permission to put his proposal. All agreed. It said, “We will tie a bell around the cat’s neck. So, we will get warning (mZK©Zvg–jK) when the cat comes. Then we can easily hide ourselves in safe place.” All the mice greeted his proposal with applause (Zzgyj nl©aŸwb).

Then an old mouse stood up and asked others to be calm. He said, “Who will bell the cat?”. There was pin drop silence. They were looking at one another. There was nobody who was brave to accomplish (mvd‡j¨i m‡½ †kl Kiv) the task of belling the cat. Finally, the conference ended in smoke.

 14  Read the beginning of the following story. The story is incomplete. Use your imagination and complete it. You have to give a suitable title to it :                                                                                                                                                    [SB ’15; 13]

Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this, the lion grew…………

Ans.                              A Small Creature Saves the Life of a Lion

Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance, it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion. At this, the lion grew very angry (ivMvwš^Z). It roared (MR©b Kiv) with anger. The mouse got frightened and started trembling. The lion said, “How dare you disturb me, the small evil? I will kill you.” The mouse fell in great danger. It begged its life to the lion. It also promised to help the lion in future if he needed. Hearing this, the lion laughed at him. He said, “How a small creature like you will help me?” He mocked (we`ª“c Kiv) at the mouse and relieved (gyw³ †`qv) him.

After a few days a hunter set a trap and the lion was caught in it. The lion tried his utmost to escape (cjvqb Kiv) from it but failed.

The mouse noticed (j¶ Kiv) the situation and decided to help the lion. It started  to cut off the net with its sharp teeth. After sometimes, the lion was able to get out from the trap and thanked the mouse for saving his life. So, nobody should neglect anyone treating as a small creature (cÖvYx).

 15  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a suitable title. [BB ’15]

Rafiq got into the train. He found out his seat and sat down. A few minutes later, another passenger claimed the seat and to his utter surprise, Rafiq discovered that he had got into the wrong train. But it was too late.

Ans.                                                                             Misfortune of Rafiq

Rafiq got into the train. He found out his seat and sat down. A few minutes later, another passenger claimed the seat and to his utter surprise, Rafiq discovered that he had got into the wrong train. But it was too late. The train had already left the station. There was no way to get down. Rafiq left the seat for the man and told him about his mistake. The man felt sorry and suggested Rafiq getting down at the next station. Rafiq looked at his watch. It was almost 10 pm. So asked the man how much it would take to reach the next station. The man replied that it would take about an hour. Rafiq lost his heart and got frightened thinking what he would do getting down there. Besides, he had two lac taka in his suitcase. He became pale thinking about upcoming danger. He was also fearful about the snatcher. Finding him thoughtful, the man said that he would also get down at the next station and assured that he would help him to get into an inn. In the meantime, ticket master came and Rafiq managed him showing his ticket. At last the train reached the station. Rafiq got down. The man showed Rafiq the way to the nearest inn. The town was very quiet and there was hardly any people. There were not enough street lights. The road was dark. He was walking along the street. Suddenly, two people emerged and pointed gun at him. They told him to give them all his belongings. As he refused, one of them loaded the gun and threatened his life. He started trembling. His suitcase fell down from his hand. He sat down. They snatched away his suitcase, moneybag everything.

 16  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it:


Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across the……………

Ans.                                                  Too Much Greed, Too Much Sufferings

Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. He ran away with it and at last went to a stream. There was a plank across the stream. The dog was running over the plank. He looked down into the stream at the time of running over the plank across stream and saw clearly a dog’s shadow in the water.

The greedy dog thought that there was another dog carrying a piece of meat. So he quickly jumped into the water. In doing so the dog lost the piece of meat from its mouth. The piece of meat was carried away by the river. There was no other dog. The one it had attacked was its own shadow. The greedy dog was soaking wet and with great difficulties reached the shore.

The greedy dog went home sluggishly. His stomach was getting even hungrier. The dog thought that too much greed had resulted in such misery.

 17              Read the following story. It is not completed. Complete it using your own imagination. Give a title to it. [CtgB’15; JB’12]

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet of Iran. He led a very simple life. Once the king of the country invited (Avgwš¿Z) him to the court. Walking all day long on foot, he……………….

Ans.                                                                Dress Does Not Make a Man Great

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet of Iran. He led a very simple life. Once the king of the country invited him to the court. Walking all day long on foot, he became tired and took shelter in a rich man’s house at night. Saadi had a very simple dress as usual. The rich man considered him an ordinary traveller and did not entertain (Avc¨vqb Kiv) him well.

The next day, Saadi left the rich man’s house and reached the king’s court. The king received him well and presented him royal dress. On his way back home, Saadi again took shelter in the same rich man’s house. Seeing his royal (ivRKxq) dress, the rich man took great care of him and served him rich and delicious (my¯^v`y) food item. Saadi started putting the food items into his pocket instead of eating. The rich man became astonished (we¯§qwenej nIqv) at his strange behaviour and asked the reason of his doing so. Saadi gently told the host of his behaviour at the first day and the second day. “The delicious food was given to me for the dress. So I am putting this food in my dress,” he said.

The man became very ashamed (jw¾Z) of remembering his behaviour and begged pardon (¶gv). Saadi then introduced himself to the rich man and took leave of him.

 18  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title: [BB’15;DnjB’10; SB’08]

Once a boy named Arif was coming home from the school on foot. Suddenly, he noticed a money bag lying beside the road. He thought for a while……….

Ans.                                                                   Responsibility of a Young Boy

Once a boy named Arif was coming home from his school on foot. Suddenly he noticed a moneybag lying beside the road. He thought for a while. He was confused to take up the bag as somebody might treat him as a thief. Again he was not such irresponsible as to overlook the matter. So, he shook off hesitation and took the bag to his house.

At home, he consulted the fact with his parents and his younger sister. His parents advised him to search for the owner of the bag and he found a big amount of money. Inside the moneybag, he found a visiting card with phone number. Arif decided to call on the number. A grave male voice answered on the other end. Arif enclosed his identity and the fact of getting the moneybag. The receiver demanded that he owned that bag with money. Arif tried to test the man if he was speaking the truth. The conversation between them removed Arif’s confusion. Arif became sure of his ownership of the bag.

He gave his residence’s address to the man. The man met Arif and thanked him a lot for his responsibility. He also gifted Arif a nice story book.

 19  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a suitable title.         [RB ’14, ’09; DinajB ’14; ’10; CtgB ’14; DB ’13]

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich man of his neighbour asked him one day “How much a year do you earn?” The cobbler laughed and said ¾

Ans.                                                  Money Cannot Buy Happiness

Once there lived a happy cobbler who passed his days in working and singing from morning till night. A rich man of his neighbour asked him one day “How much a year do you earn?” The cobbler laughed and said, “I never reckon my money in that way. It goes as fast as it comes, but I am glad to be able to earn it. I cobble on from day to day and earn a living.” “Well then, how much do you earn each day?” asked the rich man. “Why, sometimes more and sometimes less,” answered the cobbler. “On many holidays I earn nothing but I manage to live.” “You are a happy man now,” said the rich man, “but I will make you happier,” and he handed the cobbler one thousand dollar. “Go, spend this money carefully. It will supply your needs for many days,” he said. The cobbler had never dreamt of so much money before. He thought it was enough to keep him in food and clothes all his life. He took the money home and hid it, but he hid his joy with it. He stopped singing and became sad. He could not sleep for fear of robbers. He thought that everyone who came into his shop was trying to find out his secret. When a cat ran over the floor, he thought a thief had slipped through the door.

 20  Read the following story and complete it in your own way with a title.                                            [JB ’14; SB ;14; CB ’10]

There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful (we¯§qKi) goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy (†jvfx). He thought that………………….

Ans.                               Grasp All, Lose All/A Greedy Farmer

There lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful (we¯§qKi) goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that it was difficult for him to keep patience (ˆah©). He grew impatient (Aw¯’i) to have all the eggs at a time. If he got all the eggs in a day, he would be very rich quickly. He was quite tempted (cÖjyä).

As a result, he hit upon a plan to cut the belly of the goose and collect all the eggs altogether. To implement (Kv‡h© cwiYZ Kiv) his plan, he took a knife and cut the belly of the goose. To his utter surprise, he found no egg there. Another sad news for him was that the goose died for bleeding. The farmer was very shocked at the incident. He realised that he implemented a foolish plan. For his greed, he lost the wonderful goose forever.

 21   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable title to it.                                                                [BB ’14]

It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workers were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound… … … …

Ans.                                                  Return from the Door of Death

It was a fine sunny day. Almost all the workers were busy with their daily activities in a factory. Suddenly there was a crashing sound. I noticed my colleagues running back and forth, screaming. It took me a moment or two to realise that something ominous (Aïf) was going to happen.

As soon as I along with others moved 20 feet towards the staircases (wmuwo), the building began collapsing, giving me the feeling of a lift going down at speed.

Darkness engulfed (MÖvm Kiv) the entire place with thick clouds of dust. I heard screams (wPrKvi) around me. My heart started pounding. After sometime, a ray of hope emerged when I saw a faint (èvb) light.

A lot of things and memories came across my mind. I was thinking about my wife and children. Suddenly I saw  the hole of an exhaust fan around 20 feet away. With every bit of energy in me, I crawled to the hole.

Some rescuers (D×viKvix) saw me after I started screaming for help. They assured me that they would rescue me and told me not to worry. They tried their best to rescue me and finally I was able to come out.

I saw many of my colleagues trapped in debris (aŸsm¯@–c) still alive and they could not move, as walls and machines had fallen on them.  How terrible that moment was for me!

 22 Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. [DB ’13, ’11;JB ’13;  SB ’11; DinajB ’11; BB’10; RB’08]

There were two friends. They lived in a certain village. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly they heard……

Ans.                                                              A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

There were two friends. They lived in a certain village. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly they heard a loud sound. It was a bear. So, both of them were afraid and were at a loss what to do. One of them knew how to climb a tree. He left his friend in danger and took shelter on a tree. The other friend was helpless.

Suddenly a plan came up in his mind. He knew that the bear doesn’t eat any dead animal. Finding no way, he decided to pretend (fvb Kiv) to be dead. According to his plan, he lay on the ground like a dead one. At last, the bear came and found him lying on the ground. The bear smelt the body and considered him to be dead. It went away without doing any harm.

When the bear went away, his friend got down from the tree. He asked what the bear had whispered (wdmwdm K‡i ejv) to him. The friend replied that the bear forbade (wb‡la Kiv) him to keep company with such a friend who leaves his friend in danger. Hearing this, his friend felt ashamed and went away.

 23  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                           [CtgB-’13]

Palakhal is a remote village in the district of Chandpur. There lived a poor farmer. He had three sons and a daughter. Her name was Shukhi. God knew why she was named so. She started going to a primary school three miles away from her village.……………………….

Ans.                                         Shukhi : A Lovely Lotus in the Dung-hill

Palakhal is a remote village in the district of Chandpur. There lived a poor farmer. He had three sons and a daughter. Her name was Shukhi. God knew why she was named so. She started going to a primary school three miles away from her village. She was a very intelligent and meritorious girl. She always cherished a dream of having higher education so that she could be self-reliant and could support her family. As her father was extremely poor, he was not able to bear her educational expenses.

All the teachers of Shukhi loved her very much. They took special care of her. They took every possible step so that she could carry on her study smoothly. They had a firm belief that she would cut a good figure in the SSC examination. Shukhi really translated her teachers’ expectation into reality by passing the examination in 2012 with GPA 5. The joys of her parents knew no bounds on her brilliant result.

The school authority accorded her a grand reception and paid her a cheque of Tk 50,000/- only to carry on her study. Hazi Md. Nazrul Islam, a rich man of that village, took the total responsibility of her higher education. Her parents could not believe what were happening. They only expressed their gratitude to all who came forward to support their daughter. Shukhi got herself admitted into Palakhal Rustom Ali Degree College, Chandpur and carried on with her study enthusiastically.

 24  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it : [CB ’12; SB ’09]

Once there lived a king named Robert Bruce. He lost his kingdom being defeated by his enemies. He wished to regain his kingdom at any cost. He collected troops and made six attempts one after another to drive away the enemies. But by an irony of fate he was defeated each time. He then hid himself in a cave……………………….

Ans.                                                              Perseverance Is the Key to Success

Once there lived a king named Robert Bruce. He lost his kingdom being defeated by his enemies. He wished to regain his kingdom at any cost. He collected troops and made six attempts one after another to drive away the enemies. But by an irony of fate he was defeated each time. He then hid himself in a cave. He was in a gloomy mood there. One day the king was lying in the cave. He was thinking deeply. Suddenly a spider attracted his attention. The spider was trying to climb up the top of the cave again and again. But it was falling down repeatedly. In spite of this, it did not give up its attempt.

It failed for seven times, but it was not disheartened.

Then it made another attempt. On the eighth attempt it succeeded.  That is, on the eighth attempt at last, it was able to climb the roof of the cave.

The king was inspired at this and took a lesson from the activities of the spider that perseverance is the key to all success. Just then, he made up his mind to make an attempt more. He collected his troops again and encouraged them. With a firm determination, he along with his soldiers attacked his enemies once again.

This time he could defeat his enemies and got back his lost kingdom.

 25  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                                [JB ’11]

Last year we had a tour to the Sundarbans. It was just 3:15 when we reached Katka. Under a forest guide and a coast guard we started going down to the deep forest. I was so beguiled with the wonderful green of the Sundarbans that even I forgot to follow our teammates. But when I came into sense…………….

Ans.                                                             The Danger I Faced in the Sundarbans

Last year we had a tour to the Sundarbans. It was just 3:15 when we reached Katka. Under a forest guide and a coast guard we started going down to the deep forest. I was so beguiled (gy» nIqv) with the wonderful green of the Sundarbans that even I forgot to follow our teammates. But when I came into sense, I felt uneasy this place. I found nobody there. I was looking for my teammates but found none. The place seemed to me very strange and dark as the plants gathered. It seemed to me night. Suddenly, a strange voice came to me. I was shivering (f‡q _i _i K‡i Kuvcv) at that sound. The sound was wholly unknown to me. The sound came towards me slowly.

At that time I thought that sound would be of a strange beast. So I was trying to climb up a tree but unfortunately the tree broke down. I was shocked very much at that. Then I quickly tried to climb up another tree. I was slipping down again and again. After much trying I succeeded. From the tree I saw some beasts coming towards me with that strange voice. I was worried if they could break the tree and I would fall down. But I was lucky. I saw some monkeys coming to the tree and looking around.

After two or three minutes finding nothing they went away. I felt relieved (¯^w¯@‡eva Kiv). Then I got down from the tree. After walking for sometime I found a narrow way. I followed the way and found my teammates. When they found me, they became excited. They all embraced (Rwo‡q aiv) me. Finally we returned our home.

 26  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                                [SB ’11]

Once there was a very powerful man in a city. He had everything under his disposal. He always boasted of his money and power. There lived another man in the same city who had neither power nor money, but what he had was immense love for the commoners who used to call him a Saint, a great lover of man. There began a rivalry between these two over a simple thing. ……..

Ans.                                        Triumph of Love over Money And Power    

Once there was a very powerful man in a city. He had everything under his disposal. He always boasted of his money and power. There lived another man in the same city who had neither power nor money, but what he had was immense love for the commoners who used to call him a Saint, a great lover of man. There began a rivalry between these two over a simple thing. The powerful man wanted to build a new palace in a very short time. He expressed his desire to his aider. One of them said, “Sir, you have money and power. So, don’t worry.” His associates started the work.

The saint on the other hand started digging a tank in order to mitigate (n«vm Kiv) the sufferings of the commoners for drinking water.

The palace builders soon realised that they were falling short of workers because of the saint’s assignment. So they went to their master and informed him of the problem. The master said to them, “Well, go and say to the saint to stop his work for a few months.”

The mercenaries went to the saint and told him of the advice of their master. The saint softly said to them, “Look, here people are working to mitigate their own sufferings. If they agree to your proposal, you will have enough workforce to hire. It’s not me, you go to the workers.” So they went to the workers and tried all means to convince them but none of them seemed convinced.

“Well, we are going back to our master. He will surely teach you a good lesson.”

“Perhaps, your master may not get enough time to teach us a lesson,” said the saint on the back of the departing mercenaries.

However, when they told their master everything, his ego got so hurt that it created tremendous pressure on his nerves and he fell down dead due to heart failure. The mercenaries heard the echo of what the saint had said. They whispered among themselves.

 27  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                               [DB ’10]

Rahela is a village girl of a Muslim family. She is waiting for her HSC results. She dreams to read in a university after the end of her HSC examination. She would be a teacher and will take care of the young students. She is also anxious of her conservative parents. They think otherwise. Educating a daughter is more waste of time and money ……………….

Ans.                                                                           A Woman of Struggle

Rahela is a village girl of a Muslim family. She is waiting for her HSC results. She dreams to read in a university after the end of her HSC examination. She would be a teacher and will take care of the young students. She is also anxious of her conservative parents. They think otherwise. Educating a daughter is more waste of time and money they thought.

In the meantime the results of exam were published. She passed it with GPA 2. She got very upset and wanted to sit for the exam next year. But her parents did not permit her to do so.

Suddenly her parents married her off to an unemployed man. With a very unhappy mind, Rahela entered into her husband’s house with the dreams and hopes of a young girl. There she found nothing but want and want. Rahela worked for food to feed herself, her mother-in-law and her husband. When her first son was born, she was only 19. The birth of a child was another mouth to feed. After two years her hard days became harder with the birth of her second child.

Her husband was still unwilling to do any work. Therefore, she had to work even harder to feed all the five mouths. From morning till dark she worked and worked. When she was 24, she gave birth to her third.

Days became more difficult for Rahela. She began to work harder but she could never earn enough to feed everyone.

Eight years passed and Rahela was still struggling for herself and her family. Then she came to learn about the Grameen Bank. She became a member of the bank, took a loan and started ‘rice-husking’ business. Gradually she managed to improve her condition. She repaid the loan in time. The bank became satisfied with her. It sanctioned her larger loan and she started a stationery shop alongside her rice husking business.

In some years, Rahela’s worst days were over. She got solvency (Avw_©K ¯^”QjZv), security and happiness.

 28   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                               [JB ’10]

When I was five, my father took me to a school quite far away from our home. There I followed my father to a room where I saw a big bald-headed man. He looked pleased to see my father but I got frightened when………

Ans.                                                                          My First Day at School

When I was five, my father took me to a school quite far away from our home. There I followed my father to a room where I saw a big bald-headed man. He looked pleased to see my father but I got frightened when the bald-headed man looked at me. I felt very shy also. Then the unknown man asked us to sit down. We sat down. In a few moments I remembered that he was the Headteacher of my first and new school.

Then he asked me some simple questions and I could answer them all well. The Headteacher became very pleased with me. Then I found that he was actually a very nice man. He looked grave outside but he was really a very kind and cooperative person.

Next, he called the class teacher of class one and asked her to admit me into class one. My class teacher was also a very nice and friendly lady. Suddenly the bell for the first period rang and I entered the first class of my school life. The class teacher took me to class one. All the students in the class welcomed me. I did not know anybody there. This time also I felt a bit nervous. But soon I felt easy and made friends with a few students.

When our class teacher called out my name, I became so excited that I could not understand what I should do. She stared at me for a while and asked me my name and my father’s name. I answered and after that she introduced me to the whole class. The first period passed through introduction and some fun. Suddenly the bell rang and the period was over.

I at once joined my classmates and started shouting and enjoying.

It was my first day at school and it was a very interesting day in my life. Till now I cannot forget this day of my childhood.

 29  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                                [SB ’10]

It was twenty years ago when I was living in an apartment overlooking a cemetery. I was just living from hand to mouth. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me praising one of my writings just published in the newspaper……

Ans.                                                                         Result of Being Flattered

It was twenty years ago when I was living in an apartment overlooking a cemetery (mgvwa‡¶Î). I was just living from hand to mouth. At that time a lady wrote a letter to me praising one of my writings just published in the newspaper. It made me so excited that I sent her a letter of thanks. Immediately after that she wrote her second letter saying that she was passing through the city and wanted to have a talk to me.

In the letter she wrote, the only free time she had was on the next Friday. She also wanted to know if I would mind giving her a little luncheon at Hotel A B International.

To speak the truth, Hotel A B International is a very expensive hotel. Only rich people go there. I never even thought of going there. But I was too young to have learnt to say ‘no’ to any woman. So, I wrote to her inviting her for a luncheon at Hotel A B International. I thought that I would be able to manage well if I cut my breakfast for the next two weeks. In fact, I had only taka 4000 with me for the rest of the month. And I thought, a moderate luncheon would not cost more than 1000 taka.

On the fixed day, I met her at the hotel. She was not so attractive and young as I thought her to be. Actually, she was a woman of about forty. It was the first blow to me. But I was yet to have the hardest reality. My lady guest herself wanted to choose the food items from the menu. And she began to choose the costliest items one after another.

I felt seriously anxious. I was in complete doubt whether I would have enough money to pay the bill. My mental torture resisted me from taking any meal there. I just took a soft drink. At last, she finished her meal. The waiter came with the bill. It was taka 3950.

After paying the bill, I gave the rest 50 taka to the waiter as tips. When I left the hotel, the whole month was before me. There was not a single taka left in my pocket. I was duly rewarded for my being foolishly flattered.

 30  Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                               [DB ’12]

Once there was a selfish giant who had a large and beautiful garden. The garden was full of soft green grass. Here and there all over the grass stood many colorful flowers like stars. … … … … … …

Ans.                                                                             A Selfish Giant

Once there was a selfish giant who had a large and beautiful garden. The garden was full of soft green grass. Here and there all over the grass stood many colorful flowers like stars. The garden was a nice playground for the beautiful children. There were many trees and birds sat on the trees and sang sweet songs. One day when the giant returned, he saw the children in his garden. He became angry and chased them away. He built a high wall around the garden.

After the children stopped coming to the garden, the garden lost its beauty. It became covered with snow and frost. No birds came to sing there. Spring was everywhere but in the giant’s garden it was still winter. One morning the children entered the garden through a small hole in the wall. And spring arrived in the garden at last to express its happiness on seeing the children again. The giant saw the children and the environment of the garden. He realised that he had been selfish and felt sorry. The trees were covered with flowers. But the giant saw that only in a corner there was snow because a little child couldn’t climb up a tree. The giant helped the child and put him on the top of the tree. Since then the child stopped coming there and the giant was sad. The giant grew old and in one winter he found the child again in one corner with a tree covered with blossoms. The child was Jesus Christ who took the giant to Paradise.

 31   Complete the following story with the cue. Give a suitable Title to it.                                                               [RB ’10]

Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest. As they came through the wood, they saw a bag lying on the ground………………………….

Ans.                              Greed Begets Sin And Sin Begets Death

Once upon a time two friends went on a journey. They had to go through a forest. As they came through the wood, they saw a bag lying on the ground. The bag was full of valuable ornaments and gold coins. Probably the bag belonged to some robbers.

The two friends became overjoyed to find such a bag. They took the bag at a very secret place. They thought a lot on the bag and made many plans.

At last, they decided to divide the wealth of the bag equally into two parts between them. They thought that they would be very rich soon with the help of the bag.

At one stage there arose a quarrel between them, but after some agreement (†evSvcov) it was over. In the meantime, they felt tired and hungry. After discussion, one of the friends went to the nearby market to buy some food. While he went away to buy food, the other friend planned to kill him so that he might get the whole wealth and become very rich soon.

On the other hand, the other friend in the market planned to poison the food secretly and kill his friend. If he could do so, he would be a rich man quickly. So he poisoned the food he bought and came back to the other.

As soon as he came back, the other friend killed him. After killing he felt very happy and sat down to eat the food bought from the market. But alas! The food was poisoned. Just after eating the food, he fell down and died. Now the bag of valuable ornaments and gold coins remained lying on the ground as it was some moments ago.

 32  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

[DB ’09]

Mr Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of the road. He went nearer to the man…………………………

Ans.                             Responsibility of a Kind Hearted Person

Mr. Rahman is a retired officer. Usually he goes for a walk everyday early in the morning. One day while walking in the morning he saw a man lying senseless by the side of a road. He went nearer to the man. Mr. Rahman recognized the man easily. It was one of his neighbours Mr. Samad. What he saw was frightening. The lying man had an accident. He fell down from a rickshaw and broke his leg.

Mr. Samad was seriously injured and failed to stand up. Mr. Rahman requested a passer-by to help them by hiring a taxi-cab.

Within a few minutes they got a taxi and Mr. Rahman lifted his neighbour on it. He took him to the hospital and admitted him for treatment.

Later, he phoned to Mr. Samad’s family members about the accident. They hurried to the hospital. Mr. Rahman tried to ease them and spoke with condolence.

In a few days, Mr. Samad came round (my¯’ nj). He and his family members showed gratitude to Mr. Rahman for his kindness and responsibility.

 33  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it: [DB’08]

Kashem is a poor rickshaw puller in Dhaka. He drives his rickshaw to different areas of the city. One day he saw some men selling lottery tickets enticing the passersby. Kashem felt tempted and bought a ticket. He knew the date of the draw. He was waiting eagerly for the day. Then the much awaited day came and he purchased a daily newspaper…………

Ans.                                   Fortunate Rickshaw Puller

Kashem is a poor rickshaw Puller in Dhaka. He drives his rickshaw to different areas of the city. One day he saw some men selling lottery tickets enticing the passersby. Kashem felt tempted and bought a ticket. He knew the date of the draw. He was waiting eagerly for the day. Then the much awaited day came and he purchased a daily newspaper. As he received primary education in childhood, he could read and write a bit. He started to search the page in which the result of the lottery was published. He was trying to find out his ticket number with excitement. It was a great surprise for him when he found the number on the top of the list. Kashem won the first prize of the lottery. He was so excited that he burst into tears with joy. But he was at a loss how he would get the money.

Kashem contacted with one of his neighbours who was a school teacher. The teacher assured him every help. He took Kashem to the nearest police station and asked for their security. Then they communicated with the authority of the lottery. The authority checked the ticket and paid twenty five lac taka as the first prize. Kashem came back home with police protection.

The joys of Kashem knew no bounds. Kashem decided to do something for self-employment. He went back to his village and started a poultry farm. He also started a stationery shop alongside his poultry business. He deposited the rest of the money in a bank. The bad days of Kashem were gone and he became solvent and self-employed.

 34  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.

                                                                                                                                                                                        [JB ’09; DB ’07]

Once a boy named Ahsanullah was going home after his class. When he was crossing the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. He rushed…………..

Ans.                                                            A Responsible And Kind Hearted Boy

Once a boy named Ahsanullah was going home after his class. When he was crossing the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. He rushed (Zxeª †e‡M Qy‡U hvIqv) to the spot. He could recognize (wPb‡Z cviv) the sick (Amy¯’) woman. She was the grandmother of Karim. Ahsanullah was at a loss how he would help the poor woman. In the mean time, a lot of people crowded there. Ahsanullah asked a woman to look after her. He rushed to manage a carriage (cwienb).

The woman poured water on her head to bring her sense back. Ahsanullah came back with a push-cart (†VjvMvwo). He pulled her on the cart with the help of other people. Then he took her to the nearby hospital for better treatment. Afterwards (cieZx©‡Z), he went to Karim’s house to give the message of his grandmother’s accident. Karim’s parents went to the hospital with Ahsanullah. They expressed their gratitude (K…ZÁZv) to Ahsanullah for his kindness. Karim’s grandmother came round gradually and prayed to God for the welfare of Ahsanullah.

 35  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. [RB ’09]

One day some boys were playing cricket in a school ground. Suddenly they heard a hue and cry nearby. The boys stopped playing then and they went to the spot. They found……………………….

Ans.                                                                            Responsible Young Boys

One day some boys were playing cricket in a school ground. Suddenly they heard a hue and cry nearby. The boys stopped playing then and they went to the spot. They found a house set on fire. Instantly (Zr¶Yvr) they decided to do something for blowing out the destructive fire. They shouted altogether “Fire! Fire! Help!”. The boys tried to gather people to extinguish (†bfv‡bv) the fire. They rushed to the neighbouring houses to collect pitcher, buckets and some other pots to fetch water. They rushed (Zxeª †e‡M hvIqv) to the nearby pond and river. They poured water continuously to put out the devastating (aŸsmvÍK) fire.

Within a moment two houses were fully burnt and damaged. Three others were damaged to some extent. The young boys with other adult people did their best to extinguish the fire and rescue (D×vi Kiv) the dwellers of the house. Every people present there greeted the young boys for their responsible activities.

 36  Read the following story. It is not complete. Complete the story by using your imagination and give it a suitable title :   [CB ’10]

Once there lived two cats in a house. They were very intimate (Aš@i½) to each other. One day the two cats stole a piece of cake from a neighbouring house. Each of them demanded ……

Ans.                                    Dividing the Bread/Cake

Once there lived two cats in a house. They were very intimate to each other. One day the two cats stole a piece of cake from a neighbouring house. Each of them demanded the larger share of the cake. None of them agreed to compromise (Av‡cv‡m gxgvsmv Kiv) a bit. So, they decided to go to the monkey for fair justice. The monkey assured (wbwðZ Kiv) them about equal dividing. He brought a scale for it.

At first, he broke the cake into two pieces and put them on the scales. To equalize the portions he bit the larger part. That time the larger part became smaller and the smaller part became larger. The monkey continued that process and bit again and again. Within a few moments, the piece of cake became very small. The two cats were frustrated (nZvk nIqv) to see the incident. They asked the monkey to stop his work and return them the rest of the cake. But the monkey denied to return the cake. He demanded the rest of the piece of cake as his remuneration (cvwikÖwgK). The two cats realised their mistake and lamented for the cake. They promised never to do such a mistake and keep a mutual understanding.

 37  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it :

Once there lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day while walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap and lost his tail. Without a tail he looked very strange and he felt ashamed………

Ans.                                                                           The Fox without Tail

Once there lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day while walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap and lost his tail. Without a tail he looked very strange and he felt ashamed. He also felt very unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He was thinking and thinking. At last, an idea crossed his mind. He invited all his neighbouring foxes to come to a meeting under a tree. All of them arrived there in time and took their seats.

Then the fox without tail said, “My dear friends, listen to me, please. I’ve discovered a new thing. It’s that our tails are completely useless. They look very odd and ugly. Also, they are always dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?”

All the foxes listened to the cunning fox eagerly. Most of them agreed to cut off their tails. They were convinced by the cunning fox that they would look nice if they cut off their tails. So, they were almost ready to move on to the right action.

However, in the meeting, there was also an old and wise fox. He had been listening to the fox without tail. He said to him, “My friend, your plan is very nice but very evil. Actually, you want us to cut off our own tails because you’ve lost your one.”

Hearing this, all other foxes could understand the evil plan of the cunning fox. They all shouted at him loudly and chased him. Guessing the unfavourable situation, the cunning fox ran away quickly and saved his life.

 38  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it :

There was a dense forest beside a village. There lived a lot of animals including fox. Among all the animals, one fox was very cunning (a–Z©). It was so clever that………….

Ans.                                                                            The Grapes Are Sour    

There was a dense forest beside a village. There lived a lot of animals including fox. Among all the animals, one fox was very cunning. It was so clever that he could make the best use of any situation. The farmers of that village were very much concerned (DwØMœ) about this fox, because he might steal (Pzwi Kiv) their hens and cocks at any time.

In a hot summer day, the fox was passing through a forest. He was very thirsty (Z…òv_©) and looking for water. But he could not find any source (Drm) of water. Suddenly he saw a bunch (†_vKv) of ripe, juicy grapes hanging down from a branch at quite high up from the ground. The fox jumped over again and again but failed to reach there. Then he began to repeat.

He became more hungry (¶zavZ©) and thirsty. He felt weak. He was unhappy not to eat it. The fox could not satisfy its desire to taste the delicious grapes.

The cunning fox then tried to console (mvš@¡bv †`qv) himself saying “The grapes are sour and harmful for health.”

 39  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it. Give it a title: [BB’07]

Jamal is an HSC examinee. He is not attentive (g‡bv‡hvM) to his lessons specially to English because he is very weak in English. Moreover, he is lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. A month ago…..

Ans.                                                                        Laziness Brings Miseries

Jamal is an HSC examinee. He is not attentive to his lessons specially to English because he is very weak in English. Moreover, he is lazy. So his preparation in English is not good. A month ago before his examination he managed a suggestion. There were only a few questions. The examination was knocking at the door (Øvi cÖv‡š@). Jamal had a little time to take a good preparation for the exam. So, he started cramming the questions found in the suggestion. At last, the appointed day for the exam came. Jamal entered the exam hall with trembling (fxZ mš¿¯@) heart. The examination began. Jamal got his question paper at hand. Most of the questions were unknown to him and he could not answer them.

He felt quite nervous and his hand was trembling. Even he failed to answer the questions properly which he had learnt well. The bell rang. Jamal had many questions yet to answer. He left the hall with frustration. After a few months, the result was published. Most of his friends had made good results. But Jamal found his roll number in the list of ‘F’ grade. He was worried. Then he swore that he would never neglect his studies in future. He would be attentive and regular in his studies.

 40  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it :

A poor girl, named Khadiza worked in a rich man’s house. The house master was kind to her but the mistress was very cruel. She used to scold her now and then. One day while serving tea Khadiza broke a cup of tea …………………………

Ans.                                        Ill fate of a Maid

A poor girl, named Khadiza worked in a rich man’s house. The house master was kind to her but the mistress was very cruel. She used to scold her now and then. One day while serving tea, Khadiza broke a cup of tea. The mistress of the house became very furious. She rushed to her and started beating up her. Poor Khadiza had nothing to do but silently bear the pain of every hit. Soon tears started rolling down her cheeks. But she did not utter a word. But the mistress became angrier when she saw tears in her eyes. She pushed her violently and Khadiza fell on the floor. When she rose, her forehead was bleeding profusely.

At this time the house master returned home. He saw everything and listened to what had happened. He became very angry when he saw blood on Khadiza’s forehead. He scolded his wife severely and told her, “Thanks to the Almighty that we’re rich. But have you ever thought if we were poor like Khadiza and our daughter had to work at someone’s house? How would you feel as a mother if the mistress of that house beat up her like this?”

The mistress of the house felt incredibly ashamed of her deed. She realised her fault and said sorry to both her husband and Khadiza. She dressed her injury, took her to the nearest hospital and bought her a nice dress.

She promised that she would never mistreat Khadiza and from that day on she became very kind to her.

 41  Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it :

Once upon a time, there was a king called Midas. He was very rich and loved gold more than anything else. He had a large kingdom, and a lovely little daughter. But he was not happy because he…………………….

Ans.                                                                              The Golden Touch

Once upon a time, there was a king called Midas. He was very rich and loved gold more than anything else. He had a large kingdom, and a lovely little daughter. But he was not happy because he was never content with (mš‘ó) the heap of  (ivwk ivwk) gold he had.  He always wished for a golden touch. A wish god granted him the golden touch.

One morning, he got up early in the morning. He started walking about his garden as usual. He touched a white rose in the garden, and saw, it turned into gold. He was amazed. It was really amusing (Avb›“vqK) to him.

Right at this moment, his only daughter entered (cÖ‡ek Kiv) the garden. He took her into his arms to share his delight (Avb›`) with her. But as soon as he touched her, she turned into gold. He became very shocked (gg©vnZ nIqv) at this turn. He could not bear the pain caused by the loss of his daughter. He prayed to God to take back the destructive (aŸsmvÍK) blessing. After a few moments, the girl came to life. Then the king became very happy.

 42  Read the beginning of the following story. Use your imagination to complete it. Give a suitable title to it:

Once there lived an old farmer. He had two sons. They were strong but lazy …………….

Ans.                                     The Hidden Treasure

Once there lived an old farmer. He had two sons. They were strong but lazy. They slept all day long. They did not bother to help their old father to plough or water and cultivate the field. Just before he died, the farmer said to his sons: “My dear boys, I have a secret, I always hide it from you. I was afraid to tell you earlier lest you should waste the money hidden in my field. But now, before I die, I have to tell you the truth.”

Soon after their father’s death, the boys met together and argued: “Dad said that in the field there is a treasure, that if we dig it out, we would find it. Most likely, the treasure is hidden close to the house, so that robbers might not easily take it away. Come on! Let us begin our work!” The two sons took their spades and started digging the field. They dug hard but could not find any treasure. So they gave up work and out of anger they threw melon seeds in the field that were kept beside. Now that the field was so well dug, the melons grew big and juicy. The sons picked the melons and sold them at the market. They earned a lot of money selling the melons.

The sons realised that the melons were the treasure. From that day, they started working hard in the field.

 43  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give a suitable title to it.

A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs ………………..

Ans.                                                     The Pied Piper of Hamelin

A long time ago, the town of Hamelin in Germany was faced with a great problem. It became full of rats. The rats were so big and fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles. People left no stone unturned to protect themselves and their belonging from the attack of the rats but they failed. So, they were leaving the town in groups.

The mayor of the town called a meeting with the councillors and elite persons to discuss the problem. The meeting came to a close without result. At that time, a strange person with a colourful flute in hand appeared before the meeting. He declared that he would drive the rats from the town. He demanded one thousand guilders for the job. The mayor accepted his demand. Then the strange man went out on the road. He started playing his flute. Hearing the sound of his flute, the rats jumped out to the roads in thousands. The man started walking and the rats followed him. He suddenly stopped beside the river. The rats jumped into the current of the river and all were drowned.

He went to the mayor and demanded the expected money. But the mayor refused to give him thousand guilders. Becoming angry, the pied piper stepped into the street and started playing another tune. At the sound of the music, the children came running, laughing and dancing.

The parents stood dumb. They thought that the piper would never be able to cross the hill. When the piper reached the hill with the children, it opened up and he walked into it with the children. Then the hill closed and they were never seen again.

 44  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it :

There was a king in a country. He was fond of knowing about his future from the astrologers. One day an intelligent astrologer came to his country. Hearing about him the king ……………….

Ans.                                                   The King And the Astrologer

There was a king in a country. He was fond of knowing about his future from the astrologers. One day an intelligent astrologer came to his country. Hearing about him the king called on him. The king asked, “I have heard you can see future. Is it true?” “Is there anyone who can, your majesty?” replied the astrologer, “I only make some predictions, future is in Almighty’s hand. But, you should take care your highness lest you should be in trouble within this year.” The king returned to his palace. He was very much worried. What trouble is ensuing? What did the astrologer see in his fate? The king became more worried. Nothing pleased him anymore. He gave up going to the court. At the top of one of his towers he confined himself. He looked out one of the windows sitting on a chair. He forgot everything. Days passed into weeks, weeks passed into months. The whole kingdom went astray. The neighbouring kings took hold of good parts of his kingdom. The palace was in ruin. The peasants were fleeing. His reign fell down. Then a year was over. The king came down of his tower. He went to the astrologer again. “You were right, O wise sage! I believe you.” said the king. “You fool, you listened to the last part of my words but didn’t care to remember the previous part,” said the astrologer, “It’s your belief that has caused your ruin.”

 45  Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your Imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title.

One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw the house on fire. There was nobody else near the fire…….

Ans.                                                                       The Bravery of Young Boy

One day a boy was going to school. Suddenly he saw smoke. It was coming out of a house. He went in. He saw the house on fire. There was nobody else near the fire. Only a few women were running to and fro. They were crying bitterly. The boy thought that there might be somebody in the house. He could not come out from the house as the fire spread its wings.

The boy thought for a while. Suddenly he rushed into the house which was on fire. The women were at a loss to see this sort of activity. The boy found a baby crying on the floor. The baby was surrounded by the fire. The boy had a very few moments to save the life of the baby. Without thinking of his own safety, he ran into the fire and took the baby in his arms. He rushed out of the house within a few seconds. Then he handed over the baby to the crowding women. The mother of the boy was crying loudly. She took the baby in her lap and kissed continuously. The boy was slightly injured. His left hand and right leg were burnt a bit.

In the meantime, a lot of people gathered in the spot. They saw the bravery of a young boy. Everyone was praising for his noble and brave work who saved the baby with the risk of his own life.

 46  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.

Long ago, a young man found life in the family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy, enmity all were part of everyday life there……………………….

Ans.                                                                         Man Cannot Live Alone

Long ago, a young man found life in the family in his village full of problems and sufferings. Quarrels, ill-feelings, jealousy, enmityall were part of everyday life there.

So he left his house and went to a jungle to live by himself. There he made a nice little hut with wood, bamboo and reeds. “Ah, how happy I am here!” said the man to himself.

But one day he found some mice in his hut. The little creatures soon made holes in his blanket. So he brought a cat to kill the mice. The cat needed milk. So he brought a cow. The cow needed grass and hay. So he brought a cowboy.

The cowboy needed food. So he took a wife to cook meals. Then children were born to them, and the man found himself again in a family.

So nobody can live alone, unless they are either angels or devils.  People need food, shelter, companions and cooperation. They need to help each other. And if they live in a family or community, their need can be fulfilled. Hence living in society can make people good and happy citizens.

 47  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it :

Once there lived a middle-aged woman named Bilkis. She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and he did not do any work. She had to work all day long to earn money for the family. One day she met a group of people who came to her village from the Grameen Bank. They ………

Ans.                                                                 The Story of a Successful Woman

Once there lived a middle-aged woman named Bilkis. She had three sons. Her husband was very lazy and he did not do any work. She had to work all day long to earn money for the family. One day she met a group of people who came to her village from the Grameen Bank. They said that they were interested in helping the poor people, the landless and the helpless.

She learnt from them that they would provide loans to the poor and helpless people. No news could be so good to Bilkis more than it. Because, she could try to change her lot with their financial support.

Once she went to the bank with some of her neighbours. An officer of the bank greeted them and made them understand the activities of the bank and the eligibility of getting loan. The officer advised them to form five or six groups. Each group would contain five or six members.

Bilkis communicated with her neighbours and managed some people to form groups. A centre was set up. Bilkis was elected chairperson of her group. The bank would conduct business with the members through the chairperson.

At first, the bank approved a loan of five thousand taka for Bilkis. With that money Bilkis started rice-husking business. She also conducted a stationary shop beside the school. Bilkis gained a good profit by dint of hard labour. She succeeded to repay the installations.

Subsequently, she got a larger loan and enlarged her business. Within two years, her bad days were gone by. She built a new house and was able to feed her children and family members properly. She became solvent with the loan and her hard work.

 48  Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it:

Long long ago, there was a cloth trader who did business in a shop in a far away market. His home was two or three districts away. He had a boy shop assistant who did not know where his master’s home was. One day, on some emergency, the trader quickly left the shop for home entrusting the boy with his business for a few days. Days, months, years passed by but there was no trace of his master…………….

Ans.                                                                     Honesty Never Goes in Vain

Long long ago, there was a cloth trader who did business in a shop in a far away market. His home was two or three districts away. He had a boy shop assistant who did not know where his master’s home was. One day, on some emergency, the trader quickly left the shop for home entrusting the boy with his business for a few days. Days, months, years passed by but there was no trace of his master.

The boy cherished the hope that one day the master would come. Every morning he came and opened the shop and sold goods to the customers until he closed it at 10 o’clock at night. He saved the money earned from selling goods in order to give it to the master. He had all chances to take it for himself, but he did not adopt any dishonest means. His good behaviour and honesty brought more and more customers to the shop; the number of public interest increased day by day.

One day after many years the master came back. He had grown old and his appearance had changed in those years. He introduced himself to the assistant boy. He recognized his master and handed over all the money he had obtained from the business. The master was overwhelmed with gratefulness to the boy; he made the boy the owner of the shop and blessed him from the bottom of his heart.

 49  Complete the following story following the cue.

There lived an old king named Lear in England. He had three daughters; Regan, Goneril and Cordelia. Once he decided to divide his kingdom among three daughters ……………….

Ans.                   King Lear, a Tragic Hero/ A King without a Kingdom

There lived an old king named Lear in England. He had three daughters, Regan, Goneril and Cordelia. Once he decided to divide his kingdom among three daughters. Rather childishly he proposed to divide his kingdom in proportion to declaration of love made by his daughters. The two elder daughters, Goneril and Regan enthusiastically showed their love, much to the satisfaction of the old and vain king. The youngest daughter Cordelia was loved most by King Lear. She was sincere, honest and lacked the hypocrisy of her elder sisters. She displayed her love simply and sincerely which was misunderstood by the arrogant king. In his foolishness the king divided his kingdom into two shares and allotted to Regan and Goneril, and decided to live with each of them by turns. He left Cordelia and cursed her. The king of France offered his love to Cordelia and took her as his wife.

The wicked daughters conspired (lohš¿) against their father. Goneril and Regan treated their father with complete disrespect. The two sisters refused to accept King Lear. The old king was enraged and heart-broken. He walked out into the stormy night.

In the meantime the discord (we‡iva) between the two sisters and their kingdom erupted (cÖKvk cvIqv). In addition there was also news of an army from France slowly making its way to England. On the deserted health, the old and weak king boldly faced the storm. By this time he was already mad and was brought to the refuge by a loyal servant Kent. He took the king towards France where help and friends waited for them.

In the meantime the Army of France landed on the shores of England where Cordelia learnt that her mad father was near the shore. She sent her man to search for the old king. He was soon brought in front of Cordelia. Tenderly, she brought him back to a resemblance (mv`„k¨) of sanity. The two sisters jointly advanced to protect England against the invading French Army. In the battle that ensued, the French were defeated and Lear and Cordelia were taken to the prison. Meanwhile Cordelia was murdered. The broken-hearted King Lear was unable to see her innocent daughter’s death and he too died in utter grief.

 50  Read the beginning of a story. Write ten new sentences to complete the story.         

Rahmat Mia is a rickshaw puller. He is only 23 years old. He is very poor. One day a lady from Australia hired his rickshaw. When she got down, she forgot her purse. Rahmat saw the purse after a while. He took it and thought…….

Ans.                                                                    Honesty Is Always Rewarded

Rahmat Mia is a rickshaw puller. He is only 23 years old. He is very poor. One day a lady from Australia hired his rickshaw. When she got down, she forgot her purse. Rahmat saw the purse after a while. He took it and thought for a while what he would do with the purse. He thought he might find money in that purse, so he could have it for himself. But after some moments another thought came to his mind. He realized that such an act would mean dishonesty. As he believed in  the Creator, he became worried with the thought that he might be punished in the afterlife for such a misdeed. And it would definitely not differ from stealing. So he went to the place where he had dropped the Australian lady. It was the house of the lady’s friend who gave her address to the rickshaw puller. Then he found out the addressee, i.e. the lady, and returned her the purse. The lady was pleased at the rickshaw puller’s honesty and gave him a lot of money as his reward.

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